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Transitions between yeast and hyphae are essential for Candida albicans pathogenesis. The genetic programs that regulate its hyphal development can be distinguished by embedded versus aerobic surface agar invasion. Hbr1, a regulator of white-opaque switching, is also a positive and negative regulator of hyphal invasion. During embedded growth at 24°C, an HBR1/hbr1 strain formed constitutively filamentous colonies throughout the matrix, resembling EFG1 null colonies, and a subset of long unbranched hyphal aggregates enclosed in a spindle-shaped capsule. Inhibition of adenylate cyclase with farnesol perturbed the filamentation of HBR1/hbr1 cells producing cytokinesis-defective hyphae whereas farnesol treated EFG1 null cells produced abundant opaque-like cells. Point mutations in the Hbr1 ATP-binding domain caused distinct filamentation phenotypes including uniform radial hyphae, hyphal sprouts, and massive yeast cell production. Conversely, aerobic surface colonies of the HBR1 heterozygote on Spider and GlcNAc media lacked filamentation that could be rescued by growth under low (5%) O2. Consistent with these morphogenesis defects, the HBR1 heterozygote exhibited attenuated virulence in a mouse candidemia model. These data define Hbr1 as an ATP-dependent positive and negative regulator of hyphal development that is sensitive to hypoxia.  相似文献   

RasG is the most abundant Ras protein in growing Dictyostelium cells and the closest relative of mammalian Ras proteins. We have generated null mutants in which expression of RasG is completely abolished. Unexpectedly, RasG cells are able to grow at nearly wild-type rates. However, they exhibit defective cell movement and a wide range of defects in the control of the actin cytoskeleton, including a loss of cell polarity, absence of normal lamellipodia, formation of unusual small, punctate polymerized actin structures, and a large number of abnormally long filopodia. Despite their lack of polarity and abnormal cytoskeleton, mutant cells perform normal chemotaxis. However, rasG cells are unable to perform normal cytokinesis, becoming multinucleate when grown in suspension culture. Taken together, these data suggest a principal role for RasG in coordination of cell movement and control of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Fungal hyphae and plant pollen tubes are among the most highly polarized cells known and pose extraordinary requirements on their cell polarity machinery. Cellular morphogenesis is driven through the phospholipid-dependent organization at the apical plasma membrane. We characterized the contribution of phosphoinositides (PIs) in hyphal growth of the filamentous ascomycete Neurospora crassa. MSS-4 is an essential gene and its deletion resulted in spherically growing cells that ultimately lyse. Two conditional mss-4-mutants exhibited altered hyphal morphology and aberrant branching at restrictive conditions that were complemented by expression of wild type MSS-4. Recombinant MSS-4 was characterized as a phosphatidylinositolmonophosphate-kinase phosphorylating phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PtdIns4P) to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2). PtdIns3P was also used as a substrate. Sequencing of two conditional mss-4 alleles identified a single substitution of a highly conserved Y750 to N. The biochemical characterization of recombinant protein variants revealed Y750 as critical for PI4P 5-kinase activity of MSS-4 and of plant PI4P 5-kinases. The conditional growth defects of mss-4 mutants were caused by severely reduced activity of MSS-4(Y750N), enabling the formation of only trace amounts of PtdIns(4,5)P2. In N. crassa hyphae, PtdIns(4,5)P2 localized predominantly in the plasma membrane of hyphae and along septa. Fluorescence-tagged MSS-4 formed a subapical collar at hyphal tips, localized to constricting septa and accumulated at contact points of fusing N. crassa germlings, indicating MSS-4 is responsible for the formation of relevant pools of PtdIns(4,5)P2 that control polar and directional growth and septation. N. crassa MSS-4 differs from yeast, plant and mammalian PI4P 5-kinases by containing additional protein domains. The N-terminal domain of N. crassa MSS-4 was required for correct membrane association. The data presented for N. crassa MSS-4 and its roles in hyphal growth are discussed with a comparative perspective on PI-control of polar tip growth in different organismic kingdoms.  相似文献   

