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Water stress induced cavitation and embolism in some woody plants   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
A comparison was made of the relative vulnerability of xylem conduits to cavitation and embolism in three species [ Thuja occidentalis L., Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. and Acer saccharum Marsh.]. Waterlogged samples of wood were air dehydrated while measuring relative water loss, loss of hydraulic conductance, cumulative acoustic emissions (= cavitations) and xylem water potential. Most cavitation events and loss of hydraulic conductance occurred while water potential declined from – 1 to –6 MPa. There were differences in vulnerability between species. Other people have hypothesized that large xylem conduits (e.g. vessels) should be more vulnerable to cavitations than small conduits (e.g. tracheids). Our findings are contrary to this hypothesis. Under water stress, the vessel bearing wood retained water better than tracheid bearing wood. However, within a species large conduits were more prone to cavitation than small conduits.  相似文献   

Questions: Have forest dynamics changed significantly in intact Amazon rainforests since the early 1980s? If so, what environmental drivers might potentially be responsible? Location: Central Amazonia, north of Manaus, Brazil. Methods: Within 20 1‐ha plots scattered over ~300 km2, all trees (≥10 cm diameter at breast height) were marked, identified, and measured five times between 1981 and 2003. We estimated stand‐level dynamics (mortality, recruitment, and growth) for each census interval and evaluated weather parameters over the study period. Results: We observed a widespread, significant increase in tree mortality across our plots. Tree recruitment also rose significantly over time but lagged behind mortality. Tree growth generally accelerated but varied considerably among census intervals, and was lowest when mortality was highest. Tree basal area rose 4% overall, but stem number exhibited no clear trend. In terms of climate variation, annual maximum and minimum temperatures increased significantly during our study. Rainfall anomalies were strongly and positively associated with ENSO events. Conclusions: The increasing forest dynamics, growth, and basal area observed are broadly consistent with the CO2 fertilization hypothesis. However, pronounced shorter‐term variability in stand dynamics might be associated with climatic vicissitudes. Tree mortality peaked, and tree recruitment and growth declined during atypically wet periods. Tree growth was fastest during dry periods, when reduced cloudiness might have increased available solar radiation. Inferences about causality are tenuous because tree data were collected only at multi‐year intervals. Mean temperatures and rainfall seasonality have both increased over time in central Amazonia, and these could potentially have long‐term effects on forest dynamics and carbon storage.  相似文献   

Negative distance dependence (NDisD), or reduced recruitment near adult conspecifics, is thought to explain the astounding diversity of tropical forests. While many studies show greater mortality at near vs. far distances from adults, these studies do not seek to track changes in the peak seedling curve over time, thus limiting our ability to link NDisD to coexistence. Using census data collected over 12 years from central Panama in conjunction with spatial mark‐connection functions, we show evidence for NDisD for many species, and find that the peak seedling curve shifts away from conspecific adults over time. We find wide variation in the strength of NDisD, which was correlated with seed size and canopy position, but other life‐history traits showed no relationship with variation in NDisD mortality. Our results document shifts in peak seedling densities over time, thus providing evidence for the hypothesized spacing mechanism necessary for diversity maintenance in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Creating, restoring, and sustaining forests in urban areas are complicated by habitat fragmentation, invasive species, and degraded soils. Although there is some research on the outcomes of urban reforestation plantings during the first 5 years, there is little research on longer term outcomes. Here, we compare the successional trajectories of restored and unrestored forest sites 20 years after initiating restoration. The sites are located within the Rodman's Neck area of Pelham Bay Park, in the northeast corner of the Bronx in New York City (NYC), U.S.A. Compared with unrestored sites, we saw improvements in species diversity, greater forest structure complexity, and evidence of the regeneration and retention of native tree species in restored sites. In addition, we found differences in restoration outcomes depending on the level of intervention: clearing exotic shrubs and vines and planting native trees and shrubs improved tree diversity and canopy closure to a greater extent than clearing exotics alone, and the mechanical removal of invasive plants after the native plantings further improved some measures of restoration, such as tree species diversity and native tree regeneration. The results of this study suggest that the goal of a sustainable forest ecosystem dominated by native trees and other plant species may not be achievable without continued human intervention on site. In addition, these results indicate that the restoration approach adopted by NYC's reforestation practitioners is moving the site toward a more desirable vegetative community dominated by native species.  相似文献   

