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Cancer of the lip: The primary lesion can be controlled by irradiation in approximately 80 per cent of cases. For lesions with metastases there is only about a 25 per cent chance of five-year arrest (irradiation of the primary lesion followed by excision of involved nodes).Cancer of the tongue: Lesions in the anterior two-thirds are controllable by irradiation in about 50 per cent of cases if the nodes are not involved; the salvage is only about 15 per cent if the nodes are involved (nodes treated surgically). Lesions in the posterior third of the tongue are seldom controlled in the author''s experience.Cancer of the ear (auricle): Five-year arrest of basal-cell lesions should be attained by irradiation in about 80 per cent of cases; of squamous-cell lesions in about 60 per cent. If the lesion is extensive, radiation does not offer a superior cosmetic result to operation and entails danger of late chondronecrosis. Therefore extensive lesions are probably best treated surgically. In either event, it appears probable that results of irradiation can be improved by the use of more adequate fields and greater fractionation.  相似文献   

Studies by eminent surgeons to reevaluate the place of radical operations in the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix-now that extensive procedures have become less hazardous-apparently have led to confusion in some minds as to choice between surgical and radiation therapy. Pending outcome of the studies, general employment of surgical treatment is unwarranted. Radiation is the treatment of choice in most cases, particularly if the lesion is in an early stage, although radical operation is indicated in certain rare early cases in which delivery of an effective dose of radiation to involved areas is technically difficult. Elsewise it appears at present that operation should be used only in cases of stages III or IV carcinoma-in which results by either means of treatment are poor.One hundred and seven patients were treated with a combination of x-ray and radium irradiation. X-ray was used first to reduce the hazard of implanting the radium. The "five-year arrest" rates were as follows: For 22 patients with stage I lesion, 70 per cent; for 31 with stage II, 55.7 per cent; 33 with stage III, 39.7 per cent; 21 with stage IV, 0. Eighteen patients with diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix who had had subtotal hysterectomy were treated. The stage of the disease could not be determined. In this group the five-year arrest rate was 52 per cent.  相似文献   

Studies by eminent surgeons to reevaluate the place of radical operations in the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix—now that extensive procedures have become less hazardous—apparently have led to confusion in some minds as to choice between surgical and radiation therapy. Pending outcome of the studies, general employment of surgical treatment is unwarranted. Radiation is the treatment of choice in most cases, particularly if the lesion is in an early stage, although radical operation is indicated in certain rare early cases in which delivery of an effective dose of radiation to involved areas is technically difficult. Elsewise it appears at present that operation should be used only in cases of stages III or IV carcinoma—in which results by either means of treatment are poor.One hundred and seven patients were treated with a combination of x-ray and radium irradiation. X-ray was used first to reduce the hazard of implanting the radium. The “five-year arrest” rates were as follows: For 22 patients with stage I lesion, 70 per cent; for 31 with stage II, 55.7 per cent; 33 with stage III, 39.7 per cent; 21 with stage IV, 0. Eighteen patients with diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix who had had subtotal hysterectomy were treated. The stage of the disease could not be determined. In this group the five-year arrest rate was 52 per cent.  相似文献   

The long, occult phase of pre-invasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix provides the clinician with his greatest opportunity in the actual prophylaxis of invasive cancer. By the use of four-quadrant biopsies and Papanicolaou smears, the authors increased by almost 20 times the frequency of diagnosis of preinvasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix.Radiation therapy of invasive carcinoma in 147 patients produced five-year “cure” in 84 per cent of stage I cases, 65 per cent of stage II cases. The over-all rate for stages I to IV, inclusive, was 51 per cent.Surgical management of this form of cancer, with preservation of the urinary tract, is an inadequate operation as judged by the extirpative standards observed in operations for cancer at other major anatomical sites.Improvements in technique of irradiation, more accurate measurements of depth dosage at critical sites, and more uniform dosage throughout the parametrial areas, have decreased the incidence of major complications of irradiation.Radical panhysterectomy and pelvic node dissection should be reserved for patients proved to have radioresistant lesions.The application of routine block dissection of pelvic nodes for Stage I and Stage II lesions, clinically controlled by irradiation, is of doubtful theoretic, and no evident practical value.Subject to future evaluation, pelvic eviscerative procedures seem to offer some salvage in cases of recurrent (occasionally primary) advanced lesions in rigidly selected patients.  相似文献   

