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Benthic invertebrates, litter decomposition, andlitterbag invertebrates were examined in streamsdraining pine monoculture and undisturbed hardwoodcatchments at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in thesouthern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Bimonthlybenthic samples were collected from a stream draininga pine catchment at Coweeta during 1992, and comparedto previously collected (1989–1990) benthic data froma stream draining an adjacent hardwood catchment. Litter decomposition and litterbag invertebrates wereexamined by placing litterbags filled with pine ormaple litter in streams draining pine catchments andhardwood catchments during 1992–1993 and 1993–1994. Total benthic invertebrate abundance and biomass inthe pine stream was ca. 57% and 74% that of thehardwood stream, respectively. Shredder biomass wasalso lower in the pine stream but, as a result ofhigher Leuctra spp. abundance, shredderabundance was higher in the pine stream than thehardwood stream. Decomposition rates of both pine andred maple litter were significantly faster in pinestreams than adjacent hardwood streams (p<0.05). Total shredder abundance, biomass, and production weresimilar in maple bags from pine and hardwood streams. However, trichopteran shredder abundance and biomass,and production of some trichopteran taxa such asLepidostoma spp., were significantly higher in maplelitterbags from pine streams than hardwood streams(p<0.05). In contrast, plecopteran shredders(mainly Tallaperla sp.) were more important inmaple litterbags from hardwood streams. Shredderswere well represented in pine litterbags from pinestreams, but low shredder values were obtained frompine litterbags in hardwood streams. Resultssuggest conversion of hardwood forest to pinemonoculture influences taxonomic composition of streaminvertebrates and litter decomposition dynamics. Although the impact of this landscape-leveldisturbance on invertebrate shredder communitiesappeared somewhat subtle, significant differences indecomposition dynamics indicate vital ecosystem-levelprocesses are altered in streams draining pinecatchments.  相似文献   

1. We compared fungal biomass, production and microbial respiration associated with decomposing leaves in one softwater stream (Payne Creek) and one hardwater stream (Lindsey Spring Branch). 2. Both streams received similar annual leaf litter fall (478–492 g m?2), but Lindsey Spring Branch had higher average monthly standing crop of leaf litter (69 ± 24 g m?2; mean ± SE) than Payne Creek (39 ± 9 g m?2). 3. Leaves sampled from Lindsey Spring Branch contained a higher mean concentration of fungal biomass (71 ± 11 mg g?1) than those from Payne Creek (54 ± 8 mg g?1). Maximum spore concentrations in the water of Lindsay Spring Branch were also higher than those in Payne Creek. These results agreed with litterbag studies of red maple (Acer rubrum) leaves, which decomposed faster (decay rate of 0.014 versus 0.004 day?1), exhibited higher maximum fungal biomass and had higher rates of fungal sporulation in Lindsey Spring Branch than in Payne Creek. 4. Rates of fungal production and respiration per g leaf were similar in the two streams, although rates of fungal production and respiration per square metre were higher in Lindsey Spring Branch than in Payne Creek because of the differences in leaf litter standing crop. 5. Annual fungal production was 16 ± 6 g m?2 (mean ± 95% CI) in Payne Creek and 46 ± 25 g m?2 in Lindsey Spring Branch. Measurements were taken through the autumn of 2 years to obtain an indication of inter‐year variability. Fungal production during October to January of the 2 years varied between 3 and 6 g m?2 in Payne Creek and 7–27 g m?2 in Lindsey Spring Branch. 6. Partial organic matter budgets constructed for both streams indicated that 3 ± 1% of leaf litter fall went into fungal production and 7 ± 2% was lost as respiration in Payne Creek. In Lindsey Spring Branch, fungal production accounted for 10 ± 5% of leaf litter fall and microbial respiration for 13 ± 9%.  相似文献   

