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Cheplick  G. P.  Grandstaff  K. 《Plant Ecology》1997,133(1):79-89
The effects of sand burial on seedling emergence, growth, and reproduction of the annual dune grass Triplasis purpurea (Walt.) Chapm. were examined. This species matures heteromorphic seeds on panicles enclosed by leaf sheaths along tiller nodes in a characteristic pattern: seeds at the lower nodes are heaviest, whilst those at the upper nodes are lightest. Field excavation of seedlings revealed that seedlings can emerge from seeds buried to 4 cm.In one experiment in an incubator, seeds collected from the upper and lower tiller nodes of glasshouse-grown parental plants were buried in sand at depths of 0, 3, and 6 cm. As expected, the effects of seed depth on seedling growth were due to delayed emergence for seedlings from buried seeds. However, seedlings from the larger seeds from the lower nodes of parental plants had significantly greater dry mass than those from the lighter seeds from upper nodes. Because lower node seeds are the most likely to become buried by sand in nature, the seed heteromorphism may be adaptive in the coastal environment.A second experiment involved the burial of seedlings to 0, 50, or 100% of their height. Although most seedlings did not survive complete burial (100% height), for partially buried seedlings (50% height) there was high survival and a marked stimulation of growth and eventual reproduction compared to unburied seedlings. This stimulation could be linked to increased root growth for seedlings that had been buried. The ability to respond positively to sand accumulation may represent an adaptation to the dynamic dune environment.  相似文献   

Abstract. The germinable seed bank of Festuca spp., Carex patagonica, and other annuals and perennials in a semiarid Patagonian grassland was analyzed every three months. The effects of grazing, topography and microsites with respect to established grass tussocks on the germinable-seed bank were also analyzed. The total germinable-seed bank was larger in summer after seed rain. At this time of the year most of the seeds were from annuals and perennial dicots. Seeds of the dominant Festuca spp. were the main components of the graminoid seed bank, which was homogeneously distributed in patches of bare soil. In spring, i.e. some months after the seed rain, the germinable-seed bank of most of the species was greatly reduced, while the seed bank of Carex patagonica did not change significantly. At this time of the year, the graminoid seed bank was heterogeneously distributed in space, with the seeds accumulating in wind-protected microsites. In the grazing treatments, the seed bank of the perennial grasses was reduced proportionally to the decrease of the plant cover. On the other hand, the germinable-seed bank of C. patagonica increased with the grazing treatments, in relation to the increase of vegetation cover. Topographical position had two types of effect on the seed bank of perennial grasses. One was the increase of the germinable-seed bank, after the seed rain, on the relatively warmer northeast facing slopes, which was related to a higher seed rain in these places. The other was an increased seed loss on slopes. The different seed-bank strategies observed in this grassland are compared and discussed in relation to strategies described for other grasslands.  相似文献   

The population of the endangered plant species Nymphoides peltata in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan, has been declining drastically recently, and seedlings that emerge from the remaining soil seed bank have entirely failed to establish. The decline has followed artificial control of the water level in the lake. To examine the environmental requirements at the seedling establishment stage, we investigated the survival and growth of emerged seedlings at various microsites on the lakeshore by manipulating environmental conditions such as exposure to waves, inundation, and light availability so as to include the conditions of the presumed safe sites. Seedling survival at the early stage was affected most by environmental variables relating to the susceptibility to inundation. Survival until seedling establishment was profoundly affected by light availability as well as by susceptibility to inundation. In all, 136 genets were established in quadrats less prone to inundation and with sufficient light availability, which is consistent with the presumed safe-site characteristics of the original water regime: bare ground exposed during the spring water-level drawdown. Recovering the original water regime with seasonal drawdown will be indispensable for recovering a self-sustainable population. However, as first-aid measures, active restoration efforts through adaptive management using the remnant soil seed bank are urgently needed before the soil seed bank becomes exhausted.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地31种1年生植物萌发特性比较研究   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
在实验室条件下观测了科尔沁沙地乌兰敖都地区 1年生植物当年新采种子的萌发特点。在 3 1种植物中 ,7种植物包括大籽蒿、虎尾草、冠芒草、刺沙蓬、曼陀罗、龙葵、地锦的发芽率超过 80 % ,9种植物包括苍耳、水稗草、狗尾草、虱子草、沙米、灰绿藜、野西瓜苗、太阳花、鹤虱的发芽率不足 10 %。 1~ 3 d开始发芽的 18种植物包括大籽蒿、黄蒿、虎尾草、毛马唐、画眉草、冠芒草、野大豆、黄花草木樨、网果葫芦巴、沙米、雾冰藜、碱地肤、刺沙蓬、苘麻、野西瓜苗、马齿苋、苋菜、地锦。超过 10 d基本不发芽的 5种植物包括苍耳、狗尾草、虱子草、灰绿藜、太阳花。发芽持续期小于 10 d的 12种植物包括毛马唐、水稗草、画眉草、沙米、雾冰藜、苘麻、野西瓜苗、益母草、马齿苋、龙葵、地锦、鹤虱 ;发芽持续期超过 2 1d的 6种植物包括大籽蒿、黄蒿、冠芒草、黄花草木樨、刺沙蓬、碱蓬。高发芽率植物的发芽进程线显示了 3种萌发格局 :速萌型 ,包括虎尾草、地锦、曼陀罗、龙葵 ;缓萌型 ,包括刺沙蓬 ;中间型 ,包括大籽蒿、冠芒草  相似文献   

