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One of the main threats to native European crayfish is the spread of alien crayfish species that are immune carriers of the detrimental crayfish plague Aphanomyces astaci. In this study we analyzed both at a regional and at a local scale factors determining native and alien crayfish distribution in an area where the species Procambarus clarkii is currently spreading. We aim to understand which management strategies could prevent the extinction of native populations. We sampled 81 waterbodies in Lombardy (NW Italy) to assess the Austropotamobius pallipes complex and alien crayfish occurrence; we also monitored the only first order stream in our study area that we found to be currently inhabited by A. pallipes upstream and by P. clarkii downstream. A. pallipes generally occurred in small brooks, near the spring, and was linked to low periphyton abundance, while P. clarkii occurred in sites at lower altitudes, far from the spring area, mainly in lentic waterbodies with large widths; this allochthonous species was positively related to periphyton abundance. Our monitoring showed that physical barriers such as dams may prevent P. clarkii dispersal upstream. Our results confirm that A. pallipes and P. clarkii have different ecological requirements and show that, at least during the first years of invasion, P. clarkii spreading involves lowland or downstream altered sites. We suggest the need for management strategies maximizing connectivity among native populations, to avoid isolation, and promoting the separation of native populations from those of P. clarkii.  相似文献   

Theo Light 《Freshwater Biology》2003,48(10):1886-1897
1. This paper examines the distribution, habitat relationships, and potential for spread of non‐native signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in streams of the Truckee River catchment, California, U.S.A. Crayfish associations with natural features and with impoundments and flow alteration were examined in a survey of 33 streams. Abundance changes were followed over 5 years, which included some of the highest and lowest flows on record, in three streams, two unregulated and one regulated. Movement of marked crayfish was studied in one 0.5 km stream reach just upstream from a reservoir. 2. Signal crayfish were most abundant in low‐gradient streams and were positively associated with proximity to reservoirs (both upstream and downstream). Crayfish were more likely to be found in regulated than unregulated sites, and did not occur in sites upstream of barriers, such as culverts, that separated them from reservoirs or lakes. 3. Crayfish declined in abundance in years following particularly intense and prolonged wet‐season spates, leading to a negative association between crayfish abundance and both peak discharge and duration of bankfull flows. 4. Crayfish moved distances of up to 277 m, and at rates of up to 120 m day?1, suggesting significant dispersal ability. Larger crayfish moved greater distances and were more likely to move downstream. Female crayfish showed a pattern of upstream movement in early summer and downstream movement late in the summer, opposite the pattern found in two other studies. 5. These results suggest that natural or artificial gradient barriers and, in regulated systems, management of flow regimes to include bankfull or greater flows may help to control invasive crayfish in streams.  相似文献   

Nonnative Lehmann lovegrass (Eragrostis lehmanniana) has invaded large areas of the Southwestern United States, and its impact on native plants is not fully understood. Palmer’s agave (Agave palmeri), an important resource for many pollinators, is a key native plant potentially threatened by E. lehmanniana. Understanding potential impacts of E. lehmanniana on A. palmeri is critical for anticipating the future of the desert community where they coexist and for addressing management concerns about associated threatened and endangered species. Our study provides strong indications that E. lehmanniana negatively impacts A. palmeri in several ways. Areas of high E. lehmanniana abundance were associated with significantly lower densities and greater relative frequencies of small A. palmeri, suggesting that E. lehmanniana may exclude A. palmeri. There were no significant differences in species richness, abundance, or community composition when comparing flower associates associated with A. palmeri in areas of high and low E. lehmanniana abundance. However, we did find significantly lower connectedness within the pollination network associated with A. palmeri in areas with high E. lehmanniana abundance. Although E. lehmanniana forms thick stands that would presumably increase fire frequency, there was no significant association between E. lehmanniana and fire frequency. Interestingly, medium to high densities of A. palmeri were associated with areas of greater fire frequency. The complex ramifications of E. lehmanniana invasion for the long-lived A. palmeri and interlinked desert community warrant continued study, as these species are likely to continue to be found in close association due to their similar soil preferences.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in a small desert stream were influenced by environmental changes caused by recharge of water supply storage basins and an aquaculture operation. Simulium virgatum was the most abundant benthic insect collected in Whitewater Canyon (Riverside County, CA) after April; however, it was never found in trout farm effluent where the ammonium‐nitrogen concentration was > 0.25 mg/liter. S. virgatum densities downstream of the input of water from the Colorado River aqueduct were lower than at other sampling sites in the Whitewater River. Simulium tescorum, an especially anthropophilic black fly, was most abundant during February and March, was not collected from late spring through early autumn, and was found only in the highly enriched, less variable flow of trout farm effluent. The mean concentrations of ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen in the trout farm effluent nearly 1 km from the fish holding ponds were ten and two times, respectively, the ambient levels in the Whitewater River upstream of the effluent discharge point. A combination of factors probably contributed to the presence of S. tescorum in the trout farm effluent including homogenization of the flow regime, enrichment of larval resources, and the development of riparian vegetation that provided oviposition and attachment sites.  相似文献   

