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The photosynthetic characteristics of the terrestrial cyanobacterium, Nostoc flagelliforme , after complete recovery by rewetting, was investigated to see whether it could use bicarbonate as the external inorganic carbon source when submerged. The photosynthesis–pH relationship and high pH compensation point suggested that the terrestrial alga could use bicarbonate to photosynthesize when submerged. The photosynthetic oxygen evolution rates were significantly inhibited in Na + -free and Na + + Li + media but were not affected by the absence of Cl , implying that the bicarbonate uptake was associated with Na + / HCO3 symport rather than Cl /HCO3 exchange system.  相似文献   

The benthic recruitment of Microcystis was simulated in vitro in order to characterize the colonies of Microcystis recruited and to study the impact of intracellular and extracellular microcystins (MCs), and the influence of colony size on the recruitment process. We observed recruitment dynamics consisting of a lag phase followed by a peak and then a return to low recruitment rates, mainly controlled by passive resuspension throughout the experiment, and by physiological processes during the recruitment peak. Ninety‐seven percent of the Microcystis colonies recruited were <160 μm in maximum length, and their cells contained much greater amounts of MCs (0.26 ± 0.14 pg eq microcystin leucine‐arginine variant [MC‐LR] · cell?1) than those in benthic colonies (0.021 ± 0.004 pg eq MC‐LR · cell?1). The MC content of recruited Microcystis varied significantly over time and was not related to changes in the proportion of potentially toxic genotypes, determined using real‐time PCR. On the other hand, the changes in MC content in the potentially toxic Microcystis recruited were closely and negatively correlated with recruitment dynamics; the lowest MC contents corresponded to high recruitment rates, and the highest MC contents corresponded to low recruitment rates. Thus, depending on temperature and light conditions, these variations are thought to result from the selection of various subpopulations from among the smallest and the most toxic of the initial benthic population. Adding purified MC‐LR to experimental treatments led to a decreased recruitment of Microcystis and more specifically of mcyB genotypes.  相似文献   

Effects of potassium on the photosynthetic recovery of Nostoc flagelliforme (Berk. & Curtis) Bornet & Flahault were investigated to determine its exact role during rehydration. Potassium enhanced recovery of the ability to reduce the primary quinone‐type acceptor (QA) and plastoquinone (PQ) pool and the area over the fluorescence rise curve was increased by 127%. The proportions of closed PSII reaction centers at phases J and I and the net rate of closure of PSII reaction centers were decreased by, respectively, 19%, 8%, and 23% with the addition of potassium, due to changes in the ability of PSII for multiple turnovers needed to reduce the PQ pool. Potassium significantly enhanced the probability of electron transfer beyond QA and the recovery of electron transport flux per PSII reaction center. Electron transport from water to methyl viologen for samples rehydrated in K+‐free BG11 medium was 54% of those with the addition of potassium. However, electron flow from water to p‐benzoquinone and from reduced 2,6‐dichlorophenol‐indophenol to methyl viologen showed little change with the addition of potassium. The fast phase and slow phase of millisecond delayed light emission and the ATP content for samples rehydrated in K+‐free BG11 medium were, respectively, 71.6%, 50.7%, and 77.1% of those with the addition of potassium. These suggested that potassium affected electron transfer from PQ to plastocyanin through the cytochrome b6f complex and the proton motive force across the thylakoid membranes, probably reflecting its role in charge balance during H+ transport by the cytochrome b6f complex.  相似文献   

