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Pinus sabiniana Dougl. (grey pine) forms savanna forests in the foothills surrounding California's Great Central Valley. However, its fossil record, which dates from the late Miocene through the Pliocene and Pleistocene, is found exclusively in southern California, south of the species’ present range. A total of twenty-nine isozyme loci, representing eighteen enzyme systems, was assayed to analyse the genetic structure in eight populations of grey pine and attempt to track its migration history from southern to northern California. Expected heterozygosity in the two southernmost samples was 0.128 and 0.150, and heterozygosity tended to decrease with increasing latitude, suggesting the loss of diversity as grey pine dispersed northward. However, genetic distances between populations were very small, even on opposite sides of the treeless Great Central Valley; and estimated time since divergence was 900 to 9000 years at a maximum. Wright's FST, the proportion of total genetic diversity among populations, was only 0.057, which is similar to values found in many conifers with continuous distributions. Nm, the number of migrants among populations per generation, was 4.1 to 6.7, depending on estimator, and indicates that gene flow is extensive, or was so in the recent past. In every population, observed heterozygosity was less than expected heterozygosity, and the fixation index, FIS, for the progeny was 0.128, which indicates a fairly high rate of inbreeding. The genetic similarity of disjunct populations, in combination with paleogeographic and paleoclimatic evidence, suggests that grey pine formed a continuous population throughout the Great Central Valley, perhaps between 12,000 and 8000 yrs BP . Its range became fragmented during the Xerothermic, when it ascended into the foothills. Gaps in its range correlate with late Pleistocene–early Holocene lakes in adjacent basins and with the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta.  相似文献   

Atlantic reef fish biogeography and evolution   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aim To understand why and when areas of endemism (provinces) of the tropical Atlantic Ocean were formed, how they relate to each other, and what processes have contributed to faunal enrichment. Location Atlantic Ocean. Methods The distributions of 2605 species of reef fishes were compiled for 25 areas of the Atlantic and southern Africa. Maximum‐parsimony and distance analyses were employed to investigate biogeographical relationships among those areas. A collection of 26 phylogenies of various Atlantic reef fish taxa was used to assess patterns of origin and diversification relative to evolutionary scenarios based on spatio‐temporal sequences of species splitting produced by geological and palaeoceanographic events. We present data on faunal (species and genera) richness, endemism patterns, diversity buildup (i.e. speciation processes), and evaluate the operation of the main biogeographical barriers and/or filters. Results Phylogenetic (proportion of sister species) and distributional (number of shared species) patterns are generally concordant with recognized biogeographical provinces in the Atlantic. The highly uneven distribution of species in certain genera appears to be related to their origin, with highest species richness in areas with the greatest phylogenetic depth. Diversity buildup in Atlantic reef fishes involved (1) diversification within each province, (2) isolation as a result of biogeographical barriers, and (3) stochastic accretion by means of dispersal between provinces. The timing of divergence events is not concordant among taxonomic groups. The three soft (non‐terrestrial) inter‐regional barriers (mid‐Atlantic, Amazon, and Benguela) clearly act as ‘filters’ by restricting dispersal but at the same time allowing occasional crossings that apparently lead to the establishment of new populations and species. Fluctuations in the effectiveness of the filters, combined with ecological differences among provinces, apparently provide a mechanism for much of the recent diversification of reef fishes in the Atlantic. Main conclusions Our data set indicates that both historical events (e.g. Tethys closure) and relatively recent dispersal (with or without further speciation) have had a strong influence on Atlantic tropical marine biodiversity and have contributed to the biogeographical patterns we observe today; however, examples of the latter process outnumber those of the former.  相似文献   

Terms such as element, chorotype and component are widely used to indicate biogeographical units. As a result of variation in approaches and methodologies, these terms do not have a single definitive meaning, and similar concepts have been defined under different labels. As originally defined, element denotes a group of species that occur in previously defined biogeographical areas, while chorotype denotes a group of species with a similar distribution. The term component is widely used in ecology to denote the biotic or abiotic constituent of an ecosystem; within biogeography it has typically been used as a synonym for element. Applying the original meanings, current usage within the tradition of systematic biogeography should regard element as referring to groups of taxa defined according to the biogeographical areas they occupy. Within quantitative and evolutionary biogeography, chorotype should be used to define patterns of distribution that can be used to generate hypotheses about their causes and origins. In this paper I argue that component expresses a generic concept rather than a chorological category and should be avoided in biogeography.  相似文献   



To present a synthesis of past biogeographic analyses and a new approach based on spatially explicit biodiversity information for the Antarctic region to identify biologically distinct areas in need of representation in a protected area network.


