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Increase in air or oxygen pressure in microbial cell cultures can cause oxidative stress and consequently affect cell physiology and morphology. The behaviour of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown under hyperbaric atmospheres of air and pure oxygen was studied. A limit of 1.0 MPa for the air pressure increase (i.e. 0.21 MPa of oxygen partial pressure) in a fed-batch culture of S. cerevisiae was established. Values of 1.5 MPa air pressure and 0.32 MPa pure oxygen pressure strongly inhibited the metabolic activity and the viability of the cells. Also, morphological changes were observed, especially cell-size distribution and the genealogical age profile. Pressure caused cell compression and an increase in number of aged cells. These effects were attributed to oxygen toxicity since similar results were obtained using air or oxygen, if oxygen partial pressure was equal to or higher than 0.32 MPa. The activity of the antioxidant enzymes, catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) (cytosolic and mitochondrial isoformes) indicated that the enzymes have different roles in oxidative stress cell protection, depending on other factors that affect the cell physiological state.  相似文献   

1. The seasonal dynamics of body condition (BC), circulating corticosterone levels (baseline, BL) and the adrenocortical response to acute stress (SR) were examined in long-lived Black-legged Kittiwakes, Rissa tridactyla , breeding at Duck (food-poor colony) and Gull (food-rich colony) Islands in lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. It was tested whether the dynamics of corticosterone levels reflect a seasonal change in bird physiological condition due to reproduction and/or variation in foraging conditions.
2. BC declined seasonally, and the decline was more pronounced in birds at the food-poor colony. BL and SR levels of corticosterone rose steadily through the reproductive season, and BL levels were significantly higher in birds on Duck Island compared with those on Gull Island. During the egg-laying and chick-rearing stages, birds had lower SR on Duck Island than on Gull Island.
3. The results suggest that, in addition to a seasonal change in bird physiology during reproduction, local ecological factors such as food availability affect circulating levels of corticosterone and adrenal response to acute stress.  相似文献   


Bombyx mori is a poikilothermic insect and is economically important for silk production. Drastic changes in the ambient temperature have a negative impact on sericulture. However, the reason as to why high temperature is associated with the occurrence of diseases in silkworm and the response of silkworm to low temperature remain unclear and were the focus of the present study. Dazao silkworm exposed to 13 °C (DZ-13), 25 °C (DZ-25), and 37 °C (DZ-37) were used for RNA-seq analysis. There were 478 and 194 upregulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in DZ-13 and DZ-37 while 49 and 273 downregulated DEGs in DZ-13 and DZ-37, respectively. Eight DEGs were co-upregulated, in which seven genes were for heat shock proteins (Hsps), implying that Hsps play important roles in the tolerance of silkworm to high and low temperature. Gene ontology analysis revealed that the developmental process was downregulated in DZ-13. All the DEGs in the oxidative phosphorylation and insulin signaling pathways were upregulated in DZ-13. Several cuticular proteins and ATP synthesis-related genes were upregulated in DZ-13, suggesting that thickening of the cuticle and increase in the ATPase expression would help silkworms to protect themselves from low temperature-induced stress. Several immune-related genes, such as BmRel and BmSerpin-2, were downregulated in DZ-37, revealing that the resistance of silkworm is decreased under high temperature shock resulting in susceptibility to pathogens. Thus, the increase in the thermo-tolerance of silkworm should be related to the enhancement in the pathogen resistance.


Ung KS  Av-Gay Y 《FEBS letters》2006,580(11):2712-2716
The effect of exogenous oxidative stress on mycothiol (MSH) levels and redox balance was investigated in mycobacteria. Both the thiol-specific oxidant diamide and hydrogen peroxide induced up to 75% depletion of MSH to form the disulfide form, mycothione (MSSM), in Mycobacterium bovis BCG. In comparison, Mycobacterium smegmatis, a saprophytic mycobacterium, displays a greater tolerance towards these oxidants, reflected by the lack of fluxes in MSH levels and redox ratios upon oxidative stress treatments. The basal ratio of MSH to MSSM was established to be 50:1 in M. bovis BCG and 200:1 in M. smegmatis.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) is critical for the development of prion diseases. However, the physiological role of PrP(C) is less clear, although a role in the cellular resistance to oxidative stress has been proposed. PrP(C) is cleaved at the end of the copper-binding octapeptide repeats through the action of reactive oxygen species (ROS), a process termed beta-cleavage. Here we show that ROS-mediated beta-cleavage of cell surface PrP(C) occurs within minutes and was inhibited by the hydroxyl radical quencher dimethyl sulfoxide and by an antibody against the octapeptide repeats. A construct of PrP lacking the octapeptide repeats, PrPDeltaoct, failed to undergo ROS-mediated beta-cleavage, as did two mutant forms of PrP, PG14 and A116V, associated with human prion diseases. As compared with cells expressing wild type PrP, when challenged with H2O2 and Cu2+, cells expressing PrPdeltaoct, PG14, or A116V had reduced viability and glutathione peroxidase activity and increased intracellular free radicals. Thus, lack of ROS-mediated beta-cleavage of PrP correlated with the sensitivity of the cells to oxidative stress. These data indicate that the beta-cleavage of PrP(C) is an early and critical event in the mechanism by which PrP protects cells against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

