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Cells in blood vessel walls express connexin (Cx)43, Cx40, and Cx37. We recently characterized gap junction channels in rat basilar artery smooth muscle cells and found features attributable not only to these three connexins but also to an unidentified connexin, including strong voltage dependence and single channel conductance of 30-40 pS. Here, we report data consistent with identification of Cx45. Immunofluorescence using anti-human Cx45 and anti-mouse Cx45 antibodies revealed labeling between alpha-actin-positive cells, and RT-PCR of mRNA from arteries after endothelial destruction yielded amplicons exhibiting 90-98% identity with mouse Cx45 and human Cx45. Dual-perforated patch clamping was performed after exposure to oligopeptides that interfere with docking of Cx43, Cx40, or Cx45. Cell pairs pretreated with blocking peptides for Cx43 and Cx40 exhibited strongly voltage-dependent transjunctional conductances [voltage at which voltage-dependent conductance declines by one-half (V1/2) = +/-18.9 mV] and small single channel conductances (31 pS), consistent with the presence of Cx45, whereas cell pairs pretreated with blocking peptide for Cx45 exhibit weaker voltage-dependent conductances (V1/2 = +/-37.9 mV), consistent with block of Cx45. Our data suggest that Cx45 is transcribed, expressed, and forms functional gap junction channels in rat cerebral arterial smooth muscle.  相似文献   

To study the structural composition and dynamics of gap junctions in living cells, we tagged their subunit proteins, termed connexins, with the autofluorescent tracer green fluorescent protein (GFP) and its cyan (CFP) and yellow (YFP) color variants. Tagged connexins assembled normally and channels were functional. High-resolution fluorescence images of gap junction plaques assembled from CFP and YFP tagged connexins revealed that the mode of channel distribution is strictly dependent on the connexin isoforms. Co-distribution as well as segregation into well-separated domains was observed. Based on accompanying studies we propose that channel distribution is regulated by intrinsic, connexin isoform specific signals. High-resolution time-lapse images revealed that gap junctions, contrary to previous expectations, are dynamic assemblies of channels. Channels within clusters and clusters themselves are mobile and constantly undergo structural rearrangements. Movements are complex and allow channels to move, comparable to other plasma membrane proteins not anchored to cytoskeletal elements. Comprehensive analysis, however, demonstrated that gap junction channel movements are not driven by diffusion described to propel plasma membrane protein movement. Instead, recent studies suggest that movements of gap junction channels are indirect and predominantly propelled by plasma membrane lipid flow that results from metabolic endo- and exocytosis.  相似文献   

Gap junctions, which are low-resistance intercellular pathways, may contribute to normal embryogenesis by allowing cell-to-cell passage of as yet unidentified regulatory or inductive signals. But little is known about the properties of newly formed single junctional channels which are the basis of the communicating junctions. Reported here are the first direct measurements of current passing through single junctional channels as they form. Individual pairs of embryonic Xenopus muscle cells in culture were manipulated into contact, allowing control of the onset time and area of cellular contact, and current was recorded with the patch clamp technique. The opening of single channels which pass current between the two cells at a conductance of about 100 pS was observed within minutes of cell-cell contact. The channels opened one-at-a-time, and once formed, remained open for long periods of time, with infrequent brief closures. This suggests that formation of electrical coupling between two cells proceeds by addition of single conducting junctional channels one channel-at-a-time.  相似文献   