The author report clinical experience with 212 cases of mammary cancer metastatic to bone, in 186 of which radiotherapy was given, and in 26 steroid hormone therapy.At least 70 per cent of patients with bone metastasis from breast cancer were relieved of pain by adequate roentgen therapy, the relief lasting for most of the survival time in many instances.About 25 per cent of patients had recalcification or reossification of bony lesions with roentgen therapy; while dramatic, this is not always an indication that relief of pain will continue or that survival time will be lengthened.If and when adequate radiotherapy has not been effective or cannot be administered (for example, in a patient with extremely widespread metastasis, or one residing at a considerable distance from radiotherapeutic service) steroid hormone therapy in adequate dosage is frequently beneficial. From 40 per cent to 75 per cent of patients with bone metastases from breast cancer are relieved of pain by steroid hormone therapy. In about 15 per cent of cases recalcification of the lesion occurs.Effective roentgen therapy may usually be given in a relatively brief period of time (one to two weeks). Effective steroid hormone therapy usually requires from 12 to 24 weeks.Complications of steroid hormone therapy are numerous. Some patients are made considerably worse by such therapy. These complications may only be controlled by reduction or discontinuation of the hormones. For this reason, it is recommended that irradiation always be used as the initial method of palliation.  相似文献   

Severe and partly irreversible G2 arrest caused by americium-241 alpha-particles in Chinese hamster V79 cells acted as a competing process to the yield of detectable aberrant mitoses at metaphase. With increasing dose of alpha-radiation an increasing fraction of cells was irreversibly arrested in G2 with the consequence of interphase death before the first post-irradiation mitosis. This irreversible G2 arrest (demonstrated by flow cytofluorometry and mitotic indices) could be overcome by adding caffeine 8 hours after irradiation, the time point of maximum G2 arrest (80-90 per cent of all cells). Within 3.5 hours the number of aberrant mitoses increased by this treatment from 54 to 96 per cent and from 65 to 99.9 per cent for doses of 1.75 and 4.38 Gy of alpha-particles, respectively. The aberration frequency per mitotic cell, scored as chromatid and isochromatid breaks, rings, interchanges and dicentrics increased by a factor of about 3 after releasing G2 arrested cells. The frequency distribution of aberrations per cell revealed that, after 4.38 Gy, 58 per cent of the formerly G2-arrested cells had more than five aberrations per cell compared to only 8 per cent without the interaction of caffeine.  相似文献   

The productivity and effectiveness of the traditional mass x-ray survey method of tuberculosis case-finding were compared with those of a selective use of mobile miniature x-ray equipment. In Tulare County, California, two mobile miniature x-ray units were operated independently of each other. One unit conducted community-wide, pre-planned surveys, while the other unit operated a regular weekly schedule of mobile screening clinics in four cities in the county. THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE SELECTIVE SCREENING PROGRAM WERE: (1) Extensive use of the physician referral method; (2) utilization of the unit for contact contact investigation; (3) interpretation of the minifilm and mailing of film and report to the family physician one day after the screening clinic.RESULTS: Mass survey found one case of tuberculosis per 2,200 minifilms taken; cost per case found, $475. Selective screening program found one case per 292 minifilms taken; cost per case found, $111. Of all cases of tuberculosis reported in 1953, 8 per cent were found by mass survey and 18 per cent by selective screening.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the spatial structure of microbial communities associated with disease lesions of reef corals (Scleractinia). METHODS AND RESULTS: Agarose pre-embedding preserved the structure of the disease lesion and surrounding tissues prior to demineralization of the carbonate exoskeleton and embedding in resin. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to localize bacteria in the lesions of various diseases. CONCLUSIONS: The techniques successfully preserved the in situ spatial structure of degenerated coral tissues. In one case (white plague disease), significant bacterial populations were found only in fragmented remnants of degenerated coral tissues at the lesion boundary that would not have been detected using conventional histopathological techniques. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Determining the composition, spatial structure and dynamics of microbial communities within the disease lesions is necessary to understand the process of disease progression. The methods described may be applicable to a wide range of diseases involving necrotic lesion formation and requiring extensive tissue processing, such as skeleton demineralization.  相似文献   

