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Parasitoids commonly forage in agricultural settings where the predominant sugar source is homopteran honeydew. The aphidiine braconid, Binodoxys communis, is an Asian parasitoid currently being released against the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines, in North American soybean fields. We conducted a number of laboratory experiments evaluating the quality of A. glycines honeydew as a sugar source for this parasitoid. Wasps readily fed on droplets of A. glycines honeydew, honey and 50% sucrose solution, but the length of feeding bouts on honey was significantly longer than on the other foods. Parasitoids lived significantly longer when fed honey or sucrose than honeydew, while starved wasps had the shortest lifespan. At 21+/-1 degrees C and 25+/-5% R.H., male B. communis that were fed honey lived for a maximum of 14 days, while females lived up to 20 days. Honeydew-fed wasps of both sexes lived approximately 3 days on average, which was 2-3 times longer than when they were only allowed access to water. Anthrone tests of whole insects showed that total sugar and glycogen levels of honey or sucrose-fed individuals were consistently higher than those fed honeydew or water. The glycogen levels of honeydew-fed wasps increased significantly after one day of feeding. HPLC analyses revealed that B. communis readily assimilates A. glycines honeydew oligosaccharides such as erlose, while others (e.g., raffinose) did not degenerate. Raffinose was present in much higher amounts in honeydew-fed wasps than in wasps fed other diets, so this sugar could be used as a 'signature' sugar for this species. Honeydew-fed wasps also had significantly lower fructose/(fructose+glucose) ratios than those from other diet treatments. Although A. glycines honeydew might be the main carbohydrate source within a soybean field, other sugar sources such as floral nectar appear to be more optimal foods for B. communis from a physiological standpoint. We discuss the results from the perspective of classical biological control of the soybean aphid in North America.  相似文献   

Arctic benthic organisms of various taxa (Anthozoa, Polychaeta, Pantopoda, Crustacea, Echinodermata) were collected on the shelves off northeast Greenland, Spitsbergen and the western Barents Sea. Their fatty acid compositions were generally characterised by the predominance of the polyunsaturated fatty acids 20:5(n-3) and 22:6(n-3) together with the saturated fatty acid 16:0, which reflect the dominance of phospholipids. The fatty acid compositions of most benthic specimens were influenced by fatty acids of dietary origin. High amounts of the fatty acid 16:1(n-7), typical of diatoms, were found in different taxa from the northeast Greenland shelf. The 18:4(n-3) fatty acid, often typical of non-diatom input, was only dominant in Ophiopholis aculeata from the Spitsbergen shelf. In some taxa small amounts of wax esters were detected with alcohol moieties similar to those of the dominant Arctic copepods. The occurrence of intact wax esters, as well as the wax ester typical fatty acids 20:1(n-9) and 22:1(n-11), also suggested ingestion of large herbivorous copepods. An unusual fatty acid composition was found for most brittle stars, due to a ratio of the 18:1(n-9) and (n-7) fatty acid isomers below 1 with lowest ratios of 0.1. A similar low ratio was also detected in the polychaete Onuphis conchylega. The extremely low portions of the 18:1(n-9) fatty acid are striking, since carnivores are generally characterised by high levels of this fatty acid. A clear gradient from low 18:1(n-9) to (n-7) ratios in suspension feeders, via predatory decapods, to higher ratios in the scavenging amphipods was a major characteristic of the benthic species. Our investigations showed that lipid analyses can give important hints on trophic relationships of benthic species and may serve as means to establish the intensity of pelagic-benthic coupling.  相似文献   

Hosts may defend themselves against parasitism through a wide variety of defence mechanisms, but due to finite resources, investment in one defence mechanism may trade-off with investment in another mechanism. We studied resistance strategies against the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina boulardi in two Drosophila species. We found that D. melanogaster had significantly lower physiological resistance against L. boulardi than D. simulans, and hypothesized that D. melanogaster might instead invest more heavily in other forms of defence, such as behavioural defence. We found that when given a choice between clean oviposition sites and sites infested with wasps, both D. melanogaster and D. simulans detected and avoided infested sites, which presumably limits later exposure of their offspring to infection. Unlike D. simulans, however, D. melanogaster laid significantly fewer eggs than controls in the forced presence of wasps. Our findings suggest that D. melanogaster relies more heavily on behavioural avoidance as defence against wasp parasitism than D. simulans, and that this may compensate for a lack of physiological defence.  相似文献   

