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报道了缅甸克钦邦杜茎山科(Maesaceae)杜茎山属1新变种:光叶杜茎山(Maesa permollis Kurz var.glabrifolia J.Wang&N.H.Xia).  相似文献   

红树植物厦门老鼠簕(爵床科)的订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯学良  吕静 《广西植物》2008,28(3):292-294
重新检查了厦门老鼠簕的主模式和副模式标本后,发现原始文献对其鉴别特征"花……具两个苞片,无小苞片"描述有误,应改为"花……具两个小苞片,一个苞片"。基于标本室和野外观察,认为厦门老鼠簕在老鼠簕的正常变化范围之内,应归并到老鼠簕;不赞同把厦门老鼠簕降级为小花老鼠簕或毛鼠簕的变种的处理。报道了一个新异名Acanthusilici folius var.xiamenensis。  相似文献   

南五味子属(五味子科)一些种类的分类学订正   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
林祁 《植物研究》2002,22(4):399-411
根据对12个国家54个标本馆所收藏的5000余份南五味子属植物标本的研究,结合野外调查和采集,对南五味子属的一些种类作了分类学订正:将仁昌南五味子归并入狭叶南五味子,将菲律宾南五味子和盘柱南五味子归并入异型南五味子,将长梗南五味子、城口南五味子、少齿南五味子、麦克氏南五味子和峨嵋南五味子归并入南五味子,将苏拉威西南五味子归并入南洋南五味子,将史氏南五味子归并入柄果南五味子。在南五味子属中,11个种被确认。  相似文献   

中国楼梯草属(荨麻科)五种植物的订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对中国楼梯草属Elatostema植物标本的研究,将光序楼梯草E.leiocephalum W.T.Wang归并入深绿楼梯草E.atroviride W.T.Wang,镰状楼梯草E.subfalcatum W.T.Wang归并入疏晶楼梯草E.hookerianum Wedd.,毛枝光叶楼梯草E.laevissimum W.T.Wang var.puberulum W.T.Wang归并入光叶楼梯草E.laevissimum W.T.Wang var.laevissimum,海南楼梯草E.hainanense W.T.Wang归并入托叶楼梯草E.nasutum Hook.f.,五肋楼梯草E.quinquecostatum W.T.Wang归并入樱叶楼梯草E.prunifolium W.T.Wang。  相似文献   

根据对中国蛇根草属Ophiorrhiza植物标本的研究和野外调查,将琼崖蛇根草O.aureolina f.qiongyaensis Lo和溪畔蛇根草O.humilis Tseng归并入短小蛇根草O.pumila Champ.ex Benth.,将海南蛇根草O.hainanensis Tseng归并入垂花蛇根草O.nutans C.B.Clarke,将广西蛇根草O.kwangsiensis Merr.exLi和变黑蛇根草O.nigricans Lo归并入日本蛇根草O.japonica Bl.,将龙州蛇根草O.longzhouensis Lo和圆锥蛇根草O.paniculiformis Lo归并入广州蛇根草O.cantoniensis Hance。  相似文献   

中国楼梯草属(荨麻科)几种植物的订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对中国楼梯草属Elatostema植物标本的研究,将碧江楼梯草E.bijiangense归并入楼梯草E. involucratum,长叶墨脱楼梯草E.medogense var.oblongum和树志楼梯草E.shuzhii归并入墨脱楼梯草E. medogense,光茎钝叶楼梯草E.obtusum var.glabrescens归并入三齿钝叶楼梯草E.obtusum var.trilobula- tum,三裂楼梯草E.sinense var.trilobatum归并入对叶楼梯草E.sinense,赤水楼梯草E.strigulosum var.semitripilinerve归并入伏毛楼梯草E.strigulosum。  相似文献   

五味子属植物的分类学订正   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
林祁 《植物分类学报》2000,38(6):532-550
根据对12个国家53个标本馆收藏的5,000余份五味子属Schisandra植物标本的研究,结合野外调查和采集,对世界范围的五味子属种类作了分类学订正。在五味子属中,10个种被确认,22个种、7个亚种、14个变种和1个变型的名称被作为新异名。文中附有分种检索表。  相似文献   

