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采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜,对松江鲈鱼(Trachidermus fasciatus)成体皮肤的显微结构和亚显微结构进行了观察。结果表明,松江鲈鱼体表不同部位皮肤的厚薄不一,但基本结构相似。皮肤由表皮和真皮层构成。松江鲈鱼的皮肤裸露无鳞,表皮层较薄,由约4~8层细胞构成,主要由复层上皮细胞和黏液细胞及基底细胞组成。表层细胞呈扁平、多边形, 细胞之间主要靠桥粒紧密连接,连接处形成增厚的边缘嵴状突起。表皮细胞游离面向内凹陷,表面形成指纹状微嵴。黏液细胞呈圆形或卵圆形,散布在上皮细胞之间。黏液细胞内的黏原颗粒具有椭圆颗粒状、均匀致密的块状和疏松丝状3种不同形态。真皮通过基膜与表皮相连,由稀疏层和致密层构成。真皮结缔组织在腹部较厚而在其他部位较薄。表皮与真皮连接处有色素层,头部、背部、尾柄和体侧皮肤色素细胞分布多,色素层明显,而腹部和颏部皮肤缺少色素。松江鲈鱼黄河群体真皮层中有角质棘状突起,而滦河群体则无。头部、体侧和尾柄处皮肤上还分布有侧线孔和表面神经丘等感觉器官。  相似文献   

松江鲈鱼皮肤的显微和亚显微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜,对松江鲈鱼(Trachidermus fasciatus)成体皮肤的显微和亚显微结构进行了观察。结果表明,松江鲈鱼体表不同部位皮肤的厚薄不一,但基本结构相似。皮肤由表皮和真皮层构成。松江鲈鱼的皮肤裸露无鳞,表皮层较薄,由约4~8层细胞构成,主要由复层上皮细胞和黏液细胞及基底细胞组成。表层细胞呈扁平、多边形,细胞之间主要靠桥粒紧密连接,连接处形成增厚的边缘嵴状突起。表皮细胞游离面向内凹陷,表面形成指纹状微嵴。黏液细胞呈圆形或卵圆形,散布在上皮细胞之间。黏液细胞内的黏原颗粒具有椭圆颗粒状、均匀致密的块状和疏松丝状3种不同形态。真皮通过基膜与表皮相连,由稀疏层和致密层构成。真皮结缔组织在腹部较厚而在其他部位较薄。表皮与真皮连接处有色素层,头部、背部、尾柄和体侧皮肤色素细胞分布多,色素层明显,而腹部和颏部皮肤缺少色素。松江鲈鱼黄河群体真皮层中有角质棘状突起,而滦河群体则无。头部、体侧和尾柄处皮肤上还分布有侧线孔和表面神经丘等感觉器官。  相似文献   

Li C  Dong ZX  Wang YZ 《动物学研究》2010,31(5):550-554
采用扫描电镜技术研究了角蟾科8种蝌蚪角质颌的显微结构特征和形态特点,阐述了角质颌对蝌蚪觅食方式的影响。实验结果表明:角蟾科蝌蚪的角质颌属于两个不同的类型。拟髭蟾亚科和掌突蟾亚科的蝌蚪具有相似的显微结构特征:角质颌呈厚重的U型,角质化程度高。颌鞘呈基部宽、顶端尖的圆锥形;角蟾亚科的蝌蚪角质颌呈纤弱的弓型,角质化程度低。颌鞘呈基部窄、长而顶端略弯曲的象牙型。进一步的分析发现,8种蝌蚪的颌鞘直径和密度呈显著负相关。这种显微结构的变化趋势也反映出蝌蚪对栖息环境和觅食方式的适应性。  相似文献   

