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In order to understand the epidemiology of Newcastle disease (ND) outbreaks in double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus), a study was conducted on wintering migratory cormorants (P. a. auritus) in Alabama and Mississippi (USA) and non-migratory cormorants (P. a. floridanus) that breed in Florida (USA). Antibodies against ND virus were detected by the hemagglutination-inhibition method in sera from 86 of 183 (47%) migratory cormorants over-wintering in eight roosting sites in Alabama and Mississippi between November, 1997 and April, 1999. Titers ranged from 5 to 40. Antibody prevalences in sera collected from females in early winter (November and December) (26%) and late winter (February and March) (56%) were significantly different (P = 0.0007). None of 45 serum samples from 1- to 7-wk-old nestlings from 11 colonies in Florida during the 1997-98 and 1998-99 breeding seasons was positive. However, antibodies were detected in yolk samples from 98 of 126 (78%) eggs collected in these same colonies. Titers ranged from 4 to 256. The prevalence of antibodies in eggs collected from fresh-water colonies (63% prevalence, n = 30) and salt-water colonies (82% prevalence, n = 96) was significantly different (P = 0.041). ND virus was not isolated from tissues of 18 cormorants and cloacal and tracheal swabs from 202 cormorants collected in Alabama and Mississippi; virus was also not isolated from cloacal and tracheal swabs from 51 nestlings from Florida.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1992, morbidity and mortality in juvenile double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus; DCC) attributable to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was observed for the first time in seven northern USA states and one Canadian province, and recurred in three western Canadian provinces. Based on clinical signs and laboratory diagnostic findings, DCC mortality from NDV occurred in 59 of the 63 nesting colonies and two of three non-colony sites investigated. An estimate of in excess of 20,000 DCC died, with mortality rates ranging from < 1 to 37% in Great Lakes colonies to 20 to 92% in Minnesota (USA) and North and South Dakota (USA) colonies. Sick juvenile white pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) exhibiting signs similar to sick cormorants, and dead pelicans were observed in Minnesota and North Dakota. Mortality rates in pelican colonies were as high as in the adjacent cormorant colonies, but no cause for the mortality of an estimated 5,000 pelicans was determined. No evidence of NDV was found in other species nesting in proximity to affected cormorants. Although the source of the NDV infection is unknown in cormorants, the simultaneous onset of the epizootics in juvenile birds over a wide geographic area implies that the virus was acquired by adults prior to migration and was carried back to nest sites, exposing susceptible nestlings. The possible transmission of this virus from free-ranging wild birds to domestic poultry is a concern. Based on repeated epizootics in cormorants since 1990, NDV seems to be established in DCC.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to describe causes of morbidity and mortality in a breeding colony of double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) on Doré Lake (Saskatchewan, Canada), and to determine cause-specific mortality rates of juvenile birds. Morbidity and mortality were monitored every third day during the breeding season from 1994 to 1996 from inside a tunnel-and-blind system. Affected eggs and birds were collected for examination and diagnosis. The cause of mortality was determined for 105 eggs, 178 nestlings (< or = 4-wk-old), 1393 post-nestling chicks (> 4-wk-old), and 10 adults. The main causes of mortality were infertility or embryonal death, avian predation, displacement of eggs and chicks from the nest, starvation from sibling competition, Newcastle disease, coyote predation, human-induced suffocation, and entrapment. In 49% of the cases, avian predation and displacement from the nest of eggs or nestlings was associated with human disturbance. Thirty-six nestlings, 40 post-nestling chicks, and three adults were examined for the presence of parasites. Contracaecum spiculigerum was found in the proventriculus; Amphimerus elongatus in the liver. Piagetiella incomposita in the gular pouch; Eidmanniella pellucida, Pectinopygus farallonii, and Ceratophyllus lari in the plumage; and Theromyzon sp. in the nasal and oral cavity. Contracaecum spiculigerum was associated with ulcerative gastritis, A. elongatus with multifocal hepatitis and bile duct hyperplasia, and P. incomposita with ulcerative stomatitis, but these lesions were not considered fatal. Other diseases included beak deformity, abnormal rotation of the carpal joint, hypopigmentation, and eye loss. Overall mortality of cormorant chicks between hatching and the end of the breeding season varied from 25 to 48%. The most important causes of mortality were Newcastle disease, which killed 21% of hatched chicks in 1995, sibling competition (maximum 12% in 1994), and coyote predation (2% in 1994).  相似文献   

