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The structure of the flagellar apparatus in the excavate flagellate Parabodo nitrophilus Skuja has been studied. Two smooth heterodynamic flagella emerge from the bottom of the flagellar apparatus. The kinetosomes connected by their proximal ends lie under an acute angle to each other and bear against the plate on the anteior wall of kinetoplast. The dorsal and ventral rootlets emerge from the kinetosomes and are transformed into dorsal and ventral bands. The latter accompanies the posterior flagellum. The MTR band begins inside the wall of the flagellar pocket. The upper part of the cytopharynx is armored by MTR and FAS bands, cross-banded fibril and structure, and additional microtubules. The MTR band and three additional microtubules surround the bottom part of cytopharynx. The mitochondrium contains compact kinetoplast and discoid cristae. The resemblance of Parabodo nitrophilus with other free-living kinetoplastids is discussed.  相似文献   

The reservoir cytoskeleton of Colacium Ehrenberg is formed of three bands of microtubules. The microtubules of the dorsal band (DMT) become doublets and are continuous with the longitudinal microtubules of the canal and, therefore, of the pellicle. A band of para-reservoir microtubules (PMT) acts as a linkage between the edges of the dorsal band at the formation of the canal. The third band of microtubules (MTR), more ventral, branches away from the reservoir-canal transition region and forms a supportive band for a pocket formed from the reservoir membrane. The outer part of the pocket membrane is closely invested with a fibrillar mesh. The pocket of Colacium, a green euglenoid, resembles structurally the cytopharynx of the colorless phagotrophic euglenoids, Isonema papillatum and the bodonid flagellates. The homologies support the hypothesis of euglenoid derivation from the kinetoplastid flagellates.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus and reservoir cytoskeleton of Cryptoglena pigra Ehrenberg are described. Three flagellar roots are associated with the two basal bodies. The four-membered dorsal root arises from the dorsal basal body and extends anteriorly following the reservoir membrane. At the base of the reservoir the dorsal root nucleates a large microtubular group termed the dorsal band. The dorsal band continues anteriorlhy between the reservoir and eyespot and is continuous with the microtubules of the canal and ultimately the pellicle. The ventral basal body is associated with two roots. The four-membered intermediate root proceeds anteriorly and extends the length of the reservoir. The seven-to eight-membered ventral root projects anteriorly along the reservoir membrane and bends away from the reservoir. At this point, the microtubules of the ventral root line a cytoplasmic pocket and are termed the MTR (reinforcing microtubules). The canal region is composed of longitudinal microtubules surrounded by two semicircles of microtubles. Ultimately, the fifteen ridges of the canal give rise to the pellicular ridges.  相似文献   

M A Farmer  R E Triemer 《Bio Systems》1988,21(3-4):283-291
The flagellar apparatus of euglenoids consists of two functional basal bodies, three unequal microtubular roots subtending the reservoir, and a fourth band of microtubules nucleated from one of the flagellar roots and subtending the reservoir membrane. The flagellar apparatus of some euglenoids may contain additional basal bodies, striated roots ("rhizoplasts"), fibrous roots, striated connecting fibers between basal bodies, layered structures, or various electron-dense connective substances. With the possible exception of Petalomonas cantuscygni, nearly all euglenoids are biflagellate although the length of one flagellum may be highly reduced. The flagellar transition zone and number of basal bodies are highly variable among species. In recent years a cytoplasmic pocket that branches off from the reservoir has been discovered. The microtubules of the ventral flagellar root are continuous with the microtubules which line this pocket. Based on positional and structural similarities, this structure is believed to be homologous with the MTR/cytostome of bodonids. Coupled with other ultrastructural and biochemical data, the fine structure of the flagellar apparatus supports the belief that the euglenoid flagellates are descendant from bodonid ancestors.  相似文献   

