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Summary An 11-month-old infant with Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome and mild developmental delay is described. High-resolution chromosomal analysis showed a de novo interstitial deletion of chromosome 7p with breakpoints located at p13 and p14. Cytogenetic analysis of polymorphisms of the heterochromatin in the pericentromeric region suggested the deleted chromosome was of paternal origin. This case confirms the localization of Greig syndrome to 7p13 and emphasizes the importance of performing cytogenetic studies on patients with Mendelian disorders who have unusual findings or cognitive abnormalities in a disorder usually associated with normal intellect. Review of clinical features in published reports of patients with a deletion involving 7p13 showed a number to have features overlapping with Greig syndrome. Because of this, we suggest that cytogenetic aberrations, particularly chromosomal microdeletions, may represent a significant etiology for Greig syndrome.  相似文献   

The Greig polysyndactyly-craniofacial anomalies syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder involving a gene(s) located in band 7p13. We have isolated and characterized a reciprocal 3;7 chromosome translocation that resulted in the syndrome. We have identified two closely linked (0 cM) conserved DNA sequences (P137/p944B) that flank the translocation breakpoint. A pulsed-filed analysis combined with available genetic linkage information demonstrates that the disorder is linked (2 cM) to the T-gamma receptor locus, lending considerable support to the hypothesis that the mouse mutant extra-toes is the counterpart of the Greig syndrome. We have found no evidence that physically links the EGF receptor to the P137/p944B region, again compatible with mouse linkage relationships. The isolation of the der(3) chromosome from the 3;7 translocation has allowed us to regionally localize probes within the 3p21.1 band. For three probes commonly used in heterozygosity experiments with human cancers involving chromosome 3, we have determined that the order from centromere to telomere is D3S3, D3S2, and DNF15S2. Our pulsed-field studies also demonstrate the utility of band density differences combined with partial digests in evaluating linkage relationships. The P137/p944B probes should be useful in examining other hereditary disorders with phenotypic similarities to the Greig syndrome.  相似文献   

Children with constitutional deletions of chromosome 11p13 suffer from aniridia, genitourinary malformations, and mental retardation and are predisposed to develop bilateral Wilms tumor (the WAGR syndrome). The critical region for these defects has been narrowed to a segment of band 11p13 between the catalase and the beta-follicle-stimulating hormone genes. In this report, we have cloned the endpoints from a WAGR patient whose large cytogenetic deletion, del(11)(p14.3::p13), does not include the catalase gene. The deletion was characterized using DNA polymorphisms and found to originate in the paternally derived chromosome 11. The distal endpoint was identified as a rearrangement of locus D11S21 in conventional Southern blots of the patient's genomic DNA, but was not detected in leukocyte DNA from either parent or in sperm DNA from the father. The proximal endpoint was isolated by cloning the junction fragment and was mapped in relation to other markers and breakpoints. It defines a new locus in 11p13-delta J, which is close to the Wilms tumor gene and the breakpoint cluster region (TCL2) of the frequent t(11;14)(p13;q11) translocation in acute T-cell leukemia. An unusual concentration of base pair substitutions was discovered at delta J, in which 9 of 44 restriction sites tested (greater than 20%) vary in the population. This property makes delta J one of the most polymorphic loci on chromosome 11 and may reflect an underlying instability that contributed to the original mutation. The breakpoint extends the genetic map of this region and provides a useful marker for linkage studies and the analysis of allelic segregation in tumor cells.  相似文献   

The HED (hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia) or Clouston syndrome gene (named ED2) has been mapped to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 13 (13q11) to a 2.4-cM interval flanked by markers D13S1828 and D13S1830. We have developed a BAC/PAC-based contig map of this region. This contig, comprising 23 clones and spanning 1.5 Mb, was established by mapping of 27 BAC/PAC end-derived STSs, 11 known polymorphic markers, 2 previously mapped genes, and 14 ESTs. The genomic clone overlaps were confirmed by restriction fragment fingerprint analysis. This contig provides the basis for genomic sequencing and gene identification in the ED2 critical region. Of the 14 ESTs mapped to the contig, 6 show homology to human genes and 8 appear to be novel. Expression patterns of the genes/ESTs were tested by Northern blot and RT-PCR. Full characterization of some of these genes, as well as the novel ESTs, will be useful in assessing their involvement in the HED/Clouston syndrome.  相似文献   