Effects of ammonium on the photosynthetic recovery of Nostoc flagelliforme Berk. et M. A. Curtis were assayed when being rehydrated in low‐K+ or high‐K+ medium. Its photosynthetic recovery was K+ limited after 3 years of dry storage. The potassium absorption of N. flagelliforme reached the maximum after 3 h rehydration in low‐K+ medium but at 5 min in high‐K+ medium. The K+ content of N. flagelliforme rehydrated in high‐K+ medium was much higher than that in low‐K+ medium. The maximal PSII quantum yield (Fv/Fm) value of N. flagelliforme decreased significantly when samples were rehydrated in low‐K+ medium treated with 5 mM NH4Cl. However, the treatment of 20 mM NH4Cl had little effect on its Fv/Fm value in high‐K+ medium. The relative Fv/Fm 24 h EC50 (concentration at which 50% inhibition occurred) value of NH4+ in high‐K+ medium (64.35 mM) was much higher than that in low‐K+ medium (22.17 mM). This finding indicated that high K+ could alleviate the inhibitory action of NH4+ upon the photosynthetic recovery of N. flagelliforme during rehydration. In the presence of 10 mM tetraethylammonium chloride (TEACl), the relative Fv/Fm 24 h EC50 value of NH4+ was increased to 46.34 and 70.78 mM, respectively, in low‐K+ and high‐K+ media. This observation suggested that NH4+ entered into N. flagelliforme cells via the K+ channel. Furthermore, NH4+ could decrease K+ absorption in high‐K+ medium.  相似文献   

Both colonies and free‐living cells of the terrestrial cyanobacterium, Nostoc flagelliforme (Berk. & Curtis) Bornet & Flahault, were cultured under aquatic conditions to develop the techniques for the cultivation and restoration of this endangered resource. The colonial filaments disintegrated with their sheaths ruptured in about 2 days without any desiccating treatments. Periodic desiccation played an important role in preventing the alga from decomposing, with greater delays to sheath rupture with a higher frequency of exposure to air. The bacterial numbers in the culture treated with seven periods of desiccation per day were about 50% less compared with the cultures without the desiccation treatment. When bacteria in the culture were controlled, the colonial filaments did not disintegrate and maintained the integrity of their sheath for about 20 days even without the desiccation treatments, indicating the importance of desiccation for N. flagelliforme to prevent them from being disintegrated by bacteria. On the other hand, when free‐living cells obtained from crushed colonial filaments were cultured in liquid medium, they developed into single filaments with sheaths, within which multiple filaments were formed later on as a colony. Such colonial filaments were developed at 15, 25, and 30° C at either 20 or 60 μmol photons·m?2·s?1; colonies did not develop at 180 μmol photons·m?2·s?1, though this light level resulted in the most rapid growth of the cells. Conditions of 60 μmol photons·m?2·s?1 and 25° C appeared to result in the best colonial development and faster growth of the sheath‐held colonies of N. flagelliforme when cultured indoor under aquatic conditions.  相似文献   

The PSII photochemical activity in a terrestrial cyanobacterium Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault during rewetting was undetectable in the dark but was immediately recognized in the light. The maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) during rewetting in the light rose to 85% of the maximum within ~30 min and slowly reached the maximum within 6 h, while with rewetting in the darkness for 6 h and then exposure to light the recovery of Fv/Fm required only ~3 min. These results suggested that recovery of photochemical activity might depend on two processes, light dependence and light independence, and the activation of photosynthetic recovery in the initial phase was severely light dependent. The inhibitor experiments showed that the recovery of Fv/Fm was not affected by chloramphenicol (CMP), but severely inhibited by 3‐(3,4‐dichlorophenyl)‐1,1‐dimethylurea (DCMU) in the light, suggesting that the light‐dependent recovery of photochemical activity did not require de novo protein synthesis but required activation of PSII associated with electron flow to plastoquinone. Furthermore, the test indicated that the lower light intensity and the red light were of benefit to its activation of photochemical activity. In an outdoor experiment of diurnal changes of photochemical activity, our results showed that PSII photochemical activity was sensitive to light fluctuation, and the nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) was rapidly enhanced at noon. Furthermore, the test suggested that the repair of PSII by de novo protein synthesis played an important role in the acclimation of photosynthetic apparatus to high light, and the heavily cloudy day was more beneficial for maintaining high photochemical activity.  相似文献   

