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Summary Lymphoma in dogs resembles human non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in pathological presentation, immunophenotype, and response to therapy, thus representing a good model for comparative studies with human disease. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were derived from mice immunized with a dog lymphoma cell line. Three MAbs were selected for further application in immunophenotyping and immunotherapy. The binding specificities, antigen characterization, and isotypes for these MAbs are described.Supported by NCI grant CA-10815  相似文献   

The preparation fo five monoclonal antibodies specific of important human renal histologic structures both functionally and organogenetically has permitted to identify the repartition of the corresponding antigens in the vertebrate phylum. For three of them, appeared a clear cut histologic identity in intensity and localization between the mammals studied and man. For the two others a phylogenic and histologic dispersion was observed. It may be supposed, in the latter case, that the evolution and the biotope have acted in different manners on renal function and organogenesis according to the vertebrate classes or species investigated.  相似文献   

Immunogold staining in combination with enzyme cytochemistry was used to determine the cytochemical profile of the immunoregulatory T-lymphocyte subpopulations defined by the monoclonal antibodies OKT3, OKT4, OKT8, and OKM1 in normal peripheral blood. Leukocyte suspensions were first incubated with the monoclonal mouse antibodies and then with colloidal gold-labeled goat antimouse antibodies. The cells were fixed and cytocentrifuge preparations were made. Cytochemical reactions for the detection of peroxidase, acid alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase, acid phosphatase, and beta-glucuronidase were performed on these preparations. Under light microscopy, lymphocytes reacting with the monoclonal antibodies had numerous dark granules around their surface membrane. In the cytoplasm the intracellular enzymatic activities were stained. The T-lymphocytes were characterized by a dot-like activity for the three enzymes. No significant difference could be found between the cytochemical profile of the T-helper (OKT4 positive) and T-cytotoxic suppressor cell populations (OKT8 positive). A few cells with lymphocyte morphology reacted with the OKM1 monoclonal antibody. Their cytochemical characteristics were different from those of mature T-cells (OKT3 population) or mature monocytes. From the comparison of their cytochemical characteristics, we can conclude that there is little correlation between the immunoregulatory T-lymphocyte subsets defined by these monoclonal antibodies and those defined by Fc receptors.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies directed against human cancer cells were prepared by the murine hybridoma technique. These antibodies detect Lewis blood group antigens as determined by indirect solid-phase radioimmunoassay, hapten inhibition studies, and chromatogram binding assay. One monoclonal antibody is specific for the Lea terminal carbohydrate of Gal beta 1----3Glc NAc(4----1 alpha Fuc) beta 1----3LacCer. Five monoclonal antibodies react with the Leb terminal carbohydrate sequence of Fuc alpha 1----2Gal beta 1----3GlcNAc(4----1 alpha Fuc) beta 1----3LacCer, and four of these antibodies are highly specific for this glycolipid and do not react with other similar di- and monofucosylated glycolipids. One of the anti-Leb antibodies cross-reacts with blood group H glycolipid and has binding properties similar to those of the previously described antibody NS-10-17 [M. Brockhaus, J. L. Magnani, M. Blaszczyk, Z. Steplewski, H. Koprowski, K.-A. Karlsson, G. Larson, and V. Ginsburg (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 13223-13225]. Two antibodies react with both the Lea and Leb antigens, though both bind preferentially to Leb.  相似文献   

Chemically defined glycoconjugates are demonstrated to have considerable potential for selecting hybridoma antibodies directed toward O-antigenic determinants, especially when used in combination with a panel of well-characterized LPS molecules. Monoclonal antibodies specific for the Shigella flexneri O-antigens of serogroup 5b, variants X and Y, were generated after immunization of BALB/c mice with killed bacterial cells, and active hybrids were selected on the basis of ELISA performed with the purified serotype-specific LPS antigen. Subsequent screening with a variety of glycoconjugates, derived from synthetic oligosaccharides and larger structures obtained by phage Sf6/endo-rhamnosidase hydrolysis of purified LPS established a detailed profile of binding characteristics for Shigella flexneri variant Y-specific antibodies. Together with the results of precipitin analysis and heavy chain isotyping experiments, a limited number of antibodies were selected as candidates for detailed studies of the antibody combining site.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid receptors (GR) were investigated in subpopulations of lymphocytes identified by monoclonal antibodies. Purified T (OKT3+) and non-T lymphocyte subpopulations were isolated from human peripheral blood using Degalan bead columns coated with rabbit anti-human IgG. Purified subpopulations of OKT4+ and OKT8+ lymphocytes were obtained by coating the nonadherent population (T cells) from the first column with OKT4+ or OKT8+ and pouring it into a second Degalan column, coated with goat anti-mouse IgG. GR content and affinity were analyzed by a whole cell assay with [3H]dexamethasone as tracer. The numbers of GR in lymphocyte subpopulations (OKT3+ cells, non-T cells, OKT4+, and OKT8+ cells) were nearly equal. It is concluded that the differential effects of glucocorticoids on the circulatory kinetics of OKT4+ and OKT8+ cells probably are not related to differences in glucocorticoid receptors of these T-cell subpopulations.  相似文献   