Questions: Does the litter layer of Pteridium aquilinum (bracken) act as a barrier to certain species in the seed bank? Does bracken control/restoration treatment affect seed transfer through the litter layer? Location: Five experiments at three sites across the UK covering two major vegetation types; acid‐grassland and heath‐land. Methods: At each experiment a range of bracken control and vegetation restoration treatments were applied for about ten years. The seed bank was sampled in both the bracken litter and the soil. The cover (%) of each species in the vegetation and the bracken litter abundance (cover and depth) was also estimated. Results: The bracken litter layer acts as an inert barrier as it contained a large proportion of seeds available in the litter‐soil profile (38%– 67% of the total). Bracken litter depth and cover also influenced significantly the seed bank composition in both the bracken litter and the soil. These effects were site‐specific, and species‐specific. The application of treatments changed significantly the balance between seed inputs and outputs in the bracken litter layer for some species. This was either a positive or negative response relative to the untreated control plots. Conclusion: For heathland and acid‐grassland restoration, the bracken litter layer may be an important seed source, but it must be disturbed particularly before seed addition.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: What is the relative importance of fire‐induced canopy mortality, soil burning and post‐fire herbivory on tree seedling performance? Location: Subalpine Nothofagus pumilio forests at Challhuaco valley (41°13'S, 71°19'W), Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina. Methods: We fenced and transplanted soils of three burning severities along a fire severity gradient produced by a fire in 1996. Over two growing seasons we monitored soil water, direct incoming solar radiation, seedling survival, final seedling total biomass and root/shoot ratio. Additionally, we assessed severity‐related changes in soil properties. Results: Incoming radiation (an indicator of the amount of canopy cover left by the fire) was the primary factor influencing spring and summer top soil water availability, first and second‐year seedling survival and seedling growth. While seedling survival and soil water content were negatively affected by increased radiation, seedling final biomass was highest in very open microsites. Burned soils showed lower water holding capacity and soil carbon; however these changes did not affect topsoil water, and, contrary to expectation, there was a slight tendency toward higher seedling survival on more heavily burned soils. Herbivory significantly reduced seedling survival, but only under high‐radiation conditions. While the effect of radiation on final seedling biomass was not affected by herbivory, R/S ratios were significantly reduced by herbivory in high radiation micro sites. Conclusions: Despite inducing faster aerial growth, increased radiation and herbivory in severely burned sites may effectively prevent post‐fire regeneration in north Patagonian subalpine forest where seed sources are not limiting.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between seedling establishment following sowing with the Mk2 dibber drill and a conventional coulter drill at three sowing occasions with both lettuce and calabrese. Different seed covering materials used to cover dibber-drilled seed were also compared. With lettuce, the rate and uniformity of seedling emergence and the numbers of seedlings emerging were greater following sowing with the dibber drill than with the coulter drill. Seedling establishment was further improved with irrigation especially when seeds were sown with a small quantity of the hydrophillic polymer, Alcosorb, which avoided associated problems of increased soil impedance. Alcosorb was a more effective seed cover than a peat and vermiculite mix and better suited for mechanical metering. Results indicate that the dibber drill can be considered as a realistic and cheaper alternative to transplanting for establishing later-season lettuce crops. With calabrese, however, percentage seedling emergence on all dibber-drilled plots was lower than that on plots sown with the coulter drill. This result may have been due to seed-coat damage caused as seeds are plunged into the soil during sowing with the dibber drill.  相似文献   