Tri-lamellar bodies were observed in eight of 29 isolates of Nostoc examined. They appeared identical to the previously described bodies in various species of Anabaena. The bodies consist of three discoid lamellae each ca. 0.3 μm diam and 8 nm thick. The outer lamella (closest to the plasma membrane) is separated from the middle lamella by a 12 nm space whereas the middle and inner lamellae are ca. 8 nm apart. Osmiophilic striations 3 nm wide were generally observed running between the lamellae. Osmiophilic β granules were usually associated with the inner lamella. The bodies were most always located close to the plasma membrane along the longitudinal wall near the junction of the cross and longitudinal walls. In three isolates the bodies located near the cross walls were associated with gas vesicles and possessed a slightly different morphology. These tri-lamellar bodies consisted of three discoid lamellae, each ca. 2 nm thick, ca. 25 nm apart with electron dense material between the inner and middle lamellae. Pores 20 nm diam and ca. 60 nm apart were observed in layer 2 of the cell wall adjacent to the tri-lamellar bodies. These wall pores were also observed in isolates lacking tri-lamellar bodies.  相似文献   

The bloom‐forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz 854 was cultured with 1.05 W·m?2 UV‐B for 3 h every day, and its growth, pigments, and photosynthesis were investigated. The specific growth rates represented by chl a concentration and OD750 were inhibited 8% and 9% by UV‐B exposure, respectively. Six days of UV‐B treatment significantly reduced cellular contents of phycocyanin and allophycocyanin by 32% and 62%, respectively, and markedly increased the carotenoid content by 27%, but had little effect on the chl a content. The initial values of optimal photosynthetic efficiency for UV‐B treated samples were, respectively, 52%, 87%, and 93% of controls on days 4, 7, and 10 of growth. The light‐saturated photosynthetic rates at day 6 were significantly lower than controls grown without UV‐B. The probability of electron transfer beyond QA decreased during UV‐B exposure, and this indicated that the acceptor side of PSII was one of main damage sites. The adaptation of M. aeruginosa 854 to UV‐B radiation could be observed from light‐saturated photosynthetic rates on day 13 and diurnal changes of chl fluorescence during the late growth phase. When both exposed to higher UV‐B, samples cultured under 1.05 W·m?2 UV‐B for 9 days recovered faster than controls. It is suggested that M. aeruginosa 854 had at least three adaptive strategies to cope with the enhanced UV‐B: increasing the synthesis of carotenoids to counteract reactive oxidants caused by UV‐B exposure, degrading phycocyanin and allophycocyanin to avoid further damage to DNA and reaction centers, and enhancing the repair of UV‐B induced damage to the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic picoplankton such as Synechococcus are relatively abundant in putatively Fe-limited high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) regions of the oceans. The physiology of Synechococcus under Fe stress has been studied less than eukaryotic algae. Recent evidence suggests that although biomass and growth rates of Synechococcus are not typically Fe limited in situ, cells may still exhibit symptoms of Fe stress. We grew Synechococcus A2169 and WH7803 in laboratory batch cultures in the artificial medium Aquil and enriched natural seawater, at a series of Fe concentrations and Fe:macronutrient ratios, and with either nitrate or ammonium as the sole nitrogen source. Cell yields, and in some experiments exponential specific growth rate (μ), were more readily Fe limited in the Atlantic isolate WH7803 than in the equatorial Pacific isolate A2169. In both strains, final cell yields spanned about an order of magnitude and decreased continuously with Fe concentration from 900 to 3.6 nM (150 μM N, 10 μM P), whereas μ decreased much less and only at Fe concentrations below 90 nM. Synechococcus yield was controlled by both absolute Fe concentration and Fe:macronutrient ratio, but μ was determined primarily by absolute Fe concentration. Contrary to theoretical predictions, neither yield nor μ was higher in Fe-limited cells grown in ammonium compared to nitrate. Under severe Fe stress, cellular chlorophyll (Chl) content and light-saturated gross photosynthetic capacity (Pcellm) decreased proportionately, and dark respiration (Rcelld) increased, such that net Pcellm was extremely low but gross PChlm was unchanged. This is the first report of an absolute increase in Rcelld under Fe stress in phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Medium in which cultures of Nostoc spongiaeforme Ag. have sporulated contains one or more substances which inhbit the germination of spores (akinetes) of this organism. Germination of spores occurs rapidly in the absence of these substances, but is virtually completely suppressed in their presence.  相似文献   

