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Long-term data of large felids is important to understand their reproductive biology and behavior for effective conservation planning. We used camera trap data and direct sightings from 2005 to 2013 to estimate the age of the first parturition of Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris) in a semi-arid habitat in India. We monitored 11 females in the Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve (RTR) from when they were 2–6 months old. The mean age at first reproduction (impregnation leading to cubs) was 51.3?±?(SE) 4.5 months. The tiger population in RTR is an important source population and genetic pool in the western most distribution of tiger. Thus, continuous monitoring of tiger populations is important to develop an understanding of reproductive biology.  相似文献   

Panda  Debashish  Mohanty  Subham  Allen  Maximilian L.  Dheer  Arjun  Sharma  Ajay  Pandey  Puneet  Lee  Hang  Singh  Randeep 《Acta theriologica》2023,68(2):129-141
Mammal Research - Scavenging of carrion is an important ecological process that influences ecological communities and food webs. The competitive inter- and intra-specific interactions in...  相似文献   

1. Breeding sites of raptors were studied in relation to land-use and edge habitat using two different scales in semi-arid Mediterranean landscapes in south-eastern Spain. Habitat relationships were analysed using Generalized Linear Models.
2. The proportion of forest cover at a small scale was the best predictor for all species. At a larger scale, the proportion of forest cover was also a good predictor, and the amount of edge habitat between forest and extensive agriculture was a very good predictor of booted and short-toed eagle densities.
3. Models for sedentary species of raptor were similar using both scales whereas trans-Saharan migrant raptors seemed to be more sensitive to larger landscape features that included longer edges between forest and extensive agriculture.
4. Habitat mosaics created by forestry and traditional farming were especially important for Mediterranean raptors. Strengthening of the Agri-environmental Regulation (2078/92) will be necessary to compensate for agricultural intensification proposals promoted under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).  相似文献   

The huemul Hippocamelus bisulcus is an endangered species of deer occupying temperate woodland habitats in the Andes of southern Chile and Argentina. Continuing declines due to a combination of hunting and habitat loss have created a need for more conservation measures. However, current information on ranging behaviour, dispersal and seasonal movements is very limited. Three sites were therefore selected in Aysén, Chilean Patagonia, to study the movements and habitat associations of huemul. Although seasonal migrations in elevation had been reported previously for the species, we found the extent of seasonal movement limited, much less than that reported for other deer species in mountainous environments. Huemul selected mid-slope elevations, and the winter ranges of most animals overlapped summer ranges. The extent of the seasonal movements that were undertaken were, however, the greatest at the highest site and insignificant at the lowest site. Previously published information shows that habitats used by huemul follow a latitudinal gradient in elevation (reducing c . 100 m °S−1 in latitude), and our results suggest that seasonal movements are likely to be greater in sites above this line. The mean range size differed between sites, ranging from 357 to 656 ha (mean 444 ha; median 506 ha). These estimates excluded long-distance (>5 km) movements, which were infrequent.  相似文献   

Water quality samples were obtained monthly or bimonthly 17 times from May 1974 to May 1975 at three stations in Delaware Bay. In addition, two 12-hour cruises were also conducted at one station in February and April 1975. Surface and bottom water samples were taken. Measurements and analyses included temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, silicate, nitrate and nitrite, orthophosphate, ammonia, chlorophylls a, b, and c, phaeopigments, and carotenoids. The annual pattern of temperature was typical of an estuary in the mid-Atlantic Bight. Salinity and dissolved oxygen ranged from 22.9 to 29.7‰ and from 4.53 to 8.53 ml/l, respectively. Nutrient and pigment values showed seasonal peaks. Silicate (30.3 μg-at/1) and orthosphate (1.59 μg-at/1) were highest in September. Highest concentrations of ammonia were commonly measured in July (6.80 μg-at/1) and September (5.13 μg-at/1), and peak concentrations of nitrate and nitrite were recorded in January (24.27 μg-at/l), February (18.2 μg-at/1), and May (16.37 μg-at/1). Peak concentrations of chlorophyll a were measured in August (17.2 μg-at/1), October (15.70 μg-at/1), and March (15.33 μg-at/1). In general, the annual pattern for chlorophylls b and c were similar to chlorophyll a. Comparison with other estuaries and bays (Narrangansett Bay, Long Island Sound, Raritan Bay, and Chesapeake Bay) indicated that concentrations of nutrients and pigments in Delaware Bay were generally similar in magnitude and seasonality, These are the first set of seasonal water quality data for lower Delaware Bay.  相似文献   