Antarctica and the sub‐Antarctic.


We reviewed and summarized published biogeographic studies of the Antarctic. We then developed a biogeographic classification for terrestrial conservation planning in Antarctica by combining the most comprehensive source of Antarctic biodiversity data available with three spatial frameworks: (1) a 200‐km grid, (2) a set of areas based on physical parameters known as the environmental domains of Antarctica and (3) expert‐defined bioregions. We used these frameworks, or combinations thereof, together with multivariate techniques to identify biologically distinct areas.


Early studies of continental Antarctica typically described broad bioregions, with the Antarctic Peninsula usually identified as biologically distinct from continental Antarctica; later studies suggested a more complex biogeography. Increasing complexity also characterizes the sub‐Antarctic and marine realms, with differences among studies often attributable to the focal taxa. Using the most comprehensive terrestrial data available and by combining the groups formed by the environmental domains and expert‐defined bioregions, we were able to identify 15 biologically distinct, ice‐free, Antarctic Conservation Biogeographic Regions (ACBRs), encompassing the continent and close lying islands.

Main conclusions

Ice‐free terrestrial Antarctica comprises several distinct bioregions that are not fully represented in the current Antarctic Specially Protected Area network. Biosecurity measures between these ACBRs should also be developed to prevent biotic homogenization in the region.  相似文献   

The craniodental hypodigm of Paranthropus boisei sensu stricto is morphologically distinctive, but it has been suggested that the substantial variation in mandibular and dental size in that hypodigm may exceed that which is reasonable to subsume within a single hominin species. In this study, Fligner and Killeen, coefficient of variation (CV)-based and average taxonomic distance (ATD)-based bootstrap tests, were used to compare variation in size and shape of the mandibular corpus remains attributed to P. boisei s.s. with the variation observed in samples of great apes and modern humans. The degree of size variation in the P. boisei s.s. mandibular hypodigm is never observed in human and chimpanzee samples, is rare in gorillas, but is not uncommon in orangutans. However, the shape variation in the fossil group is comparable to the variation in the extant reference groups. Although the size variation in P. boisei s.s. is substantial, it is exaggerated by the effects of taphonomy. The small mandibles are more often abraded, whereas the large mandibles are more likely to have been infiltrated with matrix. On the basis of the results of this investigation of the mandibular corpus, there are no grounds for rejecting the "single-species" hypothesis for P. boisei s.s. When Sokal and Braumann's adjusted CV values were used to predict the index of sexual dimorphism (ISD) for the P. boisei s.s., despite the substantial geological time embraced by the mandibular corpus hypodigm, the predicted value of lnISD, when corrected for taphonomic factors, is comparable to the sexual dimorphism observed within Gorilla.  相似文献   

A short history of Olduvai Hominid I is given. On the basis of absolute and relative dating its position in the Naisiusiu Bed, part of the former Bed V, is affirmed. Some connection, on morphological grounds, with other hominids in East Africa is postulated, as well as with cultural material.  相似文献   

The family Scaridae comprises about 90 species of herbivorous coral reef, rock reef, and seagrass fishes. Parrotfishes are important agents of marine bioerosion who rework the substrate with their beaklike oral jaws. Many scarid populations are characterized by complex social systems including highly differentiated sexual stages, territoriality, and the defense of harems. Here, we test a hypothesis of relationships among parrotfish genera derived from nearly 2 kb of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence. The DNA tree is different than a phylogeny based on comparative morphology and leads to important reinterpretations of scarid evolution. The molecular data suggest a split among seagrass and coral reef associated genera with nearly 80% of all species in the coral reef clade. Our phylogenetic results imply an East Tethyan origin of the family and the recurrent evolution of excavating and scraping feeding modes. It is likely that ecomorphological differences played a significant role in the initial divergence of major scarid lineages, but that variation in color and breeding behavior has triggered subsequent diversification. We present a two-phase model of parrotfish evolution to explain patterns of comparative diversity. Finally, we discuss the application of this model to other adaptively radiating clades.  相似文献   

