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The breeding biology of the endemic Coquerel’s Coua (Coua coquereli), a non-parasitic cuckoo species for which few ecological data are available, was studied in the dry deciduous forest of western Madagascar. Nestling C. coquereli remain in the nest for only a short time after hatching. At approximately 9 days old and still unable to fly, they were observed to leave the nest and then remained on the ground where they were fed by both parents. This behaviour is probably a strategy used to reduce nestling predation.  相似文献   

Capsule: The Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti in Iberia has relatively high breeding success in both core and fragmented habitats, so population declines are more likely to be the result of low juvenile or adult survival.

Aims: To measure important aspects of the reproductive biology of one of the most endangered and least known larks: the Dupont’s Lark C. duponti.

Methods: We monitored 36 nests in 2 Spanish shrub-steppes, one holding one of the largest European populations (250 pairs) and one composed by fragmented habitat patches holding a smaller population (50 pairs).

Results: The breeding season went from late-March to early July. Overall mean (±sd) clutch size was 3.47?±?0.56, and the number of fledglings per successful nest was 3.0?±?1.15. Mean nestling period was short (8.2 days). Nests showed similar daily survival rate during the incubation period (0.9750?±?0.0110) as during the nestling period (0.9545?±?0.0168), with a mean breeding success of 50%. Predation was the main cause of complete nest failure (83.3% of failed nests in both localities).

Conclusion: Breeding parameters did show no significant variation between populations. Breeding success in both sites was generally higher than recorded in previous studies of this and most other lark species, which suggests that breeding success does not compromise long-term viability of these populations. The decline of the studied populations should be explained by other causes, such as a general decrease in habitat quality, habitat loss or habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Saunders’s terns (Sternula saundersi) are a small, ground-nesting marine bird species that have a massive rearing range, including the shores and islands of Asia and Africa adjacent to the north Indian Ocean. Despite occupying a large breeding range, little is known about the breeding ecology of this species. This research explored aspects of Saunders’s terns’ breeding ecology and predation rate in 2013 on the Farasan Islands of Saudi Arabia. The outcomes confirm that the mean clutch size of a Saunders’s tern was 1.77 ± 0.08 (n = 31) eggs per clutch and the mean egg size was 31.05 × 23.15 mm. The results of this study show a remarkable relationship between clutch size and egg volume and length (p = .002, p = .004, respectively). Predation was the major reason for nest damage (62.5%). Evidence from cameras at nests showed that the predators of Saunders’s tern nests on the Farasan Islands were white-tailed mongoose (Ichneumia albicauda) and Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus). This is the first study on the breeding ecology of Saunders’s terns, and it shows that predator control is essential to the existence of the species. The results of this study suggest that fencing some breeding sites may help to minimize human disturbance and decrease the risk of nest predation from mammalian predators. Further research is needed to compare the predation rates on the mainland and islands and to develop efficient strategies to conserve this ground-nesting species.  相似文献   

Four non-exclusive hypotheses have been proposed to explain the alternative nest-building behaviour of raptors: (1) nests as an advertising signal in territories, (2) frustration nests, (3) competition avoidance by nest-site and (4) reduction of nest ectoparasites. We report here data collected during an observational study of a population of Bonelli’s Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus in southeastern Spain. Our data does not support the first two hypotheses based on the closeness of nests within territories, the lack of correlation between the number of nests and the distance to neighbours and the construction of secondary nests at similar frequencies after breeding failures as after successes. In contrast, the construction of alternative nests to avoid competition with other cliff-nesting raptor species breeding nearby was clearly important since 30% of the pairs obtained some direct benefit from the existence of alternative nests within their territories. We also found abundant Coleoptera (Dermestidae) and Diptera (Carnidae, Calliphoridae and Phoridae) as ectoparasites in nests, and the alternative use of nests, synergetically with the presence of greenery as mechanisms for avoiding ectoparasites, was an important factor for the breeding success of the eagle. Our data suggest that competition avoidance and, in particular, the reduction of nest ectoparasite hypotheses are the more plausible explanations for the maintenance of alternative nests in raptors.  相似文献   