The density of a Japanese serow (Capricornis crispus) population, which has been in stable habitat conditions and free from hunting and predation, was investigated by direct observation of serows at Kusoudomari (336 ha), Wakinosawa village, Aomori Prefecture, Japan, during 1977–89. The vegetation, composed of mature mixed forest ofThujopsis with deciduous trees (43.2%), secondary forest of deciduous trees (23.4%) and a plantation of coniferous trees (30.0%) showed little change during the study period. The serows were counted 17 times each winter for 14 consecutive years. The serow population maintained a stable density with a mean of 12.5 individuals km−2 (SD=1.4) ranging from 8.6 to 14.6 km−2. The ratio of the proportion of kids (<1 year old) to serows more than 1 year old decreased, but density did not decrease during the study period. Though extremely severe winters with heavy snowfall in 1984–86 caused a decline in serow density, the density recovered within a few years. It was considered that the stability of the serow density resulted mainly from the stable food supply and the lack of human disturbance, such as forest cutting in the habitat. Stable population density for a long period is probably related to the social organization of the serow.  相似文献   

The preservation of remaining semi-natural grasslands in Europe has a high conservation priority. Previously, the effects of artificial fertilisation and grazing intensity on grassland animal and plant taxa have been extensively investigated. In contrast, little is known of the effects of tree and shrub cover within semi-natural grasslands and composition of habitats in the surrounding landscape on grassland taxa. We evaluated the effect that each of these factors has on species richness and community structure of vascular plants, butterflies, bumble bees, ground beetles, dung beetles and birds surveyed simultaneously in 31 semi-natural pastures in a farmland landscape in south-central Sweden. Partial correlation analyses showed that increasing proportion of the pasture area covered by shrubs and trees had a positive effect on species richness on most taxa. Furthermore, species richness of nectar seeking butterflies and bumble bees were negatively associated with grazing intensity as reflected by grass height. At the landscape level, species richness of all taxa decreased (butterflies and birds significantly so) with increasing proportion of urban elements in a 1-km2 landscape area centred on each pasture, while the number of plant and bird species were lower in landscapes with large proportion of arable fields. Our results differed markedly depending on whether the focus was on species richness or community structure. Canonical correspondence analyses (CCA) showed that the abundance of most taxa was ordered along a gradient describing tree cover within pastures and proportion of arable fields in the landscape. However, subsets of grassland birds and vascular plants, respectively, showed markedly different distribution patterns along axis one of the CCA. In contrast to current conservation policy of semi-natural pastures in Sweden, our results strongly advise against using a single-taxon approach (i.e., grassland vascular plants) to design management and conservation actions in semi-natural pastures. Careful consideration of conservation values linked to the tree and shrub layers in grasslands should always precede decisions to remove trees and shrubs on the grounds of promoting richness of vascular plants confined to semi-natural grasslands. Finally, the importance of landscape composition for mobile organisms such as birds entails that management activities should focus on the wider countryside and not exclusively on single pastures.  相似文献   

Counts on Swainson's spurfowl Pternistis swainsonii were made during 1998–1999 within an intensive, fine‐grained, agricultural landscape to estimate population parameters, seasonal dispersion and habitat preferences. Radio‐transmitters were fitted to four birds to note habitat use and home ranges within the Summer breeding season. During Winter, population densities peaked, and birds exploited agricultural crops extensively. At the onset of Spring, densities dropped as birds paired to establish non‐overlapping breeding territories over a number of habitats with apparently sufficient cover and ‘natural’ food. Expanding grazed grassland appears to be the greatest threat to Swainson's spurfowl due to a lack of cover and food. The matrix of habitats within the landscape plays important roles in the success of this opportunistic spurfowl. Agricultural crops in the Winter sustain the population until the following Summer when natural savanna and ungrazed grasslands provide complementary foraging, nesting and roosting sites.  相似文献   

