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1995 ̄1996年,作撰写《中国动物志·蜥蜴亚目》卷鬣蜥科岩蜥属Laudakia时,详细研究了中国科学院成都生物研究所两栖爬行动物研究室收藏的岩蜥属全部标本,发现其中采自西藏自治区波密县易贡及通麦的9号标本在《西藏两栖爬行动物》书中被鉴定为喜山鬣蜥拉萨亚种Agama himalayana sacra,已上升为种,改隶岩蜥属,称拉萨岩蜥Laudakia sacra,实际与拉萨岩蜥不是同种动物,而  相似文献   

1995~1996年,作者撰写《中国动物志·蜥蜴亚目》卷鬣蜥科岩蜥属Laudakia时,详细研究了中国科学院成都生物研究所两栖爬行动物研究室收藏的岩蜥属全部标本,发现其中采自西藏自治区波密县易贡及通麦的9号标本在《西藏两栖爬行动物》书中被鉴定为喜山鬣蜥拉萨亚种Agamahimalayanasacra,已上升为种,改隶岩蜥属,称拉萨岩蜥Laudakiasacra,实际与拉萨岩蜥不是同种动物,而是未经描述的新种,将其订名为吴氏岩蜥Laudakiawui,以纪念1973年中国科学院成都生物研究所西藏两栖爬行动物考察队已故的吴学恩队长。吴氏岩蜥与拉萨岩蜥的主要区别在于:1)前者体侧小鳞间杂以大鳞,后者则无大鳞夹杂其间;2)前者体侧各有1条明显而细的皮肤褶(本文暂名背侧肤褶),前端始自肩前,弯曲向后,直达胯部;后者如有背侧肤褶,既不明显,亦不完整;3)前者背面斑纹呈前后缘镶暗黑边的暗褐色宽横斑,两横斑之间相距极窄,是灰褐色窄横纹;后者背面棕褐色,许多鳞片色黑,形成黑色网纹,虽偶有网纹断离者,但亦不呈明显的横斑。  相似文献   

在实蝇亚科Trypetinae内,由于凤实蝇属Felderimyia Hendel与邻实蝇属Ptilona van der Wulp在诸多形态特征和雌性外生殖器构造方面十分近似,因此此属应归隶于刺脉实蝇族Acanthonevrini。对凤实蝇属进行了重新界定,详细描述中国1新纪录种:黑翅凤实蝇F.fuscipennis Hendel,并提供分种检索表和特征图。  相似文献   

横断山区是全球25个生物多样性热点之一,其生态安全和生物多样性保护备受国内外关注。经济社会发展给横断山区特有龙蜥属动物带来许多新的挑战,大量原始生境被道路修建和水电工程彻底破坏,有些物种甚至在局部地区灭绝。因此及时开展龙蜥保护生态学相关研究,对准确制定保护行动计划非常关键。生境偏好与形态分化是保护生态学研究的重要内容。采用样线和样方法,对横断山区9个龙蜥属物种生境因子进行了测量。同时借助野外标本采集和标本馆标本测量,对19个龙蜥属物种进行了形态量化。采用广义线性混合模型(Generalized Linear Mixed Model,GLMM)和基于系统发育的广义最小二乘法(Phylogenetic Generalized Least-Squares,PGLS)对龙蜥生境偏好和形态学分化进行了分析。结果表明,来自不同生境的龙蜥对生境因子具有特殊的偏好。灌丛型龙蜥更偏好石块灌丛、阳坡、较陡、平均石块粒径较大、温度适中的生境,偏好生境中往往有两头毛(Incarvillea arguta)分布;林地型龙蜥偏好乔木、较陡的上坡位和植被覆盖率高的生境,偏好生境中往往有红花羊蹄甲(Bauhinia×blakeana)分布。从形态分化方面看,灌丛型和林地型龙蜥在体型大小和运动形态方面均发生了明显地分化,对雄性而言,林地型龙蜥尾长、鼻眼距、第4指长以及第4趾爪长大于灌丛型龙蜥,而灌丛型龙蜥吻长和胫骨长大于林地型龙蜥。对雌性而言,尾长、头长、吻长、鼻眼距、第4指长、第4趾长以及第4趾爪长均为林地型龙蜥大于灌丛型。研究为横断山区龙蜥生境偏好和形态分化提供了直接证据,有助于理解龙蜥对干热河谷生境的适应策略,同时为科学制定龙蜥保护计划提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

