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Chine tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV-CHI) and other geminiviruses were analysed with 20 monoclonaI antibodies. It was shown that TYLCV-CHI is serclogicaIly close to Chinese tabacco Ieaf curl virus (TbLCV-CHI). The fragment of TYLCV-CHI DNA including the common region (CR), N-terminal of coat protein gene and AV1 gene was amplified by PCR and cloned, and its DNA sequence was determined. These raults showed that TYLCV-CHI is different from other known geminiviruses in the world, and is a new whitefly-transmitted gerninivirus. Project supported by tile National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 39470034) and Chins-Israel Fund for Scientific and Strategic Reserch and Development. The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper will appear in the DDBJ, EMBL and Genebank nucleotide sequence databases with the accession number D88773.  相似文献   

A whitefly-transmissible stock isolate of Indian tomato leaf curl geminivirus (ITmLCV) was cultured in graft-inoculated tomato plants and its particles purified from chloroform-clarified extracts in citrate buffer by precipitation with 70 g/litre polyethylene glycol, ultracentrifugation and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Contaminating helical filaments were eliminated by banding in caesium sulphate gradients. ITmLCV particles had the shape typical for geminiviruses, measured c. 30 × 20 nm and contained a single major protein of estimated mol. wt c. 32 000. They reacted in immunosorbent electron microscopy with antisera to four other whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses. ITmLCV reacted with one out of 17 monoclonal antibodies specific for different epitopes in the particle protein of African cassava mosaic geminivirus and five or six out of 10 monoclonal antibodies to the particle protein of Indian cassava mosaic geminivirus. Virus isolates from tomato at nine locations in Karnataka State showed only slight differences in epitope profile, and isolates from four weed species in tomato fields were similar or identical to those from tomato.  相似文献   

Geminivirus associated with yellow leaf disease of cantaloupe plants was detected using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with geminivirus-specific degenerate primers which anneal within the AC1 ORF (replication initiator protein gene) and the AV1 ORF (coat protein gene). A DNA fragment of 1.2 kbp was amplified, cloned and sequenced. The 32-base stem loop region was found in the amplified fragment. This included the conserved nonanucleotide sequence TAATATTAC present in all geminiviruses. The nucleotide sequence of the intergenic region (IR) was compared with 28 whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses. The geminivirus associated with yellow leaf disease of cantaloupe plants showed 96.2% sequence identity with DNA A of tomato leaf curl geminivirus from India (ToLCV-In2). These data suggest that cantaloupe yellow leaf disease was caused by ToLCV.  相似文献   

Plants of 25 wild Lycopersicon accessions were screened in the greenhouse for resistance to the whitefly-borne tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). High levels of resistance were detected in 7 of 9 accessions of L. peruvianum and in all 5 accessions of L. chilense tested. In contrast, plants of 7 accessions of L. hirsutum and 3 of 4 accessions of L. pimpinellifolium were highly susceptible. Plants of accession CIAS 27 (L. pimpinellifolium) showed moderate resistance to TYLCV.  相似文献   

番茄黄化曲叶病毒的快速分子检测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Li CB  Cui YL  Zhang LY  Li CY 《遗传》2012,34(3):366-370
番茄黄化曲叶病毒是当前世界范围内危害番茄生产的毁灭性病害。文章针对番茄黄化曲叶病毒全基因组序列的特异区段自主设计了1对特异性PCR引物(上游引物TYLCV-F:5′-ACGCATGCCTCTAATCCAGTGTA-3′,下游引物TYLCV-R:5′-CCAATAAGGCGTAAGCGTGTAGAC-3′),依据PCR扩增特异片段543 bp的有无可以快速、准确、高效、特异地检测出是否感染了TYLCV病毒,这项技术可以方便地应用到工厂化育苗的带毒性检测、蔬菜大规模生产中植株发病情况的快速检测以及抗病毒育种,从而为蔬菜安全可持续生产提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

李常保  崔彦玲  张丽英  李传友 《遗传》2012,34(3):366-370
番茄黄化曲叶病毒是当前世界范围内危害番茄生产的毁灭性病害。文章针对番茄黄化曲叶病毒全基因组序列的特异区段自主设计了1对特异性PCR引物(上游引物TYLCV-F:5′-ACGCATGCCTCTAATCCAGTGTA-3′, 下游引物TYLCV-R:5′-CCAATAAGGCGTAAGCGTGTAGAC-3′), 依据PCR扩增特异片段543 bp的有无可以快速、准确、高效、特异地检测出是否感染了TYLCV病毒, 这项技术可以方便地应用到工厂化育苗的带毒性检测、蔬菜大规模生产中植株发病情况的快速检测以及抗病毒育种, 从而为蔬菜安全可持续生产提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