Nance-Horan Syndrome (NHS) or X-linked cataract-dental syndrome (MIM 302350) is a disease of unknown pathogenesis characterized by congenital cataracts and dental anomalies. We performed linkage analysis in three kindreds with NHS by using six RFLP markers between Xp11.3 and Xp22.3. Close linkage was found between NHS and polymorphic loci DXS43 (theta = 0 with lod score 2.89), DXS41 (theta = 0 with lod score 3.44), and DXS67 (theta = 0 with lod score 2.74), defined by probes pD2, p99-6, and pB24, respectively. Recombinations were found with the marker loci DXS84 (theta = .04 with lod score 4.13), DXS143 (theta = .06 with lod score 3.11) and DXS7 (theta = .09 with lod score 1.68). Multipoint linkage analysis determined the NHS locus to be linked completely to DXS41 (lod score = 7.07). Our linkage results, combined with analysis of Xp interstitial deletions, suggest that the NHS locus is located within or close to the Xp22.1-Xp22.2 region.  相似文献   

A Forus  O Myklebost 《Genomics》1992,14(1):117-120
We have used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to construct a long-range restriction map spanning more than 1.3 million bp of the q13-q14 segment of chromosome 12. Within this region lie the genes coding for the gli oncogene and the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP). The distance between the genes is about 200-300 kb. We also observe a methylation-free island 3' to the LRP gene.  相似文献   

The gene responsible for Menkes syndrome has been assigned to Xq13 by a combination of comparative mapping and linkage analysis. A previous report has mapped the translocation breakpoint associated with the disease in a female patient to an interval delimited by PGK1 and a group of six more proximal Xq13 markers, including DXS56. We have characterized a number of PGK1- or DXS56-positive YACs, from which we have generated six new markers. One of them identifies a small overlap region between a PGK1-positive YAC and three DXS56-positive YACs, distal to the Menkes breakpoint. A 560-kb region covered by a DXS56-positive YAC has been restriction-mapped and subcloned, disclosing a 187-kb MluI fragment astride the breakpoint. A probe mapping distal to the rearrangement in the same interval reveals altered PGFE fragments in a hybrid constructed from the translocation patient's DNA. We describe the development of a cosmid contig extending 150 kb from a nearby CpG island across the breakpoint. This contig includes four adjacent clones displaying cross-specific hybridization.  相似文献   

A physical map of the genome of temperate phage phi 3T.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
J M Cregg  J Ito 《Gene》1979,6(3):199-219
A physical map of the genome of Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage phi 3T was constructed by ordering the fragments produced by cleavage of phi 3T DNA with restriction endonucleases AvaII (2 fragments), BglI (2 fragments), SmaI (3 fragments), BamHI (6 fragments), SalI (7 fragments), AvaI (7 fragments), SacI (12 fragments), PstI (14 fragments), and BglII (26 fragments). Two techniques were used to order the fragments: (1) Sets of previously ordered restriction fragments were isolated and redigested with the endonuclease whose cleavage sites were to be mapped. (2) Fragments located near the ends of the genome or near the ends of other restriction fragments were ordered by treating the DNA with lambda exonuclease prior to restriction endonuclease cleavage. The susceptibility of phi 3T DNA to 15 other restriction endonucleases is also reported.  相似文献   

We have constructed a physical map of chromosome 11q13, using 54 DNA markers that had been localized to 11q13.1----q13.5 by means of somatic hybrid cell panels. Although the map has some gaps, it spans nearly 14 Mb and includes the region containing the gene responsible for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) and also the region that is amplified in several types of malignant tumors. As the estimated average distance between each locus is roughly 300 kb, the markers reported here will be valuable resources for construction of contig maps with yeast artificial chromosomes and/or cosmid clones. Furthermore, these clones will be useful in efforts to identify the MEN1 gene and in analyses of the amplification units present at 11q13 in certain tumors.  相似文献   

Previous investigations of the pediatric soft tissue tumor alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma have identified a characteristic translocation t(2;13)(q35;q14). We have employed a physical mapping strategy to localize the site of this translocation breakpoint on chromosome 13. Using a panel of somatic cell hybrid and lymphoblast cell lines with deletions and unbalanced translocations involving chromosome 13, we have mapped numerous probes from the 13q12-q14 region and demonstrate that this region is divisible into five physical intervals. These probes were then mapped with respect to the t(2;13) rhabdomyosarcoma breakpoint by quantitative Southern blot analysis of an alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma cell line with two copies of the derivative chromosome 13 and one copy of the derivative chromosome 2. Our findings demonstrate that the t(2;13) breakpoint is localized within a map interval delimited by the proximal deletion breakpoints in lymphoblast lines GM01484 and GM07312. Furthermore, the breakpoint is most closely flanked by loci D13S29 and TUBBP2 within this map interval. These findings will facilitate chromosomal walking strategies for cloning the regions disrupted by the alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma translocation. In addition, this physical map will permit rapid determination of the proximity of new cloned sequences to the translocation breakpoint.  相似文献   

