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Relaxin-like factor (RLF) is a new member of the insulin-relaxin gene family known to be expressed in the ovarian follicular thecal cells of ruminants. To investigate the pattern of RLF expression in development and atresia of bovine follicles, antisera were raised in rats and rabbits to recombinantly expressed bovine pro-RLF and to chemically synthesized ovine RLF B chain, respectively. On dot blotting analysis, the rat antiserum bound to pro-RLF and less strongly to a synthetic mature ovine RLF lacking the C-domain, whereas the rabbit antiserum bound the mature form of ovine RLF. These antisera were used to immunostain bovine ovarian follicles of differing sizes and stages of health and atresia. 3beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was colocalized with pro-RLF (n = 86 follicles), and cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P450 was localized in another section of many of the same follicles (n = 66). Not all follicles expressed pro-RLF in the theca interna, so the results are presented as the proportion of follicles expressing pro-RLF. Both mature and pro-RLF were immunolocalized to steroidogenic thecal cells of healthy follicles. As follicles enlarged to >5 mm, the proportion expressing pro-RLF declined (19/19 for <5 mm and 18/26 for >6 mm). Atresia was divided into antral (antral granulosa cells dying first) or basal (basal cells dying first) and further divided into early, middle, and late. For antral atresia of small follicles (2-5 mm), no decline in the proportion expressing pro-RLF was observed (early 6/6, middle 2/2) until the late stages (1/4). For basal atresia, which only occurs in small follicles (2-5 mm), the proportion expressing pro-RLF declined in the middle (2/5) and late (0/8) stages. In larger follicles (>6 to <10 mm), the proportion expressing pro-RLF also declined with atresia (1/13). These declines in RLF expression with atresia or increasing size were not accompanied by a decline in the expression of steroidogenic enzymes in the theca interna. A significant (P < 0.001) inverse relationship in the expression of pro-RLF and 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the membrana granulosa was observed. We conclude that the expression of pro-RLF in the theca interna is switched off as follicles enlarge or enter atresia, whereas the expression of steroidogenic enzymes is maintained in the theca interna.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 and the associated iron-sulfur protein have been characterized in human placental mitochondria by means of optical absorbance difference spectrophotometry and electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry. These two proteins occur in a molar ratio of about 1:1 in human placental mitochondria, and the cytochrome P450 appears to be that form involved in cholesterol side-chain cleavage. Pregnenolone formation from endogenous mitochondrial cholesterol, as measured by radioimmunoassay, follows a biphasic time-course similar to the situation in other steroidogenic tissues. The specific activity of cholesterol side-chain cleavage, and the specific contents of cytochrome P450 and the iron-sulfur protein in the mitochondria, are 2- to 3-fold higher at term than in the 1st and 2nd trimesters. When expressed in terms of the cytochrome P450 content, the rate of pregnenolone formation is high, suggesting that cholesterol side-chain cleavage in human placenta is in an activated state.  相似文献   

A decrease in serum progesterone at the end of pregnancy is essential for the induction of parturition in rats. We have previously demonstrated that LH participates in this process through: 1) inhibiting 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD) activity and 2) stimulating progesterone catabolism by inducing 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (20alpha-HSD) activity. The objective of this investigation was to determine the effect of LH and progesterone on the luteal expression of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage (P450(scc)), 3beta-HSD, and 20alpha-HSD genes. Gene expression was analyzed by Northern blot analysis 24 and 48 h after administration of LH or vehicle on Day 19 of pregnancy. StAR and 3beta-HSD mRNA levels were lower in LH-treated rats than in rats administered with vehicle at both time points studied. P450(scc) mRNA levels were unaffected by LH. The 20alpha-HSD mRNA levels were not different between LH and control rats 24 h after treatment; however, greater expression of 20alpha-HSD, with respect to controls, was observed in LH-treated rats 48 h after treatment. Luteal progesterone content dropped in LH-treated rats at both time points studied, whereas serum progesterone decreased after 48 h only. In a second set of experiments, the anti-progesterone RU486 was injected intrabursally on Day 20 of pregnancy. RU486 had no effect on 3beta-HSD or P450(scc) expression but increased 20alpha-HSD mRNA levels after 8 h treatment. In conclusion, the luteolytic effect of LH is mediated by a drop in StAR and 3beta-HSD expression without effect on P450(scc) expression. We also provide the first in vivo evidence indicating that a decrease in luteal progesterone content may be an essential step toward the induction of 20alpha-HSD expression at the end of pregnancy in rats.  相似文献   

