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Embryonic stem (ES) cell lines represent a population of undifferentiated pluripotent cells capable of multilineage differentiation in vitro. Although very useful for studying developmental processes, human ES cell lines have also been suggested as a potential and unlimited source for cellular transplantation and the treatment of human disease. The proteomic basis of embryonic stemness (pluripotentiality and multilineage differentiation) and the transitions that lead to specific cell lineages however, remain to be defined. As an important first step in defining these processes, we have performed a proteomic analysis of undifferentiated mouse R1 ES cell lines using pH 3-10, 4-7 and 6-11 two-dimensional electrophoresis gels, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization and tandem mass spectrometry. Of the 700 gel spots analyzed, 241 distinct protein species were identified corresponding to 218 unique proteins, with a significant proportion functionally related to protein expression.  相似文献   

We have developed a procedure for two-dimensional separation of small-molecular-weight (9000–30,000), acidic (pI 4–6) proteins that allows the use of strips cut from horizontal isoelectric-focusing slab gels for the first dimension, and discontinuous gels containing sodium dodecyl sulfate and high concentrations of urea in the second dimension. This technique facilitates the screening of large numbers of samples and the evaluation of electrofocusing artifacts. We emphasize measures to prevent major problems encountered in the use of this technique, particularly those caused by diffusion and aggregation. We also describe an extension of the method which allows the two-dimensional comparison of many samples in a selected narrow pH zone of interest.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of membrane proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) is one of the most powerful separation techniques for complex protein solutions. The proteins are first separated according to their isoelectric point, driven by an electric field across a pH gradient. The pH gradient necessary for the separation according to isoelectric point (pL) is usually established by electrophoresing carrier ampholytes prior to and/or concomitantly with the sample. The second dimension is usually a separation according to molecular size. Mostly this separation is performed after complete denaturation of the proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate and 2-mercaptoethanol (SDS-PAGE). This standard method has considerable disadvantages when relatively hydrophobic membrane proteins are to be separated: cathodic drift, resulting in nonreproducible separation, and the denaturation of the protein, mostly making it impossible to detect native properties of the proteins after separation (e.g., enzymatic activity, antigenicity, intact multimers, and so on). The protocols presented here take care of most of these obstacles. However, there is probably no universal procedure that can guarantee success at first try for any mixture of membrane proteins; some experimentation will be necessary for optimization. Two procedures are each presented: a denaturing (with urea) and a nondenaturing method for IEF in immobilized pH gradient gels using Immobilines, and a denaturing (with SDS and 2-mercaptoethanol) and a nondenaturing technique (with CHAPS) for the second dimension. Essential tips and tricks are presented to keep frustrations of the newcomer at a low level.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) methods have been used to provide high-resolution separation of wool intermediate filament proteins (IFPs). An improved method of extraction was developed based on a previously published method. The improved method for extraction eliminates the use of dialysis and freeze-drying between the extraction and rehydration steps, allowing the extraction and rehydration for the first dimension gel to be achieved in one day. Improvements to the method for maintaining reducing conditions and chaotrope constitution, combined with low %T polyacrylamide gels, allowed the high-resolution separation of the two keratin IFP families and their individual family members. The IFPs were separated to produce a clearly defined spot pattern of higher intensity, with numerous minor spots not previously observed, and a marked improvement in the vertical resolution. Further work to analyse the composition of each of the protein spots has been made much easier by being able to separate the IFPs into discrete spots.  相似文献   

An examination has been made of the effect which temperature of solubilization has upon the subsequent migration in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of proteins from the cell envelopes of Escherichia coli K12 and Neisseria sicca ATCC 9913. Conventional electrophoresis in tubes revealed substantial differences in the staining patterns of gels, depending upon whether the envelope samples were solubilized at 37 degrees C or 100 degrees C; in the case of N. sicca at least 6 of 13 discernible bands displayed heat-modifiable behavior. The relationship of the bands produced by each of the two temperatures was investigated by a two-dimensional electrophoresis procedure, in which a sample was solubilized at 37 degrees C and run in a usual cylindrical gel; the entire gel was then resolubilized at 100 degrees C, and laid along an acrylamide slab for electrophoresis in the second dimension. It was found that "free endotoxin" of both organisms examined contained the same major proteins as the total envelope fraction, and that these free endotoxin proteins showed the same heat-modifiable properties as when present in total envelopes.  相似文献   

