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2021年11月在沈阳市辽中区蒲河湿地公园(41°30′55″ N,122°78′30″ E,海拔30 m)采集到2号无尾两栖类标本,经形态特征比较确认为无尾目(Anura)蛙科(Ranidae)蛙属(Rana)物种,基于线粒体16S rRNA基因对蛙属19个物种的亲缘关系及系统发育进行分析,其与韩国及中国山东文登昆嵛山分布的韩国林蛙(R. coreana)遗传距离最近,并在最大似然树中聚为一支,应属种内关系。综合形态分析和系统发育比较,确定采集到的标本为韩国林蛙,系辽宁省两栖动物分布新记录种。本次发现将辽宁省分布的蛙属物种增至5种。  相似文献   

樊晓丽  林植华 《生态学报》2020,40(5):1731-1739
外来物种入侵是造成本土无尾两栖类种群下降和灭绝的最严重威胁之一。在中国南部丽水地区,克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkiion)是一种捕食本土无尾类蝌蚪的入侵物种。在实验室条件下,通过对黑斑侧褶蛙(Pelophylax nigromaculatus)受精卵和蝌蚪先后进行克氏原螯虾捕食风险的不同处理,检测孵出蝌蚪的形态特征、中期蝌蚪的形态特征、游泳表现及活动水平、变态时间与大小以及幼蛙跳跃表现,评估克氏原螯虾的捕食风险对黑斑侧褶蛙不同生长阶段幼体生长发育、运动能力及行为的综合影响。单因素方差分析表明,捕食者长期存在条件下黑斑侧褶蛙孵出蝌蚪的体长、尾长和尾肌宽均显著短于无捕食者的空白对照组和捕食者仅存在2 d的实验组,后两者处理下的蝌蚪体长差异显著,但尾长和尾肌宽差异不显著。长期捕食者存在条件下黑斑侧褶蛙蝌蚪的游泳总路程和平均游速均显著小于无捕食者和捕食者存在2 d的实验组,而蝌蚪体长、尾长、尾鳍高和尾肌高的组间差异均不显著。有捕食者存在下黑斑侧褶幼蛙的体长和体重均显著大于无捕食者和捕食者存在2 d的实验组的情况,而变态时间和幼蛙跳跃距离组间差异不显著。两因素方差分析表明,测试时间、捕食者设置和两因素的相互作用均显著影响蝌蚪的活动频次。不同实验时间,长期捕食者存在实验组蝌蚪活动频次均小于无捕食者和捕食者存在2 d的实验组。无捕食者实验组蝌蚪的活动频次前期高于捕食者存在2 d的实验组,后期低于捕食者存在2 d的实验组。线性回归分析结果显示,捕食者存在2 d实验组蝌蚪相对活动频次与检测时间相关不显著,长期捕食者存在实验组相对蝌蚪活动频次与检测时间呈显著的正相关。本研究表明了黑斑侧褶蛙蝌蚪能够感知来自入侵捕食者克氏原螯虾的捕食风险,诱导产生较小的孵出个体、蝌蚪较低的活动水平,但这种不足可通过后期补偿生长,不影响进入陆地生境的变态个体的表型与运动能力。  相似文献   

2021年9月在沈阳市蒲河湿地公园(41°41′54″N,122°52′19″E,海拔35 m)采集到3号无尾两栖类动物,经形态特征比较确认为侧褶蛙属(Pelophylax)金线侧褶蛙种组(P.plancyi species complex)的物种。基于线粒体12S rRNA和16S rRNA基因联合构建的侧褶蛙属部分物种最大似然系统发育树显示,采集到的侧褶蛙标本与朝鲜侧褶蛙(P.chosenicus)聚为一支,且具有较高的支持率(0.95)。综合形态和系统发育比较,确定采集到的标本为无尾目(Anura)蛙科(Ranidae)侧褶蛙属的朝鲜侧褶蛙,系中国两栖动物分布新记录种。  相似文献   

红点齿蟾Oreolalax rhodostigmatus Hu et Fei,1979(无尾目,角蟾科)是中国特有种,也是当今世界上两栖纲中稀有的几种洞穴无尾目Anura动物之一,主要分布在我国武陵山地区。研究了湘西北地区不同产地的红点齿蟾在形态结构、繁殖期等方面的差异;并依据繁殖期、采集日期、发育阶段、变态和全长、体长等基本素材创建了年龄组测算法测算年龄;着重报导了洞穴环境的特点以及红点齿蟾蝌蚪的生长发育特征和它们在洞穴中生活适应的意义。  相似文献   