Native European crayfish, such as Astacus leptodactylus, are threatened, among other factors, by the crayfish plague agent Aphanomyces astaci, dispersed by invasive North American crayfish. Two of these invaders, Pacifastacus leniusculus and Orconectes limosus, have extended their distribution in the River Danube catchment; the latter was detected for the first time in Romania in 2008. We monitored, at monthly intervals for over 2 yr, occurrence of native A. leptodactylus and invasive O. limosus at 6 sites on the Romanian Danube and checked for the invasive species in 4 of its tributaries. Between January 2009 and March 2011, the relative abundances of O. limosus steadily increased with time, while the native A. leptodactylus dramatically decreased in abundance. O. limosus expanded downstream at a rate of ca. 15 km yr-1; in August 2011, it was already present in the upper 105 km of the Romanian Danube. An agent-specific real-time PCR analyses demonstrated the presence of A. astaci DNA in at least 32% of the analysed invasive (n = 71) and 41% of the native (n = 49) crayfish coexisting in the Danube. Furthermore, A. astaci was also detected in A. leptodactylus captured about 70 km downstream of the O. limosus invasion front (at the time of sampling). Assuming a steady rate of expansion, O. limosus may invade the sensitive Danube delta area in the mid-2060s, even without long-distance dispersal. The crayfish plague agent, however, may reach the delta substantially earlier, through dispersal downstream among populations of native crayfish.  相似文献   

1. The effects of omnivorous exotic species on native communities are often difficult to predict because of the broad diets and behavioural flexibility of the omnivore, and the diverse abiotic and biotic characteristics of invaded systems. We investigated experimentally the effects of a gradient of density of the introduced, omnivorous red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Decapoda: Cambaridae) on two stream communities in southern California, U.S.A. 2. The Ventura River is a clear, flowing stream with a cobble substratum, with abundant algae but low densities of large invertebrates, small herbivores and snails. The Santa Ynez River at the time of the study consisted of a series of drying pools underlain by sand, with abundant charophytes, large predatory invertebrates and herbivores, including snails. 3. In the Ventura River, periphyton biomass and inorganic sediment decreased with increasing crayfish abundance, but in the Santa Ynez River, periphyton and sediment were unrelated to crayfish densities. 4. In the Ventura River, the biomass and density of all benthic invertebrates combined, chironomids, micropredators, the meiofauna (chydorid cladocerans, copepods and ostracods), and specific predatory and herbivorous taxa, as well as taxon richness, were negatively related to crayfish density. In the Santa Ynez River, the biomass and average body size of benthic invertebrates, predatory invertebrates, herbivores and chironomids, but not total invertebrate density or taxon richness, were negatively related to crayfish density. 5. Fewer large predatory invertebrates and snails (Physella gyrina) in both streams, and baetid mayflies in the Ventura River, were visible at night in channels where crayfish were abundant. Snails responded to crayfish by moving above the water line in the Santa Ynez River, but not in the Ventura River. 6. We suggest that the same omnivore had different effects on these neighbouring streams because of crayfish predation on large invertebrates in the Santa Ynez River and the scarcity of such prey in the Ventura River, leading to increased crayfish grazing on periphyton, and reductions in periphyton‐associated invertebrates, in the Ventura River.  相似文献   