通过标本检查,发现小五台银莲花(Anemone xiaowutaishanica W.T.WangBing Liu)与银莲花(A.cathayensis Kitag.ex ZimanKadota)属于同一种植物,故将前者处理为后者的异名。由于银莲花属于银莲花亚组[subsection Omalocarpus(DC.)Tamura],故同时将根据小五台银莲花而建立的小五台银莲花组(section Leptothece W.T.WangBing Liu)处理为银莲花亚组的异名。  相似文献   

通过标本检查,发现毛茛科涪陵银莲花(Anemone fulingensis W. T. Wang & Z. Y. Liu)与川西银莲花(A. prattii Huth ex Ulbr.)属于同一种植物,故将前者处理为后者的异名。揭示川西银莲花的花粉具6~10 带沟。澄清了川西银莲花的地理分布,讨论了与其近缘种滇川银莲花(A. delavayi Franch.)的形态区别。  相似文献   

通过标本检查,发现越南产毛茛科沙巴银莲花(Anemone chapaensis Gagnep.)与主要分布于我国的拟卵叶银莲花(A.howellii J.F.JeffreyW.W.Smith)属于同一种植物,故将前者处理为后者的异名。  相似文献   

The Chinese Elaeocarpus Linn. is revised. Here reported are those taxa with different treatment in “Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. “, Tomus 49 (1), including one new species and one new variety: Elaeocarpus limitaneioides Y. Tang and E. glabripetalus var. grandifructus Y. Tang, Four species and two varieties are reduced: E. boreali-yunnanensis H. T. Chang is reduced to E. lacunosus Wall. ex Kurz; E. floribundioides H. T. Chang to E. austro-yunnanensis Hu; E. fengjieensis P. C. Tuan to E. duclouxii Gagnep .; E. kwangsiensis H .T. Chang to E. glabripetalus var. alatus(Knuth) H. T. Chang; E. glabripetalus var. teres H. T. Chang to E. glabripetalus var. glabripetalus ; E. prunifolioides var. rectinervis H. T. Chang to E. prunifolioides Hu. It is found that three species, E. rugosus Roxb., E. sikkimensis Mast. and E. decandrus Merr., were wrongly determined as E. apiculatus Mast., E. fleuryi Gagnep. and E. chinensis Hook. f., respectively. In the paper also reported are some provincial new records. The infrageneric systems are discussed briefly and the Masters’ system isfollowed with some modifications.  相似文献   

独龙虾脊兰(兰科)的合格发表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过补充拉丁文描述和指定模式,本文合格发表了独龙虾脊兰Calanthe dulongensis H. Li, R. Li & Z. L. Dao。该种因其唇瓣中裂片上有3个具短柄的金黄色球状附属物而有别于本属的其他类群。本种在体态上与疏花虾脊兰C. henryi Rolfe和车前虾脊兰C. plantaginea Lindl.相近,不同之处在于本种的根状茎明显,花瓣倒卵状披针形 ,中萼片无毛;本种在体态上也与三褶虾脊兰C. triplicata (Willem.) Ames相近,区别在于本种的唇  相似文献   

The genus Elaeocarpus contains approximately 360 species and occurs in mesic forest communities from India, through to China, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Australia, and New Caledonia. Elaeocarpus fossils are best known from the Eocene to the Miocene of Australia and the late Pliocene–early Pleistocene of India, but have not been documented from East Asia before. Here we describe six new species of Elaeocarpus, E. nanningensis sp. nov. from the late Oligocene Yongning Formation of the Nanning Basin, E. presikkimensis sp. nov. from the Miocene Erzitang Formation of the Guiping Basin, E. prerugosus sp. nov., E. prelacunosus sp. nov., E. preserratus sp. nov., and E. preprunifolioides sp. nov. from the late Miocene Foluo Formation of the Nankang Basin in Guangxi, South China. This is the first reliable report for the genus occurring in East Asia, and the fossils indicate that Elaeocarpus had colonized this region by the late Oligocene and represented by a morphologically diverse group of species by the late Miocene. This sheds new insights into the timing and migration patterns of the genus in East Asia. Elaeocarpus is typically a rainforest genus occurring in mesic forests. Based on the habitat of their morphologically similar modern relatives we propose that these three sedimentary basins were warm and wet adjacent to mountainous regions with the evergreen or rain forests during the late Oligocene to Miocene.  相似文献   

唐亚 《广西植物》2008,28(3):288-289
基于4~5室的子房和果实,以及不同的嫩枝、叶、花被等特征,光叶球果杜英是一个明显区别于园果杜英的种。报道了黑腺杜英在广西的首次记录。  相似文献   