All life requires energy to drive metabolic reactions such as growth and cell maintenance; therefore, fluctuations in energy availability can alter microbial activity. There is a gap in our knowledge concerning how energy availability affects the growth of extreme chemolithoautotrophs. Toward this end, we investigated the growth of thermoacidophile Acidianus ambivalens during sulfur oxidation under aerobic to microaerophilic conditions. Calorimetry was used to measure enthalpy (ΔHinc) of microbial activity, and chemical changes in growth media were measured to calculate Gibbs energy change (ΔGinc) during incubation. In all experiments, Gibbs energy was primarily dissipated through the release of heat, which suggests enthalpy‐driven growth. In microaerophilic conditions, growth was significantly more efficient in terms of biomass yield (defined as C‐mol biomass per mole sulfur consumed) and resulted in lower ΔGinc and ΔHinc. ΔGinc in oxygen‐limited (OL) and oxygen‐ and CO2‐limited (OCL) microaerophilic growth conditions resulted in averages of ?1.44 × 103 kJ/C‐mol and ?7.56 × 102 kJ/C‐mol, respectively, and average ΔHinc values of ?1.11 × 105 kJ/C‐mol and ?4.43 × 104 kJ/C‐mol, respectively. High‐oxygen experiments resulted in lower biomass yield values, an increase in ΔGinc to ?1.71 × 104 kJ/C‐mol, and more exothermic ΔHinc values of ?4.71 × 105 kJ/C‐mol. The observed inefficiency in high‐oxygen conditions may suggest larger maintenance energy demands due to oxidative stresses and a preference for growth in microaerophilic environments.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is defined as an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the antioxidant capacity of the cell. For long, ROS have been considered as harmful by-products of the normal aerobic metabolism process of the mitochondria, implicated in a large variety of diseases. But there are now growing evidences that controlled ROS production also play physiological roles especially in regulating cell redox homeostasis and cell signaling. Biological ROS effects are now well documented. Data show that living organisms have not only adapted themselves to coexist with free radicals but have also developed mechanisms to use them advantageously. However their main sources and mechanisms of action remain poorly described. This review focuses on the main properties of ROS and their paradoxical effects.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress in mammalian cells is an inevitable consequence of their aerobic metabolism. The production of reactive oxygen and nitric oxide species causes oxidative modifications of proteins often combined with a loss of their biological function. Like most partially denatured proteins, moderately oxidized proteins are more sensitive to proteolytic attack by proteases. The diverse cellular proteolytic systems are an important secondary defense against oxidative stress by degrading oxidized and damaged proteins, thereby preventing their intracellular accumulation. In mammalian cells, a range of proteases exists which are distributed throughout the cell. In this review we summarize the function of the cytosolic (proteasome and calpains), the lysosomal, the mitochondrial and the nuclear proteolytic pathways in response to oxidative stress. Particular emphasis is given to the proteasomal system, since this pathway appears to be the most important proteolytic system involved in the removal of oxidatively modified or damaged proteins.  相似文献   

We have analysed telomerase activity to determine whether it can be modified when BCL-2 is endogenously overexpressed in response to a mild oxidative stress treatment as part of a survival mechanism, in contrast with an exogenous bcl-2 overexpression due to a retroviral infection. Endogenous bcl-2 overexpression was induced after a low oxidative insult of H2O2 in mice primary lung fibroblasts and L929 cell, whereas bcl-2 exogenous overexpression was performed using a retroviral infection in L929 cells. Telomerase activity was quantified in Bcl-2 overexpressing cells by the TRAP assay. When the cells were treated with different H2O2 concentrations, only those exposed to 50 μM showed increased telomerase activity. This correlates with BCL-2 expression as part of the endogenous response to mild oxidative stress. Oxidative stress generated during the toxic mechanism of chemotherapeutic drugs might induce BCL-2 increment, enhancing telomerase activity and reactivating the oncogenic process. Clinical trials should take into consideration the possibility of telomerase activation following increased BCL-2 expression when treating patients with ROS (reactive oxygen species) generation by anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   