The authors consider sensitivity to foods and sensitivity to inhalants about equal in importance in bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and allergic bronchitis. Food allergens are the sole cause of bronchial and nasal allergic disease in 20 to 40 per cent of cases throughout life, including old age; inhalants are the sole cause in approximately an equal number; and sensitivity to foods and to inhalants are often associated. THEIR FREQUENT RECOGNITION OF SENSITIVITY TO FOODS AS A CAUSE OF DISEASE, THE AUTHORS BELIEVE, DEPENDS ON: (1) The recognition of the fallibility of skin testing and the usual negative skin reactions to allergenic foods in chronic and recurrent bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis. (2) The adequate use of trial diets, especially cereal-free elimination diet. (3) The realization that ingested foods remain in the body usually for two to four weeks and that the diet must be continued until symptoms have been relieved for two to three times as long as preceding relief between attacks.  相似文献   

Improvements in the surgical treatment of laryngeal cancer by combined laryngectomy and radical neck dissection have given new importance to selection of the mode of treatment for various stages of disease at that site. To cast light on the subject, the cases of 63 patients with cancer of the larynx were reviewed. Twenty-one of them were operated on for recurrence after radiation therapy; and 42 were treated surgically at the outset, 36 of them having combined laryngectomy and radical neck dissection. In almost 80 per cent of the patients the lesion was extrinsic.In the entire series, 51 patients had combined operations, and in 41 of them the cervical lymph nodes were positive for metastasis.Reports in the literature also make note of a very high incidence of cervical node metastasis not only in cases of extrinsic cancer, but also in those in which the lesion is intrinsic.Because of the frequency of cervical node spread, and its occult nature, choice between radiation and surgical operation must be made after candid, critical appraisal of the individual condition in each patient.  相似文献   

The results of treatment of carcinoma of the esophagus, whether by operation or radiation, are equally poor: At best 3 to 5 per cent 5-year survival in larger series. Likewise, the palliative results as judged from short-term survival after 1, 2, and 3 years are approximately the same. The cause of failure is usually that metastatic deposits are already present in the paraesophageal and mediastinal nodes by the time diagnosis is made. Control of these nodes is impossible either by surgical or by radiation therapy, but in about half of the patients adequate irradiation therapy will be palliative and will satisfactorily re-establish esophageal function, but entail less morbidity than surgical operation.Carcinoma of the lung yields little to radiotherapy. Cure is rare, but specific aims of palliation may be achieved. Anaplastic tumors can be controlled locally by irradiation, but they metastasize so rapidly that the chief aim of radiotherapy is to relieve pulmonary embarrassment due to rapid enlargement of mediastinal lymph nodes. Epidermoid carcinomas and adenocarcinomas may be treated at points of bronchial obstruction by intense irradiation, but diffuse thoracic pain is better palliated by sympathetic nerve block.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate an effective harvesting method for Spirulina platensis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eighty per cent of S. platensis cells in the logarithmic growth phase were harvested by flotation when the cells were set in a static condition for 2 h. The optimum harvesting time was about day 6 of cultivation. The flotation activity of S. platensis cells was enhanced by the addition of NaCl. CONCLUSIONS: The harvesting of S. platensis by flotation is a cost-effective and straightforward method that can retain the algal quality. The optimum harvesting time of S. platensis can be predicted by the cellular protein to carbon ratio. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Flotation harvesting is also applicable to other cyanobacteria with gas vesicles.  相似文献   

Needle biopsy of the liver provides concrete diagnostic information that cannot be as readily obtained in any other way. This report reviews 401 liver biopsies in 312 patients. THE MAJOR INDICATIONS FOR USE OF THIS PROCEDURE ARE: To determine the cause of an obscure liver enlargement; to establish the cause of jaundice; to distinguish between malignant disease and cirrhosis of the liver; to determine when hepatitis has subsided; and to evaluate the results of treatment. At times, systemic disease that has not been recognized by other means may be diagnosed by this technique. There is risk in performing this test, and the 0.25 per cent mortality in this series compares favorably with that reported from other clinics. Where the diagnosis by biopsy could be compared with observations at operation or autopsy, the correct diagnosis was made by biopsy in 85 per cent of cases. Greater accuracy was obtained by two or more biopsic examinations in one case then by single biopsy. In several cases in which surgical operation was considered, biopsic information made it unnecessary, and vice versa.  相似文献   

