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The reaction of iron sulfide (FeS) with H2S in water, in presence of CO2 under anaerobic conditions was found to yield H2 and a variety of organic sulfur compounds, mainly thiols and small amounts of CS2 and dimethyldisulfide. The same compounds were produced when H2S was replaced by HCl, in the H2S-generating system FeS/HCl/CO2. The identification of the products was confirmed by GC-MS analyses and the incorporation of H2 in the organic sulfur compounds was demonstrated by experiments in which all hydrogen compounds were replaced by deuterium compounds. Generation of H2 and the synthesis of thiols were both dependent upon the relative abundance of FeS and HCl or H2S, i.e. the FeS/HCl- or FeS/H2S-proportions. Whether thiols or CS2 were formed as the main products depended also on the FeS/HCl-ratio: All conditions which create a H2 deficiency were found to initiate a proportional increase in the amount of CS2. The quantities of H2 and thiols generated depended on temperature: the production of H2 was significantly accelerated from 50°C onward and thiol synthesis above 75°C. The yield of thiols increased with the amount of FeS and HCl (H2S), given a certain FeS/HCl-ratio and a surplus of CO2. A deficiency of CO2 results in lower thiol systhesis. The end product, pyrite (FeS2), was found to appear as a silvery granular layer floating on the aqueous surface. The identity of the thiols was confirmed by mass spectrometry, and the reduction of CO2 demonstrated by the determination of deuterium incorporation with DCl and D2O. The described reactions can principally proceed under the conditions comparable to those obtaining around submarine hydrothermal vents, or the global situation about 4 billion years ago, before the dawn of life, and could replace the need for a reducing atmosphere on the primitive earth.  相似文献   

Siderophores, biogenic chelating agents that facilitate Fe(III) uptake through the formation of strong complexes, also form strong complexes with Mn(III) and exhibit high reactivity with Mn (hydr)oxides, suggesting a pathway by which Mn may disrupt Fe uptake. In this review, we evaluate the major biogeochemical mechanisms by which Fe and Mn may interact through reactions with microbial siderophores: competition for a limited pool of siderophores, sorption of siderophores and metal–siderophore complexes to mineral surfaces, and competitive metal-siderophore complex formation through parallel mineral dissolution pathways. This rich interweaving of chemical processes gives rise to an intricate tapestry of interactions, particularly in respect to the biogeochemical cycling of Fe and Mn in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Benthic sulfate reduction and sediment pools of sulfur and iron were examined during January 1992 at 3 stations in the Ao Nam Bor mangrove, Phuket, Thailand. Patterns of sulfate reduction rates (0–53 cm) reflected differences in physical and biological conditions at the 3 stations, and highest rates were found at the vegetated site within the mangrove (Rhizophora apiculata) forest. Due to extended oxidation of mangrove sediments, a large portion of the added35S-label was recovered in the chromium reducible pools (FeS2 and S0) (41–91% of the reduced sulfur). Pyrite was the most important inorganic sulfur component, attaining pool sizes 50–100 times higher than acid volatile pools (FeS). HCl-extractable (0.5 M HCl) iron pools, including Fe(II)HCl and Fe(III)HCl, were generally low and Fe(III)HCl was only present in the upper surface layers (0–5 cm). Maximum concentrations of dissolved Fe2+ (35–285 M) occurred just about the depth where dissolved H2S accumulated. Furthermore Fe2+ and H2S coexisted only where concentrations of both were low. There was an accumulation of organic sulfur in the deep sediment at 2 stations in the inner part of the mangrove. The reoxidation of reduced sulfides was rapid, and storage of sulfur was minor in the upper sediment layers, where factors like bioturbation, the presence of roots, or tidal mixing enhance oxidation processes.Author of correspondence.  相似文献   

