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The behaviour-contingent rhythmic synchronization of neuronal activity is reported by local field potential oscillations in the theta, gamma and sharp wave-related ripple (SWR) frequency ranges. In the hippocampus, pyramidal cell assemblies representing temporal sequences are coordinated by GABAergic interneurons selectively innervating specific postsynaptic domains, and discharging phase locked to network oscillations. We compare the cellular network dynamics in the CA1 and CA3 areas recorded with or without anaesthesia. All parts of pyramidal cells, except the axon initial segment, receive GABA from multiple interneuron types, each with distinct firing dynamics. The axon initial segment is exclusively innervated by axo-axonic cells, preferentially firing after the peak of the pyramidal layer theta cycle, when pyramidal cells are least active. Axo-axonic cells are inhibited during SWRs, when many pyramidal cells fire synchronously. This dual inverse correlation demonstrates the key inhibitory role of axo-axonic cells. Parvalbumin-expressing basket cells fire phase locked to field gamma activity in both CA1 and CA3, and also strongly increase firing during SWRs, together with dendrite-innervating bistratified cells, phasing pyramidal cell discharge. Subcellular domain-specific GABAergic innervation probably developed for the coordination of multiple glutamatergic inputs on different parts of pyramidal cells through the temporally distinct activity of GABAergic interneurons, which differentially change their firing during different network states.  相似文献   

Fast-spiking (FS) cells in the neocortex are interconnected both by inhibitory chemical synapses and by electrical synapses, or gap-junctions. Synchronized firing of FS neurons is important in the generation of gamma oscillations, at frequencies between 30 and 80 Hz. To understand how these synaptic interactions control synchronization, artificial synaptic conductances were injected in FS cells, and the synaptic phase-resetting function (SPRF), describing how the compound synaptic input perturbs the phase of gamma-frequency spiking as a function of the phase at which it is applied, was measured. GABAergic and gap junctional conductances made distinct contributions to the SPRF, which had a surprisingly simple piecewise linear form, with a sharp midcycle break between phase delay and advance. Analysis of the SPRF showed how the intrinsic biophysical properties of FS neurons and their interconnections allow entrainment of firing over a wide gamma frequency band, whose upper and lower frequency limits are controlled by electrical synapses and GABAergic inhibition respectively.  相似文献   

Sills JB  Connors BW  Burwell RD 《Hippocampus》2012,22(9):1912-1922
The postrhinal (POR) cortex of the rat is homologous to the parahippocampal cortex of the primate based on connections and other criteria. POR provides the major visual and visuospatial input to the hippocampal formation, both directly to CA1 and indirectly through connections with the medial entorhinal cortex. Although the cortical and hippocampal connections of the POR cortex are well described, the physiology of POR neurons has not been studied. Here, we examined theelectrical and morphological characteristics of layer 5 neurons from POR cortex of 14- to 16-day-old rats using an in vitro slice preparation. Neurons were subjectively classified as regular-spiking (RS), fast-spiking (FS), or low-threshold spiking (LTS) based on their electrophysiological properties and similarities with neurons in other regions of neocortex. Cells stained with biocytin included pyramidal cells and interneurons with bitufted or multipolar dendritic patterns. Similarity analysis using only physiological data yielded three clusters that corresponded to FS, LTS, and RS classes. The cluster corresponding to the FS class was composed entirely of multipolar nonpyramidal cells, and the cluster corresponding to the RS class was composed entirely of pyramidal cells. The third cluster, corresponding to the LTS class, was heterogeneous and included both multipolar and bitufted dendritic arbors as well as one pyramidal cell. We did not observe any intrinsically bursting pyramidal cells, which is similar to entorhinal cortex but unlike perirhinal cortex. We conclude that POR includes at least two major classes of neocortical inhibitory interneurons, but has a functionally restricted cohort of pyramidal cells. ? 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the cerebral cortex, GABAergic interneurons are often regarded as fast-spiking cells. We have identified a type of slow-spiking interneuron that offers distinct contributions to network activity. "Ivy" cells, named after their dense and fine axons innervating mostly basal and oblique pyramidal cell dendrites, are more numerous than the parvalbumin-expressing basket, bistratified, or axo-axonic cells. Ivy cells express nitric oxide synthase, neuropeptide Y, and high levels of GABA(A) receptor alpha1 subunit; they discharge at a low frequency with wide spikes in vivo, yet are distinctively phase-locked to behaviorally relevant network rhythms including theta, gamma, and ripple oscillations. Paired recordings in vitro showed that Ivy cells receive depressing EPSPs from pyramidal cells, which in turn receive slowly rising and decaying inhibitory input from Ivy cells. In contrast to fast-spiking interneurons operating with millisecond precision, the highly abundant Ivy cells express presynaptically acting neuromodulators and regulate the excitability of pyramidal cell dendrites through slowly rising and decaying GABAergic inputs.  相似文献   

