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Acquiring signalling specificity from the cytokine receptor gp130   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Repeated use of a relatively small number of intracellular signalling molecules specifies tissue- and cell-type-specific responses to pleiotropic-acting growth factors and cytokines. Currently, gaining a better understanding of these mechanisms is a major challenge. The IL-6 family of cytokines shares a common receptor subunit called gp130. Phenotypic comparisons of mice with amino acid knock-in substitutions that disable individual signalling modules in gp130, with knockout mice lacking ligand-specific gp130 activation or transgenic mice with constitutive gp130 activation, has led to the identification of two molecular mechanisms. One mechanism is based on differential target-gene responsiveness to signalling threshold levels transduced by either the STAT1/3 or the SHP2/ERK cascade, which are under reciprocal negative regulation and together account for the majority of intracellular gp130 signalling. The second mechanism is based on the capacity of certain cell types to integrate the often-conflicting information transduced by these two pathways, and to prevent pathological responses.  相似文献   

NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors and calcium can exert multiple and very divergent effects within neuronal cells, thereby impacting opposing occurrences such as synaptic plasticity and neuronal degeneration. The neuronal Ca2+ sensor Caldendrin is a postsynaptic density component with high similarity to calmodulin. Jacob, a recently identified Caldendrin binding partner, is a novel protein abundantly expressed in limbic brain and cerebral cortex. Strictly depending upon activation of NMDA-type glutamate receptors, Jacob is recruited to neuronal nuclei, resulting in a rapid stripping of synaptic contacts and in a drastically altered morphology of the dendritic tree. Jacob's nuclear trafficking from distal dendrites crucially requires the classical Importin pathway. Caldendrin binds to Jacob's nuclear localization signal in a Ca2+-dependent manner, thereby controlling Jacob's extranuclear localization by competing with the binding of Importin-alpha to Jacob's nuclear localization signal. This competition requires sustained synapto-dendritic Ca2+ levels, which presumably cannot be achieved by activation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors, but are confined to Ca2+ microdomains such as postsynaptic spines. Extrasynaptic NMDA receptors, as opposed to their synaptic counterparts, trigger the cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) shut-off pathway, and cell death. We found that nuclear knockdown of Jacob prevents CREB shut-off after extrasynaptic NMDA receptor activation, whereas its nuclear overexpression induces CREB shut-off without NMDA receptor stimulation. Importantly, nuclear knockdown of Jacob attenuates NMDA-induced loss of synaptic contacts, and neuronal degeneration. This defines a novel mechanism of synapse-to-nucleus communication via a synaptic Ca2+-sensor protein, which links the activity of NMDA receptors to nuclear signalling events involved in modelling synapto-dendritic input and NMDA receptor-induced cellular degeneration.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptor family and signalling pathway   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Toll is a Drosophila gene essential for ontogenesis and anti-microbial resistance. Several orthologues of Toll have been identified and cloned in vertebrates, namely Toll-like receptors (TLRs). Human TLRs are a growing family of molecules involved in innate immunity. TLRs are characterized structurally by a cytoplasmic Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain and by extracellular leucine-rich repeats. TLRs characterized so far activate the MyD88/interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK) signalling pathway. Genetic, gene-transfer and dominant-negative approaches have involved TLR family members (TLR2 and TLR4) in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria recognition and signalling. Accumulating evidence suggests that TLR2 is also involved in signalling-receptor complexes that recognize components of yeast and mycobacteria. However, the definitive roles of other TLRs are still lacking. A systematic approach has been used to determine whether different human leucocyte populations selectively or specifically express TLR mRNA. Based on expression pattern, TLR can be classified as ubiquitous (TLR1), restricted (TLR2, TLR4 and TLR5) and specific (TLR3). Expression and regulation of distinct but overlapping ligand-recognition patterns may underlie the existence of a large, seemingly redundant TLR family. Alternatively, the expression of a TLR in a single cell type may indicate a specific role for this molecule in a restricted setting.  相似文献   