中国林蛙与中华蟾蜍蝌蚪颅骨形态的系统进化比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对无尾两栖动物系统进化的研究,主要是基于经典的形态学、现代分子生物学等技术。无尾两栖动物蝌蚪的进化与成体的进化可能是两个独立的过程,所以无尾两栖类蝌蚪形态及发育特征也可以作为研究系统进化的重要指征。本文对中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)及中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans)变态前蝌蚪的软骨性颅骨及鳃部骨骼进行形态学描述,基于幼体形态特征,进行系统建树。建树结果支持Orton将无尾两栖类蝌蚪划分为4种类型,认为最原始的类群为Ⅲ型蝌蚪,与Tihen的观点一致。新蛙亚目的中国林蛙和中华蟾蜍蝌蚪属Ⅳ型,是最进化的类群。  相似文献   

2022年6月在陕西省安康市镇坪县化龙山自然保护区(32°00′01″ N,109°17′05″ E,海拔1 641 m)采集到1号无尾两栖类标本,经形态特征比较确认为臭蛙属(Odorrana)物种,基于线粒体16S rRNA分子片段对臭蛙属35个物种的系统发育进行分析,其与模式产地四川南江的光雾臭蛙(O. kuangwuensis)在最大似然系统发育树中聚为一支,支持率高达99%,且遗传分化较小,应属种内关系。综合形态特征比较和系统发育分析,确定采集到的标本为无尾目(Anura)蛙科(Ranidae)臭蛙属的光雾臭蛙,系陕西省两栖动物分布新记录种,此发现为光雾臭蛙在大巴山脉分布的连续性提供了一定依据。  相似文献   

一、两栖纲:两栖动物在脊椎动物演化史上占有极为重要的位置,它是脊椎动物由水中向陆上发展的过渡类型。不了解两栖动物的特征,学生就不可能掌握脊椎动物由水中向陆上、由低级向高级发展的完整概念。从这个意义说,掌握两栖类的基本知识,也是完全必要的。现存的两栖动物,全世界有近3000种,其中无足目约170种;有尾目200余种;无尾目约2600种。我国有230余种(亚种),其中无足目1种;有尾目32种;无尾目197种。青蛙是泛指黑斑蛙、金线蛙、虎纹蛙等,是两栖纲,无尾目,蛙科动物。初中动物学课本图87,应该是黑斑蛙(Rana nigromaculata),体长可达8厘米。…  相似文献   

张庆  杨颖  李明会  周伟  杨炳辉 《四川动物》2007,26(2):382-385
作者比较了采自昆明东北郊的滇蛙Rana pleuraden、昭觉林蛙Rana chaochioensis、华西蟾蜍eufo andrewsi和云南小狭口蛙Calluella yunnanensis的蝌蚪。结果表明,4种蝌蚪口部形态、尾形、出水孔和肛管开口位置在第Ⅰ、Ⅱ期稳定。滇蛙蝌蚪唇齿式为Ⅰ:1—1/1—1:Ⅱ;有一出水孔位于体左侧,肛管开口于下尾鳍基部右侧,尾末端尖、短。昭觉林蛙蝌蚪唇齿式为Ⅰ:2—2/1—1:Ⅲ;有一出水孔位于体左侧,肛管开口于下尾鳍基部右侧,尾末端为尖、短。华西蟾蜍蝌蚪唇齿式为Ⅱ/Ⅲ;有一出水孔位于体左侧,肛管开口于下尾鳍基部正中,尾末端钝,几乎呈半圆。云南小狭口蛙蝌蚪无唇齿及唇乳突,口位于吻端,口缘膜状,口部马蹄形,出水孔位于腹部后端中线处;肛管开口于下尾鳍基部正中;尾末端尖,细长。肛管在下尾鳍基部的开口位置可作为蝌蚪分类特征。  相似文献   

