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《Inorganica chimica acta》1988,146(2):161-165
The compound [Cr(en)3][ZnCl4]Cl has been synthesized by reaction of CrCl3·6H2O, Zn and [Cr(en)3]2(SO4)3 in HCl. Its molecular and crystalline structure was determined by X-ray diffraction methods, being monoclinic, P21/c, a=21.215(3), b=12.532(2), c=13.707(2) Å, β=95.21°, V= 3629(2) Å3, Dx=1.738g cm−3, MW=474.9, Z= 8, F(000)=1928, λ(Mo Kα)=0.71069 Å, μ(Mo Kα)= 27.04 cm−1, 288 K. No significant exchange interactions between Cr(III) cations in the crystalline lattice were found. Curie-Weiss behavior was found in the three directions tested (g1=2.06±0.02,g2= 2.08±0.02,g3=2.09±0.01), T=1.2-1.4 K.  相似文献   

The interaction of [Ru(NH3)5Cl]2+ and [Ru(NH3)6]3+ complex ions with calf thymus DNA has been studied at various r values (r = [Mn+]/[DNA-P]). Electronic spectra of metal-DNA solutions have been recorded and compared to the spectra of metal, as well as of DNA, solutions. Melting curves have been taken for the determination of DNA melting temperature (Tm) in the presence of the above complex ions. The results showed a biphasic melting of the DNA strands for relatively high r values. The Tm for the first phase increased with increasing r values, indicating metal ion interaction with the phosphate moieties of the DNA. The appearance of a second-phase melting, in connection with electronic spectra, pH values, and conductivity measurements of metal ion solutions, is indicative of the initial complexes' transformation to [Ru(NH3)5OH]2+, which binds preferentially to double-stranded rather than single-stranded DNA, thus leading to a second melting curve at a higher temperature than the first one.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1987,134(1):155-157
The crystal structure of erbiumdicyclopentadienidechloride [Er(C5H5)2Cl]2 has been determined from X-ray diffraction data. The compound crystallizes in space group P21/c with a=11.056(3), b= 8.015(1), c=12.154(3) Å, β=110.28(2)°, V= 1010.2(7) Å3, Dc=2.189 g cm−3 and Z=2 dimers. The structure has been refined by full-matrix least- squares techniques to a conventional R factor of 0.027 for 2042 reflections (with I > 2σ(I)). In the unit cell centrosymmetric dimers of orte type exist with bridging chlorine atoms and C5H5 groups bonded in η5-fashion to the metal (mean ErC 2.59 Å). The [Er(C5H5)2Cl]2-type is compared to the [Sc(C5H5)2Cl]2-type structure which is realized in several dicyclopentadienidebromides of the lanthanides.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the binding of square planar cis- and trans-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] complexes and the octahedral [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ complex to tRNAphe from yeast was carried out by X-ray crystallography. Both of the carcinostatic compounds, cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ show similarities in their mode of binding to tRNA. These complexes bind specifically to the N(7) positions of guanines G15 and G18 in the dihydrouridine loop. [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ has an additional binding site at N(7) of residue G1 after extensive soaking times (58 days). A noncovalent binding site for ruthenium is also observed in the deep groove of the acceptor stem helix with shorter (25 days) soaking time. The major binding site for the inactive trans-[Pt(NH3)Cl2] complex is at the N(1) position of residue A73, with minor trans-Pt binding sites at the N(7) positions of residues Gm34, G18 and G43. The similarities in the binding modes of cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] and [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]3+ are expected to be related to their carcinostatic properties.  相似文献   