K Ray  J Vockley  H Harris 《FEBS letters》1984,174(2):294-299
Antibody additivity assayTopology  相似文献   

Three differentiation antigens of mouse teratocarcinoma stem cells are defined using a panel of ten IgM-class monoclonal antibodies raised against teratocarcinoma F9 cells. TEC-01 and four other antibodies define an antigen that corresponds to SSEA-1. TEC-02 antibody defines an antigen that is expressed on teratocarcinoma stem cells, parietal yolk sac cells PYS-2, unfertilized eggs including the zona pellucida and blastocysts. It is absent from all mouse adult tissues tested. Three other antibodies exhibit binding properties similar to TEC-02. TEC-03 antibody defines an antigen that is expressed on teratocarcinoma stem cells, PYS-2 cells and mouse blastocysts. It is absent from all mouse adult tissues except for lungs.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the OKTA+ T cell subset in man, defined by a monoclonal hybridoma antibody, provides help for B lymphocyte differentiation in a PWM driven system. Both B cell proliferation and intracytoplasmic immunoglobulin synthesis are facilitated by OKT4+ and not by OKT4- T cells. Given earlier studies demonstrating that OKT4+ T cells were necessary for generation of T cytotoxic cells and the present study that OKT+ T cells are necessary for the differentiation of B cells, it would appear that the OKT+ population is the major human T helper (inducer) subset.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells play an essential role in immune responses by regulating the entry of leukocytes into lymphoid tissues and sites of inflammation. As an initial approach to analyzing endothelial cell specialization in relation to such immune function, we have produced monoclonal antibodies (MAB) against mouse lymph node endothelium. Three antibodies were selected: MECA-20, recognizing the endothelium of all blood vessels in lymphoid as well as non-lymphoid organs; MECA-217, which stains the endothelium lining large elastic arteries, but among small vessels is specific for post-capillary venules within lymphoid organs and tissues exposed to exogenous antigen, such as skin and uterus; and MECA-325, an antibody that demonstrates specificity for the specialized high endothelial venules (HEV) that control lymphocyte homing into lymph nodes and Peyer's patches. MECA-325 failed to stain vessels in any non-lymphoid organs tested. Immunoperoxidase studies of HEV in lymph node frozen sections, and of isolated high endothelial cells in suspensions, demonstrated that the antigens recognized by all three antibodies are expressed at the cell surface; those defined by MECA-20 and MECA-325 are also present in the cytoplasm. To study the regulation of the antigens defined by these MAB in relation to extra-lymphoid immune reactions, we assessed their expression in induced s.c. granulomas as a model for chronic inflammation. Small vessels in the granulomas were already stained by MECA-217 in the first days of development. In contrast MECA-325 detected postcapillary venules (which frequently displayed the morphologic characteristics of HEV) only from approximately 1 wk, in parallel with the development of a persistent mononuclear cell infiltrate including numerous lymphocytes. The selective appearance of the MECA-325 antigen on vascular endothelium supporting lymphocyte traffic in both lymphoid and extra-lymphoid sites suggests that this antigen may play an important role in the process of lymphocyte extravasation. The demonstration of lymphoid organ- and inflammation-specific microvascular antigens offers direct evidence for a complex specialization of endothelium in relation to immune stimuli, and supports the concept that microvascular differentiation may play an important role in local immune responses.  相似文献   

