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Aspects of gait mechanics of two lemurid species were explored experimentally. Substrate reaction forces were recorded for three animals each of L. catta and E. fulvus walking and running at voluntary speeds either on a wooden runway with an integrated force platform or on elevated pole supports with a section attached to the force platform. The average height of the back over these substrates and fluctuations in this height were evaluated using video-analysis. Animals preferred walking gaits and lower speeds on the poles, and gallops and higher speeds on the ground. At overlapping speeds, few adjustments to substrate types were identified. Hind limb peak forces are usually lower on the poles than on the ground, and the caudal back is closer to the substrate. This suggests that greater hind limb flexion and reduced limb stiffness occurred on the poles. The support phases for both limbs at higher speeds are slightly elongated on the poles. Forelimb peak forces are not lower, and the trajectory of the caudal back does not follow a smoother path, i.e., not all elements of a compliant gait are present on the simulated arboreal substrates. The horizontal, rigid poles, offered as substitutes for branchlike supports in the natural habitat, may not pose enough of a challenge to require more substantial gait adjustments. Across substrates, forelimb peak forces are generally lower than hind limb peak forces. The interlimb force distribution is similar to that of most other primates with more even limb lengths. Walking gaits present a greater divergence in fore- and hind limb forces than galloping gaits, which are associated with higher forces. The more arboreal E. fulvus has higher forelimb forces than the more terrestrial L. catta, unlike some anthropoid species in which the arborealists have lower forelimb forces than the terrestrialists. As in other primate and nonprimate quadrupeds, the major propulsive thrust comes from the hind limbs in both lemurs. While our data confirm certain aspects of primate gait mechanics (e.g., generally higher hind limb forces), they do not fully support the notion of greater limb compliance. Neither a compliant forelimb on branchlike supports, nor a negative correlation of forelimb force magnitudes with degree of arboreality were observed. Increasing forelimb-to-hind-limb-force-ratios with increasing speed and force magnitudes are also not expected under this paradigm.  相似文献   

The quadrupedal walking gaits of most primates can be distinguished from those of most other mammals by the presence of diagonal-sequence (DS) footfall patterns and higher peak vertical forces on the hindlimbs compared to the forelimbs. The walking gait of the woolly opossum (Caluromys philander), a highly arboreal marsupial, is also characterized by diagonal-sequence footfalls and relatively low peak forelimb forces. Among primates, three species--Callithrix, Nycticebus, and Loris--have been reported to frequently use lateral-sequence (LS) gaits and experience relatively higher peak vertical forces on the forelimbs. These patterns among primates and other mammals suggest a strong association between footfall patterns and force distribution on the limbs. However, current data for lorises are limited and the frequency of DS vs. LS walking gaits in Loris is still ambiguous. To test the hypothesis that patterns of footfalls and force distribution on the limbs are functionally linked, kinematic and kinetic data were collected simultaneously for three adult slender lorises (Loris tardigradus) walking on a 1.25 cm horizontal pole. All subjects in this study consistently used diagonal-sequence walking gaits and always had higher peak vertical forces on their forelimbs relative to their hindlimbs. These results call into question the hypothesis that a functional link exists between the presence of diagonal-sequence walking gaits and relatively higher peak vertical forces on the hindlimbs. In addition, this study tested models that explain patterns of force distribution based on limb protraction angle or limb compliance. None of the Loris subjects examined showed kinematic patterns that would support current models proposing that weight distribution can be adjusted by actively shifting weight posteriorly or by changing limb stiffness. These data reveal the complexity of adaptations to arboreal locomotion in primates and indicate that diagonal-sequence walking gaits and relatively low forelimb forces could have evolved independently.  相似文献   

