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The programmed elimination of part of the genome through chromosome loss or chromatin diminution constitutes an exceptional biological process found to be present in several diverse groups of organisms. The occurrence of this phenomenon during early embryogenesis is generally correlated to somatic versus germ-line differentiation. A most outstanding example of chromosome elimination and genomic imprinting is found in sciarid flies, where whole chromosomes of exclusive parental origin are selectively eliminated at different developmental stages. Three types of tissue-specific chromosome elimination events occur in sciarids. During early cleavages, one or two X paternal chromosomes is/are discarded from somatic cells of embryos which then develop as females or males respectively. Thus, the sex of the embryo is determined by the number of eliminated paternal X chromosomes. In germ cells, instead, a single paternal X chromosome is eliminated in embryos of both sexes. In addition, while female meiosis is orthodox, male meiosis is highly unusual as the whole paternal chromosome set is discarded from spermatocytes. As a consequence, only maternally derived chromosomes are included in the functional sperm. This paper reviews current cytological and molecular knowledge on the tissue-specific cell mechanisms evolved to achieve chromosome elimination in sciarids.  相似文献   

Parasitic nematode worms of the genus Strongyloides have an alternation of many asexual, all-female generations with a sexual generation composed of males and females. Males of S. papillosus have now been shown to be produced by elimination of chromosomal material that constitutes the X chromosome in its close relatives.  相似文献   

Saccone G  Pane A  Polito LC 《Genetica》2002,116(1):15-23
Sex determination mechanisms, differing in their modality, are widely represented in all the various animal taxa, even at the intraspecific level. Within the highly diversified Class Insecta, Drosophila has been used to unravel the mechanistic molecular and genetic interactions that are involved in sex determination. Indeed, the molecularly characterized genes of the Drosophila sex determination hierarchy X:A> Sxl> tra> dsxhave been fruitful starting points in the cloning of homologous genes from other insect species. This cascade seems to control sex determination in all Drosophila species. However, no sex-specific regulatory Sxlhomologues have been isolated from the Mediterranean fruitfly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata, the housefly, Musca domestica, Chrysomya rufifaciesnor from the distantly related phorid fly Megaselia scalaris. Moreover, all these other species use primary signals different from the intricate X:A counting system of Drosophila. However, dsxhomologues isolated from these and other dipteran species as well as from the silkmoth, Bombyx mori, share a conserved sex-specific regulation based on alternative splicing. An understanding of the sex determination mechanisms in insects that are of agricultural or public health importance may help in the development of improved methods for their control using the sterile insect technique.  相似文献   

A model is presented for the evolution of the sciarid chromosomal system. In this model, a driving X chromosome caused female-biased sex ratios. The drive was exploited by maternal autosomes that segregated with the X at spermatogenesis. Genes in mothers converted some of their XX daughters into sons by eliminating a paternal X from the embryonic soma. L chromosomes were derived from X chromosomes and favored male-biased sex ratios. An X' chromosome arose that suppressed the effects of L chromosomes. The 1:1 sex ratio is a stalemate between the X' and X'X mothers causing all-female broods and the L chromosomes in XX mothers causing all-male broods. Any element (such as an L chromosome) that is preferentially transmitted through one sex will be selected to bias the sex ratio towards this sex.  相似文献   

Sex inversion as a model for the study of sex determination in vertebrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As a consequence of genetic sex determination, the indifferent gonadal blastema normally becomes either a testis or an ovary. This applies to mammals and to the majority of non-mammalian vertebrates. With the exception of placental mammals, however, partial or complete sex inversion can be induced in one sex by sexual steroid hormones of the opposite sex during a sensitive period of gonadogenesis. There is evidence that also during normal gonadogenesis in these species, in the XY/XX mechanism of sex determination testicular differentiation is induced by androgens, and in the ZZ/ZW mechanism, ovarian differentiation by oestrogens. In either case, the hormones may act via serological H-Y antigen as a morphogenetic factor. In contrast, in placental mammals including man, primary gonadal differentiation is independent of sexual steroid hormones, and factors directing differential gonadal development have not yet been conclusively identified. However, various mutations at the chromosome or gene level, resulting respectively in sex inversion or intersexuality, have provided clues as to some genes involved and their possible nature. In this context also, serological H-Y antigen is discussed as a possible factor acting on primordial gonadal cells and inducing differential growth or morphogenesis or both. The data available at present allow a tentative outline of the genetics of sex determination in placental mammals.  相似文献   