In order to understand the role of waterbirds in aquatic food webs it is important to first get an accurate depiction of their diet. Three methods of dietary assessment (pellets, regurgitate and stomach contents) are compared here for breeding double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) of the Beaver Archipelago, northern Lake Michigan. By numerical frequency (percent number), each method yielded different depictions of the diet. However, in terms of presence and absence (percent frequency) of possible prey types, stomach content data did agree with both pellets and regurgitate data. However, differences were noted between regurgitate and pellets. In terms of biomass measured (percent biomass) in regurgitate and stomachs, data gathered agreed. In essence, pellets underestimate the importance of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and overestimate the importance of crayfish (Orconectes sp.) in the diet when compared to both regurgitate and stomach analysis. The non-lethal method of regurgitate collection and analysis appears most practical in assessing cormorant diet in this system. In combination with information on avian foraging ecology and prey populations, these data may be used to investigate the relationships among cormorants and their prey, and lead to a better understanding of Great Lake food web dynamics.  相似文献   

Inland great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) culled in France were examined in the winter of 1997-98 and 1998-99 for antibodies to Newcastle disease (ND) and influenza A strains H5 and H7 by the hemagglutination inhibition test. Antibodies to influenza A group antigen were tested by agar gel precipitin test. Ten of 53 adult individuals were seropositive for ND virus. All sera were negative for influenza A antibodies. It is speculated that ND occurred in the sampled population.  相似文献   

To reduce conflicts with fish resources, other colonial waterbirds, and damage to habitats, double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) are currently controlled (lethally and non-lethally) throughout much of their range. Concerns are growing over the Pacific Coast's largest double-crested cormorant colony at East Sand Island (ESI), Oregon near the mouth of the Columbia River, where cormorants forage on juvenile salmonids, many of which are listed under the United States Endangered Species Act. Management of this colony is currently under consideration and may call for a redistribution of a portion of this colony numbering more than 12,000 breeding pairs in 2009. We investigated regional and site-specific connectivity of ESI cormorants using satellite-telemetry to track post-breeding dispersal. Cormorants dispersed widely west of the Cascade-Sierra Nevada Mountains from British Columbia, Canada to northern Mexico. Tracking data demonstrated direct connectivity between the double-crested cormorant colony at ESI and nesting sites throughout the dispersal area. Results of this study indicate that some cormorants from ESI could disperse to prospect for nesting sites throughout much of the western portion of the range of the Western Population; however, regional variation in connectivity with the ESI population, distance from ESI, and site-specific nesting history will likely result in variable prospecting rates among regions and sub-regions. Management efforts aimed at redistributing ESI cormorants across western North America (e.g., social attraction or dissuasion techniques) might be best allocated to areas or sites known to be used by tagged cormorants, particularly those sites with an established nesting history. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Male double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) perform advertising displays at potential nest locations at spring breeding grounds to attract females. Yet, there is no research on how the frequency of this behaviour changes over time or its association with habitat features. Studies of this behavioural display may provide insight into how birds choose areas for nesting, an important issue given the environmental and societal impacts of dense colonies of cormorants. Advertising behaviour was observed in trees throughout the 2014 nesting season, at six different sampling stations, using both scan sampling (for temporal changes in display frequency) and focal sampling (for temporal changes in four microhabitat variables: tree health, height in tree, nest density and presence of a nest). Advertising data (scans N = 484 birds; focal samples N = 827 birds) were divided into pre-incubation, incubation and chicks-present categories using a breeding chronology dataset. The number of cormorants advertising varied temporally and spatially. Using scan data in a marginal model, we found that the number of cormorants advertising was highest at the beginning of the season (peaking at week 3) and lowest once chicks were present. The GLM (focal data) showed that most cormorants advertised without nests especially past the second week of the season. The model also indicated that cormorants advertised in low nest density trees from pre- to mid-incubation. Contrary to our predictions based on colony expansion over the season, we did not observe an interaction of tree health*time or station*time, which suggests that the advertising display revealed a nest site selection process that was not visible at the population level.  相似文献   