One trait that distinguishes the walking gaits of most primates from those of most mammalian nonprimates is the distribution of weight between the forelimbs and hindlimbs. Nonprimate mammals generally experience higher vertical peak substrate reaction forces on the forelimb than on the hindlimb. Primates, in contrast, generally experience higher vertical peak substrate reaction forces on the hindlimb than on the forelimb. It is currently unclear whether this unusual pattern of force distribution characterizes other primate gaits as well. The available kinetic data for galloping primates are limited and present an ambiguous picture about peak-force distribution among the limbs. The present study investigates whether the pattern of forelimb-to-hindlimb force distribution seen during walking in primates is also displayed during galloping. Six species of primates were video-recorded during walking and galloping across a runway or horizontal pole instrumented with a force-plate. The results show that while the force differences between forelimb and hindlimb are not significantly different from zero during galloping, the pattern of force distribution is generally the same during walking and galloping for most primate species. These patterns and statistical results are similar to data collected during walking on the ground. The pattern of limb differentiation exhibited by primates during walking and galloping stands in contrast to the pattern seen in most nonprimate mammals, in which forelimb forces are significantly higher. The data reported here and by Demes et al. ([1994] J. Hum. Evol. 26:353-374) suggest that a relative reduction of forelimb vertical peak forces is part of an overall difference in locomotor mechanics between most primates and most nonprimate mammals during both walking and galloping.  相似文献   

The locomotion of primates differs from that of other mammals in three fundamental ways. During quadrupedal walking, primates use diagonal sequence gaits, protract their arms more at forelimb touchdown, and experience lower vertical substrate reaction forces on their forelimbs relative to their hindlimbs. It is widely held that the unusual walking gaits of primates represent a basal adaptation for movement on thin, flexible branches and reflect a major change in the functional role of the forelimb. However, little data on nonprimate arboreal mammals exist to test this notion. To that end, we examined the gait mechanics of the woolly opossum (Caluromys philander), a marsupial convergent with small-bodied prosimians in ecology, behavior, and morphology. Data on the footfall sequence, relative arm protraction, and peak vertical substrate reaction forces were obtained from videotapes and force records for three adult woolly opossums walking quadrupedally on a wooden runway and a thin pole. For all steps recorded on both substrates, woolly opossums always used diagonal sequence walking gaits, protracted their arms beyond 90 degrees relative to horizontal body axis, and experienced peak vertical substrate reaction forces on forelimbs that were significantly lower than on hindlimbs. The woolly opossum is the first nonprimate mammal to show locomotor mechanics that are identical to those of primates. This case of convergence between primates and a committed fine-branch, arboreal marsupial strongly implies that the earliest primates evolved gait specializations for fine-branch locomotion, which reflect important changes in forelimb function.  相似文献   

Quadrupedal locomotion of squirrel monkeys on small-diameter support was analyzed kinematically and kinetically to specify the timing between limb movements and substrate reaction forces. Limb kinematics was studied cineradiographically, and substrate reaction forces were synchronously recorded. Squirrel monkeys resemble most other quadrupedal primates in that they utilize a diagonal sequence/diagonal couplets gait when walking on small branches. This gait pattern and the ratio between limb length and trunk length influence limb kinematics. Proximal pivots of forelimbs and hindlimbs are on the same horizontal plane, thus giving both limbs the same functional length. However, the hindlimbs are anatomically longer than the forelimbs. Therefore, hindlimb joints must be more strongly flexed during the step cycle compared to the forelimb joints. Because the timing of ipsilateral limb movements prevents an increasing amount of forelimb retraction, the forelimb must be more protracted during the initial stance phase. At this posture, gravity acts with long moment arms at proximal forelimb joints. Squirrel monkeys support most of their weight on their hindlimbs. The timing of limb movements and substrate reaction forces shows that the shift of support to the hindlimbs is mainly done to reduce the compressive load on the forelimb. The hypothesis of the posterior weight shift as a dynamic strategy to reduce load on forelimbs, proposed by Reynolds ([1985]) Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 67:335-349; [1985] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 67:351-362), is supported by the high correlation of ratios between forelimb and hindlimb peak vertical forces and the range of motion of shoulder joint and scapula in primates.  相似文献   