研究了中国草螟亚科白草螟属PseudocatharyllaBleszynski的 8个种 ,描述了 1新种 ,即宽突白草螟Pseu docatharyllalatiolaSongetChen ,sp .nov .,编制了白草螟属中国种的检索表。宽突白草螟Pseudocatharyllala tiolaSongetChen ,sp .nov .与黄色白草螟P .aurifimbriella (Hampson)在雄性外生殖器上结构相近 ,但新种左侧抱器瓣的轴节腹片较宽大 ,指形突狭窄 ;后者则相反。正模♂ ,黑龙江带岭 (47 0°N ,12 9 0°E) ,海拔 390m ,196 2 0 7 0 9,采集人不详 ,标本外生殖器标本C 4 35 (IZAS)。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

草苁蓉属(列当科)分类的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详细比较了草苁蓉属和丁座草属(Xylanche)植物的形态特征,并在扫描电镜下观察了它们的种皮纹饰。发现G.Beck(1890)建立丁座草属时所依据的花部性状并不可靠,这些性状,尤其是花萼分裂度和心皮数目,本身就有变异。因此,作者将丁座草属归并入草苁蓉属(Boschniakia)中。  相似文献   

蒋日红  向睿晨  张宪春 《广西植物》2023,43(10):1759-1783
马尾杉属植物因含治疗阿尔茨海默症的特效药成分石杉碱甲而具有重要的经济价值和保护价值,全属为国家重点保护植物。该文基于形态学、生态学和地理学等证据,对中国分布的马尾杉属植物进行了分类修订,承认我国有马尾杉属植物21种,将该属植物划分为4个单系的组,即金丝条马尾杉组(Sect.Fargesiani X. C. Zhang&R. H. Jiang, sect. nov.)、喜马拉雅马尾杉组(Sect.Hamiltoniani C. Y. Yang, emend. X. C. Zhang&R. H. Jiang)、马尾杉组(Sect.Phlegmariurus)和粗糙马尾杉组[Sect.Squarrosurus(Herter) X. C. Zhang&R. H. Jiang, comb.&stat. nov.],并将Huperzia medogensis、Phlegmariurus austrosinicus、P.changii、P.nylamensis、P.cancellatus var.minor、P.qiongzhongensis和P.shangsiens...  相似文献   

记述了中国瘿蚊科1新纪录属异瘿蚊属及一新种:横瓣异瘿蚊Heterogenella transversa.spn.nov.,模式产地云南中甸虎跳峡;中国3新纪录种;达氏异瘿蚊H.dolini Berest(四川理县米亚罗),短须异瘿蚊H.hybrida Mamaev(内蒙古额尔古纳旗莫尔道嘎)和纵缝异瘿蚊H.linearis Yukawa(云南丽江玉龙山)。文中给出了异瘿蚊属中国已知种类分种检索表。模式标本保存于南开大学生物系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

研究了中国草螟亚科白条草螟属Classeya Bleszynski的2个种,其中包括1新种,六角白条草螟Classeya hexagona Song et Chen.sp.nov。,编制了白条草螟属中国种的检索表,六角白条草螟Classeya hexagona Song et Chen,sp.nov,与多角白条草螟C.preissneri Bleszynski在雄性外生殖器上的主要区别是:新种的阳茎内有6枚不同大小的角状器,而后者的阳茎内有一排几乎等大的角状器,正模,云南东川,海拔1800m,1980-05-09,无采集人记录,外生殖器标本编号C897(IZAS),模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

形态,染色体特征聚类分析表明过去归入青海沙蜥的天祝,贵德居群被聚为一支,而青海沙蜥的其它居群和红原沙蜥 聚为另一支,证明贵,在祝居群与青海沙蜥有显著区别,应当恢复贵德沙蜥Phrynocephalus putjatia为有效种。贵德沙蜥与青海沙蜥的主要鉴别特重是前者的尾长大于吻肛长,后者的尾短,小于吻肛长,前者背鳞100枚以上,后者背鳞不到100枚。红原沙蜥Phrynocephalus hongyuanensis与青海沙蜥的染色体和形态特征相似,应归隶青海沙蜥。  相似文献   

Cryptic diversity not only introduces confusion to taxonomic studies, but it also poses major challenges to conservation and environmental legislation. One such troubling group are the Mountain Dragons in the genus Diploderma in Southwest China. Previous studies have suggested that the genus contains considerable cryptic diversity, particularly in the D. flaviceps complex. Owing to taxonomic confusion, micro‐endemic lineages are still neglected by the Chinese wildlife protection laws, despite their urgent conservation needs. Combining multivariate morphological and multi‐locus phylogenetic data, we provide the first integrative systematic revision of the genus Diploderma. Specifically, we confirm that the six examined populations of D. cf. flaviceps from the upper Jinsha and Yalong River Valleys in Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces represent six cryptic, undescribed lineages, and we describe each of them as a new species. With the updated taxonomy and distribution information, we discuss the taxonomy of the D. flaviceps complex in Southwest China, provide an updated diagnostic key along with distributional ranges for all species of the genus, and discuss some of the suspicious records of other congeners in China. Lastly, we evaluate the IUCN status of each of the six new species and highlight the major challenges for Diploderma conservation in China due to delayed environmental legislation and misleading conservation assessments.  相似文献   

