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李瑾  王瑜欣  王许航  李静  付开来  戴建君  汤芳  席静 《微生物学报》1963,(收录汇总):3203-3218
【目的】提高噬菌体在常温环境下的保存稳定性,解决噬菌体鸡尾酒在体内失活的问题,为噬菌体对肠道疾病的治疗提供参考依据。【方法】本研究采用喷雾干燥技术制备噬菌体鸡尾酒微球粉末,通过单因素试验和正交试验确定最佳制备条件,并对其特性进行研究,比较其与游离噬菌体在常温环境和体内环境的稳定性差异,并通过口服给药的方式对大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)O157:H7导致的肠道疾病进行治疗。【结果】本研究以海藻糖和亮氨酸组合为保护剂制备了一种具有热稳定性的噬菌体鸡尾酒微球粉末,试验结果显示,海藻糖和亮氨酸质量比为9:1时,设置进料速度为7.5 mL/min、海藻糖浓度为2%、入口温度为130℃、噬菌体鸡尾酒悬液与保护剂溶液体积比为1:50,噬菌体滴度损失最小,仅下降(0.623±0.235)log10 PFU/g。其在常温条件下保存6个月,噬菌体鸡尾酒滴度损失(0.862±0.082)log10 PFU/g,较游离噬菌体具有更长的保存稳定性,且其于体内环境的稳定性和治疗效果均优于游离噬菌体鸡尾酒。【结论】采用喷雾干燥法配合合适的保护剂配方可制得具有生物活性和热稳定性的噬菌体鸡尾酒微球粉末,延长其保质期,便于常温条件下的保存运输,使噬菌体制剂从实验室方向转化为工业方向的规模化生产提供参考依据。且噬菌体微球粉末清除肠道内大肠杆菌的能力更强、速度更快,是一种具有体内治疗发展潜力的口服给药剂型。  相似文献   

【背景】肠出血性大肠杆菌(enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli,EHEC) O157:H7和肠致病性大肠杆菌(enteropathogenic E. coli,EPEC) O55:H7是2株常见食源性致病菌,能导致腹泻及肠道外疾病,其特异性噬菌体具有制备新型抗菌制剂的应用前景。【目的】分离能特异裂解O157:H7和O55:H7的噬菌体,并分析其生物学特性和基因组特征,探索致病性大肠杆菌防控的抗生素替代方法。【方法】利用双层平板法从环境水样中分离噬菌体,对其形态、感染复数、宿主范围、一步曲线等生物学特性进行鉴定,使用Illumina MiSeq平台对其全基因组进行测序,利用RAST、Prokka、BLASTp等软件进行生物信息学分析。【结果】分别以E.coli O157:H7和O55:H7为宿主分离出2株特异性烈性噬菌体:vB_EcoM_P251和vB_EcoM_P255,均属于肌尾病毒科(Myoviridae)。最佳感染复数均为1,在培养15min内能以91.9%和90.8%的速率吸附到宿主细胞上,而且在37-60℃、pH4.0-11.0条件下保持高且稳...  相似文献   

大肠杆菌O157:H7是肠出血型大肠杆菌(EHEC)的主要病原血清型,它可产生特殊的粘附因子粘附靶细胞,产生Vero毒素和肠溶血素毒力因子.近几年对大肠杆菌O157:H7的毒力因子有了深入的了解,对致病机理作了一些探讨,用实验动物对保护性免疫进行了研究.本文对近几年来0157:H7大肠杆菌的致病因子及其主要的保护性免疫的研究作一简要综述.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌O157∶H7感染流行概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大肠杆菌O157∶H7是肠出血性大肠杆菌的主要病原血清型,可引起腹泻、出血性肠炎,极易继发溶血性尿毒综合症和血栓性血小板减少性紫癜两种严重的并发症,死亡率高。1982年被发现以来,大肠杆菌O157∶H7已在世界多个国家引起过爆发流行,呈现了流行的世界性,中国也于上世纪90年代末在局部地区出现了爆发,死亡率极高,引起了相关部门的高度重视。本综述试图通过对大肠杆菌O157∶H7在世界范围流行状况的描述,提高公众对该病的认识,为相关疫苗的研发提供流行病学资料。  相似文献   

以编码大肠杆菌O157抗原的rfbE基因、 编码H7抗原的fliC基因以及编码毒力因子的eaeA基因为靶基因, 选择3对引物, 建立并优化了检测大肠杆菌O157:H7的多重PCR体系, 扩增产物分别为291 bp、625 bp、368 bp, 采用30株细菌验证了该多重PCR具有特异性。PCR检测的灵敏度在DNA水平上达到91.35 pg; 在存在干扰菌鼠伤寒沙门氏菌(Salmonella?typhimurium)的情况下, 当起始污染量为1.4 CFU/mL时, 37 ℃培养6 h 即可检出。在30份肉类样品中, 有3份检出了大肠杆菌O157:H7。本研究建立的多重PCR方法可特异、灵敏地实现对大肠杆菌O157:H7的检测。  相似文献   

