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The concentration of FSH and LH in peripheral plasma was studied in sheep from 8 h before to 17.5 h after injection (i.v.) with antisera to the steroids androstenedione, oestradiol, oestrone and testosterone. The fitted mean concentration of LH increases after all treatments and the increase was associated with a higher frequency of LH pulses. The greater concentration was evident for all groups by the period 3.5-6.5 h after injection, but by the end of the sampling period the concentration had returned to or towards the values in the controls. For FSH, significant change was limited to those animals given anti-oestrogen sera but it was more rapid than for LH, both groups receiving anti-oestrogen sera showing an increase during the period 0.5-3.0 h after injection. The ovulation rate was increased by treatment and an effect close to 0.75 corpora lutea per ewe was maintained by treatment in subsequent oestrous cycles. This declined to 0.25 corpora lutea after two oestrous cycles without treatment.  相似文献   

A four step synthesis of 6-(O-carboxymethyl)oximinoethynylestradiol is reported. This compound, 6-(O-carboxymethyl)oximinomestranol, the 3-(O-carboxymethyl)oximes of norethindrone and norgestrel and the 3-hemisuccinate of ethynylestradiol were synthesized and conjugated with bovine serum albumin. Rabbits were immunized at 3 dose levels of haptene (20, 66 and 200 nmoles) and eight weeks later with a booster containing 66 nmoles of haptene. The antibody titer and association constant of responding rabbits was nearly independent of dose although most antibody production occurred after the booster injection. Antibodies to mestranol crossreacted more than 100% with ethynylestradiol and to a small extent with norethindrone and norgestrel.  相似文献   

Transrectal ovarian ultrasonography was conducted in six Western white-faced ewes for 35 days from the last oestrus of the breeding season, to record the number and size of all ovarian follicles > or = 3 mm in diameter and luteal structures. Blood samples were collected once a day for estimation of serum concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), oestradiol and progesterone. Each ewe had five follicular waves (follicles growing from 3 to > or = 5 mm in diameter) over the scanning period. The duration of the growth phase of the largest ovarian follicles did not differ (P > 0.05) between waves, but follicular static and regressing phases decreased significantly (P < 0.05) after the decline in serum progesterone concentrations at the end of the last luteal phase of the breeding season. The intervals between the five follicular waves were: 9.2+/-0.4, 5.2+/-0.7, 8.3+/-0.8 and 5.8+/-0.7 days; the two shorter intervals differed (P < 0.05) from the two longer intervals. Using the cycle-detection program, rhythmic increases in serum FSH concentrations were detected in all ewes; the amplitude, duration and periodicity of FSH fluctuations did not vary (P > 0.05) throughout the period of study. The number of identified FSH peaks (7.8+/-0.5 peaks per ewe, per scanning period) was greater (P < 0.05) than the number of emerging follicular waves. Serum concentrations of oestradiol remained low (< or = 1 pg/ml) on most days, in five out of the six ewes studied, and sporadic elevations in oestradiol secretion above the non-detectable level were not associated with the emergence of follicular waves. The ovulation rate was lower than that seen during the middle portion of the breeding season (November-December) in white-faced ewes but the transitional ewes had larger corpora lutea (CL). Maximal serum concentrations of progesterone appeared to be lower and the plateau phase of progesterone secretion appeared to be shorter during the last luteal phase of the ovulatory season in comparison to the mid-breeding season of Western white-faced ewes. During the transition into anoestrus in ewes, the endogenous rhythm of FSH release is remarkably robust but the pattern of emergence of sequential follicular waves is dissociated from FSH and oestradiol secretion. Luteal progesterone secretion is suppressed because of fewer ovulations and diminished total luteal volume, but it may also result from diminished gonadotropic support. These season-related alterations in the normal pattern of ovine ovarian cycles appear to be due to reduction in ovarian responsiveness to gonadotropins and/or attenuation in secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) occurring at the onset of the anovulatory season in ewes.  相似文献   