Unisexual reproduction is a novel homothallic sexual cycle recently discovered in both ascomycetous and basidiomycetous pathogenic fungi. It is a form of selfing that induces the yeast-to-hyphal dimorphic transition in isolates of the α mating type of the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. Unisexual reproduction may benefit the pathogen by facilitating sexual reproduction in the absence of the opposite a mating type and by generating infectious propagules called basidiospores. Here, we report an independent potential selective advantage of unisexual reproduction beyond genetic exchange and recombination. We competed a wild-type strain capable of undergoing unisexual reproduction with mutants defective in this developmental pathway and found that unisexual reproduction provides a considerable dispersal advantage through hyphal growth and sporulation. Our results show that unisexual reproduction may serve to facilitate access to both nutrients and potential mating partners and may provide a means to maintain the capacity for dimorphic transitions in the environment.  相似文献   

The nonrandom segregation of organelles to the appropriate compartment during asymmetric cellular division is observed in many developing systems. Caenorhabditis elegans spermatogenesis is an excellent system to address this issue genetically. The proper progression of spermatogenesis requires specialized intracellular organelles, the fibrous body-membranous organelle complexes (FB-MOs). The FB-MOs play a critical role in cytoplasmic partitioning during the asymmetric cellular division associated with sperm meiosis II. Here we show that spe-5 mutants contain defective, vacuolated FB-MOs and usually arrest spermatogenesis at the spermatocyte stage. Occasionally, spe-5 mutants containing defective FB-MOs will form spermatids that are capable of differentiating into functional spermatozoa. These spe-5 spermatids exhibit an incomplete penetrance for tubulin mis-segregation during the second meiotic division. In addition to morphological and FB-MO segregation defects, all six spe-5 mutants are cold-sensitive, exhibiting a more penetrant sterile phenotype at 16° than 25°. This cold sensitivity could be an inherent property of FB-MO morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Some simple indications of the presence of pressure in hyphaltips have been used to investigate osmotic relationships. Theseare (1) cytoplasmic flow due to pressure loss through the apexcaused by janus green solutions, (2) extrusion of cell contentson damaging the cell wall with dilute acetic acid, and (3) continuationof apical extension growth. The osmotic equivalent of growingtips is considerably in excess of that of the growth medium,resulting in the presence of a hydrostatic pressure differentialbetween the interior of the tip and its environment. Normalextension growth is dependent upon this differential. Hyphaltips are able rapidly to equilibrate osmotically to appliedhyper- and hypotonic solutions so as to re-establish a pressuredifferential consistent with the rate of synthesis of wall materialat the apex. Apices that are caused to cease extension growthby applied hypertonic solutions enter upon a sequence of slightbut significant morphological changes leading to progressiveocclusion of the apex by continued formation of wall substancein the absence of a sufficiently high pressure differential.The subsequent behaviour of such apices depends upon the stagein this sequence reached at the re-establishment of a pressuredifferential sufficient for extension growth.  相似文献   

Galectin-3 is a β-galactoside–binding protein widely expressed in all epithelia where it is involved in tissue homeostasis and cancer progression. We recently reported unique abnormalities in the identity of membrane domains in galectin-3 null mutant mice, suggesting that galectin-3 may participate in epithelial polarity program. We investigated the potential role of galectin-3 on early events in polarization of epithelial renal cells, using three-dimensional cultures of MDCK cells and also galectin-3 null mutant mouse kidneys. We show that depletion in galectin-3 systematically leads to severe perturbations of microtubular network associated with defects in membrane compartimentation, both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, the absence of galectin-3 impinges on the morphology of the primary cilium, which is three times longer and unusually shaped. By immunological and biochemical approaches, we could demonstrate that endogenous galectin-3 is normally associated with basal bodies and centrosomes, where it closely interacts with core proteins, such as centrin-2. However, this association transiently occurs during the process of epithelial polarization. Interestingly, galectin-3–depleted cells contain numerous centrosome-like structures, demonstrating an unexpected function of this protein in the formation and/or stability of the centrosomes. Collectively, these data establish galectin-3 as a key determinant in epithelial morphogenesis via its effect on centrosome biology.  相似文献   