A new allele and antigen at the Tla locus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Five monoclonal antibodies were established by the fusion of mouse myeloma cells (NS.1) with spleen cells from A and (A x C3H/An)F1 mice hyperimmunized with 70Z/3 tumor cells. These antibodies recognized a new antigenic specificity provisionally called Ly-m20.2. In direct cytotoxicity assays, 60 percent of cells in spleen, 40 percent in lymph node, 50 percent in bone marrow and less than 5 percent in thymus were found to react with three of the five antibodies, whereas the two others yielded somewhat lower cytotoxicity indices. The Ly-m20.2 antigen was also expressed on cells derived from liver and kidney but not on cells derived from brain. As judged from cytotoxicity assays with separated T and B cells, Ly-m20.2 antigen is carried preferentially on B lymphocytes. Direct plaque-forming cells (PFC) were completely eliminated by Ly-m20.2-specific antibody and complement. Linkage tests by analysis in 20 (CBA/J x C3H/An) x C3H/An backcross mice and by segregation analysis of BXH and SWXL recombinant inbred strains indicate close association of the loci controlling Ly-m20.2 and Mls antigens on chromosome 1.Abbreviations used in this paper MLR mixed lymphocyte reaction - MHC major histocompatibility complex - Mls minor lymphocyte-stimulating antigen - Ia I-region associated - PFC plaque-forming cell - SRBC sheep red blood cell - Con A concanavalin A - LPS lipopolysaccharide - GVH graft-versus-host - HVG host-versus-graft - CML cell-mediated lympholysis - LD lymph ocyte-defined - SD serologically defined The prefix m (monoclonal) is used following a suggestion by Klein and co-workers (1979).  相似文献   

Conventional rabbit antibodies and mouse monoclonal antibodies were raised to alpha-L-fucosidase purified from human placenta. Four monoclonal antibodies were studied, of which only one (A) was able to immunoprecipitate the fucosidase activity completely. Two antibodies (B and C) precipitated 65% and one (D) 35% of the activity. The enzyme precipitated by the monoclonal antibodies remained fully active, whereas the enzyme precipitated by conventional antibodies was partly inactivated. As shown by the method of successive immunoprecipitations, the monoclonal antibodies B and C recognized the same set of placental fucosidase molecules, and D a subset thereof. The purified fucosidase also yielded two components after gel electrophoresis in nondenaturing conditions, and the slower component corresponded to the set recognized by antibodies B and C. The fucosidase extracted from different tissues and serum was studied by immunoprecipitation. In all cases, the enzyme was completely precipitated by monoclonal antibody A. Two patterns were found with B, C and D: either part of the activity was precipitated by these antibodies (leucocytes, placenta, brain, liver, spleen, thymus) or B, C and D failed to precipitate any of the enzyme (serum, heart, kidney, testes).  相似文献   

A series of seven monoclonal antibodies directed at determinants on human peripheral blood monocytes were produced and characterized. The antibodies were separated into three groups based on cell distribution and percentages of monocytes bearing antigen. Hybridoma antibodies, termed OKM1, OKM9, and OKM10, recognized antigen(s) expressed on the majority of adherent monocytes, null cells, and granulocytes. The second group, comprising OKM5 and OKM8, reacted with most adherent monocytes and platelets. OKM3 and OKM6, comprising a third group of antibodies, reacted with a subpopulation of adherent monocytes and platelets. OKM antibodies were not expressed on lymphocytes, thymocytes, and lymphoblastoid cells, with the exception of OKM3 which reacted with three B-cell lines. SDS gels of immunoprecipitates formed with OKM antibodies yielded the following tentative molecular weight results: OKM1 and OKM9 antigens appeared to be 160,000 (nonreduced) and 170,000 (reduced); OKM10 precipitated two polypeptides of 170,000 and 115,000 (reduced); OKM5 and OKM8 precipitated a single polypeptide of 88,000 (reduced, nonreduced); OKM6 antigen appeared to be 116,000 (nonreduced) and 130,000 (reduced).  相似文献   

A retrovirus element (TLev1) is located within the Thymus leukemia antigen (T7a) locus of the C57BL/10 mouse major histocompatibility complex. Low-copy probes have been isolated from sequences flanking the TLev1 integration site to examine the distribution of TLev1 among inbred mouse strains having genotypically determined variations in TL-antigen expression. It was found that the low-copy probes cross-hybridize to regions within the Tla locus in a genotype-specific manner. Although a strong association was found between TL mouse strains and TLev1, the presence or absence of the TLev1 locus did not exclusively correlate with expression or nonexpression of TL antigens. Analysis of different Mus subspecies indicates that TLev1 integrated into a common ancestor of the species Mus musculus. It is suggested that the loss of the TLev1 locus from certain mouse genomes reflects evolutionary rearrangements in the TL region; the resulting diversity may relate to the differential expression of TL antigens among mouse strains. The probes described here provide a useful tool for examining the genomic expansions and contractions which have occurred during the evolution of the Tla locus  相似文献   