根据GenBank中VT1、VT2毒素的基因序列设计合成2对引物,以大肠杆菌O157:H7菌株DNA为模板,扩 增vt1、vt2。诱导只扩增出vt2的菌株释放噬菌体,利用多种指示菌经双层琼脂平板法来分离纯化VT2噬菌体,观 察噬菌斑的特征,提纯病毒粒子进行电镜观察,并对噬菌体中vt2基因检测、克隆和序列分析。结果显示VT2噬菌 体感染MC1061在双层琼脂平板上形成的噬菌斑小而混浊,多呈磨玻璃样;而首次感染大肠杆菌CC118(λpir),此 后用MC1061分离的噬菌体,再以MC1061为指示菌,在双层琼脂平板上形成小而清晰透明的噬菌斑。电镜下噬 菌体头部呈六边形外廓,尾部细长无尾鞘结构。以噬菌体DNA为模板进行PCR扩增,检测到vt2特异性DNA 带,克隆的vt2基因序列与GenBank中编码VT2毒素的核苷酸序列(X07865,NC_002655,BA000007,AF291819) 的同源性分别达到99%,确定编码VT2毒素的基因位于噬菌体上,并获得VT2噬菌体(?)HY。  相似文献   

根据GenBank中VT1、VT2毒素的基因序列设计合成2对引物,以大肠杆菌O157H7菌株DNA为模板,扩增vt1、vt2.诱导只扩增出vt2的菌株释放噬菌体,利用多种指示菌经双层琼脂平板法来分离纯化VT2噬菌体,观察噬菌斑的特征,提纯病毒粒子进行电镜观察,并对噬菌体中vt2基因检测、克隆和序列分析.结果显示VT2噬菌体感染MC1061在双层琼脂平板上形成的噬菌斑小而混浊,多呈磨玻璃样;而首次感染大肠杆菌CC118(λpir),此后用MC1061分离的噬菌体,再以MC1061为指示菌,在双层琼脂平板上形成小而清晰透明的噬菌斑.电镜下噬菌体头部呈六边形外廓,尾部细长无尾鞘结构.以噬菌体DNA为模板进行PCR扩增,检测到vt2特异性DNA带,克隆的vt2基因序列与GenBank中编码VT2毒素的核苷酸序列(X07865,NC_002655,BA000007,AF291819)的同源性分别达到99%,确定编码VT2毒素的基因位于噬菌体上,并获得VT2噬菌体()HY.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌O157:H7核酸探针检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:应用核酸探针方法快速检测大肠杆菌O157:H7。方法:通过使用吖啶酯标记的特异DNA探针方法检测大肠杆菌O157:H7,对此种方法的特异性、敏感性、准确性进行研究,比较该方法与传统国标法的检测结果。结果:核酸探针方法检测大肠杆菌O157:H7特异性以及敏感性强,检出大肠杆菌O157:H7菌液浓度最低限约为106cfu/ml,检测大肠杆菌O157:H7的结果与国标法相一致;对O157:H7鉴定时间仅需30min,简便快捷。结论:核酸探针方法可用于大肠杆菌O157:H7的快速检测。  相似文献   

【目的】建立一种同时快速检测大肠杆菌O157:H7(E.coli O157:H7)和鼠伤寒沙门氏菌(Salmonella typhimurium)的可视化抗体阵列技术。【方法】将免疫学技术与蛋白芯片技术相结合,基于双抗体夹心法检测原理利用蛋白质芯片技术的高通量,结合可视化结果判定技术,用一份样品,同步检测大肠杆菌O157:H7和鼠伤寒沙门氏菌两种病原。【结果】检测结果肉眼可见,检测周期短至90 min,纯菌液检测灵敏度达105 CFU/mL,模拟带菌检测灵敏度为106 CFU/mL,与常规的ELISA灵敏度等同且具有良好的特异性和重复性。【结论】该可视化抗体阵列检测结果肉眼可见,检测通量高,无需大型设备,操作简便,检测成本低廉,同时为快速检测致病菌提供一种新途径。  相似文献   