Effects of seed size and phenology on the establishment of five deciduous broad-leaved tree species were examined in deciduous woodland. Treatments included absence and presence of litter in the forest understory, a small gap, and a large gap. Seedling emergence of large-seeded speciesQuercus mongolica var.grosseserrata andAcer mono was not reduced by accumulation of litter in the forest understory, but was promoted in the large gap where litter was less. Seedling emergence of small-seeded species,Alnus hirsuta, Cercidiphyllum japonicum andBetula platyphylla var.japonica, was reduced by the litter in almost all of the sites. Seedlings of large-seeded species avoid shade stress phenologically by unfolding all of their large leaves in a short period before canopy closure in the forest understory. These species had little mortality after seedling emergence. In contrast, small-seeded species have a longer duration of leaf emergence, shorter leaf longevity, and rapid leaf turnover in all the sites. These seedlings attained similar height to those of the large-seeded species at the end of the second year in the large gap, but survival and height growth rate decreased after canopy closure in the forest understory. We suggest that the importance of seed size in determining seedling establishment largely depends on the relationships between seasonal changes of environmental conditions and phenological traits of seedlings, which are related to seed size.Abbreviations Ah Alnus hirsuta - Am Acer mono - Cj Cercidiphyllum japonicum - Bp Betula platyphylla var.japonica - Qm Quercus mongolica var.grosseserrata  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of cold stratification, temperature, light, and oxygen conditions on seed germination of Trapella sinensis Oliver, an endangered aquatic plant in Japan. Seeds had physiological dormancy, and final germination rate increased with an increasing period of cold stratification. Seeds of T. sinensis had an almost absolute requirement for aerobic conditions to germinate. Also, alternating temperatures significantly promoted germination regardless of light conditions, although final germination percentage was twice to four times higher in light under constant temperature conditions. Suitable sites for germination of T. sinensis appear to be shallow water with alternating temperatures and sufficient oxygen and sediment anoxia, caused by eutrophication of water bodies, may have prevented recruitment of T. sinensis from seed.  相似文献   

The causes and timing of seed death in early regeneration process of Siebold's beech (Fagus crenata Blume) was studied at 15 sites along a snowfall gradient in Japan, in order to clarify why the seedling density of the species has geographic difference remarkably. Seed production did not significantly differ along the snowfall gradient. Pre-dispersal seed mortality by insect damage was higher at sites with light snowfall than at sites with heavy snowfall, but this only seemed to be a minor factor influencing the population. A large proportion of the viable nuts that fall in autumn ware killed in winter before germination. Winter mortality was much higher at sites with thin snow cover than that at sites with thick snow cover, and this factor was strongly correlated with the geographic variation of seedling regeneration probability. There was little seed mortality by winter desiccation. The main factor contributing to the geographic difference seemed to be a seed predation by rodents in winter. Deep snow cover may reduce the success of rodents finding seeds in winter. Thus the observed relationship between snowpack depth and early mortality may be due to an indirect effect through the process of seed predation.p>  相似文献   

荒漠草原土壤种子库对草地管理方式的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈艳  刘彩凤  马红彬  赵菲  谢应忠 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4725-4732
以宁夏中部不同封育年限(封育1a、3a、5a和7a)、不同放牧方式(中等强度自由放牧、中等强度4区轮牧)、补播改良(2006年补播沙打旺Astragalus adsurgens和紫花苜蓿Alfalfa stiva)及未封育等管理方式下的荒漠草原为研究对象,采用空间梯度代替时间梯度法,于2012年3月下旬用样线法采集土壤样品,采用温室萌发法,统计土壤种子库物种组成和种子数,研究了不同草地管理方式下的种子库与地上植被相似性、多样性等特征。结果表明:1)宁夏荒漠草原土壤种子库中共出现14种植物,分属6科14属,除牛枝子(Lespedeza potanimii)为半灌木外其余均为草本植物。多年生植物占土壤种子库植物总数的65.3%,一年生植物占土壤种子库植物总数的35.7%;多年生植物种子数量随封育年限增加而表现为下降趋势,封育1a和未封育草地最多;2)不同管理方式下土壤种子库和地上植被的共有物种数为2—6种,封育时间延长导致土壤种子库物种与地上植被相似性下降,土壤种子库和地上植被共有物种数有减少趋势,自由放牧降低了土壤种子库和地上植被的共有物种数,补播恢复的草地土壤种子库中未出现补播物种;3)种子库物种多样性与管理方式无明显的相关性;种子库物种多样性指数4区轮牧草地最高,封育7a草地最低,物种丰富度指数封育1a草地最高,均匀度指数自由放牧草地最高,补播草地最低。若荒漠草原仅依靠土壤种子库恢复自然植被,则不建议封育时间过久,需间以适当的干扰(放牧);补播外来种未对荒漠草原土壤种子库产生贡献,反而对乡土种产生了一定限制。  相似文献   

