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Capsule Home-range of resident pairs of Golden Eagle was usually smaller during a successful breeding season than during winter and during an unsuccessful breeding season.

Aims To examine how Golden Eagles use space around their nests with respect to season and breeding status, and to compare home-range-use between a high and a low density region.

Methods Nine adults in six mainland Argyll ranges were radiotracked between 1991 and 1996. On the island of Mull visual observations of range-use were obtained for five ranges between 1994 and 1998.

Results Overall, Mull ranges were smaller than the Argyll ranges, reflecting the much higher range density on Mull. In both regions there were significant differences between ranging distances with season and breeding status. In general, ranging distances were smallest during breeding seasons when young were fledged.

Conclusions Studies of range-use in Golden Eagles must be conducted across a 12-month period, as a minimum.  相似文献   

Capsule Between 1992 and 2003 persecution appeared to be the main influential factor.

Aims To utilize temporal changes in the distribution and occupation of Golden Eagle territories in Scotland between the 1992 and 2003 national censuses to assess potential causes of regional and national population trends, by examining spatial associations with a number of potential constraints on the population.

Methods The distribution of occupied and vacant territories in the 1992 and 2003 censuses were entered as layers in a Geographical Information System (GIS), along with boundaries of biogeographical regions (Natural Heritage Zones) for regional analyses. Additional GIS layers were created for potential factors that may constrain the eagle population: the distribution and abundance of persecution incidents, new commercial conifer forests, popular mountains for hillwalkers (as surrogates for recreational activity), and the density of sheep and Red Deer (as surrogates for carrion abundance), drawn from comparable time periods to the national eagle censuses. Analyses then looked for spatial associations between eagle territory status and those constraint factors that may have influenced change in territory status.

Results We found little evidence to suggest that recreational disturbance was influential on the occupation of Golden Eagle territories, although some local effects may have occurred and further analyses are warranted. We could find evidence of only a limited number of territories having being abandoned recently due to the planting of commercial conifer forests. We also rejected the hypothesis that changes in territory occupation between national Golden Eagle censuses were influenced by change in carrion abundance. By contrast, results were consistent with the hypothesis that persecution was influential in the observed change in territory occupation between censuses, so that occupied eagle territories tended to decline where persecution was probably still influential and tended to increase where persecution had probably declined.

Conclusion In accordance with earlier predictions based on models of the demographic influence of persecution, in the central and eastern Highlands where grouse moor management predominates, the eagle population continued to decline to levels where increasingly large areas of suitable habitat are unoccupied by breeding pairs.  相似文献   

Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in South Argyll, Scotland, have been monitored annually since 1964. Other workers trapped and radiotagged breeding adults there for a separate study during 1991–1996. Our analysis of our monitoring data shows that the trapping and tagging was followed by reduced reproductive success (proportion of territories producing young each year). Also, nest-sites where adults had been trapped were used less frequently after the trapping.  相似文献   

Wind farms may have two broad potential adverse effects on birds via antagonistic processes: displacement from the vicinity of turbines (avoidance), or death through collision with rotating turbine blades. Large raptors are often shown or presumed to be vulnerable to collision and are demographically sensitive to additional mortality, as exemplified by several studies of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos. Previous findings from Scottish Eagles, however, have suggested avoidance as the primary response. Our study used data from 59 GPS-tagged Golden Eagles with 28 284 records during natal dispersal before and after turbine operation < 1 km of 569 turbines at 80 wind farms across Scotland. We tested three hypotheses using measurements of tag records’ distance from the hub of turbine locations: (1) avoidance should be evident; (2) older birds should show less avoidance (i.e. habituate to turbines); and (3) rotor diameter should have no influence (smaller diameters are correlated with a turbine’s age, in examining possible habituation). Four generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) were constructed with intrinsic habitat preference of a turbine location using Golden Eagle Topography (GET) model, turbine operation status (before/after), bird age and rotor diameter as fixed factors. The best GLMM was subsequently verified by k-fold cross-validation and involved only GET habitat preference and presence of an operational turbine. Eagles were eight times less likely to be within a rotor diameter’s distance of a hub location after turbine operation, and modelled displacement distance was 70 m. Our first hypothesis expecting avoidance was supported. Eagles were closer to turbine locations in preferred habitat but at greater distances after turbine operation. Results on bird age (no influence to 5+ years) rejected hypothesis 2, implying no habituation. Support for hypothesis 3 (no influence of rotor diameter) also tentatively inferred no habituation, but data indicated birds went slightly closer to longer rotor blades although not to the turbine tower. We proffer that understanding why avoidance or collision in large raptors may occur can be conceptually envisaged via variation in fear of humans as the ‘super predator’ with turbines as cues to this life-threatening agent.  相似文献   

