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The effects of cultural framing on behavior in experimental games were explored with a trust game and the Maasai concept of osotua. Maasai use the term osotua to refer to gift-giving relationships based on obligation, need, respect, and restraint. In the trust game, the first player is given money and an opportunity to give any portion of it to the second player. The amount given is then multiplied by the experimenter, and the second player has an opportunity to give any amount back to the first player. Fifty trust games were played by Maasai men at a field site in north central Kenya. Half of the games were played without deliberate framing, and half were framed with the statement, “This is an osotua game.” Compared to games with no deliberate framing, those played within the osotua rhetorical frame were associated with lower transfers by both players and with lower expected returns on the part of the first players. Osotua rhetorical framing is also associated with a negative correlation between amounts given by the first player and amounts returned by the second. These results have implications both for the experimental game method and for our understanding of the relationship between culture and behavior.  相似文献   

Human Ecology - Maasai and other Maa-speaking pastoralists in Kenya and Tanzania have a risk-pooling system that they refer to by their word for the umbilical cord (osotua). Gifts from one osotua...  相似文献   

Need-based transfer systems pool risk among interdependent individuals. Such arrangements are bound by two simple rules: Ask for help only when in need and, if you are able, give help to others who ask. But there may be a temptation for individuals to break these rules for short-term personal profit. Here, we study one factor that may enforce honesty in need-based transfer relationships: the visibility of resources. Across three experiments employing a novel experimental economic game, breaking of both need-based transfer rules increased when resources were hidden rather than visible (Experiment 1: n = 82, online convenience sample from the US; Experiment 2: n = 80, student sample from the US; Experiment 3: n = 42, online convenience sample from the US). Participants with hidden resources were (1) more likely to request help when not actually in need (greediness), and (2) more likely to not fulfill requests from others for help, even when they had sufficient resources available to help (stinginess). These findings highlight the visibility of resources as one potential limitation of cooperative risk pooling systems.  相似文献   

We study the interplay between correlations, dynamics, and networks for repeated attacks on a socio-economic network. As a model system we consider an insurance scheme against disasters that randomly hit nodes, where a node in need receives support from its network neighbors. The model is motivated by gift giving among the Maasai called Osotua. Survival of nodes under different disaster scenarios (uncorrelated, spatially, temporally and spatio-temporally correlated) and for different network architectures are studied with agent-based numerical simulations. We find that the survival rate of a node depends dramatically on the type of correlation of the disasters: Spatially and spatio-temporally correlated disasters increase the survival rate; purely temporally correlated disasters decrease it. The type of correlation also leads to strong inequality among the surviving nodes. We introduce the concept of disaster masking to explain some of the results of our simulations. We also analyze the subsets of the networks that were activated to provide support after fifty years of random disasters. They show qualitative differences for the different disaster scenarios measured by path length, degree, clustering coefficient, and number of cycles.  相似文献   

Animals can benefit from classifying predators or other dangers into categories, tailoring their escape strategies to the type and nature of the risk. Studies of alarm vocalizations have revealed various levels of sophistication in classification. In many taxa, reactions to danger are inflexible, but some species can learn the level of threat presented by the local population of a predator or by specific, recognizable individuals. Some species distinguish several species of predator, giving differentiated warning calls and escape reactions; here, we explore an animal's classification of subgroups within a species. We show that elephants distinguish at least two Kenyan ethnic groups and can identify them by olfactory and color cues independently. In the Amboseli ecosystem, Kenya, young Maasai men demonstrate virility by spearing elephants (Loxodonta africana), but Kamba agriculturalists pose little threat. Elephants showed greater fear when they detected the scent of garments previously worn by Maasai than by Kamba men, and they reacted aggressively to the color associated with Maasai. Elephants are therefore able to classify members of a single species into subgroups that pose different degrees of danger.  相似文献   