This paper presents characteristics of different polyclonal antisera raised against several steroid and protein antigens: 1/ primary antisera against steroid hormones: estradiol-17beta (anti-E2), estrone (anti-E1), testosterone (anti-T), androstendione (anti-A4), cortisol (anti-F) and corticosterone (anti-B); 2/ primary antisera against porcine luteinizing hormone (anti-pLH) and against different forms of porcine pregnancy associated glycoproteins (anti-pPAG) - proteins produced by chorionic tissue; 3/ secondary monovalent antisera raised against rabbit gamma-globulins (Sm-r); 4/ secondary polyvalent antisera against rabbit, pig and quinea pig gamma-globulins mixed at a ratio 1:1:1 (Sp-rpq). All antisera described in the paper present sufficient quality to be routinely used in various RIA, ELISA or Western determinations in physiological and clinical studies of reproductive processes. The antisera against steroid hormones and pLH are available on request.  相似文献   

The effects of progesterone on the responses of Merino ewes to the introduction of rams during anoestrus were investigated in two experiments. In the first experiment, the introduction of rams induced an increase in the levels of LH in entire ewes. The mean levels increased from 0.68 +/- 0.04 ng/ml (mean +/- s.e.m.) to 4.49 +/- 1.32 ng/ml within 20 min in ewes not treated with progesterone (n = 10). In ewes bearing progesterone implants that provided a peripheral concentration of about 1.5 ng progesterone per millilitre plasma, the LH response to the introduction of rams was not prevented, but was reduced in size so that the concentration was 1.38 +/- 0.15 ng/ml after 20 min (n = 5). Progesterone treatment begun either 2 days before or 6 h after the introduction of rams and maintained for 4 days prevented ovulation. In the second experiment ovariectomized ewes were used to investigate further the mechanism by which the ram evoked increases in tonic LH secretion. In ovariectomized ewes treated with oestradiol implants, the introduction of rams increased the frequency of the LH pulses and the basal level of LH. In the absence of oestradiol there was no significant change in pulse frequency but a small increase in basal levels. Progesterone again did not prevent but reduced the responses in ewes treated with oestradiol. It is suggested that following the withdrawal of progesterone treatment, the secretion of LH pulses in response to the ram effect would be dampened. This effect could be a component of the reported long delay between the introduction of rams and the preovulatory surge of LH in ewes treated with progesterone. Continued progesterone treatment prevented ovulation, probably by blocking positive feedback by oestradiol.  相似文献   

Twenty-four Beni-Guil and twenty-six Sardi ewes were regularly checked for oestrus during 19 consecutive months following lambing using penis-deviated rams and for ovulation by endoscopy or plasma progesterone level. Fifty percent of the Beni-Guil and Sardi ewes had a first ovulation at 41 and 71 days and first oestrus at 85 and 132 days, respectively. The seasonal anoestrus in both breeds occurs from February to May and is characterized essentially by a lack of expression of oestrous behaviour.Compared to other breeds located at higher latitudes, the two breeds studied showed a more rapid resumption of sexual activity following lambing and a seasonal anoestrus of reduced length and intensity.  相似文献   

Antibodies to progesterone (P) and to 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) were raised by immunization of rabbits with progesterone-7α-carboxyethyl thioether--bovine serum albumin (P-7—BSA) or with 17-OHP-7α-carboxyethyl thioether--BSA (17-OHP-7--BSA). The antisera produced were of high affinity: Ka towards the homologous hapten was 3. 7 × 1010 1./mol for the anti-P serum and 5. 9 × 109 1/mol for the anti-17-OHP serum. The antiserum to P-7—BSA displayed little or no cross reaction (?= 2%) with the 20α-, 20β- or 5β-dihydro-derivatives of progesterone, moderate cross-reaction with pregnenolone (4%), but considerable cross-reaction with 11-deoxycorticosterone (7%), 5α-dihydro-progesterone (11%) and 17-OHP (15%). The antiserum to 17-OHP-7--BSA showed very little cross-reaction (?= 2%) with progesterone and other steroids lacking a 17α-hydroxyl group, such as pregnenolone or 11-deoxycorticosterone, but reacted significantly with 17α, 21-dihydroxy-4-pregnene-3, 20-dione (8%) and 3β, 17-dihydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one (13%). None of the sera reacted with testosterone, cortisol or estradiol-17β. It appears that conjugation of progesterone to protein through carbon-7 affords antisera comparable in specificity to those raised with 11α-conjugates and superior to those raised with 3-, 6- and 20-conjugates. The antiserum to 17-hydroxyprogesterone described is the first one that specifically recognizes this metabolite.  相似文献   