Scavenging seabirds in the North Sea exploit discards with different success and by different feeding techniques. Northern gannet (Sula bassana) had the highest foraging success index, followed by lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus) and black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla). Northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis), mew gull (Larus canus) and black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) were the least successful species. Ranking species according to the ratio of fish stolen from vs. lost to other species (=robbery index), northern gannet, great black-backed gull (Larus marinus) and great skua (Catharacta skua) were at the top, northern fulmar and black-legged kittiwake at the bottom. Varying compositions of the feeding flocks influenced the foraging success of the species significantly. Both body length and body mass of the birds can well explain species order in the robbery index but not in the foraging success index. Our hypothesis that the most successful species employ particular feeding techniques and/or exhibit the strongest kleptoparasitic abilities could be confirmed to a large extent but not totally. During reduced overall feeding rates, some less successful species and/or species with weaker kleptoparasitic capabilities fared better than during intense feeding rates as predicted, some others did not.  相似文献   

If the cestodes are excluded, then the parasitic platyhelminths of fishes divide neatly into the external and monoxenous Monogenea and the internal and heteroxenous Digenea. Both groups have apparently had long associations of coevolution, host switching and adaptation with fishes and have become highly successful in their respective habitats. Current estimates of species richness for the two groups suggest that they may be remarkably similar. Here we consider the nature of the diversity of the Monogenea and Digenea of fishes in terms of richness of species and higher taxa to determine what processes may be responsible for observed differences. The Monogenea includes at least two super-genera (Dactylogyrus and Gyrodactylus) each of which has hundreds of species; no comparable genera are found in the Digenea. Possible reasons for this difference include the higher host specificity of monogeneans and their shorter generation time. If allowance is made for the vagaries of taxonomic 'lumping' and 'splitting', then there are probably comparable numbers of families of monogeneans and digeneans in fishes. However, the nature of the families differ profoundly. Richness in higher taxa (families) in the Digenea is explicable in terms of processes that appear to have been unimportant in the Monogenea. Readily identifiable sources of diversity in the Digenea are: recolonisation of fishes by taxa that arose in association with tetrapods; adoption of new sites within hosts; adoption of new diets and feeding mechanisms; adaptations relating to the exploitation of ecologically similar groups of fishes and second intermediate hosts; and adaptations relating to the exploitation of phylogenetic lineages of molluscs. In contrast, most higher- level monogenean diversity (other than that associated with the subclasses) relates principally to morphological specialisation for attachment by the haptor.  相似文献   

W.V. Holt  R.E. Lloyd  PhD 《Theriogenology》2010,73(6):713-722
The capacity for sperm storage within the female reproductive tract occurs widely across all groups of vertebrate species and is exceptionally well developed in some reptiles (maximum duration, 7 yr) and fish (maximum duration, >1 yr). Amphibians (most salamanders and one species of frog; duration approximately 5 mo), all birds examined to date and some bats, have also evolved the ability to store spermatozoa in the female reproductive tract. Although there are many reports on both the occurrence of female sperm storage and its adaptive benefits, few studies have been directed toward explaining the mechanisms involved. Phylogenetic evidence suggests that the capacity for sperm storage has evolved independently within different taxonomic groups, and it is by no means clear whether these groups have established similar or different mechanisms or whether simple and common principles have been exploited during evolution. If the process has indeed developed by the invention of numerous different and species-specific mechanisms, it is surprising that none have yet been elucidated by technologists wishing to improve the long-term storage of fresh semen. On the other hand, if there is a simple and common solution to the problem, readily accessed by diverse groups of species, it is equally logical to suppose that the mechanism should be easily discovered in the laboratory. While recognizing that studies on wild species are usually neither practically or ethically easy to undertake, it is clear that there is a huge and largely unexplored field to be investigated.  相似文献   