During learning and memory, it has been suggested that the coordinated electrical activity of hippocampal neurons translates information about the external environment into internal neuronal representations, which then are stored initially within the hippocampus and subsequently into other areas of the brain. A widely held hypothesis posits that synaptic plasticity is a key feature that critically modulates the triggering and the maintenance of such representations, some of which are thought to persist over time as traces or tags. However, the molecular and cell biological basis for these traces and tags has remained elusive. Here, we review recent findings that help clarify some of the molecular and cellular mechanisms critical for these events, by untangling a two-way signalling crosstalk route between the synapses and the neuronal soma. In particular, a detailed interrogation of the soma-to-synapse delivery of immediate early gene product Arc/Arg3.1, whose induction is triggered by heightened synaptic activity in many brain areas, teases apart an unsuspected ‘inverse’ synaptic tagging mechanism that likely contributes to maintaining the contrast of synaptic weight between strengthened and weak synapses within an active ensemble.  相似文献   

Apelin signalling: a promising pathway from cloning to pharmacology   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The discovery of new signalling pathways is always followed by the development of pharmacological agents as drugs that can be used in the treatment of diseases resulting from a dysfunction of the signalling pathway in question. Apelin signalling plays a role in the central and peripheral regulation of the cardiovascular system, in water and food intake, and possibly in immune function. Up-regulation of ligand and receptor is also associated with pathophysiological states such as cardiac dysfunction and neovascularisation. Finally, the apelin receptor is a coreceptor for the entry of several HIV-1 and SIV strains. In view of these features, the apelin receptor constitutes a very interesting target for the design of new drugs for treating the prime causes of human mortality.  相似文献   

TLR2 is a toll-like receptor protein which is involved in innate immune responses. TLR2 recognize several virus, fungal and bacterial pathogens, upon their uptake cause internalization and cellular activation. During this process several cytokines participate including interleukins, IL6 and IL12. Interestingly, TLR2 is expressed on megakaryocytes (MKs) and platelets, which is crucial for immune mediated platelet activation. The role of TLR2 on MKs is not completely understood. We observed TLR2 induction leads to MK maturation and is involved in production of ROS which is essential for MK development. In Dami cells, TLR2 up-regulation causes increase in the cytokine production, particularly IL-6, which has been shown to stimulate CFU formation and CD41 expression. Additionally, TLR2 ligand induces wnt β-catenin signalling pathway components suggesting a cross talk between wnt and TLR pathway leading to maturation of MKs. This study shows TLR2 signalling induce cytokine production and regulate wnt signalling thereby cause maturation of MKs.  相似文献   

Plastid signalling to the nucleus and beyond   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Communication between the compartments or organelles of cells is essential for plant growth and development. There is an emerging understanding of signals generated within energy-transducing organelles, such as chloroplasts and mitochondria, and the nuclear genes that respond to them, a process known as retrograde signalling. A recent series of unconnected breakthroughs have given scientists a glimpse inside the 'black box' of organellar signalling thanks to the identification of some of the factors involved in generating and propagating signals to the nucleus and, in some instances, systemically throughout photosynthetic tissues. This review will focus on recent developments in our understanding of retrograde and systemic signals generated by organelles, with an emphasis on chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The insulin signalling pathway   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

After the destruction of the nucleus tractas solitarii, just caudally to the writing pen by means of a stereotaxic instrument, the system of afferent fibres to the nucleus in question was investigated by the methods of Nauta and Fink--Heimer. The fibre terminals were revealed near locus coeruleus. Investigation of the locus coeruleus by Golgi method demonstrated that it usually has neurons of reticular type and transitional ones which resemble by their form the neurons specific for sensory formations. It is possible to conclude that locus coeruleus posesses connections of visceral origin which may play a part in the afferent influence of locus coeruleus on the brain cortex.  相似文献   