Three photosynthetic parameters of 7 species of marine diatoms were studied using Na214CO3 at 5–8 C using log phase axenic cultures. The cell volumes of the different species varied from 70 μm3 to 40 × 105μm3. The present experiment is consistent with the interpretation that the initial slope α (mg C · [mg chl a]?1· h?1· w?1· m2) of photosynthesis vs. light curves is controlled by self-shading of chlorophyll a in the cell. Pm, the rate of photosynthesis at light saturation (mg C · [mg cell, C]?1· h?1) and R, the intercept at zero light intensity (mg C · [mg cell C]?1· H?1) are both dependent on the ratio of surface area to volume of cell.  相似文献   

Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. 7820 was cultured at 350 and 700 μL·L ? 1 CO2 to assess the impacts of doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration on this bloom‐forming cyanobacterium. Doubling of CO2 concentration in the airflow enhanced its growth by 52%–77%, with pH values decreased and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) increased in the medium. Photosynthetic efficiencies and dark respiratory rates expressed per unit chl a tended to increase with the doubling of CO2. However, saturating irradiances for photosynthesis and light‐saturated photosynthetic rates normalized to cell number tended to decrease with the increase of DIC in the medium. Doubling of CO2 concentration in the airflow had less effect on DIC‐saturated photosynthetic rates and apparent photosynthetic affinities for DIC. In the exponential phase, CO2 and HCO3 ? levels in the medium were higher than those required to saturate photosynthesis. Cultures with surface aeration were DIC limited in the stationary phase. The rate of CO2 dissolution into the liquid increased proportionally when CO2 in air was raised from 350 to 700 μL·L ? 1, thus increasing the availability of DIC in the medium and enhancing the rate of photosynthesis. Doubled CO2 could enhance CO2 dissolution, lower pH values, and influence the ionization fractions of various DIC species even when the photosynthesis was not DIC limited. Consequently, HCO3 ? concentrations in cultures were significantly higher than in controls, and the photosynthetic energy cost for the operation of CO2 concentrating mechanism might decrease.  相似文献   

The nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena flosaquae Lyngb.) De Breb. exhibited aggregation of heterocysts from different filaments in a eutrophic lake and when grown in unialgal culture. The resulting aggregated filaments formed unialgal flocculent masses having a thickness of several centimeters that apparently resulted from cohesive mucilage surrounding heterocysts. We tested the effects of heterocyst aggregation on nitrogenase activity (NA) and photosynthesis in relation to microscale environmental O2 gradients. The redox indicator 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride showed that aggregated heterocysts had lower intracellular redox potential than those that were dispersed. Microelectrode measurements showed that heterocyst aggregates in actively photosynthesizing flocculent masses were surrounded by a microzone of O2 30% higher than in the surrounding water: dispersed cells exhibited no such elevated O2 microzone. Despite high levels of O2, NA was greater in aggregated than dispersed samples, Microscale irradiance measurements made with a fiber optic light probe showed that 40% of the incident light was absorbed within the first 3 mm of a 1-cm-thick flocculent mass. The microscale irradiance data, together with nitrogenase and photosynthesis versus irradiance data, imply that the ratio of N:C fixation is lowest in filaments on the outside of 1.5–2.0-cm masses and increases toward the center.  相似文献   