The predatory mite Hypoaspis miles was released from laboratory cultures into young crops of pot‐grown cyclamen and poinsettia in six small glasshouses. Five different rates of release were used together with a control house. In both crops, rates of 55 mites per pot and above gave satisfactory control of glasshouse sciarids with no later resurgence of the pest. Mites persisted on the pots until the end of the trial, probably feeding on a residual population of sciarids. In separate tests H. miles was found mostly in the top 1 cm of compost and persisted in horticultural compost for up to 7 weeks in the absence of food.  相似文献   

Sex determining (SD) mechanisms are highly variable between different taxonomic groups and appear to change relatively quickly during evolution. Sex ratio selection could be a dominant force causing such changes. We investigate theoretically the effect of sex ratio selection on the dynamics of a multi-factorial SD system. The system considered resembles the naturally occurring three-locus system of the housefly, which allows for male heterogamety, female heterogamety and a variety of other mechanisms. Sex ratio selection is modelled by assuming cost differences in the production of sons and daughters, a scenario leading to a strong sex ratio bias in the absence of constraints imposed by the mechanism of sex determination. We show that, despite of the presumed flexibility of the SD system considered, equilibrium sex ratios never deviate strongly from 1 : 1. Even if daughters are very costly, a male-biased sex ratio can never evolve. If sons are more costly, sex ratio can be slightly female biased but even in case of large cost differences the bias is very small (<10% from 1 : 1). Sex ratio selection can lead to a shift in the SD mechanism, but cannot be the sole cause of complete switches from one SD system to another. In fact, more than one locus remains polymorphic at equilibrium. We discuss our results in the context of evolution of the variable SD mechanism found in natural housefly populations.  相似文献   

Sex determination and sexual differentiation in the avian model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chue J  Smith CA 《The FEBS journal》2011,278(7):1027-1034
The sex of birds is determined by the inheritance of sex chromosomes (ZZ male and ZW female). Genes carried on one or both of these sex chromosomes control sexual differentiation during embryonic life, producing testes in males (ZZ) and ovaries in females (ZW). This minireview summarizes our current understanding of avian sex determination and gonadal development. Most recently, it has been shown that sex is cell autonomous in birds. Evidence from gynandromorphic chickens (male on one side, female on the other) points to the likelihood that sex is determined directly in each cell of the body, independently of, or in addition to, hormonal signalling. Hence, sex-determining genes may operate not only in the gonads, to produce testes or ovaries, but also throughout cells of the body. In the chicken, as in other birds, the gonads develop into ovaries or testes during embryonic life, a process that must be triggered by sex-determining genes. This process involves the Z-linked DMRT1 gene. If DMRT1 gene activity is experimentally reduced, the gonads of male embryos (ZZ) are feminized, with ovarian-type structure, downregulation of male markers and activation of female markers. DMRT1 is currently the best candidate gene thought to regulate gonadal sex differentiation. However, if sex is cell autonomous, DMRT1 cannot be the master regulator, as its expression is confined to the urogenital system. Female development in the avian model appears to be shared with mammals; both the FOXL2 and RSPO1/WNT4 pathways are implicated in ovarian differentiation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review briefly the current state of knowledge about sexual differentiation in eutherian mammals, and then describe the situation in detail in two marsupial species: the North American opossum and the tammar wallaby. The conventional explanation for the genesis of all male somatic sexual dimorphisms in mammals is that they are a consequence of the systemic action of testicular hormones. In the absence of testes, the embryo will develop a female phenotype. We present evidence for the tammar wallaby that calls into question the universal applicability of this hormonal theory of mammalian sexual differentiation. We have shown that extensive somatic sexual dimorphisms precede by many days the first morphological evidence of testicular formation, which does not occur until around the third day of pouch life. Male foetuses, and pouch young on the day of birth, already have a well-developed gubernaculum and processus vaginalis, paired scrotal anlagen, and a complete absence of mammary anlagen, whereas female foetuses and newborn pouch young have a poorly developed gubernaculum and processus vaginalis, no scrotal anlagen, and well-developed mammary anlagen. Because it seems unlikely that the male gonad could begin hormone secretion until after the Sertoli and Leydig cells are developed, our results strongly suggest that some sexually dimorphic somatic characteristics develop autonomously, depending on their genotype rather than the hormonal environment to which they are exposed. We have been able to confirm the hormonal independence of the scrotum, pouch and mammary gland by administering testosterone propionate daily by mouth to female pouch young from the day of birth; although the Wolffian duct was hyperstimulated, there was no sign of scrotal development, or pouch or mammary inhibition. When male pouch young were treated with oestradiol benzoate in a similar fashion, there was hyperstimulation of the Müllerian duct and inhibition of testicular migration and development, but no sign of scrotal inhibition or pouch or mammary development. Our results in the tammar wallaby are consistent with the earlier studies on the opossum, whose significance was not appreciated at the time. Further evidence in support of this hormonal independence comes from earlier studies of spontaneously occurring intersexes in several species of marsupial, including the opossum and the tammar wallaby. An XXY individual had intra-abdominal testes and complete masculinization of the male reproductive tract internally, but externally there was a pouch and mammary glands and no scrotum.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The technique described here is the result of a successful attempt to identify the heteropycnotic X-chromosome at metaphase in female mice. A new modification of the commonly used air-drying technique for spreading chromosomes was employed using bone marrow cells. After treatment with hypotonic solution of 0.5% KCl at 50 °C for 30 min, all the chromosomes except one of the two X-chromosomes were only palely stained with Giemsa solution (pH 6.9) or quinacrine mustard. This X-chromosome with high stainability was not observed in males.  相似文献   