林蛙属3物种皮肤的组织结构比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用石蜡切片和H.E染色技术,对蛙科(Ranidae)林蛙属(Rana)高原林蛙(R.kukunoris)、昭觉林蛙(R.chaochiaoensis)和峨眉林蛙(R.omeimontis)的皮肤组织结构进行了观察。应用SPSS 13.0统计软件,对皮肤的厚度、皮肤腺的相对数量和面积作了比较分析。3物种皮肤的基本结构相似,都由表皮和真皮组成。表皮是角质化的复层扁平上皮,由角质层、颗粒层、棘细胞层和生发层构成。真皮又分为疏松层和致密层,疏松层内分布有黏液腺、颗粒腺和脂腺3种类型的皮肤腺,黏液腺在体背和体腹皮肤内基本均匀分布,而颗粒腺主要以团块聚集形式散布在体背皮肤中。在高原林蛙皮肤中还发现了1种与以往描述不同的特殊嗜酸性腺体。皮肤厚度存在种间差异和部位差异。高原林蛙的表皮里有少量毛细血管和发达的色素细胞分布,真皮疏松层里有发达的腺体,这些可能是其对高海拔、低氧、低温和强紫外线辐射生活环境的适应策略。在峨眉林蛙和昭觉林蛙皮肤真皮的疏松层和致密层相邻处,发现有呈波浪条带状的、H.E染色呈蓝色的钙化层结构,体背部的钙化层比体腹部的发达。钙化层的功能可能包括防止体内水分散失、贮存钙离子、构成与体外环境进行物质交换的屏障等方面。  相似文献   

石磺科3种贝类皮肤显微结构比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用石蜡切片和H.E染色技术,对石磺科(Onchidiidae)3个属的代表物种:瘤背石磺(Onchidium struma)、平疣桑椹石磺(Platevindex mortoni)和里氏拟石磺(Paraoncidium reevesii)的皮肤进行了组织学观察及参数测量比较。结果表明,3种石磺的皮肤虽然厚度不一,但基本结构相似,均由角质膜、表皮和真皮构成。角质膜是一层覆盖于表皮角质层上的蛋白质薄膜;表皮由多层上皮细胞构成,包括角质层、颗粒层和生发层;真皮包括疏松层和致密层,疏松层中嵌有颗粒腺和黏液腺两种腺体。3种石磺的皮肤厚度、各组织相对厚度及腺体数量等均存在差异。将结构差异与石磺的栖息环境进行比较分析后得到:陆栖为主的瘤背石磺皮肤表皮角质化程度高,颗粒腺发达;以水栖为主的里氏拟石磺表皮角质化程度相对低,黏液腺发达;而水陆两栖的平疣桑椹石磺,皮肤角质化程度介于前述二者之间,颗粒腺与黏液腺均不发达。研究结果体现了三者不同的生态适应特征,也为深入探讨海洋无脊椎动物从海洋向陆地进化的研究提供形态学依据。  相似文献   

采用光镜和扫描电镜对金佛拟小鲵(Pseudohynobius jinfo)幼体皮肤进行组织学和形态学观察。金佛拟小鲵幼体皮肤由表皮和真皮构成。不同部位皮肤厚度不同,头部背侧皮肤最薄,其厚度为(45.99±12.77)μm,尾部腹侧的皮肤最厚,其厚度为(95.21±42.72)μm。表皮角质层仅躯干背部和尾部明显,由仍具有一定生理活性的复层扁平上皮细胞构成。皮肤腺体包括黏液腺和颗粒腺。黏液腺广泛分布于身体各个部位的皮肤,颗粒腺呈区域性分布,仅见躯干部和尾部皮肤,其体积大于黏液腺。毛细血管多分布于真皮疏松层腺体周围,与表皮层紧密接触并凸向表皮。色素细胞主要分布于表皮和疏松层的交界处,呈多细胞聚集的状态,形成厚度不一的色素层。  相似文献   

应用石蜡切片和H.E染色技术,对角蟾亚科3个属的代表物种:短肢异角蟾(Xenophrys brachykolos)、宽头短腿蟾(Brachytarsophrys carinense)和小口拟角蟾(Ophryophryne microstoma)的皮肤进行了组织学观察及参数测量比较。分别取头背、体背和体腹3个部位的皮肤进行观察。结果表明,3物种的皮肤基本结构相似,均由表皮和真皮组成,真皮包括疏松层和致密层,疏松层中有大量腺体分布,包括黏液腺和颗粒腺2种。皮肤厚度、各组织层相对厚度以及腺体密度之间存在种间差异和部位差异。在宽头短腿蟾背部皮肤中,发现了与尖吻山角蟾(Megophrys nasuta)皮肤中一种片层状、H.E染色呈蓝色的皮肤真皮骨化结构(osteoderms)很相似的结构;短肢异角蟾皮肤中有明显的钙化层结构,小口拟角蟾皮肤钙化程度较弱。皮肤的骨化和钙化可能具有防止水分流失,抵御干燥的功能。2种内骨骼在角蟾亚科中同时存在,为探讨两栖动物皮肤内骨骼的进化提供了重要的研究基础。  相似文献   