Salinity in soil affects about 7 % of the land’s surface and about 5 % of cultivated land. Most importantly, about 20 % of irrigated land has suffered from secondary salinisation and 50 % of irrigation schemes are affected by salts. In many hotter, drier countries of the world salinity is a concern in their agriculture and could become a key issue. Consequently, the development of salt resistant crops is seen as an important area of research. Although there has been considerable research into the effects of salts on crop plants, there has not, unfortunately, been a commensurate release of salt tolerant cultivars of crop plants. The reason is likely to be the complex nature of the effect of salts on plants. Given the rapid increase in molecular biological techniques, a key question is whether such techniques can aid the development of salt resistance in plants. Physiological and biochemical research has shown that salt tolerance depends on a range of adaptations embracing many aspects of a plant’s physiology: one of these the compartmentation of ions. Introducing genes for compatible solutes, a key part of ion compartmentation, in salt-sensitive species is, conceptually, a simple way of enhancing tolerance. However, analysis of the few data available suggests the consequences of transformation are not straightforward. This is not unexpected for a multigenic trait where the hierarchy of various aspects of tolerance may differ between and within species. The experimental evaluation of the response of transgenic plants to stress does not always match, in quality, the molecular biology. We have advocated the use of physiological traits in breeding programmes as a process that can be undertaken at the present while more knowledge of the genetic basis of salt tolerance is obtained. The use of molecular biological techniques might aid plant breeders through the development of marker aided selection.  相似文献   

The Bonelli’s eagle (BE) is considered by the European Union as a high-priority species for conservation in the Valencian Community (East of Spain). However, in 2006 the European Union opened a legal procedure against the Spanish Kingdom, accused of lacking of an adequate network of special protected areas (SPAs) to preserve the BE in the region. Here we evaluate whether important bird areas (IBAs) and SPAs network is enough to preserve this species, on the basis of a thorough analysis of habitat preferences. A GAP analysis is performed to conduct a revision of current SPAs and BirdLife proposed IBAs. Our results suggest that the current network of SPAs becomes insufficient to protect the BE. The IBAs network, although improves the current network of SPAs, increasing the percentage of BE potential habitat included, also results inadequate. We propose a new SPAs network according to the potential suitable habitat for the species. Given the trade-off between financial investment and the conservation of biodiversity, we propose to maximize the surface of potential habitat included in the protected network minimizing the surface of the region that would be necessary to protect, thus avoiding an unnecessary expense and otherwise unrealistic results.  相似文献   

How predators impact on prey population dynamics is still an unsolved issue for most wild predator–prey communities. When considering vertebrates, important concerns constrain a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of predator–prey relationships worldwide; e.g. studies simultaneously quantifying ‘functional’ and ‘numerical responses’ (i.e., the ‘total response’) are rare. The functional, the numerical, and the resulting total response (i.e., how the predator per capita intake, the population of predators and the total of prey eaten by the total predators vary with prey densities) are fundamental as they reveal the predator’s ability to regulate prey population dynamics. Here, we used a multi-spatio-temporal scale approach to simultaneously explore the functional and numerical responses of a territorial predator (Bonelli’s eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus) to its two main prey species (the rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and the red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa) during the breeding period in a Mediterranean system of south Spain. Bonelli’s eagle responded functionally, but not numerically, to rabbit/partridge density changes. Type II, non-regulatory, functional responses (typical of specialist predators) offered the best fitting models for both prey. In the absence of a numerical response, Bonelli’s eagle role as a regulating factor of rabbit and partridge populations seems to be weak in our study area. Simple (prey density-dependent) functional response models may well describe the short-term variation in a territorial predator’s consumption rate in complex ecosystems.  相似文献   