1. Crayfish are among the most threatened taxa in the world and invasive crayfish are the primary cause of the decline of native crayfish. Most research has emphasised biotic interactions as the mechanism by which native crayfish are displaced by invasives, although crayfish occupy variable environments and the role of disturbance in facilitating crayfish invasion and displacement is understudied. 2. We compared tolerance to a disturbance, stream drying, in a native and invasive crayfish as a potential mechanism to explain their distribution. Our experiments and observations were conducted across scales, from laboratory environmental chambers to stream mesocosms to field sampling. We hypothesised that the invasive crayfish would be more tolerant of desiccation than the native, and that this physiological distinction between the two would be reflected in their distribution in relation to stream drying. 3. In the laboratory, the native crayfish Orconectes eupunctus was less tolerant of desiccation than the invasive Orconectes neglectus chaenodactylus, with all native crayfish dying within 2 days without water, while some of the invasive crayfish survived for nearly 2 weeks. Under simulated stream drying in mesocosms, only the native O. eupunctus survived less well than in a control. Field sampling demonstrated a significant negative relationship between O. eupunctus density and low summer flows, while O. neglectus density was positively associated with low summer flows. The greater resistance of O. neglectus to drying could, through priority effects, inhibit recolonisation by O. eupunctus once flow resumes. 4. Abiotic disturbances are potentially important to the displacement of native by invasive crayfish. Disturbance mediated displacement of aquatic species provides both an opportunity to conserve native species by maintaining or restoring habitat and disturbance regimes and is also a challenge due to increasing human water demand, flow regime alteration and global climate change.  相似文献   

The crayfish Orconectes eupunctus, a species of special concern, appears to have been displaced from part of its former range in the Spring River drainage of Arkansas and Missouri by the invasive crayfish O. neglectus chaenodactylus. We conducted preliminary field experiments to determine whether Orconectes eupunctus were displaced from their former range and whether interspecific competition with O. neglectus chaenodactylus was responsible for the displacement. To determine whether Orconectes eupunctus were displaced from their former range by negative biotic interactions with other species we placed single adult male O. eupunctus in cages at two sites: an upstream site where O. eupunctus was formerly abundant and a downstream site where it is currently abundant. Orconectes neglectus chaenodactylus were additionally paired alongside O. eupunctus at the upstream site. We also conducted a field competition experiment with treatments consisting of (1) 3 O. eupunctus, (2) 6 O. eupunctus, and (3) 3 O. eupunctus and 3 O. neglectus chaenodactylus at a site where both species occur. In the first experiment, O. eupunctus gained significantly more weight at the downstream site than the upstream site during 2003, but not during 2002. At the upstream site, O. eupunctus showed significantly greater growth rates than O. neglectus chaenodactylus during 2002, but not during 2003. In the competition experiment, O. neglectus chaenodactylus did not significantly reduce the growth or survival of O. eupunctus. These results suggest that O. eupunctus have been displaced from their former range by biotic interactions, but interspecific competition between adult male O. eupunctus and O. neglectus chaenodactylus does not appear to be the mechanism responsible for this displacement. Further study is needed to investigate the disappearance of O. eupunctus.  相似文献   

Summer distributions of the invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) were investigated in relation to physicochemistry in a Kusiro Moor marsh and its inflows and outflows in northern Japan. Maximum crayfish abundance and biomass were 1.04 individuals/m2 and 3.56 g dry mass (DM)/m2 in littoral marsh habitats, and 5.84 individuals/m2 and 13.48 g DM/m2 in stream habitats. Classification tree analysis was used to predict crayfish occurrence at 102 sites from all habitats (i.e. littoral marsh, pelagic marsh and stream) while regression tree analyses were used to predict crayfish abundance at littoral marsh and stream sites separately. The classification tree showed that crayfish occurrence was primarily determined by undercut bank volume regardless of habitat identity. When undercut bank volume was <0.0054 m3, crayfish were predicted to be absent at marsh sites, but expected to occur at stream sites where pH and water temperature exceeded 6.5 and 14.3°C, respectively. The regression tree using only littoral marsh sites showed that undercut bank volume, followed by dissolved oxygen level, determined the splits of the tree. Crayfish abundance was highest when undercut bank volume was >0.61 m3, and moderately high when dissolved oxygen was >9.09 mg/l and undercut bank volume was <0.61 m3. On the other hand, the regression tree using only stream sites showed that water temperature was the major predictor that determined the splits. We discuss the roles of physicochemical factors as limiting factors of the distribution pattern of the invasive crayfish.  相似文献   

The incidence of resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, kanamycin, nalidixic acid, neomycin and streptomycin was significantly greater (P < 0.001) in native heterotrophic bacteria than in Escherichia coli isolated from a range of sites along the Yarra River in south-eastern Australia. There was no significant difference in the incidence of resistance between native and faecal bacteria to tetracycline. Both groups were almost totally resistant to penicillin. Multivariate analyses indicated little clear spatial pattern in the incidence of resistance in native bacteria from upstream vs downstream sites along the Yarra River. In contrast, E. coli isolated from upstream (rural) sites tended to have a lower incidence of resistance than isolates from downstream (urban) sites. These findings have implications for the use of antibiotic resistance as a bacteriological water quality parameter.  相似文献   