大凉疣螈皮肤的组织学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对大凉疣螈Tylototriton taliangensis的皮肤进行了显微观察,结果表明,其体表不同部位皮肤的厚度存在一定差异,但基本结构相同.皮肤表面粗糙,表皮角质化程度较高.表皮与真皮相接处毛细血管丰富,毛细血管常向表皮突起,突起处表皮细胞层数减少,背部毛细血管密度大于腹部.皮肤中含有丰富的色素细胞,主要分布在真皮疏松层浅表.真皮中有丰富的皮肤腺:粘液腺体积较小,分布遍及全身,腹侧密度较大;颗粒腺体积较粘液腺大,主要分布在耳区、体背两侧及尾背侧,形成耳后腺、背嵴、尾部颗粒腺区等特殊结构.  相似文献   

真骨鱼类皮肤角质化衍生物——多细胞角质结节   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
同陆生脊椎动物一样,在水环境中生活的鱼类也存在皮肤角质化衍生物.鱼类皮肤角质化衍生物可以由表皮单个细胞的角质化而形成,此类衍生物通常称之为单细胞角质突起(Unicellular horny projections or unculi),它仅见于骨鳔类中底栖性鱼类,普遍分布在鱼类机体与其生活的底质相接触的部位,具有机械保护、固着或吸附、摄食和水动力效应等功用[1].此外,鱼类皮肤的角质化衍生物可由表皮或真皮的多个细胞角质化后聚集而形成,此类衍生物简称为多细胞角质结节(Multicellular horny tubercle)[2~4].在繁殖季节常出现在鱼类头部或鳞片上的珠星(Pearl organ)就是多细胞角质结节.虽然国内教科书也可见有关鱼类多细胞角质结节知识的介绍,但是所涉及的内容甚少.本文根据国外研究报道,简要介绍多细胞角质结节的种类、结构与功能、适应性进化以及其系统学研究价值.  相似文献   

崇安髭蟾崇安髭蟾的背面红棕色,不规则散布着无数深色小点,四肢背面有深色横斑,腹面色较浅淡。繁殖季节里,雄蟾上唇缘近口角处两侧各有1~2枚黑色锥状角质刺。崇安髭蟾为我国特有种,见于福建、江西、广  相似文献   

The histological structure and development of spines on the skin surface of Takifugu obscurus were studied during larval development conducted artificially with an average 30‰ salinity and 18.0–20.3°C water temperature. The epidermis comprises an outermost layer, middle layer, and the stratum germinativum, and contains three types of gland cells: small spherical or flask‐shaped mucous cells, larger sacciform mucous cells, and large granular cells. The dermis and subcutis follow. The spines first appear over the ventral region at 10 days after hatching and consist of two parts: a central long tapering portion which projects into the epidermis and eventually outside of the body, and a short supporting basal portion that is embedded within the stratum compactum layer of the dermis. The central, long tapering portion has two very short processes on top until 25 days after hatching, but these two separate spines fuse into one 30 days after hatching. In contrast, the short supporting spines rooted at the base consist of three to six small spines (usually four to five spines) and are present even in the adult stage. Therefore, calcareous spines consisting of one central long spine and three to six smaller supporting spines form tetra‐ and septaradiate spines (mainly penta‐ and hexaradiate). The spines first appear over the ventral region.  相似文献   

The intraepidermal innervation of the snout skin of the opossum has been studied with the light and electron microscope. Numerous large nerve fibers loose their myelin sheath in the superficial dermis and pass into the epidermis. The basement membranes of the epidermis and Schwann cell become continuous at the point of entry of the neurite into the epidermis. Within the epidermis, the neurite is associated with a specialized secretory epidermal cell, termed a Merkel cell. This cell has many secretory granules apposed to the neurite. The Merkel cells are epidermal cells since they have desmosomes between them and adjacent epidermal cells. The neurite in the stratum spinosum is enveloped by Schwann cells in a manner analogous to the Schwann cell investment of unmyelinated neurites. In the upper stratum spinosum the nerve fiber evidences changes which can be interpreted as degenerative. The Merkel cell-neurite complex is interpreted as representing a sensory receptor unit.  相似文献   