Some streams near Dorset in south-central Ontario suffer from acid precipitation via run-off and seepage from thin soils with little buffering capacity. A spring-summer survey of eight headwater streams revealed some characteristics of their insect communities which could be correlated with pH. The streams could be divided into three groups according to pH and community structure. In the most acid group (annual pH range 4.3–4.8), Ephemeroptera were absent from two streams although mature Leptophlebia were collected just after spring thaw from the most acid one (pH 4.3–4.5). One of these three streams also lacked Plecoptera but the others had two or three genera, all shredders. The second group of three streams (pH 5.0–6.3), with one exception, did support Ephemeroptera (3–4 genera) and Plecoptera (1–4 genera), most of the latter being shredders. In all six of these acid streams, Trichoptera were more diverse and more dense than Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera; again, shredders were clearly dominant, especially the limnephilid caddisfly, Frenesia difficilis (Walker). These six streams also had similar chironomid communities (densities were an order of magnitude higher than other insects). Dominance by Chironomini and abundant Tanypodinae typified the most acid streams. In contrast, the two streams in the third group (pH 5.3–6.7) had richer and more balanced communities in general with relatively fewer shredders (no Frenesia), more collectors, and fewer Chironomini and Tanypodinae. As a field experiment showed that autumn-shed leaves decomposed more slowly in acid than in non-acid streams, summer-growing shredders may benefit from the pulse of acidity at snowmelt.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the effects of riparian plant diversity (species number and identity) and temperature on microbially mediated leaf decomposition by assessing fungal biodiversity, fungal reproduction and leaf mass loss. 2. Leaves of five riparian plant species were first immersed in a stream to allow microbial colonisation and were then exposed, alone or in all possible combinations, at 16 or 24 °C in laboratory microcosms. 3. Fungal biodiversity was reduced by temperature but was not affected by litter diversity. Temperature altered fungal community composition with species of warmer climate, such as Lunulospora curvula, becoming dominant. 4. Fungal reproduction was affected by litter diversity, but not by temperature. Fungal reproduction in leaf mixtures did not differ or was lower than that expected from the weighted sum of fungal sporulation on individual leaf species. At the higher temperature, the negative effect of litter diversity on fungal reproduction decreased with the number of leaf species. 5. Leaf mass loss was affected by the identity of leaf mixtures (i.e. litter quality), but not by leaf species number. This was mainly explained by the negative correlation between leaf decomposition and initial lignin concentration of leaves. 6. At 24 °C, the negative effects of lignin on microbially mediated leaf decomposition diminished, suggesting that higher temperatures may weaken the effects of litter quality on plant litter decomposition in streams. 7. The reduction in the negative effects of lignin at the higher temperature resulted in an increased microbially mediated litter decomposition, which may favour invertebrate‐mediated litter decomposition leading to a depletion of litter stocks in streams.  相似文献   

1. Allochthonous organic matter, in the form of senesced leaves, is a major source of carbon supporting detrital food webs. While studies have documented the role of bacteria and fungi in the decomposition of leaf litter, little information is available regarding the role of protists in the decomposition process. 2. We tested the hypothesis that the presence of stream‐dwelling bacterivorous protists leads to an increased rate of leaf decomposition through grazing pressure on bacteria. We isolated live protists from decomposing leaves collected in a stream in Northern Virginia, U.S.A. (Goose Creek) and established laboratory cultures of common bacterivorous protists. 3. Recently senesced leaves from the field were used in laboratory microcosm experiments to determine if the rate of litter decomposition differed between four treatments: bacteria only, bacteria + flagellates, bacteria + flagellates + ciliates, autoclaved stream water (control). We determined the dry weight of leaf remaining, bacterial abundance, flagellate abundance and ciliate abundance for each replicate on days 0, 7, 14, 30, 60 and 120. 4. The rate of leaf decomposition was significantly higher in treatments with protists than without and bacterial abundance declined in protist treatments compared with bacteria only treatment. Weight loss in the presence of flagellates was three to four times higher when protists were present compared with treatments with bacteria alone. These results provide experimental evidence that protists could play a significant role in the detrital processes of streams.  相似文献   

