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Determinate growth in an organ can reduce the mechanical liability of dynamic wind loadings. This hypothesis was examined for the peduncles of Allium sativum grown under protected and unprotected field conditions and in the glasshouse. The extent to which the lengths of peduncles approach their critical buckling lengths lcr was correlated with the extent to which peduncles were perturbed mechanically. Glasshouse-grown plants that were protected from dynamic loadings (wind or handling) produced peduncles with low ratios of critical to actual peduncle lengths (lcr/1 = 1.11 ± 0.07); field-grown, unprotected plants had lcr/1 = 1.85 ± 0.29; while plants grown in the field but protected from the wind had lcr/1 = 1.29 ± 0.15. Statistical analyses indicated that peduncle length was the only morphometric parameter examined to significantly differ among plants grown under the three conditions. The frequency distributions of critical (buckling) stress for each of the three populations of peduncles differed; that of the unprotected population conformed to a three-parameter Weibull distribution. Allium sativum exhibits thigmomorphogenesis, i.e., mechanical forces influence the extent and nature of organogenesis. Unlike other thigmomophogenetic species, however, the determinate growth of peduncles did not influence peduncle girth or the elastic (Young's) modulus of tissues. Thus, the extent to which vertical growth proceeded determined the design factor for dynamic loading in these reproductive organs. The design (“margin of safety”) factors of A. sativum peduncles grown under the three different conditions and calculated from lcr/1 were remarkably similar to those specified for engineered columns of wood subjected to stress durations differing in magnitude.  相似文献   

We examined the allometry and mechanical properties of the peduncles of Hieracium pilosella and other species in the Asteraceae (H. aurantiacum, Taraxicum officinale, Tragopogon pratensi) to evaluate the hypothesis that tapered, tubular, and non-septate peduncles optimize the trade-offs among stem biomass allocation, elevating flowers and thus their wind-dispersed fruits, and the requirement for a factor of safety against mechanical failure. This hypothesis was evaluated by comparing peduncle morphometry (e.g., biomass M(s), floral biomass M(f), and length L) and mechanical properties (e.g., bending rigidity EI) for populations growing in windy and wind-sheltered sites as well as transplants between sites. Regardless of ambient wind speeds, M(s) ∝ L(4/3) and EI ∝ L(11/4) ∝ M(s)(5/3), whereas M(f)?/M(s) ∝ L(-1.15), i.e., peduncles disproportionately increase in their biomass as they increase in length, but mechanically support a disproportionately smaller floral biomass relative to their biomass. Calculations show that the tall peduncles from wind-sheltered sites have a larger fruit dispersal range and a lower factor of safety than the shorter peduncles produced in open sites. These and other observations are interpreted to indicate that tubular peduncles enhance relative fitness in terms of propagule dispersal (but not propagule number per stem) while maintaining a sufficient factor of safety against mechanical failure.  相似文献   