《California medicine》1967,106(4):327-330
* Figures on professional registered nurses recently made available indicate that the ratio of active nurses to population in California in 1962 was 327 per 100,000 persons. The comparable figure nationally was 298/100,000. California ranked twentieth out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia.THE PERCENTAGE OF ALL NURSES ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN NURSING IS CONSIDERABLY LOWER IN CALIFORNIA THAN IN THE TOTAL UNITED STATES: 60.4 per cent compared with 65.3 per cent. This indicates that the shortage of nurses in California is more attributable to underutilization of potential manpower than to its absence.There are some identifiable categories of nurses in California in which the utilization of personnel is particularly low, as compared with other states. In terms of rates of utilization, the group of nurses over 60 years of age are most noticeably under-utilized, while in terms of numbers, married nurses could provide the greatest supply of extra nurses were their employment rate in the state equal to the national rate.The recruiting potential is a very great one, however, as this report indicates.  相似文献   

AIMS: To compare the DNA repair capabilities of the entomopathogenic fungus (EPF) bassiana to the EPF Beauveria brongniartii, Beauveria nivea, Metarhizium anisopliae, Paecilomyces farinosus, Verticillium lecanii, and the fungi Aspergillus niger and Neurospora crassa. METHODS AND RESULTS: Germination of B. bassiana conidiospores following ultraviolet (UV) irradiation was used to show that nucleotide excision repair and photoreactivation decrease the post-UV germination delay. These two modes of repair were characterized and compared between the aforementioned EPF, A. niger and N. crassa using a physiological assay where per cent survival post-UV irradiation was scored as colony forming units. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed B. bassiana and M. anisopliae are the most UV-tolerant EPF. The DNA repair capabilities indicated that EPF do not have all DNA repair options available to fungi, such as A. niger and N. crassa. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A key factor detrimental to the survival of EPF in agro-ecosystems is UV light from solar radiation. The EPF literature pertaining to UV irradiation is varied with respect to methodology, UV source, and dose, which prevented comparisons. Here we have characterized the fungi by a standard method and established the repair capabilities of EPF under optimal conditions.  相似文献   

AIMS: To study the effect of UV irradiation on the bacterial load of shell eggs and of a roller conveyor belt. METHODS AND RESULTS: The natural bacterial load on the eggshell of clean eggs was significantly reduced by a standard UV treatment of 4.7 s; from 4.47 to 3.57 log CFU per eggshell. For very dirty eggs no significant reduction was observed. Eggs inoculated with Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus (4.74 and 4.64 log CFU per eggshell respectively) passed the conveyor belt and were exposed to UV for 4.7 and 18.8 s. The reduction of both inoculated bacteria on the eggshell was comparable and significant for both exposure times (3 and 4 log CFU per eggshell). Escherichia coli was reduced but still detectable on the conveyor rollers. The internal bacterial contamination of eggs filled up with diluent containing E. coli or S. aureus was not influenced by UV irradiation. Conclusions: There is a significant lethal effect of UV irradiation on the bacterial contamination of clean eggshells and recent shell contamination, contamination of rollers can be controlled and the internal contamination of eggs is not reduced. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The penetration of UV into organic material appears to be poor and UV disinfection can be used as an alternative for egg washing.  相似文献   

Of 100 patients with carcinoma of the bladder seen in the Section of Therapeutic Radiology, University of California, San Francisco, between 1957 and 1962, 59 were accepted for radiation treatment. Fifty had transitional cell carcinoma and were treated with supervolt therapy (1 mev or cobalt-60).TWO TYPES OF TUMORS WERE AGAIN FOUND SUITABLE FOR EXTERNAL IRRADIATION: Papillary carcinomas Grades II and III, as long as they have not, or at least have not massively, invaded muscle; and undifferentiated carcinomas, Grade IV, regardless of degree of extension through the pelvis. The former type, if single, is treated by irradiation for the first recurrence after one attempt with radical transurethral resection. In the presence of multiple lesions at the first examination, radiation therapy is given immediately. The latter type is treated by radiation therapy without any attempt at surgical removal.Of 37 patients, Stages A to C, treated more than three years ago, 14 (38 per cent) lived more than three years and eight (22 per cent) had no cystoscopic or clinical signs of active disease and had normal bladder function. Of 23 patients treated more than five years ago, eight were alive after five years (35 per cent) and four (17 per cent) remained controlled by radiation therapy alone, with normal bladder function.No major complications were observed. In particular, no fibrosis of the bladder occurred. Doses ranged from 5,000 r in five and a half weeks to 6,000 r in seven weeks.A close cooperation between urologic surgeons and radiotherapists during recent years permits long-range treatment planning from the time of diagnosis, which is essential in the effective therapy of carcinoma of the bladder.  相似文献   