In many animal species, variation in reproductive success among individuals has led to the evolution of alternative mating strategies, which in the case of insects can often be correlated with developmental trajectories. In the Wellington tree weta, Hemideina crassidens, males can mature at the 8th, 9th or 10th instar, while females mature at the 10th instar only. A number of morphological attributes including male head and mandible size correlate with final instar number, and as these attributes represent a form of weaponry, they are often used in mate/site guarding and male–male competition. Tenth instar males have larger head/mandible/body sizes and show a conventional (guarder) reproductive strategy, whereas smaller 8th instar males typically show an unconventional (sneaker) strategy. In contrast, 9th instar males are predicted to adopt a “jack‐of‐all‐trades” strategy whereby they can fight or sneak depending context. Here, we tested whether alternative reproductive morphs exhibit strategy‐specific differences in risk‐taking associated with refuge emergence, activity and antipredator behaviour and further, whether these traits correlate to form a behavioural syndrome. We found that tree weta show consistent and repeatable differences in activity and refuge use at the individual level; however, behavioural covariances suggest that only 8th instar males exhibit a behavioural syndrome. That 9th instar males show high plasticity and variance in their gallery‐related behaviours supports the hypothesis that these males are a “jack‐of‐all‐trades.” Contrary to our predictions, antipredator behaviour was not correlated with other traits, and differences in behaviour overall were consistently more pronounced between individuals rather than between male morphs or sexes.  相似文献   

Reproductive interference is interspecific sexual interactions that are costly to at least one species involved. Although many studies have reported a substantial fitness cost associated with reproductive interference, suggesting its ecological significance, others have not observed reproductive interference in study species. Reproductive interference that incurs a large fitness cost is more likely to occur during secondary contacts than between long-coexisting species. I first explain the rationale underlying this prediction using existing literature. Next, I present a conceptual framework to classify pairs of interacting species into one of four states, defined by the ecological and evolutionary stabilities of the species pairs. I discuss how the stability states of species pairs are likely to change over time, along with changes in the demographic and evolutionary role of reproductive interference. I then perform literature survey to test the prediction that reproductive interference should be more prevalent in secondary contact. Finally, I discuss the implications of the proposed conceptual framework and literature survey result.  相似文献   

Microbial biofilm has become inexorably linked with man's failure to control them by antibiotic and biocide regimes that are effective against suspended bacteria. This failure relates to a localized concentration of biofilm bacteria, and their extracellular products (exopolymers and extracellular enzymes), that moderates the access of the treatment agent and starves the more deeply placed cells. Biofilms, therefore, typically present gradients of physiology and concentration for the imposed treatment agent, which enables the less susceptible clones to survive. Such clones might include efflux mutants in addition to genotypes with modifications in single gene products. Clonal expansion following subeffective treatment would, in the case of many antibiotics, lead to the emergence of a resistant population. This tends not to occur for biocidal treatments where the active agent exhibits multiple pharmacological activity towards a number of specific cellular targets. Whilst resistance development towards biocidal agents is highly unlikely, subeffective exposure will lead to the selection of less susceptible clones, modified either in efflux or in their most susceptible target. The latter might also confer resistance to antibiotics where the target is shared. Thus, recent reports have demonstrated that sublethal concentrations of the antibacterial and antifungal agent triclosan can select for resistant mutants in Escherichia coli and that this agent specifically targets the enzyme enoyl reductase that is involved in lipid biosynthesis. Triclosan may, therefore, select for mutants in a target that is shared with the anti-E. coli diazaborine compounds and the antituberculosis drug isoniazid. Although triclosan may be a uniquely specific biocide, sublethal concentrations of less specific antimicrobial agents may also select for mutations within their most sensitive targets, some of which might be common to therapeutic agents. Sublethal treatment with chemical antimicrobial agents has also been demonstrated to induce the expression of multidrug efflux pumps and efflux mutants. Whilst efflux does not confer protection against use concentrations of biocidal products it is sufficient to confer protection against therapeutic doses of many antibiotics. It has, therefore, been widely speculated that biocide misuse may have an insidious effect, contributing to the evolution and persistence of drug resistance within microbial communities. Whilst such notions are supported by laboratory studies that utilize pure cultures, recent evidence has strongly refuted such linkage within the general environment where complex, multispecies biofilms predominate and where biocidal products are routinely deployed. In such situations the competition, for nutrients and space, between community members of disparate sensitivities far outweighs any potential benefits bestowed by the changes in an individual's antimicrobial susceptibility.  相似文献   