The allometric relationship of stem length L with respect to mean stem diameter D was determined for 80 shoots of each of three columnar cactus species (Stenocereus thurberi, Lophocereus schottii, and S. gummosus) to determine whether this relationship accords with that predicted by each of three contending models purporting to describe the mechanical architecture of vertical shoots (i.e., geometric, stress, and elastic similitude, which predict L proportional to D(alpha), with alpha = 1/1, 1/2, and 2/3, respectively). In addition, anatomical, physical, and biomechanical stem properties were measured to determine how the stems of these three species maintain their elastic stability as they increase in size. Reduced major axis regression of L with respect to D showed that alpha = 2.82 ± 0.14 for S. thurberi, 2.32 ± 0.19 for L. schottii, and 4.21 ± 0.31 for S. gummosus. Thus, the scaling exponents for the allometry of L differed significantly from that predicted by each of the three biomechanical models. In contrast, these exponents were similar to that for the allometry previously reported for saguaro. Analyses of biomechanical data derived from bending tests performed on 30 stems selected from each of the three species indicated that the bulk stem tissue stiffness was roughly proportional to L2, while stem flexural rigidity (i.e., the ability to resist a bending force) scaled roughly as L3. Stem length was significantly and positively correlated with the volume fraction of wood, while regression analysis of the pooled data from the three species (i.e., 90 stems) indicated that bulk tissue stiffness scaled roughly as the 5/3-power of the volume fraction of wood in stems. These data were interpreted to indicate that wood served as the major stiffening agent in stems and that this tissue accumulates at a sufficient rate to afford unusually high scaling exponents tot stem length with respect to stem diameter (i.e., disproportionately large increments of stem length with respect to increments in stem diameter). Nevertheless, the safety factor against the elastic failure of stems (computed on the basis of the critical buckling height divided by actual stem length) decreased with increasing stem size tot each species, even though each species maintained an average safety factor equal to two. We speculate that the apparent upper limit to plant height calculated for each species may serve as a biomechanical mechanism for vegetative propagation and the establishment of dense plant colonies by means of extreme stem flexure and ultimate breakage, especially for S. gummosus.  相似文献   

Near-natural multilayered Abies alba Mill.–Fagus sylvatica L. forests form structural mosaics and consist of patches in different developmental stages and phases. Knowledge of the diversity of patch structure and adequate methods to describe the diameter structure is essential for modeling forest dynamics. The hypotheses tested in the study are that near-natural multilayered stands are structurally heterogeneous (i.e., tree diameter (DBH) distributions of these stands are heterogeneous) and, that in these forests the finite-mixture models are suitable for modeling the empirical DBH distributions. Diversity of patch structure was studied based on data collected from 33 sample plots. In multilayered stands, four groups of empirical DBH distributions were distinguished using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and correspondence analysis (CA). Stands investigated are structurally heterogeneous; 27% multilayered stands showed the slightly rotated sigmoid (SRS) type of empirical DBH distribution, 34% the distinctly rotated sigmoid (DRS) type, 18% the bimodal M-shaped (BMS) type, and 21% the unimodal highly skewed (UHS) type. The gamma distribution, the two-component mixture gamma model, and the two-component mixture Weibull model were more flexible for the SRS type of DBH distributions. The average p-values (Chi-square test) for these theoretical distributions were 0.4712, 0.4718, and 0.4660, respectively. The two-component mixture gamma model and the two-component mixture Weibull model were a good choice for modeling the DRS, BMS, and UHS types of DBH distributions. The average p-values (Chi-square test) for these models ranged from 0.2684 to 0.4854. In near-natural multilayered AbiesFagus forest patches of different DBH distributions occur together. The empirical DBH distributions in these stands are characterized by irregular and complicated shapes and therefore are best approximated by finite-mixture models.  相似文献   

We tested Wilhelm Hofmeister's hypothesis that the outer layers of herbaceous stem tissues are held in a preferential state of longitudinal tension by more internal stem tissues that are held in a reciprocal state of compression. We measured (1) the biaxial stiffness of dandelion peduncles that were barometrically inflated with a Scholander pressure bomb, and (2) the stiffness and mechanical behavior of different layers of tissues that were surgically manipulated as longitudinal strips placed in uniaxial tension. Hofmeister's hypothesis predicts that stems will shorten and expand in girth as their volume transiently increases (due to barometric or hydrostatic inflation), that they will longitudinally rupture when excessively inflated, and that the principal stiffening agents in their outer tissues will be aligned in the longitudinal direction with respect to stem length. Our experiments confirmed these predictions: (1) the longitudinal strains observed for inflated peduncles were negative and smaller than the circumferential strains such that stems contracted in length and expanded in girth, (2) peduncles longitudinally ruptured when excessively inflated, (3) surgical experiments indicated that the epidermis was stiffer in longitudinal tension than any other immature peduncle tissue and was as stiff as any other tissue region in mature stems, and (4) microscopic analyses showed that the net orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell walls of the outer region of stem tissues was parallel to stem length. A strong positive correlation existed between the tensile stiffness of tissues and the net orientation of cell wall microfibrils.  相似文献   