Follicles were collected from cows and processed for electron microscopy and for immunofluorescent staining at the light microscope level. Key regulatory steroidogenic enzymes cholesterol side-chain-cleavage cytochrome P-450 (P-450scc) and 17 alpha-hydroxylase cytochrome P-450 (P-45017 alpha) were immunolocalized using specific IgG fractions raised against these enzymes. In larger follicles in which the theca interna had differentiated, positive staining for cytochromes P-450scc and P-450(17) alpha was observed in the cells of the theca interna. Electron microscopic examination showed that these cells were rich in endoplasmic reticulum, mainly rough, and had moderate numbers of mitochondria with tubular and lamellar cristae. Positive staining was also present in the theca of follicles undergoing atresia. Positive staining for cytochrome P-450(17) alpha was not observed in the membrana granulosa but cytochrome P-450scc was present in the membrana granulosa in some follicles, particularly in the larger antral follicles. By contrast, positive staining for both enzymes was not observed in stroma, surface epithelium or in small preantral follicles in which the theca interna had not differentiated. These results indicate good agreement between the type(s) of steroidogenic enzyme(s) present in tissues and the type(s) of steroid hormone(s) produced. It is concluded that regulation of steroid hormone production involves, at least in part, regulation of the levels of steroidogenic enzymes.  相似文献   

A homogeneous cytochrome P-450scc preparation with a specific enzyme content of 18 nmol/1 mg protein has been obtained using affinity chromatography on adrenodoxin-Sepharose under optimal conditions of the protein adsorption onto and desorption from the affinity sorbent. The data on the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the enzyme, along with the results of electrophoretic and spectrophotometric analyses favoured the multistage cholesterol transformation to pregnenolone to be catalyzed by single species of cytochrome P-450scc consisting of one polypeptide chain. Limited proteolysis of cytochrome P-450scc with trypsin resulted, at the initial stages, in the formation (in an equimolar ratio) of two large polypeptide fragments, I and II, with Mr 27000 and 22000, respectively. Prolonged action of trypsin led to the digestion of fragment II and the formation of a stoichiometric amount of fragment III, Mr of about 14000. Cytochrome P-450scc converted by trypsin into equimolar mixtures of fragments I and II or I and III retained the major spectral and functional properties of the native protein. The aspartyl-prolyl linkages, sulphhydryl groups, and surface tyrosine residues are distributed nonuniformly among fragments I and II. These data, as well as a different resistance of the fragments to the action of trypsin, suggest that cytochrome P-450scc consists of two independently folded domains linked with a short loop of the polypeptide chain, the domains being rigidly associated under neutral conditions.  相似文献   

Prolactin and GH have been detected within the ovary, and it has become increasingly evident that they have a role as intrafollicular regulatory factors. The aim of the present work was to gain an insight into the elements influencing intraovarian GH and PRL in bovine species and to see whether cystic degeneration was accompanied by abnormal bovine GH (bGH) and PRL (bPRL) plasma patterns. We followed the relationships between plasma and ovarian fluid bGH and bPRL concentrations over an entire year in Friesian cows whose ovaries showed distinct types of structures. To assess the presence of bGH and bPRL within ovarian cells, we assayed selected ovarian structures by immunohistochemistry. The results demonstrated that: 1) plasma and ovarian fluid hormonal concentrations were independent, and their ratio was independent of the ovarian structure classes, subclasses and period of the year; 2) in the majority of the cows the concentration of bGH in ovarian fluid was no more than 80% of the level in plasma, whereas in about half the animals bPRL concentrations were higher in the ovary than in peripheral plasma; 3) mean bPRL concentrations in ovarian fluids were significantly higher in summer than in winter; 4) immunoreactive bGH and bPRL were present within granulosa and luteal cells. Thus, it is suggested that in the cow bGH and bPRL levels in the ovary might be regulated in some way independently of the pituitary.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of follicular layer of growing and atretic follicles in the ovary of the domestic goose, was studied by electron microscopy. In small follicles, the wall is lined with a narrow layer of tightly packed small, cuboidal cells separated from the thecal tissue by the basal lamina. During growth, they transform into tall, columnar cells arranged in a single row. The cells display several peculiar ultrastructural features. First, annulate lamellae are commonly observed. Second, cytoplasmic dense-cored granules accumulate in close association with fenestrated cisternae and networks of tubuli derived from the RER. They consist of spheres and strands of amorphous substance of unknown origin. Third, the cells contain many transosomes, a unique organelle of the avian follicle cell consisting of a dense plaque associated with ribosome-like particles. The mature forms of transosomes are located at the tips of lateral and apical cell projections, while bodies thought to be their precursors, are found in the apical cytoplasm. In follicles larger than 8 mm in diameter, most of the transosomes and their precursors have disappeared. Follicular atresia occurs in all of the size-classes of follicles investigated. A loss of transosomes (in follicles up to 8 mm in diameter) and an accumulation of lipid droplets are the first atretic events detectable by electron microscopy. Morphologic features, including deep nuclear indentations, accumulation of lipid droplets frequently encireled by membrane whorls, dilation and disintegration of RER cisterns, swelling of mitochondria and accumulation of dense irregular masses of unknown origin in the cytoplasm, are taken as evidence for advanced degradation. We conclude that necrosis is the dominant type of cell death of the follicular cells during atresia. However, a small fraction of cells, characterized by dark condensed cytoplasm, seems to die by apoptosis.  相似文献   