The epidermis of the mudskipper Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus consisted of three layers: the outermost layer, middle layer and stratum germinativum. Extensive vascular capillary networks were present near the superficial layer of epidermis and outermost layer. The diffusion distance between the vascular capillaries and the surface of epidermis was c . 1.5 ± 0.9μm. The middle layer consisted of small or voluminous cells swollen by epidermal cells. Due to the swollen cells, the thickness of the epidermis increased and the epidermis appeared web-like. The swollen cells contained tonofilaments, lucent contents and desmosomes. Fine blood capillaries were also discernible in this layer. Well-developed lymphatic spaces containing lymphocytes existed in the stratum germinativum. Numerous blood capillaries were present under the basement membrane. The dermis consisted of a stratum laxum and stratum compactum, and there was a definite area with acid mucopolysaccharides and a small scale in the stratum laxum. The skin had an epidermal pigment cell, dendritic melanophores (-cytes) containing melanin granules within their cytoplasm, and two kinds of dermal pigment cells, melanophores and colourless pigments containing reflecting platelets.  相似文献   

Summary The present study concerns the functional organization of the skin ofTetraodon fluviatilis. The epidermis consists of five different types of cells — the flask-shaped mucous cells, the eosinophilic granular cells, the sacciform granulated cells, the vesicle containing granulated cells, and the polygonal cells. A thin noncellular layer, the cuticle found on the surface of the skin, is probably secreted from the polygonal cells in the outermost layer of the epidermis. A,well-defined lymphatic plexus exists between the cells of the basal layer.Numerous triradiate calcareous spines are embedded within elastic connective tissue pockets in the thick dermis. These pockets are filled with an amorphous, acellular, PAS positive material, and are richly supplied with fine blood capillaries. A histomorphologic basis for the erection of the spines and various structural modifications in the skin facilitating its enormous stretching under inflated conditions of the fish are discussed.Abbreviations Used BCA blood capillary - BM basement membrane - BC basal cell - BL basal layer - CFB collagen fiber bundle - CTB connective tissue band - DER dermis - EGC eosinophilic granular cell - EPD epidermis - FB fibroblasts - FC fat cell - L lymphocyte - LS lymphatic space - MC mucous cell - ML middle layer - MUS muscle - MYS myocommata - NV nerve - OL outermost layer - PCB black pigment cell - PCY yellow pigment cell - PEC polygonal epidermal cell - SCT subcutis - SGC sacciform granulated cell - SP spine - STC stratum compactum - STL stratum laxum - VGC vesicle containing granulated cell - VS vertical strand This investigation was supported by a research grant No. 38(131)/72-GAU-II from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and a financial assistance grant for teachers No. F. 6(4626) 72-(SF-1), from the University Grants Commission, Government of India, New Delhi.  相似文献   

Alibardi L. 2011. Histology, ultrastructure, and pigmentation in the horny scales of growing crocodilians. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 187–200. The present morphological study describes the color of hatchling, juvenile, and adult crocodilian skin and the origin of its pigmentation. In situ hybridization and immunostaining indicate that crocodilian scales grow as an expansion of the proliferating epidermis of the hinge region that form thin lateral rings. In more central areas of growing scales, new epidermal layers contribute to increase the thickness of the stratum corneum. The dark pigmentation and color pattern derive from the different distribution of epidermal and dermal chromatophores. The more intensely pigmented stripes, irregular patches and dot‐like spots, especially numerous in dorsal scales, derive from the incorporation of the eumelanosomes of epidermal melanocytes in differentiating beta cells of the epidermis. Dermal melanophores, mainly localized in the loose upper part of the dermis, also contribute to the formation of the dark or gray background of crocodilian scales. The eumelanosomes of dermal melanophores determine the darkening of the skin pattern in association with the epidermal melanocytes. Iridophores are infrequent, while xantophores are present in the species analyzed with a sparse distribution in the superficial dermis among melanophores. The presence of xantophores and of the few iridophores in areas where epidermal melanocytes are absent appear to determine the brown or the light yellow‐orange background observed among the darker regions of crocodilian scales.  相似文献   

Summary The skin ofTetraodon steindachneri is morphologically and cytologically adapted to the habits and locomotion of the fish, as well as to its ability to expand its body into a nearly spherical shape. Negative buoyancy, which facilitates precise maneuvers near the bottom, is achieved primarily by a very thick dermis. Various special features of the skin enable it to withstand the mechanical stresses of extreme expansion and deep folding: (1) the absence of a covering such as a cuticle on the outer surface of the epidermis, (2) the lack of scales, (3) the pronounced interdigitation of the epidermal cells, (4) the cytoskeleton of the filament-containing cells, and (5) the stratum compactum of the dermis. The spines, which inT. steindachneri can be extended and retracted, are derived, like the spines of diodontidae, from the scales of other teleosts. Each spine comprises cellular and acellular components, which together produce a complicated bilaterally symmetrical structure. Movement of the spines is mainly a passive mechanical concomitant of distension of the body, though active processes cannot be ruled out. The biological significance of the spine apparatus ofT. steindachneri is discussed.Abbreviations af annular fold - amc apical mucous cell - bv blood vessel - bm basal membrane - cf collagen fibers - cfb collagen fiber band - cv central vacuole - d desmosome - de dermis - ed epidermis - f tonofilaments - fcc filament-containing cell - gc granular cell - id interdigitation - md modified dermis - mr microridges - n nucleus - nf nerve fibers - s spine - sc stratum compactum - sk skeleton of spine - sl stratum laxum - smc sacciform mucous cell - sub subcutis - vc vacuole cell  相似文献   

