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Genetic variability in six host genotype-specific pathotypes of pearl millet downy mildew pathogen S. graminicola was studied at the molecular level using mini- and micro-satellites. Our results indicated that microsatellites (GAA)6, (GACA)4, and especially (GATA)4 were quite informative and showed high levels of polymorphism among the pathotypes. The six pathotypes could be classified into five groups based on the cluster analysis of their genetic similarities, thereby confirming the existence of distinct host genotype-specific virulence in S. graminicola pathotypes. We demonstrate, for the first time, the use of DNA fingerprinting to detect genetic variation in downy mildew fungus of pearl millet.  相似文献   

Different cultivars of pearl millet were exposed to infection by asexual propagules of Sclerospora graminicola in Polythene tunnels. Subsequent incidence of disease was measured on one-month old seedlings. The data consisted of binomial proportions based on differing total numbers of seedlings. It is shown how to utilise the logit link in the GLIM statistical package for analysis to compare variety performances. In addition the possibilities of interplot interference and intraplot variation were investigated using GLIM. Interplot interference occurred infrequently and did not affect the rank order of the cultivars in terms of their response to the fungus infection. Intraplot variation was also shown to be non significant in spite of proximity of some plants to the disease spreader plants. Once these potentially confounding phenomena were eliminated the cultivars could be compared directly with impunity. GLIM was also used to confirm that the type of symptom expression was a stable feature of each host genotype.  相似文献   

Lange  L.  Olson  L. W.  Safeeulla  K. M. 《Protoplasma》1984,119(3):178-187
Summary Cleavage of the zoosporangial cytoplasm ofSclerospora graminicola, the causal agent of pearl millet downy mildew, is by means of the fusion of cleavage vesicles and vesicles containing the extruded axoneme with the cell membrane. This type of zoosporogenesis linksS. graminicola to other Peronosporalean species, and is very similar to that seen for all uniflagellate species examined to date, while it separates it from species of theSaprolegniales where zoosporogenesis is brought about by the expansion of the central vacuole, or where the plasmalemma alone is used.The origin of the cleavage vesicles appears to be from the dictyosomes and not from the finger-print bodies which are rapidly formed in large numbers after axoneme formation and after the cleavage. vesicles have started to appear in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) are important plant cell wall structural components, which are also involved in response to pathogen attack. In pearl millet, deposition and cross-linking of HRGPs in plant cell walls was shown to contribute to the formation of resistance barriers against the phytopathogenic oomycete Sclerospora graminicola. In the present study, the purification and characterization of HRGPs that accumulated in coleoptiles of pearl millet seedlings in response to S. graminicola inoculation has been carried out. Periodic acid Schiff's staining revealed that the purified protein was a glycoprotein. The protein to carbohydrate ratio was determined to be 95.5%:4.5% (w/w). Proline amounted for 20 mol% of the total amino acids as indicated by amino acid composition analysis. The isolated protein had a pI of 9.8 and was shown to be composed of subunits of 27, 17, and 14 kDa. Cross reactivity with the monoclonal antibody MAC 265 and the presence of the signature amino acid sequence, PVYK, strongly suggested to classify the purified glycoprotein as a member of the P/HRGPs class. In the presence of horseradish peroxidase and H2O2 the purified glycoprotein served as a substrate for oxidative cross-linking processes.  相似文献   

Among four fungicides, viz. metalaxyl (two formulations), fosetyl-Al, pro-pamocarb and cyomaxanil tested in vitro against sporangial germination inhibition of Sclerospora graminicola, cyomaxanil was found to be most inhibitory. In an artificially contaminated plot, when used as seed treatment or foliar spray for the control of downy mildew of pearl millet, only metalaxyl was effective. Metalaxyl 25 (Ridomil) and metalaxyl 35 (Apron) seed treatments protected the pearl millet plants from downy mildew up to 30 days. As a foliar spray, metalaxyl 25 used once at 20 days or twice after 20 and 38 days of plant growth gave less disease at harvest time. Seed treatment (metalaxyl 25 or 35) followed by one metalaxyl 25 spray was found to be effective in controlling the downy mildew. These treatments improved the growth of plants and yield significantly.  相似文献   

Genotypic diversity among 46 isolates of Sclerospora graminicola collected from seven states in India during 1992–2005 was determined through pathotyping and AFLP analysis. A high level of variation was observed among the isolates for downy mildew incidence, latent period and virulence index. Based on the reaction on a set of nine pearl millet lines, 46 isolates were classified in 21 pathotypes. Quantitative differences in virulence levels of the test isolates were assessed by calculating the virulence index (disease incidence × latent period ? 1). A dendrogram generated by the average linkage cluster analysis of virulence index clustered the 46 isolates into eight groups. Region-specific grouping of five isolates from Gujarat and six from Rajasthan was observed within two distinct groups. Temporal variation was also observed among the isolates collected from the same location and same host over the years. A total of 297 bands were scored following selective amplification with three primer combinations E-TT/M-CAG, E-AT/M-CAG and E-TG/M-CAT and all of them were polymorphic. Cluster analysis of AFLP data clustered the test isolates into seven groups. Analysis of molecular variance indicated that variation in the S. graminicola populations was largely due to differences among the isolates within the states.  相似文献   