Proponents of the standard evolutionary biology paradigm explain human “altruism” in terms of either nepotism or strict reciprocity. On that basis our underlying nature is reduced to a function of inclusive fitness: human nature has to be totally selfish or nepotistic. Proposed here are three possible paths to giving costly aid to nonrelatives, paths that are controversial because they involve assumed pleiotropic effects or group selection. One path is pleiotropic subsidies that help to extend nepotistic helping behavior from close family to nonrelatives. Another is “warfare”—if and only if warfare recurred in the Paleolithic. The third and most plausible hypothesis is based on the morally based egalitarian syndrome of prehistoric hunter-gatherers, which reduced phenotypic variation at the within-group level, increased it at the between-group level, and drastically curtailed the advantages of free riders. In an analysis consistent with the fundamental tenets of evolutionary biology, these three paths are evaluated as explanations for the evolutionary development of a rather complicated human social nature. This paper (in a series of drafts) has profited from comments by Michael Boehm, Donald T. Campbell, Bruce Knauft, Jane Lancaster, Martin Muller, Peter J. Richerson, Gary Seaman, Craig Stanford, George Williams, Edward O. Wilson, David Sloan Wilson, and two reviewers for Human Nature. Christopher Boehm is a professor of anthropology and the director of the Jane Goodall Research Center, University of Southern California. His research interests in political anthropology concern egalitarianism, feuding, warfare, and conflict resolution (humans and chimpanzees). In biosocial anthropology he is interested in altruism, group selection, and decisions.  相似文献   

Population monitoring is a critical part of effective wildlife management, but methods are prone to biases that can hinder our ability to accurately track changes in populations through time. Calf survival plays an important role in ungulate population dynamics and can be monitored using telemetry and herd composition surveys. These methods, however, are susceptible to unrepresentative sampling and violations of the assumption of equal detectability, respectively. Here, we capitalized on 55 herd‐wide estimates of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) calf survival in Newfoundland, Canada, using telemetry (n = 1,175 calves) and 249 herd‐wide estimates of calf:cow ratios (C:C) using herd composition surveys to investigate these potential biases. These data included 17 herd‐wide estimates replicated from both methods concurrently (n = 448 calves and n = 17 surveys) which we used to understand which processes and sampling biases contributed to disagreement between estimates of herd‐wide calf survival. We used Cox proportional hazards models to determine whether estimates of calf mortality risk were biased by the date a calf was collared. We also used linear mixed‐effects models to determine whether estimates of C:C ratios were biased by survey date and herd size. We found that calves collared later in the calving season had a higher mortality risk and that C:C tended to be higher for surveys conducted later in the autumn. When we used these relationships to modify estimates of herd‐wide calf survival derived from telemetry and herd composition surveys concurrently, we found that formerly disparate estimates of woodland caribou calf survival now overlapped (within a 95% confidence interval) in a majority of cases. Our case study highlights the potential of under‐appreciated biases to impact our understanding of population dynamics and suggests ways that managers can limit the influence of these biases in the two widely applied methods for estimating herd‐wide survival.  相似文献   

We propose a discrete time branching process to model the appearance of drug resistance under treatment. Under our assumptions at every discrete time a pathogen may die with probability 1−p or divide in two with probability p. Each newborn pathogen is drug resistant with probability μ. We start with N drug sensitive pathogens and with no drug resistant pathogens. We declare the treatment successful if all pathogens are eradicated before drug resistance appears. The model predicts that success is possible only if p<1/2. Even in this case the probability of success decreases exponentially with the parameter m=μN. In particular, even with a very potent drug (i.e. p very small) drug resistance is likely if m is large.  相似文献   

 The transient behavior of a class of nonlinear differential systems representing stage-structured populations is studied. The qualitative dynamics are described in terms of succession of extrema for the state variables, or for the integrated difference between two trajectories. The rules giving the possibilities of extrema are derived, they characterize the classical stage-structured models. These rules can be compared with experiments to validate the structure of the model. An explanation for the disagreement of this transition scheme with some experiments could be an unexpected interaction with another variable. A new model taking the interaction into account thus engenders new transition rules, which are to be compared with experiments. These results are illustrated with experiments on copepods, showing how the qualitative experimental features can help the construction and the validation of the models. Received: 13 May 1996 / Revised version: 20 March 1998  相似文献   