1. If species disproportionately influence ecosystem functioning and also differ in their sensitivities to environmental conditions, the selective removal of species by anthropogenic stressors may lead to strong effects on ecosystem processes. We evaluated whether these circumstances held for several Colorado, U.S.A. streams stressed by Zn. 2. Benthic invertebrates and chemistry were sampled in five second–third order streams for 1 year. Study streams differed in dissolved metal concentrations, but were otherwise similar in chemical and physical characteristics. Secondary production of leaf‐shredding insects was estimated using the increment summation and size‐frequency methods. Leaf litter breakdown rates were estimated by retrieving litter‐bags over a 171 day period. Microbial activity on leaf litter was measured in the laboratory using changes in oxygen concentration over a 48 h incubation period. 3. Dissolved Zn concentrations varied eightfold among two reference and three polluted streams. Total secondary production of shredders was negatively associated with metal contamination. Secondary production in reference streams was dominated by Taenionema pallidum. Results of previous studies and the current investigation demonstrate that this shredder is highly sensitive to metals in Colorado headwater streams. Leaf litter breakdown rates were similar between reference streams and declined significantly in the polluted streams. Microbial respiration at the most contaminated site was significantly lower than at reference sites. 4. Our results supported the hypothesis that some shredder species contribute disproportionately to leaf litter breakdown. Furthermore, the functionally dominant taxon was also the most sensitive to metal contamination. We conclude that leaf litter breakdown in our study streams lacked functional redundancy and was therefore highly sensitive to contaminant‐induced alterations in community structure. We argue for the necessity of simultaneously measuring community structure and ecosystem function in anthropogenically stressed ecosystems.  相似文献   

凋落物分解过程中土壤微生物群落的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凋落物分解是生态系统碳循环和营养物质循环的关键过程, 受多种因素共同影响。土壤微生物是影响凋落物分解的重要因素, 其群落组成在一定程度上依赖于所处植物群落的特征。因此, 研究分解过程中微生物群落组成的变化及其对植物多样性的响应, 有利于对凋落物分解机制的理解。本文采用分解袋野外原位分解的方法, 对凋落物分解过程中微生物群落的变化及其对所处森林环境中树木的种类和遗传多样性的响应进行了研究。结果表明: (1)凋落物分解183天后, 土壤中微生物群落的多样性降低, 并且森林群落的物种多样性与微生物群落多样性呈负相关关系; (2)凋落物分解前后, 土壤中真菌和细菌群落的磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)量均有所增加, 说明凋落物分解为微生物生存和繁殖提供了养分; (3)地形因素是影响微生物群落变化最显著的因素, 可解释微生物群落变化的29.55%; 其次是凋落物的基质质量, 可以解释15.39%; 最后是森林群落的多样性, 可以解释8.45%; 这3种因素共同解释率为2.97%。综上所述, 与森林群落的植物多样性相比, 样地的地形因素与凋落物的基质质量对微生物群落的影响更显著。  相似文献   

The involvement of ligninolytic and cellulolytic enzymes, such as laccase, lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase, carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase), and filter paper activity (FPA), in the decomposition process of leaf litter driven by 6 soil-inhabiting fungi imperfecti was studied under solid-state fermentations. All the tested fungi exhibited varied production profiles of lignocellulolytic enzymes and each caused different losses in total organic matter (TOM) during decomposition. Based on the results, the 6 fungi could be divided into 2 functional groups: Group 1 includes Alternaria sp., Penicillium sp., Acremonium sp., and Trichoderma sp., and Group 2 includes Pestalotiopsis sp. and Aspergillus fumigatus. Group 1, with higher CMCase and FPA activities, showed a higher decomposition rate than the fungi of Group 2 over the first 16 d, and thereafter the cellulolytic activities and decomposition rate slowed down. Group 2 showed the maximum and significantly higher CMCase and FPA activities than those of the Group 1 fungi during the later days. This, combined with the much higher laccase activity, produced a synergistic reaction that led to a much faster average mass loss rate. These results suggest that the fungi of Group 1 are efficient decomposers of cellulose and that the fungi of Group 2 are efficient decomposers of lignocellulose. During cultivation, Pestalotiopsis sp. produced an appreciable amount of laccase activity (0.56+/-0.09 U/ml) without the addition of inducers and caused a loss in TOM of 38.2%+/-3.0%, suggesting that it has high potential to be a new efficient laccase-producing fungus.  相似文献   

