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Thorough sampling is necessary to delineate lineage diversity for polytypic ‘species’ such as Cyprinella lutrensis. We conducted extensive mtDNA sampling (cytochrome b and ND4) from the Pecos River, Rio Grande, and South Canadian River, New Mexico. Our study focussed on the Pecos River due to its complex geological history and potential to harbour multiple lineages. We used geometric–morphometric, morphometric, and meristic analyses to test for phenotypic divergence and combined nucDNA with mtDNA to test for cytonuclear disequilibrium and combined our sequences with published data to conduct a phylogenetic re‐assessment of the entire C. lutrensis clade. We detected five co‐occurring mtDNA lineages in the Pecos River, but no evidence for cytonuclear disequilibrium or phenotypic divergence. Recognized species were interspersed amongst divergent lineages of ‘C. lutrensis’. Allopatric divergence among drainages isolated in the Late Miocene and Pliocene apparently produced several recognized species and major divisions within ‘C. lutrensis’. Pleistocene re‐expansion and subsequent re‐fragmentation of a centralized lineage founded younger, divergent lineages throughout the Rio Grande basin and Edwards Plateau. There is also evidence of recent introductions to the Rio Grande, Pecos and South Canadian Rivers. Nonetheless, deeply divergent lineages have coexisted since the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

On evolutionary timescales, sea level oscillations lead to recurrent spatio‐temporal variation in species distribution and population connectivity. In this situation, applying classical concepts of biogeography is challenging yet necessary to understand the mechanisms underlying biodiversity in highly diverse marine ecosystems such as coral reefs. We aimed at studying the outcomes of such complex biogeographic dynamics on reproductive isolation by sampling populations across a wide spatial range of a species‐rich fish genus: the sergeants (Pomacentridae: Abudefduf). We generated a mutlilocus data set that included ten morpho‐species from 32 Indo‐West Pacific localities. We observed a pattern of mito‐nuclear discordance in two common and widely distributed species: Abudefduf sexfasciatus and Abudefduf vaigiensis. The results showed three regional sublineages (Indian Ocean, Coral Triangle region, western Pacific) in A. sexfasciatus (0.6–1.5% divergence at cytb). The other species, A. vaigiensis, is polyphyletic and consists of three distinct genetic lineages (A, B and C) (9% divergence at cytb) whose geographic ranges overlap. Although A. vaigiensis A and A. sexfasciatus were found to be distinct based on nuclear information, A. vaigiensis A was found to be nested within A. sexfasciatus in the mitochondrial gene tree. A. sexfasciatus from the Coral Triangle region and A. vaigiensis A were not differentiated from each other at the mitochondrial locus. We then used coalescent‐based simulation to characterize a spatially widespread but weak gene flow between the two species. We showed that these fishes are good candidates to investigate the evolutionary complexity of the discrepancies between phenotypic and genetic similarity in closely related species.  相似文献   

The copepod Eurytemora affinis has a broad geographic range within the Northern Hemisphere, inhabiting coastal regions of North America, Asia, and Europe. A phylogenetic approach was used to determine levels of genetic differentiation among populations of this species, and interpopulation crosses were performed to determine reproductive compatibility. DNA sequences from two mitochondrial genes, large subunit (16S) rRNA (450 bp) and cytochrome oxidase I (COI, 652 bp), were obtained from 38 populations spanning most of the species range and from two congeneric species, E. americana and E. herdmani. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a polytomy of highly divergent clades with maximum sequence divergences of 10% in 16S rRNA and 19% in COI. A power test (difference of a proportion) revealed that amount of sequence data collected was sufficient for resolving speciation events occurring at intervals greater than 300,000 years, but insufficient for determining whether speciation events were approximately simultaneous. Geographic and genetic distances were not correlated (Mantel's test; r = 0.023, P = 0.25), suggesting that populations had not differentiated through gradual isolation by distance. At finer spatial scales, there was almost no sharing of mtDNA haplotypes among proximate populations, indicating little genetic exchange even between nearby sites. Interpopulation crosses demonstrated reproductive incompatibility among genetically distinct populations, including those that were sympatric. Most notably, two geographically distant (4000 km) but genetically proximate (0.96% 16S, 0.15% COI) populations exhibited asymmetric reproductive isolation at the F2 generation. Large genetic divergences and reproductive isolation indicate that the morphologically conservative E. affinis constitutes a sibling species complex. Reproductive isolation between genetically proximate populations underscores the importance of using multiple measures to examine patterns of speciation.  相似文献   