In this study we report the in vitro inhibition of leukotriene synthesis in calcium ionophore (A23187)-stimulated, intact human blood neutrophils by AHR-5333. The results showed that AHR-5333 inhibits 5-HETE, LTB4 and LTC4 synthesis with IC50 values of 13.9, 13.7 and 6.9 microM, respectively. Further examination of the effect of AHR-5333 on individual reactions of the 5-lipoxygenase pathway (i.e. conversion of LTA4 to LTB4, LTA4 to LTC4, and arachidonic acid to 5-HETE) showed that this agent was not inhibitory to LTA4 epoxyhydrolase and glutathione-S-transferase activity in neutrophil homogenates. However, conversion of arachidonic acid (30 microM) to 5-HETE was half maximally inhibited by 20 microM AHR-5333 in the cell-free system. The inhibition of LTB4 and LTC4 formation in intact neutrophils by AHR-5333 appears to be entirely due to a selective inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase activity and an impaired formation of LTA4, which serves as substrate for LTA4 epoxyhydrolase and glutathione-S-transferase. AHR-5333 did not affect the transformation of exogenous arachidonic acid to thromboxane B2, HHT and 12-HETE in preparations of washed human platelets, indicating that this agent has no effect on platelet prostaglandin H synthase, thromboxane synthase and 12-lipoxygenase activity. The lack of inhibitory activity of AHR-5333 on prostaglandin H synthase activity was confirmed with microsomal preparations of sheep vesicular glands.  相似文献   

Optimization of benzoic acid derivatives by introducing substituents into the diphenyl urea moiety led to the identification of compound 20l as a potent VLA-4 antagonist. Compound 20l inhibited eosinophil infiltration into bronchial alveolar lavage fluid in a murine asthma model by oral dosing and its efficacy was comparable to anti-mouse alpha4 antibody (R1-2). Furthermore, this compound significantly blocked bronchial hyper-responsiveness in the model.  相似文献   

3-[2-Amino-2-imidazolin-4(5)-yl]alanine (enduracididine) and 2-[2-amino-2-imidazolin-4(5)-yl] acetic acid have been isolated from seeds of Lonchocarpus sericeus. The concentration of each compound was ca 0.5 % of the fresh seed weight.  相似文献   

The dichlorobis(2-phenylazopyridine)ruthenium(II) complexes, [Ru(azpy)(2)Cl(2)], are under renewed investigation due to their potential anticancer activity. The three most common isomers alpha-, beta- and gamma-[RuL(2)Cl(2)] with L= o-tolylazopyridine (tazpy) and 4-methyl-2-phenylazopyridine (mazpy) (alpha indicating the coordinating Cl, N(pyridine) and Nazo atoms in mutual cis, trans, cis positions, beta indicating the coordinating Cl, N(pyridine) and Nazo atoms in mutual cis, cis, cis positions, and gamma indicating the coordinating Cl, N(pyridine) and Nazo atoms in mutual trans, cis, cis positions) are synthesized and characterized by NMR spectroscopy. The molecular structures of gamma-[Ru(tazpy)(2)Cl(2)] and alpha-[Ru(mazpy)(2)Cl(2)] are determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. The IC(50) values of the geometrically isomeric [Ru(tazpy)(2)Cl(2)] and [Ru(mazpy)(2)Cl(2)] complexes compared with those of the parent [Ru(azpy)(2)Cl(2)] complexes are determined in a series of human tumour cell lines (MCF-7, EVSA-T, WIDR, IGROV, M19, A498 and H266). These data unambiguously show for all complexes the following trend: the alpha isomer shows a very high cytotoxicity, whereas the beta isomer is a factor 10 less cytotoxic. The gamma isomers of [Ru(tazpy)(2)Cl(2)] and [Ru(mazpy)(2)Cl(2)] display a very high cytotoxicity comparable to that of the gamma isomer of the parent compound [Ru(azpy)(2)Cl(2)] and to that of the alpha isomer. These biological data are of the utmost importance for a better understanding of the structure-activity relationships for the isomeric [RuL(2)Cl(2)] complexes.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivars have been reported to range in tolerance to injury by 4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3-(methylthio)-as-triazine-5(4H)one (metribuzin), from tolerant (e.g.‘Bragg’) to susceptible (e.g.‘Coker 102’ and ‘Semmes’). ‘Bragg,’‘Coker 102’, and ‘Semmes’ soybeans were grown in sand subirrigated with nutrient solution containing labelled (14C-carbonyl metribuzin) and nonlabelled metribuzin to determine cultivar variability in absorption, translocation, and metabolism of metribuzin. Plants were periodically harvested, autoradiographed, and radioactivity in tissue extracts quantified. Data indicated that all 3 cultivars readily absorbed and translocated metribuzin. However, ‘Bragg’ tissues accumulated greater quantities of metribuzin metabolites than the other two cultivars. The major 14C-containing metabolite in ‘Semmes’ and ‘Coker’ roots and stems was 6-tert-butyl-as-triazine-3-5-(2H,4H)-dione, whereas the major 14C-metabolite isolated from‘Bragg’ roots and stems was a glucose conjugate. Results indicated that differential-intraspecific responses to metribuzin may result from differential capacities for herbicide detoxification by conjugation.  相似文献   

