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Kinetochore attachment to the ends of dynamic microtubules is a conserved feature of mitotic spindle organization that is thought to be critical for proper chromosome segregation. Although kinetochores have been described to transition from lateral to end-on attachments, the phase of lateral attachment has been difficult to study in yeast due to its transient nature. We have previously described a kinetochore mutant, DAM1-765, which exhibits lateral attachments and misregulation of microtubule length. Here we show that the misregulation of microtubule length in DAM1-765 cells occurs despite localization of microtubule associated proteins Bik1, Stu2, Cin8 and Kip3 to microtubules. DAM1-765 kinetochores recruit the spindle checkpoint protein Bub1, however Bub1 localization to DAM1-765 kinetochores is not sufficient to cause a cell cycle arrest. Interestingly, the DAM1-765 mutation rescues the temperature sensitivity of a biorientationdeficient ipl1-321 mutant, and DAM1-765 chromosome loss rates are similar to wild-type cells. the spindle checkpoint in DAM1-765 cells responds properly to unattached kinetochores created by nocodazole treatment and loss of tension caused by a cohesin mutant. progression of DAM1-765 cells through mitosis therefore suggests that satisfaction of the checkpoint depends more highly on biorientation of sister kinetochores than on achievement of a specific interaction between kinetochores and microtubule plus ends.Key words: spindle assembly checkpoint, kinetochore-microtubule attachments, biorientation, DAM1-765  相似文献   

Kinetochore attachment to the ends of dynamic microtubules is a conserved feature of mitotic spindle organization that is thought to be critical for proper chromosome segregation. Although kinetochores have been described to transition from lateral to end-on attachments, the phase of lateral attachment has been difficult to study in yeast due to its transient nature. We have previously described a kinetochore mutant, DAM1-765, which exhibits lateral attachments and misregulation of microtubule length. Here we show that the misregulation of microtubule length in DAM1-765 cells occurs despite localization of microtubule associated proteins Bik1, Stu2, Cin8, and Kip3 to microtubules. DAM1-765 kinetochores recruit the spindle checkpoint protein Bub1, however Bub1 localization to DAM1-765 kinetochores is not sufficient to cause a cell cycle arrest. Interestingly, the DAM1-765 mutation rescues the temperature sensitivity of a biorientation-deficient ipl1-321 mutant, and DAM1-765 chromosome loss rates are similar to wild-type cells. The spindle checkpoint in DAM1-765 cells responds properly to unattached kinetochores created by nocodazole treatment and loss of tension caused by a cohesin mutant. Progression of DAM1-765 cells through mitosis therefore suggests that satisfaction of the checkpoint depends more highly on biorientation of sister kinetochores than on achievement of a specific interaction between kinetochores and microtubule plus ends.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that kinetochores are organizing centers for the spindle checkpoint response and the synthesis of a "wait anaphase" signal in cases of incomplete or improper kinetochore-microtubule attachment. Here we characterize Schizosaccharomyces pombe Bub3p and study the recruitment of spindle checkpoint components to kinetochores. We demonstrate by chromatin immunoprecipitation that they all interact with the central domain of centromeres, consistent with their role in monitoring kinetochore-microtubule interactions. Bub1p and Bub3p are dependent upon one another, but independent of the Mad proteins, for their kinetochore localization. We demonstrate a clear role for the highly conserved N-terminal domain of Bub1p in the robust targeting of Bub1p, Bub3p, and Mad3p to kinetochores and show that this is crucial for an efficient checkpoint response. Surprisingly, neither this domain nor kinetochore localization is required for other functions of Bub1p in chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Bipolar microtubule attachment is central to genome stability. Here, we investigate the mitotic role of the fission yeast EB1 homologue Mal3. Mal3 shows dynamic inward movement