It is often claimed that the walking gaits of primates are unusual because, unlike most other mammals, primates appear to have higher vertical peak ground reaction forces on their hindlimbs than on their forelimbs. Many researchers have argued that this pattern of ground reaction force distribution is part of a general adaptation to arboreal locomotion. This argument is frequently used to support models of primate locomotor evolution. Unfortunately, little is known about the force distribution patterns of primates walking on arboreal supports, nor do we completely understand the mechanisms that regulate weight distribution in primates. We collected vertical peak force data for seven species of primates walking quadrupedally on instrumented terrestrial and arboreal supports. Our results show that, when walking on arboreal vs. terrestrial substrates, primates generally have lower vertical peak forces on both limbs but the difference is most extreme for the forelimb. We found that force reduction occurs primarily by decreasing forelimb and, to a lesser extent, hindlimb stiffness. As a result, on arboreal supports, primates experience significantly greater functional differentiation of the forelimb and hindlimb than on the ground. These data support long-standing theories that arboreal locomotion was a critical factor in the differentiation of the forelimbs and hindlimbs in primates. This change in functional role of the forelimb may have played a critical role in the origin of primates and facilitated the evolution of more specialized locomotor behaviors.  相似文献   

Several features that appear to differentiate the walking gaits of most primates from those of most other mammals (the prevalence of diagonal-sequence footfalls, high degrees of humeral protraction, and low forelimb vs. hindlimb peak vertical forces) are believed to have evolved in response to requirements of locomotion on thin arboreal supports by early primates that had developed clawless grasping hands and feet. This putative relationship between anatomy, behavior, and ecology is tested here by examining gait mechanics in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), a primate that has sharp claws and reduced pedal grasping, and that spends much of its time clinging on large trunks. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected on three male Callithrix jacchus as they walked across a force platform attached to the ground or to raised horizontal poles. The vast majority of all walking gaits were lateral-sequence. For all steps, the humerus was retracted (<90 degrees relative to a horizontal axis) or held in a neutral (90 degrees ) position at forelimb touchdown. Peak vertical forces on the forelimb were always higher than those on the hindlimb. These three features of the walking gaits of C. jacchus separate it from any other primate studied (including other callitrichids). The walking gaits of C. jacchus are mechanically more similar to those of small, nonprimate mammals. The results of this study support previous models that suggest that the unusual suite of features that typify the walking gaits of most primates are adaptations to the requirements of locomotion on thin arboreal supports. These data, along with data from other primates and marsupials, suggest that primate postcranial and locomotor characteristics are part of a basal adaptation for walking on thin branches.  相似文献   

The fat-tailed dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus medius) is unusual among primates in storing large amounts of fat subcutaneously prior to hibernating during the winter months. In doing so, it increases its body mass by more than 50%, with a substantial weight gain in the tail. This seasonal increase in mass provides a unique natural experiment to examine how changes in body mass affect substrate reaction forces during locomotion. As body mass increases, it is expected that the limbs of the fat-tailed dwarf lemur will be subjected to greater peak vertical substrate reaction forces during quadrupedal walking. However, whether or not these peak substrate reaction forces will increase proportionally across forelimbs and hindlimbs as body mass increases is unknown. Substrate reaction forces were collected on four adult C. medius walking quadrupedally on a 28-mm pole attached to a force platform. Peak vertical substrate reaction forces (Vpk) (N) were analyzed and compared for a cross-sectional sample of different body masses (180-300 g). Forelimb and hindlimb Vpk were positively correlated with body mass, with hindlimb Vpk always higher than forelimb Vpk. However, the rate at which Vpk increased relative to body mass was higher for the hindlimb than the forelimb. This disproportion in weight distribution between the forelimbs and hindlimbs as body mass increases appears to be linked to the accumulation of fat in the tail. It is likely that storing fat in the tail region may shift the center of mass more caudally, from a more cranial position when the tail is thinner. Such a caudal shift of the center of mass-either morphological or dynamic-is believed to have played an important role in the functional differentiation of the limbs and the evolution of locomotor modes of several tetrapod groups, including dinosaurs and primates.  相似文献   