Autofluorescence of downy mildew resistant and susceptible cells of pearl millet seedlings undergoing hypersensitive reaction (HR) upon Sclerospora graminicola-inoculation and arachidonic acid (AA)-treatment was studied. Two-day-old seedlings of a highly resistant (IP 18296) and a highly susceptible (23D2B) genotype of pearl millet were either inoculated with zoospore suspension of S. graminicola or treated with AA for 24 h. The coleoptiles with hypersensitive necrotic spots were processed by the standard procedure, and the tissues were subjected to fluorescence microscopy. A differential accumulation of autofluor-escent compounds in resistant and susceptible pearl millet genotypes was observed with most accumulation occurring in resistant cells treated with AA. The variation in the degree of fluorescence and the spatial accumulation of autofluorescent compounds among the two inoculated/treated genotypes is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Analysis of phyllosphere microflora showed that in the resistant cultivar (PHB-14) there was a significantly higher population of fungi, gram positive and gram negative bacteria, compared to susceptible cultivar (NHB-3) under healthy and diseased situations. The cultivars during earhead stage supported maximum phyllosphere fungal and gram negative bacterial populations.The rhizosphere of the susceptible cultivar under downy mildew influence supported maximum fungal and gram negative bacterial populations and the rhizosphere effect was the highest in downy mildew colonized susceptible NHB-3 at the earhead stage (95 days after planting).Among the fungi isolated Cladosporium dominated the phyllosphere of resistant, susceptible and susceptible cultivar under the influence of downy mildew.Among the rhizosphere microflora the population ofAspergillus sp. was found to be greatest in resistant, susceptible and the susceptible cultivar under the influence of downy mildew.  相似文献   


Downy mildew (Sclerospora graminicola [Sacc.] Schroet.) is a serious agricultural problem for pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum [L.] R. Br.) grain production under field conditions. Six medicinally important plant species Azadirachta indica, Argemone mexicana, Commiphora caudata, Mentha piperita, Emblica officinalis and Viscum album were evaluated for their efficacy against pearl millet downy mildew. Seeds of pearl millet were treated with different concentrations of aqueous extract of the plants to examine their efficacy in controlling downy mildew. Among the plant extracts tested, V. album treatment was found to be more effective in enhancing seed quality parameters and also in inducing resistance against downy mildew disease. Germination and seedling vigor was improved in seeds treated with V. album extracts over control. Seeds treated with 10% concentration of V. album showed maximum protection against downy mildew disease under greenhouse and field conditions. The downy mildew disease protection varied from 44–70% with different concentrations. Leaf extract of V. album did not inhibit sporulation and zoospore release from sporangia of Sclerospora graminicola, indicating that the disease-controlling effect was attributed to induced resistance. Seed treatment with V. album extract increased pearl millet grain yield considerably. In V. album, treated pearl millet seedlings increased activities of peroxidase, and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase enzyme was detected. FTIR analysis of V. album extracts showed the presence of amides and other aromatic compounds which are antimicrobial compounds involved in plant defense.  相似文献   

Dual cultures were successfully established using malformed florets of pearl millet infected with Sclerospora graminicola, the downy mildew pathogen. A higher proportion (86%) of calli from malformed florets formed dual cultures on Murashige and Skoog's (MS) medium with 2 mg 1-1 of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-d), compared to shoot tips (25%). Fungal mycelium covered the entire surface of the callus within 30 days of placement of explants on the MS medium with 2 mg 1-1 of 2,4-d. The infected calli also differentiated and produced plantlets when transferred to MS medium without 2,4-d.  相似文献   

Three formulations of the systemic fungicide metalaxyl were tested in various seed treatments for the control of pearl millet downy mildew in three field experiments with downy mildew-susceptible pearl millet hybrid NHB-3. Uniform, high levels of sporangial inoculum of the causal fungus, Sclerospora graminicola, were provided throughout the growth of the test crops from inoculated infector rows of NHB-3, planted earlier between the test plots. Significant reductions in downy mildew were obtained with all fungicide treatments. Best control was obtained when seed was soaked in a 0.5% aqueous solution of a liquid formulation (mean infection index of 9.8% compared with 94.8% in the untreated check). The degree of control with the wettable powder formulations was directly related to fungicide dosage, and there were no significant effects of application method. Simple dusting of seed at 2 g a.i./kg, a rapid and simple operation requiring small quantities of fungicide and no special application equipment, gave a high level of control (infection index of 12.6% compared with 78.9% in the untreated check). In two experiments grain yields from all the treated plots were significantly greater than from the untreated plots (means of 1234 and 1534 kg/ha for treated plots compared with 485 and 743 kg/ha, respectively), and in the third, the treatment with the least downy mildew gave significantly more grain than the untreated check (1228 compared with 727 kg/ha).  相似文献   