I. NEWTON  E. A. GALBRAITH 《Ibis》1991,133(2):115-120
This paper documents the organochlorine levels found in unhatched eggs from 234 clutches of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos obtained in Scotland during 1963-86. Organochlorine levels were highest in eggs from western coastal districts, somewhat lower in eggs from western inland districts, and lower still in eggs from eastern districts. These regional trends were associated with corresponding dietary differences.
Levels of HEOD declined in western districts during the period 1963-86, but not in eastern districts where they were low throughout. Levels of DDE declined generally, but significantly only in the east. In contrast, levels of PCBs increased generally, but significantly only in western inland districts.
No differences in organochlorine levels were found between clutches that produced no young and those that produced one young.
Mercury residues were examined in eggs from 66 clutches obtained during 1981-86. Low levels were detected in 10 out of 29 eggs from western coastal districts, in 2 out of 27 eggs from western inland districts, and in none out of 10 eggs from eastern districts.  相似文献   

A. WATSON  S. PAYNE  R. RAE 《Ibis》1989,131(3):336-348
This paper contrasts changes in breeding numbers and breeding success of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos on four areas with different land uses. On land primarily used for deer stalking but also for grouse shooting, and supporting abundant prey, the number of eagle pairs was steady in 1944-80. On deer land with fewer prey, the number of pairs declined greatly in the 1960s, when deer carrion became scarcer following increased shooting of red deer. On grouse moors incorporating deer stalking, the number of pairs declined in the 1950s due to persecution by gamekeepers, and then largely recovered as this lessened. On grouse moors with little or no stalking, the number of pairs fell after 1946 and remained low due to persecution, which has continued since then. Eagles on grouse moors bred poorly due to persecution. On deer land they were seldom persecuted by estate staff, and bred well. On an area of deer land, the mean annual number of young reared per undisturbed clutch in summer was related to the estimated weight of prey in the spring of the same year. The eagles have remained fairly pesticide-free, and bred well in 1963-65 when more contaminated birds in west Scotland bred poorly.  相似文献   

We examined regional and temporal variations in prey selection by Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos during the nestling period in Japan. We made direct video recordings of a pair of Golden Eagles in Akita prefecture as they delivered prey to the nest for two consecutive nestling periods. We also assembled data from previous studies in Japan, eventually obtaining 14 data sets with which we compared prey composition during nestling periods. Among them, four sets of data were recorded daily by video and used to investigate the temporal change in prey selection and the amount delivered to the nest. The prey item composition varied considerably among the data sets. Japanese Hares Lepus brachyurus were predominantly selected in three data sets, reflecting the lowest dietary breadths that were determined by prey composition. Data sets with higher dietary breadths consisted mainly of Japanese Hares, snakes and Copper Pheasants Syrmaticus soemmerringii . Temporal change in prey selection during nestling periods showed marked variation, but similarities were found in later deliveries of snakes and in total prey weights (83.7–89.9 kg) delivered to successfully fledged broods. Taken together, our results suggest that during nestling periods Golden Eagles in Japan specialized on Japanese Hare. Diet breadth increased through feeding predominantly on snakes, a temporarily available prey, to satisfy the breeding dietary requirement. Regionally varied temporal prey selection may be a key factor for sustaining Eagle populations in the forested mountain habitats of Japan, where prey and habitat conditions change dramatically during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Few studies have quantified the dynamics of recovering populations of large raptors using long‐term, spatially explicit studies. Using data collected over 37 years in the western Italian Alps, we assessed the trends in distribution, abundance, fecundity and breeding population structure of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos. Using the spatial distribution of territory centroids in 2007, we found that the spatial distribution of eagle territories was over‐dispersed up to 3 km. Although population size and total productivity increased from 1972 to 2008, the proportion of pairs that laid eggs showed a strong decline, falling to no more than 50% after 2003. On average, 15% of successful nests produced two fledglings, and productivity also declined over time. No significant relationship between population growth rate and total population size was detected, but the percentage of pairs that bred and breeding success showed evidence of density dependence, as they declined significantly with increasing density. Our results suggest that density dependence, operating across heterogeneous habitats, is currently regulating this population, while the carrying capacity may still be increasing. This may explain the apparent paradox of reduced breeding effort despite increasing total productivity.  相似文献   