Most primates typically use a diagonal-sequence footfall pattern during walking. This footfall pattern, which is unusual for mammals, is believed to have originated in ancestral primates in association with the use of grasping extremities for movement and foraging on thin, flexible branches. This theory was tested by comparing gait parameters between the grey short-tailed opossum Monodelphis domestica and the woolly opossum Caluromys philander , two didelphid marsupials that are strongly differentiated in grasping morphology of the extremities and in their reliance on foraging strategies involving thin branches. One hundred and thirty gait cycles were analysed quantitatively from videotapes of subjects moving quadrupedally on a runway and on poles of different diameters (7 and 28 mm). Duty factor (i.e. duration of the stance phase as a percentage of the stride period) for the forelimb and hindlimb, as well as diagonality (i.e. phase relationship between the forelimb and hindlimb cycles), were calculated for each of these symmetrical gait cycles. We found that the highly terrestrial Monodelphis , like most other non-primate mammals, relies primarily on lateral-sequence walking gaits on both runway and poles, and has relatively higher forelimb duty factors. Like primates, the highly arboreal Caluromys uses primarily diagonal-sequence walking gaits on the runway and pole, with relatively higher hindlimb duty factors and diagonality. The fact that the woolly opossum, a marsupial with primate-like feet that moves and forages mainly on thin branches, uses primarily diagonal-sequence gaits when walking supports the view that primate gaits evolved to meet the demands of locomotion on narrow supports. This also demonstrates the functional role of a grasping foot, in association with relatively higher hindlimb duty factors, protraction, and substrate reaction forces, in the production of such walking gaits.  相似文献   

Sympatric populations of Lemur catta and Lemur fulvus show major differences in their occupation of canopy forest levels. Lemur catta is usually found in the lowest levels of the forest, and uses the ground for travel over 65% of the time. Lemur fulvus uses the upper levels of the canopy forest and is observed on the ground in less than 2% of all observations. Comparison of hindlimb musculoskeletal anatomy show statistically significant differences in the lengths of the long bones and the height of the talus. Differences also occur in ranges of tibio-talar and mid-talar joint mobility. The details of insertion of the biceps femoris muscle are distinct in the two species as is the relative mass of muscle associated with flexion of the pedal digits, and flexion of th tibio-talar joint. The metric and morphological differences in the hindlimb anatomy of Lemur catta and Lemur fulvus are consistent with differences in habitat and substrate utilization.  相似文献   

One of the most distinctive aspects of primate quadrupedal walking is the use of diagonal sequence footfalls in combination with diagonal-couplets interlimb timing. Numerous hypotheses have been offered to explain why primates might have evolved this type of gait, yet this important question remains unresolved. Because infant primates use a wider variety of quadrupedal gaits than do adults, they provide a natural experiment with which to test hypotheses about the evolution of unique aspects of primate quadrupedalism. In this study, we present kinematic data on two infant baboons (Papio cynocephalus) in order to test the recent hypothesis that diagonal sequence, diagonal couplets walking might have evolved in primates because their limb positioning provides stability in a small branch environment (Cartmill et al. [2002] Zool J Linn Soc 136:401-420). To assess hindlimb position at the moment of forelimb touchdown, we measured hindlimb angular excursion and ankle position for 84 walking strides, across three different types of gaits (diagonal sequence, diagonal couplets (DSDC); lateral sequence lateral couplets (LSLC); and lateral sequence diagonal couplets (LSDC)). Results indicate that if a forelimb were to contact an unstable substrate, LSLC walking provides as much, and perhaps more, stability when compared to DSDC walking. Therefore, it appears that this moment in a stride was unlikely to be a particularly important selective factor in the evolution of DSDC walking. Further insight into this issue will likely be gained by observations of primate quadrupedalism in natural environments, where the use of lateral sequence gaits might be more common than currently known.  相似文献   