〔四-[3-甲氧基-4-(N-咔唑)正丁氧苯基],4C4-TPP〕和〔四-[3-甲氧基-4-(N-咔唑)正己氧苯基],4C6-TPP〕是两个结构相似但侧链不同的卟啉化合物,4C6-TPP的侧链长于4C4-TPP。应用紫外吸收光谱、荧光光谱和园二色谱,研究了4C4-TPP和4C6-TPP与小牛胸腺DNA(Calf thymus, ctDNA)之间的相互作用。结果表明:4C4-TPP和4C6-TPP均以侧链插入DNA与之作用,计算二者与DNA之间的结合常数,4C6-TPP与DNA的结合常数远大于4C4-TPP与DNA的结合常数。基于4C4-TPP与4C6-TPP二者之间结构差异仅在于侧链基团,证明了侧链基团对于卟啉与DNA作用的影响不是主要决定于其空间尺寸大小,取代基化学结构是影响卟啉与DNA的相互作用的重要因素。  相似文献   

We have targeted the d[G(AG)5] · d[C(TC)5] duplex for triplex formation at neutral pH with either d[G(AG)5] or d[G(TG)5]. Using a combination of gel electrophoresis, uv and CD spectra, mixing and melting curves, along with DNase I digestion studies, we have investigated the stability of the 2:1 pur*pur · pyr triplex, d[G(AG)5] * d[G(AG)5] · d[C(TC)5], in the presence of MgCl2. This triplex melts in a monophasic fashion at the same temperature as the underlying duplex. Although the uv spectrum changes little upon binding of the second purine strand, the CD spectrum shows significant changes in the wavelength range 200–230 nm and about a 7 nm shift in the positive band near 270 nm. In contrast, the 1:1:1 pur/pyr*pur · pyr triplex, d[G(TG)5] * d[G(AG)5] · d[C(TC)5], is considerably less stable thermally, melting at a much lower temperature than the underlying duplex, and possesses a CD spectrum that is entirely negative from 200 to 300 nm. Ethidium bromide undergoes a strong fluorescence enhancement upon binding to each of these triplexes, and significantly stabilizes the pur/pyr*pur · pyr triplex. The uv melting and differential scanning calorimetry analysis of the alternating sequence duplex and pur*pur · pyr triplex shows that they are lower in thermodynamic stability than the corresponding 10-mer d(G3A4G3) · d(C3T4C3) duplex and its pur*pur · pyr triplex under identical solution conditions. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A series of 2beta-[3'-(substituted benzyl)isoxazol-5-yl]- and 2beta-[3'-methyl-4'-(substituted phenyl)isoxazol-5-yl]-3beta-(substituted phenyl)tropanes were prepared and evaluated for affinities at dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine transporters using competitive radioligand binding assays. The 2beta-[3'-(substituted benzyl)isoxazol-5-yl]-3beta-(substituted phenyl)tropanes (3a-h) showed high binding affinities for the dopamine transporter (DAT). The IC(50) values ranged from 5.9 to 22nM. On the other hand, the 2beta-[3'-methyl-4'-(substituted phenyl)isoxazol-5-yl]-3beta-(substituted phenyl)tropanes (4a-h), with IC(50) values ranging from 65 to 173nM, were approximately 3- to 25-fold less potent than the corresponding 2beta-[3'-(substituted benzyl)isoxazol]tropanes. All tested compounds were selective for the DAT relative to the norepinephrine transporter (NET) and serotonin transporter (5-HTT). 3Beta-(4-Methylphenyl)-2beta-[3'-(4-fluorobenzyl)isoxazol-5-yl]tropane (3b) with IC(50) of 5.9nM at the DAT and K(i)s of 454 and 113nM at the NET and 5-HTT, respectively, was the most potent and DAT-selective analog. Molecular modeling studies suggested that the rigid conformation of the isoxazole side chain in 4a-h might play an important role on their low DAT binding affinities.  相似文献   