The ultrathin structure of the amoeboid flagellate Thaumatomonas coloniensis Wylezich et al. has been studied. The cell is surrounded by somatic scales forming on the surface of the mitochondria. The heterodynamic flagella emerge from the small flagellar pocket. Both flagella are covered by pineal scales and thin twisted mastigonemes. The kinetosomes lie parallel to each other. The transitional zone of the flagella carries the thin-walled cylinder. The transversal plate of the flagella is above the cell surface. The flagellar root system consists of three microtubular bands and a fibrillar rhizoplast. The vesicular nucleus and Golgi apparatus are of the usual structure. The mitochondria contain tubular cristae. The extrusive organelles (kinetocysts) contain amorphous material and a capsule; they are located in cytoplasm. The capsule consists of a muff and cylinder. Osmiophilic bodies of various shapes contain crystalloid inclusions. The pseudopodia capturing the bacteria emerge from the ventral groove. The groove is armored by the two longitudinal groups of the close situated microtubules. Microbodies and symbiotic bacteria have not been discovered. The resemblance of Th. coloniensis with other thaumatomonads is discussed.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus of Ploeotia costata Farmer and Triemer was reconstructed using serial sectioning and TEM. The flagellar apparatus is similar to other euglenoids having two flagella arising from basal bodies connected by a striated fiber, and three asymmetrically arranged roots. The flagella emerge subapically from between the two ventral pellicle strips. The dorsal flagellum is 1/2 the body length and actively pulls the cell, while the ventral flagellum is twice the body length and drags along the substrate surface. The ventral and dorsal roots are on the opposite sides of their respective basal bodies, while the intermediate root is associated with the ventral flagellum on the side closest to the dorsal basal body. The dorsal root lines the dorsal side of the reservoir and after giving rise to the dorsal band lines the right side of the reservoir/canal. The ventral and intermediate roots join at the reservoir forming the intermediate-ventral root, which lines the left and ventral sides of the reservoir/canal. There was no evidence of a microtubule-reinforced pocket in P. costata. Comparisons with Ploeotia vilrea, Lentomonas applanatum, and related flagellar apparatuses led to the conclusion that the basic euglenoid flagellar structure is symplesiomorphic but with enough variation to be taxonomically diagnostic.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the amoeboid flagellate Thaumatomonas zhukovi sp. is presented. The cell is covered by cell body scales that formed on the surface of mitochondria. Capturing bacteria, the pseudopodia emerge from the ventral groove, which is supported by two longitudinal microtubular bands. The heterodynamic flagella emerge from the small flagellar pocket. Both flagella are covered by cone-shaped scales and thin twisted mastigonemes. The transitional zone of the flagella contains a thin-walled cylinder. The transversal plate of the flagella rises above the cell surface. The kinetosomes lie parallel to each other. The flagellar root system consists of three microtubular bands and a fibrillar rhizoplast. The vesicular nucleus and the Golgi apparatus have typical structures. The cytoplasm contains microbodies and food vacuoles. Mitochondria contain tubular cristae. Extrusive organelles (kinetocysts), which contain amorphous material and a capsule, were found in the cytoplasm. The capsule consists of a theca and a cylinder. The resemblance of Thaumatomonas zhukovi to other thaumatomonads is discussed.  相似文献   

The freshwater green euglenoid Euglena anabaena var. minor has a pellicle with groove‐ridge articulation, a chloroplast with pyrenoids doubly sheathed by two paramylon caps, and a nucleus with permanently condensed chromosomes and nucleolus. The flagellar apparatus basically resembles that of Euglena. The dorsal root (DR) originates at the dorsal basal body of the emergent flagellum, while both the intermediate root (IR) and ventral root (VR) originate at the ventral basal body of the non‐emergent flagellum. The cytoplasmic pocket is associated with the ventral root/ reinforcing microtubular band. However, ultrastructural characterization of E. anabaena var. minor shows the pocket to consist of five to seven microtubules, and flagellar roots with microtubule configuration of 3–4–6 in the DR‐IR‐VR. The dorsal band microtubules pair at the reservoir‐canal transition level. The doublet microtubules are formed into triplets and doublets at the lower canal level and then make pellicular microtubules at the upper canal level.  相似文献   