Summary Rabbit antisera to sheep prolactin and bovine growth hormone were used in the indirect fluorescent antibody technique on cryostat sections of anterior pituitaries of sheep, ox, rats and mice. It is demonstrated that in sheep and ox prolactin and growth hormone are manufactured by different acidophilic pituitary cells. Though the antisera do not precipitate the analogous hormones of rats and mice in gel diffusion tests, evidence is given for the specificity of the cross-reaction of the antisera with the analogous murine hormones in situ as found with the fluorescent antibody technique.We are grateful to Dr. J. D. H. Homan of Organon, Oss (The Netherlands) for the supply of bovine growth hormone and for kindly giving us the information concerning this preparation.We should like to thank Dr. F. J. A. Prop for the prolactin assays, Dr. H. G. Kwa for providing the mouse pituitary tumours and Dr. L. M. Boot for the mouse pituitary isograft in the kidney, Mrs. J. J. Geiger-Koedijk for the conventional staining of pituitary sections, and Mr. J. van der Kamp for the photography.  相似文献   

This report provides evidence that an increment in serum gonadotropin levels occurs at puberty in the sheep and that this reflects the critical hormonal event culminating in first ovulation in this species. Blood samples were collected from 6 female lambs at 4-h intervals for a period of approximately 2 mo around the expected time of puberty (32 wk of age) until behavioral estrus was observed and ovulation was verified by assay of serum progesterone. Patterns of circulating LH, FSH, progesterone, and estradiol concentrations were characterized during the peripubertal period for each lamb. A rise in serum levels of both LH and FSH began approximately 7-10 days before the first preovulatory surge of gonadotropins. Although the increase in gonadotropin levels occurred gradually over several days, serum estradiol levels rose only during the final 40-60 h prior to the preovulatory surge of gonadotropin. Serum progesterone profiles revealed, however, that normal (14-16-day) luteal phases were induced in only 2 of 6 females as a result of the first surge. In four lambs, a short luteal phase of 2.5 days' duration occurred, which was followed by another estradiol rise and a preovulatory surge that then resulted in a full luteal phase of 14 days' duration. These data demonstrate clearly that the precipitating event at puberty in the female sheep is an increase in circulating gonadotropin levels and that the estradiol secreted from the newly stimulated follicle provides the signal for the first preovulatory surge.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay of two main classes of anabolic steroids, suitable for screening of these drugs in doping control is described and evaluated. Antisera against 17α-methyltestosterone-3-carboxymethyloxime-BSA were raised in both rabbits and goats. To enhance the specificity of nortestosterone assay two goat antisera against nortestosterone-17β-hemisuccinate-BSA (Ab. 1) and nortestosterone-3-carboxymethyloxime-BSA (Ab. 2) were raised, which recognized selectively 19-nor-3-oxosteroids and 19-nor-17β-hydroxysteroids, respectively. Using their mixture, the cross-reaction of naturally occurring steroids except for testosterone could be minimized. Tritiated steroids were used as tracers. Iodinated methyltestosterone and nortestosterone, prepared by simple melting of these steroids with Na125I, could be used as alternative radioligands. Some questions concerning the expression of results and practical limitations of doping control of anabolics are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate endocrine mechanisms associated with the occasional occurrence of fertile oestrus during lactation in the high prolific Chinese Meishan (MS) breed, the incidence of oestrus and changes in plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) levels before and after oestradiol benzoate (OB, 15 micrograms/kg body weight) administration on day 22 was compared in 4 MS and 6 Large White (LW) sows. All sows exhibited oestrus in response to OB. Only 1 sow (MS) ovulated in response to OB, became pregnant and farrowed. Mean plasma LH levels before OB were low (MS: 0.38 +/- 0.06 ng LH/ml, LW: 0.29 +/- 0.04 ng LH/ml, ns). LH levels above 2 ng/ml (surge) occurred in 2/4 MS and 2/6 LW sows at 60 +/- 5 h after OB. The MS sow that ovulated had an LH surge level of 4.5 ng/ml plasma at 40 h after OB. These results indicate minor breed differences in the control of LH secretion during lactational anoestrus.  相似文献   