1. Pulsed food resources are often considered equivalent in their potential impact on the reproduction and population dynamics of consumers, but differences in the attributes of food pulses and their distribution in the landscape may cause differences in their effects. 2. We tested whether a perishable pulsed resource (periodical cicadas, Magicicada spp.) had similar effects on the population dynamics of a generalist forest rodent, Peromyscus leucopus, as have been reported for a cacheable pulsed resource (acorn mast). 3. Because the availability of periodical cicadas may vary between edge and interior habitat, we also tested whether habitat type (edge vs. interior) and fragment size affected the abundance of cicadas and P. leucopus. 4. Nearly 90% of the variation in the relative population densities of P. leucopus was explained by the variation in the relative densities of periodical cicadas, and fragments with more cicadas tended to have more reproductive female mice and litters. 5. We found more cicadas and more P. leucopus in edge than interior habitat, but no differences in the relative densities of either in relation to fragment size. 6. Data from a non-emergence year revealed no differences other than the presence of periodical cicadas that could explain the 50% higher relative densities of P. leucopus in the emergence year. 7. At the beginning of the emergence of periodical cicadas, the three fragments with the highest numbers of emergence holes had three times more mice than the fragments with the lowest numbers of emergence holes, suggesting that P. leucopus is able to anticipate the emergence of periodical cicadas and increase reproduction prior to the pulse. 8. Hence, despite differences in perishability, seasonal timing and nutritional quality of pulsed food resources in a fragmented landscape, they appear to have similar positive effects on the population dynamics of the generalist rodent, P. leucopus and, in fact, P. leucopus may be able to anticipate resource pulses.  相似文献   

Western India experiences arid to dry subhumid ecoclimate. Aridity increases from east to west to the Great Indian Desert or Thar Desert. The desert economy is animal based and goats are the most common livestock; density of goats increases with increase in aridity. There are large morphological variations in goats warranting the recognition of population differences throughout the region. The present investigations were therefore undertaken to see whether there are population differences and, if so, to establish the populations on a sound ecological basis. Eleven physical measurements of the animals were made in the fields of western India in a total of 518 animals (255 adults). Five populations were initially segregated by means of a scatter diagram. Population differences were confirmed by mathematical treatments using analysis of variance (one-way and two-way) and Students-Newman-Keuls test, which yields a critical comparison among means. Discriminant analysis was used to determine whether the goat populations differed significantly between the five climo-edaphic-vegetational zones. Each population was designated according to the locality having the greatest density as: POP1Ku, POP2Sa, POP3Jh, POP4Ga, POP5Pa. The five populations occurring in distinct climo-edaphic-vegetational zones or ecological niches in western India may be referred to as ecotypes.  相似文献   

Prior studies of the evolution of species' niches and ranges have identified the importance of within-population genetic variance, migration rate, and environmental heterogeneity in determining evolutionarily stable patterns of species' range and habitat use. Different combinations of these variables can produce either habitat specialists or generalists and cause either stable range limits or unbounded expansion. We examine the effect of density regulation on a species' range and habitat use within a landscape comprised of two discrete habitats and along continuous environmental gradients. Using the theta-logistic formulation, we demonstrate the following. (1) Spatially uniform density regulation generally weakens gene swamping and opposes habitat specialization and range limitation. (2) The form of density regulation should play an important role in determining whether the equilibrium species' range is limited by gene flow. (3) Even when no long-term limited-range equilibrium occurs, quasi-stable (or even contracting) range limits may be maintained for a long period during the initial phases of an invasion; the length of this period depends on the form of density regulation. (4) The steady state invasion speed in heterogeneous environments depends on the form of density regulation. Implications for the study of biological invasions are discussed, and directions for further exploration are sketched.  相似文献   

The ecology of a species strongly influences genetic variation and population structure. This interaction has important conservation implications because taxa with low dispersal capability and inability to use different habitats are more susceptible to anthropogenic stressors. Ocelots (Leopardus pardalis albescens) and bobcats (Lynx rufus texensis) are sympatric in Texas and northeastern Mexico; however, their ecology and conservation status are markedly different. We used 10 microsatellite loci and a 397-bp segment of the mitochondrial control region to examine how historical and ecological differences in these two species have influenced current patterns of genetic diversity in a landscape heavily altered by anthropogenic activities. Substantially higher genetic diversity (heterozygosity and haplotype diversity) and population connectivity was observed for bobcats in comparison to ocelots. The level of divergence among proximate ocelot populations (<30 km) was greater than between bobcat populations separated by >100 km. Ocelot populations in the US have never recovered from reductions experienced during the twentieth century, and their low genetic variation and substantial isolation are exacerbated by strong preference for dense native thornshrub and avoidance of open habitat. In contrast, despite continued legal harvesting and frequent road-related mortality, bobcats have maintained wide distribution, high abundance, and population connectivity. Our study illustrates that sympatric species with a similar niche can still have sufficient ecological differences to alter their response to anthropogenic change. Sensitive species, such as the ocelot, require additional conservation actions to sustain populations. Ecological differences among species occupying a similar guild are important to consider when developing conservation plans.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(3):176-182
Rapid changes in agricultural landscape structure and composition affect many different farmland biotas, including carnivores, which are a key element of ecosystem stability, yet little is known about their distribution and habitat use. In this study, we evaluated how habitat characteristics on two different spatial scales (local and landscape scale) affected the forest-edge utilization by small and medium-sized carnivores in fragmented central European farmland. Based on an indirect method for detecting carnivores (scent stations), we sampled 212 forest fragments of different sizes (1–7864 ha) during April to May from 2006 to 2009. Our results indicate that carnivore utilization of forest-edge habitats was driven by landscape rather than local characteristics even though the overall extent of explained variation was small. The most important factors that determined response of the carnivore community were the area of farmland and that of urban land on a landscape scale. The corridor connectivity between small forest fragments and other spatial elements played a crucial role in the occurrence of red fox. Our results suggest that comprehensive studies on multi-species carnivore assemblage using scent station might be useful in evaluating species-specific response to habitat characteristics, especially if large numbers of stations visited by carnivores are available.  相似文献   