Questions: What factors limit vegetation restoration of secondary bare saline‐alkaline patches (BSAP) in the Songnen grassland of northeast China? Is there any adaptive approach to promote revegetation in the shortest time possible and at a low cost? Location: Northeast China. Methods: Considering the climate, soil saline‐alkalization and available seed sources, a new approach was adopted to restore vegetation in BSAP, which were formed by the degradation of typical Leymus chinensis grasslands owing to long‐term overgrazing. The experimental treatments included no treatment (CK), fencing (F), fencing+inserting cornstalks (FS), fencing+inserting cornstalks+sowing L. chinensis (FSL) and fencing+inserting cornstalks+sowing Puccinellia chinampoensis (FSP). The assumptions behind inserting cornstalks were not only that they would create safe sites for initial revegetation but also that they would enhance seed input by trapping and containing the seeds from seed movement on the BSAP surface. Results: Seed bank shortage was an important factor limiting initial revegetation in BSAP; seed movement on the BSAP surface could provide the necessary seed source if it were contained by effective measures. Vegetation at the sites FS, FSL and FSP was restored well in terms of the above‐ground biomass and coverage. Inserted cornstalks acted as safe sites that enhanced the plant survival rate in BSAP; they also enhanced the ability to contain seed movement, thus providing a seed source for initial revegetation. Along with initial revegetation, tussocks around cornstalks can provide better safe sites, which in turn can accelerate subsequent vegetation restoration in BSAP. Conclusions: The approach entails the strategic use of diverse seed sources and the construction of safe sites with agricultural byproducts (cornstalks); therefore, it is a low‐cost method and can be used on a widespread scale. The results provide vigorous support in favor of vegetation restoration in BSAP and severely degraded grasslands in the region. In practice, this approach can be used in degraded ecosystems with compacted soil surfaces (including arid and salt‐affected soils) to promote revegetation in various regions.  相似文献   

Question: Do coexisting plant life forms differ in overall phenology, leaf traits and patterns of leaf litterfall? Location: Patagonian Monte, Chubut Province, Argentina. Methods: We assessed phenology, traits of green and senesced leaves and the pattern of leaf litterfall in 12 species of coexisting life forms (perennial grasses, deciduous shrubs, evergreen shrubs). Results: We did not identify differences in phenology, leaf traits and patterns of leaf litterfall among life forms but these attributes contrasted among species. Independent of the life form, the maintenance of green leaves or vegetative growth during the dry season was mostly associated with leaves with high leaf mass per area (LMA) and high concentration of secondary compounds. Low LMA species produced low litterfall mass with low concentration of secondary compounds, and high N concentration. High LMA species produced the largest mass of leaf litterfall. Accordingly, species were distributed along two main dimensions of ecological variation, the dimension secondary compounds in leaves ‐ length and timing of the vegetative growth period (SC ‐ VGP) and the dimension leaf mass per area ‐ leaf litterfall mass (LMA ‐ LLM). Conclusions: Phenology, leaf traits and leaf litterfall varied among species and overlapped among life forms. The two dimensions of ecological variation among species (SC ‐ VGP, LMA ‐ LLM) represent distinct combinations of plant traits or strategies related to resource acquisition and drought tolerance which are reflected in the patterns of leaf litterfall.  相似文献   

Questions: How does recreational disturbance (human trampling) affect soil characteristics, the performance of the understorey vegetation, and the density and species composition of the soil seed bank in Fagus sylvatica forests? Location: Suburban forests near Basel, northwestern Switzerland. Methods: We compared various soil characteristics and the performance of the understorey vegetation in six beech forest areas frequently disturbed by recreational activities with those in six undisturbed control areas, in spring 2003. In the same forest areas, the soil seed bank was investigated using the seedling emergence method. Samples were obtained from soil cores in January 2003. Results: We found substantial changes in soil compaction, above‐ground vegetation and in the soil seed bank due to recreational activities. In frequently visited areas, soil compaction was enhanced which caused a decrease in cover, height and species richness of both herb and shrub layers. Compared with control areas, the number of trampling‐tolerant species of the seed bank was significantly higher in disturbed areas, and total species richness tended to be higher in disturbed than in control areas. Furthermore, the similarity in species composition between the above‐ground vegetation and seed bank was significant lower in disturbed than in control areas. Conclusions: The intensive use of suburban forests for recreational activities, mainly picnicking, affects the vegetation of natural beech forests. Our study indicates that a restoration of degraded forest areas from the soil seed bank would result in a substantial change of the vegetation composition.  相似文献   