Colonies of the stream-inhabiting cyanobacterium Nostoc parmelioides Kützing often contain a single endosymbiotic dipteran larva Cricotopus nostocicola (Wirth), which induces a morphological change from small, spherical colonies to larger, ear-shaped colonies. At a current velocity of 0 cm · s?1, whole colonies containing the midge showed overall rates of 14CO2 uptake and nitrogenase activity that were higher than those when the midge was absent (sphere-shaped colonies). Spherical colonies incubated at current velocities of 5-10 cm · s?1did not show higher rates of 14CO2 or 15N2 incorporation than those with the larvae (ear-shaped colonies). Ear-shaped colonies extended well into regions of higher current velocity, whereas spherical colonies did not. Photosynthesis of ear-shaped colonies was stimulated by increased current velocity, increased inorganic C and decreased O2 concentrations. Moreover, levels of O2 at the surface of midge-inhabited colonies decreased with increased current velocity. The morphological change induced by the larva is detrimental (lowers photosynthesis and N2 fixation) in quiescent water but not at current velocities above 10 cm · s?1. This is probably a result of higher diffusion of O2 and CO2 associated with the midge-induced morphology.  相似文献   

The cyanobacterium Nostoc commune Vaucher produces quite complex extracellular polysaccharides. The cyanobacterium is nitrogen fixing, and on growing the cyanobacterium in media with and without nitrogen, different types of extracellular polysaccharides were obtained. These were also different from the polysaccharides present in N. commune collected in the field. High pH anion exchange chromatography (HPAEC) of weak acid hydrolysates of the culture-grown material demonstrated that, in this case, HPAEC was useful for comparison of the different polymers. The main differences between the polymers from the field group and the culture-grown samples were the presence of substantial amounts of arabinose, 2- O -methylglucose, and glucuronic acid in the latter. Methylation studies also revealed a difference in the branching points on the glucose units between the field and cultured samples, being 1,4,6 for the first and 1,3,6 for the latter. The field acidic fraction gave, on weak acid hydrolysis and separation on BioGel P2 and HPAEC, 12 oligosaccharide fractions that were isolated and studied by different mass spectroscopy techniques. The structures of the oligosaccharides were determined, and two different series that can originate from two repeating pentamers were identified: GlcA1-4/6GlcM1-4Gal1-4Glc1-4Xyl and GlcA1-4/6Glc1-4Gal1-4Glc1-4Xyl. The difference between these oligosaccharides lies in the methyl substituent on carbon 2 of the glucose unit next to the nonreducing glucuronic acid unit. The polysaccharides from field material were shown to have a strong effect on the complement system.  相似文献   

草甘膦对可食用蓝藻葛仙米生长和生理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葛仙米(N.sphaeroides)的产量和产地面积逐年减少,这可能与当地广泛使用除草剂草甘膦有关。为此,本文测定了不同浓度(0.15、0.30、0.45、0.6mmol/L)的草甘膦处理的葛仙米的颗粒大小、干重、叶绿素荧光、叶绿素浓度。所有测量参数与浓度和时间显著相关:0.15mmol/L处理组的颗粒直径较对照组小15%(2d后);叶绿素a浓度和最大量子产率(Fv/Fm)在最高浓度组(0.6mmol/L)4d后开始受到影响;第8天,相对生长速率(以干重计算,大于0.15mmol/L)、光合作用活性(大于0.3mm01/L)均受显著抑制,其中0.15mmol/L处理组相对生长下降60%,而更高浓度处理组出现负生长,0.6mm01/L组藻体漂白死亡。结合实验结果,文章讨论了草甘膦的毒性机理及其对葛仙米(N.sphaeroides)的潜在影响。  相似文献   