  1. Stream hydro-morphology refers to the heterogeneous distribution of hydrologic conditions that occur above a complex benthic surface such as a streambed.
  2. We hypothesised that hydro-morphological conditions will influence the retention, re-distribution, and microbial-driven decomposition of leaf litter inputs in stream ecosystems because each process varies with overlying water velocity.
  3. We tested this hypothesis using: (1) the spatial distribution of water velocity within a stream reach as a surrogate of stream hydro-morphology; (2) leaf tracer (i.e. Ginkgo biloba L.) additions with serial recovery to examine the relationship between benthic retention and overlying velocity; and (3) measurements of leaf litter decomposition (i.e. Alnus glutinosa [L.] Gaertn.) under different water velocity conditions.
  4. Results demonstrate that water velocity exerts a significant influence on the retention and re-distribution of leaf litter inputs within the reach. The observed range of water velocity (from c. 0 to 0.92 cm/s) also strongly influences the range of leaf litter decomposition rates (0.0076–0.0222/day).
  5. Our findings illustrate that water velocity influences leaf litter dynamics in streams by controlling leaf litter transport, retention and re-distribution as well as how leaves decompose within recipient stream reaches. Ultimately, the results show that the efficiency of leaf litter inputs in supporting stream ecosystem function is dependent on the hydro-morphological characteristics of the receiving stream ecosystems.

We examined whether the exposure of Quercus robur L. to elevated UV-B radiation (280–315 nm) during growth would influence leaf decomposition rate through effects on litter quality. Saplings were exposed for eight months at an outdoor facility in the UK to a 30% elevation above the ambient level of erythemally weighted UV-B radiation under UV-B treatment arrays of fluorescent lamps filtered with cellulose diacetate, which transmitted both UV-B and UV-A (315–400 nm) radiation. Saplings were exposed to elevated UV-A alone under control arrays of lamps filtered with polyester and to ambient radiation under unenergised arrays of lamps. Abscised leaves from saplings were enclosed in 1 mm2 mesh nylon bags, placed in a Quercus–Fraxinus woodland and were sampled at 0.11, 0.53, 1.10 and 1.33 years for dry weight loss, chemical composition and saprotrophic fungal colonization. At abscission, litters from UV-A control arrays had ≈ 7.5% higher lignin/nitrogen ratios than those from UV-B treatment and ambient arrays (P < 0.06). Dry weight loss of leaves treated with elevated UV-B radiation during growth was 2.5% and 5% greater than that of leaves from UV-A control arrays at 0.53 and 1.33 years, respectively. Litter samples from UV-B treatment arrays lost more nitrogen and phosphorus than samples from ambient arrays and more carbon than samples from UV-A control arrays. The annual fractional weight loss of litter from UV-B treatment arrays was 8% and 6% greater than that of litter from UV-A control and ambient arrays, respectively. Regression analyses indicated that the increased decomposition rate of UV-B treated litters was associated with enhanced colonization of leaves by basidiomycete fungi, the most active members of the soil fungal community, and that the frequency of these fungi was negatively associated with the initial lignin/nitrogen ratio of leaves.  相似文献   