Native regeneration of old-fields in the wheat-growing region of Western Australia is slow to non-existent. We compared the physio-chemical properties of three old-fields and three woodland remnants adjacent to each old-field to determine if current soil conditions are a barrier to regeneration. Of the variation in soil properties, 17.4% was described by spatial structure, 5.4% by land use (cultivation time and time since abandonment), 3.9% by soil type and 2.6% by vegetation and leaf litter cover. There were differences in individual soil properties between old-field and remnant soils at two sites. Soil compaction, probable erosion as evident by a higher percentage of coarse fragments, increased Colwell phosphate that we interpret as fertiliser residue and reduced organic carbon were evident in one old field, after 60 years of cultivation and 14 years abandonment. Increased Colwell phosphate was evident at the second old field, despite only 1 year in cultivation and 45 years in recovery. The third site showed no evidence of its 4 year period in cultivation 43 years ago despite similar farming practices and soil type to the second. Phosphate fertiliser residues could account for the dominance of non-native annual grasses in the re-assembly of wheatbelt old-fields.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to link vegetation characteristics, such as spatial and temporal distribution, and environmental variables, with land cover information derived from remotely sensed satellite images of the Eastern Mediterranean coastal wetlands of Turkey. The research method was based on (i) recording land cover characteristics by means of a vegetation indicator, and (ii) classifying and mapping coastal wetlands utilizing a Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image of Çukurova Deltas in Turkey. Vegetation characteristics of various habitats, such as sand dunes, salt marshes, salty plains and afforestation areas, were identified by field surveys. A Landsat TM image of 4 July 1993 was pre-processed and then classified using the Maximum Likelihood (ML) algorithm and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). As a result of this supervised classification, the land cover types were classified with a largest accuracy of 90.2% by ANN. The classified satellite sensor imagery was linked to vegetation and bird census data, which were available through literature in a Geographical Information System (GIS) environment to determine the spatial distribution of plant and bird biodiversity in this coastal wetland. The resulting data provide an important baseline for further investigations such as monitoring, change detections and designing conservation policies in this coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   

Capsule: Songs of Large-billed Reed Warblers Acrocephalus orinus and Blyth’s Reed Warblers Acrocephalus dumetorum differed in quantitative parameters. Blyth’s Reed Warbler used different modes of singing on breeding grounds and migration stopovers.

Aims: To compare the songs of two cryptic species of reed warblers. To compare Blyth’s Reed Warbler songs in different parts of the breeding range and on migration stopovers in central Asia. To investigate the status of Blyth’s Reed Warblers in central Asia.

Methods: We analysed song recordings of individual singing males and conducted field observations of singing behaviour at migration stopover and breeding sites. The status of Blyth’s Reed Warblers in central Asia was reviewed from the historical Russian literature and other sources.

Results: We found differences between six out of eight variables in songs of Large-billed and Blyth’s Reed Warblers on breeding sites. Blyth’s Reed Warbler songs recorded on migration stopovers showed differences in five variables from Large-billed Reed Warblers and in six variables from breeding Blyth’s Reed Warblers. On migration stopovers, Blyth’s Reed Warblers sang actively but did not stay more than 1–2 days. The evidence suggests that Blyth’s Reed Warbler does not breed in central Asia.

Conclusion: Songs of Large-billed and Blyth’s Reed Warblers could be distinguished by quantitative analysis. Blyth’s Reed Warblers used different modes of singing on breeding sites and migration stopovers. We believe vocalizations of Blyth’s Reed Warblers on migration to be plastic song.  相似文献   

Dubrovsky  Joseph G. 《Plant and Soil》2022,476(1-2):713-720
Plant and Soil - Root biology is an actively developing field that includes ecological, morphological, anatomical, developmental, and evolutionary aspects. I focus this opinion paper entirely on...  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(19):4139-4141
Biophysical modeling of development started with Alan Turing. His two-morphogen reaction-diffusion model was a radical but powerful simplification. Despite its apparent limitations, the model captured real developmental processes that only recently have been validated at the molecular level in many systems. The precision and robustness of reaction-diffusion patterning, despite boundary condition-dependence, remain active areas of investigation in developmental biology.  相似文献   