Accessions of wild Lycopersicon spp. and selected Fl hybrid tomato cultivars were compared for their resistance to three whitefly-transmissible geminiviruses: Indian tomato leaf curl virus (ITmLCV) and tomato yellow leaf curl viruses from Sardinia (TYLCV-Sar) and Senegal (TYLCV-Sen). The resistance of different plant lines was expressed in different ways but in most instances a given line reacted similarly to graft inoculation with the three viruses. L. pimpinellifolium LA1478 produced as much virus antigen, assessed by triple antibody sandwich-ELISA, as the susceptible cv. Moneymaker but developed only very mild symptoms and is therefore tolerant of infection. In L. hirsutum LA1777 and L. peruvianum CMV-INRA, very mild or no symptoms developed but antigen concentrations were substantially less than in Moneymaker. L. chilense LA1969 remained symptomless and its antigen concentration was < 1% of that in Moneymaker. Symptoms were mild or barely evident in the Fl hybrid cultivars. Cultivars Tyking and Fiona had antigen concentrations about 5–10% of those of Moneymaker, whereas TY20, Top 21 and Tyger had intermediate antigen concentrations. In a few instances, the extent to which virus accumulation was restricted depended on the challenge virus. Accumulation of TYLCV-Sen in TY20, Top 21 and Tyger was less affected than that of the other two viruses, and accumulation of TYLCV-Sar in accessions LA1777 and CMV-INRA was less affected than that of TYLCV-Sen or ITmLCV. Tissue-printing tests showed that ITmLCV and TYLCV-Sen antigens were confined to phloem tissue. In Tyking, the number of virus antigen-containing phloem traces and the antigen content of individual traces were less than in Moneymaker but the partitioning of antigen between internal and external phloem was unaffected.  相似文献   

An epidemic outbreak of severe yellow leaf curl disease was reported in field grown tomato within Zhejiang Province of China in the autumn–winter cropping season of 2006. A molecular diagnostic survey was carried out based on comparisons of partial and complete viral DNA sequences. Comparison of partial DNA‐A sequences amplified with degenerate primers specific for begomoviruses confirmed the presence of two types of begomoviruses. The complete DNA sequences of five isolates, corresponding to the two types, were determined. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis revealed that they correspond to two previously identified begomoviruses, Tomato yellow leaf curl virus and Tomato leaf curl Taiwan virus. The satellite DNAβ molecule was not detected in these samples by either PCR or Southern blot hybridization analysis. There has been no previous report of geminivirus disease incidence in Zhejiang Province, indicating that the introduction of these two tomato infecting geminiviruses into the agro‐ecological zone of South‐eastern China is a fairly recent event. The implications for disease control are discussed.  相似文献   

高抗黄化曲叶病毒病番茄新品种浙粉702是以自育株系材料T7969F2-19-1-1-3为母本,T4078F2-3-3-3为父本,结合分子标记辅助技术选育的杂交一代粉红大果型番茄品种。母本‘T7969F2-19-1-1-3’系从以色列引进的耐贮运番茄品种‘NEMO-TAMMI’(F1)与抗叶霉病粉红株系材料‘T9179’杂交分离后代中经连续9代单株选择而成。父本‘T4078F2-3-3-3’系从荷兰引进的抗TYLCVD番茄品种‘奇诺亚’(F1)与粉红株系材料‘T9178’杂交分离后代中经连续8代单株选择而成。该品种2011年通过浙江省非主要农作物认定委员会认定。通过对浙粉702园艺性状、产量性状、品质性状和抗病性等进行研究,结果表明:浙粉702 品质优良,早熟,丰产,高抗番茄黄化曲叶病毒病,枯萎病,抗叶霉病和番茄花叶病毒病,适合我国喜食粉果地区种植,平均可达73.83 t.hm-2。  相似文献   

One of the most severe diseases of cultivated tomato worldwide is caused by tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), a geminivirus transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Here we describe the application of antisense RNAs to interfere with the disease caused by TYLCV. The target of the antisense RNA is the rare messenger RNA of the Rep protein, encoded by the C1 gene. Transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants expressing C1 antisense RNA were obtained and shown to resist infection by TYLCV. Some of the resistant lines are symptomless, and the replication of challenge TYLCV almost completely suppressed. The transgenes mediating resistance were shown to be effective through at least two generations of progeny.  相似文献   

