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聚羟基脂肪酸酯(Polyhydroxyalkanoates,简称PHA)是由微生物合成的天然高分子基材料,作为微生物碳源和能源的储备物质。目前,PHA的单体种类有150多种,致使PHA的品种繁多、材料学性质各不相同。PHA具有材料多变性、非线性光学性能、压电性能、气体阻隔性能、热塑性、生物可降解性、良好的生物相容性等特点,使其在塑料包装、化工、医药、农业、生物能源等诸多领域的具有很大的应用前景。文中系统介绍了目前PHA的应用和未来的发展。  相似文献   

聚羟基脂肪酸酯(PHA)是一类由微生物合成的、生物可再生、生物可降解、具有多种材料学性能的高分子聚合物,在很多领域有着广泛的应用前景。以下从辅酶工程、代谢工程、微氧生产等方面综述了微生物法生产PHA的研究进展,并对利用PHA合成基因提高基因工程菌的代谢潜能进行了讨论。  相似文献   

聚羟基脂肪酸酯(Polyhydroxyalkanoates,PHA)是许多细菌在非平衡生长条件下在胞内积累的以颗粒状态存在的碳源和能源储藏物质。PHA因其具有生物可降解性、生物相容性等许多良好的材料性质、可以作为化学合成塑料未来的替代品而引起广泛关注。但由短链脂肪酸或单一脂肪酸单体合成的PHA的材料性质具有局限性,需要利用多种单体合成满足实际需求的PHA材料。PHA合成酶的底物特异性和PHA合成代谢途径决定着PHA的单体组成情况,进而影响着PHA的理化特性和材料性能。因此需要对PHA合成酶进行改造,扩展其对底物的特异性。另一方面需要构建新的PHA合成代谢途径,能合成出一些不常见的且性能优良的PHA材料。综述了近些年对PHA合成酶改造的研究及PHA代谢途径构建的研究进展。  相似文献   

通过尼罗红染色法结合荧光显微镜镜检,从废弃活性污泥中分离得到1株高产聚羟基脂肪酸酯(PHAs)的菌株Bacillus sp.PB-3,经气相色谱法鉴定该菌株胞内产物为聚β-羟基丁酸酯(PHB)。对培养基成分及发酵条件优化后,获得最佳培养方案:12 g/L的葡萄糖为C源,2 g/L的牛肉膏为N源,初始pH 7.5,培养基装液量80 mL,转速为200 r/min,37℃培养48 h,PHB质量分数可达菌体干质量的32.09%,比优化前提高30%。  相似文献   

【背景】传统石油基塑料产品给人类和环境带来的危害日益严重,聚羟基脂肪酸酯(polyhydroxyalknoates,PHA)作为新型可降解塑料原料越来越受到青睐。但PHA生产成本过高,使其推广应用严重受限。筛选适合大规模生产PHA的高产菌株是解决这一问题的重要途径。【目的】以挖掘合成PHA的菌种资源为目标,从极端环境筛选和鉴定新的高产PHA合成菌。【方法】通过尼罗蓝平板分离法和PCR法分离纯化菌株,采用16S rRNA基因鉴定并通过MEGA 6.0软件构建系统发育树,分析菌株的进化关系,最后通过尼罗红染色定性分析和气相色谱法定量测定该菌株在不同时期的PHA积累量。【结果】从盐碱地垃圾沉积物中分离得到了一株高产PHA的菌株,PhaC的PCR扩增结果证实了该菌株是PHA合成菌,经16S rRNA基因鉴定为Pseudomonas brassicacearum,将其命名为NP-2,进一步优化了菌株NP-2的培养条件,在培养48h时PHA积累量最大,达到3.78 mg/mL。【结论】NP-2属于Pseudomonas brassicacearum,能高产PHA。本研究为生产PHA提供了极端环境的...  相似文献   

聚丁二酸丁二酯是一种可替代传统塑料的生物降解塑料,有助于解决白色污染问题,但其在自然界中往往降解缓慢,获取高效降解微生物或解聚酶是使其快速有效降解的关键。通过构建重组毕赤酵母表达体系以实现腐皮镰孢聚丁二酸丁二酯解聚酶(FSC)的高效表达。根据毕赤酵母偏好密码子优化FSC的基因密码子,并导入毕赤酵母X33中实现其重组表达。进一步通过单因素实验优化了菌株的产酶条件。结果显示,优化后的FSC基因序列中的157个碱基发生改变,G+C含量由59.6%降低到48.3%,序列同源性为77.34%;构建的重组表达载体p PICZα-FSC转入毕赤酵母X33,结合抗性平板初筛、SDS-PAGE和Western bolt验证,以及摇瓶发酵酶活力测定获得了1株具有较高产酶能力的重组菌株L1;进一步确定其摇瓶发酵培养条件:培养基起始p H 6.0,摇床转速220 r/min,甲醇补加量1%,接种量8%,培养时间72 h,培养温度30℃,此优化条件下菌株发酵液酶活力可达110 U/mL。  相似文献   