Quadrupedal locomotion was mechanically studied for four species of primates, the chimpanzee, the rhesus macaque, the tufted capuchin, and the ring-tailed lemur, from low to high speeds of about two to ten times the anterior trunk length per second. A wide variety of locomotor patterns was observed during the high-speed locomotion of these primates. Positive correlations were observed between the peak magnitude of foot force components and speed. The differentiation of the foot force between the forelimb and the hindlimb did not largely change with a change of speed for each species. The vertical component and the accelerating component for the rhesus macaque were relatively large in the forelimb from low- to high-speed locomotion. The rhesus macaque, which habitually locomotes on the ground, differed in the quadrupedal locomotion from the other relatively arboreal primates, for which the hindlimb was clearly dominant in their dynamic force-producing distribution between the forelimbs and the hindlimbs. The previously reported locomotor difference, which was indicated among primates from the foot force pattern between the forelimb and the hindlimb during walking, also applied to high-speed locomotion.  相似文献   

Most textbooks and research reports state that the structures of the tetrapod forelimbs and hindlimbs are serial homologues. From this view, the main challenge of evolutionary biologists is not to explain the similarity between tetrapod limbs, but instead to explain why and how they have diverged. However, these statements seem to be related to a confusion between the serial homology of the vertebrate pelvic and pectoral appendages as a whole, and the serial homology of the specific soft‐ and hard‐tissue structures of the tetrapod forelimbs and hindlimbs, leading to an even more crucial and puzzling question being overlooked: why are the skeletal and particularly the muscle structures of the forelimb and hindlimb actually so strikingly similar to each other? Herein we provide an updated discussion of these questions and test two main hypotheses: (i) that the similarity of the limb muscles is due to serial homology; and (ii) that tetrapods that use hindlimbs for a largely exclusive function (e.g. bipedalism in humans) exhibit fewer cases of similarity between forelimbs and hindlimbs than do quadrupedal species. Our review shows that of the 23 arm, forearm and hand muscles/muscle groups of salamanders, 18 (78%) have clear ‘topological equivalents' in the hindlimb; in lizards, 14/24 (58%); in rats, 14/35 (40%); and in modern humans, 19/37 (51%). These numbers seem to support the idea that there is a plesiomorphic similarity and subsequent evolutionary divergence, but this tendency actually only applies to the three former quadrupedal taxa. Moreover, if one takes into account the total number of ‘correspondences’, one comes to a surprising and puzzling conclusion: in modern humans the number of forelimb muscles/muscle groups with clear ‘equivalents’ in the hindlimb (19) is substantially higher than in quadrupedal mammals such as rats (14), lizards (14) and even salamanders (18). These data contradict the hypothesis that divergent functions lead to divergent morphological structures. Furthermore, as we show that at least five of the 19 modern human adult forelimb elements that have a clear hindlimb ‘equivalent’ derive from embryonic anlages that are very different from the ones giving rise to their adult hindlimb ‘equivalents’, they also contradict the hypothesis that the similarity in muscle structures between the forelimb and hindlimb of tetrapods such as modern humans are due to their origin as serial homologues. This similarity is instead the result of phylogenetically independent evolutionary changes leading to a parallelism/convergence due to: (i) developmental constraints, i.e. similar molecular mechanisms are involved (particularly in the formation of the neomorphic hand), but this does not necessarily mean that similar anlages are used to form the similar adult structures; (ii) functional constraints, related to similar adaptations; (iii) topological constraints, i.e. limited physical possibilities; and even (iv) phylogenetic constraints, which tend to prevent/decrease the occurrence of new homoplasic similarities, but also help to keep older, ancestral homoplasic resemblances.  相似文献   

