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The introduction of multilocus sequence typing (MLST) for strain characterization provided the first sequence-based approach for genotyping many fungi, leading to reproducible, reliable, and exchangeable data. A MLST scheme based on the analysis of six housekeeping genes was developed for genotyping Geotrichum candidum. The scheme was first developed using 18 isolates for which the complete sequences of the alanyl-tRNA synthetase (ALA1), pyruvate kinase (CDC19), acetyl-coA acetyltransferase (ERG10), glutaminyl-tRNA synthase (GLN4), phosphoglucoisomerase (PGI1), and phosphoglucomutase (PGM2) housekeeping genes were determined. Multiple sequence alignments of these genes were used to define a set of loci showing, as closely as possible, the same phylogenetic resolution level as complete gene sequences. This scheme was subsequently validated with 22 additional isolates from dairy and non-dairy sources. Overall, 58 polymorphic sites were indexed among 3,009 nucleotides analyzed. Depending on the loci, four to eight alleles were detected, generating 17 different sequence types, of which ten were represented by a single strain. MLST analysis suggested a predominantly clonal population for the 40?G. candidum isolates. Phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated sequences revealed a distantly related group of four isolates. Interestingly, this group diverged with respect to internal transcribed spacers 1 (ITS1), 5.8S, and ITS2 analysis. The reproducibility of the MLST approach was compared to random amplification of microsatellites by PCR (RAM-PCR), a gel profiling method previously proposed for G. candidum strain typing. Our results found MLST differentiation to be more efficient than RAM-PCR, and MLST also offered a non-ambiguous, unique language, permitting data exchange and evolutionary inference.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - In the present study, 35 Leuconostoc mesenteroides strains isolated from vegetables and food products from South Korea were studied by multilocus sequence...  相似文献   

【目的】2株炭疽芽胞杆菌(Bacillus anthracis)17003-14和17003-32的多位点序列分型(Multilocussequence typing,MLST)研究。【方法】选取B.anthracis基因组7个常见管家基因位点glpF、gmk、ilvD、pta、pur、pycA和tpi进行PCR扩增、测序,与MLST数据库中的等位基因序列进行比对,确定菌株的序列型(sequence type,ST)。【结果】B.anthracis 17003-14和17003-32的等位基因编号分别为113、31、1、43、1、53、7和113、31、1、43、1、53、37,比对结果显示这2株细菌的等位基因编号组合未见报道。【结论】17003-14和17003-32为新ST菌株,已被MLST数据库确认,注册号(pubMLST id)分别为id-1053和id-1054。  相似文献   

Genetic traits of five Rickettsia prowazekii isolates, including the first from Africa and North America, and representatives from human and flying squirrels were compared using multilocus sequence typing. Four rickettsial genes encoding 17 kDa genus-common antigen (17 kDa gene), citrate synthase (gltA), OmpB immunodominant antigen (ompB) and 120 kDa cytoplasmic antigen (sca4) were examined. Sequence identities of 17 kDa gene and gltA were 100% among the isolates. Limited sequence diversity of ompB (0.02-0.11%) and sca4 (0.03-0.20%) was enough to distinguish the isolates, and evaluation of the combined four genes provided a method to easily differentiate R. prowazekii from other rickettsiae.  相似文献   

The gram-negative bacterium Haemophilus influenzae is a human-restricted commensal of the nasopharynx that can also be associated with disease. The majority of H. influenzae respiratory isolates lack the genes for capsule production and are nontypeable (NTHI). Whereas encapsulated strains are known to belong to serotype-specific phylogenetic groups, the structure of the NTHI population has not been previously described. A total of 656 H. influenzae strains, including 322 NTHI strains, have been typed by multilocus sequence typing and found to have 359 sequence types (ST). We performed maximum-parsimony analysis of the 359 sequences and calculated the majority-rule consensus of 4,545 resulting equally most parsimonious trees. Eleven clades were identified, consisting of six or more ST on a branch that was present in 100% of trees. Two additional clades were defined by branches present in 91% and 82% of trees, respectively. Of these 13 clades, 8 consisted predominantly of NTHI strains, three were serotype specific, and 2 contained distinct NTHI-specific and serotype-specific clusters of strains. Sixty percent of NTHI strains have ST within one of the 13 clades, and eBURST analysis identified an additional phylogenetic group that contained 20% of NTHI strains. There was concordant clustering of certain metabolic reactions and putative virulence loci but not of disease source or geographic origin. We conclude that well-defined phylogenetic groups of NTHI strains exist and that these groups differ in genetic content. These observations will provide a framework for further study of the effect of genetic diversity on the interaction of NTHI with the host.  相似文献   