李仕泽  石磊  吕敬才  魏刚  徐宁  陈靖  姜森  王斌 《动物学杂志》2016,51(6):1110-1117
2015年5月至7月在贵州省梵净山国家级自然保护区采集到6号臭蛙标本,经鉴定为宜章臭蛙(Odorrana yizhangensis)(两栖纲,无尾目,蛙科),属贵州省两栖动物新纪录。本文给出了这6号标本的22项外形特征量度,并描述了其生境特征。基于12S r RNA和16S r RNA基因片段构建的最大似然系统发育树表明,这些标本与宜章臭蛙模式产地标本聚在一起,且他们之间的遗传距离远远小于臭蛙属物种之间的距离。宜章臭蛙在贵州的新记录将促进该物种的分类与谱系地理学研究。  相似文献   

2021年4月在福建宁德蕉城区石墩村采集到3只相同蛙类,通过形态特征鉴定为隶属于无尾目(Anura)蛙科(Ranidae)臭蛙属(Odorrana)的凹耳臭蛙(O.tormota).凹耳臭蛙为中国特有种,之前仅被报道分布于安徽黄山,浙江建德、天台、安吉,江西婺源和江苏宜兴,其纬度分布范围在29°~31° N之间.该物种...  相似文献   

Hypotheses of relationships are critical to describing and understandingpatterns of evolution within groups of organisms. But rarelyhas a comparative, historical approach been employed to studydevelopmental change, particularly among anurans. A recent resurgenceof interest in collecting basic ontogenetic information providesus with the opportunity to compare ontogenetic trajectoriesin a phylogenetic framework. Larval skeletons and osteologicaldevelopment were examined for 22 taxa and compared to two hypothesesof relationships—that of Cannatella, and one proposedherein based on 41 morphological characters from larvae and62 from adults. Larval characters were mapped on the alternatecladograms using the ACCTRAN optimization criterion. Severallarval features are highly conserved among some anurans, suggestingthat there is some level of canalization of morphology earlyin ontogeny. In contrast, a number of morphologies vary amonggroups, supporting the fact that there have been major evolutionarymodifications to anuran larval morphologies early in ontogenyand in the early evolutionary history of anurans.  相似文献   

Environmental induced developmental plasticity occurs in many organisms and it has been suggested to facilitate biological diversification. Here we use ranid frogs to examine whether morphological changes derived from adaptive developmental acceleration in response to pool drying within a species are mirrored by differences among populations and across species. Accelerated development in larval anurans under pool drying conditions is adaptive and often results in allometric changes in limb length and head shape. We examine the association between developmental rate and morphology within population, among populations in divergent environments, and among species inside the Ranidae frog family, combining experimental approaches with phylogenetic comparative analyses. We found that frogs reared under decreasing water conditions that simulated fast pool drying had a faster development rate compared to tadpoles reared on constant water conditions. This faster developmental rate resulted in different juvenile morphologies between the two pool drying conditions. The association between developmental rate and morphology found as a result of plasticity was not mirrored by differences among populations that differed in development, neither was it mirrored among species that differed in development rate. We conclude that morphological differences among populations and species were not driven by variation in developmental time per se. Instead, selective factors, presumably operating on locomotion and prey choice, seem to have had a stronger evolutionary effect on frog morphology than evolutionary divergences in developmental rate in the ranid populations and species studied.  相似文献   

Anuran metamorphosis, the transition from aquatic larvae to terrestrial juveniles, is accompanied by significant morphological, physiological, and behavioral changes. Timing of metamorphosis and final size, which can influence adult fitness, may depend on sufficient energy accumulated during the larval period to support metamorphosis. However, only two species of anurans have been examined for energetic costs of metamorphosis, Rana tigrina and Anaxyrus terrestris. Based on these species, it has been hypothesized that differences in energy expenditure are related to duration of metamorphosis. To compare energetic costs of metamorphosis among species and examine this hypothesis, we quantified the total energy required for metamorphosis of Lithobates palustris tadpoles by measuring oxygen consumption rates over the duration of metamorphic climax using closed-circuit respirometry. Total energy costs for L. palustris were positively related to tadpole mass and duration of metamorphic climax. However, larger tadpoles completed metamorphosis more efficiently because they used proportionally less total energy for metamorphic climax than smaller counterparts. Costs were intermediate to R. tigrina, a larger species with similar metamorphic duration, and A. terrestris, a smaller species with shorter metamorphic climax. The results supported the hypothesis that amphibian species with more slowly developing tadpoles, such as ranids, require more absolute energy for metamorphosis in comparison to more rapidly developing species like bufonids.  相似文献   