Dollo’s law, that complex characters are not regained in evolution, is a pattern applied to many systems. Recent work has evaluated unidirectional evolution in a number of contexts, and several violations of this law have been documented. These methods have also been criticized for potentially overestimating reversals. We test the hypothesis that the ancestral reproductive mode of oviparity can be regained in vipers, in opposition to Dollo’s law. We use model comparison and ancestral character state reconstruction methods that address recent criticisms, and find evidence both supporting and refuting Dollo’s predictions from different analyses. We discuss our results in the context of unidirectional evolution and review factors required for strong inference of violations of Dollo’s law.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of female parasitoids is dependent on their ability to accurately assess the suitability of a host for larval development. For generalist parasitoids, which utilize a broad range of species and instars as hosts, a set of assessment criteria determines whether a host is accepted or rejected. The suitability of a host, however, can only be imperfectly assessed by the female parasitoid, which can result in the selection of lesser quality hosts for oviposition. In this study we explored the disparity between host quality and host preference using the generalist koinobiotic parasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) and the host Aulacorthum solani (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae), the foxglove aphid. The second instar hosts produced the highest level of reproductive success, while third and fourth instars resulted in a substantially reduced reproductive performance. When given a choice of host instars, parasitoids preferred the older hosts for oviposition disregarding their reduced suitability for larval development. Results are discussed in context of mechanisms involved in A. ervi host selection and biases in the criteria used to assess hosts that may arise when parasitoids transfer host species between generations.  相似文献   

Shuvalov VA  Lazarev IuA 《Biofizika》2003,48(4):754-755
Comments to the article of N.L. Vekshin "Screening hypochromism of chromophores in macromolecular biostructures (Biophysics, 1999. V. 44. P. 45.) are given. The incorrectness of the main propositions and results of the study is shown.  相似文献   

Amphibians exhibit the greatest diversity of reproductive strategies of all tetrapod vertebrates. While authors have traditionally attributed the evolution of these strategies to factors such as complex topography, unpredictable larval environments, and predation on larvae and eggs, support for any of these hypotheses has been limited. Importantly, most authors have ignored parasites, including unicellular pathogens and multicellular parasites, as selective agents capable of influencing amphibian evolution. Insights in disease transmission, amphibian immunity, and their interaction with various life histories require that we consider parasites to be selective pressures in our exploration of the evolution of amphibian reproductive strategies. I review recent findings and describe how these principles converge to form a novel conceptual hypothesis for the evolution of alternative reproductive strategies in amphibians. I offer some specific predictions and recommend that parasites be considered with other selective pressures when constructing formal, falsifiable hypotheses during evaluative studies of amphibian reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

Clutch sizes of gamebirds decrease in a hyperbolic fashion towards the equator, but their clutch investment (total clutch mass as a proportion of female body weight) does not vary with latitude, regardless of whether body mass and phylogeny are factored out. In contrast, clutch sizes of wildfowl increase towards the tropics, but when corrected for body mass and phylogeny, no latitudinal pattern remains. Clutch investment by wildfowl peaks in the tropics, but this relationship becomes insignificant when body size and phylogeny are factored out. These contrasting patterns are explored in terms of habitat type, and the groups’ shared precocial development mode.  相似文献   

The social organization of a population is the consequence of the decisions made by individuals to maximize their fitness, so differences in social systems may arise from differences in ecological conditions. Here, we show how a long-lived species that used to breed monogamously, and at low densities, can change its mating system in response to habitat saturation. We found that a significant proportion of unpaired birds become potential breeders by entering high-quality territories, or by forming polyandrous trios as a strategy to increase their individual performance. However, productivity of territories was reduced when those occupied by breeding pairs changed to trios, suggesting that the third individual was costly. The decision of some individuals to enter into breeding trios as subordinates also had clear negative consequences to population demography. This unusual mating behaviour is thus compromising the conservation effort directed to this endangered species; management to encourage floaters to settle in other suitable but unoccupied areas may be beneficial.  相似文献   

