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There are several hypotheses as to the function of postcopulatory mate guarding. Control over the mate-guarding period by either sex could potentially influence relative reproductive success. Mate-guarding behaviour in Gryllodes sigillatus was studied under several conditions: 1. undisturbed pairs; 2. pairs with a single male intruder; 3. pairs exposed acoustically, visually and olfactorily to several other males; 4. pairs exposed freely to several other males; and 5. pairs exposed freely to several other females. The results provide support for the spermatophore retention and rival defence hypotheses. The efficacy of mate guarding was not compromised by the pair being in acoustic, visual and olfactory contact with several other males. Once pairs were exposed to free contact with several other males, the spermatophore retention time by the female declined significantly, indicating that the mate guarder's efficiency declines under competition from several rivals. In pairs exposed to contact with several females after mating, the mate-guarding period and spermatophore retention time declined as the mate guarder abandoned the mated female and pursued the other females. Termination of the effective mate-guarding period by either sex seems to be influenced by the number of other potential partners present.  相似文献   

Female preferences for song patterns of males of Gryllodes sigillatus and genetic variance of morphological traits correlated with them were analyzed. Females preferred short pulses associated with large males. The males’ thorax width, wing length and femur III length showed stronger relationship with the song pulse duration, whereas the relationship between pulse duration and wing width was not significant. Interestingly, this last trait was the only one that showed significant levels of genetic variance. Perhaps these results could be explained by the evolutionary response to sexual selection. Sexual selection could deplete the genetic variance in the male traits related to male‐mating success.  相似文献   

The effects of the consumption of the spermatophylax produced by males on female fitness were studied in the decorated cricket, Gryllodes sigillatus. An increase in the number of spermatophylaces presented to females did not increase the total number of eggs made by females, the number of eggs laid, or the hatchability of eggs laid by females, but increased the number of eggs laid in the early stage of adult life of females. The duration of the egg stage decreased with the number of spermatophylaces presented to females. The implication of the results on the sham hypothesis that the spermatophylax does not have nutritional value is discussed.  相似文献   

In species where females mate with multiple males, the sperm from these males must compete to fertilise available ova. Sexual selection from sperm competition is expected to favor opposing adaptations in males that function either in the avoidance of sperm competition (by guarding females from rival males) or in the engagement in sperm competition (by increased expenditure on the ejaculate). The extent to which males may adjust the relative use of these opposing tactics has been relatively neglected. Where males can successfully avoid sperm competition from rivals, one might expect a decrease in their expenditure on tactics for the engagement in sperm competition and vice versa. In this study, we examine the relationship between mate guarding and ejaculate quality using humans as an empirical model. We found that men who performed fewer mate guarding behaviors produced higher quality ejaculates, having a greater concentration of sperm, a higher percentage of motile sperm and sperm that swam faster and less erratically. These effects were found independent of lifestyle factors or factors related to male quality. Our findings suggest that male expenditure on mate guarding and on the ejaculate may represent alternative routes to paternity assurance in humans.  相似文献   

Females of many taxa prefer to mate with novel males rather than previous mates, but also favor males that have traits indicative of higher genetic quality or compatibility. However, it may not be possible for females to simultaneously choose males that are both novel and of high quality, and the female response to this dilemma has not previously been examined. In this paper, we ask whether female decorated crickets, Gryllodes sigillatus, exert their choice for novel males via post‐copulatory choice (sperm ampulla removal) and whether male genetic background (variation in male quality) affects this decision. We found that after matings with inbred males, females removed the ampullae of familiar mates sooner than those of novel males, whereas after matings with outbred males, there was no difference in the ampulla‐retention times of familiar mates and novel partners. This suggests that when male do not vary in quality, females prefer novel partners. However, when males vary in quality, female preferences for male traits are more important than preferences for novel partners.  相似文献   

Parasites can influence various aspects of host reproductionand mating, including spermatophore production. In the cricket,Gryllodes sigillatus, males transfer to females a two-part spermatophorecontaining a sperm-filled ampulla and a gelatinous spermatophylax(nuptial gift). Here we investigate the effects of a sexuallytransmitted nematode on male spermatophylax production. Sexuallytransmitted diseases (STDs) have the potential to reduce hostfertility or fecundity in insect hosts. To our knowledge thisis the first empirical study on the effects of an insect STDon the reproductive physiology of a male host. Our results indicatethat infected males produced significantly smaller spermatophylacesthan healthy males; this effect was more apparent for smallermales. Spermatophylax size was inversely correlated with theintensity of infection. Spermatophylax replacement time, thetime between producing the first and second spermatophylax,did not differ significantly between infected and healthy males.This parasite-mediated reduction in spermatophylax size maybe a direct consequence of the physiological stress of parasitismor parasite manipulation.  相似文献   

