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Protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation plays critical roles in stress responses in plants. This report presents a comparative characterization of the serine/threonine PP2A catalytic subunit family in Solanum tuberosum (potato) and S. lycopersicum (tomato), two important food crops of the Solanaceae family, based on the sequence analysis and expression profiles in response to environmental stress. Sequence homology analysis revealed six isoforms in potato and five in tomato clustered into two subfamilies (I and II). The data presented in this work show that the expression of different PP2Ac genes is regulated in response to environmental stresses in potato and tomato plants and suggest that, in general, mainly members of the subfamily I are involved in stress responses in both species. However, the differences found in the expression profiles between potato and tomato suggest divergent roles of PP2A in the plant defense mechanisms against stress in these closely related species.  相似文献   

多毛番茄(Solanum habrochaites)为重要的番茄种质资源, 其叶表存在大量次生代谢物质, 对多种虫害具有趋避或/和毒害作用。利用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)技术分析栽培番茄(S. lycopersicum ) 9706与3份多毛番茄(LA2329、LA1777和PI134417)材料叶表次生代谢物质。结果表明, 3份多毛番茄叶表可检测到的次生代谢物质种类和总含量均高于普通番茄, 同时多毛番茄亚种间次生代谢物质的种类和含量也存在差异。普通番茄叶表次生代谢物质为3种单萜和3种倍半萜类物质, 其中单萜和倍半萜类物质分别占次生代谢物质总量的60.3%和39.7%。多毛番茄LA2329和LA1777叶表倍半萜类物质的种类和含量较高, 有些萜类物质具有物种特异性。如LA2329中含量最高的α-姜烯, 其含量为2 409.1 μg·g–1; LA1777中含量较高的γ-榄香烯和E-β-法尼烯, 含量分别为573.3 μg·g–1和289.9 μg·g–1, 在其它番茄材料中未检测到这3种倍半萜类物质。PI134417中含量最高的是月桂酸乙酯, 其含量为5 312.8 μg·g–1, 在普通番茄中这一物质未见报道。PI134417中甲基酮类物质含量也较高, 其中2-十一烷酮和2-十三烷酮的含量分别为689.8 μg·g–1和1 459.7 μg·g–1。研究结果可为番茄种质资源利用和次生代谢物质开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

番茄复三螺旋基因响应外源激素和非生物胁迫的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复三螺旋(double trihelix)基因在植物形态建成和植株抗逆性方面发挥关键作用。该研究以番茄自交品种AC++为试验材料,运用生物信息学方法与qRT PCR技术对5个复三螺旋成员(SlGTL1~SlGTL5)在番茄体内不同器官的表达模式、以及基因对激素与非生物胁迫的响应进行表达分析,以探讨番茄复三螺旋基因的功能。结果表明:(1)生物信息学分析显示,番茄中含有5个复三螺旋基因(SlGTL1~SlGTL5);进化树分析表明,番茄复三螺旋基因具有物种特异性。(2)qRT PCR分析显示,番茄SlGTL3基因在根和茎中特异表达,其他4个基因均在果实中较高表达,表明不同番茄复三螺旋基因的表达具有组织特异性。(3)激素诱导表达结果显示,SlGTL1只响应ABA(1种)激素,而SlGTL5基因可响应4种激素,且速度较快。(4)非生物胁迫诱导证实,SlGTL3、SlGTL5基因可响应盐胁迫,SlGTL3~SlGTL5基因可响应极端温度,SlGTL3和SlGTL4基因可响应机械损伤;SlGTL1、SlGTL4和SlGTL5可响应脱水胁迫。研究认为,SlGTL3的功能可能与植株形态建成和非生物胁迫有关,其他4个基因的功能可能与果实的发育有关;推测SlGTL1可能与ABA信号途径有关,SlGTL5快速响应多种激素,可能位于信息传递的节点,其功能可能与信号传递有关。  相似文献   

Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum (formerly Lycopersicon esculentum), has long been one of the classical model species of plant genetics. More recently, solanaceous species have become a model of evolutionary genomics, with several EST projects and a tomato genome project having been initiated. As a first contribution toward deciphering the genetic information of tomato, we present here the complete sequence of the tomato chloroplast genome (plastome). The size of this circular genome is 155,461 base pairs (bp), with an average AT content of 62.14%. It contains 114 genes and conserved open reading frames (ycfs). Comparison with the previously sequenced plastid DNAs of Nicotiana tabacum and Atropa belladonna reveals patterns of plastid genome evolution in the Solanaceae family and identifies varying degrees of conservation of individual plastid genes. In addition, we discovered several new sites of RNA editing by cytidine-to-uridine conversion. A detailed comparison of editing patterns in the three solanaceous species highlights the dynamics of RNA editing site evolution in chloroplasts. To assess the level of intraspecific plastome variation in tomato, the plastome of a second tomato cultivar was sequenced. Comparison of the two genotypes (IPA-6, bred in South America, and Ailsa Craig, bred in Europe) revealed no nucleotide differences, suggesting that the plastomes of modern tomato cultivars display very little, if any, sequence variation. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Rüdiger Cerff]  相似文献   

番茄晚疫病是番茄生产中的主要病害之一,经常会造成较大的经济损失。晚疫病生理小种的变异和进化常会导致番茄品种原有的遗传抗性丧失,因此不断挖掘新的抗性基因,改良番茄晚疫病抗性是番茄抗病育种的长期任务。该研究采用BLAST同源比对的方法,以马铃薯野生近缘种的晚疫病抗性蛋白序列Rpi-blb2为种子序列,在NCBI蛋白质序列数据库中检索得到11条番茄蛋白质序列,这些序列与种子序列相似性为78%~83%,属于番茄疾病抗性蛋白家族,并对该家族成员进行了基因结构、基因定位、序列保守结构域和进化关系等分析。结果表明:该家族中10条序列分布在第Ⅵ条染色体上,1条分布在第Ⅴ染色体上;6号染色体上的10序列呈现2个抗病基因簇分布,在染色体上分别占据2个和3个基因位点;10条同源蛋白是Rpi-blb2的共同垂直同源蛋白,但不具有平行同源关系,大多数成员定位于细胞质。按照蛋白质保守结构域和基因定位的不同可分为三类,第一类共4条系列,包含有DUF3542和NB-ARC两个保守结构域特征序列;第二类共6条序列,与马铃薯Rpi-blb2蛋白一样,仅包含NB-ARC保守结构域特征序列,在这2类蛋白序列的NB-ARC结构域均位于序列中部;第三类(仅包含XP_004239406.1)虽然也具有与第一类蛋白相似的DUF3542和NB-ARC结构域,但在结构域两端的非保守区序列较短,且位于5号染色体上,因此将其单独归为1类。前两类蛋白成员相应的基因具有1~2个内含子,第3类蛋白不含内含子。该研究结果为利用生物技术选育番茄抗性品种提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Zhang  Yu-Yang  Qi  Mei-Fang  Sun  Jin  Zhang  Xiao-Hui  Shi  He-Li  Li  Han-Xia  Ye  Zhi-Biao 《Plant Molecular Biology Reporter》2009,27(3):400-406
The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) and its isoform, eIF(iso)4E, play important roles in protein translation and recently reported to be involved in plant–virus interactions. A cDNA encoding the tomato eIF(iso)4E was cloned based on a tentative consensus (TC170275) in TIGR (), and was designated as SleIF(iso)4E, with an open reading frame of 603 nucleotides encoding a protein of 200 amino acids. The calculated molecular weight of the SleIF(iso)4E protein was 22.85 kD, and the theoretical isoelectric point was 5.76. The amino acid sequence of SleIF(iso)4E showed 66–91% identity with eIF(iso)4Es in pepper, tobacco, pea and maize, and 44–51% identity with eIF4Es from other plants. The phylogenetic relationship and tertiary structure comparisons indicate that SleIF(iso)4E share high homology and strict conserved regions with other members of the eIF4E family, a characteristic of all members of this family. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR showed varying expression levels of SleIF(iso)4E in different tissues. By comparing eIF(iso)4E coding sequences between resistant and susceptible tomato genotypes, correlation between sequence variations and virus resistance was identified. These findings provide good grounds for future research on the role of SleIF(iso)4E in translation initiation and plant–virus interactions. Sequence data of SleIF(iso)4E from this article have been deposited at GenBank under accession number EU119958.  相似文献   