We calculated the wind-induced bending moments and stresses generated in the stems of five Prunus serotina conspecifics differing in height and canopy shape and size (based on detailed measurements of stem projected area and location with respect to ground level) to test the hypothesis that wind-loads generate uniform and constant stress levels along the lengths of tree twigs, branches, and trunks. These calculations were performed using five different wind speed profiles to evaluate the relative importance of the shape of wind speed profiles versus the ’geometry’ of tree shape on stem stress distributions and magnitudes. Additionally, we evaluated the effect of absolute tree size and stem taper on wind- induced stresses by scaling the size of smaller conspecifics to the absolute height of the largest of the five trees yet retaining the original stem proportions (i.e., diameter relative to stem length) for each plant. Finally, we also determined how the factor of safety for wind-loading (i.e., the quotient of stem yield stress and wind-load stress) changed as a function of tree size (and, presumably, age). Our results indicate that wind-load stress levels (1) vary along stem length even for the same wind speed profile and the same maximum wind speed; (2) would increase to dangerous levels with increasing tree height if it were not for ontogenetic changes in stem taper and canopy shape that reduce stress intensities to manageable levels; (3) tend to be more dependent on stem taper and canopy shape and size than on the shape of the wind speed profile; and (4) the factor of safety against wind-induced mechanical failure decreases as trees get larger, but varies along the length of large trees such that preferential stem failure is likely and functionally adaptive. We thus (1) reject the hypothesis of constant wind-induced stress levels; (2) support the view that size-dependent changes in stem taper are required to maintain wind-load mechanical reliability; and (3) suggest that certain portions of mature trees are ’designed’ to fail under high winds speeds, thereby reducing drag and the bending moments and stresses experienced by trunks. Received: 24 May 1999 / Accepted: 8 October 1999  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to ascertain whether metal resistance in willow (Salix) clones grown in a hydroponics screening test correlated with data from the same clones grown independently in a field trial. If so, results from a short-term, glasshouse-based system could be extrapolated to the field, allowing rapid identification of willows suitable for planting in metal-contaminated substrates without necessitating longterm field trials. Principal Components Analysis was used to show groups of clones and to assess the relative importance of the parameters measured in both the hydroponics system and the field; including plant response factors such as increase in stem height, as well as metal concentrations in plant tissues. The clones tested fell into two distinct groups. Salix viminalis clones and the basket willow Black Maul (S. triandra) were less resistant to elevated concentrations of heavy metals than a group of hardier clones, including S. burjatica 'Germany,' S.x dasyclados, S. candida and S. spaethii. The more resistant clones produced more biomass in the glasshouse and field, and had higher metal concentrations in the wood. The less resistant clones had greater concentrations of Cu and Ni in the bark, and produced less biomass in the glasshouse and field. Significant relationships were found between the response of the same clones grown the in short-term glasshouse hydroponics system and in the field.  相似文献   



We establish that the occurrence of protein folds among genomes can be accurately described with a Weibull function. Systems which exhibit Weibull character can be interpreted with reliability theory commonly used in engineering analysis. For instance, Weibull distributions are widely used in reliability, maintainability and safety work to model time-to-failure of mechanical devices, mechanisms, building constructions and equipment.  相似文献   