During a five-year period, 1975–1979, a total of 2881 prey individuals of 65 prey species were collected at 162 golden eagle nests from northern Sweden and from the island of Gotland. In northern Sweden birds are taken in higher numbers than mammals but calculated as weight the two categories are of equal importance, The main prey during the breeding season are capercaillie, black grouse, willow grouse, ptarmigan, mountain hare and reindeer fawns which together form 91% of the total food biomass. The capercaillie and the black grouse are taken more in the southern part of the coniferous region than in the northern. In contrast, in northern areas, reindeer fawns are more preyed upon than in the South, Ptarmigan and willow grouse are the most commonly captured prey species in mountain areas. The total number of reindeer fawns taken (dead and/or alive) by the Swedish golden eagle population during one summer is estimated at 600 individuals. On Gotland the golden eagles take mammals more often than in its northern distribution area. Rabbit and hedgehog arc the most important species.  相似文献   

Understanding relationships between environmental conditions and reproductive parameters is important when interpreting variation in animal population size. The northwestern North American population of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos canadensis initiates courtship and nesting in early spring when prey diversity is low and weather conditions are severe. Snowshoe Hare Lepus americanus and Willow Ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus, the primary prey of Golden Eagles early in their nesting season in interior Alaska, both exhibit cyclical fluctuations in abundance, providing the opportunity to investigate such relationships. We used Bayesian hierarchical models to explore variation in territory occupancy, nesting rates, nesting success and productivity of Golden Eagles from 1988 to 2010 in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska, in relation to annual and site‐specific parameters including prey abundance, weather conditions, elevation and human activity. We also investigated the long‐term fluctuations of breeding performance over the course of the study. The abundance of Hares influenced both the number of Eagles that laid eggs and the number of Eagles that produced fledglings. The conditions on the breeding ground did not explain observed declines in nesting rates and fledgling production, suggesting that other factors such as change in the age structure of the population, increased intraspecific competition or deterioration of migration and wintering habitat are driving the long‐term trends of these parameters.  相似文献   

D. J. HALLEY  J. O. GJERSHAUG 《Ibis》1998,140(2):295-301
The behaviour of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos and Sea Eagles Haliceetus albicilla scavenging on artificially laid out carcasses in coastal Sør-Trøndelag Province, Norway, was studied during two winters (totalling 640 h of observations) and the intervening summer (430 h). Neither species fed at carcasses in summer. Although smaller, Golden Eagles were strongly dominant over Sea Eagles in direct competition for carcass access. In Sea Eagles, females dominated males, while in Golden Eagles, few conflicts between birds of known sex were observed. Age effects were weak and not statistically significant in both species. Conflicts for carcass access tended to be most escalated between Golden Eagles and least escalated between Sea Eagles, with interspecific conflicts intermediate. Most conflicts were won by the aggressor, suggesting that birds were generally able to assess relative dominance before launching an attack. Young eagles fed longer at a carcass than older individuals in both species, suggesting that young eagles may have been hungrier or less efficient feeders. Sea Eagles waited longer than Golden Eagles between arrival in the immediate carcass area and feeding at the carcass. This effect was greater when the carcass was already occupied but also occurred when no other eagle was already present. While interspecific competition for carrion did not appear to have important consequences for the two species in coastal Norway, in western Scotland, where Sea Eagles are currently re-establishing, carrion is important in the diet of both species all year round. Interspecific competition for this resource may therefore play a role in determining the ultimate realized niche (and therefore numbers) of the two species in Scotland in the longer term.  相似文献   