The forelimb joints of terrestrial primate quadrupeds appear better able to resist mediolateral (ML) shear forces than those of arboreal quadrupedal monkeys. These differences in forelimb morphology have been used extensively to infer locomotor behavior in extinct primate quadrupeds. However, the nature of ML substrate reaction forces (SRF) during arboreal and terrestrial quadrupedalism in primates is not known. This study documents ML-SRF magnitude and orientation and forelimb joint angles in six quadrupedal anthropoid species walking across a force platform attached to terrestrial (wooden runway) and arboreal supports (raised horizontal poles). On the ground all subjects applied a lateral force in more than 50% of the steps collected. On horizontal poles, in contrast, all subjects applied a medially directed force to the substrate in more than 75% of the steps collected. In addition, all subjects on arboreal supports combined a lower magnitude peak ML-SRF with a change in the timing of the ML-SRF peak force. As a result, during quadrupedalism on the poles the overall SRF resultant was relatively lower than it was on the runway. Most subjects in this study adduct their humerus while on the poles. The kinetic and kinematic variables combine to minimize the tendency to collapse or translate forelimbs joints in an ML plane in primarily arboreal quadrupedal primates compared to primarily terrestrial quadrupedal ones. These data allow for a more complete understanding of the anatomy of the forelimb in terrestrial vs. arboreal quadrupedal primates. A better understanding of the mechanical basis of morphological differences allows greater confidence in inferences concerning the locomotion of extinct primate quadrupeds.  相似文献   

Longitudinal comparisons of high-speed quadrupedal locomotion on level surfaces were made on 4 infant Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) with normal mother-infant relationships. Compared to adults, infants exhibited considerable variation in each step of locomotion. Braking components of foot force tended to be larger in the forelimb than in the hindlimb during the infant stage of development. Conversely, accelerating components were larger in the hindlimb than in the forelimb. In 1- and 2-month-old infants, vertical components in the hindlimb were not significantly larger than those of the forelimb. Fore- and hindlimb differentiation in infant Japanese macaques resembles that of adult macaques even at this early stage of development.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamical analysis of quadrupedal locomotion, with specific reference to an adult Nubian goat. Measurements of ground reaction forces and limb motion are used to assess variations in intersegmental forces, joint moments, and instantaneous power for three discernible gaits: walking, running, and jumping. In each case, inertial effects of the torso are shown to dominate to the extent that lower-extremity contributions may be considered negligible. Footforces generated by the forelimbs exceed those exerted by the hindlimbs; and, in general, ground reactions increase with speed. The shoulder and hip dominate mechanical energy production during walking, while the knee plays a more significant role in running. In both cases, however, the elbow absorbs energy, and by so doing functions primarily as a damping (control) element. As opposed to either walking or running, jumping requires total horizontal retardation of the body's center of mass. In this instance, generating the necessary vertical thrust amounts to energy absorption at all joints of the lower extremities.  相似文献   