 The detailed distribution and heterogeneity of various immunocompetent cells were characterized in the normal adrenal gland of the rat, with special emphasis on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-expressing cells and macrophages. All adrenals contained at least two different populations of cells reactive with the dendritic cell or the macrophage antibodies. These cells were clearly distinguished from adrenal parenchymal cells by their morphology and location. The majority of dendritic cells were immunoreactive for the MHC class II (Ia) antigen (MRC OX6) and/or the dendritic cell antibodies (MRC OX62), and negative for the macrophage antibodies (ED1, ED2, and/or MRC OX42), whereas the main population of macrophages was immunonegative for the former antibodies and positive for the latter. The OX62-positive cells and the OX42-labeled cells occurred exclusively throughout the medulla. The cellular density of dendritic cells in the adrenal cortex was significantly higher than that of macrophages. Double-immunoperoxidase staining for ED1 and OX6 revealed that positively stained cells could be classified into the following categories: ED1+OX6+, ED1+OX6, and ED1OX6+. More then 40% of OX6+ cells were immunoreactive for ED1 in the zona glomerulosa, while approximately 15%, 20%, and 30% of OX6+ cells were positive for ED1 in the zona fasciculata, zona reticularis and medulla, respectively. ED1+ED2 cells were more frequently detected in the zona glomerulosa than in other adrenal zones. Only a few ED1ED2+ cells were located in the zona glomerulosa, whereas a large number of them were found in the zona fasciculata. In the zona reticularis and medulla, ED1+ED2+, ED1+ED2, and ED1ED2+ cells were detected in the ratio 2:1:3. Our rsults suggest that dendritic cells and macrophages mature during their migration within the adrenal gland. These immunocompetent cells may contribute to a paracrine regulation of adrenal function under physiological conditions. Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

Summary Immunochemical analysis of cultured human melanoma cell detergent extracts and spent culture medium with conventional xenoantisera and monoclonal antibodies identified four types of 94,000 (94K) dalton molecules and two types of high-molecular-weight melanoma-associated antigens by the following characteristics: (1) association with other components, (2) mobility in SDS-PAGE under reducing and nonreducing conditions, (3) antigenicity, and (4) presence in spent culture medium. Conventional xenoantisera were found to contain antibody populations to antigenically distinct structures, some of which have similar apparent molecular weights. Immunodepletion studies showed that the antigenic determinant detected by the monoclonal antibody 225.28S to a high-molecular-weight melanoma-associated antigen was expressed on a subpopulation of the antigens defined by the conventional xenoantiserum #8995. These data prove that antibodies reactive with antigens of similar molecular weight cannot be assumed to identify the same structures, and indicate that tumor-associated antigens may be heterogeneous in the expression of antigenic determinants defined by monoclonal antibodies.Visiting investigator from the Veterans Administration Hospital, Minneapolis, MinnesotaVisiting investigator from Sapporo Medical College (Japan). Abbreviations used: MAA, melanoma-associated antigen; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; NP40, nonidet P40; MoAb, monoclonal antibody; SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; 2-ME, 2-mercaptoethanol  相似文献   

We reported previously that mixtures of some monoclonal antibodies directed against the glycoprotein hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) had a higher affinity for the antigen than either monoclonal antibody separately. The synergistic interaction could no longer be detected when one of the antibodies was replaced with its F(ab) fragment. This cooperative interaction has now been further characterized. One-half of 10 possible pairs prepared from five IgG1 monoclonal antibodies against hCG result in a synergistic interaction. The addition of an IgG2b monoclonal antibody to one of the IgG1 monoclonal antibodies also induces a cooperative interaction, which shows that the effect is not subclass restricted. Cooperative interactions between antibodies are also not restricted to solution conditions; adsorption of one antibody to a solid support appears to increase the cooperative effect. Indeed, one pair of antibodies that failed to bind hCG synergistically in solution did so when one antibody was bound to a solid surface. The liquid phase antibody also has an effect on the specificity of the solid phase antibody. The sensitivity of the solid phase assay system has enabled us to develop a rapid method of determining if two monoclonal antibodies can bind to an antigen simultaneously. A quantitative theoretical model has been devised that successfully predicts the cooperative behavior observed between antibodies and should be useful in devising conditions that result in sensitive solid phase radioimmunoassays.  相似文献   

Three HLA-A2 variants, A2-DW, A2-KC, and A2-Lee, were identified in three Chinese donors using a panel of monoclonal antibodies. A2-DW was negative with two of the ten HLA-A2 monoclonal antibodies tested, whereas A2-KC was negative with five of the ten and A-2 Lee was negative with one.Epstein-Barr virus-specific cytotoxic T cells generated from the A2-DW donor recognized and killed target cells prepared from the A2-KC donor, but did not recognize target cells from HLA-A2.1, –A2.2, or –A2.4 donors. In isoelectric focusing studies, A2-DW and A2-KC focus in identical positions more acidic than the other HLA-A2 antigens tested.  相似文献   

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