Conservation management of species distributed across fragmented habitats requires consideration of population genetic structure and relative levels of genetic diversity throughout the relevant geographical range. The Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos is monitored within Scotland to ensure its survival in the face of land‐use pressure, persecution and future climate change. In this study we constructed DNA profiles for 271 individual birds using a collection of over 1600 moulted feathers collected from 148 territories, representing 34% of known Scottish territories in the largest population genetic study of Golden Eagles undertaken to date. The results, based on data from 10 nuclear microsatellite loci, revealed previously unreported genetic structure between the islands of the Outer Hebrides and the rest of Scotland (FST = 0.03), together with evidence of reduced genetic diversity in the Outer Hebridean population compared with mainland Scotland. Analysis of gene flow supports a hypothesis of limited, predominantly male‐mediated, dispersal from the Outer Hebrides to mainland Scotland. The persistence of this pattern is discussed with respect to variation in population density and persecution pressure across Scotland. A finding of non‐random mating within the Outer Hebrides is interpreted as evidence of natal philopatry that was revealed by more intensive sampling in these islands, and is likely to be accentuated by the apparent degree of isolation of the islands from the rest of Scotland.  相似文献   

Thirteen juvenile Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos were tracked during their first year of life using satellite telemetry. Distances to the nest attained during that period and the age at the onset of juvenile dispersal were explored. The performance of nine different criteria to determine that age was analysed. In general, after a brief period of restricted movements around the nest, the average distance to the nest increased with time. Maximum distances to the nest ranged between 57.7 and 184.3 km, and were considerably greater in females (mean ± sd, 138.5 ± 44.5 km) than in males (70.5 ± 14.0 km). No sex difference was observed in the age at which that distance was attained (males: 329 ± 32 days, females: 312 ± 20 days). The onset of juvenile dispersal took place around the fifth month of life (September in Spain). Eight of the nine criteria provided similar results, suggesting that in Spain dispersal starts when birds are between 140 and 180 days old, and that the post-nestling period lasts between 60 and 120 days. For future studies, to determine the age at which the onset of juvenile dispersal occurs, we recommend the use of either the first day on which individuals were located beyond the mean distance between nests of different pairs (10 km in our study area), or the date of the record midway between the first and the last location recorded during the month in which the maximum variability in the distance to the nest was observed.  相似文献   

Brood production rate of Grey Partridges Perdix perdix was studied in three areas in Poland in the years 1986–90, by comparing the number of pairs and the number of family coveys after the breeding period. In the study areas, linear permanent nesting cover was mapped and measured. In these areas the brood production rate declined with increasing spring pair density. A positive effect of the occurrence of nesting cover on brood production rate was found. An increase in the population density mostly occurred through occupying parts of the study area avoided earlier, thus presumably less suitable for Partridges. Pairs occupying these less suitable areas, characterized by less abundant nesting cover, had a lower brood production rate, whereas in the preferred areas this rate did not decline with increasing mean population density.  相似文献   

2013年至2015年每年4—7月,在江西婺源境内对蓝冠噪鹛繁殖小群进行调查。观察并测量其繁殖地斑块海拔,距山地、水源及干扰源的距离,计算斑块面积、周长及形状指数,并在每个繁殖斑块的4个方向5km以外选取同样植被类型的对照斑块,比较繁殖斑块与对照斑块在以上7个因子的差异。结果表明繁殖斑块海拔,距山地距离和距干扰距离显著小于对照斑块。说明在斑块尺度上,蓝冠噪鹛繁殖期倾向于选择低海拔阔叶林,且在离山地更近的村庄附近繁殖,这可能与食物丰富和天敌较少有关。在微生境尺度,选择繁殖点B在巢区及同一片阔叶林中无噪鹛筑巢的对照区进行10个生态因子的测量,并用资源选择函数以及Vanderploeg和Scavia选择系数进行分析。资源选择函数结果表明草本密度、草本高度在微生境尺度对蓝冠噪鹛生境选择贡献最大;而Vanderploeg和Scavia选择系数结果表明蓝冠噪鹛喜在胸径较粗(40—80cm)的朴树、枫杨和枫香3种树上筑巢,筑巢偏好树高20m以上及草本盖度较高(60%—90%)的生境。综合两种分析结果,在微生境尺度蓝冠噪鹛对筑巢树种及高度具有选择性,对巢区隐蔽性有所要求,巢下草本情况可以反映昆虫等食物资源状况,说明蓝冠噪鹛繁殖期偏好在食物相对丰富的区域筑巢。  相似文献   