Maskrays of the genus Neotrygon (Dasyatidae) have dispersed widely in the Indo‐West Pacific being represented largely by an assemblage of narrow‐ranging coastal endemics. Phylogenetic reconstruction methods reproduced nearly identical and statistically robust topologies supporting the monophyly of the genus Neotrygon within the family Dasyatidae, the genus Taeniura being consistently basal to Neotrygon, and Dasyatis being polyphyletic to the genera Taeniurops and Pteroplatytrygon. The Neotrygon kuhlii complex, once considered to be an assemblage of color variants of the same biological species, is the most derived and widely dispersed subgroup of the genus. Mitochondrial (COI, 16S) and nuclear (RAG1) phylogenies used in synergy with molecular dating identified paleoclimatic fluctuations responsible for periods of vicariance and dispersal promoting population fragmentation and speciation in Neotrygon. Signatures of population differentiation exist in N. ningalooensis and N. annotata, yet a large‐scale geological event, such as the collision between the Australian and Eurasian Plates, coupled with subsequent sea‐level falls, appears to have separated a once homogeneous population of the ancestral form of N. kuhlii into southern Indian Ocean and northern Pacific taxa some 4–16 million years ago. Repeated climatic oscillations, and the subsequent establishment of land and shallow sea connections within and between Australia and parts of the Indo‐Malay Archipelago, have both promoted speciation and established zones of secondary contact within the Indian and Pacific Ocean basins.  相似文献   

Molecular species delimitation is increasingly being used to discover and illuminate species level diversity, and a number of methods have been developed. Here, we compare the ability of two molecular species delimitation methods to recover song‐delimited species in the Cicadetta montana cryptic species complex throughout Europe. Recent bioacoustics studies of male calling songs (premating reproductive barriers) have revealed cryptic species diversity in this complex. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were used to analyse the mitochondrial genes COI and COII and the nuclear genes EF1α and period for thirteen European Cicadetta species as well as the closely related monotypic genus Euboeana. Two molecular species delimitation methods, general mixed Yule‐coalescent (GMYC) and Bayesian phylogenetics and phylogeography, identified the majority of song‐delimited species and were largely congruent with each other. None of the molecular delimitation methods were able to fully recover a recent radiation of four Greek species.  相似文献   

The African clawed frog Xenopus laevis has a large native distribution over much of sub‐Saharan Africa and is a model organism for research, a proposed disease vector, and an invasive species. Despite its prominent role in research and abundance in nature, surprisingly little is known about the phylogeography and evolutionary history of this group. Here, we report an analysis of molecular variation of this clade based on 17 loci (one mitochondrial, 16 nuclear) in up to 159 individuals sampled throughout its native distribution. Phylogenetic relationships among mitochondrial DNA haplotypes were incongruent with those among alleles of the putatively female‐specific sex‐determining gene DM‐W, in contrast to the expectation of strict matrilineal inheritance of both loci. Population structure and evolutionarily diverged lineages were evidenced by analyses of molecular variation in these data. These results further contextualize the chronology, and evolutionary relationships within this group, support the recognition of X. laevis sensu stricto, X. petersii, X. victorianus and herein revalidated X. poweri as separate species. We also propose that portions of the currently recognized distributions of X. laevis (north of the Congo Basin) and X. petersii (south of the Congo Basin) be reassigned to X. poweri.  相似文献   