Ethanol consumption during development affects the maturation of hippocampal circuits by mechanisms that are not fully understood. Ethanol acts as a depressant in the mature CNS and it has been assumed that this also applies to immature neurons. We investigated whether ethanol targets the neuronal network activity that is involved in the refinement of developing hippocampal synapses. This activity appears during the growth spurt period in the form of giant depolarizing potentials (GDPs). GDPs are generated by the excitatory actions of GABA and glutamate via a positive feedback circuit involving pyramidal neurons and interneurons. We found that ethanol potently increases GDP frequency in the CA3 hippocampal region of slices from neonatal rats. It also increased the frequency of GDP-driven Ca2+ transients in pyramidal neurons and increased the frequency of GABA(A) receptor-mediated spontaneous postsynaptic currents in CA3 pyramidal cells and interneurons. The ethanol-induced potentiation of GABAergic activity is probably the result of increased quantal GABA release at interneuronal synapses but not enhanced neuronal excitability. These findings demonstrate that ethanol is a potent stimulant of developing neuronal circuits, which might contribute to the abnormal hippocampal development associated with fetal alcohol syndrome and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorders.  相似文献   

The balance between inhibition and excitation plays a crucial role in the generation of synchronous bursting activity in neuronal circuits. In human and animal models of epilepsy, changes in both excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs are known to occur. Locations and distribution of these excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs on pyramidal cells play a role in the integrative properties of neuronal activity, e.g., epileptiform activity. Thus the location and distribution of the inputs onto pyramidal cells are important parameters that influence neuronal activity in epilepsy. However, the location and distribution of inhibitory synapses converging onto pyramidal cells have not been fully studied. The objectives of this study are to investigate the roles of the relative location of inhibitory synapses on the dendritic tree and soma in the generation of bursting activity. We investigate influences of somatic and dendritic inhibition on bursting activity patterns in several paradigms of potential connections using a simplified multicompartmental model. We also investigate the effects of distribution of fast and slow components of GABAergic inhibition in pyramidal cells. Interspike interval (ISI) analysis is used for examination of bursting patterns. Simulations show that the inhibitory interneuron regulates neuronal bursting activity. Bursting behavior patterns depend on the synaptic weight and delay of the inhibitory connection as well as the location of the synapse. When the inhibitory interneuron synapses on the pyramidal neuron, inhibitory action is stronger if the inhibitory synapse is close to the soma. Alterations of synaptic weight of the interneuron can be compensatory for changes in the location of synaptic input. The relative changes in these parameters exert a considerable influence on whether synchronous bursting activity is facilitated or reduced. Additional simulations show that the slow GABAergic inhibitory component is more effective than the fast component in distal dendrites. Taken together, these findings illustrate the potential for GABAergic inhibition in the soma and dendritic tree to play an important modulatory role in bursting activity patterns.  相似文献   

Pyramidal, aspinous, sparsely-spinous bipolar and multipolar neurons of the rat sensomotor cerebral cortex, impregnated after Golgi method, have been studied at an electron microscopical level. The ultrastructural characteristics of the pyramidal neurons differs from that of the nonpyramidal cells. Distribution of various synaptic contacts on the cellular surface and cortical postsynaptic targets of the axonal arborizations of the neurons are revealed. On the body of the pyramidal cells only symmetrical synapses exist, on large dendritic trunks symmetrical synapses prevail, on the spines and the terminal dendritic branches assymetrical synapses mainly predominate. Axonal collateralies of the pyramidal cells form asymmetrical synapses on the spines, small and middle dendrites. There are more axo-somatic synapses on the bodies of the nonpyramidal neurons than on the pyramidal cells, among them both symmetrical and asymmetrical types of the synapses occur. On the trunks and small dendrites of the nonpyramidal cells both types of synaptic contacts are revealed. In the distal direction of the dendrites the number of the asymmetrical synapses becomes predominating. Axons of the bipolar cells form asymmetrical synapses on the spines, small and middle dendrites. Axons of the multipolar cells form symmetrical synapses on the dendrites and the dendritic trunks of the nondifferentiated cells. Differences in the distribution character of the synaptic inlets and various postsynaptic targets of the axonal systems in the cells assume various functional role of the identified neurons.  相似文献   