A technique of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for the separation of plasma proteins is described. Human plasma proteins were separated by isoelectric focusing followed by electrophoresis in a 4 to 21% linear gradient gel slab. No denaturing agent was used throughout the procedure, so that the analysis of native proteins is possible. Two-dimensional patterns obtained from normal human plasma samples were recorded as "staining density maps," which are similar to contour line maps, and more than 230 protein spots were counted reproducibly on each "staining density map." This technique permits the simultaneous estimation of pI's and approximate molecular weights of native proteins on the slab gel. Applications of this technique to an IgA myeloma plasma sample and a porcine serum sample are described.  相似文献   

Various authors have reported reduced synthesis of epithelial junctional proteins during dedifferentiation, tumorigenesis and metastasis in a great variety of tumors. Consequently, it is generally accepted that loss of adhesive molecules and adhesion structures is implicated in the development of an invasive phenotype and poor patient prognosis. Colon carcinomas, on the other hand, were shown to behave differently as synthesis of main adhesive proteins continues despite the development of an invasive phenotype. In this study we used cultured cells grown under conditions that inhibited intercellular adhesion (low Ca2+ concentration) and compared these results with data obtained from metastasizing colon cancer cells (signet ring cell carcinoma). Characterization of these proteins and their structures were performed by immunoprecipitations, Western blot analysis, immunohistochemistry, pre-embedding immuno-electron microscopy, and a new method to perform immuno-electron microscopy on paraffin-embedded material, which we present in this paper. We demonstrate that synthesis carries on for both, the desmosomal and the proteins of the zonula adhaerens. While, however, the assembly of desmosomal structures in the form of half-desmosomes at the cell surface continues, those of the zonula adhaerens did not. Instead E-cadherin was found, although associated with alpha-catenin, beta-catenin, and plakoglobin, evenly distributed at the plasma membrane of the cultured cells and also at the surface of the dissociated tumor cells. We conclude from our observations that continued expression and synthesis of junctional proteins do not necessarily contribute to the suppression of tumor invasion and metastasis of colon cancer.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made of published techniques for the resolution of rat liver microsomal proteins by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The method of Kaderbhai and Freedman (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 601 (1980) 21-20) gives good resolution of acidic proteins but excludes hydrophobic integral membrane proteins of pI > 7, including cytochrome P-450 apoproteins. The method of Vlasuk and Walz (Anal. Biochem. 105 (1980) 112–120) gives good resolution of proetins of pI 5–8, including cytochromes P-450, but fails to resolve a major acidic protein of pI < 5. Isoelectric focusing of microsomal proteins is improved by the use of high concentrations of urea and low concentrations of sample proteins. Zwitterionic detergents of the general formula R·N+(CH3)2·CH2CH2CH2SO3? are effective in solubilizing microsomal proteins, either alone or in presence of non-ionic detergent; compounds with a long alkyl chain (C14 or C16) are most effective. Isoelectric focusing of microsomal proteins solubilized by zwitterionic detergents did not give good resolution, probably because of incomplete dissociation and denaturation of the proteins. These detergents could not be used in the presence of high concentrations of urea. Although no single method of two-dimensional electrophoresis gives complete resolution of the whole range of microsomal proteins, conditions can be optimized for specific sets of proteins of interest. The technique can be used to monitor differences in microsomal composition between rat strains, or following induction, and for a variety of other studies.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made of published techniques for the resolution of rat liver microsomal proteins by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The method of Kaderbhai and Freedman (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 601 (1980) 21-20) gives good resolution of acidic proteins but excludes hydrophobic integral membrane proteins of pI greater than 7, including cytochrome P-450 apoproteins. The method of Vlasuk and Walz (Anal. Biochem. 105 (1980) 112-120) gives good resolution of proteins of pI 5-8, including cytochromes P-450, but fails to resolve a major acidic protein of pI less than 5. Isoelectric focusing of microsomal proteins is improved by the use of high concentrations of urea and low concentrations of sample proteins. Zwitterionic detergents of the general formula R . N+(CH3)2 . CH2CH2CH2SO3- are effective in solubilizing microsomal proteins, either alone or in presence of non-ionic detergent; compounds with a long alkyl chain (C14 or C16) are most effective. Isoelectric focusing of microsomal proteins solubilized by zwitterionic detergents did not give good resolution, probably because of incomplete dissociation and denaturation of the proteins. These detergents could not be used in the presence of high concentrations of urea. Although no single method of two-dimensional electrophoresis gives complete resolution of the whole range of microsomal proteins, conditions can be optimized for specific sets of proteins of interest. The technique can be used to monitor differences in microsomal composition between rat strains, or following induction, and for a variety of other studies.  相似文献   