Plant recruitment is limited by dispersal, if seeds cannot arrive at potential recruitment sites, and by establishment, due to a low availability of safe sites for recruitment. Seed-sowing experiments, scarcely applied along gradients of landscape alteration, are very useful to assess these limitations. Habitat loss and fragmentation may foster recruitment limitations by affecting all the processes from seed dispersal to seedling establishment. In this study, we perform a seed-sowing experiment to disentangle the importance of dispersal and establishment limitations in different stages of recruitment of the perennial herb Primula vulgaris in fragmented forests of the Cantabrian Range (Northwestern Spain). We evaluated the influence of ecological gradients resulting from habitat loss and fragmentation (modifications of habitat amount at the landscape and microhabitat scales, changes in the species’ population size, changes in seed predation and seedling herbivory) on seedling emergence, survival and early growth. We found strong evidence of dispersal limitation, as seedling emergence was very low in experimental replicates where no seeds were added. This limitation was independent of landscape alterations, as we found no relation with any of the ecological gradients studied. Establishment limitations at the germination phase were also unrelated to ecological gradients, probably because these limitations are more related to fine-scale environmental gradients. However, further monitoring revealed that seedling survival after summer and winter periods and seedling growth were conditioned by landscape alteration, as we found effects of habitat amount at the landscape and microhabitat scales, of presence of populations of P. vulgaris and of seedling herbivory. These effects were complex and sometimes opposite to what can be expected for adult plants, revealing the presence of different requirements between life stages.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of perennial and annuals grass species on nitrogen cycling in a Sudanian savanna of Burkina Faso. We also analysed how the local context in terms of grazing and soil properties modifies these impacts. We selected four plots differing both by the intensity of grazing by cattle and soil depth, and used soil and grass biomass 15N as integrative indicators of N cycle. If perennials are able to foster a more efficient nitrogen cycling there should be lower 15N abundances in their biomass and soil. If soil depth and cattle pressure significantly modify nitrogen fluxes, soil depth and cattle pressure should influence 15N signatures. Our results suggest that perennial grasses are more conservative for nitrogen (inhibition of nitrification, less leaching via a perennial root system, slower cycling). The increase in leaf δ15N with N concentration is steeper in Loudetia togoensis than in the three other grasses. No significant difference was found between the 15N signatures of the four plots. Our results on 15N signatures and the fact that perennial grasses are much more abundant in the plots that are less grazed and have deeper soils, confirm that the switch from perennial to annual grasses is linked to a degradation in soil fertility and pasture quality. This suggests that 15N signatures can be used as indicators of fertility.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of genotyped adult plants and offspring can be modeled by genetic inhomogeneous Poisson processes. This paper reports the development of a previously proposed point process model to cover safe site conditions for sapling survival, unknown seed sources and wider ranges of dispersal kernels. Suppose that a species has limited seed dispersal and shade-tolerance, and that young trees are clustered around highly isolated adults. The clustering might be formed solely by dispersed seeds from adults. However, the survival of the offspring might be influenced by shading by the adults crowns. The new genetic processes are applicable to such cases, as demonstrated for a young population of Fagus crenata, a shade-tolerant canopy tree species, in a 55-year-old stand regenerated after shelterwood logging. Isozyme analysis revealed that the regenerating trees were genetically related to the nearest adults, but some were not their respective daughters. The maximum likelihood method has led us to the following regeneration: seeds were dispersed mostly within 20 m of their mothers; two residual adults in the plot had equal female reproductive success; about 10% of offspring even close to the adult were not their daughters; the adults crowns reduced the survival of offspring up to 20–25 m away. However, the degree of model fitting was unsatisfactory. Hence, our models, in principle, can quantify two roles of highly isolated adults: providing seed sources and safe sites, but the case study suggests that other, unknown factors influence F. crenata regeneration after shelterwood harvesting.  相似文献   

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