 During different behavioral states different population activities are present in the hippocampal formation. These activities are not independent: sharp waves often occur together with high-frequency ripples, and gamma-frequency activity is usually superimposed on theta oscillations. There is both experimental and theoretical evidence supporting the notion that gamma oscillation is generated intrahippocampally, but there is no generally accepted view about the origin of theta waves. Precise timing of population bursts of pyramidal cells may be due to a synchronized external drive. Membrane potential oscillations recorded in the septum are unlikely to fulfill this purpose because they are not coherent enough. We investigated the prospects of an intrahippocampal mechanism supplying pyramidal cells with theta frequency periodic inhibition, by studying a model of a network of hippocampal inhibitory interneurons. As shown previously, interneurons are capable of generating synchronized gamma-frequency action potential oscillations. Exciting the neurons by periodic current injection, the system could either be entrained in an oscillation with the frequency of the inducing current or exhibit in-phase periodic changes at the frequency of single cell (and network) activity. Simulations that used spatially inhomogeneous stimulus currents showed anti-phase frequency changes across cells, which resulted in a periodic decrease in the synchrony of the network. As this periodic change in synchrony occurred in the theta frequency range, our network should be able to exhibit the theta-frequency weakening of inhibition of pyramidal cells, thus offering a possible mechanism for intrahippocampal theta generation. Received: 23 February 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 30 June 2000  相似文献   

In the neocortex, the coexistence of temporally locked excitation and inhibition governs complex network activity underlying cognitive functions, and is believed to be altered in several brain diseases. Here we show that this equilibrium can be unlocked by increased activity of layer 5 pyramidal neurons of the mouse neocortex. Somatic depolarization or short bursts of action potentials of layer 5 pyramidal neurons induced a selective long-term potentiation of GABAergic synapses (LTPi) without affecting glutamatergic inputs. Remarkably, LTPi was selective for perisomatic inhibition from parvalbumin basket cells, leaving dendritic inhibition intact. It relied on retrograde signaling of nitric oxide, which persistently altered presynaptic GABA release and diffused to inhibitory synapses impinging on adjacent pyramidal neurons. LTPi reduced the time window of synaptic summation and increased the temporal precision of spike generation. Thus, increases in single cortical pyramidal neuron activity can induce an interneuron-selective GABAergic plasticity effectively altering the computation of temporally coded information.  相似文献   

Somatostatin-expressing, low threshold-spiking (LTS) cells and fast-spiking (FS) cells are two common subtypes of inhibitory neocortical interneuron. Excitatory synapses from regular-spiking (RS) pyramidal neurons to LTS cells strongly facilitate when activated repetitively, whereas RS-to-FS synapses depress. This suggests that LTS neurons may be especially relevant at high rate regimes and protect cortical circuits against over-excitation and seizures. However, the inhibitory synapses from LTS cells usually depress, which may reduce their effectiveness at high rates. We ask: by which mechanisms and at what firing rates do LTS neurons control the activity of cortical circuits responding to thalamic input, and how is control by LTS neurons different from that of FS neurons? We study rate models of circuits that include RS cells and LTS and FS inhibitory cells with short-term synaptic plasticity. LTS neurons shift the RS firing-rate vs. current curve to the right at high rates and reduce its slope at low rates; the LTS effect is delayed and prolonged. FS neurons always shift the curve to the right and affect RS firing transiently. In an RS-LTS-FS network, FS neurons reach a quiescent state if they receive weak input, LTS neurons are quiescent if RS neurons receive weak input, and both FS and RS populations are active if they both receive large inputs. In general, FS neurons tend to follow the spiking of RS neurons much more closely than LTS neurons. A novel type of facilitation-induced slow oscillations is observed above the LTS firing threshold with a frequency determined by the time scale of recovery from facilitation. To conclude, contrary to earlier proposals, LTS neurons affect the transient and steady state responses of cortical circuits over a range of firing rates, not only during the high rate regime; LTS neurons protect against over-activation about as well as FS neurons.  相似文献   