The influence of individual tree species on base-cation (Ca, Mg, K, Na) distribution and cycling was examined in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.), basswood (Tilia americana L.), and hemlock (Tsuga canadensis L.) in old-growth northern hardwood – hemlock forests on a sandy, mixed, frigid, Typic Haplorthod over two growing seasons in northwestern Michigan. Base cations in biomass, forest floor, and mineral soil (0–15 cm and 15–40 cm) pools were estimated for five replicated trees of each species; measured fluxes included bulk precipitation, throughfall, stemflow, litterfall, forest-floor leachate, mineralization + weathering, shallow-soil leachate, and deep-soil leachate. The three species differed in where base cations had accumulated within the single-tree ecosystems. Within these three single-tree ecosystems, the greatest quantity of base cations in woody biomass was found in sugar maple, whereas hemlock and basswood displayed the greatest amount in the upper 40 cm of mineral soil. Base-cation pools were ranked: sugar maple > basswood, hemlock in woody biomass; sugar maple, basswood > hemlock in foliage; hemlock > sugar maple, basswood in the forest floor, and basswood > sugar maple, hemlock in the mineral soil. Base-cation fluxes in throughfall, stemflow, the forest-floor leachate, and the deep-soil leachate (2000 only) were ranked: basswood > sugar maple > hemlock. Our measurements suggest that species-related differences in nutrient cycling are sufficient to produce significant differences in base-cation contents of the soil over short time intervals (<65 years). Moreover, these species-mediated differences may be important controls over the spatial pattern and edaphic processes of northern hardwood-hemlock ecosystems in the upper Great Lakes region.  相似文献   

Climate change is increasing the intensity of severe tropical storms and cyclones (also referred to as hurricanes or typhoons), with major implications for tropical forest structure and function. These changes in disturbance regime are likely to play an important role in regulating ecosystem carbon (C) and nutrient dynamics in tropical and subtropical forests. Canopy opening and debris deposition resulting from severe storms have complex and interacting effects on ecosystem biogeochemistry. Disentangling these complex effects will be critical to better understand the long‐term implications of climate change on ecosystem C and nutrient dynamics. In this study, we used a well‐replicated, long‐term (10 years) canopy and debris manipulation experiment in a wet tropical forest to determine the separate and combined effects of canopy opening and debris deposition on soil C and nutrients throughout the soil profile (1 m). Debris deposition alone resulted in higher soil C and N concentrations, both at the surface (0–10 cm) and at depth (50–80 cm). Concentrations of NaOH‐organic P also increased significantly in the debris deposition only treatment (20–90 cm depth), as did NaOH‐total P (20–50 cm depth). Canopy opening, both with and without debris deposition, significantly increased NaOH‐inorganic P concentrations from 70 to 90 cm depth. Soil iron concentrations were a strong predictor of both C and P patterns throughout the soil profile. Our results demonstrate that both surface‐ and subsoils have the potential to significantly increase C and nutrient storage a decade after the sudden deposition of disturbance‐related organic debris. Our results also show that these effects may be partially offset by rapid decomposition and decreases in litterfall associated with canopy opening. The significant effects of debris deposition on soil C and nutrient concentrations at depth (>50 cm), suggest that deep soils are more dynamic than previously believed, and can serve as sinks of C and nutrients derived from disturbance‐induced pulses of organic matter inputs.  相似文献   

Question: What are the age structure and growth trends in a 160‐year old not‐managed Pinus sylvestris plantation with spontaneous development of Quercus robur and can recruitment of Q. robur be related to the radial growth pattern of the P. sylvestris overstorey? Location: Mattemburgh forest reserve, The Netherlands. Methods: Throughout the forest, we sampled 103 oaks and 102 pines with an increment corer. Tree ring widths were measured and cross‐dated to produce mean ring width series. With these data we determined tree ages, investigated growth trends and identified growth releases and suppressions. Results: Q. robur is uneven‐aged: some individuals recruited around 1925, but most reached coring height in the 1940s. The latter recruitment period related to a transition from stressed to released growth of the overstorey pines, growth releases of the oldest Q. robur and occurrence of P. sylvestris regeneration. No further recruitment has taken place since 1950. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that an old pine plantation can develop spontaneously into well‐structured pine forest with an understorey of oak and pine. However, understorey recruitment in these forest types is not a continuous process and in this case a single allogenic canopy disturbance triggered its establishment.  相似文献   

