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In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mitochondrial translation of most, if not all, mitochondrially encoded genes is regulated by an individual set of gene-specific activators. Translation of the COB mRNA encoding cytochrome b requires the function of two nuclearly encoded proteins, Cbs1p and Cbs2p. Genetic data revealed that the 5'-untranslated region of COB mRNA is the target of both proteins. Recently, we provided evidence for an interaction of Cbs2p with mitochondrial ribosomes. We demonstrate here by means of blue native gel electrophoresis, density gradient centrifugation and tandem affinity purification that a portion of Cbs1p is also associated with mitochondrial ribosomes. In addition, we demonstrate that the amount of ribosome-associated Cbs1p is elevated in the presence of chloramphenicol, which is known to stall ribosomes on mRNAs. In the presence of puromycin, which strips off the mRNA and nascent protein chains from ribosomes, Cbs1p is no longer associated with ribosomes. Our data indicate that the observed interaction is mediated by ribosome-bound mRNA, thus restricting the association to ribosomes actively translating cytochrome b.  相似文献   

The protein specified by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear gene PET111 specifically activates translation of the mitochondrially coded mRNA for cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (Cox2p). We found Pet111p specifically in mitochondria of both wild-type cells and cells expressing a chromosomal gene for a functional epitope-tagged form of Pet111p. Pet111p was associated with mitochondrial membranes and was highly resistant to extraction with alkaline carbonate. Pet111p was protected from proteolytic digestion by the mitochondrial inner membrane. Thus, it is exposed only on the matrix side, where it could participate directly in organellar translation and localize Cox2p synthesis by virtue of its functional interaction with the COX2 mRNA 5'-untranslated leader. We also found that Pet111p is present at levels limiting the synthesis of Cox2p by examining the effect of altered PET111 gene dosage in the nucleus on expression of a reporter gene, cox2::ARG8(m), that was inserted into mitochondrial DNA. The level of the reporter protein, Arg8p, was one-half that of wild type in a diploid strain heterozygous for a pet111 deletion mutation, whereas it was increased 2.8-fold in a strain bearing extra copies of PET111 on a high-copy plasmid. Thus, Pet111p could play dual roles in both membrane localization and regulation of Cox2p synthesis within mitochondria.  相似文献   

We have created P1 artificial chromosome transgenic mice expressing the human mitochondrial superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) and thus generated mice with a physiologically controlled augmentation of SOD2 expression leading to increased SOD2 enzyme activities and lowered superoxide levels. In the transgenic mice, effects on mitochondrial function such as enhanced oxidative capacity and greater resistance against inducers of mitochondrial permeability were observed. Superoxide in the mitochondrial matrix has been proposed to activate uncoupling proteins (UCPs), thus providing a feedback mechanism that will lower respiratory chain superoxide production by increasing a proton leak across the inner mitochondrial membrane. However, UCP1 and UCP3 activities and mitochondrial ATP production rates were not altered in isolated mitochondria from SOD2 transgenic mice, despite lowered superoxide levels. Globally, the transgenic mice displayed normal resting metabolic rates, indicating an absence of effect on any UCP activities, and normal oxygen consumption responses after norepinephrine injection. These results strongly suggest that endogenously generated matrix superoxide does not regulate UCP activity and in vivo energy expenditure.  相似文献   

Ecm10p was initially identified as a cell wall synthesis-related gene product [Genetics 147 (1997) 435] and also reported as a mitochondrial protein which was partially capable of compensating the phenotypic defect by SSC1 gene mutation [FEBS Lett. 487 (2000) 307]. Here we report that ecm10p is localized in mitochondrial nucleoids as its major component and the targeting signal resides between amino acid residues 161 and 240. Overexpression of ecm10p induces extensive mitochondrial DNA aggregations, which might be due to aberrant mitochondrial DNA cleavages through an altered endonuclease activity in mitochondrial nucleoids.  相似文献   