Bacterially mediated iron redox cycling exerts a strong influence on groundwater geochemistry, but few studies have investigated iron biogeochemical processes in coastal alluvial aquifers from a microbiological viewpoint. The shallow alluvial aquifer located adjacent to Poona estuary on the subtropical Southeast Queensland coast represents a redox-stratified system where iron biogeochemical cycling potentially affects water quality. Using a 300 m transect of monitoring wells perpendicular to the estuary, we examined groundwater physico-chemical conditions and the occurrence of cultivable bacterial populations involved in iron (and manganese, sulfur) redox reactions in this aquifer. Results showed slightly acidic and near-neutral pH, suboxic conditions and an abundance of dissolved iron consisting primarily of iron(II) in the majority of wells. The highest level of dissolved iron(III) was found in a well proximal to the estuary most likely a result of iron curtain effects due to tidal intrusion. A number of cultivable, (an)aerobic bacterial populations capable of diverse carbon, iron, or sulfur metabolism coexisted in groundwater redox transition zones. Our findings indicated aerobic, heterotrophic respiration and bacterially mediated iron/sulfur redox reactions were integral to carbon cycling in the aquifer. High abundances of dissolved iron and cultivable iron and sulfur bacterial populations in estuary-adjacent aquifers have implications for iron transport to marine waters. This study demonstrated bacterially mediated iron redox cycling and associated biogeochemical processes in subtropical coastal groundwaters using culture-based methods.  相似文献   

冰尘是散落在冰川表面由矿物质、有机质和微生物组成的聚合体,其主要来源包括远源输送来的细粉尘和气溶胶组分、局地源的粗冰碛物及来自周围生态系统的土壤和植物碎屑等。冰尘对太阳辐射具有较强的吸收作用,可降低冰面反照率、促进冰川融化。冰尘也是迄今为止生物多样性最高的冰川表面微生物栖息地,生活着细菌、真菌、藻类等。冰尘微生物是冰川表面地球化学循环的主要驱动者,微生物分解转化冰尘内有机质,降低冰川表面反照率影响冰川物质平衡。基于冰尘的重要性,本文综述了南极、北极、青藏高原第三极冰川冰尘的物理和化学特征及其影响因素,冰尘微生物群落组成及其介导的碳氮生物地球化学循环过程,并展望了冰尘微生物研究的前景。  相似文献   

The complete genomes of Thermus oshimai JL-2 and T. thermophilus JL-18 each consist of a circular chromosome, 2.07 Mb and 1.9 Mb, respectively, and two plasmids ranging from 0.27 Mb to 57.2 kb. Comparison of the T. thermophilus JL-18 chromosome with those from other strains of T. thermophilus revealed a high degree of synteny, whereas the megaplasmids from the same strains were highly plastic. The T. oshimai JL-2 chromosome and megaplasmids shared little or no synteny with other sequenced Thermus strains. Phylogenomic analyses using a concatenated set of conserved proteins confirmed the phylogenetic and taxonomic assignments based on 16S rRNA phylogenetics. Both chromosomes encode a complete glycolysis, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, and pentose phosphate pathway plus glucosidases, glycosidases, proteases, and peptidases, highlighting highly versatile heterotrophic capabilities. Megaplasmids of both strains contained a gene cluster encoding enzymes predicted to catalyze the sequential reduction of nitrate to nitrous oxide; however, the nitrous oxide reductase required for the terminal step in denitrification was absent, consistent with their incomplete denitrification phenotypes. A sox gene cluster was identified in both chromosomes, suggesting a mode of chemolithotrophy. In addition, nrf and psr gene clusters in T. oshmai JL-2 suggest respiratory nitrite ammonification and polysulfide reduction as possible modes of anaerobic respiration.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) are ubiquitous aquatic microorganisms that mineralize dissolved iron into intracellular magnetic crystals. After cell death, these crystals are trapped into sediments that remove iron from the soluble pool. MTB may significantly impact the iron biogeochemical cycle, especially in the ocean where dissolved iron limits nitrogen fixation and primary productivity. A thorough assessment of their impact has been hampered by a lack of methodology to measure the amount of, and variability in, their intracellular iron content. We quantified the iron mass contained in single MTB cells of Magnetospirillum magneticum strain AMB-1 using a time-resolved inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry methodology. Bacterial iron content depends on the external iron concentration, and reaches a maximum value of ~10−6 ng of iron per cell. From these results, we calculated the flux of dissolved iron incorporation into environmental MTB populations and conclude that MTB may mineralize a significant fraction of dissolved iron into crystals.  相似文献   