为探讨番茄与玉米间套作对烟粉虱的趋避效应及控制番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的效果,设置番茄品种‘金山511'以固定株行距与玉米品种‘先玉335'分别以10、20、30 cm的播种株距进行间作套种,调查3种栽培方式对烟粉虱屏障效应及黄化曲叶病毒病发生的影响。结果表明: 与番茄单作相比,玉米植株建立起的自然屏障使番茄生长环境相对稳定,玉米播种株距为10、20、30 cm时,番茄植株在6:00—20:00的平均温度分别降低3.01、2.26和1.45 ℃,平均相对湿度分别提高13.0%、8.8%、6.0%,平均光照强度分别降低26.1%、20.4%和14.5%;在每日的高温时段可显著降低番茄温度,提高湿度,减少光照强度,有效缓解强光、高温和干旱等有利于病毒病发生的不良环境条件,且在玉米播种距离为10 cm时效果最好。番茄间作玉米对烟粉虱有趋避效应,能抑制番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的发生,玉米株距为10、20、30 cm时,烟粉虱虫口数分别比单作减少88.7%、82.0%、73.9%,对病毒病的抑制作用呈减弱趋势,间作病情指数分别显著降低67.3%、59.4%和44.5%。玉米/番茄间作的种植模式有利于番茄植株生长和坐果,可提升番茄产量,玉米种植密度越高,效果越好,本试验条件下以玉米种植株距10 cm效果最好。  相似文献   

Tomato yellow leaf curl disease which is caused by Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is economically important and a widely spread tomato disease in China. Rapid and accurate detection methods are important in the control TYLCV. Here, a rapid method was developed to identify TYLCV on the basis of recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) that can be visualized in 5 min using lateral flow dipsticks. The sensitivity and the specificity of this method were evaluated. This method can detect 0·5 pg DNA after 30 min at 37°C without any expensive instrumentation. In addition, it showed higher sensitivity than a PCR method when purified DNA was used. Moreover, the TYLCV was specifically detected, whereas other viruses infecting tomato produced negative results. The crude tomato extracts used in this assay has potential application in minimally equipped plant clinic laboratories. This method will facilitate the early and rapid detection of TYLCV for the timely application of control measures.  相似文献   

Cultures of Bemisia tabaci from Ivory Coast (IC), Pakistan (PK) and USA (US B-type) were compared for the frequency with which they transmitted three tomato geminivirus isolates: Indian tomato leaf curl virus from Bangalore (ITmLCV), and tomato yellow leaf curl viruses from Nigeria (TYLCV-Nig) and Senegal (TYLCV-Sen). Frequency of transmission from tomato to tomato depended both on the whitefly culture and the virus isolate. US B-type and IC whiteflies transmitted TYLCV-Sen more frequently than ITmLCV whereas PK whiteflies transmitted ITmLCV more frequently than TYLCV-Sen. US B-type whiteflies transmitted both viruses four to nine times more frequently than IC whiteflies. TYLCV-Nig was transmitted rarely by US B-type and not at all by IC whiteflies. Previous work indicates that the geminivirus coat protein controls vector transmissibility. The differential adaptation of TYLCV-Sen to transmission by US B-type whiteflies and of ITmLCV to PK whiteflies was associated with a large difference in epitope profile of the coat proteins of the two viruses. Also, the readily transmissible TYLCV-Sen differed appreciably in epitope profile from the poorly transmissible TYLCV-Nig, which reached a consistently greater concentration in source tissues but lacked epitope 18. However, the lack of epitope 18 in ITmLCV did not prevent its transmission by US B-type whiteflies. Differences in frequency and specificity of geminivirus transmission by whitefly cultures from different countries therefore were associated with differences among epitope profiles of the coat proteins of the viruses, but the structural features of the proteins that control transmission remain to be determined.  相似文献   

The genomic DNA of tobacco leaf curl geminivirus (TLCV) from tomato plants with leaf curl disease in Japan has been sequenced. The single circular DNA molecule comprises 2,761 nucleotides. TLCV DNA contains six open reading frames (ORFs) capable of encoding proteins with a molecular weight greater than 10 K. In total nucleotide sequence comparisons with other geminiviruses, TLCV was most closely related to tomato leaf curl virus from Taiwan (TwToLCV) (76% identity), tomato leaf curl virus from Bangalore (ToLCV-Ba) (74%) and agerantum yellow vein virus (AYVV) (74%), all possessing a monopartite genome. The significant but relatively low sequence similarity in the genomic DNA between TLCV and other geminiviruses suggests it is a distinct geminivirus in genus Begomovirus.  相似文献   