Maps of physiognomic classes of vegetation in the northeastern UnitedStates before European human impact and for the late 20th century, based onpollen data, closely resemble each other, indicating a robust pattern in theface of the novel and extensive disturbances of the last 500 years. On the otherhand, species abundances have changed considerably, with today's vegetationhaving less Fagus L. and TsugaCarrière and more Betula L.,Picea A. Dietr., and Abies Miller.Picea and Castanea Miller increasedfrom 1700 to 1900, but have decreased in this century. The difference betweenthe main physiognomic classes has remained strong, however, with continuouslymore Picea, Abies andBetula in the north and more QuercusL. and Carya Nutt. in the south, indicating the dominanceof climate in regulating the relative abundances of these genera. Thevegetational patterning within these broad classes has changed in some placesand remained stable in others, suggesting differences in local factors thatdetermine relative species abundances. The influence of slight altitudinalgradients, for example, may influence forest composition only after severalgenerations of trees, while substrate differences may be apparent in the firstforest that regenerates after agricultural abandonment or logging. Forests oftoday, therefore, reflect complex interactions of disturbance and environment,and may be in equilibrium with some but not all features of their currentenvironments.  相似文献   

Specific root respiration rates typically increase with increasing tissue N concentration. As a result, it is often assumed that external factors inducing greater root N concentration, such as chronic N deposition, will lead to increased respiration rates. However, enhanced N availability also alters root biomass, making the ecosystem‐level consequences on whole‐root‐system respiration uncertain. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of chronic experimental N deposition on root N concentrations, specific respiration rates, and biomass for four northern hardwood forests in Michigan. Three of the six measurement plots at each location have received experimental N deposition (3 g ‐N m?2 yr?1) since 1994. We measured specific root respiration rates and N concentrations of roots from four size classes (<0.5, 0.5–1, 1–2, and 2–10 mm) at three soil depths (0–10, 10–30, and 30–50 cm). Root biomass data for the same size classes and soil depths was used in combination with specific respiration rates to assess the response of whole‐root‐system respiration. Root N and respiration rate were greater for smaller diameter roots and roots at shallow depths. In addition, root N concentrations were significantly greater under chronic N deposition, particularly for larger diameter roots. Specific respiration rates and root biomass were unchanged for all depths and size classes, thus whole‐root‐system respiration was not altered by chronic N deposition. Higher root N concentrations in combination with equivalent specific respiration rates under experimental N deposition resulted in a lower ratio of respiration to tissue N. These results indicate that relationships between root respiration rate and N concentration do not hold if N availability is altered significantly. For these forests, use of the ambient respiration to N relationship would over‐predict actual root system respiration for the chronic N deposition treatment by 50%.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: Following a volcanic eruption of ca. 232 AD, known as the Taupo eruption, the emergent conifer Libocedrus bidwillii expanded on Mt. Hauhungatahi, upwards above the current tree‐line, and downwards into the mixed montane forest. We ask: (1) if current age‐structures at different altitudes support the patterns predicted by the temporal stand replacement model, with cohort senescence and progressively depleting recruitment at ca. 600 year intervals (average cohort age) since the eruption: and (2) if the case history of the population sheds light on the persistence of mixed conifer‐hardwood forests in general. Location: Mt. Hauhungatahi, Tongariro National Park, New Zealand. Methods: The species composition and structure of seven stands covering the altitudinal range of Libocedrus bidwillii, were quantified. Libocedrus trees were cored, and regression equations used to predict ages. Cohorts were identified. Results: Libocedrus densities and basal areas, and the abundance of seedlings and saplings, peaked at different altitudes. At the species’lower limits there has been no recruitment for ca. 550 years, and the angiosperm Weinmannia racemosa has gained dominance. In the tree line and sub‐alpine forest stands, a low level of continuous regeneration has been boosted by periodic cohort recruitment following exogenous disturbances. Conclusions: In the montane zone, the Libocedrus age structure, and its replacement by Weinmannia, are consistent with a model of depleting cohorts separated by ca. 600 years since the Taupo eruption. At higher altitudes more frequent disturbances and reduced competition have allowed Libocedrus persistence. Comparison with other studies suggests long‐term relationships between gymnosperms and angiosperms are mediated by the scale and frequency of disturbance.  相似文献   

