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Questions: What is the relative importance of landscape variables compared to habitat quality variables in determining species composition in floodplain forests across different physiographic areas? How do species composition and species traits relate to effects of particular landscape variables? Do lowland and mountain areas differ in effects of landscape variables on species composition? Location: Southern Czech Republic. Methods: A total of 240 vegetation relevés of floodplain forests with measured site conditions were recorded across six physiographic areas. I tested how physiographic area, habitat quality variables and landscape variables such as current land‐cover categories, forest continuity, forest size and urbanization influenced plant species composition. I also compared how mountain and lowland areas differ in terms of the relative importance of these variables. To determine how landscape configuration affects the distribution of species traits, relationships of traits and species affinity with landscape variables were tested. Results: Among landscape variables, forest continuity, landscape forest cover and distance to nearest settlement altered the vegetation. These variables also influenced the distributions of species traits, i.e. life forms, life strategies, affinity to forest, dispersal modes, seed characteristics, flooding tolerance and Ellenberg indicator values for nitrogen, light, moisture and soil reaction. Nevertheless, physiographic area and habitat quality variables explained more variation in species composition. Landscape variables were more important in lowland areas. Forest continuity affected species composition only in lowlands. Conclusions: Although habitat quality and physiographic area explained more vegetation variability, landscape configuration was also a key factor influencing species composition and distribution of species traits. However, the results are dependent on forest geographical location, with lowland forests being more influenced by landscape variables compared to mountain forests. 相似文献
Abstract. In this study the impact of land use changes on vegetation in the sub‐alpine‐alpine belt is analysed. The study sites (4.7 km2) are located in the Passeier Valley (South Tyrol, Italy), at an elevation of 1500–2300 m a.s.l. The whole study area was used for hay‐making ca. 60 yr ago. Today, part of the meadows are more intensively used, while other parts have been converted to pasture or have been abandoned. We analysed the reasons for these land use changes and the effects on vegetation with a Geographical Information System and geostatistical analysis. The result of these analyses are: (1) Current land use is mainly controlled by the degree of accessibility for vehicles. Accessible areas are being used more and more intensively, while poorly accessible areas are being abandoned or used as pasture. (2) Current vegetation is highly determined by current land use. Particular vegetation units can be assigned to each form of land use. (3) Succession starts immediately after abandonment. Depending on altitude, succession proceeds at different speeds and with different numbers of stages. Hence the type of vegetation indicates the time passed since abandonment. (4) Land use changes lead to characteristic changes in vegetation; they are considered to be the most important driving force for vegetation change. (5) Measures of intensification and abandonment of extensively used areas both lead to a decrease in the number of species. 相似文献
Huili Li Anne Ostermann Samantha C. Karunarathna Jianchu Xu Kevin D. Hyde Peter E. Mortimer 《Fungal biology》2018,122(7):692-700
The species-area relationship is an important factor in the study of species diversity, conservation biology, and landscape ecology. A deeper understanding of this relationship is necessary, in order to provide recommendations on how to improve the quality of data collection on macrofungal diversity in different land use systems in future studies, a systematic assessment of methodological parameters, in particular optimal plot sizes. The species-area relationship of macrofungi in tropical and temperate climatic zones and four different land use systems were investigated by determining the macrofungal species richness in plot sizes ranging from 100 m2 to 10 000 m2 over two sampling seasons. We found that the effect of plot size on recorded species richness significantly differed between land use systems with the exception of monoculture systems. For both climate zones, land use system needs to be considered when determining optimal plot size. Using an optimal plot size was more important than temporal replication (over two sampling seasons) in accurately recording species richness. 相似文献
