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Question: Are species‐specific regeneration strategies and competition the dominant processes facilitating species coexistence in a Quercus liaotungensis dominated temperate deciduous forest? Location: Dongling Mountains, North China, 1300 m a.s.l. Methods: Ripley's K‐function was used to characterize the spatial patterns and spatial associations of two dominant tree species, Quercus liaotungensis and Betula dahurica, and a common subcanopy species, Acer mono, at different growth stages (adult, sapling, seedling). Results: Seedlings, saplings and adults of all three species exhibited clumped distributions at most spatial scales. Quercus seedlings and saplings were positively associated with conspecific adult trees and spatially independent of dead trees suggesting that seed dispersal and vegetative regeneration influenced the spatial patterning of Quercus trees. Betula seedlings and saplings were positively associated with both live and dead trees of conspecific adults at small scales (<5 m) but negatively associated with live and dead trees of other species indicating sprouting as an important mechanism of reproduction. Saplings of Acer had a strong spatial dependence on the distribution of conspecific adult trees indicating its limited seed dispersal range. Negative associations between adult trees of Betula and Quercus demonstrated interspecific competition at local scales (<5 m). Conclusions: Different regeneration strategies among the three species play an important role in regulating their spatial distribution patterns, while competition between individuals of Betula and Quercus at the adult stage also contributes to spatial patterning of these communities. The recruitment limitations of Betula and Quercus may affect the persistence of these species and the long‐term dynamics of the forest.  相似文献   

Abstract. Spatial data can provide much information about the interrelations of plants and the relationship between individuals and the environment. Spatially ambiguous plants, i.e. plants without readily identifiable loci, and plants that are profusely abundant, present non‐trivial impediments to the collection and analysis of vegetation data derived from standard spatial sampling techniques. Sampling with grids of presence/absence quadrats can ameliorate much of this difficulty. Our analysis of 10 fully‐mapped grassland plots demonstrates the applicability of the grid‐based approach which revealed spatial dependence at a much lower sampling effort than mapping each plant. Ripley's K‐function, a test commonly used for point patterns, was effective for pattern analysis on the grids and the gridded quadrat technique was an effective tool for quantifying spatial patterns. The addition of spatial pattern measures should allow for better comparisons of vegetation structure between sites, instead of sole reliance on species composition data.  相似文献   

Spatial pattern and process in forest stands within the Virginia piedmont   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Question: Underlying ecological processes have often been inferred from the analysis of spatial patterns in ecosystems. Using an individual‐based model, we evaluate whether basic assumptions of species’life‐history, drought‐susceptibility, and shade tolerance generate dynamics that replicate patterns between and within forest stands. Location: Virginia piedmont, USA. Method: Model verification examines the transition in forest composition and stand structure between mesic, intermediate and xeric sites. At each site, tree location, diameter, and status were recorded in square plots ranging from 0.25 to 1.0 ha. Model validation examines the simulated spatial pattern of individual trees at scales of 1–25 m within each forest site using a univariate Ripley's K function. Results: 7512 live and dead trees were surveyed across all sites. All sites exhibit a consistent, significant shift in pattern for live trees by size, progressing from a clumped understorey (trees ± 0.1 m in diameter) to a uniform overstorey (trees > 0.25 m). Simulation results reflect not only the general shift in pattern of trees at appropriate scales within sites, but also the general transition in species composition and stand structure between sites. Conclusions: This shift has been observed in other forest ecosystems and interpreted as a result of competition; however, this hypothesis has seldom been evaluated using simulation models. These results support the hypothesis that forest pattern in the Virginia piedmont results from competition involving species’life‐history attributes driven by soil moisture availability between sites and light availability within sites.  相似文献   

Abstract. The interactions between plants of different species, age or size play an important role in the dynamics of an ecosystem and can induce specific structures. These interactions can be studied by analysing the spatial structure of the corresponding bivariate patterns. The intertype L12‐function has recently been successfully used in many papers for that purpose. However, when interpreting the results obtained with ecological data, at least two different null hypotheses – independence or random labelling – can be appropriate, depending on the context of the study and the nature of the data. As these two hypotheses correspond to different confidence intervals, an inappropriate choice of the null hypothesis can lead to misinterpretations of biotic interactions when studying ecological data. This problem has rarely been mentioned in the literature. In this paper we clarify the differences between these two null hypotheses, and illustrate the risk of misinterpretation when using an inappropriate null hypothesis. We review the main characteristics of these two hypotheses, and analyse the spatial structure of both real data from forest stands and simulated virtual stands of different structures. We demonstrate that the risk of misinterpretation is quite high, and that extreme misinterpretations, i.e. cases leading to opposite conclusions in terms of spatial interaction, can occur in a significant number of cases. We therefore propose some guidelines to help ecologists avoid such misinterpretations.  相似文献   

The relation of vitiligo/non‐segmental vitiligo (NSV) to Koebner's phenomenon is variably appreciated. Our objective was to develop and validate a simple clinical score for Koebner's phenomenon (KP) in patients with vitiligo/NSV. The study population was composed of 351 individuals in the development sample and 285 patients in the validation sample. Seven variables were independently associated with the presence of KP: disease duration of more than 3 yr, forehead + scalp areas, eyelids, wrists, genital + belt areas, knees and tibial crests. The score computed by the weighted sum of the rounded coefficients of these seven variables ranged from 0 to 56 (mean 38.39 ± 22.93). The probability of having KP was computed as follows: exp (?2.37 + 0.1*score)/exp [1 + (?2.37 + 0.1*score)]. When applying the score to each patient in the validation and the development sample, the score maintained adequate discrimination and calibration (AUC‐ROC = 0.78), arguing that KP can be adequately predicted using our score. Further studies should evaluate KP assessed by the K‐VSCOR in clinical practice with the aim to determine its association with clinical profile, course and treatment response of vitiligo.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the daily probability of survival of mosquitoes is independent of age. To test this assumption we have conducted a three‐year experimental fieldwork study (2005–2007) at Fortaleza‐CE in Brazil, determining daily survival rates of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti (L.). Survival rates of adult Ae. aegypti may be age‐dependent and the statistical analysis is a sensitive approach for comparing patterns of mosquito survival. The mosquito survival data were better fit by a Weibull survival function than by the more traditionally used Gompertz or logistic survival functions. Gompertz, Weibull, or logistic survival functions often fit the survival, and the tails of the survival curves usually appear to fall between the values predicted by the three functions. We corroborate that the mortality of Ae. aegypti in semi‐natural conditions may no more be considered as a constant phenomenon during the life of adult mosquitoes but varies according to the age and environmental conditions under a tropical climate. This study estimates the variability in the survival rate of Ae. aegypti and environmental factors that are related to such variability. The statistical analysis shows that the fitting ability, concerning the hazard function, was in decreasing order: Seasonal Cox, the three‐parameter Gompertz, and the three‐parameter Weibull, that was similar to the three‐parameter logistic. The advantage of using the Cox model is that it is convenient for exploring the relationship between survival and several explanatory variables. The Cox model has the advantage of preserving the variable in its original quantitative form and of using a maximum of information. The survival analyses indicate that mosquito mortality is both age‐ and environment‐dependent.  相似文献   

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