Signaling from the IL-2 receptor to the nucleus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Interleukin-2 has pleiotropic actions on the immune system and plays a vital role in the modulation of immune responses. Our current understanding of IL-2 signaling has resulted from in vitro studies that have identified the signaling pathways activated by IL-2, including the Jak-STAT pathways, and from in vivo studies that have analyzed mice in which IL-2, each chain of the receptor, as well a number of signaling molecules have been individually targeted by homologous recombination. Moreover, mutations in IL-2R, γc and Jak3 have been found in patients with severe combined immunodeficiency. In addition, with the discovery that two components of the receptor, IL-2Rβ and γc, are shared by other cytokine receptors, we have an enhanced appreciation of the contributions of these molecules towards cytokine specificity, pleiotropy and redundancy.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-5 is central in regulating eosinophilia in allergic disease and parasitic infections. We have recently shown that human (h) IL-5 both possesses a functional nuclear localization signal capable of targeting a heterologous protein to the nucleus and localises to the nucleus of intact receptor-expressing cells. In this study, the extracellular domains of the hIL-5 α- and β-receptor subunits were expressed in baculovirus, fluorescently labelled and assayed for nuclear targeting in vitro in the absence and presence of IL-5. The β-subunit, which lacks IL-5 binding activity, only accumulated in the nucleus in the presence of both the hIL-5 binding α-subunit and hIL-5. The IL-5-binding α-subunit showed similar results. IL-5 thus effected nuclear transport of its α- and β-receptor subunits apparently through a ‘piggy back' mechanism, raising the possibility that IL-5's nuclear signalling role may be to cotarget its receptor subunits to the nucleus. This is the first demonstration of nuclear protein piggy back transport in vitro.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor receptors are expressed by some T cells, and provide costimulation for these cells. Such receptors allow T cells to respond to fibroblast growth factors expressed in response to injury and inflammation and may provide a mechanism for 'context-dependent' responses to antigens within the local microenvironment. The mechanisms by which fibroblast growth factor receptors might interact with the TCR signalling pathway are not defined. Here we show that the TCR and fibroblast growth factor receptors co-localize during combined stimulation. Signalling via fibroblast growth factor receptors alone results in phosphorylation of Lck and induces nuclear translocation of nuclear factors of activated T cells. Combined stimulation via fibroblast growth factor receptors and the TCR synergistically enhances the activation of nuclear factors of activated T cells. The results suggest that peptide growth factors produced at sites of injury and inflammation can contribute to the outcome of T-cell encounters with antigen.  相似文献   

The melanotropic actions of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) and other melanocortins are mediated by activation of the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R). This G protein-coupled receptor is positively coupled to Gs and triggers the cyclic adenosine mono-phosphate (cAMP) pathway. Mutations of the MC1R gene are associated with skin type and pigmentation phenotypes, and with increased risk of skin cancers. Genetic studies have demonstrated an heterozygote carrier effect for these associations, suggesting the importance of variant allele dosage. This could be accounted for, at least partially, if the number of MC1R molecules, rather than the Gs protein or the effector enzyme, adenylyl cyclase, is limiting for the activation of the signalling pathway. However, the nature of the limiting factor(s) in MC1R signalling has not been investigated. We addressed this question by comparing the cAMP output of clones of human melanoma cell lines enriched in MC1R by stable transfection. We also analysed heterologous cell systems widely used for functional studies of MC1R. We show that cAMP production in clones of Chinese hamster ovary cells stably expressing the MC1R is a linear function of receptor number up to high, supraphysiological levels of approximately 50,000 alpha-MSH binding sites per cell. Enrichment of human melanoma cell lines with MC1R also results in increased cAMP levels, with a small leftward shift of the agonist dose-response curves. Therefore, at physiological expression levels second-messenger generation is dependent on receptor density. Within melanoma cells and also likely in normal melanocytes, MC1R appears the limiting factor controlling the output of the cAMP signalling pathway.  相似文献   

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