利用单一微生物发酵是现阶段获得聚羟基脂肪酸酯 (PHA) 的主要方式,但过高的生产成本限制了其大规模应用。近年来利用活性污泥菌群混合培养合成PHA被广泛研究。将剩余污泥处理与PHA合成相结合,不仅可以省去纯培养所必需的灭菌环节,同时可以实现剩余污泥的资源化利用。剩余污泥的水解酸化、菌群富集驯化及PHA合成受环境因素影响,深入的生物合成机制研究有助于混合培养合成PHA的推广应用。文中主要介绍利用剩余污泥合成PHA的可行性、影响剩余污泥水解酸化的因素、污泥菌群富集驯化合成PHA及其机制等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

微生物合成的聚羟基脂肪酸酯(PHA)近来正向着材料的多样性和生产技术的先进性发展。材料的多样性在多种单体及其分布、分子量、聚合方式等方面越来越细化,形成了PHA组学的概念。而合成生物学技术的应用与蓝水生物技术的出现,有望大幅度降低PHA的生产成本,更有经济性和竞争性。PHA已经有一些商业化的例子;同时,PHA在医药等领域的高附加值也被不断开发出来。  相似文献   

盐单胞菌(Halomonas)能够利用多种底物为碳源生长,由于其能在高盐条件下进行不灭菌的开放发酵,已被开发用作下一代生物技术的底盘细胞.包括乙酸、丙酸和丁酸在内的短链挥发性脂肪酸能够以生物质为原料制备,有望成为用于微生物发酵的新型碳源.利用10-50g/L浓度的丁酸为碳源对Halomonas sp.TD01和TD08...  相似文献   

聚羟基脂肪酸酯(Polyhydroxyalkanoate,PHA)是微生物合成的可降解高分子材料,种类及性能多样,应用前景广阔,然而其大规模生产受制于它较为高昂的生产成本.30年来,代谢工程的应用日益广泛,通过代谢流调控、代谢通路改造引入新通路等方法,微生物合成PHA的效率得到了很大提高,也丰富了PHA的单体种类、结构...  相似文献   

In order to improve the thermal stability (t1/2) and activity of lipase B from cold-adapted Candida antarctica (CALB), amino groups of the enzyme were chemically linked to a range of oxidized polysaccharides using a range of reducing agents. By chemically modifying CALB using 0.1% dextran (250 kDa) at pH 8.6 for 10 days using borane–pyridine complex as reducing agent, increased thermal stability (t1/2, 168 min at 70°C) and activity (65% higher specific activity) was achieved compared to the unmodified enzyme (t1/2, 18 min at 70°C). Improvements in thermostability were generally better with high molecular weight polymers such as dextran (40 and 250 kDa) or ficoll (70 and 400 kDa) in comparison to low molecular weight inulin (5 kDa). The shape of the polymer also appeared to be important with elongated, elipsoidal-shaped dextran providing better thermostabilization than spherical-shaped ficoll. Borane–pyridine complex was found to be a good, non-toxic reducing agent for improving thermostability, compared with sodium borohydride and sodium cyanoborohydride. An interesting finding was that, in all cases, specific activity of the modified enzymes increased with a concomitant increase in thermostability. This response defies the general principle of a trade-off between activity and stability, and demonstrates that chemical modification provides new avenues for improving the thermal stability of enzymes from psychrophiles without sacrificing their activity.  相似文献   

A hetero-oligomeric glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) from a moderate thermophilic bacterium, SM4 was cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (GA) and it now showed only one optimum temperature for reaction at around 65°C, which approximately follows the Arrhenius equation. The native enzyme had shown optima at both 45°C and 75°C. In addition to the alteration of the optimum temperature for reaction, GA cross-linked GDH retained more than 90% of its initial activity even after 30 min of incubation at 65°C.  相似文献   