Question: How does agricultural land usage affect plant species diversity in semi‐natural buffer strips at multiple scales? Location: Lepsämä River watershed, Nurmijärvi, Southern Finland. Methods: Species diversity indicators included both richness and evenness. Plant communities in buffer strips were surveyed in 29 sampling sites. Using ArcGIS Desktop 9.0 (ArcInfo) and Fragstats 3.3 for GIS analysis, the landscape composition around each sampling site was characterized by seven parameters in square sectors at five scales: 4, 36, 100, 196, and 324ha. For each scale, Principle Component Analysis was used to examine the importance of each structural metric to diversity indicators using multiple regression and other simple analyses. Results: For all but the smallest scales (4 ha), two structural metrics including the diversity of land cover types and percentage of arable land were positively and negatively correlated with species richness, respectively. Both metrics had the highest correlation coefficients for species richness at the second largest scale (196 ha). The density of arable field edges between the fields was the only metric that correlated with species evenness for all scales, which had highest predictive power at the second smallest scale (36 ha). Conclusions: Species richness and evenness of buffer strips had scale‐dependent relationships to land use in agricultural ecosystems. The results of this study indicated that species richness depends on the pattern of arable land use at large scales, which may relate to the regional species pool. Meanwhile, species evenness depended on the level of field edge density at small scales, which relates to how the nearby farmland was divided by the edges (e.g. many small‐scale fields with high edge density or a few big‐scale fields with low edge density). This implies that it is important to manage the biodiversity of buffer strips within a landscape context at multiple scales. 相似文献
For management and conservation strategies in the long term is necessary to know the species distribution and main biophysical aspects that determine the structure and dynamics of the forest. The aim of this work was to determine the potential and current spatial distribution of Gonopterodendron sarmientoi, an emblematic and endangered tree species of the Dry Chaco. A further aim was to superimpose the distribution of G. sarmientoi, with the zonation in the current Territorial Planning of Native Forests (OTBN, its acronym in Spanish) to provide basic information for conservation and management of the species. For this, a Maxent model was developed to quantify the relationship between G. sarmientoi occurrence and key environmental variables (including water, topography, and climate as a variables). G. sarmientoi’s habitat was mainly influenced by precipitation variables, and secondarily by temperature variables. Considering the OTBN defined by the local forest authority, of the current area of G. sarmientoi (2,477,009 ha), the majority (57.9%) corresponded to the yellow category (forest areas with medium conservation value) and only 10.6% to the red category (high conservation value). It is important to note that around 600,686 ha (24.3%) of native forest with G. sarmientoi is in the green category (low conservation value) subject to change in land use, and 178,107 ha was uncategorized forest (7.2%). For effective management and conservation strategies, the current habitat distribution map of G. sarmientoi provides decision-makers an opportunity to review and adjust the native forests zoning at a provincial scale within the framework of the OTBN, mainly the green category (legal deforestation) with the occurrence of the endangered G. sarmientoi. 相似文献
M. Vandewalle O. Purschke F. de Bello T. Reitalu H.C. Prentice S. Lavorel L.J. Johansson M.T. Sykes 《植被学杂志》2014,25(3):750-759
Abstract. Forest patches in central Belgium were inventoried twice for the presence or absence of forest plant species to study the effects of age and distance on species composition. All forests in the study area were subdivided based on their land use history. To avoid effects of autocorrelated environmental characteristics on species composition, habitat homogeneity was indirectly investigated using a TWINSPAN classification of the vegetation data. Two major habitats (alluvial and non‐alluvial forests) were distinguished and analysed separately. Patterns of species composition were investigated at the landscape level using Mantel tests. Species composition similarity measures were calculated between all pairs of fragments based on the floristic data. A highly significant correlation was found between species composition similarity and inter‐patch distance. Difference in age, which we used as a measure for habitat quality, was less important in explaining species composition patterns. The effects of spatial configuration became significant when difference in age was accounted for, and a partial correlation was calculated between inter‐patch distance and species composition similarity. Different results were found for alluvial and non‐alluvial forest types. Alluvial forests were more influenced by the spatial configuration than the non‐alluvial. For the non‐alluvial forest type effects measured with the difference in age between forest fragments obscured the effects of inter‐patch distance. Based on our findings we suggest that species composition is not only internally generated, but external processes such as differential colonization caused by varying degrees of isolation may be of overriding importance. 相似文献