Grass tillers grow by addition of modular units known as phytomers. Differences in phytomer organ size produce subindividual variation with potential adaptive value. Here, patterns in organ mass along tillers in the invasive annual Microstegium vimineum are related to habitat and tiller architecture. In an earlier study, seed families were collected from two populations: one from a sunny, woodland edge and the other from a shady understory in New Jersey, USA. Plants from these seeds were grown in a greenhouse. Phytomers along primary tillers were divided into culms, leaves, and cleistogamous or chasmogamous spikelets and seeds, dried and weighed. These data were used to examine the quantitative genetics of subindividual variation among families and populations, and the relationship of tiller fitness (based on total seed mass) to the mean or subindividual variance of phytomer traits. Phytomer position along a tiller was the major determinant of organ mass. Leaf mass increased from basal to upper nodes; cleistogamous reproductive mass decreased from upper to lower nodes. Phytomer organs were heaviest in the population from the sunny habitat. Family explained < 18% of variation in organ mass. Tiller fitness was positively correlated with mean culm, and leaf mass, but negatively correlated with coefficients of variation. Field‐collected tillers showed evidence of selection for increased leaf mass. Subindividual variation in M. vimineum is mostly due to phytomer position along a tiller and the prevailing light environment. Differentiation between sunny and shady populations suggests selection favors heavier phytomer leaves and culms, especially in the shady understory where this species is most invasive.  相似文献   

In the forests of northern Fennoscandia during the I980's, the dynamics of microtine rodents changed from multiannual high amplitude fluctuations (cycles) to, depending on species, fluctuations with a strong seasonal component or fluctuations with smaller amplitude and lower frequency. Microtine and predator data from the Pallasjarvi area, Finnish Lapland, suggest that this transition took place at different rates in different parts of the taiga landscape. Generally, densities in forest habitats have been primarily seasonal since 198S-86. In mesic spruce taiga and in drier forest habitats microtines had a prolonged peak in 1981-83 and a crash in 1984-83. At the timberline, however, microtine populations dropped from peak to low densities already in 1982-83 but the final crash did not occur until spring 1985. The synchronous decrease in microtines densities in all habitat types in 1984-85 coincided with increase in weasel activity. Activity of other carnivores was consistently high in mesic lowland habitats. The data support following three conjectures. 1) Periodic abundance of least weasels is crucial for sustained vole cycles. 2) Predominance of stoats and other generalist predators lead to less regular fluctuations with a strong seasonal component where density declines occur in autumn and early winter. 3) In barren tundra areas, the vegetation cannot sustain high densities of microtines and. consequently, predation is not a necessary condition for population crashes.  相似文献   

Most studies on the biological impact of climate change have focussed on incremental climate warming, rather than extreme events. Yet responses of species’ populations to climatic extremes may be one of the primary drivers of ecological change. We assess the resilience of individual populations in terms of their sensitivity to‐ and ability to recover from‐ environmental perturbation. We demonstrate the method using a model species, the ringlet butterfly Aphantopus hyperantus, and analyse the effects of an extreme drought event using data from 79 British sites over 10 yr. We find that populations crashed most severely in drier regions but, additionally, the landscape structure around sites influenced population responses. Larger and more connected patches of woodland habitat reduced population sensitivity to the drought event and also facilitated faster recovery. Having enough, sufficiently connected habitat appears essential for species’ populations to be resilient to the increased climatic variability predicted under future scenarios.  相似文献   

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