In 1985, the existence of a cytoplasmic pocket formed from the reservoir membrane in the photosynthetic euglenoid Colacium was described. A band of reinforcing microtubules (MTR) derived from the ventral flagellar root lined the pocket, and a dense fibrillar mesh was associated with the membrane. A comparison of bodonid cytostomes, colorless euglenoid cytostomes, and the reservoir pocket found in Colacium suggested that the three structures were homologous and that photosynthetic euglenoids arose from phagotrophic ancestors. MTR/pockets have since been reported in other photosynthetic euglenoids, including Euglena, Eutreptia, Eutreptiella, Cryptoglena, Tetreutreptia, and Phacus. We found MTR/pockets in three additional taxa, Lepocinclis, Trachelomonas, and Strombomonas, thereby demonstrating the presence of this complex in representatives of all the major photosynthetic genera. A comparison of the MTR/pocket complex across genera indicated a reduction in structural complexity that was consistent with recent phylogenetic schemes based on molecular characters. Three alternative hypotheses of the origin of MTR/pockets in phototrophic euglenoids are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Phacus pleuronectes (O. F. Müller) Dujardin is a phototrophic euglenoid with small discoid chloroplasts, a flat rigid body, and longitudinally arranged pellicular strips. The flagellar apparatus consisted of two basal bodies and three flagellar roots typical of many phototrophic euglenoids but also had a large striated fiber that connected the two basal bodies and associated with the ventral root. The three roots, in combination with the dorsal microtubular band, extended anteriorly and formed the major cytoskeletal elements supporting the reservoir membrane and ultimately the pellicle. A cytoplasmic pocket arose in the reservoir/canal transition region. It was supported by the ventral root and a C-shaped band of electron-opaque material that lined the cytoplasmic side of the pocket. A large striated fiber extended from this C-shaped band toward the reservoir membrane. The striated fibers in the basal apparatus and associated with the microtubule-reinforced pocket in P. pleuronecte s appear to be similar to those of the phagotrophic euglenoids.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus and presumptive vestigial feeding apparatuses of a cold-water, photosynthetic, quadriflagellate euglenoid is described. The organism possesses two similar sets of flagella each consisting of one short and one long flagellum. Each pair of flagella is associated with three microtubular roots for a total of six roots in the basal apparatus. At the level of the ventral basal bodies, each intermediate root is nine-membered, while the ventral roots are composed of eight to nine microtubules. Only one of the ventral roots lines the single microtubule reinforced pocket. A four-membered dorsal root attaches to each dorsal basal body, and at the level of the reservoir each gives rise to a dorsal band. An additional bundle of microtubules, not arising from the microtubular roots of the basal apparatus, begins posterior to the basal apparatus as a small group of a few microtubules and extends anteriorly on the right ventral side of the reservoir ending at the canal. At the level of the stigma, the microtubules are organized into a multi-layered bundle that continues to increase in size and eventually splits to form two bundles at the level of the canal. We postulate that these bundles may represent the remnants of a rod-and-vane-type feeding apparatus like that found in many phagotrophic euglenoids.  相似文献   

Summary A short cylindrical pocket arises as an infolding from the ventral surface of the reservoir near the canal in several species ofEuglena (E. mutabilis, E. gracilis strain T,E. spec.). The structure is linked to a band of microtubules which is shown to be identical to the ventral flagellar root of the euglenoid flagellar root system. An absolute configuration analysis of the flagellar root system inE. mutabilis and a comparison with the flagellar apparatus of colourlessEuglenophyceae and the bodonids (Kinetoplastida) reveals structural and positional homology between the reservoir pocket ofEuglena and the cytostome of these organisms and strongly supports the phylogenetic derivation of theEuglenophyceae from theKinetoplastida and the evolution of greenEuglenophyceae from phagotrophic colourless taxa. The functional significance of the cryptic cytostome ofEuglena is discussed in relation to the occurrence of intracellular endosymbiotic bacteria.  相似文献   