Despite its importance as a human pathogen, information on population structure and global epidemiology of Staphylococcus epidermidis is scarce and the relative importance of the mechanisms contributing to clonal diversification is unknown. In this study, we addressed these issues by analyzing a representative collection of S. epidermidis isolates from diverse geographic and clinical origins using multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Additionally, we characterized the mobile element (SCCmec) carrying the genetic determinant of methicillin resistance. The 217 S. epidermidis isolates from our collection were split by MLST into 74 types, suggesting a high level of genetic diversity. Analysis of MLST data using the eBURST algorithm revealed the existence of nine epidemic clonal lineages that were disseminated worldwide. One single clonal lineage (clonal complex 2) comprised 74% of the isolates, whereas the remaining isolates were clustered into 8 minor clonal lineages and 13 singletons. According to our evolutionary model, SCCmec was acquired at least 56 times by S. epidermidis. Although geographic dissemination of S. epidermidis strains and the value of the index of association between the alleles, 0.2898 (P < 0.05), support the clonality of S. epidermidis species, examination of the sequence changes at MLST loci during clonal diversification showed that recombination gives rise to new alleles approximately twice as frequently as point mutations. We suggest that S. epidermidis has a population with an epidemic structure, in which nine clones have emerged upon a recombining background and evolved quickly through frequent transfer of genetic mobile elements, including SCCmec.  相似文献   

By amplifying and sequencing longer sequences, an extended multi locus sequence typing (EMLST) theme was developed for Brucella. 61 isolates were genotyped by the EMLST with increased resolution. This strategy could be extended to other bacteria to improve MLST genotyping resolution without additional loci.  相似文献   

Bacillus cereus strains from cases of severe or lethal systemic infections, including respiratory symptoms cases, were analyzed using multilocus sequence typing scheme of B. cereus MLST database. The isolates were evenly distributed between the two main clades, and 60% of them had allele profiles new to the database. Half of the collection's strains clustered in a lineage neighboring Bacillus anthracis phylogenetic origin. Strains from lethal cases with respiratory symptoms were allocated in both main clades. This is the first report of strains causing respiratory symptoms to be identified as genetically distant from B. anthracis. The phylogenetic location of the presented here strains was compared with all previously submitted to the database isolates from systemic infections, and were found to appear in the same clusters where clinical isolates from other studies had been assigned. It seems that the pathogenic strains are forming clusters on the phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   



Bacillus cereus is most commonly associated with foodborne illness (diarrheal and emetic) but is also an opportunistic pathogen that can cause severe and fatal infections. Several multilocus sequence typing (MLST) schemes have recently been developed to genotype B. cereus and analysis has suggested a clonal or weakly clonal population structure for B. cereus and its close relatives B. anthracis and B. thuringiensis. In this study we used MLST to determine if B. cereus isolates associated with illnesses of varying severity (e.g., severe, systemic vs. gastrointestinal (GI) illness) were clonal or formed clonal complexes.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of 35 Bacillus sphaericus strains was analyzed by a newly developed multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme, toxin gene pool survey, and mosquito bioassay. The results demonstrated that strains assigned to the same sequence type (ST) had the same occurrence of toxin genes. Further sequence analysis revealed that toxic strains presented a nearly clonal population structure, whereas nontoxic strains had a high level of heterogeneity and were significantly distinct from toxic strains.  相似文献   

There have been many efforts to develop Bacillus anthracis detection assays, but the problem of false-positive results has often been encountered. Therefore, to validate an assay for B. anthracis detection, it is critical to examine its specificity with the most closely related Bacillus isolates that are available. To define the most closely related Bacillus isolates to B. anthracis in our Bacillus collections, we analyzed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) the phylogeny of 77 closely related Bacillus isolates selected from 264 Bacillus isolates. The selection includes all the Bacillus isolates that have been shown in our previous studies to produce false-positive results by some anthrax-detection assays. The MLST phylogenetic analyses revealed that 27 of the non-B. anthracis isolates clustered within the B. anthracis clade, and four of them (three sequence types, STs) had the highest degree of genetic relatedness with B. anthracis, 18 (11 STs) had the second highest, and five (five STs) had the third highest. We anticipate that the inclusion of the 19 ST isolates when analyzing B. anthracis detection assays will prove to be useful for screening for their specificity to detect B. anthracis.  相似文献   