1. Phyllosphere interactions are known to influence a variety of tree canopy community members, but less frequently have they been shown to affect processes across ecosystem boundaries. Here, we show that a fungal endophyte (Rhytisma punctatum) slows leaf litter decomposition of a dominant riparian tree species (Acer macrophyllum) in an adjacent stream ecosystem. 2. Patches of leaf tissue infected by R. punctatum show significantly slower decomposition compared to both nearby uninfected tissue from the same leaf, and completely uninfected leaves. These reduced rates of decomposition existed despite 50% greater nitrogen in infected tissues and may be driven by slower rates of decomposition for fungal tissues themselves or by endophyte–hyphomycete interactions. 3. Across a temperate forest in the Pacific Northwest, approximately 72% of all A. macrophyllum leaves were infected by R. punctatum. Since R. punctatum infection can influence leaf tissue on entire trees and large quantities of leaf litter at the landscape scale, this infection could potentially result in a mosaic of ‘cold spots’ of litter decomposition and altered nutrient cycling in riparian zones where this infection is prevalent.  相似文献   

1. Animals play a major role in nutrient cycling via excretory processes. Although the positive indirect effects of grazers on periphytic algae are well understood, little is known about top‐down effects on decomposers of shredders living on leaf litter. 2. Nutrient cycling by shredders in oligotrophic forest streams may be important for the microbial‐detritus compartment at very small spatial scales (i.e. within the leaf packs in which shredders feed). We hypothesised that insect excretion may cause local nutrient enrichment, so that microorganism growth on leaves is stimulated. 3. We first tested the effect of increasing concentration of ammonium (+10, +20 and +40 μg NH4+ L?1) on fungal and bacterial biomass on leaf litter in a laboratory experiment. Then we performed two experiments to test the effect of the presence and feeding activity of shredder larvae. We used two species belonging to the trichopteran family Sericostomatidae: the Palaearctic Sericostoma vittatum and the Neotropical Myothrichia murina, to test the effect of these shredders on fungal and bacterial biomass and decomposition on leaves of Quercus robur and Nothofagus pumilio, respectively. All experiments were run in water with low ammonium concentrations (2.4 ± 0.34 to 14.47 ± 0.95 μg NH4+ L?1). 4. After 5 days of incubation, NH4 concentrations were reduced to near‐ambient streamwater concentrations in all treatments with leaves. Fungal biomass was positively affected by increased ammonium concentration. On the other hand, bacteria abundance was similar in all treatments, both in terms of abundance (bacteria cells mg?1 leaf DW) and biomass. However, there was a tendency towards larger mean cell size in treatments with 20 μg NH4 L?1. 5. In the experiment with S. vittatum, fungal biomass in the treatment with insects was more than twice that in the control after 15 days. Bacteria were not detected in treatments with insects, where hyphae were abundant, but they were abundant in treatments without larvae. In the decomposition experiment run with M. murina, leaf‐mass loss was significantly higher in treatments with larvae than in controls. 6. Our hypothesis of a positive effect of shredders on fungal biomass and decomposition was demonstrated. Insect excretion caused ammonium concentration to increase in the microcosms, contributing to microbial N uptake in leaf substrata, which resulted in structural and functional changes in community attributes. The positive effect of detritivores on microbes has been mostly neglected in stream nutrient‐cycling models; our findings suggest that this phenomenon may be of greater importance than expected in stream nutrient budgets.  相似文献   

Variable effects of air-drying on leaching losses from tree leaf litter   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Leaching of soluble substances may be an important first step in leaf litter decomposition in small streams, but recent research has suggested that large leaching losses (up to 30% of initial mass in 48 h) may be an artifact created by using air-dried leaves in decomposition experiments. In laboratory experiments, we compared 3 d leaching losses from freshly fallen and air-dried senescent leaves of 27 tree species from different regions across Canada. Air-dried leaves from all species leached measurable amounts of original mass (3.6–32.8% dry mass), but leaching losses from fresh leaves (0–35%) were detectable in all but two species. Air-drying increased leaching losses in many species, but in others it reduced leaching losses or had no measurable effect. Results for leaves of the same species collected in different regions or in different years were generally similar, but species within the same genus often behaved very differently. Neither moisture content (fresh or air-dried), leaf thickness, nor cuticle thickness proved of any value as predictors of leaching losses or the effect of air-drying. The propensity of autumn-fallen leaves to leach, whether fresh or air-dried, appears to be a property of the individual tree species.  相似文献   

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