Cerithideopsilla is a genus of potamidid snails found in high abundance on sedimentary intertidal flats and beneath mangrove trees on continental shores in the tropical and subtropical Indo‐West Pacific region and Mediterranean Sea. Taxonomic revisions have recognized four species, but recent molecular studies have hinted at a higher diversity. Here, we analyse 377 individuals sampled from across the known range and use a combination of molecular phylogenetic (mitochondrial COI and 16S rRNA, and nuclear 28S rRNA genes), statistical (generalized mixed Yule‐coalescent GMYC method) and morphological (shell form) criteria to delimit 16 species. These form four species groups, corresponding with the traditionally recognized species C. alata, C. ‘djadjariensis’ (for which the valid name is C. incisa), C. cingulata and C. conica. Distribution maps were compiled using museum specimens identified by diagnostic shell characters. In combination with the molecular phylogenetic trees, these suggest an allopatric speciation mode, with diversification centred on the East Asian coastline and northern Australia, and a pronounced gap in the ‘eastern Indonesian corridor’, an area of low oceanic productivity. There is, however, frequently geographical overlap between sister species and we suggest from several sources of evidence (e.g. presence of C. conica in isolated saline lakes 900 km from the sea) that post‐speciation transport by migratory birds has occurred. Nine of the 16 species occur between the Gulf of Tonkin and Hong Kong, so southern China is significant for both the evolution and conservation of Cerithideopsilla species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 114 , 212–228.  相似文献   

The Indo‐Malayan bioregion has provided some of the most spectacular discoveries of new vertebrate species (e.g. saola, khanyou, bare‐faced bulbul) over the last 25 years. Yet, very little is known about the processes that led to the current biodiversity in this region. We reconstructed the phylogeographic history of a group of closely related passerines, the Alophoixus bulbuls. These birds are continuously distributed in Indo‐Malaya around the Thailand lowlands such that their distribution resembles a ring. Our analyses revealed a single colonization event of the mainland from Sundaland with sequential divergence of taxa from southwest to northeast characterized by significant gene flow between parapatric taxa, and reduced or ancient gene flow involving the two taxa at the extremities of the ring. We detected evidence of population expansion in two subspecies, including one that was involved in the closing of the ring. Hence, our analyses indicate that the diversification pattern of Alophoixus bulbuls fits a ring species model driven by geographic isolation. To our knowledge, the Alophoixus bulbuls represent the first case of a putative broken ring species complex in Indo‐Malaya. We also discuss the implications of our results on our understanding of the biogeography in Indo‐Malaya.  相似文献   

The Nooksack dace (Pisces: an undescribed putative taxon within Rhinichthys) and longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) are two forms within the R. cataractae species complex that are distinguishable from one another by mitochondrial (mt) DNA divergence of 2–3%, as well as by subtle morphological differences. The two forms are found in allopatry in south‐eastern British Columbia (BC), Canada, and adjacent areas of western Washington, USA, and are sympatric in three streams in the lower Fraser River valley, BC, and may represent cryptic species. We assayed 12 morphometric traits and two meristic characters (= 582; 23 sampling locations) to test for diagnosability of the two dace, as well as to test for morphological differentiation by mtDNA type in sympatry. We then employed a 10‐locus microsatellite DNA assay (= 374; 12 sampling locations) to test for genetic distinction between Nooksack dace and longnose dace in sympatry. We found that the two dace could not be reliably differentiated morphologically: there was overlap in all characters measured, and sampling location had a much larger effect on morphology than mtDNA group. Microsatellite analysis showed no distinction by mtDNA type in localities with sympatric dace, indicating complete admixture between the sympatric Nooksack dace and longnose dace. The Nooksack dace and longnose dace provide an example of ‘ephemeral speciation’: two lineages that, despite an estimated 1.1 Myr of isolation, have developed no apparent barriers to reproduction and appear to have collapsed into a single interbreeding population where they come into secondary contact. Nonetheless, the zone of secondary contact and the diagnosability of the Nooksack dace in terms of mtDNA represent significant aspects of the evolutionary legacy within R. cataractae and support its conservation importance.  相似文献   