Wildlife-Habitat Restoration in an Urban Park in Southern California   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Within an urban park in southern California, the relationship between the structure and floristics of vegetation and the distribution, abundance, and behavior of wildlife was studied in relatively undisturbed areas (San Luis Rey) and in contiguous areas (Guajome Park) in need of restoration. These data were used to develop recommendations for the enhancement of native animal species in the park. The abundance of amphibians and reptiles was highest in native upland scrub and willow (Salix)-riparian vegetation types, and lowest in dry, disturbed sites. Western fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis) were the most abundant reptile throughout both study areas. Overall, bullfrogs (Rana catesbiana), an exotic species, were the dominant amphibians; the native Pacific treefrog (Hyla regilla) was rare throughout. At both study areas, the small mammal community was dominated by western harvest mice (Reithrodontomys megalotis) and deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) and, to a lesser extent, by brush mice (P. boylii) and exotic house mice (Mus musculus). Negative correlations in abundance existed between house mice and harvest mice, and between house mice abundance and overall small mammal abundance. In riparian sites, cottonwood (Populus fremontii) and various height classes of willow were the dominant factors in the majority of bird abundance–habitat‘correlations and where foraging activities were concentrated. Recommendations for enhancing native animal species include reduction of marsh sedimentation, removal of feral species, and development of connections between the park and nearby natural areas. A corridor of native riparian vegetation (primarily cottonwood-willow) should be developed to replace the existing agricultural fields, thereby linking Guajome with the San Luis Rey River.  相似文献   

Signal transmission is influenced by the physics of an environment. Consequently, a physical effect on sensory signals can influence how animals send or sample sensory information. Habitat-specific physics may constrain or enhance signal transmission (e.g. sound transmission in a flowing river versus a still pond) and provide a mechanism for the evolution of sensory biases. This study investigated how the transmission of chemically mediated social signals in crayfish is influenced by two different aquatic environments. Agonistic bouts between crayfish were performed under lotic (flowing water) and lentic (nonflowing, still water) conditions. When crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) collected from a lotic system (river) interacted under lotic conditions, we noted that dominant O. rusticus spent more time upstream than subordinate O. rusticus. Orconectes rusticus positioned themselves randomly and spent equal amounts of time with respect to upstream and downstream in the nonflowing environment. We tested another species, Orconectes virilis, collected from a nonflowing environment (lake) and they showed no positional preference when tested in flow. Additionally, both O. rusticus and O. virilis took longer to reach high fight intensities under flow conditions. It was possible to visualize O. rusticus urine release, and they released urine more often when upstream of an opponent in a flow environment during these agonistic bouts. These results suggest that O. rusticus collected from lotic environments release urine to maximize the transmission of chemical cues to a fight opponent. It appears that crayfish may adapt their signalling processes based upon their long-term ambient environments.  相似文献   

The signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852), was recorded in the Slovak-Austrian stretch of the Morava (March) River in the Záhorie region in August 2006. This is the first confirmed record of a non-indigenous crayfish species of American origin in Slovakia. Most likely, signal crayfish were intentionally released to the river by Austrian fishermen, or invaded from adjacent water bodies in Austria. As this species has a substantial invasive capability and is a potential vector of the crayfish plague pathogen, it represents a threat to the native crayfish species and its spread should be monitored. Its invasion upstream to the territory of the Czech Republic is not unlikely in near future.  相似文献   