The functional status of brachially innervated hindlimbs, produced by transplanting hindlimb buds of chick embryos in place of forelimb buds, was quantified by analyzing the number and temporal distribution of spontaneous limb movements. Brachially innervated hindlimbs exhibited normal motility until E10 but thereafter became significantly less active than normal limbs and the limb movements were more randomly distributed. Contrary to the findings with axolotls and frogs, functional interaction between brachial motoneurons and hindlimb muscles cannot be sustained in the chick embryo. Dysfunction is first detectable at E10 and progresses to near total immobility by E20 and is associated with joint ankylosis and muscular atrophy. Although brachially innervated hindlimbs were virtually immobile by the time of hatching (E21), they produced strong movements in response to electrical stimulation of their spinal nerves, suggesting a central rather than peripheral defect in the motor system. The extent of motoneuron death in the brachial spinal cord was not significantly altered by the substitution of the forelimb bud with the hindlimb bud, but the timing of motoneuron loss was appropriate for the lumbar rather than brachial spinal cord, indicating that the rate of motoneuron death was dictated by the limb. Measurements of nuclear area indicated that motoneuron size was normal during the motoneuron death period (E6-E10) but the nuclei of motoneurons innervating grafted hindlimbs subsequently became significantly larger than those of normal brachial motoneurons. Although the muscle mass of the grafted hindlimb at E18 was significantly less than that of the normal hindlimb (and similar to that of a normal forelimb), electronmicroscopic examination of the grafted hindlimbs and brachial spinal cords of E20 embryos revealed normal myofiber and neuromuscular junction ultrastructure and a small increase in the number of axosomatic synapses on cross-sections of motoneurons innervating grafted hindlimbs compared to motoneurons innervating normal forelimbs. The anatomical data indicate that, rather than being associated with degenerative changes, the motor system of the brachial hindlimb of late-stage embryos is intact, but inactive. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In many anurans, the forelimb muscles of males are used to grasp females and are often heavier than those of females despite the larger female body size. Such sexual dimorphism in forelimb musculature is thought to result from sexual selection. In addition, the hindlimbs of frogs and toads play an important role in the reproductive process as amplectant males can expel rivals with robust hindlimbs through kicking. In this study, the sexual dimorphism in dry mass for six hindlimb muscles of the Asiatic toad(Bufo gargarizans) was investigated. The results showed that, when controlled for body size, the hindlimb muscle mass of males significantly exceeded that of females for every muscle. The hindlimb muscle mass of amplectant males was also significantly larger than that of non-amplectant males. These results suggested that if strong hindlimb muscles could improve mating success of males, sexual selection would promote the evolution of dimorphism in this character.  相似文献   

Early hominins, australopiths, were similar to most large primates in having relatively short hindlimbs for their body size. The short legs of large primates are thought to represent specialization for vertical climbing and quadrupedal stability on branches. Although this may be true, there are reasons to suspect that the evolution of short legs may also represent specialization for physical aggression. Fighting in apes is a behavior in which short legs are expected to improve performance by lowering the center of mass during bipedal stance and by increasing the leverage through which muscle forces can be applied to the ground. Among anthropoid primates, body size sexual dimorphism (SSD) and canine height sexual dimorphism (CSD) are strongly correlated with levels of male-male competition, allowing SSD and CSD to be used as indices of male-male aggression. Here I show that the evolution of hindlimb length in apes is inversely correlated with the evolution of SSD (R(2)= 0.683, P-value = 0.006) and the evolution of CSD (R(2)= 0.630, P-value = 0.013). In contrast, a significant correlation was not observed for the relationship between the evolution of hindlimb and forelimb lengths. These observations are consistent with the suggestion that selection for fighting performance has maintained relatively short hindlimbs in species of Hominoidea with high levels of male-male competition. Although australopiths were highly derived for striding bipedalism when traveling on the ground, they retained short legs compared to those of Homo for over two million years, approximately 100,000 generations. Their short legs may be indicative of persistent selection for high levels of aggression.  相似文献   

Most mammals use lateral sequence gaits during quadrupedal locomotion, a pattern characterized by the touchdown of a forelimb directly following the ipsilateral hind limb in a given stride cycle. Primates, however, tend to use diagonal sequence (DS) gaits, whereby it is the touchdown of a contralateral forelimb that follows that of a given hind limb most closely in time. A number of scenarios have been offered to explain why primates favor DS gaits, most of them relating to the use of the arboreal habitat and, in particular, the exploitation of a narrow branch niche. This experimental study explores the potential explanation for the use of DS gaits by examining the relationship between branch diameter and gait patterns in 360 strides collected from six species of quadrupedal strepsirrhine primates on broad and narrow diameter supports. Gait sequence is quantified using limb phase, or the percentage of time during a stride cycle that a forelimb touchdown follows an ipsilateral hind limb touchdown. Although Loris, Nycticebus and Eulemur rubriventer individuals in this study did exhibit significantly lower locomotor velocities on narrower supports (P<0.01 in all three species), analyses of covariance showed no significant differences in limb phase values between broad and narrow diameter supports. Hence, results indicate surprisingly little evidence to suggest that alterations in gait sequence pattern provide a specific advantage for negotiating narrow supports.  相似文献   

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