Phenotypic traits that convey information about individual identity or quality are important in animal social interactions, and the degree to which such traits are influenced by environmental variation can have profound effects on the reliability of these cues. Using inbred genetic lines of the decorated cricket, Gryllodes sigillatus, we manipulated diet quality to test how the cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles of males and females respond across two different nutritional rearing environments. There were significant differences between lines in the CHC profiles of females, but the effect of diet was not quite statistically significant. There was no significant genotype-by-environment interaction (GEI), suggesting that environmental effects on phenotypic variation in female CHCs are independent of genotype. There was, however, a significant effect of GEI for males, with changes in both signal quantity and content, suggesting that environmental effects on phenotypic expression of male CHCs are dependent on genotype. The differential response of male and female CHC expression to variation in the nutritional environment suggests that these chemical cues may be under sex-specific selection for signal reliability. Female CHCs show the characteristics of reliable cues of identity: high genetic variability, low condition dependence and a high degree of genetic determination. This supports earlier work showing that female CHCs are used in self-recognition to identify previous mates and facilitate polyandry. In contrast, male CHCs show the characteristics of reliable cues of quality: condition dependence and a relatively higher degree of environmental determination. This suggests that male CHCs are likely to function as cues of underlying quality during mate choice and/or male dominance interactions.  相似文献   

The mate guarding behaviour of male yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) was studied with special reference to the effects of age, body size (tarsus length) and coloration of males. Measurements of intra-pair distance do at the most provide evidence for relatively lax mate guarding. On the other hand, patterns of male song activity and inter-male aggression were more in agreement with the predictions of the mate guarding hypothesis. The reasons for the comparatively low mate guarding intensity in the yellowhammer may be that males do not need to guard their mates intensely. Age differences were found in song and aggressive activity, older males singing and fighting the most. Size had no effect on guarding behaviour. Coloration was correlated with inter-male aggressiveness and conflict initiation propensity. Less colourful males fought the most in the pre-fertile period of their mates, whereas colourful and old males fought the most during the fertile period. This suggests that coloration may be an indicator of individual fighting and guarding ability.  相似文献   

We quantify variation in the temporal components of long‐distance mate attraction signals produced by a North American field cricket, Gryllus rubens Scudder. Total signaling time, trilling bout duration, and hourly bout number exhibit high repeatability within individuals. Extensive variation exists across individuals: some males never signal while others signal for several hours each night; of the signalers, average trilling bout duration ranges from <1 min to well over an hour; some males produce only one trilling bout in an evening while others produce three bouts every 2 h. Body size, weight, wing morphology, and condition do not appear to explain the variation. We compare the temporal signaling components of G. rubens with its sister species, G. texensis. Although G. rubens produce slightly more trills per hour with slightly shorter trilling bout durations, the temporal components of these long‐distance mate attraction signals are surprisingly similar across species.  相似文献   

Males of many insects directly defend their mates from rival males (i.e. mate guard) as a way to avoid sperm competition and thus increase their reproductive success. However, mate guarding may have associated costs for these males. We examined costs of mate guarding in Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica), a pest species which exhibits post‐copulatory mate guarding during which the guarding male cannot feed. In this species, food provides both energy and water for thermoregulation. Consequently, we focused on possible thermoregulatory and energetic costs of their mate guarding. In a field study, we found that guarding males had significantly higher thoracic temperatures than non‐guarding males, indicating a difference in their ability and/or need to thermoregulate. Paired males had significantly lower water levels than single males in the morning and evening, but not in the afternoon. In the laboratory, we found that mate‐guarding duration was significantly shorter at higher ambient temperature than at lower temperature, and males that had been starved guarded for less time than males that had not been starved. Our results suggest that because guarding males are unable to feed, they suffer energetic and thermoregulatory costs that appear to limit the amount of time that they can guard a female.  相似文献   

Mate guarding–a behaviour prevalent in odonates–is a post copulatory association during which males prevent females from re-mating. Some species use two forms of guarding: contact mate guarding, which is energetically costly but highly effective and non-contact mate guarding, which is less costly but less effective. This study aimed to determine if male Sympetrum internum (Odonata:Libellulidae) adjust the duration of contact mate guarding according to environmental, temporal and physiological factors. There was a significant interaction between male density and season on duration of contact mate guarding. Early in the season males increased the duration of contact guarding as the density of rivals increased. Later in the season males guarded mates longer irrespective of male density. Wind and temperature did not detectabiy alter the duration of contact mate guarding, suggesting that the trade-off between current and future reproductive success was more important than were physiological costs.  相似文献   

Game theoretical models predict that when one parent reduces its care, the mate should adjust its care facultatively to compensate partially. To test these models, mate-removal and mate-handicapping techniques have been used. However, there have been few experimental studies comparing results from mate removal and mate handicapping, and there has been no study on insects employing handicapping. Male and female burying beetles both maintain the nest and regurgitate to young. We examined how burying beetle parents adjust their level of care when their mates are removed or handicapped. Males increased their frequency of provisioning significantly after female removal, whereas females showed no response to male removal. However, neither sex showed a response to the handicapping of its partner, although handicapped mates decreased the frequency of their care. This result showed that burying beetle parents respond differentially to mate removal and handicapping, and suggests that parents do not respond to a change in the behavior of their mates.  相似文献   