Aim To delineate biogeographical patterns in Galapagos shallow‐water reef fauna at regional scales. Location Galapagos Islands. Methods Fishes and macro‐invertebrates were quantitatively censused using underwater visual techniques along more than 500 transects at defined depth strata across the Galapagos archipelago. Data were analysed using multivariate techniques to define regional patterns and identify species typical of different regions. Results Subtidal communities of fishes and macro‐invertebrates on shallow reefs differed consistently in species composition across the Galapagos archipelago, with three major biogeographical groupings: (1) the ‘far‐northern area’ containing the islands of Darwin and Wolf, (2) the ‘central/south‐eastern area’, including the east coast of Isabela, and (3) the ‘western area’, encompassing Fernandina and western Isabela. In addition, the northern islands of Pinta, Marchena and Genovesa form a separate region in the central/south‐eastern area, and Bahia Elizabeth and Canal Bolivar separate from other parts of the western area. The far‐northern bioregion is characterized by high fish species richness overall, including a high proportion of species of Indo‐Pacific origin. However, very few endemic fishes or species with distributions extending south from Ecuador (‘Peruvian’ species) are present, and the bioregion also possesses relatively low species richness of mobile macro‐invertebrate taxa. By contrast, the ‘western’ bioregion possesses disproportionately high numbers of endemic fish taxa, high numbers of cool‐temperate Peruvian fish species, and high invertebrate species richness, but very few species of Indo‐Pacific origin. The Bahia Elizabeth/Canal Bolivar bioregion possesses more endemic species and fewer species with Peruvian affinities than coasts within the western bioregion. The northern bioregion of Pinta, Marchena and Genovesa represents an overlap zone with affinities to both the far‐northern and south‐eastern islands. The south‐eastern bioregion includes species from a variety of different sources, particularly ‘Panamic’ species with distributions extending north to Central America. Main conclusions On the basis of congruent divisions for reef fish and macro‐invertebrate communities, the Galapagos archipelago can be separated into three major biogeographical areas, two of which can be further subdivided into two regions. Each of these five bioregions possesses communities characterized by a distinctive mix of species derived from Indo‐Pacific, Panamic, Peruvian and endemic source areas. The conservation significance of different regions is not reflected in counts of total species richness. The regions with the lowest overall fish species richness possess a temperate rather than tropical climate and highest levels of endemism.  相似文献   

A latitudinal gradient in biodiversity has existed since before the time of the dinosaurs, yet how and why this gradient arose remains unresolved. Here we review two major hypotheses for the origin of the latitudinal diversity gradient. The time and area hypothesis holds that tropical climates are older and historically larger, allowing more opportunity for diversification. This hypothesis is supported by observations that temperate taxa are often younger than, and nested within, tropical taxa, and that diversity is positively correlated with the age and area of geographical regions. The diversification rate hypothesis holds that tropical regions diversify faster due to higher rates of speciation (caused by increased opportunities for the evolution of reproductive isolation, or faster molecular evolution, or the increased importance of biotic interactions), or due to lower extinction rates. There is phylogenetic evidence for higher rates of diversification in tropical clades, and palaeontological data demonstrate higher rates of origination for tropical taxa, but mixed evidence for latitudinal differences in extinction rates. Studies of latitudinal variation in incipient speciation also suggest faster speciation in the tropics. Distinguishing the roles of history, speciation and extinction in the origin of the latitudinal gradient represents a major challenge to future research.  相似文献   

Aim The geological evolution of the Mediterranean region is largely the result of the Tertiary collision of the African and Eurasian Plates, but also a mosaic of migrating island arcs, fragmenting tectonic belts, and extending back‐arc basins. Such complex paleogeography has resulted in a ‘reticulate’ biogeographical history, in which Mediterranean biotas repeatedly fragmented and merged as dispersal barriers appeared and disappeared through time. In this study, dispersal‐vicariance analysis (DIVA) is used to assess the relative role played by dispersal and vicariance in shaping distribution patterns in the beetle subfamily Pachydeminae Reitter, 1902 (Scarabaeoidea), an example of east–west Mediterranean disjunction. Location The Mediterranean region, including North Africa, the western Mediterranean, Balkans–Anatolia, Middle East, Caucasus, the Iranian Plateau, and Central Asia. Methods A phylogenetic hypothesis of the Palearctic genera of Pachydeminae in conjunction with distributional data was analysed using DIVA. This method reconstructs the ancestral distribution in a given phylogeny based on the vicariance model, while allowing dispersal and extinction to occur. Unlike other methods, DIVA does not enforce area relationships to conform to a hierarchical ‘area cladogram’, so it can be used to reconstruct ‘reticulate’ biogeographical scenarios. Results Optimal reconstructions, requiring 23 dispersal events, suggest that the ancestor of Pachydeminae was originally present in the south‐east Mediterranean region. Basal splitting within the subfamily was caused by vicariance events related to the late Tertiary collision of the African microplates Apulia and Arabia with Eurasia, and the resultant arise of successive dispersal barriers (e.g. the Red Sea, the Zagros Mountains). Subsequent diversification in Pachydeminae involved multiple speciation events within the Middle East and Iran–Afghanistan regions, which gave rise to the least speciose genera of Pachydeminae (e.g. Otoclinius Brenske, 1896). Finally, the presence of Pachydeminae in the western Mediterranean region seems to be the result of a recent dispersal event. The ancestor of the Iberian genera Ceramida Baraud, 1987 and Elaphocera Gené, 1836 probably dispersed from the Middle East to the Iberian Peninsula across North Africa and the Gibraltar Strait during the ‘Messinian salinity crisis’ at the end of the Miocene. Main conclusions Although the basal diversification of Pachydeminae around the Mediterranean appears to be related to vicariance events linked to the geological formation of the Mediterranean Basin, dispersal has also played a very important role. Nearly 38% of the speciation events in the phylogeny resulted from dispersal to a new area followed by allopatric speciation between lineages. Relationships between western and eastern Mediterranean disjuncts are usually explained by dispersal through Central Europe. The biogeographical history of the Pachydeminae corroborates other biogeographical studies that consider North Africa to be an alternative dispersal route by which Mediterranean taxa could have achieved circum‐Mediterranean distributions.  相似文献   