A vast number of lakes developed in the abandoned opencast lignite mines of Lusatia (East Germany) contain acidic waters (mmolSm–2a). Potential Fe(III) reduction measured by the accumulation of Fe(II) during anoxic incubation yielded similar rates in both types of sediments, however, the responses towards the supplementation of Fe(III) and organic carbon were different. Sulfate reduction rates estimated with 35S-radiotracer were much lower in the slightly acidic sediment than in the pH-neutral sediment (156 v.s. 738mmolSO4 2–m–2a–1). However, sulfate reduction rates were increased by the addition of organic carbon. Severe limitation of sulfate-reducing bacteria under acidic conditions was also reflected by low most probable numbers (MPN). High MPN of acidophilic iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in acidic sediments indicated a high reoxidation potential. The results show that potentials for reductive processes are present in acidic sediments and that these are determined mainly by the availability of oxidants and organic matter.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) is an essential element for life, and its geochemical cycle is intimately linked to the coupled history of life and Earth's environment. The accumulated geologic records indicate that ferruginous waters existed in the Precambrian oceans not only before the first major rise of atmospheric O2 levels (Great Oxidation Event; GOE) during the Paleoproterozoic, but also during the rest of the Proterozoic. However, the interactive evolution of the biogeochemical cycles of O2 and Fe during the Archean–Proterozoic remains ambiguous. Here, we develop a biogeochemical model to investigate the coupled biogeochemical evolution of Fe–O2–P–C cycles across the GOE. Our model demonstrates that the marine Fe cycle was less sensitive to changes in the production rate of O2 before the GOE (atmospheric pO2 < 10−6 PAL; present atmospheric level). When the P supply rate to the ocean exceeds a certain threshold, the GOE occurs and atmospheric pO2 rises to ~10−3–10−1 PAL. After the GOE, the marine Fe(II) concentration is highly sensitive to atmospheric pO2, suggesting that the marine redox landscape during the Proterozoic may have fluctuated between ferruginous conditions and anoxic non-ferruginous conditions with sulfidic water masses around continental margins. At a certain threshold value of atmospheric pO2 of ~0.3% PAL, the primary oxidation pathway of Fe(II) shifts from the activity of Fe(II)-utilizing anoxygenic photoautotrophs in sunlit surface waters to abiotic process in the deep ocean. This is accompanied by a shift in the primary deposition site of Fe(III) hydroxides from the surface ocean to the deep sea, providing a plausible mechanistic explanation for the observed cessation of iron formations during the Proterozoic.  相似文献   

Biological production of the volatile compound dimethylsulfide in the ocean is the main natural source of tropospheric sulfur on a global scale, with important consequences for the radiative balance of the Earth. In the late 1980s, a Gaian feedback link between marine phytoplankton and climate through the release of atmospheric sulfur was hypothesized. However, the idea of microalgae producing a substance that could regulate climate has been criticized on the basis of its evolutionary feasibility. Recent advances have shown that volatile sulfur is a result of ecological interactions and transformation processes through planktonic food webs. It is, therefore, not only phytoplankton biomass, taxonomy or activity, but also food-web structure and dynamics that drive the oceanic production of atmospheric sulfur. Accordingly, the viewpoint on the ecological and evolutionary basis of this amazing marine biota-atmosphere link is changing.  相似文献   

One of the keys to understanding and identifying life on other planets is to study the preservation of organic compounds and their precursor micro-organisms on Earth. Rio Tinto in southwestern Spain is a well documented site of microbial preservation within iron sulphates and iron oxides over a period of 2.1 Ma. This study has investigated the preservation of filamentous iron oxidising bacteria and organics through optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy, from laboratory cultures of natural samples to contemporary natural materials to million-year old river terraces. Up to 40% elemental carbon and >7% nitrogen has been identified within microbial filaments and cell clusters in all samples through SEM EDS analyses. FTIR spectroscopy identified C-H(x) absorption bands between 2960 and 2800 cm(-1), Amide I and II absorption bands at 1656 and 1535 cm(-1), respectively and functional group vibrations from within nucleic acids at 917, 1016 and 1124 cm(-1). Absorption bands tracing the diagenetic transformation of jarosite to goethite to hematite through the samples are also identified. This combination of mineralogy, microbial morphology and biomolecular evidence allows us to further understand how organic fossils are created and preserved in iron-rich environments, and ultimately will aid in the search for the earliest life on Earth and potential organics on Mars.  相似文献   