Haemosporidian parasites of birds are ubiquitous in terrestrial ecosystems, but their coevolutionary dynamics remain poorly understood. If species turnover in parasites occurs at a finer scale than turnover in hosts, widespread hosts would encounter diverse parasites, potentially diversifying as a result. Previous studies have shown that some wide-ranging hosts encounter varied haemosporidian communities throughout their range, and vice-versa. More surveys are needed to elucidate mechanisms that underpin spatial patterns of diversity in this complex multi-host multi-parasite system. We sought to understand how and why a community of avian haemosporidian parasites varies in abundance and composition across elevational transects in eight sky islands in southwestern North America. We tested whether bird community composition, environment, or geographic distance explain haemosporidian parasite species turnover in a widespread host that harbors a diverse haemosporidian community, the Audubon’s Warbler (Setophaga auduboni). We tested predictors of infection using generalized linear models, and predictors of bird and parasite community dissimilarity using generalized dissimilarity modeling. Predictors of infection differed by parasite genus: Parahaemoproteus was predicted by elevation and climate, Leucocytozoon varied idiosyncratically among mountains, and Plasmodium was unpredictable, but rare. Parasite turnover was nearly three-fold higher than bird turnover and was predicted by elevation, climate, and bird community composition, but not geographic distance. Haemosporidian communities vary strikingly at fine spatial scales (hundreds of kilometers), across which the bird community varies only subtly. The finer scale of turnover among parasites implies that their ranges may be smaller than those of their hosts. Avian host species should encounter different parasite species in different parts of their ranges, resulting in spatially varying selection on host immune systems. The fact that parasite turnover was predicted by bird turnover, even when considering environmental characteristics, implies that host species or their phylogenetic history plays a role in determining which parasite species will be present in a community.  相似文献   

Science China Life Sciences - Over the past two decades, numerous non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have been identified in different biological systems including virology, especially in large DNA viruses...  相似文献   

Human predator‐prey relationships changed dramatically in the Mediterranean Basin between 250,000 and 9,000 years ago. Many of these changes can be linked to increases in Paleolithic human population densities. Small game species are particularly diagnostic of increases in human hunting pressure and are a major source of evidence for demographic change after 40–45,000 years ago. Biomass-corrected data on prey choice also indicate increasing use of those species that possess higher reproductive efficiencies. Step-wise, apparently irreversible shifts in human predatory niche are apparent in the Mediterranean Basin, beginning with the earliest Upper Paleolithic in the east and spreading westward. Evidence of demographic pressure and greater use of resilient prey populations is followed by technological innovations to exploit these animals more efficiently. The zooarchaeological findings suggest that Middle and Lower Paleolithic reproductive units probably were not robust at the micropopulation scale, due to the rather narrow set of behavioral responses that characterized social groups at the time, and thus localized extinctions at the micropopulation level were likely to have been common. Upper Paleolithic groups were the quintessential colonizers and, in addition, uniquely good at holding on to habitat gained. Upper Paleolithic archaeological “cultures” had shorter histories of existence than those of earlier periods, but they were even more widespread geographically. The demographic robustness of the Upper Paleolithic systems may stem from wholesale strategies for evening-out or sharing risk and volatility in technology. Micropopulations were larger and often denser on landscapes, more connected via cooperative ties, and thus more robust.  相似文献   

As three of the members of the delegation of the Botanical Society of America, the authors participated in a 28-day tour of the People’s Republic of China in May and June, 1978. Botanical institutes and universities were visited in nine cities. A list of names and addresses of the collaborators and editors of family treatments for theFlora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae is supplemented with a bibliography of published floras and significant taxonomic literature issued primarily since the end of the Cultural Revolution. A few observations on herbaria and herbarium practices are included.  相似文献   

Summary Parts of the Wulst region of the chick embryo brain were maintained for 39 days in vitro. Processes of adjacent glial cell form zonulae occludentes and desmosomal junctions in the uppermost stratum of the cultures. Subjacent to this layer, in the neuropil, axodendritic synapses are abundant. 10–20 m below the surface the perikarya of glial cells and neurons are found. The latter form small clusters, plasma membranes of contiguous cells being directly apposed to each other. Axosomatic synapses terminate on the perikarya. Occasionally one terminal synapses on two nerve cells simultaneously. Two types of cilia arise from basal bodies in the cytoplasm of nerve cells. Type I is a slender protrusion of about 0.5 m in diameter, extending into the neuropil. On transverse sections it displays a 9 + 0 pattern of organization of paired micro tubules proximally, and an 8 + 1 configuration more distally. The length of the cilium is approximately 7 m. Type II cilia also originate in the neuronal cytoplasm. The structure of the proximal portion is identical with that of type I cilia. Toward the tip, however, the type II cilium is characterized by a bulbous enlargement which is filled with loosely folded membranes. The fine structural details of this cilium correlate closely to the outer segments of retinal photoreceptor cells during differentiation. The possible role of a light receptor in the Wulst region of birds, controlling biological rhythms, is discussed. Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank Mrs. H. Frenk for her expert assistance in tissue culture and electron microscopic techniques  相似文献   

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