An open and a closed conformation of a surface loop in PhaZ7 extracellular poly(3‐hydroxybutyrate) depolymerase were identified in two high‐resolution crystal structures of a PhaZ7 Y105E mutant. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations revealed high root mean square fluctuations (RMSF) of the 281–295 loop, in particular at residue Asp289 (RMSF 7.62 Å). Covalent docking between a 3‐hydroxybutyric acid trimer and the catalytic residue Ser136 showed that the binding energy of the substrate is significantly more favorable in the open loop conformation compared to that in the closed loop conformation. MD simulations with the substrate covalently bound depicted 1 Å RMSF higher values for the residues 281–295 in comparison to the apo (substrate‐free) form. In addition, the presence of the substrate in the active site enhanced the ability of the loop to adopt a closed form. Taken together, the analysis suggests that the flexible loop 281–295 of PhaZ7 depolymerase can act as a lid domain to control substrate access to the active site of the enzyme. Proteins 2017; 85:1351–1361. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Eighteen gram-negative thermotolerant poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB)-degrading bacterial isolates (T max60°C) were obtained from compost. Isolates produced clearing zones on opaque PHB agar, indicating the presence of extracellular PHB depolymerases. Comparison of physiological characteristics and determination of 16S rRNA gene sequences of four selected isolates revealed a close relatedness of three isolates (SA8, SA1, and KA1) to each other and to Schlegelella thermodepolymerans and Caenibacterium thermophilum. The fourth strain, isolate KB1a, showed reduced similarities to the above-mentioned isolates and species and might represent a new species of Schlegelella. Evidence is provided that S. thermodepolymerans and C. thermophilum are only one species. The PHB depolymerase gene, phaZ, of isolate KB1a was cloned and functionally expressed in Escherichia coli. Purified PHB depolymerase was most active around pH 10 and 76°C. The DNA-deduced amino acid sequence of the mature protein (49.4 kDa) shared significant homologies to other extracellular PHB depolymerases with a domain substructure: catalytic domain type 2—linker domain fibronectin type 3—substrate-binding domain type 1. A catalytic triad consisting of S20, D104, and H138 and a pentapeptide sequence (GLS20AG) characteristic for PHB depolymerases (PHB depolymerase box, GLSXG) and for other serine hydrolases (lipase box, GXSXG) were identified.This contribution is dedicated to Hans G. Schlegel in honor of his 80th birthday.Fabian Romen and Simone Reinhardt share first authorship.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequences of two isoforms, SP1 and SP2, of mannuronate lyase from a wreath shell,Turbo cornutus, were determined to elucidate amino acid residues responsible for causing the more stable protein conformation of SP2. The sequences of the two isoforms were identical except for two hydrophobic C-terminal amino acid residues of SP2, Ile and Leu, which were additionally attached to Thr of the C-terminal residue of SP1 (253 residues in total). The molecular weight of SP2 was calculated to be 28,912 from the amino acid sequence data. Two disulfide bond cross-linkages were found to be between 106 and 115 and between 145 and 150, and a partially buried single SH group was located at 236. A carbohydrate chain that consisted of 3 GlcNAc, 3 Fuc, and 1 Man was anchored on Asn-105 in a typical carbohydrate-binding motif of Asn-X-Ser. This is the first evidence of the primary structure of mannuronate lyase, and no significant homology of the amino acid sequence among other proteins was found. The C-terminal truncated SP2, which was produced by digestion with carboxypeptidase Y and corresponded structurally to SP1, showed a thermal stability identical to that of SP1. These results indicate that the higher stability of SP2 than SP1 arises from the presence of the C-terminal two hydrophobic amino acid residues.  相似文献   

Isocitrate dehydrogenase from Aeropyrum pernix (ApIDH) is a homodimeric enzyme that belongs to the beta-decarboxylating dehydrogenase family and is the most thermostable IDH identified. It catalyzes the NADP+ and metal-dependent oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to alpha-ketoglutarate. We have solved the crystal structures of a native ApIDH at 2.2 A, a pseudo-native ApIDH at 2.1 A, and of ApIDH in complex with NADP+, Ca2+ and d-isocitrate at 2.3 A. The pseudo-native ApIDH is in complex with etheno-NADP+ which was located at the surface instead of in the active site revealing a novel adenine-nucleotide binding site in ApIDH. The native and the pseudo-native ApIDHs were found in an open conformation, whereas one of the subunits of the ternary complex was closed upon substrate binding. The closed subunit showed a domain rotation of 19 degrees compared to the open subunit. The binding of isocitrate in the closed subunit was identical with that of the binary complex of porcine mitochondrial IDH, whereas the binding of NADP+ was similar to that of the ternary complex of IDH from Escherichiacoli. The reaction mechanism is likely to be conserved in the different IDHs. A proton relay chain involving at least five solvent molecules, the 5'-phosphate group of the nicotinamide-ribose and a coupled lysine-tyrosine pair in the active site, is postulated as essential in both the initial and the final steps of the catalytic reaction of IDH. ApIDH was found to be highly homologous to the mesophilic IDHs and was subjected to a comparative analysis in order to find differences that could explain the large difference in thermostability. Mutational studies revealed that a disulfide bond at the N terminus and a seven-membered inter-domain ionic network at the surface are major determinants for the higher thermostability of ApIDH compared to EcIDH. Furthermore, the total number of ion pairs was dramatically higher in ApIDH compared to the mesophilic IDHs if a cutoff of 4.2 A was used. A calculated net charge of only +1 compared to -19 and -25 in EcIDH and BsIDH, respectively, suggested a high degree of electrostatic optimization, which is known to be an important determinant for increased thermostability.  相似文献   