Copper (Cu) is an essential micronutrient required for normal growth and development of plants; however, at elevated concentrations in soil, copper is also generally considered to be one of the most toxic metals to plant cells due to its inhibitory effects against many physiological and biochemical processes. In spite of its potential physiological and economical significance, molecular mechanisms under Cu stress has so far been grossly overlooked in sorghum. To explore the molecular alterations that occur in response to copper stress, the present study was performed in ten-day-old Cu-exposed leaves of sorghum seedlings. The growth characteristics were markedly inhibited, and ionic alterations were prominently observed in the leaves when the seedlings were exposed to different concentrations (0, 100, and 150 µM) of CuSO4. Using two-dimensional gels with silver staining, 643 differentially expressed protein spots (≥1.5-fold) were identified as either significantly increased or reduced in abundance. Of these spots, a total of 24 protein spots (≥1.5-fold) from Cu-exposed sorghum leaves were successfully analyzed by MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometry. Of the 24 differentially expressed proteins from Cu-exposed sorghum leaves, 13 proteins were up-regulated, and 11 proteins were down-regulated. The abundance of most identified protein species, which function in carbohydrate metabolism, stress defense and protein translation, was significantly enhanced, while that of another protein species involved in energy metabolism, photosynthesis and growth and development were severely reduced. The resulting differences in protein expression patterns together with related morpho-physiological processes suggested that these results could help to elucidate plant adaptation to Cu stress and provide insights into the molecular mechanisms of Cu responses in C4 plants.  相似文献   

Hayakawa H  Sekiguchi M 《Biochemistry》2006,45(21):6749-6755
8-Oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoGua) is generated in nucleic acids as well as in their precursors due to the actions of oxygen radicals produced through a normal cellular metabolism. Since oxidized guanine can pair with both cytosine and adenine, it causes alterations in the phenotypic expression when it is present in RNA. To prevent such an outcome, organisms must have some mechanism for eliminating such oxidized guanine nucleotides from RNA and its precursors. In mammalian cells, MTH1 and NUDT5 proteins degrade 8-oxoGTP and 8-oxoGDP to 8-oxoGMP, which is an unusable form for RNA synthesis. In a search for proteins functioning at the RNA level, polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNP) protein has been suggested to be a good candidate for such a role. The human PNP protein has an ability to bind specifically to RNA containing 8-oxoGua. When human cells are exposed to agents that induce oxidative stress, such as hydrogen peroxide and menadion, the amounts of PNP protein decrease rapidly while amounts of other proteins in the cells do not change after such treatments. No specific decrease in the PNP protein level is observed when cells are treated with ACNU and cycloheximide at doses sufficient to provide the same degree of growth suppression. These results imply that the PNP protein might thus play a role in excluding oxidized forms of RNA from the translation mechanism.  相似文献   

Changes in root hydraulic resistance in response to alterations in nitrate supply were explored in detail as a potential mechanism that allows plants to respond rapidly to changes in their environment. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus cv. Holiday) plants grown hydroponically with limited nitrate availability (200 micromol l(-1)) served as our model system. Experimental plants were 6-9-weeks-old with total dry mass of 2-4 g. Root pressurization of intact plants and detached root systems was used to elucidate the temporal dynamics of root hydraulic properties in sunflower plants following changes in external nitrate availability. The response was rapid, with a 20% decrease in hydraulic resistance occurring within the first hour after the addition of 5 mM nitrate and the magnitude of the effect was dependent on nitrate concentration. The change in root hydraulic resistance was largely reversible, although the temporal dynamics of the response to nitrate addition versus nitrate withdrawal was not symmetric (a gradual decrease in resistance versus its fast increase), raising the possibility that the underlying mechanisms may also differ. Evidence is presented that the observed changes in root hydraulic properties require the assimilation of nitrate by root cells. The hydraulic resistance of roots, previously stimulated by the addition of nitrate, increased more than in control plants in low nitrate under anoxia and that suggests a key role of aquaporin activity in this response. It is proposed that a rapid decrease in root hydraulic resistance in the presence of increased nitrate availability is an important trait that could enhance a plant's ability to compete for nitrate in the soil.  相似文献   

Expression of senescence-enhanced genes in response to oxidative stress   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Expression of the LSC54 gene, encoding a metallothionein protein, has been shown previously to increase during leaf senescence and cell death. Evidence is presented in this paper to indicate that the extent of LSC54 expression is related to levels of oxidative stress in the tissues. Treatment of Arabidopsis cotyledon and leaf tissues with the catalase inhibitor, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, or with silver nitrate result in the enhanced expression of LSC54. Combined treatments with quenchers of reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as ascorbate, tiron and benzoic acid indicated that this induced expression was due to increased levels of ROS. The expression of many other senescence-enhanced genes was also found to be inducible by the increase in ROS. Treatment of plant tissue with 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, followed by silver nitrate, resulted in protection from the severe damage caused by the silver nitrate treatment and reduced expression of many of the genes examined. However, one gene, encoding a lipid hydroperoxide-dependent glutathione peroxidase, showed increased expression in the protected tissue, which may indicate a role for this enzyme in the protection of plant tissue from oxidative stress. ROS-enhanced expression of at least one of the genes investigated required the presence of the salicylic acid signalling pathway, which was not required for the expression of LSC54.  相似文献   

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