along the spindle, initial emergence at the spindle pole body (SPB) and translocation towards the equatorial plane, followed by sudden disappearance. Deletion of Mal3 results in early mitotic delay, which is dependent on the Bub1, but not the Mad2, spindle checkpoint. Consistently, Bub1, but not Mad2, shows prolonged kinetochore localization. Double mutants between mal3 and a subset of checkpoint mutants, including bub1, bub3, mad3 and mph1, but not mad1 or mad2, show massive chromosome mis-segregation defects. In mal3bub1 mutants, both sister centromeres tend to remain in close proximity to one of the separating SPBs. Further analysis indicates that mis-segregated centromeres are exclusively associated with the mother SPB. Mal3, therefore, has a role in preventing monopolar attachment in cooperation with the Bub1/Bub3/Mad3/Mph1-dependent checkpoint.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint delays anaphase onset until all chromosomes have attached properly to the mitotic spindle. Checkpoint signal is generated at kinetochores that are not bound with spindle microtubules or not under tension. Unattached kinetochores associate with several checkpoint proteins, including BubR1, Bub1, Bub3, Mad1, Mad2, and CENP-E. I herein show that BubR1 is important for the spindle checkpoint in Xenopus egg extracts. The protein accumulates and becomes hyperphosphorylated at unattached kinetochores. Immunodepletion of BubR1 greatly reduces kinetochore binding of Bub1, Bub3, Mad1, Mad2, and CENP-E. Loss of BubR1 also impairs the interaction between Mad2, Bub3, and Cdc20, an anaphase activator. These defects are rescued by wild-type, kinase-dead, or a truncated BubR1 that lacks its kinase domain, indicating that the kinase activity of BubR1 is not essential for the spindle checkpoint in egg extracts. Furthermore, localization and hyperphosphorylation of BubR1 at kinetochores are dependent on Bub1 and Mad1, but not Mad2. This paper demonstrates that BubR1 plays an important role in kinetochore association of other spindle checkpoint proteins and that Mad1 facilitates BubR1 hyperphosphorylation at kinetochores.  相似文献   

Chen RH 《The EMBO journal》2004,23(15):3113-3121
The spindle checkpoint inhibits anaphase until all kinetochores have attached properly to spindle microtubules. The protein kinase Bub1 is an essential checkpoint component that resides at kinetochores during mitosis. It is shown herein that Xenopus Bub1 becomes hyperphosphorylated and the kinase is activated on unattached chromosomes. MAP kinase (MAPK) contributes to this phosphorylation, as inhibiting MAPK or altering MAPK consensus sites in Bub1 to alanine or valine (Bub1(5AV)) abolishes the phosphorylation and activation on chromosomes. Both Bub1 and Bub1(5AV) support the checkpoint under an optimal condition for spindle checkpoint activation. However, Bub1, but not Bub1(5AV), supports the checkpoint at a relatively low concentration of nuclei or the microtubule inhibitor nocodazole. Similar to Bub1(5AV), Bub1 without the kinase domain (Bub1(deltaKD)) is also partially compromised in its checkpoint function and in its ability to recruit other checkpoint proteins to kinetochores. This study suggests that activation of Bub1 at kinetochores enhances the efficiency of the spindle checkpoint and is probably important in maintaining the checkpoint toward late prometaphase when the cell contains only a few or a single unattached kinetochore.  相似文献   

The kinetochore is a supramolecular structure essential for microtubule attachment and the mitotic checkpoint. Human blinkin/human Spc105 (hSpc105)/hKNL1 was identified originally as a mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) fusion partner and later as a kinetochore component. Blinkin directly binds to several structural and regulatory proteins, but the precise binding sites have not been defined. Here, we report distinct and essential binding domains for Bub1 and BubR1 (here designated Bubs) at the N terminus of blinkin and for Zwint-1 and hMis14/hNsl1 at the C terminus. The minimal binding sites for Bub1 and BubR1 are separate but contain a consensus KI motif, KI(D/N)XXXF(L/I)XXLK. RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated replacement with mutant blinkin reveals that the Bubs-binding domain is functionally