在野外考察和查阅模式标本的基础上,将紫云小檗Berberis ziyunensis P. K. Hsiao & Z. Y. Li与单花小檗B. uniflora F. N. Wei & Y. G. Wei归并。  相似文献   

对独龙局限蚊 Topom yia ( Suaym yia) d ulongensis Gong et Lu, 1995 的雄性进行首次记述,并对四龄幼虫的部分形态作了补充。全部标本保存于云南省流行病研究所。  相似文献   

A revision of the genus Trixa Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genus Trixa Meigen, 1824 is revised. Dexiotrix Villeneuve, 1936 and Trixella Mesnil, 1980, each of which was sometimes treated as a distinct genus, are treated as junior synonyms of Trixa Meigen. Two species from Sichuan and Yunnan, China, are described as new to science, viz. Trixa chinensis sp. nov. and T. chaoi sp. nov. T. alpina Meigen is treated as a junior synonym of T. caerulescens Meigen. T. nox (Shima) and T.pubiseta (Mesnil) are newly recorded from China. Males of T. pubiseta (Mesnil) and T.longipensis (Villeneuve) are described for the first time. Diagnoses, figures and a key to twelve species in Trixa are given.  相似文献   

隐匿薹草组(Carex sect.Infossae)为最近建立的薹草属(Carex)的组,当时报导分布于我国安徽和江苏,有2种和1变种,即隐匿薹草(C.infossa)、显穗薹草(变种)(C.infossa var.extensa)和矮秆薹草(C.minuticulmis)。根据描述,另有15种和2变种应归属本组,这些分类群具有较为一致的特征:果囊椭圆球状卵球形或卵球形,通常疏被短毛或近无毛,先端渐狭成中等长的喙,喙口具2小齿;瘦果卵球形,先端钝或微凹。通过文献考证、标本查阅、野外采集,并结合果囊和瘦果的扫描电镜观察,对隐匿薹草组所涉及的种(含种下类群)进行了分类修订。该组仅有2种:百里薹草(C.blinii)和尖叶薹草(C.oxyphylla)。将Carex elmeri、C.granifera、矮秆薹草(C.minuticulmis)、上海薹草(C.shanghaiensis C.blinii subsp.shanghaiensis)、C.sublateralis、C.taihokuensis和锐果薹草(C.tatsutakensis)并入百里薹草;将沟囊薹草(C.canaliculata)、樟木薹草(C.changmuensis)、C.distantiflora、隐匿薹草(C.infossa)、显穗薹草(C.infossa var.extensa)、C.lateralis、C.loheri、无芒长嘴薹草(C.longerostrata var.exaristata)、城湾薹草(C.longerostrata var.hoi)、C.lyi、和平菱果薹草(C.macrandrolepis)和C.sharyotensis并入尖叶薹草。  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Expressed sequence tag (EST)-derived microsatellite markers were developed for Elaeocarpus photiniifolia, an endemic taxon of the Bonin Islands. ? Methods and Results: Initially, a complementary DNA (cDNA) library was constructed by de novo pyrosequencing of total RNA extracted from a seedling. A total of 267 primer pairs were designed from the library. Of the 48 tested loci, 25 loci were polymorphic among 41 individuals representing the entire geographical range of the species, with the number of alleles per locus and expected heterozygosity ranging from two to 14 and 0.09 to 0.86, respectively. Most loci were transferable to a related species, E. sylvestris. ? Conclusions: The developed markers will be useful for evaluating the genetic structure of E. photiniifolia.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision of Tectaria from New Caledonia is presented here based on a thorough study of herbarium specimens from New Caledonia and adjacent Pacific islands. Six species of Tectaria are presently recognized in New Caledonia. Tectaria kouniensis and T. pseudosinuata are reduced to synonyms of T. dissecta and T. sinuata, respectively. The morphological limit between T. seemannii and T. sinuata and the confused specimen citations in previous accounts are clarified. Apart from T. dissecta, the other five species, i.e. T. lifuensis, T. moorei, T. seemannii, T. sinuata and T. vieillardii, are mainly distributed in New Caledonia, with only T. seemannii and T. sinuata recently reported also from Vanuatu. A key to species, typification of accepted names and relevant synonyms, and brief comments on the relationships of species are provided.  相似文献   

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