Multiple introductions can play a prominent role in explaining the success of biological invasions. One often cited mechanism is that multiple introductions of invasive species prevent genetic bottlenecks by parallel introductions of several distinct genotypes that, in turn, provide heritable variation necessary for local adaptation. Here, we show that the invasion of Aegilops triuncialis into California, USA, involved multiple introductions that may have facilitated invasion into serpentine habitats. Using microsatellite markers, we compared the polymorphism and genetic structure of populations of Ae. triuncialis invading serpentine soils in California to that of accessions from its native range. In a glasshouse study, we also compared phenotypic variation in phenological and fitness traits between invasive and native populations grown on loam soil and under serpentine edaphic conditions. Molecular analysis of invasive populations revealed that Californian populations cluster into three independent introductions (i.e. invasive lineages). Our glasshouse common garden experiment found that all Californian populations exhibited higher fitness under serpentine conditions. However, the three invasive lineages appear to represent independent pathways of adaptation to serpentine soil. Our results suggest that the rapid invasion of serpentine habitats in California may have been facilitated by the existence of colonizing Eurasian genotypes pre‐adapted to serpentine soils.  相似文献   

Competition and Allometry in Kochia scoparia   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Comparisons between crowded and uncrowded Kochia scoparia individualsdemonstrate pronounced effects of competition on plant allometryas well as on the distributions of different aspects of size.Non-destructive measurements of height and stem diameter and,for a subset of the populations, the number and length of leavesand branches, were taken at three times, and the plants wereharvested after the third measurement. The sequential measurementsafforded the opportunity to obtain information of the effectsof competition on allometric growth trajectories of individuals,as well as on static inter-individual allometric relationships. The distributions of most size measures appeared to be normalfor the uncrowded population. Crowded populations developeda negatively-skewed height distribution and a high-inequalitymass distribution, whereas the diameter distributions remainednormal. Plants grown without neighbours showed simple allometricrelationships between height, diameter and weight. For isolatedplants, the 'static' allometric relationship between plantsof different sizes and the allometric growth trajectory of individualswere similar. Crowded populations showed complex allometry;the static inter-individual relationships between height, diameterand weight were curvilinear (on log-log scale). There were largedifferences in the allometric growth slopes of uncrowded vs.crowded plants. Allometric relationships between stem diameterand plant mass, and between total length of leaves and totallength of branches, did not seem to be altered by competition. The data suggest that height was the most important aspect ofsize influencing future growth of individuals in the crowdedpopulation. Only plants above a certain height were able tocontinue to grow from the second to third measurement in thecrowded population. This supports the hypothesis that asymmetriccompetition for light is the cause of the allometric changesand of the increase in size variability due to competition.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Allometric growth, allometry, competition, growth, Kochia  相似文献   

Telomere maintenance is essential for the long-term proliferation of human pluripotent stem cells, while their telomere length set point determines the proliferative capacity of their differentiated progeny. The shelterin protein TPP1 is required for telomere stability and elongation, but its role in establishing a telomere length set point remains elusive. Here, we characterize the contribution of the shorter isoform of TPP1 (TPP1S) and the amino acid L104 outside the TEL patch, TPP1’s telomerase interaction domain, to telomere length control. We demonstrate that cells deficient for TPP1S (TPP1S knockout [KO]), as well as the complete TPP1 KO cell lines, undergo telomere shortening. However, TPP1S KO cells are able to stabilize short telomeres, while TPP1 KO cells die. We compare these phenotypes with those of TPP1L104A/L104A mutant cells, which have short and stable telomeres similar to the TPP1S KO. In contrast to TPP1S KO cells, TPP1L104A/L104A cells respond to increased telomerase levels and maintain protected telomeres. However, TPP1L104A/L104A shows altered sensitivity to expression changes of shelterin proteins suggesting the mutation causes a defect in telomere length feedback regulation. Together this highlights TPP1L104A/L104A as the first shelterin mutant engineered at the endogenous locus of human stem cells with an altered telomere length set point.  相似文献   

For multiple testing based on discrete p-values, we propose a false discovery rate (FDR) procedure “BH+” with proven conservativeness. BH+ is at least as powerful as the BH (i.e., Benjamini-Hochberg) procedure when they are applied to superuniform p-values. Further, when applied to mid-p-values, BH+ can be more powerful than it is applied to conventional p-values. An easily verifiable necessary and sufficient condition for this is provided. BH+ is perhaps the first conservative FDR procedure applicable to mid-p-values and to p-values with general distributions. It is applied to multiple testing based on discrete p-values in a methylation study, an HIV study and a clinical safety study, where it makes considerably more discoveries than the BH procedure. In addition, we propose an adaptive version of the BH+ procedure, prove its conservativeness under certain conditions, and provide evidence on its excellent performance via simulation studies.  相似文献   