The morphological origin of the dark and pink‐orange areas in the skin of the venomous lizard Heloderma suspectum is not known. Histology and electron microscopy show that dark‐grey areas of the skin derived from dermal chromatophores localized in specific areas present underneath the epidermis. A dynamic chromatophoric unit in the dermis is absent. In the darkest areas of the skin, the accumulation of melanosomes in cells of the beta‐layer contributes to increase the black intensity. In the orange‐pink areas, the superficial dermis contains xantophores storing numerous carotenoid vesicles, rare or absent lamellated pterinosomes and a variable number of melanosomes. These xanto‐melanophores predominate over the remaining chromatophores and form a continuous stratum underneath the epidermis. Beneath this lipoid‐rich stratum, iridophores are infrequent and do not form a continuous layer in the dermis. In the paler areas of the skin, melanophores are sparse in both superficial and deeper part of the dermis where irregularly oriented bundles of collagen fibrils are present. The prevalent xanto‐melanophores localized in the pink‐orange areas of the skin contribute to an effective sunlight protection in desert conditions in addition to the darker regions occupied by melanophores.  相似文献   

The corneal anterior epithelium of younger chick embryos can be changed into a keratinized epidermis, when it is cultured in vitro combined with 6 1/2-day dorsal dermis. Even if a Millipore filter is inserted between the corneal anterior epithelium and underlying dorsal dermis, the epithelium undergoes similar metaplastic changes. In older embryos, however, the epithelium gradually loses the competence for the keratinization. Cultivation of cornea (anterior epithelium, stroma and endothelium) of 6 1/2- or 10-day embryos results in maintenance of its original pattern, and the epithelium fails to differentiate into a keratinized epidermis. The dermis isolated from 8 1/2-day dorsal or 12 1/2-day tarsometatarsal skin is not so effective in inducing the epidermal metaplasia. The mesenchyme of 5 1/2-day proventriculus or 5 1/2-day gizzard fails to bring about any endodermal metaplasia of the corneal epithelium. The corneal stroma, on the other hand, has no inhibitory action on the keratinization of the epidermis obtained from 6 1/2-day dorsal skin.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the epidermis of the lizard ( Lacerta vivipara ) one day after sloughing is described. The non-keratinized layers of the epidermis are essentially similar in structure to those of amphibians and mammals. The cells of the basal layer are not however separated from each other by the large spaces described in the amphibian (Farquhar & Palade, 1965). The middle layers of the epidermis at this stage of the sloughing cycle produce neither the characteristic mucous granules found in amphibians nor the keratohyalin granules of mammals. A small number of granules corresponding in size and location to the "Odland bodies" of both mammalian and amphibian epidermis are, however, present. The intermediate layer cells also contain a number of bodies similar in appearance to those described by Farquhar & Palade as lysosomes in amphibian skin. These structures are both osmium iodide and acid phosphatase positive. Unlike the condition in amphibians and mammals, the cytoplasm of cells in the layer immediately beneath the keratinized strata is honeycombed with small vesicles, and contains large irregular vacuoles of uncertain content. Certain nonkeratinizing elements within the epidermis are tentatively interpreted as nerve terminations. Two morphologically distinct keratinized strata can be distinguished, the inner stratum consisting of flattened cells similar to those of the stratum corneum of mammalian epidermis; individual cell outlines cannot be distinguished in the outer stratum, which has a structure similar to that of avian feather keratin. A shallow surface zone of the outer keratinized stratum has been identified as the Oberhautchen. This consists of longitudinally disposed leaflets or laminae which are responsible for the sculptured pattern of the epidermal surface. The observations reported here provide a basis for analysis of changes occurring at other stages of the sloughing cycle.  相似文献   

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