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The population history of extant and extinct hyenas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have analyzed partial DNA sequences of the mitochondrialcytochrome b gene from extant striped, brown, and spotted hyenasas well as from Pleistocene cave hyenas. Sequences of the Pleistocenecave hyenas from Eurasia and modern spotted hyenas from Africaare intermixed in phylogenetic analyses, questioning any taxonomicdelineation between the two groups. Contrary to cave hyenasin Eurasia, spotted hyenas in Africa show a phylogeographicpattern with little geographical overlap between two mitochondrialDNA (mtDNA) clades, suggesting two Pleistocene refugia in thenorth and south of Africa. Our results, furthermore, suggestthree waves of migration from Africa to Eurasia for spottedhyenas, around 3, 1, and 0.3 MYA. A recent emigration of stripedhyenas from Africa to Eurasia took place less than 0.1 MYA,resulting in a dramatic expansion of the geographical rangeof striped hyenas. In striped hyenas and within the geographicalrange of mtDNA clades in spotted hyenas, we found identicalsequences several thousand kilometers apart, indicating a highrate of migration during the Pleistocene as well as the Holocene.Both striped and brown hyenas show low amounts of genetic diversity,with the latter ones displaying just a single haplotype.  相似文献   

Cave hyenas (genus Crocuta) are extinct bone-cracking carnivores from the family Hyaenidae and are generally split into two taxa that correspond to a European/Eurasian and an (East) Asian lineage. They are close relatives of the extant African spotted hyenas, the only extant member of the genus Crocuta. Cave hyenas inhabited a wide range across Eurasia during the Pleistocene, but became extinct at the end of the Late Pleistocene. Using genetic and genomic datasets, previous studies have proposed different scenarios about the evolutionary history of Crocuta. However, causes of the extinction of cave hyenas are widely speculative and samples from China are severely understudied. In this study, we assembled near-complete mitochondrial genomes from two cave hyenas from northeastern China dating to 20 240 and 20 253 calBP, representing the youngest directly dated fossils of Crocuta in Asia. Phylogenetic analyses suggest a monophyletic clade of these two samples within a deeply diverging mitochondrial haplogroup of Crocuta. Bayesian analyses suggest that the split of this Asian cave hyena mitochondrial lineage from their European and African relatives occurred approximately 1.85 Ma (95% CI 1.62–2.09 Ma), which is broadly concordant with the earliest Eurasian Crocuta fossil dating to approximately 2 Ma. Comparisons of mean genetic distance indicate that cave hyenas harboured higher genetic diversity than extant spotted hyenas, brown hyenas and aardwolves, but this is probably at least partially due to the fact that their mitochondrial lineages do not represent a monophyletic group, although this is also true for extant spotted hyenas. Moreover, the joint female effective population size of Crocuta (both cave hyenas and extant spotted hyenas) has sustained two declines during the Late Pleistocene. Combining this mitochondrial phylogeny, previous nuclear findings and fossil records, we discuss the possible relationship of fossil Crocuta in China and the extinction of cave hyenas.  相似文献   

We describe an extinct parrot from late Quaternary fossil bone deposits on the Chatham Islands, located c. 800 km east of mainland New Zealand. Mitochondrial DNA analyses and osteological characters confirm that the Chatham Islands parrot was a sister taxon to the New Zealand kaka (Nestor meridionalis Gmelin, 1788). The relatively large femur : humerus length ratio and broad pelvis of the Chatham Islands parrot indicate that it had a more terrestrial habit than the kaka. Stable dietary isotope analyses (δ 15N and δ 13C) of Chatham Islands parrot bones suggest that the species may have been mainly herbivorous, although further analyses are required to confirm this. The presence of Chatham Islands parrot bones in early midden deposits shows that the species persisted into the post‐settlement era, and became extinct possibly as a result of habitat loss, hunting pressure, and rat predation following initial Polynesian settlement of the islands (sometime between the 13th and 16th centuries AD). © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