The thermal stability of a cysteine-free alkaline protease (Alp) secreted by the eukaryote Aspergillus oryzae was improved both by the introduction of engineered twin disulfide bridges (Cys-69/Cys-101 and Cys-169/Cys-200), newly constructed as part of this study, and by the addition of calcium ions. We performed an extensive kinetic analysis of the increased thermal stability of the mutants as well as the role of calcium dependence. The thermodynamic activation parameters for irreversible thermal inactivation, the activation free energy (deltaG), the activation enthalpy (deltaH), and the activation entropy (deltaS) were determined from absolute reaction rate theory. The values of deltaH and deltaS were significantly and concomitantly increased as a result of introducing the twin disulfide bridges, for which the increase in the value of deltaH outweighed that of deltaS, resulting in significant increases in the value of deltaG. The enhancement of the thermal stability obtained by introducing the twin disulfide bridges is an example of the so-called low-temperature stabilization of enzymes. The stabilizing effect of calcium ions on wild-type Alp is similar to the results we obtained by introducing the engineered twin disulfide bridges.  相似文献   

Polyhydroxybutyrate is a microbial polyester that can be produced from renewable resources, and is degraded by the enzyme polyhydroxybutyrate depolymerase. The crystal structures of polyhydroxybutyrate depolymerase from Penicillium funiculosum and its S39 A mutant complexed with the methyl ester of a trimer substrate of (R)-3-hydroxybutyrate have been determined at resolutions of 1.71 A and 1.66 A, respectively. The enzyme is comprised of a single domain, which represents a circularly permuted variant of the alpha/beta hydrolase fold. The catalytic residues Ser39, Asp121, and His155 are located at topologically conserved positions. The main chain amide groups of Ser40 and Cys250 form an oxyanion hole. A crevice is formed on the surface of the enzyme, to which a single polymer chain can be bound by predominantly hydrophobic interactions with several hydrophobic residues. The structure of the S39A mutant-trimeric substrate complex reveals that Trp307 is responsible for the recognition of the ester group adjacent to the scissile group. It is also revealed that the substrate-binding site includes at least three, and possibly four, subsites for binding monomer units of polyester substrates. Thirteen hydrophobic residues, which are exposed to solvent, are aligned around the mouth of the crevice, forming a putative adsorption site for the polymer surface. These residues may contribute to the sufficient binding affinity of the enzyme for PHB granules without a distinct substrate-binding domain.  相似文献   

A Gram-positive poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB)-degrading bacterial strain was isolated from compost. This organism, identified as Bacillus megaterium N-18-25-9, produced a clearing zone on opaque NB-PHB agar, indicating the presence of extracellular PHB depolymerase. A PHB depolymerase gene, PhaZ(Bm), of B. megaterium N-18-25-9 was cloned and sequenced, and the recombinant gene product was purified from Escherichia coli. The N-terminal half region of PhaZ(Bm) shared significant homologies with a catalytic domain of other PHB depolymerases. Although the C-terminal half region of PhaZ(Bm) showed no significant similarity with those of other PHB depolymerases, that region was necessary for the PHB depolymerase activity. Therefore, this enzyme's domain structure is unique among extracellular PHB depolymerase domain structures. The addition of PHB to the medium led to a sixfold increase in PhaZ(Bm) mRNA, while the presence of glucose repressed PhaZ(Bm) expression. The maximum activity was observed at pH 9.0 at 65 degrees C.  相似文献   

In the present work, we studied the chemical modification of Posidonia with maleic (AM) and phthalic (AP) anhydrides, and in the absence of any solvent. We used tripropylamine (TPA) as a catalyst and the mixture underwent an ultrasonic pretreatment. The influence of ultrasonic pretreating time, reaction time, temperature, anhydride concentration, was investigated. The extent of maleation and phthalation was measured by the percent of ester groups (TE), which increased when there was a parallel increment of anhydride concentration, reaction time, and temperature. Evidence of maleation and phthalation of the waste Posidonia biomass was provided by FT-IR and CP/MAS13C NMR. Thermogravimetric investigation of chemically modified Posidonia indicated a better thermal stability in comparison with the untreated Posidonia.  相似文献   

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