In the ovary, cortisol is oxidized to cortisone by 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11betaHSD). The present study investigated whether follicular fluid (FF) from large antral follicles and spontaneous ovarian cysts, isolated from bovine and porcine ovaries, contained modulators of 11betaHSD activity. Whereas FF from antral follicles had no significant effect over 1 h on NADP+-dependent 11betaHSD activity in rat kidney homogenates, enzyme activity was inhibited by FF from bovine and porcine ovarian cysts (80.5% +/- 2.3% and 72.8% +/- 3.4% of control, respectively). Following C18 reverse-phase chromatography, the hydrophilic fractions of FF from bovine and porcine antral follicles stimulated NADP+-dependent 11betaHSD activities (111.5% +/- 21.6% and 55.2% +/- 5.7% respectively). Hydrophobic compounds inhibited NADP+-dependent cortisol oxidation by 58.2% +/- 5.1% (bovine) and 45.7% +/- 2.0% (porcine). In both species, FF from ovarian cysts appeared to contain less of the hydrophilic stimuli to 11betaHSD activity and more of the hydrophobic inhibitors. The FF from antral follicles and ovarian cysts, and the C18 fractions thereof, had no significant effect on NAD+-dependent cortisol oxidation. The ovarian modulators of NADP+-dependent 11betaHSD activities did not coelute with cortisol, cortisone, estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, pregnenolone, and cholesterol. However, the 11betaHSD stimuli in porcine FF from both antral follicles and cysts coeluted with prostaglandin (PG) E2 and PGF2alpha. We conclude that large antral follicles and spontaneous ovarian cysts, in both the cow and the pig, contain ovarian modulators of the NADP+-dependent 11betaHSD activity. Moreover, FF from spontaneous ovarian cysts, because of decreased content of the 11betaHSD stimulus accompanied by increased content of the 11betaHSD inhibitors, exerts a net inhibitory effect on 11betaHSD activity.  相似文献   

3 beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid isomerase has been purified to homogeneity from bovine adrenal glands. A single protein of molecular weight 42,090 +/- 40 containing both enzyme activities has been isolated. Approximately 86% of the amino acid sequence of the bovine adrenal 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid isomerase has been obtained by sequencing peptides isolated from digests with trypsin and lysyl endopeptidase and by chemical cleavage with CNBr. The sequence obtained is identical with that of the deduced amino acid sequence of the bovine ovarian 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid isomerase [Zhao et al. (1989) FEBS Lett. 259, 153-157], with the exception that the N-terminal methionine residue found in the bovine ovarian sequence is not present in the mature bovine adrenal enzyme. On the basis of the primary structure and comparisons with other NAD+ binding proteins, we propose a structural model of the bovine adrenal 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid isomerase localizing the NAD+ binding site as well as the membrane-anchoring segment.  相似文献   

We determined 1) whether the previously observed induction of estradiol secretion in bovine granulosa cells cultured in serum-free conditions is associated with an increase in cytochrome P450 aromatase (P450(arom)) mRNA abundance and 2) whether P450(arom) mRNA levels are responsive to FSH in vitro. Granulosa cells from small (2-4-mm) follicles were cultured in serum-free medium. Estradiol secretion increased with time in culture and was correlated with increased P450(arom) mRNA abundance. Progesterone secretion also increased with time in culture, but P450 cholesterol side-chain cleavage (P450(scc)) mRNA abundance did not. FSH stimulated estradiol secretion and P450(arom) mRNA abundance; the effect was quadratic for both estradiol and P450(arom) mRNA. Estradiol secretion and P450(arom) mRNA levels were correlated. FSH stimulated progesterone secretion and P450(scc) mRNA abundance, although the minimum effective dose of FSH was lower for estradiol (0.1 ng/ml) than for progesterone (10 ng/ml) production. Insulin alone stimulated estradiol secretion and P450(arom) mRNA levels but not progesterone or P450(scc) mRNA abundance. We conclude that this cell culture system maintained both estradiol secretion and P450(arom) mRNA abundance responsiveness to FSH and insulin, whereas P450(scc) mRNA abundance and progesterone secretion were responsive to FSH but not insulin.  相似文献   