Precopulatory mate guarding primarily occurs when males encounter receptive females at a low enough rate that such females become a valuable resource once encountered. Such circumstances are common in aquatic crustaceans wherein females are only receptive for a short period directly after molting. In these species, males commonly mate guard by physically attaching themselves to their prospective mates for hours to days at a time. To be effective in mate guarding, males must be able to assess the time to receptivity in their mates, which is commonly via chemical cues associated with molting. Clam shrimp in the genus Eulimnadia exhibit mate guarding, but with an important variation: these species are mixtures of males and hermaphrodites (androdioecy) rather than males and females. Nonetheless, the mate guarding behaviors of these shrimp are much the same as in other aquatic crustaceans. In this study, three projects were undertaken to determine the ability of Eulimnadia texana males to assess hermaphroditic receptivity. Males were found to be unable to assess receptivity without physically contacting hermaphrodites. However, after physical contact, males spent a significantly greater amount of time guarding receptive relative to non‐receptive hermaphrodites. Additionally, male interest in mate guarding was highest during the period between the dropping of one clutch of eggs and the extrusion of the following clutch. Because this period is also associated with hermaphroditic molting, it is consistent with the notion that males cue into chemicals associated with molting to determine hermaphroditic receptivity. These findings are consistent with previous studies of mating behavior in this species, and we discuss their importance to future tests of optimal mate guarding planned for these shrimp.  相似文献   

Conspicuous mate attraction displays can simultaneously draw the attention of potential mates and predators, placing the signaller in peril of becoming prey. The balance between these countervailing forms of selection has the potential to shape mate attraction displays. Male Texas field crickets (Gryllus texensis; Orthoptera) signal acoustically to attract mates. Mating signals also attract acoustically orienting parasitoid flies (Ormia ochracea; Tachinidae). Both the abundance of female crickets and parasitoid flies fluctuates throughout the night. We show mate attraction displays exhibit diel shifts that correlate positively with expected female cricket presence and negatively with expected parasitoid fly activity. During early evening, when parasitoids are most common and mating is scarce, crickets signal less often and with reduced conspicuousness. During the second half of the evening, when sexually receptive females are abundant and parasitoids are scarce, crickets signal more often and with enhanced conspicuousness. These diel shifts in mate attraction displays do not appear to result from male crickets detecting parasitoid flies or female crickets and altering their behaviour accordingly. Males in close proximity to parasitoid flies or female crickets do not signal differently than lone males. Instead, diel pattern shifts in mate attraction displays appear to be a selective response to trade‐offs between natural selection via parasitism and sexual selection via mate choice.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs between life‐history variables can be manifested at either the phenotypic or genetic level, with vastly different evolutionary consequences. Here, we examined whether male decorated crickets (Gryllodes sigillatus) from eight inbred lines and the outbred founder population from which they were derived, trade‐off immune effort [lytic activity, phenoloxidase (PO) activity or encapsulation] to produce spermatophylaxes: costly nuptial food gifts essential for successful sperm transfer. Canonical correlation analysis of the outbred population revealed a trade‐off between spermatophylax mass and lytic activity. Analysis of our inbred lines, however, revealed that although PO activity, encapsulation, body mass, spermatophylax mass and ampulla (sperm capsule) mass were all highly heritable, lytic activity was not, and there was, therefore, no negative genetic correlation between lytic activity and spermatophylax mass. Thus, males showed a phenotypic but not a genetic trade‐off between spermatophylax mass and lytic activity, suggesting that this trade‐off is mediated largely by environmental factors.  相似文献   

Male fowl (Gallus gallus) that have recently mated invest in their mates by producing antipredator alarm signals at a higher rate. It remains unclear, however, whether these males are investing judiciously in their mates, or responding more generally to recent mating success. Here, we manipulated each male’s mating experience with two different females to test whether males invest selectively in their mates. For 1 wk, males could interact with both females, but could mate with only one of them. In the second week, we removed either the mated or the unmated female and measured the male’s rate of alarm calling. Males did not invest preferentially in their mates, suggesting that increased alarm calling is a more general response to recent mating experience. This relationship could be based on a relatively simple cognitive rule of thumb or on an underlying physiological mechanism. Testosterone and corticosterone are associated with reproduction and antipredator behaviour in other species and so could provide the necessary physiological link in fowl. To test this, we measured plasma levels of testosterone and corticosterone before, during and after mating. Results show that hormone levels did not change as a function of male mating status and hence cannot provide the link between mating and calling behaviour. Instead, we suggest that a general cognitive mechanism is more likely to explain prudent mate investment in this species.  相似文献   

Among birds, waders (suborder Charadrii) show a remarkable variation in social mating systems. Their genetic mating systems are, however, less well known, especially in socially monogamous species. Here, we use DNA fingerprinting and behavioral studies to examine genetic parentage and male mate guarding in the ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula , a monogamous wader with biparental care. None of the putative parents was excluded as a genetic parent of the chicks attended (57 young from 21 families). Statistical resampling supported that extra-pair parentage occurs only rarely, if ever, in the ringed plover. We found no evidence for male mate guarding by close following as a paternity assurance strategy. Lack of extra-pair paternity in the ringed plover is therefore probably not a consequence of male mate guarding, but of high costs and/or low benefits from extra-pair copulations for females.  相似文献   

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