Questions: What is the relative influence of size, connectivity and disturbance history on plant species richness and assemblages of fragmented grasslands? What is the contribution of small fragments to the conservation of native species pool of the region? Location: Tandilia's Range, Southern Pampa, Argentina. Methods: Cover of plants was registered within 24 fragments of tall‐tussock grassland remnants within an agricultural landscape using modified Whittaker nested sampling. We analysed the influence of site variables related to disturbance history (canopy height, litter thickness) and fragment variables (size, connectivity) on species richness (asymptotic species richness, slope of the species–area curve) as well as on species assemblages by multiple regressions analysis and canonical correspondence analyses, respectively. Cumulative area was used for analysing whether small fragments or large fragments are more important to species diversity in the landscape. Results: Asymptotic species richness was significantly influenced by site variables, in particular by Paspalum quadrifarium's canopy height, but not by fragment variables. Species assemblages were also affected by site variables (12.2% of total variation), but no additional portion of the species assemblage variability was significantly explained by fragment size and connectivity. Sampling of several small fragments rendered more exotic and native species than sampling of few large fragments of the same total area. Conclusions: Our results agree with previous studies reporting low sensitivity of species diversity to size and isolation of grassland fragments in fragmented landscapes and high sensitivity of species diversity to local variables. The higher capture of regional native species pool by small grassland fragments than by few larger ones of equivalent accumulated area highlights the value of small fragments for conservation. 相似文献
Concomitant with the rapid loss of tropical mature forests, the relative abundance of secondary forests is increasing steadily
and the latter are therefore of growing interest for conservation. We analysed species richness of fruit-feeding nymphalid
butterflies in secondary forest fragments of different age and isolation and in mature forest at the eastern margin of the
Lore Lindu National Park in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. From April to August 2001 we collected 2322 individuals of fruit-feeding
butterflies, belonging to 33 species. Butterfly species richness increased with succession, but was significantly higher in
mature forests than in all types of secondary forest. Isolation of the forest fragments did not have a significant effect
on butterfly species richness in the range of distances (up to 1700 m) studied. Rather it appeared to affect only a few species.
Species richness of endemic species was higher than of non-endemic species. Although endemic species were most diverse in
mature forests, many species captured were restricted to secondary forests. Our results show that mature forest is essential
for the conservation of nymphalid butterflies and for the endemic species in this area. However, considering the relatively
large number of species found in these rather small habitat islands, secondary forest fragments, especially older successional
stages, can be taken into account in conservation efforts and thus contribute to the preservation of tropical biodiversity
on a landscape scale. 相似文献
Between 1993 and 1995 we sampled herbaceous layer vegetation on 84 plots in Platanus/Asarum Wet-Mesic Bottomland forests to determine how these forests have responded to human disturbance. Four different disturbance types were sampled (abandoned agricultural are as, clearcuts, group-selection openings, and single-tree selection openings), and uncut 80–100 year-old reference stands were sampled for comparison. Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA), distance analyses (chord distance and normalized Euclidean distance) and similarity analysis (Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient) suggest that agricultural use has shifted herbaceous-layer vegetation composition away from that typical of the reference forests, but that clearcutting, group-selection harvest, and single-tree selection harvest have not greatly shifted herbaceous composition. This shift in vegetation on abandoned agricultural land resulted from a loss of indicator species, such as Cardamine concatenata (Michx.) Sw., Stellaria pubera Michx., and Laportea canadensis (L.) Weddell and an influx of disturbance, exotic, and nonforest species (e.g., Lycopodium complanatum L., Lonicera japonica Thunb. and Senecio aureus L.). However, only two species found in reference stands, Erigenia bulbosa (Michx.) Nutt. and Sphenopholis obtusata (Michx.) Scribn., were missing from clearcuts, group-selection openings, and single-tree selection openings. The species richness values of abandoned agriculture, clearcut, and group-selection plots were generally greater than those of single-tree selection and reference plots. Abandoned agricultural areas had much greater total species richness because of the influx of dry-site, exotic, disturbance, and non-forest species. 相似文献