important for chromosome alignment and segregation. We also provide evidence that hMis14 mediates hNdc80 binding to blinkin at the kinetochore. The C-terminal fragment of blinkin locates at kinetochores in a dominant-negative fashion by displacing endogenous blinkin from kinetochores. This negative dominance is relieved by mutations of the hMis14 binding PPSS motif on the C terminus of blinkin or by fusion of the N sequence that binds to Bub1 and BubR1. Taken together, these results indicate that blinkin functions to connect Bub1 and BubR1 with the hMis12, Ndc80, and Zwint-1 complexes, and disruption of this connection may lead to tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe checkpoint protein Dma1 couples mitotic progression with cytokinesis and is important in delaying mitotic exit and cytokinesis when kinetochores are not properly attached to the mitotic spindle. Dma1 is a ubiquitin ligase and potential functional relative of the human tumor suppressor Chfr. Dma1 delays mitotic exit and cytokinesis by ubiquitinating a scaffold protein (Sid4) of the septation initiation network, which, in turn, antagonizes the ability of the Polo-like kinase Plo1 to promote cell division. Here we identify Dnt1 as a Dma1-binding protein. Several lines of evidence indicate that Dnt1 inhibits Dma1 function during metaphase. First, Dnt1 interacts preferentially with Dma1 during metaphase. Second, Dma1 ubiquitin ligase activity and Sid4 ubiquitination are elevated in dnt1 cells. Third, the enhanced mitotic defects in dnt1Δ plo1 double mutants are partially rescued by deletion of dma1(+), suggesting that the defects in dnt1 plo1 double mutants are attributable to excess Dma1 activity. Taken together, these data show that Dnt1 acts to restrain Dma1 activity in early mitosis to allow normal mitotic progression.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint inhibits the metaphase to anaphase transition until all the chromosomes are properly attached to the mitotic spindle. We have isolated a Xenopus homologue of the spindle checkpoint component Bub1, and investigated its role in the spindle checkpoint in Xenopus egg extracts. Antibodies raised against Bub1 recognize a 150-kD phosphoprotein at both interphase and mitosis, but the molecular mass is reduced to 140 upon dephosphorylation in vitro. Bub1 is essential for the establishment and maintenance of the checkpoint and is localized to kinetochores, similar to the spindle checkpoint complex Mad1-Mad2. However, Bub1 differs from Mad1-Mad2 in that Bub1 remains on kinetochores that have attached to microtubules; the protein eventually dissociates from the kinetochore during anaphase. Immunodepletion of Bub1 abolishes the spindle checkpoint and the kinetochore binding of the checkpoint proteins Mad1, Mad2, Bub3, and CENP-E. Interestingly, reintroducing either wild-type or kinase-deficient Bub1 protein restores the checkpoint and the kinetochore localization of these proteins. Our studies demonstrate that Bub1 plays a central role in triggering the spindle checkpoint signal from the kinetochore, and that its kinase activity is not necessary for the spindle checkpoint in Xenopus egg extracts.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint delays the metaphase to anaphase transition in response to defects in kinetochore-microtubule interactions in the mitotic apparatus (see [1] [2] [3] [4] for reviews). The Mad and Bub proteins were identified as key components of the spindle checkpoint through budding yeast genetics [5] [6] and are highly conserved [3]. Most of the spindle checkpoint proteins have been localised to kinetochores, yet almost nothing is known about the molecular events which take place there. Mad1p forms a tight complex with Mad2p [7], and has been shown to recruit Mad2p to kinetochores [8]. Similarly, Bub3p binds to Bub1p [9] and may target it to kinetochores [10]. Here, we show that budding yeast Mad1p has a regulated association with Bub1p and Bub3p during a normal cell cycle and that this complex is found at significantly higher levels once the spindle checkpoint is activated. We find that formation of this complex requires Mad2p and Mps1p but not Mad3p or Bub2p. In addition, we identify a conserved motif within Mad1p that is essential for Mad1p-Bub1p-Bub3p complex formation. Mutation of this motif abolishes checkpoint function, indicating that formation of the Mad1p-Bub1p-Bub3p complex is a crucial step in the spindle checkpoint mechanism.  相似文献   