What levels and patterns of craniodental variation among a fossil hypodigm are necessary to reject the null hypothesis that only a single species is sampled? We suggest how developmental and functional criteria can be used to predict where in the skeleton of fossil hominins we should expect more, or less, within-species variation. We present and test three hypotheses about the factors contributing to craniodental variation in extant primate taxa, and then apply these results to the interpretation of the P. boisei hypodigm. Within the comparative samples of extant Homo, Pan, Gorilla, Pongo, and Colobus, variables from the cranial base, neurocranium, and face that are not subject to high magnitudes of strain have consistently lower levels of intraspecific variation than variables from regions of the face subject to high levels of strain. Dental size variables are intermediate in terms of their reliability. P. boisei is found to have a low degree of variability relative to extant primates for variables shown to be generally useful for testing taxonomic hypotheses. Contrary to the claims of Suwa et al. ([1997] Nature 389:489-492), the recently discovered material from Konso falls within the range of variation of the "pre-Konso" hypodigm of P. boisei for available conventional metrical variables. Those aspects of the Konso material that appear to extend the range of the P. boisei hypodigm involve regions of the skull predicted to be prone to high levels of within-species variation. The approach used in this study focuses on craniodental data, but it is applicable to other regions of the skeleton.  相似文献   

Aim Phylogenetics has an important role in conservation biogeography. However, there are few data on the phylogenetic diversity of African primates. The phylogenetic diversity (PD) of a species is a measure of its taxonomic distinctness and can be estimated by looking at the phylogenetic relationships among taxa. Species‐specific metrics on PD can then be used to determine conservation priorities at various biogeographical scales. We used PD metrics to rank 55 African primate species according to their conservation priorities at the country level and within six African biogeographical regions. We also addressed the following question: are there differences in conservation rankings between the IUCN Red List and our PD metrics? Location Africa. Methods We created a consensus phylogeny for all African primate clades based on genetic studies. Analyses of species distributions were determined using presence/absence scores at two levels: country and biogeographical region. A node‐based method that standardizes for widespread taxa and endemicity was used to calculate PD indices. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to convert one of the standardized, phylogenetic indices into three clusters that could be ranked and compared with the main IUCN conservation rankings of endangered, vulnerable, and lower risk. Results At the country and region levels, the top‐priority species in terms of PD are Pan paniscus, Macaca sylvanus, Arctocebus calabarensis, Gorilla beringei, Arctocebus aureus, Allenopithecus nigroviridis, Gorilla gorilla, Procolobus verus, Cercopithecus solatus, Cercocebus galeritus, Colobus angolensis, Theropithecus gelada, Galagoides zanzibaricus, Galagoides granti, and Procolobus (Piliocolobus) badius. Geographic rankings were highest for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (country level) and Central Africa (region level). Although there were no overall differences between IUCN conservation ranks and the PD rankings, there were significant differences between the two systems for vulnerable and endangered primate taxa. Main conclusions There are few ecological and behavioural data on populations of some of the African primates that represent the highest levels of phylogenetic diversity. Studies of primate taxa with high PD rankings should focus on identifying sites suitable for intensive studies of population densities, feeding ecology, and reproductive behaviour. We suggest that PD metrics can serve as an important, complementary data set in the IUCN ranking system for primates.  相似文献   

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