Microhabitat use is an important component of anuran behavior in both the tadpole and the adult stages. It is potentially influenced by phylogeny and extant ecological factors acting as selective pressures, such as predation, competition, or physical habitat properties. We aimed to test whether patterns of microhabitat use vary among species, habitats and sites, and how much of this variation can be explained by phylogenetic relatedness. We collected data on microhabitat use at five different sites, where we obtained a total of 4,230 records of individual tadpoles of 34 species in 15 genera and 7 families, and a total of 1,163 records of adult individuals of 39 species in 16 genera and 8 families. Mantel tests conducted to relate species dissimilarities in microhabitat use and phylogenetic relatedness indicated a weak but significant relationship for adult anurans, and no relationship for tadpoles. Our results suggest that microhabitat use is a plastic and variable trait, overcoming phylogenetic signal in tadpoles. In adult anurans, very little of the variation in microhabitat use can be explained by phylogenetic relatedness. Microhabitat use is not a good predictor of phylogeny, but it may be a very interesting subject to study natural selection and adaptation.  相似文献   

Several hormones regulate anuran larval development, most notably thyroid hormones (THs). In anurans, metamorphosis fails when the thyroid gland is absent or inactivated, resulting in giant tadpoles. Larval gigantism occurs naturally in neotropical frogs of the genus Pseudis as a result of a prolonged larval period. Its thyroid function is poorly investigated and the focus of this study. We describe qualitative and quantitative variations in larval development for field-captured specimens of Pseudis platensis and compare those to the development of two sympatric species, Phyllomedusa sauvagii and Pithecopus azureus, which have small tadpoles and a shorter larval period. We describe morphological changes in the thyroid glands of larval and adult specimens. In contrast to other species with similar ecological requirements, P. platensis exhibits distinct glandular activity. During premetamorphosis, there was little or no thyroid activity, a period in which the tadpole reached 70% of its maximum size. Development and degree of activity of the thyroid gland determine the duration of the early stages of the larval period. Thyroid gland histology in tadpoles appears to correlate with the TH activity, and in turn with the diversity in anuran life history transitions.  相似文献   

Water salinity represents an environmental stress for many species. Amphibians are particularly sensitive because they are generally poor osmoregulators, and most species are completely absent from brackish and saline environments. We experimentally examined the effect of different salinity levels on larvae of the toad Bufo calamita L., a species that occupies freshwater ponds but can also breed in brackish ponds. Two independent experiments are reported here. In both experiments, tadpoles under saline conditions (ranging between 85 and 200 mOsm) showed a slower developmental rate, metamorphosing between 4 and 9 d later than the controls. Bufo calamita tadpoles reared in brackish water increased their osmolality and solute concentration (mainly sodium and chloride), decreased their levels of glucose, and decreased the total protein content, all measured from whole-animal extracts. Although most larval anurans are strictly ammoniotelic until the completion of metamorphosis, a few species exposed to dehydrating environments have evolved the ability to use urea as an osmolyte during the larval phase. The data presented here reveal that although B. calamita seems to be yet another exception to the rule of larval strict ammoniotelism, the tadpoles are not able to use urea as an osmolyte and rely on sodium-chloride balance instead. Preliminary immunoassays of thyroid hormone content suggest a possible decrease in hormone levels induced in water salinity conditions that correlate with a decreased developmental rate.  相似文献   