The phase relationship between the activity of hippocampal place cells and the hippocampal theta rhythm systematically precesses as the animal runs through the region in an environment called the place field of the cell. We present a minimal biophysical model of the phase precession of place cells in region CA3 of the hippocampus. The model describes the dynamics of two coupled point neurons—namely, a pyramidal cell and an interneuron, the latter of which is driven by a pacemaker input. Outside of the place field, the network displays a stable, background firing pattern that is locked to the theta rhythm. The pacemaker input drives the interneuron, which in turn activates the pyramidal cell. A single stimulus to the pyramidal cell from the dentate gyrus, simulating entrance into the place field, reorganizes the functional roles of the cells in the network for a number of cycles of the theta rhythm. In the reorganized network, the pyramidal cell drives the interneuron at a higher frequency than the theta frequency, thus causing a systematic precession relative to the theta input. The frequency of the pyramidal cell can vary to account for changes in the animal's running speed. The transient dynamics end after up to 360 degrees of phase precession when the pacemaker input to the interneuron occurs at a phase to return the network to the stable background firing pattern, thus signaling the end of the place field. Our model, in contrast to others, reports that phase precession is a temporally, and not spatially, controlled process. We also predict that like pyramidal cells, interneurons phase precess. Our model provides a mechanism for shutting off place cell firing after the animal has crossed the place field, and it explains the observed nearly 360 degrees of phase precession. We also describe how this model is consistent with a proposed autoassociative memory role of the CA3 region.  相似文献   

The implications of probabilistic secretion of quanta for the functioning of neural networks in the central nervous system have been explored. A model of stochastic secretion at synapses in simple networks, consisting of large numbers of granule cells and a relatively small number of inhibitory interneurons, has been analysed. Such networks occur in the input to the cerebellum Purkinje cells as well as to hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells and to pyramidal cells in the visual cortex. In this model the input axons terminate on granule cells as well as on an inhibitory interneuron that projects to the granule cells. Stochastic secretion at these synapses involves both temporal variability in secretion at single synapses in the network as well as spatial variability in the secretion at different synapses. The role of this stochastic variability in controlling the size of the granule cell output to a level independent of the size of the input and in separating overlapping inputs has been determined analytically as well as by simulation. The regulation of granule-cell output activity to a reasonably constant value for different size inputs does not occur in the absence of an inhibitory interneuron when both spatial and temporal stochastic variability occurs at the remaining synapses; it is still very poor in the presence of such an interneuron but in the absence of stochastic variability. However, quite good regulation is achieved when the inhibitory interneuron is present with spatial and temporal stochastic variability of secretion at synapses in the network. Excellent regulation is achieved if, in addition, allowance is made for the nonlinear behaviour of the input-output characteristics of inhibitory interneurons. The capacity of granule-cell networks to separate overlapping patterns of activity on their inputs is adequate, with spatial variability in the secretion at synapses, but is improved if there is also temporal variability in the stochastic secretion at individual synapses, although this is at the expense of reliability in the network. Other factors which improve pattern separation are control of the output to very low activity levels, and a restriction on the cumulative size of the excitatory input terminals of each granule cell. Application of the theory to the input neural networks of the cerebellum and the hippocampus shows the role of stochastic variability in quantal transmission in determining the capacity of these networks for pattern separation and activity regulation.  相似文献   

Jiang M  Zhu J  Liu Y  Yang M  Tian C  Jiang S  Wang Y  Guo H  Wang K  Shu Y 《PLoS biology》2012,10(5):e1001324
Down-regulation of GABAergic inhibition may result in the generation of epileptiform activities. Besides spike-triggered synchronous GABA release, changes in asynchronous release (AR) following high-frequency discharges may further regulate epileptiform activities. In brain slices obtained from surgically removed human neocortical tissues of patients with intractable epilepsy and brain tumor, we found that AR occurred at GABAergic output synapses of fast-spiking (FS) neurons and its strength depended on the type of connections, with FS autapses showing the strongest AR. In addition, we found that AR depended on residual Ca2+ at presynaptic terminals but was independent of postsynaptic firing. Furthermore, AR at FS autapses was markedly elevated in human epileptic tissue as compared to non-epileptic tissue. In a rat model of epilepsy, we found similar elevation of AR at both FS autapses and synapses onto excitatory neurons. Further experiments and analysis showed that AR elevation in epileptic tissue may result from an increase in action potential amplitude in the FS neurons and elevation of residual Ca2+ concentration. Together, these results revealed that GABAergic AR occurred at both human and rat neocortex, and its elevation in epileptic tissue may contribute to the regulation of epileptiform activities.  相似文献   