The phenomenon of group escape cannot be explained by an argument of risk dilution, applied to gregarious behaviour of passive prey whose risk of predation is equally shared by all group members (Hamilton, 1971). Instead, individuals at the tail of an escaping group suffer the bulk of the group’s predation risk, and thus have the highest incentive to desert it. Just because of this, desertion, in this case, may serve as a signal of vulnerability for the pursuing predator. Under wide conditions, it is therefore shown that the predator is always expected to prefer the chasing of a deserter, whenever it is observed. Consequently, an individual who finds himself at the tail of the herd must compare the risk of remaining there with that of deserting the herd and thereby becoming a likely target for predation. If the first risk is higher than the latter, the herd disperses; if the latter is higher, the herd cohesively follows the fastest individuals in its lead (we deal also with cases in which only part of the herd disperses). We see, however, that the question which risk is higher depends not only on the terrain, but also on the route of escape that is decided by the fastest members at the lead of the herd, those that are least likely to be caught. Concentrating on herds without family structure, we assume that the route of escape is selfishly chosen by these ad hoc leaders to minimize their own predation risk, regardless of the others’ welfare. However, the predation risk of the leader depends very much on the willingness of other herd members to follow him, thus providing a buffer between him and the pursuing predator. Consequently, when choosing an escape route, the leader has also to consider the cohesion of the herd, i.e., the reaction of slower individuals to his choice. Under some plausible conditions, this choice may force the herd to follow, while other conditions may lead to its dispersal. In some cases the leader may choose a route that serves the needs of the entire group, and sometime only those of its more vulnerable members. In other cases the leader may choose a route that sacrifices the weakest members, thereby improving the survival probability of the others.We employ a model of a k+1 players game, a single predator, and k heterogeneous prey individuals. The predator aims to maximize the probability of a successful catch, and each individual aims to minimize his probability of being caught.  相似文献   

A genome‐wide scan was performed to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to the gastrointestinal nematode Haemonchus contortus in a double backcross population of Red Maasai and Dorper sheep. The mapping population comprised six sire families, with 1026 lambs in total. The lambs were artificially challenged with H. contortus at about 6.5 months of age, and nine phenotypes were measured: fecal egg count, packed cell volume decline, two weight traits and five worm traits. A subset of the population (342 lambs) was selectively genotyped for 172 microsatellite loci covering 25 of the 26 autosomes. QTL mapping was performed for models which assumed that the QTL alleles were either fixed or segregating within each breed, combined with models with only an additive QTL effect fitted or both additive and dominance QTL effects fitted. Overall, QTL significant at the 1% chromosome‐wide level were identified for 22 combinations of trait and chromosome. Of particular interest are a region of chromosome 26 with putative QTL for all nine traits and a region of chromosome 2 with putative QTL for three traits. Favorable QTL alleles for disease resistance originated in both the Red Maasai and Dorper breeds, were not always fixed within breed and had significant dominance effects in some cases. We anticipate that this study, in combination with follow‐up work and other relevant studies, will help elucidate the biology of disease resistance.  相似文献   

Polyandrous females are expected to discriminate among males through postcopulatory cryptic mate choice. Yet, there is surprisingly little unequivocal evidence for female-mediated cryptic sperm choice. In species in which nuptial gifts facilitate mating, females may gain indirect benefits through preferential storage of sperm from gift-giving males if the gift signals male quality. We tested this hypothesis in the spider Pisaura mirabilis by quantifying the number of sperm stored in response to copulation with males with or without a nuptial gift, while experimentally controlling copulation duration. We further assessed the effect of gift presence and copulation duration on egg-hatching success in matings with uninterrupted copulations with gift-giving males. We show that females mated to gift-giving males stored more sperm and experienced 17% higher egg-hatching success, compared with those mated to no-gift males, despite matched copulation durations. Uninterrupted copulations resulted in both increased sperm storage and egg-hatching success. Our study confirms the prediction that the nuptial gift as a male signal is under positive sexual selection by females through cryptic sperm storage. In addition, the gift facilitates longer copulations and increased sperm transfer providing two different types of advantage to gift-giving in males.  相似文献   

Reflective of income and wealth distributions, philanthropic gifting appears to follow an approximate power-law size distribution as measured by the size of gifts received by individual institutions. We explore the ecology of gifting by analysing data sets of individual gifts for a diverse group of institutions dedicated to education, medicine, art, public support, and religion. We find that the detailed forms of gift-size distributions differ across but are relatively constant within charity categories. We construct a model for how a donor''s income affects their giving preferences in different charity categories, offering a mechanistic explanation for variations in institutional gift-size distributions. We discuss how knowledge of gift-sized distributions may be used to assess an institution''s gift-giving profile, to help set fundraising goals, and to design an institution-specific giving pyramid.  相似文献   