Questions: Which factors influence the persistence of vascular grassland plants in long‐abandoned (at least 50 yr) arable fields and meadows? What might be the implications of current levels of species richness on abandoned arable fields and meadows for future restoration? Location: Forested highlands of Kilsbergen, south central Sweden. Methods: The abundance of all vascular plant species was investigated in three habitat types: former arable fields, hay meadows and outlands (pastures) at 27 farms, abandoned for either approximately 50 yr or 90 yr. Time since abandonment, tree cover, soil depth, degree of soil podsol development, size of the infield area and two measures of connectivity were used as predictors for species richness and species composition. Results: Former outland had denser tree cover, fewer species and fewer grassland species than former arable fields and hay meadows, irrespective of time since abandonment. Former hay meadows and arable fields with a longer time since abandonment were less rich in species, more wooded and had greater podsolization than meadows and fields abandoned at a later stage. Species richness was higher in hay meadows and arable fields at farms with larger infield area and deeper soils compared with farms with smaller infield area and shallower soils. The greatest richness of species and most open habitat were former arable fields at larger farms abandoned 50 yr before the study. Former arable fields had the highest number of grassland species. Conclusion: After 50 yr of abandonment, former arable fields were the most important remnant habitats for grassland species and may be a more promising target for restoration than formerly managed grasslands. 相似文献
Abstract. Wet dune slacks occur as small, naturally fragmented systems in the dune landscape, isolated from other slacks. We studied the effects of slack isolation and area on the rate and direction of primary succession in a chronosequence of dune slacks. The results indicate that important changes occur in community characteristics over a period of 50 yr. Total cover and number of species increase as a result of the endogenous succession process, during which organic matter and nutrients accumulate. Consequently, competitive interactions shift from competition for nutrients to competition for light. Local factors thus determine, at least partially, the community composition in the slack. However, differences in community composition with increasing age are smaller when the slack is more isolated or smaller, suggesting a slower succession rate and biomass accumulation. Together with a lower contribution of slow dispersing species in more isolated slacks, this indicates that species accumulation is dispersal limited and thus influenced by regional factors. The stochastic variation resulting from this dispersal limited species accumulation causes a divergent successional pathway. 相似文献
Yuan Jiang Muyi Kang Qingzhu Gao Lihuan He Min Xiong Zhibin Jia Zhengping Jin 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2003,12(10):2121-2133
The Loess Plateau is a special natural–cultural unit in northern China. Intensive land use in the past has had, and forestation and grass planting at present will have inevitable impacts on plant biodiversity in the Loess Plateau. Based on the analysis of floristic features within three sampling sites with different land use practices and analysis of species richness among different land use types, we discuss impacts of land use on species richness and floristic features in the Northern Loess Plateau. The results drawn from this case study are as follows: (1) It appears that forestation and grass planting have had a positive influence on the local species diversity, but they have contributed little to the native vegetation in terms of conserving its floristic features. (2) Caragana intermedia shrubland, Pinus tabulaeformis forestland, and natural grassland have made important contributions to supporting indigenous species and maintaining local plant biodiversity. (3) There is a significant positive correlation between land use diversity and species richness. These results imply that practicing biodiversity conservation in situ is feasible and the suitable choice for the Loess Plateau. Concrete measures for biodiversity conservation in the area can include setting up small nature reserves and diversifying land use patterns to maintain as much habitat as possible for native vegetation. The artificial Hippophae rhamnoides shrubland should not be further promoted, considering its negative influence on biodiversity conservation. 相似文献