Effect of Bcl-2 overexpression on mitochondrial structure and function   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Overexpression of the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 protein enhances the uptake of fluorimetric dyes sensitive to mitochondrial membrane potential, suggesting that Bcl-2 changes the mitochondrial proton gradient. In this study, we performed calibrated measurements of mitochondrial respiration, membrane potential, deltapH, and intramitochondrial [K+] in digitonin-permeabilized PC12 and GT1-7 neural cells that either do not express human Bcl-2 (control transfectants) or that were transfected with and overexpressed the human bcl-2 gene to evaluate whether Bcl-2 alters mitochondrial inner membrane ion transport. We found that although Bcl-2-overexpressing cells exhibit higher fluorescence responses to membrane potential, pH, and K+-sensitive dyes, this increased response is due to an enhanced accumulation of these dyes and not an increased mitochondrial membrane potential, deltapH, or [K+]. This result is supported by the presence of equal respiratory rates in Bcl-2+ and Bcl-2- cells. Possible structural alterations in Bcl-2+ mitochondria that could account for increases in fluorescent dye uptake were evaluated using flow cytometry particle sizing and light scattering determinations. These experiments established that Bcl-2-overexpressing mitochondria present both increased volume and structural complexity. We suggest that increased mitochondrial volume and structural complexity in Bcl-2+ cells may be related to many of the effects of this protein involved in the prevention of cell death.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are semiautonomous organelles which contain their own genome. Both maintenance and expression of mitochondrial DNA require activity of RNA and DNA helicases. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the nuclear genome encodes four DExH/D superfamily members (MSS116, SUV3, MRH4, IRC3) that act as helicases and/or RNA chaperones. Their activity is necessary for mitochondrial RNA splicing, degradation, translation and genome maintenance. In humans the ortholog of SUV3 (hSUV3, SUPV3L1) so far is the best described mitochondrial RNA helicase. The enzyme, together with the matrix-localized pool of PNPase (PNPT1), forms an RNA-degrading complex called the mitochondrial degradosome, which localizes to distinct structures (D-foci). Global regulation of mitochondrially encoded genes can be achieved by changing mitochondrial DNA copy number. This way the proteins involved in its replication, like the Twinkle helicase (c10orf2), can indirectly regulate gene expression. Here, we describe yeast and human mitochondrial helicases that are directly involved in mitochondrial RNA metabolism, and present other helicases that participate in mitochondrial DNA replication and maintenance. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: The Biology of RNA helicases — Modulation for life.  相似文献   

Summary The products of the nuclear genes CBS1 and CBS2 are both required for translational activation of mitochondrial apocytochrome b in yeast. We report the intramitochondrial localization of both proteins by use of specific antisera. Based on its solubilization properties the CBS1 protein is presumed to be a component of the mitochondrial membrane; the detergent concentrations needed to release CBS1 from mitochondria are almost the same as for cytochrome c 1. In contrast, CBS2 behaves like a soluble protein, with some characteristics of a membrane-associated protein. A model is presented for translational activation of cytochrome b, which might also be applicable to translational regulation of other mitochondrial genes.  相似文献   

Yeast mitochondrial tRNA synthetase has been partially purified and chromatographic, catalytic and antigenic properties have been compared to the cytoplasmic homologous enzyme from yeast. No significant differences could be observed between the two enzymes with respect to their behaviour during ammonium sulfate precipitation or in chromatographic separation on DEAE cellulose, hydroxylapatite and Sephadex G 200. The Km of the two enzymes toward tRNAs from yeast mitochondria, yeast cytoplasm or E. coli are pratically identical. The antigenic properties of the two enzymes are very similar; antisera against either the mitochondria or the cytoplasmic enzyme lead to the inhibition of their catalytic properties. The mitochondrial ValRS is formed by a single polypeptide chain whose molecular weight is 125,000 daltons, a value very close to that of the yeast cytoplasmic enzyme.  相似文献   

Development of drugs targeting Bcl-2 relatives and caspases, for treating diseases including cancer and inflammatory disorders, often involves measuring interactions with recombinant target molecules, and/or monitoring cancer cell killing in vitro. Here, we present yeast-based methods for evaluating drug-mediated inhibition of Bcl-2 relatives or caspases. Active Bax and caspases kill Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and pro-survival Bcl-2 proteins can inhibit Bax-induced yeast death. By measuring the growth or adenosine triphosphate content of transformants co-expressing Bax with pro-survival Bcl-2 relatives, we found that the Bcl-2 antagonist drugs ABT-737 or ABT-263 abolished Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL function and reduced Bcl-w activity, but failed to inhibit Mcl-1, A1 or the poxvirus orthologs DPV022 and SPPV14. Using this technique, we also demonstrated that adenoviral E1B19K was resistant to these agents. The caspase inhibitor Q-VD-OPh suppressed yeast death induced by caspases 1 and 3. Yeast engineered to express human apoptotic regulators enable simple, automatable assessment of the activity and specificity of candidate drugs targeting Bcl-2 relatives or caspases.  相似文献   