A region of chromosome 9, surrounding the interferon-beta (IFNB1) locus and the interferon-alpha (IFNA) gene cluster on 9p13-p22, has been shown to be frequently deleted or rearranged in a number of human cancers, including leukemia, glioma, non-small-cell lung carcinoma, and melanoma. To assist in better defining the precise region(s) of 9p implicated in each of these malignancies, a combined genetic and physical map of this region was generated using the available 9p markers IFNB1, IFNA, D9S3, and D9S19, along with a newly described locus, D9S126. The relative order and distances between these loci were determined by multipoint linkage analysis of CEPH (Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain) pedigree DNAs, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and fluorescence in situ hybridization. All three mapping approaches gave concordant results and, in the case of multipoint linkage analysis, the following gene order was supported for these and other closely linked chromosome 9 markers present in the CEPH database: pter-D9S33-IFNB1/IFNA-D9S126-D9S3-D9S19 -D9S9/D9S15-ASSP3-qter. This map serves to extend preexisting chromosome 9 maps (which focus primarily on 9q) and also reassigns D9S3 and D9S19 to more proximal locations on 9p.  相似文献   

A physical map of the human pseudoautosomal region.   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
W R Brown 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(8):2377-2385
A physical map of the human pseudoautosomal region has been constructed using pulsed field gel electrophoresis and the infrequently cutting restriction enzymes BssHIII, EagI, SstII, NotI, MluI and NruI. This map extends 2.3 Mbp from the telomere to sex-chromosome-specific DNA, includes at least seven CpG islands and locates four genetically mapped loci. Five of the CpG islands are organized into two clusters. One cluster is adjacent to the telomere, the other extends into sex-chromosome-specific DNA. There is congruence between the genetic and physical maps which implies that the frequency of recombination is approximately uniform throughout the DNA.  相似文献   

Velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS) is the most common microdeletion syndrome in humans. It occurs with an estimated frequency of 1 in 4, 000 live births. Most cases occur sporadically, indicating that the deletion is recurrent in the population. More than 90% of patients with VCFS and a 22q11 deletion have a similar 3-Mb hemizygous deletion, suggesting that sequences at the breakpoints confer susceptibility to rearrangements. To define the region containing the chromosome breakpoints, we constructed an 8-kb-resolution physical map. We identified a low-copy repeat in the vicinity of both breakpoints. A set of genetic markers were integrated into the physical map to determine whether the deletions occur within the repeat. Haplotype analysis with genetic markers that flank the repeats showed that most patients with VCFS had deletion breakpoints in the repeat. Within the repeat is a 200-kb duplication of sequences, including a tandem repeat of genes/pseudogenes, surrounding the breakpoints. The genes in the repeat are GGT, BCRL, V7-rel, POM121-like, and GGT-rel. Physical mapping and genomic fingerprint analysis showed that the repeats are virtually identical in the 200-kb region, suggesting that the deletion is mediated by homologous recombination. Examination of two three-generation families showed that meiotic intrachromosomal recombination mediated the deletion.  相似文献   

We have constructed a 1.5-Mb contig spanning the distal half of the critical region for cat eye syndrome on human chromosome 22 from D22S543 to D22S181. The contig consists of 20 P1 artificial chromosome (PAC) clones and 11 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones screened from 2 BAC and 2 PAC libraries. Continuous overlap between the clones was confirmed using vectorette PCR and riboprobes. Despite the instability of this region in a previous YAC contig, only 1 BAC showed a minor instability and then in only one isolation. This contig is now providing the basis for genomic sequencing and gene identification in the cat eye syndrome critical region.  相似文献   

The embryonic lethal phenotype observed when DDK females are crossed with males from other strains results from a deleterious interaction between the egg cytoplasm and the paternal pronucleus soon after fertilization. We have previously mapped the Om locus responsible for this phenotype, called the DDK syndrome, to an approximately 2-cM region of chromosome 11. Here, we report the generation of a physical map of 28 yeast and bacterial artificial chromosome clones encompassing the entire genetic interval containing the Om locus. This contig, spanning approximately 2 Mb, was used to map precisely genes and genetic markers of the region. We determined the maximum physical interval for Om to be 1400 kb. In addition, 11 members of the Scya gene family were found to be organized into two clusters at the borders of the Om region. Two other genes (Rad51l3 and Schlafen 2) and one EST (D11Wsu78e) were also mapped in the Om region. This integrated map provides support for the identification of additional candidate genes for the DDK syndrome.  相似文献   

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