A new method is presented for determining the growth rate and the probability of cell division (separation) during the cell cycle, using size distributions of cell populations grown under steady-state conditions. The method utilizes the cell life-length distribution, i.e., the probability that a cell will have any specific size during its life history. This method was used to analyze cell length distributions of six cultures of Escherichia coli, for which doubling times varied from 19 to 125 min. The results for each culture are in good agreement with a single model of growth and division kinetics: exponential elongation of cells during growth phase of the cycle, and normal distributions of length at birth and at division. The average value of the coefficient of variation was 13.5% for all strains and growth rates. These results, based upon 5,955 observations, support and extend earlier proposals that growth and division patterns of E. coli are similar at all growth rates and, in addition, identify the general growth pattern of these cells to be exponential.  相似文献   

We examine how species richness and species‐specific plant density (number of species and number of individuals per species, respectively) vary within community size frequency distributions and across latitude. Communities from Asia, Africa, Europe, and North, Central and South America were studied (60°4′N–41°4′S latitude) using the Gentry data base. Log–log linear stem size (diameter) frequency distributions were constructed for each community and the species richness and species‐specific plant density within each size class were determined for each frequency distribution. Species richness in the smallest stem size class correlated with the Y‐intercepts (β‐values) of the regression curves describing each log–log linear size distributions. Two extreme community types were identified (designated as type A and type B). Type A communities had steep size distributions (i.e. large β‐values), log–log linear species‐richness size distributions, low species‐specific plant density distributions, and a small size class (2–4 cm) containing the majority of all species but rarely conspecifics of the dominant tree species. Type B communities had shallow size distributions (i.e. small β‐values), more or less uniform (and low) size class species‐ richness and species‐specific density distributions and size‐dominant species resident in the smallest size class. Type A communities were absent in the higher latitudes but increased in number towards the equator, i.e. in the smallest size class, species richness increased (and species‐specific density decreased) towards the tropics. Based on our survey of type A and type B communities (and their intermediates), species richness evinces size‐dependent and latitudinal trends, i.e. species richness increased with decreasing body size and most species increasingly reside in the smallest plant size class towards the tropics. Across all latitudes, a trade‐off exists between the number of species and the number of individuals per species residing in the smaller size classes.  相似文献   

We designed field experiments using solar-tracking Ranunculus adoneus flowers to determine where photoreception occurred, which organs responded, and how movement was achieved. Flower peduncles bend eastward in the morning and gradually unbend over the course of the day. Peduncles were found to bend significantly more frequently in the middle region near the floral bracts, 1–3 cm below the flower, than elsewhere on the peduncle. Because the peduncle tip continued to track the sun even after the flower itself was removed, our experiments concentrated on shielding (or conversely, exposing) various portions of peduncles from (or to) sunlight. Photoreception occurred primarily in the portion of the stem just beneath the floral receptacle. By following the position of landmarks applied to the stem, we found that 40% more growth occurred on the shaded side of bent peduncles, compared to the sunlit side. In contrast, top-shielded peduncles did not solar track well and grew only 25% more on the shaded side than on the sunlit side. This growth differential corresponded to differences in cell length on the two sides of bent peduncles, with significantly longer epidermal cells occurring on the shaded side than on the sunlit side.  相似文献   