The age of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome duplication   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We estimate the timing of the Arabidopsis thaliana whole-genome duplication by means of phylogenetic and statistical analysis, and propose two possible scenarios for the duplication. The first one, based on the assumption that the duplicated segments diverged from an autotetraploid form, places the duplication at about 38 million years ago, after the Arabidopsislineage diverged from that of soybean (Glycine max) and before it diverged from its sister genus, Brassica. The second scenario assumes that the ancestor was allotetraploid, and suggests that the duplication is younger than 38 million years and may have contributed to the Arabidopsis-Brassica divergence. In each case, our estimate places the age of the genome duplication as significantly younger than previously reported.  相似文献   

Three knotted1-like homeobox genes in Arabidopsis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Five arabidopsis kn1-like homeobox genes were cloned through low-stringency screening of Arabidopsis cDNA libraries with the kn1 homeobox from maize. These five genes were named KNAT1-5 (for kn1-like Arabidopsis thaliana). An analysis of KNAT1 and 2 has been presented previously [19]. Here we present an analysis of the genes KNAT3, 4 and 5. On the basis of sequence and expression patterns, these three genes belong to the class II subfamily of kn1-like homeobox genes [16]. Low-stringency Southern analysis suggests several additional members of the class II genes exist in the Arabidopsis genome. The predicted amino acid sequences of the three genes share extensive homology outside of the homeodomain, including 84% between KNAT3 and KNAT4. Northern analysis shows that although all three genes are expressed in all tissues examined, the level of KNAT3 RNA is highest in young siliques, inflorescences and roots, KNAT4 RNA level is strongest in leaves and young siliques, and KNAT5 RNA level is highest in roots. The specificity of these patterns was confirmed by RNA fingerprint analysis. KNAT3 and 4 are light-regulated as they show reduced expression in etiolated seedlings and also in hy3, cop1 and det1 mutant backgrounds.  相似文献   

Few intraspecific genetic linkage maps have been reported for cultivated tomato, mainly because genetic diversity within Solanum lycopersicum is much less than that between tomato species. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), the most abundant source of genomic variation, are the most promising source of polymorphisms for the construction of linkage maps for closely related intraspecific lines. In this study, we developed SNP markers based on expressed sequence tags for the construction of intraspecific linkage maps in tomato. Out of the 5607 SNP positions detected through in silico analysis, 1536 were selected for high-throughput genotyping of two mapping populations derived from crosses between ‘Micro-Tom’ and either ‘Ailsa Craig’ or ‘M82’. A total of 1137 markers, including 793 out of the 1338 successfully genotyped SNPs, along with 344 simple sequence repeat and intronic polymorphism markers, were mapped onto two linkage maps, which covered 1467.8 and 1422.7 cM, respectively. The SNP markers developed were then screened against cultivated tomato lines in order to estimate the transferability of these SNPs to other breeding materials. The molecular markers and linkage maps represent a milestone in the genomics and genetics, and are the first step toward molecular breeding of cultivated tomato. Information on the DNA markers, linkage maps, and SNP genotypes for these tomato lines is available at http://www.kazusa.or.jp/tomato/.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne mayaguensis is a damaging root-knot nematode able to reproduce on root-knot nematode-resistant tomato and other economically important crops. In a growth chamber experiment conducted at 22 and 33°C, isolate 1 of M. mayaguensis reproduced at both temperatures on the Mi-1-carrying tomato lines BHN 543 and BHN 585, whereas M. incognita race 4 failed to reproduce at 22°C, but reproduced well at 33°C. These results were confirmed in another experiment at 26 ± 1.8°C, where minimal or no reproduction of M. incognita race 4 was observed on the Mi-1-carrying tomato genotypes BHN 543, BHN 585, BHN 586 and ‘Sanibel’, whereas heavy infection and reproduction of M. mayaguensis isolate 1 occurred on these four genotypes. Seven additional Florida M. mayaguensis isolates also reproduced on resistant ‘Sanibel’ tomato at 26 ± 1.8°C. Isolate 3 was the most virulent, with reproduction factor (Rf) equal to 8.4, and isolate 8 was the least virulent (Rf = 2.1). At 24°C, isolate 1 of M. mayaguensis also reproduced well (Rf ≥ 1) and induced numerous small galls and large egg masses on the roots of root-knot nematode-resistant bell pepper ‘Charleston Belle’ carrying the N gene and on three root-knot nematode-resistant sweet pepper lines (9913/2, SAIS 97.9001 and SAIS 97.9008) carrying the Tabasco gene. In contrast, M. incognita race 4 failed to reproduce or reproduced poorly on these resistant pepper genotypes. The ability of M. mayaguensis isolates to overcome the resistance of tomato and pepper genotypes carrying the Mi-1, N and Tabasco genes limits the use of resistant cultivars to manage this nematode species in infested tomato and pepper fields in Florida.  相似文献   