Modern data concerning expression, localization, biophysical properties, involvement in calcium regulation, and physiological functions of TRP and Orai channels in skeletal muscle cells are analyzed. In skeletal muscles TRPC1/2/3/4/5/6/7, TRPV2/4, TRPM2/7 and Orai1/3 channels are expressed. Activities of TRPC1/3 and TRPV4 facilitate maximal muscle contraction during tetanus. Orai1 channels provide recovery of intracellular calcium stores and are obligatory for proliferation of myoblasts and differentiation of skeletal muscles. TRPC1 knockout results in alterations of the development of skeletal muscles. Enhanced calcium influx via the channels is supposed to be a pathogenic factor of myodystrophy.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue hypoxia occurs early in obesity and is associated with increased tissue macrophages and systemic inflammation that impacts muscle insulin responsiveness. We investigated how hypoxia interacted with adipocyte-macrophage crosstalk and inflammatory cytokine release, using co-culture and conditioned media (CM). Murine primary adipocytes from lean or obese mice were cultured under normoxic (21% O2) or hypoxic (1% O2) conditions. RAW264.7 macrophages were incubated under normoxic or hypoxic conditions with or without adipocyte conditioned media. Macrophage and adipocyte-macrophage co-culture CM were also collected. We found hypoxia did not elicit direct cytokine release from macrophages. However, adipocyte CM or adipocyte co-culture, synergistically stimulated TNFα and MCP-1 release from macrophages that was not further impacted by hypoxia. Exposure of muscle cells to elevated cytokines led to reduced insulin and muscle stress/inflammatory signaling. We conclude hypoxia or obesity induces release of inflammatory TNFα and MCP-1 from mice primary adipocytes but the two environmental conditions do not synergize to worsen macrophage signal transduction or insulin responsiveness.  相似文献   

Isolation and purification of gap junction channels   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
This paper reports methods we have developed to solubilize gap junction channels, or connexons, from isolated gap junctions and to purify them in milligram quantities. Two sources of material are used: rat liver gap junctions and gap junctions produced by infecting insect cells with a baculovirus containing the cDNA for human liver beta 1 protein (connexin 32). Complete solubilization is obtained with long chain detergents (lauryl dimethyl amineoxide, dodecyl maltoside) and requires high ionic strength and high pH as well as reducing conditions. The purification involves chromatography on hydroxylapatite and gel filtration on Superose 6. A homogeneous product is indicated by a single band on a silver-stained gel and a homogeneous population of doughnut-shaped particles under the electron microscope. These particles have hexameric symmetry. The purified connexons have a tendency to form aggregates: filaments and sheets. The filaments grow by end-to-end association of connexons and are nonpolar, suggesting that the connexons are paired as in the cell-to-cell channel. The sheets grow by lateral association of the filaments.  相似文献   

A new mouse connexin gene has been isolated that codes for a connexin protein of 505 amino acid residues. Based on the predicted molecular mass of 57.115 kDa, it has been designated connexin-57. Similar to most other mouse connexin genes, the coding region of connexin-57 is not interrupted by introns and exists in the mouse genome as a single-copy gene. Within the connexin family, this new gene shows highest sequence identity to porcine connexin-60 in the alpha group of connexins. The connexin-57 gene was mapped to a position on mouse chromosome 4, 30 centimorgans proximal to a cluster of previously mapped connexin genes. Low levels of connexin-57 mRNA were detected in skin, heart, kidney, testis, ovary, intestine, and in the mouse embryo after 8 days post coitum, but expression was not detected in brain, sciatic nerve or liver. In order to analyze gene function, the connexin-57 coding region was expressed by transfection in human HeLa cells, where it restored homotypic intercellular transfer of microinjected neurobiotin. Heterotypic transfer was observed between HeLa connexin-57 transfectants and HeLa cells, expressing murine connexin-43, -37, or -30.3. Double whole-cell voltage clamp analyses revealed that HeLa-connexin-57 transfectants expressed about 10 times more channels than parental HeLa cells. Voltage gating by transjunctional and transmembrane voltages as well as unitary conductance ( approximately 27 picosiemens) were different from intrinsic connexin channels in parental HeLa cells.  相似文献   