We examine the effects of historical climate change on vertebrate differentiation in tropical rainforest by comparing phylogeographic patterns in six species of widespread rainforest-restricted herpetofauna from throughout the Wet Tropics of Australia. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons of phylogeographic structure reveal strikingly similar patterns of pre-Pleistocene vicariant population differentiation on either side of a previously identified biogeographic break (variously referred to as the Black Mountain Barrier or Corridor; BMC). While divergence across the BMC antedates the Pleistocene, the impact of Quaternary climate change is apparent in populations on either side of the BMC. Consistent with palaeoclimatological reconstructions for the region, the distribution and degree of mtDNA diversity suggests that populations were fragmented and reduced to multiple refugia during Pleistocene glacial periods, with expansion following Holocene rainforest recovery. This pattern is repeated on both sides of the BMC, but substantial differences in the amount and distribution of mtDNA diversity within species indicate the importance of species-specific ecological characteristics. The historical processes of extinction and (re)colonization revealed by the comparative phylogeographic analysis of mtDNA sequences substantiate earlier suggestions that current regional patterns of species distribution and diversity in the Wet Tropics are largely determined by local extinctions and subsequent recolonization driven by Quaternary climate changes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the phylogeographic and evolutionary history of Picea likiangensis,a dominant species of the conifer forests in the eastern declivity of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. We collected 422 individuals from 42 natural populations of three major varieties classified under this species.In conifers,mitochondrial(mt) DNA and chloroplast(cp) DNA dispersed by seeds or pollen experience very different levels of gene flow.To this end,we examined the sequence variation of two mtDNA fragments(nad5 intron 1 and nad1 intron b/c) and three cpDNA fragments(trnL-trnF,trnS-trnG and nadhK/C).We found that cpDNA probably introgressed from P.purpurea into remote populations of P.likiangensis through long-distance dispersal. Multiple refugia seem to have been maintained for P.likiangensis during the Last Glacial Maximum because the cpDNA and mtDNA haplotypes recovered were fixed in the different regions.Postglacial expansions were only detected at the distributional edges of this species where a single cpDNA or mtDNA haplotype was fixed in adjacent populations.However,genetic imprints of postglacial expansions from these two sets of markers were different in the western and southeastern regions,which may result from the long-distance dispersal of the cpDNA,as well as its fast lineage sorting during intraspecific divergences.Analysis of molecular variance further suggested that genetic differentiation between the three varieties is higher at cpDNA markers than at mtDNA markers,which supports the previous viewpoint that cpDNA markers with a high rate of gene flow may be more effective in delimitating closely related taxa.Together,the results of the present study highlight the evolutionary complexity of a widely distributed species owing to interactions among local and edge expansion,long-distance dispersal,and intraspecific divergences at two sets of DNA genomes with different rates of gene flow.  相似文献   

Bearded vulture populations in the Western Palearctic have experienced a severe decline during the last two centuries that has led to the near extinction of the species in Europe. In this study we analyse the sequence variation at the mitochondrial control region throughout the species range to infer its recent evolutionary history and to evaluate the current genetic status of the species. This study became possible through the extensive use of museum specimens to study populations now extinct. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the existence of two divergent mitochondrial lineages, lineage A occurring mainly in Western European populations and lineage B in African, Eastern European and Central Asian populations. The relative frequencies of haplotypes belonging to each lineage in the different populations show a steep East-West clinal distribution with maximal mixture of the two lineages in the Alps and Greece populations. A genealogical signature for population growth was found for lineage B, but not for lineage A; futhermore the Clade B haplotypes in western populations and clade A haplo-types in eastern populations are recently derived, as revealed by their peripheral location in median-joining haplotype networks. This phylogeographical pattern suggests allopatric differentiation of the two lineages in separate Mediterranean and African or Asian glacial refugia, followed by range expansion from the latter leading to two secondary contact suture zones in Central Europe and North Africa. High levels of among-population differentiation were observed, although these were not correlated with geographical distance. Due to the marked genetic structure, extinction of Central European populations in the last century re-sulted in the loss of a major portion of the genetic diversity of the species. We also found direct evidence for the effect of drift altering the genetic composition of the remnant Pyrenean population after the demographic bottleneck of the last century. Our results argue for the management of the species as a single population, given the apparent ecological exchangeability of extant stocks, and support the ongoing reintroduction of mixed ancestry birds in the Alps and planned reintroductions in Southern Spain.  相似文献   