Continuous irradiation with blue light (400–500 nm) induces flower formation in plantlets of Arabidopsis thaliana (C24) while red light (600–700 nm) is ineffective. This observation started a search for genes that are activated by blue light and initiate the morphogenic programme leading to flower formation. Several genes were identified via their cDNAs. From these clone AthH2, with an open reading frame for a hydrophobic 30.5 kDa polypeptide, was selected for further characterization of the corresponding gene. From a genomic library a DNA fragment of about 6.4 kb was isolated, comprising the coding region as well as 5-upstream and 3-downstream flanking segments. The coding region is composed of four exons, which specify a polypeptide of 286 amino acids. Several potential regulatory elements were found between position –670 and –1140 including GA and ABA sequence motifs. The latter could account for the observed induction of the AthH2 gene by ABA. Southern blot analysis of Arabidopsis genomic DNA suggests that the AthH2 gene is encoded by a single-copy gene. Hydropathy plots and secondary structure analysis of the putative polypeptide predict six membrane-spanning domains implicating a function as transmembrane channel protein. It displays significant homology with the proteins TR7a of pea (82%) and RD 28 of A. thaliana (68%).  相似文献   

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea), carrot (Daucus carota), marigold (Tagetes patula), nematode-resistant tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), and strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) were grown for three years during the winter in a root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) infested field in Southern California. Each year in the spring, the tops of all crops were shredded and incorporated in the soil. Amendment with poultry litter was included as a sub-treatment. The soil was then covered with clear plastic for six weeks and M. incognita-susceptible tomato was grown during the summer season. Plastic tarping raised the average soil temperature at 13 cm depth by 7°C.The different winter-grown crops or the poultry litter did not affect M. incognita soil population levels. However, root galling on summer tomato was reduced by 36%, and tomato yields increased by 19% after incorporating broccoli compared to the fallow control. This crop also produced the highest amount of biomass of the five winter-grown crops. Over the three-year trial period, poultry litter increased tomato yields, but did not affect root galling caused by M. incognita. We conclude that cultivation followed by soil incorporation of broccoli reduced M. incognita damage to tomato. This effect is possibly due to delaying or preventing a portion of the nematodes to reach the host roots. We also observed that M. incognita populations did not increase under a host crop during the cool season when soil temperatures remained low (< 18°C).  相似文献   

【目的】评估环链虫草Cordyceps cateniannulata对植物促生和植物抗氧化酶活性的影响。【方法】本研究利用浸种法将环链虫草接种于番茄植物体,在接种后的第30天和60天,通过番茄株高、根长、地上和地下部分的干鲜重指标评价其对番茄生长的影响;在接种后第10、20、30、60和90天,通过选择性培养基分析其在番茄不同组织中的生存情况,使用形态学及DNA序列比对的方法检验所分离菌株与原有菌株的一致性。在处理后的第30天,检测番茄叶片中的过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及丙二醛(MDA)含量,观察环链虫草对番茄的抗氧化酶活性影响。【结果】环链虫草可定殖于番茄幼苗且对番茄生长有显著促进作用,菌株对植株的定殖偏好性分别为根部>茎部>叶部。酶活检测结果表明,处理组番茄叶片防御酶活性均呈显著升高的趋势,其中POD、CAT、SOD活性分别比对照增加了52.21%、75.31%和158.59%,MDA含量下降了35.15%。【结论】环链虫草可以通过浸种的方法感染并定殖番茄幼苗的根、茎、叶,促进番茄幼苗的生长并提高番茄抗氧化酶活性,具有较好的田间...  相似文献   