Injection of 7000 i.u. PMSG induced oestrus in 7 camels during the last part of seasonal anoestrus. Mature follicles developed and a CL was formed after fertile mating. However, pregnancy was not maintained by Day 60 in the 3 females detected as pregnant by rectal palpation and increased progesterone concentrations at Day 50. A single male camel mated with 4 of the females 2-16 days after the PMSG injection, and 2 or 3 matings occurred. The failure of pregnancy after induction of oestrus and mating during seasonal anoestrus was probably due to inadequate luteal function.  相似文献   

The patterns of LH and FSH secretion were measured in 4 experimental groups of Finnish Landrace and Scottish Blackface ewes: long-term (18 months) ovariectomized ewes (Group 1), long-term ovariectomized ewes with an oestradiol implant, which has been shown to produce peripheral levels of approximately 5 pg/ml (Group 2), long-term ovariectomized ewes with an oestradiol implant for 18 months which was subsequently removed (surgery on Day 0) (Group 3) and short-term ovariectomized ewes (surgery on Day 0) (Group 4). LH and FSH concentrations were monitored in all groups at approximately weekly intervals, before and after Day 0. Finnish Landrace ewes in Groups 1, 2 and 3 had significantly higher mean FSH concentrations than did Scottish Blackface ewes (P less than 0.01). FSH and LH concentrations increased significantly in Groups 3 and 4, but values in Group 4 were significantly lower (P less than 0.01) than those in Group 1 ewes even up to 30 days after ovariectomy. In Group 3, LH concentrations increased to levels similar to those in Group 1. The pattern of LH release was, however, significantly different, with a lower LH pulse frequency (P less than 0.05), but higher pulse amplitude (P less than 0.05). This difference was maintained at least until 28 days after implant removal. We suggest that removal of negative feedback by ovariectomy demonstrates an underlying breed difference in the pattern of FSH secretion and that ovarian factors other than oestradiol are also involved in the negative-feedback control of hypothalamic/pituitary gland function. Furthermore, negative-feedback effects can be maintained for long periods, at least 28 days, after ovariectomy or oestradiol implant removal.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine whether daily exercise alters adrenergic and muscarinic neural control of coronary blood flow during resting and exercising conditions in the conscious dog. Mean left circumflex artery blood flow (CBF), mean coronary blood pressure, and heart rate were measured during resting conditions (55 +/- 9 ml/min, 108 +/- 6 mmHg, and 93 +/- 2 beats/min, respectively) and during submaximal exercise (85 +/- 9 ml/min, 108 +/- 7 mmHg, and 210 +/- 15 beats/min). Injection of phentolamine into the left circumflex coronary artery during treadmill exercise resulted in a 10 +/- 1% increase in CBF before training (untrained, UT) and a 21 +/- 6% increase after 4-5 wk of daily exercise (partially trained, PT) (P less than 0.02 UT vs. PT). Intracoronary atenolol or propranolol caused a 15 +/- 6% reduction in CBF during exercise in dogs before and after PT. While the dogs were lying quietly at rest intracoronary injections of norepinephrine initially increased CBF 85%, followed by a prolonged 19 +/- 9% decrease in CBF. CBF decreased 16 +/- 3% after intracoronary injection of phenylephrine. After PT the coronary vasoconstriction following norepinephrine and phenylephrine injections was significantly potentiated (31 +/- 6 and 35 +/- 4%, respectively). These data suggest that exercise training caused significant changes in the coronary vascular response to alpha-receptor stimulation so that an alteration in the neural control of the coronary circulation occurred.  相似文献   

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