The medial septum-diagonal band (MSDB) complex is considered as a pacemaker for the hippocampal theta rhythm. Identification of the different cell types, their electro-physiological properties and their possible function in the generation of a synchronized activity in the MSDB is a hot topic. A recent electro-physiological study showed the presence of two antiphasically firing populations of parvalbumin containing GABAergic neurons in the MSDB. Other papers described a network of cluster-firing glutamatergic neurons, which is able to generate synchronized activity in the MSDB. We propose two different computer models for the generation of synchronized population theta oscillation in the MSDB and compare their properties. In the first model GABAergic neurons are intrinsically theta periodic cluster-firing cells; while in the second model GABAergic cells are fast-firing cells and receive periodic input from local glutamatergic neurons simulated as cluster-firing cells. Using computer simulations we show that the GABAergic neurons in both models are capable of generating antiphasic theta periodic population oscillation relying on local, septal mechanisms. In the first model antiphasic theta synchrony could emerge if GABAergic neurons form two populations preferentially innervate each other. In the second model in-phase synchronization of glutamatergic neurons does not require specific network structure, and the network of these cells are able to act as a theta pacemaker for the local fast-firing GABAergic circuit. Our simulations also suggest that neurons being non-cluster-firing in vitro might exhibit clustering properties when connected into a network in vivo. Action Editor: David Golomb  相似文献   

House DR  Elstrott J  Koh E  Chung J  Feldman DE 《Neuron》2011,72(5):819-831
Sensory experience drives robust plasticity of sensory maps in cerebral cortex, but the role of inhibitory circuits in this process is not fully understood. We show that classical deprivation-induced whisker map plasticity in layer 2/3 (L2/3) of rat somatosensory (S1) cortex involves robust weakening of L4-L2/3 feedforward inhibition. This weakening was caused by reduced L4 excitation onto L2/3 fast-spiking (FS) interneurons, which mediate sensitive feedforward inhibition and was partially offset by strengthening of unitary FS to L2/3 pyramidal cell synapses. Weakening of feedforward inhibition paralleled the known weakening of feedforward excitation. As a result, mean excitation-inhibition balance and timing onto L2/3 pyramidal cells were preserved. Thus, reduced feedforward inhibition is a covert compensatory process that can maintain excitatory-inhibitory balance during classical deprivation-induced Hebbian map plasticity.  相似文献   

The hippocampal theta and neocortical gamma rhythms are two prominent examples of oscillatory neuronal activity. The hippocampus has often been hypothesized to influence neocortical networks by its theta rhythm, and, recently, evidence for such a direct influence has been found. We examined a possible mechanism for this influence by means of a biophysical model study using conductance-based model neurons. We found, in agreement with previous studies, that networks of fast-spiking GABA -ergic interneurons, coupled with shunting inhibition, synchronize their spike activity at a gamma frequency and are able to impose this rhythm on a network of pyramidal cells to which they are coupled. When our model was supplied with hippocampal theta-modulated input fibres, the theta rhythm biased the spike timings of both the fast-spiking and pyramidal cells. Furthermore, both the amplitude and frequency of local field potential gamma oscillations were influenced by the phase of the theta rhythm. We show that the fast-spiking cells, not pyramidal cells, are essential for this latter phenomenon, thus highlighting their crucial role in the interplay between hippocampus and neocortex.  相似文献   