Serum induces Candida albicans to make a rapid morphological change from the yeast cell form to hyphae. Contrary to the previous reports, we found that serum albumin does not play a critical role in this morphological change. Instead, a filtrate (molecular mass, <1 kDa) devoid of serum albumin induces hyphae. To study genes controlling this response, we have isolated the RAS1 gene from C. albicans by complementation. The Candida Ras1 protein, like Ras1 and Ras2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has a long C-terminal extension. Although RAS1 appears to be the only RAS gene present in the C. albicans genome, strains homozygous for a deletion of RAS1 (ras1-2/ras1-3) are viable. The Candida ras1-2/ras1-3 mutant fails to form germ tubes and hyphae in response to serum or to a serum filtrate but does form pseudohyphae. Moreover, strains expressing the dominant active RAS1(V13) allele manifest enhanced hyphal growth, whereas those expressing a dominant negative RAS1(A16) allele show reduced hyphal growth. These data show that low-molecular-weight molecules in serum induce hyphal differentiation in C. albicans through a Ras-mediated signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Head blight, caused by Gibberella zeae, is a significant disease among cereal crops, including wheat, barley, and rice, due to contamination of grain with mycotoxins. G. zeae is spread by ascospores forcibly discharged from sexual fruiting bodies forming on crop residues. In this study, we characterized a novel gene, ROA, which is required for normal sexual development. Deletion of ROAroa) resulted in an abnormal size and shape of asci and ascospores but did not affect vegetative growth. The Δroa mutation triggered round ascospores and insufficient cell division after spore delimitation. The asci of the Δroa strain discharged fewer ascospores from the perithecia but achieved a greater dispersal distance than those of the wild-type strain. Turgor pressure within the asci was calculated through the analysis of osmolytes in the epiplasmic fluid. Deletion of the ROA gene appeared to increase turgor pressure in the mutant asci. The higher turgor pressure of the Δroa mutant asci and the mutant spore shape contributed to the longer distance dispersal. When the Δroa mutant was outcrossed with a Δmat1-2 mutant, a strain that contains a green fluorescence protein (GFP) marker in place of the MAT1-2 gene, unusual phenotypic segregation occurred. The ratio of GFP to non-GFP segregation was 1:1; however, all eight spores had the same shape. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that ROA plays multiple roles in maintaining the proper morphology and discharge of ascospores in G. zeae.Gibberella zeae (anamorph: Fusarium graminearum) causes Fusarium head blight in wheat, barley, and rice, as well as ear rot and stalk rot in maize (20, 23). The infected grains are frequently contaminated by mycotoxins, such as trichothecenes and zearalenone, which are harmful to humans and animals (6). The fungus overwinters in crop debris in the form of storage hyphae and develops ephemeral fruiting bodies (perithecia) at warmer temperatures. Ascospores formed within the perithecia are forcibly discharged into the air and are believed to serve as the primary inoculum of the disease (7, 27, 37, 39,42). Therefore, sexual development and ascospore discharge are important factors in fungal survival and disease initiation.In fungi of the phylum Ascomycota, the sexual cycle is initiated when two genetically distinct nuclei combine to form a binucleate cell (31). As a homothallic fungus, G. zeae possesses the two mating type genes MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 in the haploid genome and therefore does not require a mating partner for sexual development (22, 46). Perithecium initials give rise to small, coiled initials that develop into perithecia filled with asci, tubular sacs of ascospores, which are the products of meiosis. Mature asci extend through the ostiole of perithecia and discharge their ascospores (40).Unique features of cell differentiation are involved in ascus and ascospore morphogenesis. Ascospore delimitation within the ascus and the development of a cell wall between the ascus and ascospore membranes are unique features of the process (31). Most studies of morphogenesis have described these changes in detail; however, much of these data have been limited to microscopic observations. Several genes involved in ascospore morphogenesis have been identified in Neurospora crassa (30), but the detailed mechanisms and genes involved in ascus and ascospore morphogenesis remain to be elucidated. The Round spore (R) mutant of N. crassa was shown to have round ascospores (24), and the gene responsible for this phenotype, rsp, was subsequently cloned (28). However, in G. zeae, no genes have been identified that are involved in ascus and ascospore morphogenesis.Although recent research has shed light on the physiological basis of ascospore discharge, the genetic basis remains largely unknown (38). The main force responsible for the observed shooting is turgor pressure within the extended asci. In G. zeae, a buildup of K+ and Cl ions drives the influx of water and causes turgor pressure that stretches the asci (41). Asci can accumulate polyols as well as ions. In a previous study, it was shown that the polyols are comprised mainly of mannitol and glucose; however, the concentration of these polyols is too low to make a significant contribution to turgor pressure (42). When the turgor pressure exceeds the threshold of the asci, apical pores rupture and ascospores are forcibly discharged (38). Trail et al. (41) estimated that the acceleration of ascospores in G. zeae is 8,500,000 m s−2 using an iterative model to predict initial velocity. Recently, Yafetto et al. (44) used high-speed video photography to examine several large-spore fungi, including Ascobolus immerses, and to predict acceleration during dispersal. The asci of A. immerses are more than 12-fold larger in diameter than the asci of G. zeae (38). The size difference between these fungi greatly affects the behavior of their projectiles and results in an initial speed for G. zeae that is too great for application of the video photography method (for further discussion, see the supplemental material).To date, only one gene from G. zeae, the calcium ion channel gene cch1, has been shown to be involved in ascospore discharge (12). Deletion of this gene was shown to arrest ascospore discharge without affecting spore and ascus morphology. Since the genomic sequence of G. zeae is now available, the functional analysis of genes involved in sexual development has been accelerated. Random insertional mutagenesis is one strategy that has been used to identify novel genes associated with sexual development (13, 34). Previously, we produced a collection of more than 20,000 mutants from G. zeae by using the restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI) transformation procedure (13). In this study, the G. zeae mutant Z43R9901, which was isolated from a screening of REMI transformants, showed an unusual phenotype during sexual development. Further analysis demonstrated that the novel gene ROA is involved in ascospore morphogenesis and discharge in G. zeae. The results of this study increase our understanding of sexual development in the fungus.  相似文献   