A new species of the agamid genus Japalura is described based on three specimens from southern part of Central Vietnam.It is distinguished from remaining congeners by the following combination of characters: adult size(SVL females 68–69 mm),tail length/SVL ratio 226%–239%,HW/SVL ratio 17%–18%; FLL/SVL ratio 41%–43%; HLL/SVL ratio 72%–73%; 7–9 supralabials,7–9 infralabials,54–56 middorsal scales,20–22 lamellae under finger IV,24–26 lamellae under toe IV,1 scale between nasal and supralabials; tympanum concealed; absence of transverse gular fold.The geographical distribution of Japalura genus in general and of a new species in particular is discussed.  相似文献   

中国鹅膏菌属(担子菌)的物种多样性   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
鹅膏菌属(Amanita)是一个近世界性广布的大属,全球已被描述而又被承认的有近500种。在文献中,我国此属已记载约200种。然而,许多种都是原初描述于欧洲或北美的种类。近来的研究表明,东亚的鹅膏菌独特且有其自身的分布范围。东亚的有些种虽与产于欧洲或北美的某些种相似,但仔细的野外观察,详尽的形态解剖学和分子进化生物学研究结果表明,东亚的鹅膏菌是独立的分类群。在欧洲,人们有采集著名食菌恺撒鹅膏菌的习  相似文献   

Ananjeva  N. B.  Gordeev  D. A.  Tao  Nguyen Thien  Orlov  N. L. 《Biology Bulletin》2022,49(4):309-317
Biology Bulletin - The results of an analysis of manifestations and combinations of urotomy and regeneration in the caudal part of the vertebral column in agamid lizards of the subfamily Draconinae...  相似文献   

The grassland earless dragon, Tympanocryptis pinguicolla, islisted as endangered throughout its range. A recent taxonomic studybased on both morphological and allozyme data elevatedpinguicolla from a subspecies of T. lineata to fullspecies status, but the allozyme data showed considerabledifferentiation among pinguicolla populations. To investigatethe magnitude and nature of these differences with an independent dataset, we targeted key pinguicolla populations and sequenced anapproximately 900 base pair DNA fragment of the mitochondrial genomethat includes half of the ND4 gene and three tRNA genes. We obtainedsequence data from 21 individuals drawn from the three T.pinguicolla populations, included representatives of two otherTympanocryptis species and used an Amphibolurusspecies as an outgroup. Seven mitochondrial haplotypes were found amongthe 21 T. pinguicolla samples – two in the AustralianCapital Territory (ACT) and five in the Cooma region, Phylogeneticsignal in the data sets was extremely strong and a variety ofphylogenetic analyses of the data all resulted in the same single fullyresolved tree. There are 37 unique differences in the ND4 gene betweenthe ACT and Cooma populations. This translates into genetic differencesof between 5.76% and 6.23% between the two populations. Incomparison to studies on other reptile groups in which the same fragmentof DNA was used, the differences found between the ACT and Coomapopulations are more in line with species-level differences thandifferences within a single species and suggests that these populationsshould be considered separate taxonomic units.  相似文献   

This paper describes two new species of freshwater red algae, Batrachospermum Roth. They belong to the section Contorta on the basis of their morphological characters. B. curvatum, collected from Hubei Province, is similar to B. tortuosum Kumano, but differs from the latter in shape of whorls, terminal hairs and trichogyne. B. torsivum, collected from Jiangxi Province, resembles B. hirosei Ratnasabapathy et Kumano, but differs from the latter in shape and size of whorls, axial cells, cells of the nodal and internodal filaments, carpogonial branches and trichogyne.  相似文献   

陈军  宋大祥 《蛛形学报》2003,12(2):66-71
本文记述我国舞蛛属Alopecosa1新种:林站舞蛛A.1inzhan sp.nov.,及3新纪录种:方隔舞蛛A.akkolka Marusik,1994、客居舞蛛A.inquilina(Clerck,1757)和独行舞蛛A.solivaga(Kulczynski,1901)。新种近似于A.sokhondoensis Logunov et Marusik,1994,但新种外雌器中隔扩展部端部向前方延伸较明显,超出中隔柄部,交配管较细长,而后者外雌器中隔扩展部向前方延伸不明显,未超出中隔柄部,交配管较短;另外2者在前眼列各眼相对大小和间距方面也有差别。  相似文献   

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