The identification of larval fish has been an important morphological issue in marine biology due to the dramatic transformations that most species undergo from early larval stages to adulthood. Insufficient morphological diagnostic characters in larval fishes made it easy to misidentify them and a difficult process to key to genus and species level. The experiment aims to find out, by applying DNA barcoding, how consistent the morphological identifications can be among larval fish. Larval fish were mainly collected using plankton nets around mangrove areas in Pendas (Johor), Setiu (Terengganu), Pekan (Pahang) and Matang (Perak) Malaysia between April 2015 and October 2015. A total of 354 samples were morphologically identified, mostly to the family level and a few to the genus level. Larval fish ranged from 1.5 mm to 31 mm of total length, with the most abundant individuals being <3 mm. Among them, a total of 177 individuals were selected for DNA barcoding analyses. Molecular works involved polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing of mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase I (COI) gene fragment (655 base pairs) methods. DNA barcoding enabled all samples to be identified down to species level. The overall genetic identities ranged from 91% to 100%. Morphological identification classified the specimens into 19 families and 11 genera while DNA barcoding identified them into 19 families 33 genera and 40 species. A comparison between the two methods showed a mismatched identification of 42.6% where the accuracy percentage for morphological identification was moderate for the family level (67.8%) but was low for genus level identification (30%). The DNA barcoding method also managed to successfully identify 86.4% of the samples up to their species level where morphological method has failed to do so. The most misidentified families in the study were Blenniidae, Sparidae, Apogonidae Ambassidae and Monachantidae while almost all samples from the family Gobiidae and Engraulidae were correctly identified to family level because of their distinct morphology. In conclusion, taxonomic studies of larval fish should continue using combination of both morphology and DNA barcoding methods. Morphological identification should be more conservative i.e., when in doubt, it is better to key only to family and not to the genus and species level. DNA barcoding is a better method for deeper taxonomic levels identification with the existence of robust sequence reference libraries and should be able to validate the accuracy of traditional larval fish identification.  相似文献   

本文根据对 10种刺甲族昆虫幼虫的形态研究 ,并与国外已知 5种的研究资料进行比较 ,发现在刺甲族幼虫鉴别中 ,上唇被毛虽是首选特征 ,但不能作为唯一特征 ,下唇和第 9腹节的形态、被毛是必须的辅助特征。文中描述了刺甲族幼虫的特征 ,并提供了 10种幼虫的检索表和分类特征图。  相似文献   

Flexible architecture of inducible morphological plasticity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Predator-induced morphological defences are produced in response to an emergent predator regime. In natural systems, prey organisms usually experience temporal shifting of the composition of the predator assemblage and of the intensity of predation risk from each predator species. Although, a repetitive morphological change in response to a sequential shift of the predator regime such as alteration of the predator species or diminution of the predation risk may be adaptive, such flexible inducible morphological defences are not ubiquitous. 2. We experimentally addressed whether a flexible inducible morphological defence is accomplished in response to serial changes in the predation regime, using a model prey species which adopt different defensive morphological phenotypes in response to different predator species. Rana pirica (Matsui) tadpoles increased body depth and tail depth against the predatory larval salamander Hynobius retardatus (Dunn); on the other hand, they only increased tail depth against the predatory larval dragonfly Aeshna nigroflava (Martin). 3. Rana pirica tadpoles with the predator-specific phenotypes were subjected to removal or exchange of the predator species. After removal of the predator species, tadpoles with each predator-specific phenotype changed their phenotype to the nondefensive basic one, suggesting that both predator-specific phenotypes are costly to maintain. After an exchange of the predator species, tadpoles with each predator-specific phenotype reciprocally, flexibly shifted their phenotype to the now more suitable predator-specific one only by modifying their body part. The partial modification can effectively reduce time and energy expenditures involved in repetitive morphological changes, and therefore suggest that the costs of the flexible morphological changes are reduced.  相似文献   

Experimental manipulations of the densities of two larval anurans, Pelodytes punctatus and Bufo bufo , showed that these species compete asymmetrically in semi-natural conditions. Growth, mass at metamorphosis, date of metamorphosis, and survival were used as measures of response to interspecific competition. A mechanistic approach was used to collect information on the behaviour of the two species in different conditions. The competitive superiority of Pelodytes at individual level was correlated with a larger body, faster growth rate, increased per capita competitive impact on conspecifics, and greater reduction in the availability of trophic and spatial resources. In the presence of Pelodytes, Bufo showed slower growth, smaller size at metamorphosis and reduced survival. In the interspecific treatments Bufo individuals modified their behaviour by increasing activity and use of the water column while Pelodytes did not change their foraging activity or space use in the aquaria. However, the presence of Bufo resulted in a reduced larval period and smaller size at metamorphosis. We hypothesise that the presence of Bufo act as a signal of environmental degradation and shorten the larval period of Pelodytes, a typical temporal pond breeder . The smaller Bufo tadpoles are potentially stronger competitors at population level because they use relatively large amounts of energy (greater densities and higher metabolic rates). Consequently, they use larger proportions of the shared resources than their larger competitor. A possible evolutionary response for larger tadpoles is the development of interference mechanisms or "escaping" from ephemeral ponds where mortality by drying represent a high risk.  相似文献   

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