DNAs coding for seven murine connexins (Cx) (Cx26, Cx31, Cx32, Cx37, Cx40, Cx43, and Cx45) are functionally expressed in human HeLa cells that were deficient in gap junctional communication. We compare the permeabilities of gap junctions comprised of different connexins to iontophoretically injected tracer molecules. Our results show that Lucifer yellow can pass through all connexin channels analyzed. On the other hand, propidium iodide and ethidium bromide penetrate very poorly or not at all through Cx31 and Cx32 channels, respectively, but pass through channels of other connexins. 4,6 Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) dihydrochloride shows less transfer among Cx31 or Cx43 transfectants. Neurobiotin is weakly transferred among Cx31 transfectants. Total junctional conductance in Cx31 or Cx45 transfected cells is only about half as high as in other connexin transfectants analyzed and does not correlate exactly with any of the tracer permeabilities. Permeability through different connexin channels appears to be dependent on the molecular structure of each tracer, i.e. size, charge and possibly rigidity. This supports the hypothesis that different connexin channels show different permeabilities to second messenger molecules as well as metabolites and may fulfill in this way their specific role in growth control and differentiation of cell types. In addition, we have investigated the function of heterotypic gap junctions after co-cultivation of two different connexin transfectants, one of which had been prelabeled with fluorescent dextran beads. Analysis of Lucifer yellow transfer reveals that HeLa cells expressing Cx31 (beta-type connexin) do not communicate with any other connexin transfectant tested but only with themselves. Two other beta-type connexin transfectants, HeLa-Cx26 and -Cx32, do not transmit Lucifer yellow to any of the alpha-type connexins analyzed. Among alpha- type connexins, Cx40 does not communicate with Cx43. Thus, connexins differ in their ability to form functional heterotypic gap junctions among mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Low-conductance states of K+ channels in adult mouse skeletal muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Single-channel currents were recorded from Ca2+-activated or ATP-sensitive K+ channels in inside-out membrane patches excised from isolated mouse toe muscles. In addition to the closed and fully open configurations, both types of channels may exhibit several intermediate low-conductance states which are clustered near multiples of elementary conductance units. The units are 1/8 or 1/6 of the channel conductance for Ca2+-activated channels and 1/4 or 1/3 for ATP-sensitive channels. Normally, low-conductance states are rare, but they occur more frequently directly after patch excision. An increased probability of low-conductance states of ATP-sensitive K+ channels was also observed in the presence and during washout of the internal channel blocker adenine. The results suggest that Ca2+-activated and ATP-sensitive K+ channels are composed of several membrane pores with strong positive cooperativity among the elementary conductance units.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle fibers exhibit a high resting chloride conductance primarily determined by ClC-1 chloride channels that stabilize the resting membrane potential during repetitive stimulation. Although the importance of ClC-1 channel activity in maintaining normal muscle excitability is well appreciated, the subcellular location of this conductance remains highly controversial. Using a three-pronged multidisciplinary approach, we determined the location of functional ClC-1 channels in adult mouse skeletal muscle. First, formamide-induced detubulation of single flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) muscle fibers from 15-16-day-old mice did not significantly alter macroscopic ClC-1 current magnitude (at -140 mV; -39.0 +/- 4.5 and -42.3 +/- 5.0 nA, respectively), deactivation kinetics, or voltage dependence of channel activation (V(1/2) was -61.0 +/- 1.7 and -64.5 +/- 2.8 mV; k was 20.5 ± 0.8 and 22.8 +/- 1.2 mV, respectively), despite a 33% reduction in cell capacitance (from 465 +/- 36 to 312 +/- 23 pF). In paired whole cell voltage clamp experiments, where ClC-1 activity was measured before and after detubulation in the same fiber, no reduction in ClC-1 activity was observed, despite an approximately 40 and 60% reduction in membrane capacitance in FDB fibers from 15-16-day-old and adult mice, respectively. Second, using immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, native ClC-1 channels in adult mouse FDB fibers were localized within the sarcolemma, 90 degrees out of phase with double rows of dihydropyridine receptor immunostaining of the T-tubule system. Third, adenoviral-mediated expression of green fluorescent protein-tagged ClC-1 channels in adult skeletal muscle of a mouse model of myotonic dystrophy type 1 resulted in a significant reduction in myotonia and localization of channels to the sarcolemma. Collectively, these results demonstrate that the majority of functional ClC-1 channels localize to the sarcolemma and provide essential insight into the basis of myofiber excitability in normal and diseased skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels connect the cytoplasms of adjacent cells through the end-to-end docking of hexameric hemichannels called connexons. Each connexon is formed by a ring of 24 alpha-helices that are staggered by 30 degrees with respect to those in the apposed connexon. Current evidence suggests that the two connexons are docked by interdigitated, anti-parallel beta strands across the extracellular gap. The second extracellular loop, E2, guides selectivity in docking between connexons formed by different isoforms. There is considerably more sequence variability of the N-terminal portion of E2, suggesting that this region dictates connexon coupling. Mutagenesis, biochemical, dye-transfer and electrophysiological data, combined with computational studies, have suggested possible assignments for the four transmembrane alpha-helices within each subunit. Most current models assign M3 as the major pore-lining helix. Mapping of human mutations onto a C(alpha) model suggested that native helix packing is important for the formation of fully functional channels. Nevertheless, a mutant in which the M4 helix has been replaced with polyalanine is functional, suggesting that M4 is located on the perimeter of the channel. In spite of this substantial progress in understanding the structural biology of gap junction channels, an experimentally determined structure at atomic resolution will be essential to confirm these concepts.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(8):1230-1237
Connexin gap junctions comprise assembled channels penetrating two plasma membranes for which gating regulation is associated with a variety of factors, including voltage, pH, Ca2+, and phosphorylation. Functional studies have established that various parts of the connexin peptides are related to channel closure and electrophysiology studies have provided several working models for channel gating. The corresponding structural models supporting these findings, however, are not sufficient because only small numbers of closed connexin structures have been reported. To fully understand the gating mechanisms, the channels should be visualized in both the open and closed states. Electron crystallography and X-ray crystallography studies recently revealed three-dimensional structures of connexin channels in a couple of states in which the main difference is the conformation of the N-terminal domain, which have helped to clarify the structure in regard to channel closure. Here the closure models for connexin gap junction channels inferred from structural and functional studies are described in the context of each domain of the connexin protein associated with gating modulation.  相似文献   