Questions: How do changes in forest management, i.e. in disturbance type and frequency, influence species diversity, abundance and composition of the seed bank? How does the relationship between seed bank and vegetation change? What are the implications for seed bank dynamics? Location: An ancient Quercus petraea — Carpinus betulus forest in conversion from coppice‐with‐standards to regular Quercus high forest near Montargis, France. Methods: Seed bank and vegetation were sampled in six replicated stand types, forming a chronosequence along the conversion pathway. The stand types represented mid‐successional stages of stands in transition from coppice‐with‐standards (to high forest (16 plots) and early‐ and mid‐successional high forest stands (32 plots). Results: Seed bank density and species richness decreased with time since last disturbance. Adjusting for seed density effects obscured species richness differences between stand types, but species of later seres were nested subsets of earlier seres, implying concomitant shifts in species richness and composition with time since disturbance. Later seres were characterized by species with low seed weight and high seed longevity. Seed banks of early seres were more similar to vegetation than to later seres. Conclusions: Abandonment of the coppice‐with‐standards regime altered the seed bank characteristics, as well as its relationship with vegetation. Longer management cycles under high forest yield impoverished seed banks. For their persistence, seed bank species will increasingly rely on management of permanently open areas in the forest landscape. Thus, revegetation at the beginning of new high‐forest cycles may increasingly depend on inflow from seed sources.  相似文献   

Understanding how climate change may influence forest carbon (C) budgets requires knowledge of forest growth relationships with regional climate, long‐term forest succession, and past and future disturbances, such as wildfires and timber harvesting events. We used a landscape‐scale model of forest succession, wildfire, and C dynamics (LANDIS‐II) to evaluate the effects of a changing climate (A2 and B1 IPCC emissions; Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory General Circulation Models) on total forest C, tree species composition, and wildfire dynamics in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California, and Nevada. The independent effects of temperature and precipitation were assessed within and among climate models. Results highlight the importance of modeling forest succession and stand development processes at the landscape scale for understanding the C cycle. Due primarily to landscape legacy effects of historic logging of the Comstock Era in the late 1880s, C sequestration may continue throughout the current century, and the forest will remain a C sink (Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance > 0), regardless of climate regime. Climate change caused increases in temperatures limited simulated C sequestration potential because of augmented fire activity and reduced establishment ability of subalpine and upper montane trees. Higher temperatures influenced forest response more than reduced precipitation. As the forest reached its potential steady state, the forest could become C neutral or a C source, and climate change could accelerate this transition. The future of forest ecosystem C cycling in many forested systems worldwide may depend more on major disturbances and landscape legacies related to land use than on projected climate change alone.  相似文献   

Peatlands have been important terrestrial carbon (C) reservoirs throughout the Holocene, yet whether these ecosystems will become stronger or weaker C sinks in the future remains debated. While surface peat layers (acrotelm) have a greater apparent rate of C accumulation than deeper, millennial‐aged peat (catotelm), it is difficult to project how much more aerobic decomposition will take place before the younger surface cohorts join the older deeper ones. Studies have suggested that warming could lead to weakened C accumulation in peatlands due to enhanced aerobic decay in the acrotelm, which would lead to a slower transfer of peat into the catotelm, if any. Conversely, other studies have suggested increased C accumulation in the acrotelm and thus, larger long‐term C transfer into the catotelm under warming conditions because of greater plant productivity and faster peat accumulation. Improving our predictions about the rate of present and future peatland development is important to forecast feedbacks on the global C cycle and help inform land management decisions. In this study, we analyzed two peat cores from southern Patagonia to calculate their long‐ versus short‐peat C accumulation rates. The acrotelm rates were compared to the catotelm peat C legacies using an empirical modeling approach that allows calculating the future catotelm peat storage based on today's acrotelm characteristics, and thus predict if those recent rates of C accumulation will lead to greater or weaker long‐term C storage in the future. Our results indicate that, depending on local bioclimatic parameters, some peatlands may become stronger C sinks in the future, while others may become weaker. In the case of this study, the wetter site is expected to increase its C sink capacity, while our prediction for the drier site is a net decrease in C sequestration in the coming decades to centuries.  相似文献   

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