In the Indian subcontinent, infection with Leishmania donovani can cause fatal visceral leishmaniasis. Genetic variation in L. donovani is believed to occur rapidly from environmental changes and through selective drug pressures, thereby allowing continued disease occurrence in this region. All previous molecular markers that are commonly in use multilocus microsatellite typing and multilocus sequence typing, were monomorphic in L. donovani originating from the Indian subcontinent (with only a few exceptions) and hence are not suitable for this region. An multilocus sequence typing scheme consisting of a new set of seven housekeeping genes was developed in this study, based on recent findings from whole genome sequencing data. This new scheme was used to assess the genetic diversity amongst 22 autochthonous L. donovani isolates from Bangladesh. Nineteen additional isolates of the L. donovani complex (including sequences of L. donovani reference strain BPK282A1) from other countries were included for comparison. By using restriction fragment length polymorphism of the internal transcribed spacer 1 region (ITS1-RFLP) and ITS1 sequencing, all Bangladeshi isolates were confirmed to be L. donovani. Population genetic analyses of 41 isolates using the seven new MLST loci clearly separated L. donovani from Leishmania infantum. With this multilocus sequence typing scheme, seven genotypes were identified amongst Bangladeshi L. donovani isolates, and these isolates were found to be phylogenetically different compared with those from India, Nepal, Iraq and Africa. This novel multilocus sequence typing approach can detect intra- and inter-species variations within the L. donovani complex, but most importantly these molecular markers can be applied to resolve the phylogenetically very homogeneous L. donovani strains from the Indian subcontinent. Four of these markers were found suitable to differentiate strains originating from Bangladesh, with marker A2P being the most discriminative one.  相似文献   

To characterize 73 Staphylococcus aureus isolates from infections in an orthopedic hospital in Rio de Janeiro, we investigated the SCCmec types, the clonality by pulsed field gel electrophoresis and multilocus sequence typing, and the presence of virulence genes. Twenty-eight (38.3%) methicillin-resistant (16 SCCmec type IV and 12 type III) isolates were detected. Most (83.5%) of the isolates were included in five lineages: sequence type (ST) 239 (SCCmecIII), 1, 5, 30, and 1462 (SCCmecIV and/or methicillin-susceptible isolates). Virulence genes fnbB, bbp, and pvl were related to STs 239, 30, and 30/1462, respectively. Isolates from STs 1, 5, and 30 presented specific virulence profiles, irrespective of methicillin resistance.  相似文献   

Twelve isolates from jeotgal, a Korean high-salt-fermented seafood, identified as Staphylococcus equorum were compared by phenotypic and genotypic methods to determine their precise taxonomic identities at the subspecies level. Four strains and three strains had complete 16S rRNA gene sequence matches with S. equorum subsp. equorum DSM 20674T and S. equorum subsp. linens DSM 15097T, respectively. Five strains showed 99.9 % identity with the sequences of both type strains. In our DNA–DNA hybridization analyses among two type strains and two isolates, the similarities were over 72 % and were higher than the similarities presented at the subspecies proposal. Physiological characteristics such as sugar utilization, β-galactosidase activity, novobiocin resistance and salt tolerance, which were adopted for subspecies separation, could not be applied to assign the isolates to a taxonomic unit. Antibiotic susceptibility, hemolytic activity, biofilm formation and protein profiles did not present markers to divide the isolates into either of the subspecies. Multilocus sequence typing of the sequences of the 16S rRNA gene and five housekeeping genes did not produce any coherent relationship among the isolates and type strains. Repetitive element-PCR fingerprinting using ERIC (enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus) primers classified 12 isolates to three genotypes, and the genotypes of both type strains coincided with two isolates expressing different characteristics. Based on these phenotypic and genotypic analyses results, we propose to unify the present two subspecies of S. equorum into one species, S. equorum.  相似文献   

Feil EJ  Smith JM  Enright MC  Spratt BG 《Genetics》2000,154(4):1439-1450
Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) is a highly discriminatory molecular typing method that defines isolates of bacterial pathogens using the sequences of approximately 450-bp internal fragments of seven housekeeping genes. This technique has been applied to 575 isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae and identifies a number of discrete clonal complexes. These clonal complexes are typically represented by a single group of isolates sharing identical alleles at all seven loci, plus single-locus variants that differ from this group at only one out of the seven loci. As MLST is highly discriminatory, the members of each clonal complex can be assumed to have a recent common ancestor, and the molecular events that give rise to the single-locus variants can be used to estimate the relative contributions of recombination and mutation to clonal divergence. By comparing the sequences of the variant alleles within each clonal complex with the allele typically found within that clonal complex, we estimate that recombination has generated new alleles at a frequency approximately 10-fold higher than mutation, and that a single nucleotide site is approximately 50 times more likely to change through recombination than mutation. We also demonstrate how to estimate the average length of recombinational replacements from MLST data.  相似文献   