Mesodinium rubrum Lohmann is a photosynthetic marine ciliate that has functional chloroplasts of cryptophyte origin. Little is known about the oral ultrastructure of M. rubrum compared with several reports on the sequestration of nuclei and plastids from prey organisms, such as Geminigera cryophila and Teleaulax species. Here, we describe the fine structure of the oral apparatus of a M. rubrum strain from Gomso Bay, Korea. The cytopharynx was cone‐shaped and supported by 20–22 ribbons of triplet microtubules. At the anterior end of the cytopharynx, an annulus anchored small cylinders composed of 11 microtubules. The small cylinders were spaced at regular intervals, each reinforced by one set of the triplet microtubules. At the opening of the cytostome, larger 14‐membered microtubular cylinders were set adjacent to the small, 11‐membered microtubular cylinders, each pair surrounded by separate membranes, however, only the large cylinders extended into the oral tentacles. There were 20–22 oral tentacles each having one to five extrusomes at its tip. At the anterior end of the oral apparatus, microtubular bands supporting the cytostome curved posteriad, extending beneath the cell cortex to the kinetosomes of the somatic cirri. The microtubular bands were connected by striated fibers and originated from kinetosomes anchored by fibers. Each cirrus consisted of eight cilia associated with 16 kinetosomes. The ultrastructure of M. rubrum from Korea provides information useful for taxonomic characterization of the genus Mesodinium and relevant to developing a better understanding of the acquisition of foreign organelles through phagocytosis by M. rubrum.  相似文献   

A new cryptobiid flagellates, Cryptobia udonellae sp. n., is described from the excretory channels of Udonella murmanica. The body of flagellates is spindle-shaped. The flagellar pocket is subapical. Two flagella emerge from the pocket. One flagellum turns anterior and is forward-directed; the other flagellum is directed posterior and close to the ventral cell surface. The ventral groove is well developed. The cytostome opens just anterior to the flagellar pocket. The cytostome leads to the short cytopharynx. In the excretory channel of worms the flagellates C. udonellae sp. n. are attached to microvilli of epithelium or lay free in the lumen. Both flagellates have been studied with TEM. The unusual parasite system which involves organisms of four different phylums of animals has been described for the first time.  相似文献   

对武昌六前鞭虫胞器的超微结构进行了观察,发现R鞭毛复合体的内下方有分散的微管,两根R鞭毛复合体之间和外方具少量的粗面内质网,而虫体周边分布较多.粗面内质同外周被发达的微管.生毛体与胞核之间有胞咽和小盾结构.胞质中有较多的食物泡,未见到线粒体、高尔基体和表膜下微管结构.另外对粗面内质网的结构、功能以及种的鉴定等方面也作了讨论.    相似文献   

《Journal of phycology》2001,37(Z3):45-45
Shin, W., Zimmermann, S. & Triemer, R. E. Department of Life Science, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA In 1985, Willey and Wibel described the existence of a cytoplasmic pocket formed from the reservoir membrane in Colacium. A band of microtubules derived from the ventral flagellar root (MTR) lined the pocket and a dense fibrillar mesh was associated with the membrane. A comparison of bodonid cytostomes, colorless euglenoid cytostomes, and the reservoir pocket found in Colacium suggested that the three structures were homologous and that photosynthetic euglenoids arose from phagotrophic ancestors. MTR/pockets have since been reported in other photosynthetic euglenoids including Euglena, Eutreptia, Eutreptiella, Cryptoglena, and Tetreutreptia. We now report on MTR/pockets in Lepocinclis, Trachelomonas, Strombomonas and Phacus thereby demonstrating the presence of this complex in representatives of all of the major photosynthetic genera. A comparison of the MTR/complex across genera indicates a reduction in structural complexity that is consistent with recent phylogenetic schemes based on molecular characters.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In the culture forms of the elasmobranch trypanosome Trypanosoma raiae is found a prominent cytopharyngeal complex. This consists of a group of 5 or 6 microtubules associated with a deep invagination of the cell membrane which arises from a cytostome near the opening of the flagellar pocket. This structure is a constant feature of the various epimastigote and trypomastigote forms that this flagellate has in culture. Replication of the cytopharyngeal apparatus is completed before cytokinesis.
Experiments using ferritin as an electron dense tracer show that endocytosis occurs from the blind ending of the cytopharynx both in the exponential and stationary phases of growth in vitro. Ferritin is transported from the cytopharynx by endocytotic vesicles to large, membrane-bound vacuoles in the posterior region of the cell. Ultrastructural location of non-specific acid phosphatase within these digestive vacuoles and also within the Golgi apparatus is reported.
Coated vesicles found in association with the flagellar pocket are another route of uptake of ferritin by T. raiae.  相似文献   