Indian tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV) (Geminiviridae: Sub-group III) was detected both in field-collected and laboratory-reared B. tabaci using a triple-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (TAS-ELISA). ToLCV was detected in six of the 10 group samples of field collected B. tabaci. ToLCV was also identified in 13 weed species commonly found in Karnataka, both by symptom expression and TAS-ELISA. ToLCV from c. 61% of infected plants was transmitted successfully to tomato by B. tabaci. Tomato plots were planted at three locations on the University of Agricultural Sciences Campus, Bangalore. Indian tomato leaf curl virus disease (ToLCVD) incidence increased most rapidly when the tomato plot was situated adjacent to an older ToLCVD-infected tomato field. When the plots were positioned in a dryland or a wetland area, at least 500 m away from any infected tomato fields, the ToLCVD incidence increased less rapidly, although in all sites it was 100% by 11 wk after transplanting. The numbers of B. tabaci caught on yellow traps in all sites increased during weeks 1–3 after transplanting and thereafter remained at between 10–15 adults trap-1 24 h_1. Adult numbers recorded on tomato plants by direct counts remained approximately constant at 2–4 adults plant“”1. Tomato fields were planted in three taluks (administrative areas) of Karnataka, that had different current and previous histories of tomato production. ToLCVD incidence increased most and least rapidly, respectively, in Kolar taluk where tomato is grown continuously and Doddaballapur tuluk where tomato was grown in the area for the first time. In Malur tuluk, where tomato was grown discontinuously (once a year), the incidence of ToLCVD increased at an intermediate rate. Weed host-plant species growing near the experimental sites had averages of between 1.5–10.0 B. tabaci nymphs per plant, whereas the tomato plants had only 0.3 nymphs per plant. The percentage parasitism of B. tabaci nymphs on tomato and weed species, respectively, was 0.7% and 2–6%. Nymphs and pupae were parasitised by an Encarsia sp. and Eretmocerus mundus Mercet. The relevance and implications of these findings for the epidemiology and management of ToLCVD in Karnataka State, South India is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract To better understand the etiology of begomovirus epidemics in regions under invasion we need to know how indigenous and invasive whitefly vectors respond to virus infection. We investigated both direct and indirect effects of infection with Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) on the performance of the invasive Q biotype and the indigenous Asian ZHJ2 biotype of whitefly Bemisia tabaci. The Q biotype performed better than the ZHJ2 biotype on either uninfected or virus‐infected tomato plants. However, virus‐infection of host plants did not, or only marginally affected, the performance of either biotype of whiteflies in terms of fecundity, longevity, survival, development and population increase. Likewise, association of the vectors with TYLCV did not affect fecundity and longevity of the Q or ZHJ2 biotypes on cotton, a non‐host of TYLCV. These results indicate that the alien Q biotype whitefly, but not the indigenous ZHJ2 biotype, is likely to become the major vector of TYLCV in the field and facilitate virus epidemics.  相似文献   


In this research, to identify natural wild hosts of TYLCV, 44 symptomatic samples were collected in or around harvested tomato fields in south-eastern Iran and tested for the TYLCV infection by PCR. Among four PCR-positive plant species, full-length genome of TYLCV was amplified by rolling circle amplification (RCA) method only from a ground cherry (Physalis divaricata L., Solanaceae) sample. Cloning and full-length genome sequencing of a ground cherry isolate (G4) showed that it comprises 2756 nucleotides (nts) in length and shares 87.7%–95.2% nt sequence identities with TYLCV isolates reported from Iran, Oman and Pakistan. The G4 isolate of TYLCV was successfully transmitted to tomato plants and the original host (P. divaricata) via agroinoculation and showed typical symptoms. According to the results of this research, four symptomatic weed species appear to be alternative hosts of TYLCV and play the role of the primary inoculum for the viral infection.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy/autophagy plays an important role against pathogen infection in mammals and plants. However, little has been known about the role of autophagy in the interactions of insect vectors with the plant viruses, which they transmit. Begomoviruses are a group of single-stranded DNA viruses and are exclusively transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci in a circulative manner. In this study, we found that the infection of a begomovirus, tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) could activate the autophagy pathway in the Middle East Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1) species of the B. tabaci complex as evidenced by the formation of autophagosomes and ATG8-II. Interestingly, the activation of autophagy led to the subsequent degradation of TYLCV coat protein (CP) and genomic DNA. While feeding the whitefly with 2 autophagy inhibitors (3-methyladenine and bafilomycin A1) and silencing the expression of Atg3 and Atg9 increased the viral load; autophagy activation via feeding of rapamycin notably decreased the amount of viral CP and DNA in the whitefly. Furthermore, we found that activation of whitefly autophagy could inhibit the efficiency of virus transmission; whereas inhibiting autophagy facilitated virus transmission. Taken together, these results indicate that TYLCV infection can activate the whitefly autophagy pathway, which leads to the subsequent degradation of virus. Furthermore, our report proves that an insect vector uses autophagy as an intrinsic antiviral program to repress the infection of a circulative-transmitted plant virus. Our data also demonstrate that TYLCV may replicate and trigger complex interactions with the insect vector.  相似文献   

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