Repetitive-element PCR (rep-PCR) is a method for genotyping bacteria based on the selective amplification of repetitive genetic elements dispersed throughout bacterial chromosomes. The method has great potential for large-scale epidemiological studies because of its speed and simplicity; however, objective guidelines for inferring relationships among bacterial isolates from rep-PCR data are lacking. We used multilocus sequence typing (MLST) as a "gold standard" to optimize the analytical parameters for inferring relationships among Escherichia coli isolates from rep-PCR data. We chose 12 isolates from a large database to represent a wide range of pairwise genetic distances, based on the initial evaluation of their rep-PCR fingerprints. We conducted MLST with these same isolates and systematically varied the analytical parameters to maximize the correspondence between the relationships inferred from rep-PCR and those inferred from MLST. Methods that compared the shapes of densitometric profiles ("curve-based" methods) yielded consistently higher correspondence values between data types than did methods that calculated indices of similarity based on shared and different bands (maximum correspondences of 84.5% and 80.3%, respectively). Curve-based methods were also markedly more robust in accommodating variations in user-specified analytical parameter values than were "band-sharing coefficient" methods, and they enhanced the reproducibility of rep-PCR. Phylogenetic analyses of rep-PCR data yielded trees with high topological correspondence to trees based on MLST and high statistical support for major clades. These results indicate that rep-PCR yields accurate information for inferring relationships among E. coli isolates and that accuracy can be enhanced with the use of analytical methods that consider the shapes of densitometric profiles.  相似文献   

The Burkholderia cepacia complex (BCC) comprises at least nine closely related species of abundant environmental microorganisms. Some of these species are highly spread in the rhizosphere of several crop plants, particularly of maize; additionally, as opportunistic pathogens, strains of the BCC are capable of colonizing humans. We have developed and validated a multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme for the BCC. Although widely applied to understand the epidemiology of bacterial pathogens, MLST has seen limited application to the population analysis of species residing in the natural environment; we describe its novel application to BCC populations within maize rhizospheres. 115 BCC isolates were recovered from the roots of different maize cultivars from three different Italian regions over a 9-year period (1994-2002). A total of 44 sequence types (STs) were found of which 41 were novel when compared with existing MLST data which encompassed a global database of 1000 clinical and environmental strains representing nearly 400 STs. In this study of rhizosphere isolates approximately 2.5 isolates per ST was found, comparable to that found for the whole BCC population. Multilocus sequence typing also resolved inaccuracies associated with previous identification of the maize isolates based on recA gene restriction fragment length polymorphims and species-specific polymerase chain reaction. The 115 maize isolates comprised the following BCC species groups, B. ambifaria (39%), BCC6 (29%), BCC5 (10%), B. pyrrocinia (8%), B. cenocepacia IIIB (7%) and B. cepacia (6%), with BCC5 and BCC6 potentially constituting novel species groups within the complex. Closely related clonal complexes of strains were identified within B. cepacia, B. cenocepacia IIIB, BCC5 and BCC6, with one of the BCC5 clonal complexes being distributed across all three sampling sites. Overall, our analysis demonstrates that the maize rhizosphere harbours a massive diversity of novel BCC STs, so that their addition to our global MLST database increased the ST diversity by 10%.  相似文献   

Vibrio parahaemolyticus is an important human pathogen whose transmission is associated with the consumption of contaminated seafood. There is a growing public health concern due to the emergence of a pandemic strain causing severe outbreaks worldwide. Many questions remain unanswered regarding the evolution and population structure of V. parahaemolyticus. In this work, we describe a multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme for V. parahaemolyticus based on the internal fragment sequences of seven housekeeping genes. This MLST scheme was applied to 100 V. parahaemolyticus strains isolated from geographically diverse clinical (n = 37) and environmental (n = 63) sources. The sequences obtained from this work were deposited and are available in a public database (http://pubmlst.org/vparahaemolyticus). Sixty-two unique sequence types were identified, and most (50) were represented by a single isolate, suggesting a high level of genetic diversity. Three major clonal complexes were identified by eBURST analysis. Separate clonal complexes were observed for V. parahaemolyticus isolates originating from the Pacific and Gulf coasts of the United States, while a third clonal complex consisted of strains belonging to the pandemic clonal complex with worldwide distribution. The data reported in this study indicate that V. parahaemolyticus is genetically diverse with a semiclonal population structure and an epidemic structure similar to that of Vibrio cholerae. Genetic diversity in V. parahaemolyticus appears to be driven primarily by frequent recombination rather than mutation, with recombination ratios estimated at 2.5:1 and 8.8:1 by allele and site, respectively. Application of this MLST scheme to more V. parahaemolyticus strains and by different laboratories will facilitate production of a global picture of the epidemiology and evolution of this pathogen.  相似文献   

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