The renal parasite Eimeria auritusi has caused several mortality events in double-crested cormorants (DCC; Phalacrocorax auritus) in the Midwest and southeastern United States. This parasite has only been detected during large-scale outbreaks, and its presence and prevalence in healthy populations of cormorants is unknown. In this study, 80 DCC were collected from the Chattahoochee River near Fort Gaines, Georgia, and examined for kidney and intestinal coccidia. Eighteen (22.5%) and 56 (70%) of the DCC were positive for E. auritusi and a new species of intestinal Eimeria, respectively. Oocysts of the new intestinal Eimeria species had a thin colorless wall, were ovoid with rare bumps on the outer surface, and measured 17.1 microm +/- 1.5 x 14.7 microm +/- 1.0 (16-18.5 x 13-17), with an average length:width ratio of 1.17 microm (1.03-1.29). A prominent micropyle (4-4.5 microm) was present, and a large oval-to-round polar body (2.5 microm) was located beneath the micropyle. Sporocysts were ovoid and measured 9.6 microm +/- 0.6 x 5.9 microm +/- 0.5 (8.5-10.5 x 5-6.5), with an average length:width ratio of 1.63 (1.3-1.82) with small stieda body present. Amplification and sequencing of a fragment of the 18S rRNA gene indicated that the 2 DCC Eimeria species and 2 Eimeria species from cranes were in a separate group from other Eimeriidae. These data indicate that E. auritusi and this new species of intestinal Eimeria are prevalent in this apparently healthy DCC population. The cause of renal coccidiosis outbreaks in other populations of cormorants is unknown but could be due to crowding or stress during the winter months or some other associated pathogen or immunosuppressor that might predispose individuals to clinical disease.  相似文献   

All iridovirus was confirmed to be the cause of an epizootic in larval and adult tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum diaboli) from four separate ponds in southern Saskatchewan (Canada) during the summer of 1997. This organism also is suspected, based on electron microscopic findings, to be the cause of mortality of larval tiger salamanders in a pond over 200 km to the north during the same year. Salamanders developed a generalized viremia which resulted in various lesions including: necrotizing, vesicular and ulcerative dermatitis; gastrointestinal ulceration; and necrosis of hepatic, splenic, renal, lymphoid, and hematopoietic tissues. In cells associated with these lesions, large lightly basophilic cytoplasmic inclusions and vacuolated nuclei with marginated chromatin were consistently found. Virus was isolated from tissue homogenates of infected salamanders following inoculation of epithelioma papilloma cyprini (EPC) cells. The virus, provisionally designated Regina ranavirus (RRV), was initially identified as an iridovirus by electron microscopy. Subsequent molecular characterization, including partial sequence analysis of the major capsid protein (MCP) gene, confirmed this assignment and established that RRV was a ranavirus distinct from frog virus 3 (FV3) and other members of the genus Ranavirus. Intraperitoneal inoculation of 5 x 10(6.23) TCID50 of the field isolate caused mortality in inoculated salamanders at 13 days post infection. Field, clinical, and molecular studies jointly suggest that the etiological agent of recent salamander mortalities is a highly infectious novel ranavirus.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistant Salmonella spp. were found in double-crested cormorants and common loons in Florida. Single or multiple resistance occurred in all Salmonella agona isolates from cormorants, primarily to ampicillin, sulfonamids, streptomycin, neomycin, and kanamycin. Similar patterns of resistance were found in S. agona isolates from common loons. In addition, isolates of S. Saint paul from loons were found resistant to tetracycline and streptomycin, while 2 of 7 isolates of S. infantis were resistant to tetracycline only.  相似文献   

A new Eimeria sp. is described as the cause of an outbreak of renal coccidiosis in double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) in Georgia. Sporulated oocysts were spherical to subspherical and measured 16.1 x 16.5 (13.8-18 x 14-19) microm, with an average length-width ratio of 1:1. Oocyst wall was thin (1 microm), greenish, and pitted on the outer surface. Micropyle, micropylar cap, Stieda body, and polar bodies were absent. Small oocyst residuum (4-8 granules) was usually absent but occasionally present. Sporocysts were oval and measured 6.6 x 9.3 (6-7 x 8-10.5) microm, with an average length-width ratio of 1:1.4. A sporocyst residuum was present, located in between sporozoites, and was composed of numerous granules of unequal size. A small refractile body was present in each sporozoite. Collecting duct and distal renal tubular epithelial cells were distended by large oocysts in their cytoplasm, and many oocysts were present in the lumen of dilated tubules. Various stages of meronts, gamonts, and developing oocysts were present in other renal tubular epithelial cells. Multiple infections of parasitized cells were frequently observed, with cells containing up to 12 gamonts or developing oocysts. The importance of this Eimeria sp. on double-crested cormorant populations is not known. But in this case, significant lesions and mortality were associated with infection.  相似文献   



Strongyloides stercoralis is a neglected soil-transmitted helminth species, and there is a lack of parasitologic and epidemiologic data pertaining to this parasite in China and elsewhere. We studied the local occurrence of S. stercoralis in a village in Yunnan province, China, and comparatively assessed the performance of different diagnostic methods.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Multiple stool samples from a random population sample were subjected to the Kato-Katz method, an ether-concentration technique, the Koga agar plate method, and the Baermann technique. Among 180 participants who submitted at least 2 stool samples, we found a S. stercoralis prevalence of 11.7%. Males had a significantly higher prevalence than females (18.3% versus 6.1%, p = 0.011), and infections were absent in individuals <15 years of age. Infections were only detected by the Baermann (highest sensitivity) and the Koga agar plate method, but neither with the Kato-Katz nor an ether-concentration technique. The examination of 3 stool samples rather than a single one resulted in the detection of 62% and 100% more infections when employing the Koga agar plate and the Baermann technique, respectively. The use of a mathematical model revealed a ‘true’ S. stercoralis prevalence in the current setting of up to 16.3%.