We have designed the nitrophenylfurylacryl-substituted benzophenone 4f as a non-thiol farnesyltransferase inhibitor utilizing a novel aryl binding site of farnesyltransferase. Variation of the 2-acylamino substituent at the benzophenone core structure of our initial lead 4f yielded several non-thiol farnesyltransferase inhibitors with improved activity. These compounds display activity in the low nanomolar range.  相似文献   

Compounds based on the isoxazoline moiety were screened for their antimycobacterial activity in vitro against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37R (MTB), and INH (isoniazid) resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (INHR-MTB) using the agar dilution method and bactec 460. Among the synthesized compounds, 4-[5-(4-bromophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-3-isoxazolyl]-2-methylphenol (4l) was found to be the most active agent against MTB and INHR-MTB with minimum inhibitory concentration of 0.62 microM. When compared to INH, compound (4l) was 1.12 fold and 3.0 fold more active against MTB and INHR-MTB, respectively.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial activity of the N-[5-(2-furanyl)-2-methyl-4-oxo-4H-theino[2,3-d]pyrimidin-3-y1]-carboxamides and 3-substituted-5-(2-furanyl)-2-methyl-3H-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ones was correlated with different topological indices using Hansch analysis. Good correlations were obtained through a simple regression equation with third order molecular connectivity index (3chi). The developed QSAR models were crossvalidated by leave-one-out technique.  相似文献   

Compounds based on the isoxazoline moiety were screened for their antimycobacterial activity in vitro against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37R (MTB), and INH (isoniazid) resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (INHR-MTB) using the agar dilution method and bactec 460. Among the synthesized compounds, 4-[5-(4-bromophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-3-isoxazolyl]-2-methylphenol (4l) was found to be the most active agent against MTB and INHR-MTB with minimum inhibitory concentration of 0.62 μM. When compared to INH, compound (4l) was 1.12 fold and 3.0 fold more active against MTB and INHR-MTB, respectively.  相似文献   

[Rh2Cl2(CO)4] reacts with the ligands L (2-pyridone, 2-thiopyridone, and the isomers 6-methyl-2-thiopyridone, 2-methylmercaptopyridine, and N-methylthiopyridone) to give initially, when L/Rh = 1, the bridged-cleaved compounds cis- [RhCl(CO)2L]. Further additions of 2-methyl- mercaptopyridine, N-methylthiopyridone, or 2-pyridone caused no further change, but 2- thiopyridone and 6-methyl-2-thiopyridone gave new cis-dicarbonyl species (L/Rh = 2) and eventually monocarbonyl species (L/Rh > 3). All these solutions are air-sensitive and air oxidation of a solution of [Rh2Cl2(CO)4] with an excess of 6-methyl-2- thiopyridone gave fac-[Rh(MeC5H3NS)3] the X-ray structure of which shows three equivalent chelating 6-methyl-2-thiopyridonato ligands.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - A new series of 5,5'-(2,6-dimethyl-4-phenyl-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-diyl)bis[4-(ethylideneamino)-4H-[1,2,4]-triazole-3-thiol) was synthesized via...  相似文献   

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