We report here the isolation and molecular characterization of the Drosophila homolog of the mitotic checkpoint control protein Bub3. The Drosophila Bub3 protein is associated with the centromere/kinetochore of chromosomes in larval neuroblasts whose spindle assembly checkpoints have been activated by incubation with the microtubule-depolymerizing agent colchicine. Drosophila Bub3 is also found at the kinetochore regions in mitotic larval neuroblasts and in meiotic primary and secondary spermatocytes, with the strong signal seen during prophase and prometaphase becoming increasingly weaker after the chromosomes have aligned at the metaphase plate. We further show that the localization of Bub3 to the kinetochore is disrupted by mutations in the gene encoding the Drosophila homolog of the spindle assembly checkpoint protein Bub1. Combined with recent findings showing that the kinetochore localization of Bub1 conversely depends upon Bub3, these results support the hypothesis that the spindle assembly checkpoint proteins exist as a multiprotein complex recruited as a unit to the kinetochore. In contrast, we demonstrate that the kinetochore constituents Zw10 and Rod are not needed for the binding of Bub3 to the kinetochore. This suggests that the kinetochore is assembled in at least two relatively independent pathways. Received: 6 August 1998 / Accepted: 28 August 1998  相似文献   

In animal and yeast cells, the mitotic spindle is aligned perpendicularly to the axis of cell division. This ensures that sister chromatids are separated to opposite sides of the cytokinetic actomyosin ring. In fission yeast, spindle rotation is dependent upon the interaction of astral microtubules with the cortical actin cytoskeleton. In this article, we show that addition of Latrunculin A, which prevents spindle rotation, delays the separation of sister chromatids and anaphase promoting complex-mediated destruction of spindle-associated Securin and Cyclin B. Moreover, we find that whereas sister kinetochore pairs normally congress to the spindle midzone before anaphase onset, this congression is disrupted when astral microtubule contact with the actin cytoskeleton is disturbed. By analyzing the timing of kinetochore separation, we find that this anaphase delay requires the Bub3, Mad3, and Bub1 but not the Mad1 or Mad2 spindle assembly checkpoint proteins. In agreement with this, we find that Bub1 remains associated with kinetochores when spindles are mispositioned. These data indicate that, in fission yeast, astral microtubule contact with the medial cell cortex is monitored by a subset of spindle assembly checkpoint proteins. We propose that this checkpoint ensures spindles are properly oriented before anaphase takes place.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is essential for ensuring the proper attachment of kinetochores to the spindle and, thus, the precise separation of paired sister chromatids during mitosis. The SAC proteins are recruited to the unattached kinetochores for activation of the SAC in prometaphase. However, it has been less studied whether activation of the SAC also requires the proteins that do not localize to the kinetochores. Here, we show that the nuclear protein RED, also called IK, a down-regulator of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) II, interacts with the human SAC protein MAD1. Two RED-interacting regions identified in MAD1 are from amino acid residues 301-340 and 439-480, designated as MAD1(301-340) and MAD1(439-480), respectively. Our observations reveal that RED is a spindle pole-associated protein that colocalizes with MAD1 at the spindle poles in metaphase and anaphase. Depletion of RED can cause a shorter mitotic timing, a failure in the kinetochore localization of MAD1 in prometaphase, and a defect in the SAC. Furthermore, the RED-interacting peptides MAD1(301-340) and MAD1(439-480), fused to enhanced green fluorescence protein, can colocalize with RED at the spindle poles in prometaphase, and their expression can abrogate the SAC. Taken together, we conclude that RED is required for kinetochore localization of MAD1, mitotic progression, and activation of the SAC.