The assembly of the bacterial flagellum is exquisitely controlled. Flagellar biosynthesis is underpinned by a specialized type III secretion system that allows export of proteins from the cytoplasm to the nascent structure. Bacillus subtilis regulates flagellar assembly using both conserved and species-specific mechanisms. Here, we show that YvyG is essential for flagellar filament assembly. We define YvyG as an orthologue of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium type III secretion system chaperone, FlgN, which is required for the export of the hook-filament junction proteins, FlgK and FlgL. Deletion of flgN (yvyG) results in a nonmotile phenotype that is attributable to a decrease in hag translation and a complete lack of filament polymerization. Analyses indicate that a flgK-flgL double mutant strain phenocopies deletion of flgN and that overexpression of flgK-flgL cannot complement the motility defect of a ΔflgN strain. Furthermore, in contrast to previous work suggesting that phosphorylation of FlgN alters its subcellular localization, we show that mutation of the identified tyrosine and arginine FlgN phosphorylation sites has no effect on motility. These data emphasize that flagellar biosynthesis is differentially regulated in B. subtilis from classically studied Gram-negative flagellar systems and questions the biological relevance of some posttranslational modifications identified by global proteomic approaches.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes utilize ATP hydrolysis to non-covalently change nucleosome-DNA interactions and are essential in stem cell development, organogenesis, and tumorigenesis. Biochemical studies show that SWI/SNF in mammalian cells can be divided into two subcomplexes BAF and PBAF based on the subunit composition. ARID2 or BAF200 has been defined as an intrinsic subunit of PBAF complex. However, the function of BAF200 in vivo is not clear. To dissect the possible role of BAF200 in regulating embryogenesis and organ development, we generated BAF200 mutant mice and found they were embryonic lethal. BAF200 mutant embryos exhibited multiple cardiac defects including thin myocardium, ventricular septum defect, common atrioventricular valve, and double outlet right ventricle around E14.5. Moreover, we also detected reduced intramyocardial coronary arteries in BAF200 mutants, suggesting that BAF200 is required for proper migration and differentiation of subepicardial venous cells into arterial endothelial cells. Our work revealed that PBAF complex plays a critical role in heart morphogenesis and coronary artery angiogenesis.  相似文献   

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