The three flagellar roots of Colacium Ehrenberg give rise to the three microtublar bands of the reservoir cytoskeleton. The dorsal root (DR) originates at the basal body (bb1) of the emergent flagellum. It is initiated on the left side of the cell, runs toward the right side under the posterior end of the reservoir and thence anteriorly in a spiral path over the dorsal surface of the reservoir until it terminates on the left side of the eyespot. Along its length, it appears to initiate a dorsal band (DB) which forms the major dorsal portion of the reservoir cytoskeleton—the dorsal microtubules (DMT). Two roots originate at the basal body (bb2) of the non-emergent flagellum. The ventral root (VR) runs up the left side of the cell and initiates the band of microtubules which forms part of the presumptive vestigial cytopharynx. Therefore, it forms the reinforcing microtubules (MTR) of Colacium. The intermediate root (IR) forms the para-reservoir microtubules (PMT). Flagellar root correlation with the reservoir cytoskeletal bands strengthens their homologies with the bodonid bands and further supports the hypothesis that the euglenoids are derived from the kinetoplastid flagellates.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the feeding apparatus in Ploeotia costata Farmer and Triemer was determined and compared to other euglenoid feeding apparatuses. The feeding apparatus opened subapically onto the ventral surface and extended nearly the entire length of the cell. It consisted of four parts at the anterior surface: a comb, cytostome/pocket, vanes, and supporting rods. The comb was a multilayered structure of three horizontal microtubular rows encased in cement and formed the dorsal lip of the apparatus. The cytostome/pocket was located between the comb and the supporting rods, tapered into the cell as the cytopharynx and was surrounded by five vanes. The electron-opaque vanes extended the entire length of the feeding apparatus and were lined with microtubules for most of their length. Finally, two cement supporting rods that were joined by a crosspiece at the anterior end formed the ventral lip. The rods separated briefly before merging with the vanes. As the merged rods and vanes descended into the cell, they gradually narrowed and terminated. Comparisons of the feeding apparatus with Ploeotia vitrea, Diplonema ambulator, Lentomonas applanatum, and other euglenoids have led to the conclusion that the Type II feeding apparatus is found only in Ploeotia species.  相似文献   

The flagellar apparatus of Pyrobotrys has a number of features that are typical of the Chlorophyceae, but others that are unusual for this class. The two flagella are inserted at the apex, but they extend to the side of the cell toward the outside of the colony, here designated as the ventral side. Four basal bodies are present, two of which extend into flagella. Four microtubular rootlets alternate between the functional and accessory basal bodies. In each cell, the two ventral rootlets are nearly parallel, but the dorsal rootlets are more widely divergent. The rootlets alternate between two and four microtubules each. A striated distal fiber connects the two functional basal bodies in the plane of the flagella. Two additional, apparently nonstriated, fibers connect the basal bodies proximal to the distal fiber. Another striated fiber is associated with each four-membered rootlet near its insertion into the flagellar apparatus. A fine periodic component is associated with each two-membered rootlet. A rhizoplast-like structure extends into the cell from each of the functional basal bodies. The arrangement of these components does not reflect the 180° rotational symmetry that is usually present in the Chlorophyceae, but appears to be derived from a more symmetrical ancestor. It is suggested that the form of the flagellar apparatus is associated with the unusual colony structure of Pyrobotrys.  相似文献   

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