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein is the motor protein responsible for the intracellular transport of various organelles and other cargoes toward microtubule minus ends. However, it remains to be determined how dynein is regulated to accomplish its varied roles. The dynein complex contains six subunits, including three classes of light chains. The two isoforms of the DYNLT (Tctex1) family of light chains, DYNLT1 and DYNLT3, have been proposed to link dynein to specific cargoes. However, no specific binding partner had been found for the DYNLT3 light chain. We find that DYNLT3 binds to Bub3, a spindle checkpoint protein. Bub3 binds exclusively to DYNLT3 and not to the other dynein light chains. Glutathione S-transferase pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays demonstrate that Bub3 interacts with the cytoplasmic dynein complex. DYNLT3 is present on kinetochores at prometaphase, but not later mitotic stages, demonstrating that this dynein light chain, like Bub3 and other checkpoint proteins, is depleted from the kinetochore during chromosome alignment. Knockdown of DYNLT3 with small interference RNA increases the mitotic index, in particular, the number of cells in prophase/prometaphase. These results demonstrate that dynein binds directly to a component of the spindle checkpoint complex through the DYNLT3 light chain. Thus, DYNLT3 contributes to dynein cargo binding specificity. These data also suggest that the subpopulation of dynein, containing the DYNLT3 light chain, may be important for chromosome congression, in addition to having a role in the transport of checkpoint proteins from the kinetochore to the spindle pole.  相似文献   

Vardy L  Toda T 《The EMBO journal》2000,19(22):6098-6111
Microtubule polymerization is initiated from the microtubule organizing centre (MTOC), which contains the gamma-tubulin complex. We have identified fission yeast Alp4 and Alp6, which are homologues of the gamma-tubulin-interacting proteins Sc.Spc97/Hs.Gcp2 and Sc. Spc98/Hs.Gcp3, respectively. The size of the fission yeast gamma-tubulin complex is large (>2000 kDa), comparable to that in metazoans. Both Alp4 and Alp6 localize to the spindle pole body (SPB) and also to the equatorial MTOC. Temperature-sensitive (ts) alp4 and alp6 mutants show two types of microtubular defects. First, monopolar mitotic spindles form. Secondly, abnormally long cytoplasmic microtubules appear that do not stop at the cell tips and are still associated with the SPB. Alp4 function is required in G(1) phase and ts mutants become lethal before S-phase. alp4 and alp6 mutants are hypersensitive to the microtubule- destabilizing drug thiabendazole (TBZ) and show a lethal 'cut' phenotype in its presence. Furthermore, alp4mad2 double mutants show an exaggerated multiple septation phenotype in TBZ. These results indicate that Alp4 and Alp6 may play a crucial role in the spindle pole-mediated checkpoint pathway.  相似文献   

Fission yeast Mrc1 (mediator of replication checkpoint 1) is an adaptor checkpoint protein required for Rad3-dependent activation of the checkpoint kinase Cds1 in response to arrest of replication forks. Here we report studies on the regulation of Mrc1 by phosphorylation. Replication arrest induced by hydroxyurea (HU) induces Mrc1 phosphorylation that is detected by a change in Mrc1 electrophoretic mobility. Phosphorylation is maintained in cds1Delta, rad3Delta, and tel1Delta single mutants but eliminated in a rad3Delta tel1Delta double mutant. Mrc1 has two clusters of S/TQ motifs that are potential Rad3/Tel1 phosphorylation sites. Mutation of six S/TQ motifs in these two clusters strongly impairs Mrc1 phosphorylation. Two motifs located at S604 and T645 are vital for HU resistance. The T645A mutation strongly impairs a Cds1-Mrc1 yeast two-hybrid interaction that is dependent on a functional forkhead-associated (FHA) domain in Cds1, indicating that phosphorylation of T645 mediates Mrc1's association with Cds1. Consistent with this model, the T645 region of Mrc1 effectively substitutes for the T11 region of Cds1 that is thought to be phosphorylated by Rad3 and to mediate FHA-dependent oligomerization of Cds1. The S/TQ cluster that includes S604 is needed for Mrc1's increased association with chromatin in replication-arrested cells. These data indicate that Rad3 and Tel1 regulate Mrc1 through differential phosphorylation to control Cds1.  相似文献   