In a tritrophic system, parasitoid development and galler host survival strategies have rarely been investigated simultaneously, an approach crucial for a complete understanding of the complexity of host–parasitoid interactions. Strategies in parasitoids to maximize host exploitation and in gallers to reduce predation risk can greatly affect the structure of tritrophic communities. In this study, the developmental strategies of galler hosts and their associated parasitoids in the tritrophic fig–fig wasp system are experimentally investigated for the first time. In this highly co-evolved system, wasp development is intrinsically tied with the phenology of the wasp brood sites that are restricted to the enclosed urn-shaped fig inflorescence called the syconium which can be regarded as a microcosm. Wasp exclusion experiments to determine host specificity, gall dissections and developmental assays were conducted with non-pollinating fig wasps in Ficus racemosa. Our results provide evidence for exceptions to the widely accepted koinobiont–idiobiont parasitoid dichotomy. This is also the first time fig wasps were raised ex situ from non-feeding stages onwards, a technique that enabled us to monitor their development from their pre-pupal to adult stages and record their development time more accurately. Based on variation in development time and host specificity, the possibility of a cryptic parasitoid species is raised. The frequency of different wasp species eclosing from the microcosms of individual syconia is explained using host–parasitoid associations and interactions under the modulating effect of host plant phenology.  相似文献   

In the warming Arctic, aquatic habitats are in flux and salmon are exploring their options. Adult Pacific salmon, including sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka), coho (O. kisutch), Chinook (O. tshawytscha), pink (O. gorbuscha) and chum (O. keta) have been captured throughout the Arctic. Pink and chum salmon are the most common species found in the Arctic today. These species are less dependent on freshwater habitats as juveniles and grow quickly in marine habitats. Putative spawning populations are rare in the North American Arctic and limited to pink salmon in drainages north of Point Hope, Alaska, chum salmon spawning rivers draining to the northwestern Beaufort Sea, and small populations of chum and pink salmon in Canada’s Mackenzie River. Pacific salmon have colonized several large river basins draining to the Kara, Laptev and East Siberian seas in the Russian Arctic. These populations probably developed from hatchery supplementation efforts in the 1960’s. Hundreds of populations of Arctic Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) are found in Russia, Norway and Finland. Atlantic salmon have extended their range eastward as far as the Kara Sea in central Russian. A small native population of Atlantic salmon is found in Canada’s Ungava Bay. The northern tip of Quebec seems to be an Atlantic salmon migration barrier for other North American stocks. Compatibility between life history requirements and ecological conditions are prerequisite for salmon colonizing Arctic habitats. Broad-scale predictive models of climate change in the Arctic give little information about feedback processes contributing to local conditions, especially in freshwater systems. This paper reviews the recent history of salmon in the Arctic and explores various patterns of climate change that may influence range expansions and future sustainability of salmon in Arctic habitats. A summary of the research needs that will allow informed expectation of further Arctic colonization by salmon is given.  相似文献   

We studied male locomotory response to trails and patches of sex pheromone (left respectively by free-ranging females and females constrained to stay on a small area) in the two parasitoids Aphelinus asychis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Trichogramma brassicae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Under the hypothesis that the spatial distribution of virgin females differs between these species (scattered among host plants in A. asychis, gregarious at emergence sites in T. brassicae), we predicted that male locomotory response to their sex pheromones should also differ: A. asychis males should follow pheromone trails on plants in order to encounter the females along these trails, whereas T. brassicae males should stay on pheromone patches, at emergence sites, and mate the females on these patches. Using an improved video-tracking system, we found that males of both species respond to conspecific sex pheromone trails and patches, but that the response does not differ much between species. Males released on marked substrates walked in a more convoluted pattern (i.e. higher path fractal dimension and higher number of crossings within tracks) than males released on unmarked substrates. On pheromone patches, males turned persistently in the same direction when leaving the patch, which explains a higher number of visits on marked patches than on unmarked patches, and possibly, higher track convolution on pheromone trails. Contrary to our hypothesis, male A. asychis did not follow female trails more accurately than male T. brassicae, and male T. brassicae did not stay longer on pheromone patches than male A. asychis. We argue that these discrepancies between our predictions and the observed responses originates from discrepancies between the assumed spatial distribution of virgin females and their actual distribution in the wild.  相似文献   

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