蜜蜂性别决定与性比调控机理研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
叙述了 4个主要蜜蜂性别决定机理的假说 :即性位点假说、基因平衡假说、蜜蜂性别决定综合假说和性基因数量决定假说。然后就蜜蜂性比由蜂王操纵 ,或是由工蜂操纵进行了论述 ,并对蜜蜂性比调控机理研究提出了一些建议  相似文献   

The stability of sexual phenotype was examined in a single clone of Hydra oligactis males maintained at two culture temperatures, 18 and 22 degrees C. At these temperatures animals of this species do not reproduce sexually, but reproduce asexually by budding, and males and females are morphologically indistinguishable. When the temperature is lowered to 10 degrees C gametogenesis is induced and sexual phenotype can be assayed. Males cultured for several years at 18 degrees C expressed a stable sexual phenotype when induced to undergo gametogenesis; males remained male. Those cultured at 22 degrees C for 1 year, however, expressed a low frequency of sex reversal from male to female; males ceased sperm differentiation and began producing eggs. Male sex reversal in cultures maintained at the higher temperature was correlated with the loss of a specific subpopulation of interstitial cells, those that bind the monoclonal antibody, AC2, which labels cells specific to the spermatogenic pathway in H. oligactis males. When interstitial cells restricted to this pathway were reintroduced into sex-reversed males (phenotypic females), the male phenotype was reestablished and animals reverted to sperm production. To further investigate the role of AC2+ cells in the masculinization of females, normal males (containing AC2+ cells) and sex-reversed males (lacking AC2+ cells) were grafted to females. In grafts between normal males and females, egg production ceased and sperm differentiation ensued, whereas those between sex-reversed males and females continued to produce eggs. Thus, the presence of AC2+ interstitial cells is strictly correlated with male sexual phenotypes and it is only in their absence that the female phenotype is expressed.  相似文献   

Adhesive relations among cells are believed to play a major role in determining patterns of serial homology, of intercalary regeneration, and of neuronal connectivity. Models for the genetic control of adhesion during development can provide a framework for further analysis of these phenomena. Investigators studying development of Drosophila have proposed that differentiation of segments and of imaginal discs is controlled by a set of bistable “selector genes”. In each region the settings of the selector genes form a binary “word” which determines the properties of cells in the region, including their adhesiveness. I have made an explicit proposal for the relation between binary words and adhesiveness, by assuming that active selector genes repress synthesis of “adhesor” macromolecules, which promote adhesion. This hypothesis correctly predicts the relative cohesiveness of cells in four pupal tissues of the moth Manduca. Works of cohesion and adhesion among the four cell types are deduced from published results of grafting experiments by modelling insect epidermis as a viscoelastic fluid.Further comparisons between deductions from the genetic and fluid models suggest that selector genes, or the adhesor molecules they regulate, interact within single cells in determining adhesiveness between cells. From a specific version of the genetic model I deduce that pairwise interactions between selector genes or adhesor molecules can determine many, though not all, of the relative works of adhesion between unlike cells in Manduca. The genetic and fluid models thus provide a set of working hypotheses for predicting patterns of intercellular adhesion in insect epidermis and for analyzing results of experiments designed to test such predictions.  相似文献   

We review and discuss current knowledge about sex determination in amphibians. The astonishing wide variety of mechanisms of genotypic sex determination is presented and discussed in an evolutionary context. We recall the natural occurrence of transitory juvenile hermaphroditism in some species. Our present knowledge of the mechanisms of sex determination in amphibians is compared to that in mammals. The influence of epigenetic factors, and especially temperature is highlighted. In amphibians, the influence of temperature on sexual differentiation, that can prevail over genotypic sex determination, remains poorly considered in publications. We suggest that studies on genetic and epigenetic factors of gonadal sex differentiation in amphibians could provide substantial information on the evolutionary process of sex determination mechanisms in current living vertebrates.  相似文献   

Sex determination: controlling the master   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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