Patterns in benthic food webs: a role for omnivorous crayfish?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1. The biomass and species richness of macrophytes and invertebrates in artificial ponds at two sites in southern Sweden (twenty-one ponds at each site) were investigated. Alkalinity was high at one site (H ponds) and low at the other site (L ponds). The ponds chosen had different densities of signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus), with mean crayfish abundance (estimated by trapping and expressed as catch per unit effort) significantly higher in the L ponds (10.7) than in the H ponds (4.9). Macrophytes, invertebrates, the amount of periphyton on stones and the organic content of the sediment were determined in each pond. 2. Macrophyte biomass, cover and species richness declined with increasing crayfish density. Macrophyte species composition differed between ponds and was related to crayfish abundance. 3. The total biomass of invertebrates and the biomass of herbivorous/detritivorous invertebrates declined with increasing crayfish abundance, but the biomass of predatory invertebrates declined only in the L ponds. The relative biomass of Gastropoda and Odonata declined in ponds where crayfish were abundant. In ponds where crayfish were abundant the invertebrate fauna was dominated by sediment-dwelling taxa (Sialis (H and L ponds) and Chironomidae (H ponds)). 4. The number of invertebrate taxa in macrophytes declined with increasing crayfish abundance. The percentage of macrophyte-associated invertebrate taxa differed between ponds, but also between sites. The relative biomass of Gastropoda declined in H ponds where crayfish were abundant. In H ponds Trichoptera or Gammarus sp. and Heteroptera dominated where crayfish were abundant, whereas Odonata dominated in L ponds with abundant crayfish. 5. The organic content of the sediment decreased in ponds with high crayfish densities, while the amount of periphyton on stones was not related to crayfish density. 6. We conclude that the signal crayfish may play an important role as a keystone consumer in pond ecosystems, but lower trophic levels did not respond to changes in the abundance of the crayfish according to the trophic cascade model. Omnivorous crayfish may decouple the cascading effect.  相似文献   

Synopsis Fish assemblages at an artificial reef site, a natural reef site and a sandy-mud bottom site, on the shelf (depth 130 m) off Iwate Prefecture, northern Japan, were surveyed by using a bottom trammel net from May 1987 to March 1993. A total of 12 173 fishes of 48 species were recorded. Physiculus maximowiczi was dominant and comprised 69% of the total numerical abundance. Total fish number was lowest in March at all the 3 sites when P. maximowiczi migrated to deeper and warmer waters. Assemblage equitability and species diversity also varied seasonally in accordance with the abundance fluctuation of P. maximowiczi. P. maximowiczi, Alcichthys alcicornis and Hexagrammos otakii were more abundant at the artificial reef and natural reef sites, while Dexistes rikuzenius and Hemitripterus villosus were more abundant at the sandy-mud bottom site; total fish abundance was largest at the artificial reef site mainly due to the large number of P. maximowiczi. Species richness was similar among sites, but equitability, and consequently species diversity, was lowest at the artificial reef site. The main effect of the artificial reef seemed the attraction of P. maximowiczi from nearby bottoms, especially from natural rocky reefs; its large abundance determined the structure of the artificial reef fish community.  相似文献   

1. We tested the hypothesis that the non‐native rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) is less vulnerable to predators than two native species (O. propinquus and O. obscurus) it is replacing in streams of the upper Susquehanna River catchment (New York, U.S.A.). 2. We used laboratory experiments to compare species‐specific predation rates by smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) on crayfish of equal size and field tethering experiments to compare relative predation rates between native O. propinquus and non‐native O. rusticus by the suite of crayfish predators in our system. We predicted that crayfish size would affect predation rate but that predation rates would be equal among species when size was controlled. 3. We also tested for two potential artefacts of tethering. We tethered crayfish in cages to test whether the ability to escape from tethers is size specific, and we tested whether tethering alters differential predation among crayfish species by the smallmouth bass. 4. In the laboratory, smallmouth bass predation on rusty crayfish was lower than on either of the native species. In the field, predation risk for tethered crayfish was inversely related to size but did not differ among species when size was taken into account. Because rusty crayfish in the field experiment were slightly larger than the native species, as in nature, mortality was overall lower for the rusty crayfish. 5. In cages, smaller crayfish were more probably to escape from tethers than larger ones, an artefact that may partially confound results from our tethering experiments. Unexpectedly, tethering nearly eliminated predation by smallmouth bass. This artefact prevented us from testing for an interaction of tethering with differential predation and means that the results of field tethering experiments do not include any contribution from smallmouth bass predation. 6. Our experiments highlight the importance of explicitly considering potential artefacts that could confound results. 7. Our results indicate that differential predation contributes to the rusty crayfish's invasion of a stream community. In our study system, predation rates on rusty crayfish are lower than for native species mostly because of selection by predators for smaller crayfish; species‐specific characteristics such as behaviour that further reduce predation may also contribute, especially where smallmouth bass predation is important.  相似文献   