Blood plasma is the most complex human-derived proteome, containing other tissue proteomes as subsets. This proteome has only been partially characterized due to the extremely wide dynamic range of the plasma proteins of more than ten orders of magnitude. Thus, the reduction in sample complexity prior to mass spectrometric analysis is particularly important and alternative separation methodologies are required to more effectively mine the lower abundant plasma proteins. Here, we demonstrated a novel separation approach using 2-D free-flow electrophoresis (FFE) separating proteins and peptides in solution according to their pI prior to LC-MS/MS. We used the combination of sequential protein and peptide separation by first separating the plasma proteins into specific FFE fractions. Tryptic digests of the separated proteins were generated and subsequently separated using FFE. The protein separation medium was optimized to segregate albumin into specific fractions containing only few other proteins. An optimization of throughput for the protein separation reduced the separation time of 1 mL of plasma to approximately 3 h providing sufficient material for digestion and the subsequent peptide separation. Our approach revealed low-abundant proteins (e.g., L-selectin at 17 ng/mL and vascular endothelial-cadherin precursor at 30 ng/mL) and several tissue leakage products, thus providing a powerful orthogonal separation step in the proteomics workflow.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is the causative agent of listeriosis, one of the most significant foodborne diseases in industrialized countries. The complete genome of the L. monocytogenes EGDe strain, belonging to the serogroup 1/2a, has been sequenced and is comprised of 2853 open reading frames. The objective of the current study was to construct a two-dimensional (2-D) database of the proteome of this strain. The soluble protein fractions of the microorganism were recovered either in the mid-log or in the stationary phase of growth at 37 degrees C. These fractions were analyzed by 2-D electrophoresis (2-DE), using immobilized pH gradient strips of various pH values (3-10, 3-6, and 5-8) for the first-dimensional separations and 12.5% acrylamide gels for sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). 201 protein spots corresponding to 126 different proteins were identified by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). The 2-DE maps presented here provide a first basis for further investigations of protein expression in L. monocytogenes. In this way, the comparison of proteome between cells in the exponential or stationary phase of growth at 37 degrees C allowed us to characterize 161 variations in protein spot intensity, of which 38 were identified. Among the differentially expressed proteins were ribosomal proteins (RpsF, RplJ, and RpmE), proteins involved in cellular metabolism (GlpD, PdhD, Pgm, Lmo1372, Lmo2696, and Lmo2743) or in stress adaptation (GroES and ferritin), a fructose-specific phosphotransferase enzyme IIB (Lmo0399) and different post-translational modified forms of listeriolysin (LLO).  相似文献   

Chromatin was prepared from the citric acid nuclei of normal rat liver and Novikoff hepatoma ascites cells. After sulfuric acid extraction, the dehistonized chromatin was solubilized by digestion with deoxyribonuclease I. The proteins of normal liver and of Novikoff hepatoma chromatin fractions were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The liver pattern contained 69 components and the hepatoma pattern contained 84 components. Comparison of the two patterns revealed two dense protein spots migrating in the B region in the liver pattern that were absent from the tumor pattern and two dense protein spots migrating in the C region in the tumor pattern that were absent from the liver pattern.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis technique has been adapted for the analysis of human cerebrospinal fluid proteins. Proteins were detected by Coomassie brilliant blue stain and/or by silver stain. Highly reproducible protein patterns were obtained. We analyzed ten normal CSF specimens, thirty pathological CSF specimens and the corresponding sera. We mapped the protein patterns observed by examination of serum/CSF differences and by immunofixation. Preliminary observations on the changes in protein patterns in CSF specimens from patients with neurological disorders are reported.  相似文献   

In this minireview are reported several genetic investigations undertaken on wheat with the use of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of total proteins extracted mainly from etiolated seedlings or from green leaves. Differences between developmental stages or organs of one genotype and nuclear and cytoplasmic genetic variations between genotypes are revealed by this method. We have also localized on the chromosomes structural genes coding for the proteins revealed and assigned their subcellular location to many polypeptides. We obtained new information concerning the regulation of protein amounts as well as the phylogenetic and homeology relationships between the A, B and D genomes.  相似文献   