In fish schools the density varies per location and often individualsare sorted according to familiarity and/or body size. High densityis considered advantageous for protection against predatorsand this sorting is believed to be advantageous not only toavoid predators but also for finding food. In this paper, welist a number of mechanisms and we study, with the help of anindividual-based model of schooling agents, which spatial patternsmay result from them. In our model, schooling is regulated bythe following rules: avoiding those that are close by, aligningto those at intermediate distances, and moving towards othersfurther off. Regarding kinship/familiarity, we study patternsthat come about when agents actively choose to be close to relatedagents (i.e., ‘active sorting’). Regarding bodysize, we study what happens when agents merely differ in sizebut behave according to the usual schooling rules (‘sizedifference model’), when agents choose to be close tothose of similar size, and when small agents avoid larger ones(‘risk avoidance’). Several spatial configurationsresult: during ‘active sorting’ familiar agentsgroup together anywhere in the shoal, but agents of differentsize group concentrically, whereby the small agents occupy thecenter and the large ones the periphery (‘size differencemodel’ and ‘active sorting’). If small agentsavoid the risk of being close to large ones, however, smallagents end up at the periphery and large ones occupy the center(‘risk avoidance’). Spatial configurations are alsoinfluenced by the composition of the group, namely the percentageof agents of each type. Furthermore, schools are usually oblongand their density is always greatest near the front. We explainthe way in which these patterns emerge and indicate how resultsof our model may guide the study of spatial patterns in realanimals.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that herd accumulation can be a risk reducing strategy aimed at increasing security in an unpredictable environment. Saami reindeer husbandry in Norway is characterized by environmental unpredictability and occasionally harsh winters can have dramatic negative effects on reindeer population densities. While herd accumulation has been found to be an adaptive risk reducing strategy in stochastic environments (i.e., individually rational), the accumulation of large herds may also result in collectively negative density dependent effects, which may negatively affect individual herders (i.e., collectively irrational). We found that individual husbandry units’ strategies, such as accumulating reindeer, have a larger effect on individual husbandry units’ herd size than a negative density-dependent effect.  相似文献   

A herd of 28–31 Japanese Black (Bos taurus) cows were allowed to graze an experimental plot comprising monoculture swards of centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides; CG; preferred grass; 0.30 ha) and bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum; BG; less preferred grass; 0.22 ha) for five consecutive days (09:00–16:00 h) in two seasons (summer and autumn), under a substantial travel cost between the two grasses and a trade-off between the forage preference and some abiotic factors. The two swards were apart from each other and connected by an alley of about 80 m. The CG comprised low (CGL) and high (CGH) availability areas (0.15 ha each). The animals grazed mainly the CGH and CGL, which were in the distance and lacked water and shade, in the morning when the air temperature was relatively low. Then, in the afternoon, they shifted the major grazing area to the BG with water, shade, and close proximity to the barn where they camped. On a daily basis, the animals consistently showed preference for the CGH except one case, switching 6–14 times between the BG and CG. The results demonstrate that animals, even when the preferred species is of lower accessibility and in a less favorable abiotic environment, switch between the preferred and less preferred species and eat mixed diets to show a partial preference. They cope with increased travel costs and trade-offs between forage preference and abiotic environment by reducing switching frequency between the species and shifting target species over the course of the day. Further studies are warranted to test how these mechanisms are successful in maintaining the preference under increased distances and trade-offs.  相似文献   

This paper discusses policy responses to the potential loss of biodiversity in the Mara Area of Kenya from the conversion of essentially wild and undeveloped rangeland to developed agriculture. Property rights are central to the debate, and raise two fundamental issues. First, to what extent do the Maasai, the traditional users and owners of the land, have the right to benefit from the development potential of their land to further their economic, social and political standing, even if by so doing they create domestic and global externalities through the loss of biodiversity. Second, if the state alienates their development rights in the name of conservation, then to what extent should the state compensate the Maasai for their lost economic opportunities. To the Maasai, conservation as implemented through Government policy is a publicc bad: they are denied access to resources, their costs of production are significantly increased, and development is slowed down or actively discouraged. A cost:benefit analysis suggests that it is neither supportable nor sustainable to condemn the Maasai to a poverty trap on behalf of conservation, and that it is instead socially prolitable for the Kenyan Government to meet in full their opportunity costs of forgone economic benefits.  相似文献   