This review deals with the measurement of the volatile sulfur compounds hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol and dimethyl sulfide in various biological matrices of rats and humans (blood, serum, tissues, urine, breath, feces and flatus). Hydrogen sulfide and methanethiol both contain the active thiol (–SH) group and appear in the free gaseous form, in the acid-labile form and in the dithiothreitol-labile form. Dimethyl sulfide is a neutral molecule and exists only in the free form. The foul odor of these sulfur volatiles is a striking characteristic and plays a major role in bad breath, feces and flatus. Because sulfur is a biologically active element, the biological significance of the sulfur volatiles are also highlighted. Despite its highly toxic properties, hydrogen sulfide has been lately recommended to become the third gasotransmitter, next to nitric oxide and carbon monoxide, based on high concentration found in healthy tissues, such as blood and brain. However, there is much doubt about the reliability of the assay methods used. Many artifacts in the sulfide assays exist. The methods to detect the various forms of hydrogen sulfide are critically reviewed and compared with findings of our group. Recent findings that free gaseous hydrogen sulfide is absent in whole blood urged the need to revisit its role as a blood-borne signaling molecule.  相似文献   

Foraging intensity of large herbivores may exert an indirect top‐down ecological force on soil microbial communities via changes in plant litter inputs. We investigated the responses of the soil microbial community to elk (Cervus elaphus) winter range occupancy across a long‐term foraging exclusion experiment in the sagebrush steppe of the North American Rocky Mountains, combining phylogenetic analysis of fungi and bacteria with shotgun metagenomics and extracellular enzyme assays. Winter foraging intensity was associated with reduced bacterial richness and increasingly distinct bacterial communities. Although fungal communities did not respond linearly to foraging intensity, a greater β‐diversity response to winter foraging exclusion was observed. Furthermore, winter foraging exclusion increased soil cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic enzyme potential and higher foraging intensity reduced chitinolytic gene abundance. Thus, future changes in winter range occupancy may shape biogeochemical processes via shifts in microbial communities and subsequent changes to their physiological capacities to cycle soil C and N.  相似文献   

Sulfate minerals are rare in the Archean rock record and largely restricted to the occurrence of barite (BaSO4). The origin of this barite remains controversially debated. The mass‐independent fractionation of sulfur isotopes in these and other Archean sedimentary rocks suggests that photolysis of volcanic aerosols in an oxygen‐poor atmosphere played an important role in their formation. Here, we report on the multiple sulfur isotopic composition of sedimentary anhydrite in the ca. 3.22 Ga Moodies Group of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, southern Africa. Anhydrite occurs, together with barite and pyrite, in regionally traceable beds that formed in fluvial settings. Variable abundances of barite versus anhydrite reflect changes in sulfate enrichment by evaporitic concentration across orders of magnitude in an arid, nearshore terrestrial environment, periodically replenished by influxes of seawater. The multiple S‐isotope compositions of anhydrite and pyrite are consistent with microbial sulfate reduction. S‐isotope signatures in barite suggest an additional oxidative sulfate source probably derived from continental weathering of sulfide possibly enhanced by microbial sulfur oxidation. Although depositional environments of Moodies sulfate minerals differ strongly from marine barite deposits, their sulfur isotopic composition is similar and most likely reflects a primary isotopic signature. The data indicate that a constant input of small portions of oxidized sulfur from the continents into the ocean may have contributed to the observed long‐term increase in Δ33Ssulfate values through the Paleoarchean.  相似文献   

The search for early Earth biological activity is hindered by the scarcity of the rock record. The very few exposed sedimentary rocks have all been affected by secondary processes such as metamorphism and weathering, which might have distorted morphological microfossils and biogenic minerals beyond recognition and have altered organic matter to kerogen. The search for biological activity in such rocks therefore relies entirely on chemical, molecular or isotopic indicators. A powerful tool used for this purpose is the stable isotope signature of elements related to life (C, N, S, Fe). It provides key informations not only on the metabolic pathways operating at the time of the sediment deposition, but more globally on the biogeochemical cycling of these elements and thus on the Earth's surface evolution. Here, we review the basis of stable isotope biogeochemistry for these isotopic systems. Rather than an exhaustive approach, we address some examples to illustrate how they can be used as biosignatures of early life and as proxies for its environment, while keeping in mind what their limitations are. We then focus on the covariations among these isotopic systems during the Archean time period to show that they convey important information both on the evolution of the redox state of the terrestrial surface reservoirs and on co-occurring ecosystems in the Archean.  相似文献   

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