Comparative cancer cell proteome analysis is a strategy to study the implication of ceramides in the transmission of stress signals. To better understand the mechanisms by which ceramide regulate some physiological or pathological events and the response to the pharmacological treatment of cancer, we performed a differential analysis of the proteome of HCT-116 (human colon carcinoma) cells in response to these substances. We first established the first 2-dimensional map of the HCT-116 proteome. Then, HCT116 cell proteome treated or not with C6-ceramide have been compared using two-dimensional electrophoresis, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry and bioinformatic (genomic databases). 2-DE gel analysis revealed more than fourty proteins that were differentially expressed in control cells and cells treated with ceramide. Among them, we confirmed the differential expression of proteins involved in apoptosis and cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa, fluids, and principal cells from different regions of the epididymis were characterized by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Rete testis fluid was collected after 36-h efferent duct ligation, and cauda epididymal fluid was collected by retrograde perfusion through the vas deferens. Spermatozoa were collected after their exudation from minced caput and corpus epididymal tissue. Principal cells were recovered after enzymatic disaggregation and centrifugal elutriation of epididymides. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to prepare protein profiles of all samples. Comparison of the proteins found in rete testis fluid versus those found in cauda epididymal fluid revealed a dramatic change in composition, including the loss, addition, or retention of specific proteins as well as changes in the relative concentrations of certain proteins. Prominent cauda epididymal fluid proteins, possibly contributed by the epididymal epithelium, were detected at 16, 23, and 34 kDa. After epididymal transit, a considerable decrease was observed in the number of aqueous-soluble sperm proteins. Differences in the protein composition of epididymal epithelial principal cells from the caput versus corpus epididymidis were also noted, suggesting that functional differences exist for these epididymal regions. Of particular interest was the occurrence of a prominent protein of approximately 20-23 kDa found in all sperm samples, in fluids, and in caput and corpus principal cells. However, this protein was absent in cauda epididymal sperm after 36-h efferent duct ligation. The rapid loss of this protein from sperm after efferent duct ligation suggests that this surgical intervention may affect spermatozoa residing within the epididymis.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional strandness-dependent electrophoresis (2D-SDE) separates nucleic acids in complex samples according to strandness, conformation and length. Under the non-denaturing conditions of the first electrophoretic step, single-stranded DNA, double-stranded DNA and RNA.DNA hybrids of similar length migrate at different rates. The second electrophoretic step is performed under denaturing conditions (7 mol l(-1) urea, 55 degrees C) so that all the molecules are single-stranded and separate according to length only. 2D-SDE is useful for revealing important characteristics of complex nucleic acid samples in manipulations such as amplification, renaturation, cDNA synthesis and microarray hybridization. It can also be used to identify mispaired, nicked or damaged fragments in double-stranded DNA. The protocol takes approximately 2 h and requires only basic skills, equipment and reagents.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional electrophoresis system for analysis of ribosomal proteins with several advantages over previous systems is described. The general features of this system are: (1) first-dimension separation on the basis of mobility at pH 5.0 in 8 m urea and 4% polyacrylamide; (2) second-dimension separation on the basis of molecular weight using dodecyl sulfate detergent; (3) rapid electrophoretic shift between first- and second-dimension separation conditions; (4) high resolution separation can be obtained on 10-cm2 slabs with proteins from approximately 100 μg of ribosomal subunits; (5) capacity for handling up to 10 samples at a time, with electrophoresis complete within about 10 hr; and (6) the apparatus is relatively simple and inexpensive to construct and use.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) are commonly used to analyze nucleic acid-protein interactions. When nucleic acid is bound by protein, its mobility during gel electrophoresis is reduced. Similarly, the final position of protein within a complex is shifted when compared to its free state. Here we provide a protocol for a simple approach that uses these mobility differences to identify nucleic acid-binding proteins. Following EMSA, denaturing gel electrophoresis is implemented to provide a second dimension of separation. Protein that binds a specific nucleic acid is identified as a spot(s) whose presence at a particular position(s) is dependent on nucleic acid within the initial binding reaction. The polypeptide in a spot can be subsequently identified by mass spectrometry. As EMSAs can be performed using partially purified or cell extracts, this approach substantially reduces the need for protein purification. It should facilitate the identification of a nucleic acid-binding protein within approximately 4 d.  相似文献   

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