Aim To identify connectivity patterns among coral reefs of the Indo‐West Pacific. Projecting connectivity forward in time provides a framework for studying long‐term source–sink dynamics in the region, and makes it possible to evaluate the manner in which migration shapes population genetic structure at regional scales. This information is essential for addressing critical gaps in knowledge for conservation planning efforts in one of the most biologically diverse regions on earth. Location Coral reefs of the Indo‐West Pacific, ranging from 15° S to 30° N and 95° E to 140° E. Methods Individual‐based biophysical dispersal models were used in conjunction with matrix projection to identify the expected patterns of exchange between coral reefs over time. Results Present‐day oceanographic conditions lead to the transport of larvae from the South China Sea into the Coral Triangle region via the Sulu Sea, and from northern Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands via Halmahera. The directionality of the system leads to the expected accumulation of organisms from outlying areas into the Coral Triangle region over time, particularly in the vicinity of the Maluku Islands and eastern Sulawesi. Coral reefs in Papua New Guinea, the Sulu Archipelago and areas within the Philippines are expected to be areas of high diversity as well. Main conclusions Biophysical dispersal models, used in conjunction with matrix projection, provide an effective means of simulating connectivity structure across the Indo‐West Pacific and thereby evaluating the directionality of genetic diversity. Migration appears to have a significant influence on population genetic structure in the region. Based on present‐day ocean currents, coral reefs in the South China Sea, northern Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands are contributing to high levels of diversity in the Coral Triangle.  相似文献   

Pleistocene climate cycles have been recognized to be a major driver of postglacial northward range expansion of North American bird populations. During glacial maxima, allopatric lineages that were reproductively isolated might have come into secondary contact with one another during expansion periods and the genetic signatures of past hybridization as a result of secondary contact events should produce detectable hybrid zones. The white‐chested hummingbirds Amazilia violiceps and A. viridifrons, constitute a species complex showing phenotypic similarity across its range. One exception is the subspecies found in the Central Depression of Chiapas (A. viridifrons villadai), which shares some plumage traits with the endemic but allopatric green‐fronted populations in Oaxaca. Phylogenetic relationships, taxonomy and species limits among violiceps, viridifrons and villadai have been controversial for decades. We assessed genetic structure of populations and introgression in this species complex by analysing 95 individuals at ten nuclear microsatellites and morphology. Bayesian analysis yielded four clusters. However, only two clusters generally match previously described mtDNA haplogroups, one parental taxon in the south (villadai) and a cluster with two admixed taxa (viridifrons and violiceps) that cannot be attributed to any pure parental population. High genetic admixture was recorded in the violiceps/viridifrons range, probably as a consequence of a postglacial northern expansion of violiceps. Signs of admixture and gene flow between violiceps/viridifrons and villadai were low. Historical and contemporary migration rates and Approximate Bayesian computations support a scenario of divergence with gene flow: a Pleistocene basal split separating A. violiceps and the other two clades are derived from a second split (villadai and viridifrons) or from a merger of violiceps and villadai into viridifrons due to gene flow.  相似文献   