M Murone  V Simanis 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(23):6605-6616
Premature initiation of cytokinesis can lead to loss of chromosomes, and 'cutting' of the nucleus. Therefore, the proper spatial and temporal co-ordination of mitosis and cytokinesis is essential for maintaining the integrity of the genome. The fission yeast cdc16 gene is implicated both in the spindle assembly checkpoint and control of septum formation. To identify other proteins involved in these controls, we have isolated multicopy suppressors of the cdc16-116 mutation, and the characterization of one of these, dma1 (defective in mitotic arrest), is presented here. dma1 is not an essential gene, but in a dma1 null background (dma1-D1) the function of the spindle assembly checkpoint is compromised. If assembly of the spindle is prevented, dma1-D1 cells do not arrest, the activity of cdc2 kinase decays and cells form a division septum without completing a normal mitosis. dma1-D1 cells also show an increased rate of chromosome loss during exponential growth. Upon ectopic expression from an inducible promoter, dma1p delays progress through mitosis and inhibits septum formation, giving rise to elongated, multinucleate cells. We propose that dma1 is a component of the spindle assembly checkpoint, required to prevent septum formation and premature exit from mitosis if spindle function is impaired.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) monitors microtubule attachment to kinetochores and prevents anaphase onset until all kinetochores are aligned on the metaphase plate. In higher eukaryotes, cytoplasmic dynein is involved in silencing the SAC by removing the checkpoint proteins Mad2 and the Rod-Zw10-Zwilch complex (RZZ) from aligned kinetochores (Howell, B.J., B.F. McEwen, J.C. Canman, D.B. Hoffman, E.M. Farrar, C.L. Rieder, and E.D. Salmon. 2001. J. Cell Biol. 155:1159-1172; Wojcik, E., R. Basto, M. Serr, F. Scaerou, R. Karess, and T. Hays. 2001. Nat. Cell Biol. 3:1001-1007). Using a high throughput RNA interference screen in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells, we have identified a new protein (Spindly) that accumulates on unattached kinetochores and is required for silencing the SAC. After the depletion of Spindly, dynein cannot target to kinetochores, and, as a result, cells arrest in metaphase with high levels of kinetochore-bound Mad2 and RZZ. We also identified a human homologue of Spindly that serves a similar function. However, dynein's nonkinetochore functions are unaffected by Spindly depletion. Our findings indicate that Spindly is a novel regulator of mitotic dynein, functioning specifically to target dynein to kinetochores.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) prevents anaphase onset in response to chromosome attachment defects, and SAC silencing is essential for anaphase onset. Following anaphase onset, activated Cdc14 phosphatase dephosphorylates the substrates of cyclin-dependent kinase to facilitate anaphase progression and mitotic exit. In budding yeast, Cdc14 dephosphorylates Fin1, a regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), to enable kinetochore localization of Fin1-PP1. We previously showed that kinetochore-localized Fin1-PP1 promotes the removal of the SAC protein Bub1 from the kinetochore during anaphase. We report here that Fin1-PP1 also promotes kinetochore removal of Bub3, the Bub1 partner, but has no effect on another SAC protein Mad1. Moreover, the kinetochore localization of Bub1-Bub3 during anaphase requires Aurora B/Ipl1 kinase activity. We further showed that Fin1-PP1 facilitates the dephosphorylation of kinetochore protein Ndc80, a known Ipl1 substrate. This dephosphorylation reduces kinetochore association of Bub1-Bub3 during anaphase. In addition, we found that untimely Ndc80 dephosphorylation causes viability loss in response to tensionless chromosome attachments. These results suggest that timely localization of Fin1-PP1 to the kinetochore controls the functional window of SAC and is therefore critical for faithful chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

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