The aim of these studies was to investigate the effect of LH, progesterone (P4), PGE, noradrenaline (NA) and a nitric oxide donor, S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (S-NAP), on steroid acute regulatory protein (StAR), 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD) and cytochrome P450 side chain cleavage (P450scc) gene expression and on the synthesis of their protein products. Bovine luteal cells were collected and prepared on days 6-10 of the estrous cycle and preincubated in vitro for 24 h. Thereafter, medium was changed and supplemented with one of six treatments: control medium, LH (100 ng/ml), P4 (10(-5)M), PGE2 (10(-6)M), NA (10(-5)M) or S-NAP (10(-4)M). In Experiment 1, luteal cells (10(6)/well) were incubated for 3, 6, 18 and 24 h. After incubation, total RNA was isolated and P4 concentrations in medium was determined. Semiquantitative RT-PCR was used to measure gene expression. In Experiment 2, luteal cells were preincubated for 24h, then stimulated as in Experiment 1. Total protein was isolated from lysed cells and Western blot analysis was performed using specific antibodies against the StAR, 3beta-HSD and cytochrome P450scc proteins. Bands were analyzed by means of KODAK 1D Image Analysis Software. In Experiment 1, LH and PGE2 stimulated secretion of progesterone from luteal cells. Concentrations of mRNA for StAR, 3beta-HSD, cytochrome P450scc were increased after 6 h in cells stimulated with LH, PGE2 and P4 (P<0.05). Gene expression was not affected by NA. In Experiment 2, LH, P4 and PGE2 induced an increase in the concentration of these three proteins. S-NAP inhibited both concentrations of mRNA and protein for StAR, 3beta-HSD, cytochrome P450scc. Therefore, the increase in secretion of P4 induced by LH and PGE2 is associated with increases in StAR, 3beta-HSD and cytochrome P450scc gene expression. This genomic response may be mediated in part through a positive effect of P4 on the expression of these genes observed in this experiment.  相似文献   

The catalytic requirements and the role of P450 3A9, a female-specific isoform of CYP3A from rat brain, in the metabolism of several steroid hormones were studied using recombinant P450 3A9 protein. The optimal steroid hormone hydroxylase activities of P450 3A9 required cholate but not cytochrome b5. P450 3A9 was active in the hydroxylation reactions of testosterone, androstenedione, progesterone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). No activity of P450 3A9 toward cortisol was detectable under our reconstitution conditions. Among all the steroid hormones examined, female-specific P450 3A9 seemed to catalyze most efficiently the metabolism of progesterone, one of the major female hormones, to form three mono-hydroxylated products, 6-, 16-, and 21-hydroxyprogesterone. Our data also showed that P450 3A9 can catalyze the formation of a dihydroxy product, 4-pregnen-6, 21-diol-3, 20-dione, from progesterone with a turnover number, 1.3 nmol/min/nmol P450. Based on the Vmax/Km values for P450 3A9 using either 21-hydroxprogesterone or 6-hydroxyprogesterone as a substrate, 4-pregnen-6, 21-diol-3, 20-dione may be formed either by 6-hydroxylation of 21-hydroxprogesterone or 21-hydroxylation of 6-hydroxyprogesterone. As a major isoform of CYP3A expressed in rat brain, the activities of P450 3A9 toward two major neurosteroids, progesterone and DHEA suggested a possible role for P450 3A9 in the metabolism of neurosteroids.  相似文献   

Melatonin and steroid hormones are cytochrome P450 (CYP or P450; EC substrates that have antioxidant properties and mitochondrial protective activities. The mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS) Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) is activated after oxidative modification of its critical thiol moieties by superoxide anion (O2??). This study was aimed at investigating the potential association between the hormonal protective antioxidant actions in mitochondria and the regulation of IMS SOD1 activity. Melatonin, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estradiol, and vitamin D induced a sustained activation over time of SOD1 in intact mitochondria, showing a bell-shaped enzyme activation dose response with a threshold at 50 nM and a maximum effect at 1 μM concentration. Enzyme activation was not affected by furafylline, but it was inhibited by omeprazole, ketoconazole, and tiron, thereby supporting the occurrence of a mitochondrial P450 activity and O2?? requirements. Mitochondrial P450-dependent activation of IMS SOD1 prevented O2??-induced loss of aconitase activity in intact mitochondria respiring in State 3. Optimal protection of aconitase activity was observed at 0.1 μM P450 substrate concentration, evidencing a likely oxidative effect on the mitochondrial matrix by higher substrate concentrations. Likewise, enzyme activation mediated by mitochondrial P450 activity delayed CaCl2-induced loss of transmembrane potential and decreased cytochrome c release. Omeprazole and ketoconazole abrogated both protecting mitochondrial functions promoted by melatonin and steroid hormones.  相似文献   

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