The process of forest fragmentation, a common phenomenon occurring in tropical forests, not only results into continuously forest getting fragmented but also brings about several physical and biological changes in the environment of forests. Consequently, there is a loss of biodiversity due to change in habitat conditions. These remnant fragments provide the last hope for biodiversity conservation. The present study deals with the impact of decreasing patch size of a fragmented forest on the diversity of the tropical dry deciduous forests in Vindhyan highlands, India. There is considerable change in the vegetation cover of this region owing to rapid industrialization and urbanization, which has also contributed to forest fragmentation. In the present study, remotely sensed data has been used to describe the changes brought about in vegetated areas over a period of 10 years as a result of fragmentation and its impact on biodiversity was assessed. Further, in order to assess the loss of species with respect to the reduction in patch size, species area curves for various change areas were analysed. It was observed that the rate of decrease in the number of species is faster in the case of negative change areas as compared to the positive change areas of the region. Various diversity indices also support this observation. Such an analysis would help in formulating appropriate conservation measures for the region. 相似文献
Stanley I. Dodson William R. Everhart Andrew K. Jandl Sara J. Krauskopf 《Hydrobiologia》2007,579(1):393-399
Results of a field survey of southern Wisconsin shallow lakes suggested that watershed (catchment basin) land use has a significant and adverse effect on zooplankton species richness. Zooplankton communities in lakes with no riparian buffer zone, in agriculture-dominated watersheds, contained about half as many species as lakes in least-impact watersheds. In that study, the age of the lake was not taken into account. It is possible that agricultural lakes, often artificial, were so recently-constructed that they had not yet accumulated the equilibrium number of species characteristic of older lakes. In other words, it is possible that the interpretation of the results of the previous study is fatally flawed, if the results were an artifact of lake age, rather than an effect of land use. The major aim of this current study was to determine the ages of agricultural lakes and of lakes in least-impact watersheds, to test for an effect of lake age on zooplankton species richness, using the same sites from the previous study. We used an anova approach to test the null hypothesis that two factors, watershed land use and lake age, had no systematic effect on zooplankton species richness. We determined the age of 35 shallow lakes, using aerial photos, satellite images, and interviews of resource managers and land owners. We identified five artificial agricultural sites and five artificial sites in least-impact prairie watersheds. The artificial sites in this study ranged from 3 to 37 years in age, while natural lakes dated from the melting of the last glacier, about 9500 years ago. Our results suggest, that because artificial lake made up only about a third of the sites, and for the range of lake age and watershed land use, lake age did not have a significant effect on zooplankton species richness, while land use had a highly significant adverse effect. These results pose a larger question for future research. Namely, how quickly do newly-constructed lakes attain the equilibrium number of species seen in the previous study, and what is the quantitative relationship between lake age and zooplankton richness? 相似文献
The decline in farmland birds observed throughout Europe during recent decades has attracted much attention. Agricultural intensification or land abandonment are commonly forwarded as key drivers. Several countries have established agri-environmental schemes (AES) to counter these negative trends among farmland birds. This paper reports a study of the relationship between land use and bird species in the agricultural landscape of Norway. The main objective was to investigate the effect of spatial heterogeneity and diversity of land use on total richness and abundance of farmland birds at a national level.Monitoring the distribution and abundance of birds is part of the Norwegian monitoring programme for agricultural landscapes. The monitoring programme is based on mapping of 1 × 1 km squares distributed across the entire agricultural landscape. Within these squares permanent observation points are established for bird monitoring. Detailed interpretation of aerial photographs provides the land classification. We tested the relationship between landscape metrics at different levels of land type detail and species richness and abundance of farmland and non-farmland birds.There was a positive relationship between species richness and abundance of farmland birds and agricultural area. For non-farmland birds the relationship was negative. Spatial heterogeneity of land use was a significant positive factor for both farmland and non-farmland species. High land type diversity was positive for farmland bird richness, but negative for abundance. Non-farmland bird richness was not affected by land type diversity, but abundance had a negative response.The results presented in this paper highlight the importance of a spatial heterogeneous landscape. However, we also found that land type diversity could negatively affect the abundance of both farmland and non-farmland birds. Our findings suggest a need for different management approaches depending on whether the aim is increased species richness or abundance. Achieving both aims with the same means might be difficult. We thus suggest a need for land use analyses before proper management strategies can be implemented. 相似文献