The efficacy of four biological nematicides on root-galling, root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) reproduction, and shoot weight of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) grown in stone wool substrate or in pots with sandy soil was compared to an oxamyl treatment and a non-treated control. In stone wool grown tomato, Avid® (a.i. abamectin) was highly effective when applied as a drench at time of nematode inoculation. It strongly reduced root-galling and nematode reproduction, and prevented a reduction in tomato shoot weight. However, applying the product one week before, or two weeks after nematode inoculation was largely ineffective. This shows that Avid® has short-lived, non-systemic activity. The effects of Avid® on nematode symptoms and reproduction on soil-grown tomato were only very minor, probably due to the known strong adsorption of the active ingredient abamectin to soil particles. The neem derived product Ornazin® strongly reduced tomato root-galling and nematode reproduction only in stone wool and only when applied as a drench one week prior to nematode inoculation, suggesting a local systemic activity or modification of the root system, rendering them less suitable host for the nematodes. This application however also had some phytotoxic effect, reducing tomato shoot weights. The other two products, Nema-Q™ and DiTera®, did not result in strong or consistent effects on nematode symptoms or reproduction.  相似文献   

In this study, in planta transformation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), using fruit injection and floral dip, is reported. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA 105 containing one of three constructs, i.e., pROKIIAP1GUSint (carrying the Apetala 1 [AP1] gene), pROKIILFYGUSint (carrying the LEAFY [LFY] gene), or p35SGUSint (carrying the β-glucuronidase [GUS] gene), was used for plant transformation. For fruit injection transformation, no significant effects (p > 0.05) of the construct used were observed. The highest frequency of transformation was obtained following 48-h incubation of tomato fruit with bacterial cells harboring either one of the three constructs; transformation frequencies of 17%, 19%, and 21% for AP1, LFY, and GUS gene constructs, respectively, were obtained. When fruit maturity was evaluated in fruit injection experiments, mature red fruit resulted in higher frequency of transformants than immature green fruit with 40%, 35%, and 42% for AP1, LFY, and GUS gene constructs, respectively. For floral dip transformation, a higher number of transformants was obtained when the GUS gene construct was used instead of either the AP1 or LFY gene construct, thus suggesting a possible inhibitory effect of the flowering genes used. When flowers were transformed prior to rather than following pollination, they yielded a higher transformation frequency, 12% for the LFY construct and 23% for the GUS construct (p < 0.05), although no transformant was obtained with the AP1 gene construct. All putative GUS-positive transformants were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction and confirmed for the presence of the transgene. Compared to control plants, transgenic plants carrying either the AP1 or LFY transgene flowered earlier and showed several different morphological characters.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne incognita is a parasitic root-knot nematode that causes considerable yield loss in a wide range of plants. In this study we documented the movement of adult female nematodes for more than 2 hr in micro-slices of infected tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and rose balsam (Impatiens balsamina) plants using light and video microscopy. Stylet thrusting was followed by short pumping actions of the esophagus, dorsal esophageal gland ampulla, and metacorpal bulb. Regular thrusting was normally accompanied by head turning and always preceded continuous stylet thrusting aimed at a single point (for 20 to 90 sec). Females often held the stylet in a protruded position, while pulsating the metacorpus bulb, for about 30 sec. Subsequently, the stylet was paused in a retracted position for 5 to 40 sec. This sequence of behavior took 290 to 380 sec to complete. The procedure developed in this study provides a useful cytological technique to investigate the interaction between root-knot nematodes and the giant cells formed by infected plants. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the head of the adult nematode was located in the narrow intercellular spaces among several giant cells. The anterior part of the head of the adult was folded like a concertina, whereas that of the second-stage juvenile was not. The labial disc and medial lips of second-stage juveniles seemed expanded and sturdy, whereas those of the adult were star-shaped, appeared to be contracted, and softer. These morphological differences in the heads of adult and second-stage juveniles are discussed with respect to their movement.  相似文献   

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