Hereditary symbioses between fungal endophytes and grasses are relatively recent in the history of plant life. Given < 80 million yr of co-evolution, symbioses are likely to have impacted plant microevolutionary rather than macroevolutionary processes. Therefore, we investigated the microevolutionary role of the fungal endophyte Neotyphodium lolii in the adaptive differentiation of its host species Lolium perenne. Endophyte frequency in 22 natural L. perenne populations was established across a water availability gradient. Adaptive differentiation among five populations, and between symbiotic (S) and nonsymbiotic (NS) plants, was examined in a glasshouse experiment under nonlimiting and limiting water conditions. Genetic differentiation was subsequently assessed among populations, and between S and NS individuals, using 14 simple sequence repeats (SSR). Symbiosis frequencies were positively correlated to water availability. Adaptive population differentiation occurred following a trade-off between biomass production under nonlimiting water conditions and survivorship under water stress. Endophytic symbiosis increased plant survival in xeric populations, and reinforced competitiveness in mesic populations. No genetic difference was detected between S and NS plants within populations. Therefore, we conclude that the endophyte relationship is responsible for these effects. Local adaptation of the host plant, appears to be supported by the fungal endophyte.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether the factor of safety for mechanical stability varied among stems differing in size and age within the superstructure of a large dicot tree. Two factors of safety were selected for study: the quotient of the critical buckling height and the actual length of stems, Hcrit/L, and the quotient of the modulus of rupture (the force per unit area required to break a stem) and the working stress (the force per unit area resulting from the biomass measured distal to a stem), MRw. These two dimensionless safety factors were determined for a total of 420 shoot segments comprising much of the aboveground biomass of a Robinia pseudoacacia (Fabaceae) tree measuring 18.7 m in height and 1347 kg in mass, and 0.46 m in diameter (40 yr old) at 1.2 m from the ground. An S-shaped trend was observed when each of the two factors of safety was plotted as a function of stem age. Each factor decreased from a local maximum for the most distal (peripheral) stems in the canopy to a local minimum value for stems ∼10 yr old; each factor increased again to another local maximum for stems 11–18 yr old, and then decreased steadily toward the base of the trunk. This trend was the result of the allometric relationships among stem diameter, length, biomass, and material properties (stiffness and strength) with respect to stem age. Although they were disproportionately more slender than their older counterparts, peripheral stems were sufficiently stiff and strong to sustain the stresses resulting from their weight and that of foliage without deflecting under these loads, yet they were sufficiently flexible to easily bend and thereby presumably provide a mechanism to reduce the drag forces acting on the entire tree. In contrast, the internally imposed mechanical forces acting on progressively older stems increased at a greater rate than the observed rate of increase in stem stiffness, strength, or diameter. The probability of mechanical failure, which must be considered from a demographic perspective (i.e., an age-dependent phenomenon), thus increased from older branches to the base of the trunk. Reports of similar allometric trends based on interspecific comparisons among diverse dicot species comply with the allometry observed for the R. pseudoacacia tree and suggest that the S-shaped trend for the factor of safety holds for stems differing in age drawn from individual trees and for the trunks of conspecifics differing in age drawn from a dense population.  相似文献   

Summary The identification of genetically coherent populations is essential for understanding human evolution. Among the culturally uniform ethnic groups of west Africa, there are two geographically distinct populations with high frequencies of sickle-cell hemoglobin (HbS). Although the HbS mutation in each group is found on distinguishable chromosomes 11, these populations have been assumed to be parts of a single population. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in these populations demonstrated that the two populations identified by alternative chromosomes 11 bearing HbS have distinct distributions of mitochondrial genotypes, i.e., they are maternally separate. These studies also showed that, contrary to expectation, the mtDNA of some individuals is heteroplasmic. For nuclear loci, a comparison of the frequency of alternative alleles established that these populations are genetically distinct. Both the mitochondrial and nuclear data indicate that these populations have been separate for approximately 50,000 years. Although HbS in the two populations is usually attributed to recent, independent mutations, the duration of the separation and the observed geographic distribution of the population allow for the possibility of an ancient origin of HbS. Assuming an ancient mutation and considering the known biogeography, we suggest that HbS protected selected populations from malaria in rain forest refuges during the most recent ice age.Offprint requests to: O.C. Stine  相似文献   

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