We conclude that S. stercoralis is endemic in the southern part of Yunnan province and that differential diagnosis and integrated control of intestinal helminth infections needs more pointed emphasis in rural China.  相似文献   

In the present study, the performances of conventional purification methods, packed bed adsorption (PBA), and expanded bed adsorption (EBA) for the purification of the nucleocapsid protein (NP) of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) from Escherichia coli homogenates were evaluated. The conventional methods for the recovery of NP proteins involved multiple steps, such as centrifugation, precipitation, dialysis, and sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation. For the PBA, clarified feedstock was used for column loading, while in EBA, unclarified feedstock was used. Streamline chelating immobilized with Ni2+ ion was used as an affinity ligand for both PBA and EBA. The final protein yield obtained in conventional and PBA methods was 1.26% and 5.56%, respectively. It was demonstrated that EBA achieved the highest final protein yield of 9.6% with a purification factor of 7. Additionally, the total processing time of the EBA process has been shortened by 8 times compared to that of the conventional method.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis jirovecii (PCP) remains a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in patients with respiratory infections. Accurate diagnosis of PCP is still a diagnostic challenge. Hence, the main objectives were to study the incidence of Pneumocystis Jirovecii pneumonia infection among respiratory problems patients and to compare the real-time quantitative PCR technique with various diagnostic methodologies. Patients who have respiratory symptoms of PCP like breathlessness, cough, and fever were enrolled. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples were collected and homogenized, and then smears were prepared for examination by Gomorimethanamine silver staining (GMSS), Immunofluorescent staining (IFAT), Toludine blue O (TBO), and Giemsa staining. Further, RT-PCR was also performed for the detection of PCP. The mean patients’ age was 52 (SD ± 16) years. 41% were female, and 59% of the patients were male. Weight loss (80%), fever (92%), cough (100%), and dyspnea (76%) were the most common complaints. Twenty-eight patients have been diagnosed with pulmonary infiltrates using chest X-ray. Out of 100 patients, 35% were positive for PCP. The organism was detected using IFAT in all the 35 specimens, 15 of 35 (42.86%) by GMSS, 8 of 35 (17.6%) by Giemsa stain, and 1 of 35 (2.8%) was detected by TBO stains. RT-PCR showed that 39 patients was found to be positive for PCP. Thirty-five of these 39 patients had a positive IFAT (89.74%); the IFAT was negative or undefined in 4 samples. All 39 patients (100%) had signs and symptoms for PCP. Our results suggest that RT-PCR is still the most highly sensitive method for Pneumocystis Jirovecii detection. In poor resource settings where RT-PCR and IFAT is not available, diagnosis of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia remains a complicated issue. In settings where RT-PCR & IFAT are not available, GMSS staining may be the next best choice to detect PCP.  相似文献   

Leeflang P., Buys Janny and Blotkamp Coby. 1978. Studies on Trypanosoma vivax: comparison of parasitological diagnostic methods. International Journal for Parasitology8: 15–18. Parasitological methods for the diagnosis of Trypanosoma vivax infections in Nigerian cattle, including thin and thick blood smear and lymph gland smear examination, haematocrit centrifuge technique, hypotonie lysis test and mouse inoculation were evaluated. In 155 blood samples, thick film examination was significantly better than thin smear examination; in 126 samples, the haematocrit centrifuge technique was significantly superior over thin smear but not over thick film examination; when all six methods were applied in 52 samples, significant differences could only be demonstrated between mouse inoculation on one hand and thick film and gland smear examination, haematocrit centrifuge technique and hypotonie lysis test on the other hand, and between thin smear examination and hypotonic lysis test. It was shown that none of the tests was either satisfactory or sufficiently reliable to be used alone. The combination of either haematocrit centrifuge technique or thick film examination together with thin smear examination is recommended as most practical for the diagnosis of T. vivax infection under field conditions. The haematocrit centrifuge technique is also more advantageous because simultaneous estimation of the packed cell volume will evaluate the clinical condition of the herd. A comparison of the value of diagnostic methods for East and West African T. vivax was included in the present study.  相似文献   

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