Abstract— Visible lesions from monkeys with acute experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced by injection of purified myelin basic protein were assayed for acid proteinase, for a neutral proteinase at pH 6·5, and one lesion was measured for cathepsin A. Acid proteinase was increased to 152–176 per cent of levels in normal-appearing brain areas, neutral proteinase increased to 220–258 per cent, and the one lesion assayed for cathepsin A was 840 per cent of control. These enzymes were measured in the brain stem of Lewis rats with acute EAE as a result of basic protein injection and compared to Freund's adjuvant-injected controls. Acid proteinase was increased significantly to an average level of 128 per cent of control, the increase in neutral proteinase was not significant, and cathepsin A levels were 258 per cent of control, a highly significant increase. The rise in cathepsin A levels was not seen until the onset of paralytic symptoms. The brain stem of Wistar rats treated with whole spinal cord which show EAE in a milder form than the Lewis rat did not contain significantly higher enzyme levels than the control. The increases in acid proteinase and cathepsin A in brain stems were compared to levels of these enzymes in lymph nodes of EAE, Freund's adjuvant-injected controls and uninjected controls. The level of acid proteinase of lymph nodes/g protein did not change appreciably in the course of EAE development in the Lewis and Wistar rats and was about 3–4 times the activity in the brain stem. The cathepsin A in the inguinal lymph nodes of Wistar and Lewis rats injected with whole spinal cord in Freund's adjuvant increases to a level 2× that of the lymph nodes of the uninjected control. The cathepsin A levels in these activated lymph nodes was 6–8 × that of the control brain stem. The lymph nodes of Lewis and Wistar rats injected with Freund's adjuvant alone showed the same increase in cathepsin A as those from rats injected with spinal cord. The brain stem of rats undergoing severe demyelination as a result of chronic administration of triethyl tin did not show the enzyme increases. These results are compatible with the theory that proteolytic enzyme increases in EAE (and probably multiple sclerosis) are due to the invasion of mononuclear cells, some of which are probably lymphocytes. Whether or not these enzymes participate in the actual dissolution of myelin is unknown.  相似文献   

AIM: To study the molecular level damages in a marine bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora, exposed to low power pulsed laser radiation from an Nd:YAG laser. METHODS AND RESULTS: The laser damages in bacterial DNA were monitored by studying the formation of apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites. Molecular probe kits were used for this purpose. Occurrence of lesions in the cell walls was monitored under a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results showed that laser radiation significantly increased the number of AP sites in the bacterial DNA. This increase corresponded to the laser fluence (J cm(-2)) and to the duration of laser irradiation. TEM observation showed the occurrence of lesions in bacterial cell walls upon laser irradiation. CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that bacteria exposed to laser irradiation suffers DNA damages and resulted in broken cell walls. These events led to bacterial mortality. These are in addition to the mechanisms reported earlier such as the photochemical reactions occurring inside the cells upon exposure to low power laser. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These results help us to understand the mechanisms of bacterial mortality on exposure to low power pulsed laser irradiation and are useful in formulating a laser treatment strategy to kill bacteria.  相似文献   

Studies in man and other animals indicate that tendency to development of malignant melanoma may be congenital. Dark-skinned races have a lower incidence than light-skinned races.Sixty-five per cent of all malignant melanomas arise from possibly congenital moles; in over half of the 57 cases included in this study the patient observed gross change in the precurrent lesion. Trauma, even a single blow, is often the cause of malignant change. Excision of all pigmented moles subject to trauma is urged as a means of reducing the incidence of this highly malignant lesion.Biopsy of suspected lesions, followed by excision of a wide area and adjoining lymph nodes if indicated, is the only adequate treatment. The removal of hirsute moles for cosmetic reasons is discussed.  相似文献   

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