Waltari E  Cook JA 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(10):3005-3016
Phylogeographical investigations of arctic organisms provide spatial and temporal frameworks for interpreting the role of climate change on biotic diversity in high-latitude ecosystems. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted on 473 base pairs of the mitochondrial control region in 192 arctic hares (Lepus arcticus, Lepus othus, Lepus timidus) and two individual Lepus townsendii. The three arctic hare species are closely related. All L. othus individuals form one well-supported clade, L. arcticus individuals form two well-supported clades, and L. timidus individuals are scattered throughout the phylogeny. Arctic hare distribution was altered dramatically following post-Pleistocene recession of continental ice sheets. We tested for genetic signatures of population expansion for hare populations now found in deglaciated areas. Historical demographic estimates for 12 arctic hare populations from throughout their range indicate that L. arcticus and L. othus persisted in two separate North American arctic refugia (Beringia and High Canadian Arctic) during glacial advances of the Pleistocene, while the high genetic diversity in L. timidus likely reflects multiple Eurasian refugia.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of genetic diversity provide insight into the demography and history of species. Morphologically similar but genetically distinct “cryptic” species are increasingly being recognized in marine organisms through molecular analyses. Such species are, on closer inspection, often discovered to display contrasting life histories or occasionally minor morphological differences; molecular tools can thus be useful indicators of diversity. Bostrychia intricata, a marine red alga, is widely distributed throughout the Southern Hemisphere and comprises many cryptic species. We used mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene sequences to assess the genetic variation, population genetic structure, and demographic history of B. intricata in New Zealand. Our results supported the existence of three cryptic species of B. intricata (N2, N4, and N5) in New Zealand. Cryptic species N4, which was found throughout New Zealand, showed a higher genetic diversity and wider distribution than the other two species, which were only found in the North Island and northern South Island. Our analyses showed low to moderate genetic differentiation among eastern North Island populations for cryptic species N2, but high differentiation among North and South Island populations for N4, suggesting different population structure between these cryptic species. Data also indicated that N2 has recently undergone population expansion, probably since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), while the higher genetic diversity in N4 populations suggests persistence in situ through the LGM. The contrasting population structures and inferred demographic histories of these species highlight that life history can vary greatly even among morphologically indistinguishable taxa.  相似文献   

Abstract The amphibian fauna of New Zealand consists of three native species (Leiopelma spp.), and three Litoria species introduced from Australia in the last 140 years. We conducted a molecular phylogeographical study that aimed to identify the Australian origins of two species, Litoria aurea and Litoria raniformis. We used partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (cox1) gene from 59 specimens sampled from across the range of both species to identify the probable source populations for the New Zealand introductions, and to describe the current genetic diversity among New Zealand Litoria populations. Our genetic data suggest that L. aurea was introduced into the North Island of New Zealand from two regions in Australia, once from the northern part of coastal New South Wales and once from the southern part of coastal New South Wales. Our data indicate that L. raniformis introductions originated from the Melbourne region of southern Victoria and once established in the South Island of New Zealand, the species subsequently spread throughout both islands. In addition, we found a distinct haplotype in L. raniformis from Tasmania that strongly suggests, contrary to earlier reports, that this species was not introduced into New Zealand from Tasmania. Finally, we identified two very distinctive mitochondrial lineages of L. raniformis within the mainland Australia distribution, which may be previously unrecognized species.  相似文献   

We investigated range-wide phylogeographic variation in three European ash species (Fraxinus sp., Oleaceae). Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) microsatellites were typed in the thermophilous Fraxinus angustifolia and Fraxinus ornus and the observed haplotypes and the geographic distribution of diversity were compared to cpDNA data previously obtained in the more cold-tolerant Fraxinus excelsior. We found wide-ranging haplotype sharing between the phylogenetically close F. angustifolia and F. excelsior, suggesting hybridization (i) in common glacial refuges in the Iberian Peninsula, northern Italy, the eastern and/or Dinaric Alps and the Balkan Peninsula, and/or (ii) during postglacial recolonization. The data allowed us to propose additional glacial refuges for F. angustifolia in southern Italy and in Turkey, and populations from the latter region were particularly polymorphic. There was evidence for refuge areas in Italy, the Balkan Peninsula and Turkey for F. ornus, which did not share any single chloroplast haplotype with the other species. In both F. angustifolia and F. ornus, cpDNA diversity (h(S) = 0.027 and h(S) = 0.009, respectively) was lower and fixation levels (G(ST) = 0.964 and G(ST) = 0.983, respectively) higher than in sympatric F. excelsior (h(S) = 0.096, G(ST) = 0.870). These diversity patterns could be due to temperature tolerance or the demographic history.  相似文献   

Changes in habitat stability may significantly shape evolutionary patterns and processes in ancient lakes. In the present study, we use a hierarchical combination of molecular phylogenetic and coalescent approaches to investigate the evolutionary history of the endemic species of the gastropod genus Bellamya in the African rift‐lake Malawi. By integrating our findings with reported palaeontological and palaeolimnological data, we demonstrate that all but one evolutionary lineage of the Pliocene Bellamya fauna in Lake Malawi became extinct. Coalescent analyses indicate that the modern radiation underwent both a sudden demographic and a spatial expansion after a genetic bottleneck. We argue that a reflooding of the lake after severe Pleistocene low stands offers a straightforward explanation for this pattern and may have triggered speciation processes in the modern endemic Bellamya radiation in Lake Malawi. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 130–143.  相似文献   

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