Human activities threaten reef ecosystems globally, forcing ecological change at rates and scales regarded as unprecedented in the Holocene. These changes are so profound that a cessation of reef accretion (reef ‘turn‐off’) and net erosion of reef structures is argued by many as the ultimate and imminent trajectory. Here, we use a regional scale reef growth dataset, based on 76 core records (constrained by 211 radiometric dates) from 22 reefs along and across the inner‐shelf of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, to examine the timing of different phases of reef initiation (‘turn‐on’), growth and ‘turn‐off’ during the Holocene. This dataset delineates two temporally discrete episodes of reef‐building over the last 8500 years: the first associated with the Holocene transgression‐early highstand period [~8.5–5.5 k calibrated years bp (cal ybp )]; the second since ~2.3 k cal ybp . During both periods, reefs accreted rapidly to sea level before entering late evolutionary states – states naturally characterized by reduced coral cover and low accretion potential – and a clear hiatus occurs between these reef‐building episodes for which no records of reef initiation exist. These transitions mimic those projected under current environmental disturbance regimes, but have been driven entirely by natural forcing factors. Our results demonstrate that, even through the late Holocene, reef health and growth has fluctuated through cycles independent of anthropogenic forcing. Consequently, degraded reef states cannot de facto be considered to automatically reflect increased anthropogenic stress. Indeed, in many cases degraded or nonaccreting reef communities may reflect past reef growth histories (as dictated by reef growth–sea level interactions) as much as contemporary environmental change. Recognizing when changes in reef condition reflect these natural ‘turn‐on’– growth –‘turn‐off’ cycles and how they interact with on‐going human disturbance is critical for effective coral reef management and for understanding future reef ecological trajectories.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of dispersal and adaptation in the evolutionary history of marine species is essential for predicting their response to changing conditions. We analyzed patterns of genetic differentiation in the key tropical calcifying species of large benthic foraminifera Amphistegina lobifera to reveal the evolutionary processes responsible for its biogeographic distribution. We collected specimens from 16 sites encompassing the entire range of the species and analyzed hypervariable fragments of the 18S SSU rDNA marker. We identified six hierarchically organized genotypes with mutually exclusive distribution organized along a longitudinal gradient. The distribution is consistent with diversification occurring in the Indo‐West Pacific (IWP) followed by dispersal toward the periphery. This pattern can be explained by: (a) high dispersal capacity of the species, (b) habitat heterogeneity driving more recent differentiation in the IWP, and (c) ecological‐scale processes such as niche incumbency reinforcing patterns of genotype mutual exclusion. The dispersal potential of this species drives the ongoing range expansion into the Mediterranean Sea, indicating that A. lobifera is able to expand its distribution by tracking increases in temperature. The genetic structure reveals recent diversification and high rate of extinction in the evolutionary history of the clade suggesting a high turnover rate of the diversity at the cryptic level. This diversification dynamic combined with high dispersal potential, allowed the species to maintain a widespread distribution over periods of geological and climatic upheaval. These characteristics are likely to allow the species to modify its geographic range in response to ongoing global warming without requiring genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

The lizard genus Xantusia of southwestern North America has received recent attention in relation to delimiting species. Using more than 500 lizards from 156 localities, we further test hypothesized species boundaries and clarify phylogeographical patterns, particularly in regions of potential secondary contact. We sequenced the entire mitochondrial cytochrome b gene for every lizard in the study, plus a second mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) region and two nuclear introns for subsets of the total sample. Phylogenetic analyses of the mtDNA recover a well-resolved, novel hypothesis for species in the Xantusia vigilis complex. The nuclear DNA (nDNA) data provide independent support for the recognition of X. arizonae, X. bezyi and X. wigginsi. Differences between the respective mtDNA and nDNA topologies result from either the effects of lineage sorting or ancient introgression. Nuclear data confirm the inference that some populations of X. vigilis in northwestern Arizona converged on rock-crevice-dwelling morphology and are not X. arizonae with an introgressed X. vigilis mtDNA genome. The historical independence of ancient cryptic lineages of Xantusia in southern California is also corroborated, though limited introgression is detected. Our proposed biogeographical scenario indicates that diversification of this group was driven by vicariance beginning in the late Miocene. Additionally, Pleistocene climatical changes influenced Xantusia distribution, and the now inhospitable Colorado Desert previously supported night lizard presence. The current taxonomy of the group likely underestimates species diversity within the group, and our results collectively show that while convergence on the rock-crevice-dwelling morphology is one hallmark of Xantusia evolution, morphological stasis is paradoxically another.  相似文献   

Dobzhansky–Muller (DM) incompatibilities involving sex chromosomes have been proposed to account for Haldane's rule (lowered fitness among hybrid offspring of the heterogametic sex) as well as Darwin's corollary (asymmetric fitness costs with respect to the direction of the cross). We performed simulation studies of a hybrid zone to investigate the effects of different types of DM incompatibilities on cline widths and positions of sex‐linked markers. From our simulations, X‐Y incompatibilities generate steep clines for both X‐linked and Y‐linked markers; random effects may produce strong noise in cline center positions when migration is high relative to fitness costs, but X‐ and Y‐centers always coincide strictly. X‐autosome and Y‐autosome incompatibilities also generate steep clines, but systematic shifts in cline centers occur when migration is high relative to selection, as a result of a dominance drive linked to Darwin's corollary. Interestingly, sex‐linked genes always show farther introgression than the associated autosomal genes. We discuss ways of disentangling the potentially confounding effects of sex biases in migration, we compare our results to those of a few documented contact zones, and we stress the need to study independent replicates of the same contact zone.  相似文献   

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