The last decade identified cytokines as one group of major local cell signaling molecules related to bladder dysfunction like interstitial cystitis (IC) and overactive bladder syndrome (OAB). Gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) is essential for the coordination of normal bladder function and has been found to be altered in bladder dysfunction. Connexin (Cx) 43 and Cx45 are the most important gap junction proteins in bladder smooth muscle cells (hBSMC) and suburothelial myofibroblasts (hsMF). Modulation of connexin expression by cytokines has been demonstrated in various tissues. Therefore, we investigate the effect of interleukin (IL) 4, IL6, IL10, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGFβ1) on GJIC, and Cx43 and Cx45 expression in cultured human bladder smooth muscle cells (hBSMC) and human suburothelial myofibroblasts (hsMF).

Methodology/Principal Findings

HBSMC and hsMF cultures were set up from bladder tissue of patients undergoing cystectomy. In cytokine stimulated cultured hBSMC and hsMF GJIC was analyzed via Fluorescence Recovery after Photo-bleaching (FRAP). Cx43 and Cx45 expression was assessed by quantitative PCR and confocal immunofluorescence. Membrane protein fraction of Cx43 and Cx45 was quantified by Dot Blot. Upregulation of cell-cell-communication was found after IL6 stimulation in both cell types. In hBSMC IL4 and TGFβ1 decreased both, GJIC and Cx43 protein expression, while TNFα did not alter communication in FRAP-experiments but increased Cx43 expression. GJ plaques size correlated with coupling efficacy measured, while Cx45 expression did not correlate with modulation of GJIC.


Our finding of specific cytokine effects on GJIC support the notion that cytokines play a pivotal role for pathophysiology of OAB and IC. Interestingly, the effects were independent from the classical definition of pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines. We conclude, that connexin regulation involves genomic and/or post-translational events, and that GJIC in hBSMC and hsMF depend of Cx43 rather than on Cx45.  相似文献   

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