While it is recognized that neutrons contributed to the excess cancer incidence and mortality among the atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima, there is no possibility to deduce the magnitude of this contribution from the data. This remains true even if the neutron doses in the dosimetry system DS86 are corrected upwards in line with recent neutron activation measurements. In spite of this fact, important information can be obtained in the form of an inverse relation of the risk coefficients for γ-rays and neutrons. Such an interrelation must apply because the observed excess incidence or mortality is made up of a γ-ray and a neutron component; increased attribution to neutrons decreases the attribution to photons. Computations with the uncorrected and the corrected DS86 are performed for the mortality and the incidence of solid tumors combined. They refer to doses up to 2 Gy and employ the constant relative risk model and a linear-quadratic dose dependence with variable ratio – the neutron relative biological effectiveness (RBE) at low doses – of the linear component for neutrons and γ-rays. In line with past analyses, no quadratic component is obtained with the uncorrected DS86, but it is seen, even in these calculations, that the assumption of increased neutron RBEs does not translate into proportional increases of the risk coefficients of neutrons, because it leads to substantially reduced risk estimates for γ-rays. Calculations with the corrected dosimetry bring out this reciprocity even more clearly. High values of the neutron RBE reduce – in line with recent suggestions by Rossi and Zaider – the risk estimates for γ-rays substantially. Even a purely quadratic dose relation for γ-rays is consistent with the data; it requires no major increase of the nominal risk coefficients for neutrons over the currently assumed values. The cancer data from Hiroshima can still provide `prudent' risk estimates for photons, but with the corrected DS86, they do not prove that there is a linear component in the dose dependence for photons. Received: 20 January 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 14 March 1997  相似文献   

Life is risky, and insurance provides one of the best developed ways of controlling risks. By pooling, and so transferring risks, those who turn out to suffer antecedently uncertain harms can be assured in advance that they will be helped if those harms arise; they can then plan their lives and activities with confidence that they are less at the mercy of ill fortune. Both publicly organized and commercial insurance can organize the pooling of risk in ways that are beneficial for all concerned. They provide standard ways of securing fundamental ethical values such as solidarity and mutuality. Although policy holders do not know or contract with one another, each benefits from the contribution of others to a shared scheme for pooling and so controlling risk. Although there is a limit to the degree to which commercially-based insurance, where premiums depend on risk level, can go beyond mutuality towards solidarity, in practice it too often achieves a measure of solidarity by taking a broad brush approach to pooling risk. However, the ordinary practices of insurance, and in particular of commercial insurance, also raise ethical questions. These may be put in simple terms by contrasting the way in which an insurance market discriminates between different people, on the basis of characteristics that (supposedly) determine their risk level, and our frequent abhorrence of discrimination, in particular on the basis on religious, racial and gender characteristics. Are the discriminations on which insurance practice relies upon as standard acceptable or not? The increasing availability of genetic information, which testing (of individuals) and screening (of populations) may provide, could lend urgency to these questions. Genetic information may provide a way of obtaining more accurate assessment of individual risks to health and life. This information could be used to discriminate more finely between the risk levels of different individuals, and then to alter the availability and the costs of health, life and unemployment insurance to them. Since all of these forms of insurance bear very directly on the way most people live, it will matter to them how (if at all) insurers take account of genetic information. Will use of this information improve or damage the capacity of insurance to provide confidence in the face of uncertain harms, and help if they happen? Will it discriminate in acceptable or in unacceptable ways? Will it support or damage the sorts of mutuality and solidarity various sorts of insurance schemes have successfully institutionalized?  相似文献   

A strategy of DNA pooling aimed at identifying markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTLs), ‘Sequential Bulked Typing’ (SBT), is presented. The method proposed consists in pooling DNA from consecutive pairs of individuals ranked phenotypically, i.e., pools are formed with individuals ranked (1st, 2nd), (3rd, 4th),…, (N-1st, Nth). The N/2 pools are subsequently amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). If the whole population is typed the number of PCRs per marker is halved with respect to individual typing (IT). But if this strategy is combined with selective genotyping of extreme individuals savings can be further increased. Two extreme cases are considered: in the first one (SBT0), it is assumed that only presence or absence of a given allele can be ascertained in a pool; in the second one (SBT1), it is further assumed that differences between allele band intensities can be distinguished. The theory to estimate by maximum likelihood the QTL effect and its position with respect to flanking markers is presented. The behaviour of IT and SBT was studied using stochastic computer simulation in backcross and F2 populations. Three percentages of subpattern distinction (0, 50 and 100%) two population sizes (n=1200 and 600) and two QTL effects (a=0.1 and 0.25 standard deviations) were considered. SBT1 had the same power as individual genotyping at half the genotyping costs in all situations studied. Accuracy of QTL location is not increased with a dense number of markers, as opposed to individual typing. As a result DNA pooling is not useful for accurate location of the QTL but rather to pick up genome regions containing QTLs of at least moderate effect. The theory developed provides the general theoretical framework to deal with any DNA pooling strategy aimed at detecting QTLs. Received: 15 September 1997 / Accepted: 6 October 1997  相似文献   

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