Threat of non-native crayfish introductions into Turkey: global lessons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Introductions of crayfish species from their home range to new environments have been carried out in many parts of the world. The most important introduced crayfish species are Procambarus clarkii, Pacifastacus leniusculus, Cherax destructor, C. quadricarinatus, Orconectes limosus, O. rusticus and Astacus leptodactylus. The environmental impact of crayfish introductions can be positive, negative or neutral. However, native crayfish populations in Europe have been negatively affected by introductions of non-indigenous crayfish species from America. Negative effects of non-native crayfish introductions included displacement of native crayfish species, transfer of disease (crayfish plague), consumption of fish eggs, reduction of fish stocks, consumption of large amounts of macrophytes, indirect and direct effects on other invertebrates and upsetting production in rice fields. As a result of non-native crayfish introductions, the natural harvest and crayfish industry in Europe have been severely affected. Large quantities of Turkish A. leptodactylus were harvested (approximately 7,000 tonnes annually) and exported to Europe before the crayfish plague was observed in these populations. The total harvest of A. leptodactylus in Turkey reduced dramatically to 320 in 1991 after the plague. Therefore, although Turkey currently has no known non-native crayfish species, there is a threat of non-native crayfish introduction in order to increase crayfish productions and subsequent harvest. The North American spiny-cheek crayfish, O. limosus, has been spreading quickly down the River Danube and could soon reach neighboring countries including Turkey. The North American signal crayfish, P. leniusculus is known from Greece and could be a threat to native stocks if it is introduced into Turkey for aquaculture. Additional threats may come from the release of other North American species, which are widely available through the aquarium trade. We conclude that the spread of non-native crayfish introductions throughout Turkey will increase local problems, because introductions of non-native crayfish in many parts of the world have been known to have caused important reductions in population density and numbers of native crayfish species. Furthermore, freshwater ecosystems may be altered by such introductions and the economic viability of native crayfish species fisheries could be severely reduced in Turkey.  相似文献   

Management of riparian plant invasions across the landscape requires understanding the combined influence of climate, hydrology, geologic constraints and patterns of introduction. We measured abundance of nine riparian woody taxa at 456 stream gages across the western USA. We constructed conditional inference recursive binary partitioning models to discriminate the influence of eleven environmental variables on plant occurrence and abundance, focusing on the two most abundant non‐native taxa, Tamarix spp. and Elaeagnus angustifolia, and their native competitor Populus deltoides. River reaches in this study were distributed along a composite gradient from cooler, wetter higher‐elevation reaches with higher stream power and earlier snowmelt flood peaks to warmer, drier lower‐elevation reaches with lower power and later peaks. Plant distributions were strongly related to climate, hydrologic and geomorphic factors, and introduction history. The strongest associations were with temperature and then precipitation. Among hydrologic and geomorphic variables, stream power, peak flow timing and 10‐yr flood magnitude had stronger associations than did peak flow predictability, low‐flow magnitude, mean annual flow and channel confinement. Nearby intentional planting of Elaeagnus was the best predictor of its occurrence, but planting of Tamarix was rare. Higher temperatures were associated with greater abundance of Tamarix relative to P. deltoides, and greater abundance of P. deltoides relative to Elaeagnus. Populus deltoides abundance was more strongly related to peak flow timing than was that of Elaeagnus or Tamarix. Higher stream power and larger 10‐yr floods were associated with greater abundance of P. deltoides and Tamarix relative to Elaeagnus. Therefore, increases in temperature could increase abundance of Tamarix and decrease that of Elaeagnus relative to P. deltoides, changes in peak flow timing caused by climate change or dam operations could increase abundance of both invasive taxa, and dam‐induced reductions in flood peaks could increase abundance of Elaeagnus relative to Tamarix and P. deltoides.  相似文献   

  • 1 Seventeen sites were each sampled six times over 2 years for macroinvertebrates. A range of physicochemical variables was also measured to determine which factors were related to the distribution of species.
  • 2 Numerical classification of the faunal data indicated that four groups of sites or communities were distinguishable: lowland sites; sandy upland sites; cobble upland sites from the northern catchment; cobble upland sites from the southern catchment.
  • 3 Multiple discriminant analysis and multiple regression analysis demonstrated that particle size of the sediment, concentration of dissolved ions and altitude were the physicochemical features that were most strongly associated with changes in the faunal distribution.
  • 4 Abundances of shredders and predators did not vary between the site groups while those of scrapers, gatherers and filterers did: scrapers were most abundant at cobble sites while gatherers and filterers were least abundant on sand and increased in abundance downstream. The distribution of the feeding groups showed some similarity with that predicted by the River Continuum Concept, but the fact that the shredders did not decrease in abundance downstream was a notable difference.
  • 5 Abundance of the total fauna at a site was inversely related to the amount of benthic organic matter. This feature is contrary to the pattern usually reported from rivers in the northern hemisphere.

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