Qi Z  He J  Su Y  He Q  Liu J  Yu L  Al-Attas O  Hussain T  Ding S  Ji L  Qian M 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e21140
The purpose of this study was to outline the timelines of mitochondrial function, oxidative stress and cytochrome c oxidase complex (COX) biogenesis in cardiac muscle with age, and to evaluate whether and how these age-related changes were attenuated by exercise. ICR/CD-1 mice were treated with pifithrin-μ (PFTμ), sacrificed and studied at different ages; ICR/CD-1 mice at younger or older ages were randomized to endurance treadmill running and sedentary conditions. The results showed that mRNA expression of p53 and its protein levels in mitochondria increased with age in cardiac muscle, accompanied by increased mitochondrial oxidative stress, reduced expression of COX subunits and assembly proteins, and decreased expression of most markers in mitochondrial biogenesis. Most of these age-related changes including p53 activity targeting cytochrome oxidase deficient homolog 2 (SCO2), p53 translocation to mitochondria and COX biogenesis were attenuated by exercise in older mice. PFTμ, an inhibitor blocking p53 translocation to mitochondria, increased COX biogenesis in older mice, but not in young mice. Our data suggest that physical exercise attenuates age-related changes in mitochondrial COX biogenesis and p53 activity targeting SCO2 and mitochondria, and thereby induces antisenescent and protective effects in cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

The ability to replace wild-type mitochondrial DNA sequences in yeast with in vitro-generated mutations has been exploited to study the mechanism by which the nuclearly encoded PET111 protein specifically activates translation of the mitochondrially coded COX2 mRNA. We have generated three mutations in vitro that alter the COX2 mRNA 5'-untranslated leader (UTL) and introduced them into the mitochondrial genome, replacing the wild-type sequence. None of the mutations significantly affected the steady-state level of COX2 mRNA. Deletion of a single base at position -24 (relative to the translation initiation codon) in the 5'-UTL (cox2-11) reduced COX2 mRNA translation and respiratory growth, whereas insertion of four bases in place of the deleted base (cox2-12) and deletion of bases -30 to -2 (cox2-13) completely blocked both. Six spontaneous nuclear mutations were selected as suppressors of the single-base 5'-UTL deletion, cox2-11. One of these mapped to PET111 and was shown to be a missense mutation that changed residue 652 from Ala to Thr. This suppressor, PET111-20, failed to suppress the 29-base deletion, cox2-13, but very weakly suppressed the insertion mutation, cox2-12. PET111-20 also enhanced translation of a partially functional COX2 mRNA with a wild-type 5'-UTL but a mutant initiation codon. Although overexpression of the wild-type PET111 protein caused weak suppression of the single-base deletion, cox2-11, the PET111-20 suppressor mutation did not function simply by increasing the level of the protein. These results demonstrate an intimate functional interaction between the translational activator protein and the mRNA 5'-UTL and suggest that they may interact directly.  相似文献   

Barrientos A 《IUBMB life》2003,55(2):83-95
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an excellent model for gaining insights into the molecular basis of human mitochondrial disorders, particularly those resulting from impaired mitochondrial metabolism. Yeast is a very well characterized system and most of our current knowledge about mitochondrial biogenesis in humans derives from yeast genetics and biochemistry. Systematic yeast genome-wide approaches have allowed for the identification of human disease genes. In addition, the functional characterization of a large number of yeast gene products resident in mitochondria has been instrumental for the later identification and characterization of their human orthologs. Here I will review the molecular and biochemical characterization of several mitochondrial diseases that have been ascribed to mutations in genes that were first found in yeast to be necessary for the assembly of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The usefulness of yeast as a model system for human mitochondrial disorders is evaluated.  相似文献   

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