Theta (4–12 Hz) and gamma (30–80 Hz) rhythms are considered important for cortical and hippocampal function. Although several neuron types are implicated in rhythmogenesis, the exact cellular mechanisms remain unknown. Subthreshold electric fields provide a flexible, area-specific tool to modulate neural activity and directly test functional hypotheses. Here we present experimental and computational evidence of the interplay among hippocampal synaptic circuitry, neuronal morphology, external electric fields, and network activity. Electrophysiological data are used to constrain and validate an anatomically and biophysically realistic model of area CA1 containing pyramidal cells and two interneuron types: dendritic- and perisomatic-targeting. We report two lines of results: addressing the network structure capable of generating theta-modulated gamma rhythms, and demonstrating electric field effects on those rhythms. First, theta-modulated gamma rhythms require specific inhibitory connectivity. In one configuration, GABAergic axo-dendritic feedback on pyramidal cells is only effective in proximal but not distal layers. An alternative configuration requires two distinct perisomatic interneuron classes, one exclusively receiving excitatory contacts, the other additionally targeted by inhibition. These observations suggest novel roles for particular classes of oriens and basket cells. The second major finding is that subthreshold electric fields robustly alter the balance between different rhythms. Independent of network configuration, positive electric fields decrease, while negative fields increase the theta/gamma ratio. Moreover, electric fields differentially affect average theta frequency depending on specific synaptic connectivity. These results support the testable prediction that subthreshold electric fields can alter hippocampal rhythms, suggesting new approaches to explore their cognitive functions and underlying circuitry.  相似文献   

Mathew SS  Hablitz JJ 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e17311


NMDA receptors are traditionally viewed as being located postsynaptically, at both synaptic and extrasynaptic locations. However, both anatomical and physiological studies have indicated the presence of NMDA receptors located presynaptically. Physiological studies of presynaptic NMDA receptors on neocortical GABAergic terminals and their possible role in synaptic plasticity are lacking.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We report here that presynaptic NMDA receptors are present on GABAergic terminals in developing (postnatal day (PND) 12-15) but not older (PND21-25) rat frontal cortex. Using MK-801 in the recording pipette to block postsynaptic NMDA receptors, evoked and miniature IPSCs were recorded in layer II/III pyramidal cells in the presence of AMPA/KA receptor antagonists. Bath application of NMDA or NMDA receptor antagonists produced increases and decreases in mIPSC frequency, respectively. Physiologically patterned stimulation (10 bursts of 10 stimuli at 25 Hz delivered at 1.25 Hz) induced potentiation at inhibitory synapses in PND12-15 animals. This consisted of an initial rapid, large increase in IPSC amplitude followed by a significant but smaller persistent increase. Similar changes were not observed in PND21-25 animals. When 20 mM BAPTA was included in the recording pipette, potentiation was still observed in the PND12-15 group indicating that postsynaptic increases in calcium were not required. Potentiation was not observed when patterned stimulation was given in the presence of D-APV or the NR2B subunit antagonist Ro25-6981.


The present results indicate that presynaptic NMDA receptors modulate GABA release onto neocortical pyramidal cells. Presynaptic NR2B subunit containing NMDA receptors are also involved in potentiation at developing GABAergic synapses in rat frontal cortex. Modulation of inhibitory GABAergic synapses by presynaptic NMDA receptors may be important for proper functioning of local cortical networks during development.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing features of inhibitory synapses is the precision by which they innervate their target, not only at the cellular level but also at the subcellular level (i.e. axo-dendritic, axo-somatic, or axo-axonic innervation). In particular, in the cerebellum, cortex, and spinal cord, distinct and highly specialized GABAergic interneurons, such as basket cells, chandelier cells, and GABApre interneurons, form precise axo-axonic synapses, allowing them to directly regulate neuronal output and circuit function. In this article, we summarize our latest knowledge of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the establishment and maintenance of axo-axonic synapses in these regions of the CNS. We also detail the key roles of the L1CAM family of cell adhesion molecules in such GABAergic subcellular target recognition.  相似文献   

The neurochemical classification of GABAergic cells in the lizard hippocampus resulted in a further division into four major, non-overlapping subtypes. Each GABAergic cell subtype displays specific targets on the principal hippocampal neurons. The synaptic targets of the GABA/neuropeptide subtype are the distal apical dendrites of principal neurons. Calretinin- and parvalbumin-containing GABAergic cells synapse on the cell body and proximal dendrites of principal cells. Calbindin is expressed in a distinct group of interneurons, the synapses of which are directed to the dendrites of principal neurons. Finally, another subtype displays NADPH-diaphorase activity, but its synaptic target has not been established.  相似文献   

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