K. HUSTLER  W. W. HOWELLS† 《Ibis》1989,131(1):33-40
Breeding success of 176 Tawny Eagle pairs nesting on basalt (4724 km2– 92 pairs) and kalahari sand (9876 km2– 84 pairs) was monitored from 1973 to 1984 in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Flat-topped trees were preferred for nesting but kalahari sand pairs used round-crowned trees more often, probably due to tree availability. Mean inter-nest distances on both biomes were significantly different (3–5 km on basalt, 59 km on kalahari sand). Clutch size and frequency of one-egg clutches in both biomes were similar and many more one-egg clutches were laid in the drier period of the study (1979–1984). There was no correlation between laying date and breeding success. More basalt pairs laid synchronously, probably due to the smaller inter-nest distances. Breeding success in both biomes was similar and significantly more chicks were reared during 1973–1978 than during 1979–1984 (wet and dry periods, respectively). Some districts produced more chicks than others, suggesting good and marginal areas within both biomes. The greater inter-nest distances and ability to breed successfully in round-crowned trees by kalahari sand Tawny Eagles resulted in a similar number of chicks reared per breeding attempt as basalt pairs, in spite of the lower primary production of the sand area.  相似文献   

Conservation of rare populations requires managing habitat throughout the year, especially during winter when northern populations may be limited by food and predation. Consequently, we examined distribution of nonbreeding western snowy plovers (Charadrius alexandrinus), including individually marked birds that were year-round residents and others that were migrants, in coastal northern California. Over 2 years, banded plovers exhibited high site faithfulness, occupying small linear stretches of beach (752 ± 626 m). Sites occupied by plovers had more brown algae (e.g., Macrocystis, Nereocystis, Postelsia, and Fucus) and associated invertebrates (e.g., amphipods, and flies), were wider, and had less vegetation than unoccupied sites. Our findings suggest that wintering plovers select habitats with more food and where they could more easily detect predators. Maintaining habitat with attributes that support abundant food (i.e., brown algae) and reduce predation risk (i.e., wide beaches, limited obstructive cover) may be important to individual survival and maintaining the Pacific Coast population of snowy plovers. Protecting occupied sites from human disturbance, which adversely alters nonbreeding habitat (i.e., beach grooming) and directly causes mortality, may be essential for conserving the Pacific coast population of the snowy plover, and it may benefit other shorebirds. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

J. WATSON  A. F. LEITCH  R. A. BROAD 《Ibis》1992,134(1):27-31
The diets of Sea Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla and Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos living sympatrically in western Scotland were studied using pellets and prey remains collected at roosts and nest sites throughout the year. Both species showed changes in diet between winter and summer, and there were differences between species in both seasons. As a rule, Sea Eagles took proportionately more seabirds, waterfowl (ducks and waders) and fish, whilst Golden Eagles took proportionately more rabbits and hares. Sea Eagles had a broader diet than Golden Eagles but a measure of dietary overlap based on taxonomic composition indicated an overlap of more than 90% between the two species.  相似文献   

Habitat use of mallard Anas platvrhynchos , teal A crecca. wigeon A penelope and goldeneye Bucephala clangula was studied m southern Finland during 1988–1991 Emphasis included evaluation of the importance of food and vegetation structure and revealing of the patterns of habitat use throughout the breeding season Average lake scores of pairs, broods, and juveniles of all species were on the luxunant end of a principal component analysis axis describing habitat structure A more detailed examination, however, revealed clear differences in habitat distributions both between and within species Generally, habitat distributions seemed to shift toward the luxuriant from pairs to broods However, goldeneye juveniles used both the most luxuriant and the poorest habitats more than expected When all phases of the breeding cycle are considered, habitat luxuriance seemed to be more important for dabbling ducks and nektonic invertebrates more important for the goldeneye Emerging insects were most important to the teal  相似文献   

Recruitment of walleye (Sander vitreus Mitchill) is limited in irrigation reservoirs of the Republican River basin in southwestern Nebraska. The causal mechanism for this limited recruitment is unknown, but may be related to a lack of suitable spawning habitat. Patch occupancy models were developed to describe variation in detection probability and habitat selection during spawning season using shoreline electrofishing data. Detection of adult walleye was negatively affected by water temperature, silt substrate, and woody cover. Adult walleye selected sites with cooler water temperatures and greater fetch at Enders Reservoir, and large rock substrate and no cover at Hugh Butler Lake; these characteristics are limited to areas on or near the riprap dams in both reservoirs. Walleye eggs were also only found in these areas. We conclude that patch occupancy modeling provided valuable information when considering habitat improvement projects and propose a management approach for the addition of walleye spawning habitat in irrigation reservoirs.  相似文献   

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