Trichoshield, a talc formulation consisting of spores of Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma lignorum, Gliocladium virens and Bacillus subtilis was tested, following different application methods, for its ability to promote growth of pearl millet plants and to induce resistance to downy mildew of pearl millet. Under laboratory conditions, trichoshield seed treatment enhanced seed germination and seedling vigor of pearl millet significantly over the control; under greenhouse conditions vegetative growth parameters like height, fresh and dry weight, leaf area and number of tillers were significantly enhanced over the control: Trichoshield formulation offered greater protection against downy mildew in comparison with individual strains of T. harzianum, T. lignorum, G. virensand B. subtilis. Among the methods of application, foliar spray was found to be a more efficient delivery method than seed treatment or slurry treatment. Combinations of foliar spray with seed treatment and slurry treatment produced the same effect as foliar spray alone. Under field conditions, trichoshield treatment enhanced reproductive parameters like number of earheads, length and girth of earheads, 1000 seed weight and yield significantly over the control. Days required for 50% flowering was reduced by 4 days compared to the control. Yield enhancement of 28% over the control was highly significant. Trichoshield treatment offered protection ranging from 52 to 71% under field conditions, depending on the application method. However, the chemical fungicide metalaxyl Apron provided the highest protection against downy mildew, both under greenhouse and field conditions.  相似文献   

Transgenic pearl millet lines expressing pin gene—exhibiting high resistance to downy mildew pathogen, Sclerospora graminicola—were produced using particle-inflow-gun (PIG) method. Shoot-tip-derived embryogenic calli were co-bombarded with plasmids containing pin and bar genes driven by CaMV 35S promoter. Bombarded calli were cultured on MS medium with phosphinothricin as a selection agent. Primary transformants 1T0, 2T0, and 3T0 showed the presence of both bar and pin coding sequences as evidenced by PCR and Southern blot analysis, respectively. T1 progenies of three primary transformants, when evaluated for downy mildew resistance, segregated into resistant and susceptible phenotypes. T1 plants resistant to downy mildew invariably exhibited tolerance to Basta suggesting co-segregation of pin and bar genes. Further, the downy mildew resistant 1T1 plants were found positive for pin gene in Southern and Northern analyses thereby confirming stable integration, expression, and transmission of pin gene. 1T2 progenies of 1T0 conformed to dihybrid segregation of 15 resistant:1 susceptible plants.  相似文献   

Tissue cultures were used as the host-parasite systems to study the total phenolics in relation to downy mildew infection in pearl millet. Total phenolics increased due to infection bySclerospora graminicola. As the age of the callus tissue increased, an increase in total phenolics was observed in both susceptible and resistant cultivars. The possibility of using a dual culture to study the biochemical changes occurring in the host-parasite interactions of an obligate parasite is discussed.  相似文献   

Hypersensitive response, cell death and release of hydrogen peroxide as measures of host and non‐host defense mechanisms upon inoculation with the downy mildew pathogen Sclerospora graminicola were studied histochemically at the light microscopy level. The materials consisted of coleoptile tissues of the highly susceptible (cv. HB3), highly resistant (cv. IP18293) and induced resistant pearl millet host seedlings and non‐host sorghum (cv. SGMN10/8) and cotyledon of french bean (cv. S9). Resistance up to 80% protection against the downy mildew pathogen was induced in the highly susceptible HB3 cultivar of pearl millet by treating the seeds with 2% aqueous leaf extract of Datura metel for 3 h. Time course study with the pathogen inoculated highly resistant pearl millet cultivar revealed the appearance of hypersensitive response in 20% of seedlings as necrotic spots as early as 2 h after inoculation. In contrast, a similar reaction was observed in the highly susceptible pearl millet cultivar only 8 h after inoculation with the pathogen. In induced resistant seedlings, appearance of hypersensitive response was recorded 4 h after inoculation. Delayed hypersensitive response was observed in both the non‐host species at 10 h after inoculation. Hypersensitive response in the seedlings of the highly resistant pearl millet cultivar 24 h after inoculation showed 100% hypersensitive response, which was not observed in susceptible and non‐host species, although the induced resistant seedlings showed 90% hypersensitive response after that period of time. Cell death in the tissues of the test seedlings was also observed to change with time. Statistical analysis revealed that the tissues of highly resistant pearl millet seedlings required 2.9 h to attain 50% cell death. Tissues of induced resistant and highly susceptible pearl millet seedlings required 4.65 and 6.50 h respectively. In non‐hosts, 50% cell death was not recorded. Quantification of hydrogen peroxide in the tissue periplasmic spaces of the test seedlings revealed 2.94 h as the time required for 50% hydrogen peroxide accumulation in the tissues of highly resistant pearl millet seedlings. Tissues of induced resistant and highly susceptible pearl millet seedlings needed 3.76 and 5.5 h respectively. Fifty percent hydrogen peroxide localisation in non‐hosts could not be recorded. These results suggested the involvement of hydrogen peroxide, cell death and hypersensitive response in pearl millet host defense against S. graminicola.  相似文献   

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