Morphological and photosynthetic performance were analyzed in species of the genus Caulerpa from an exposed coral reef and a sheltered reef lagoon. Morphological characters, such as distance between modules, number of modules, stolon branches and rhizoid clusters per centimeter of stolon, indicated a uniformity among species within a specific habitat. "Guerilla," or diffusive, growth forms were characteristic for lagoon species and "phalanx," or compact, growth forms for reef species. Differences in photosynthesis were found between Caulerpa species. Sun-tolerant species were found on the reef, and both sun- and shade-tolerant species were present in the lagoon. In the lagoon, shade-tolerant species, such as C. lanuginosa J. Agardh, were found growing in the understory, and sun-tolerant species, such as C. paspaloides (Bory) Greville, formed the canopy. C. cupressoides (West in Vahl) C. Agardh was the only species found in both environments; it showed higher photosynthetic rates and a compressed morphology when growing on the reef and lower photosynthetic rates and expanded morphology for lagoonal ramets. These results suggest that C. cupressoides possesses a broad phenotypic ability to acclimate to lagoonal and reef settings in comparison to other Caulerpa species, enhancing its ecological success in this particular system.  相似文献   

The terrestrial cyanobacterium Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault occurs worldwide, including in Japan and on the Antarctic continent. The terrestrial green alga Prasiola crispa (Lightf.) Kütz. is also distributed in Antarctica. These two species need to acclimate to the severe Antarctic climate including low ambient temperature and desiccation under strong light conditions. To clarify this acclimation process, the physiological characteristics of the photosynthetic systems of these two Antarctic terrestrial organisms were assessed. The relative rate of photosynthetic electron flow in N. commune collected in Japan and in Antarctica reached maxima at 900 and 1,100 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1, respectively. The difference seemed to reflect the presence of high amounts of UV‐absorbing substances within the Antarctic cyanobacterium. On the other hand, the optimal temperatures for photosynthesis at the two locations were 30°C–35°C and 20°C–25°C, respectively. This finding suggested a decreased photosynthetic thermotolerance in the Antarctic strain. P. crispa exhibited desiccation tolerance and dehydration‐induced quenching of PSII fluorescence. Re‐reduction of the photooxidized PSI reaction center, P700, was also inhibited at fully dry states. Photosynthetic electron flow in P. crispa reached a maximum at 20°C–25°C and at a light intensity of 700 μmol photons ? m?2 ? s?1. Interestingly, the osmolarity of P. crispa cells suggested that photosynthesis is performed using water absorbed in a liquid form rather than water absorbed from the air. Overall, these data suggest that these two species have acclimated to optimally photosynthesize under conditions of the highest light intensity and the highest temperature for their habitat in Antarctica.  相似文献   

The physiological response of an estuarine clone of Nitzschia americana Fryx3ell was measured under experimental conditions of temperature and salinity which represent the average range of these variables in the Cape Fear River Estuary, North Carolina. The influence of temperature (10, 15, 20, 25, 30°C) and salinity (8, 15, 20, 26, 32‰) on specific growth rates, μ, and parameters of photosynthesis-irradiance curves, α, and Pmax were measured during maximum and minimum rates of diurnal photosynthesis using axenic semi-continuous batch cultures maintained at an irradiance saturating for photosynthesis (140 μE m-2·s-1). There was an increase in μ with increasing temperature up to a broad uptimum (25 ± 2.5°C), above which μ gradually declined. At the predicted optimum temperature of 25°C, μ increased as a linear function of salinity. oth light-limited (α) amd light-saturated (Pmax) rates of photosynthesis increased as salinity decreased. The effect of temperature on a and Pmax was complex and dependent on salinity. Pmax exhibited a diurnal periodicity, whereas estimates of a were not significantly different between sampling periods. Growth efficiencey opf N. americana, calculated as the ratio between specific growth rates and rates of gross photosynthesis, increased with an increase in salinity with a maximum at the predicted optimum temperature and salinity of 25°C and 32‰, suggesting and uncoupling between photosynthesis and growth at nonoptimum growth conditions.  相似文献   

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