【背景】大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli) O157:H7是导致肠出血性大肠杆菌食源性疾病暴发的主要血清型,免疫磁珠(Immunomagnetic beads,IMBS)在E. coli O157的检测中发挥着重要作用,而免疫磁珠的稳定性、特异性、广谱性等性能指标关系着在实际应用中的使用效果。【目的】制备高效、稳定且具有广谱性的免疫磁珠,联合分子检测技术如环介导恒温扩增 (Loop-mediated isothermal amplification,LAMP)技术、PCR等,提高目标菌的检出率。【方法】采用新型的磁珠活化剂MIX&GO制备E. coli O157免疫磁珠,并进行广谱性以及特异性检测;针对6种试剂牛血清白蛋白(Bovine serum albumin,BSA)、酪蛋白(Casein)、海藻糖(Trehalose)、聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(Polyvinyl pyrrolidone,PVP)、抗坏血酸(Vitamin C)和防腐剂ProClin 300,利用正交试验L18(37)优化免疫磁珠保存液组分;采用IMBS-LAMP、IMBS-PCR、IMBS-生化、菌液-LAMP、菌液-PCR、显色平板-生化鉴定6种方式对20份生猪肉样品进行检测。【结果】利用MIX&GO活化剂制备的免疫磁珠捕获率最高达到81.5%±1.3%;免疫磁珠保存液最优配方为:牛血清白蛋白15.0 g/L,酪蛋白10.0 g/L,海藻糖10.0 g/L,PVP 2.0 g/L,抗坏血酸5.0 g/L,ProClin 300 2.5 g/L,保存6个月后免疫磁珠捕获率为75.5%;在20份生猪肉样品的检测中,自制磁珠和商品化磁珠与LAMP联用均检出9例阳性样品;IMBS-LAMP在6种检测方式中具有最高的检测灵敏度,但检出的样品会因磁珠抗体的差异而有所不同。【结论】与商品化磁珠相比,实验制备的免疫磁珠具有良好的特异性和广谱性,免疫磁珠-LAMP联用提高了目标菌的检出率,是一种高灵敏度、具有应用前景的检测方法。  相似文献   

A DNA piezoelectric biosensing method for real-time detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in a circulating-flow system was developed in this study. Specific probes [a 30-mer oligonucleotide with or without additional 12 deoxythymidine 5′-monophosphate (12-dT)] for the detection of E. coli O157:H7 gene eaeA, synthetic oligonucleotide targets (30 and 104 mer) and PCR-amplified DNA fragments from the E. coli O157:H7 eaeA gene (104 bp), were used to evaluate the efficiency of the probe immobilization and hybridization with target DNA in the circulating-flow quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) device. It was found that thiol modification on the 5′-end of the probes was essential for probe immobilization on the gold surface of the QCM device. The addition of 12-dT to the probes as a spacer, significantly enhanced (P < 0.05) the hybridization efficiency (H%). The results indicate that the spacer enhanced the H% by 1.4- and 2-fold when the probes were hybridized with 30- and 104-mer targets, respectively. The spacer reduced steric interference of the support on the hybridization behavior of immobilized oligonucleotides, especially when the probes hybridized with relatively long oligonucleotide targets. The QCM system was also applied in the detection of PCR-amplified DNA from real samples of E. coli O157:H7. The resultant H% of the PCR-amplified double-strand DNA was comparable to that of the synthetic target T-104AS, a single-strand DNA. The piezoelectric biosensing system has potential for further applications. This approach lays the groundwork for incorporating the method into an integrated system for rapid PCR-based DNA analysis.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli O157:H7 is an emerging food and waterborne pathogen in the U.S. and internationally. The objective of this work was to develop a dose-response model for illness by this organism that bounds the uncertainty in the dose-response relationship. No human clinical trial data are available for E. coli O157:H7, but such data are available for two surrogate pathogens: enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and Shigella dysenteriae. E. coli O157:H7 outbreak data provide an initial estimate of the most likely value of the dose-response relationship within the bounds of an envelope defined by beta-Poisson dose-response models fit to the EPEC and S. dysenteriae data. The most likely value of the median effective dose for E. coli O157:H7 is estimated to be approximately 190[emsp4 ]000 colony forming units (cfu). At a dose level of 100[emsp4 ]cfu, the median response predicted by the model is six percent.  相似文献   

Thirty-two steers orally inoculated with a four-strain mixture (1010 CFU) of nalidixic acid-resistant Escherichia coli O157:H7 had sun-dried Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed (Tasco-14™) added to their barley-based diet (860 g/kg barley grain and 90 g/kg whole crop barley silage, dry matter basis) to assess its effectiveness in reducing fecal shedding of the pathogen. Steers were housed in four groups of eight and received Tasco-14™ in the diet, in place of barley, at levels (as fed) of 10 g/kg for 14 days (T1-14), 20 g/kg for 7 days (T2-7), 20 g/kg for 14 days (T2-14), or not at all (i.e., control, CON). The dietary treatments commenced 7 days after E. coli O157:H7 inoculation and fecal shedding patterns were examined over 14 weeks. Water, water–trough interface, feed and fecal pat samples were also collected weekly and cultured for E. coli O157:H7. Detection of the pathogen in fecal samples was less frequent (P<0.05) in T1-14 (99/168) and T2-7 (84/168) versus CON (135/168) and T2-14 (115/168), and the concentrations of E. coli O157:H7 recovered in feces from T1-14 and T2-7 steers were lower (P<0.005) than from CON or T2-14 steers. Rates of decline in shedding of E. coli O157:H7 were similar among treatments, but final numbers of E. coli O157:H7 were lower (P<0.05) in T1-14 and T2-7 as compared to T2-14 and CON. Fecal volatile fatty acid concentrations and pH were similar among treatments, suggesting no fecal alterations that were antagonistic to survival. E. coli O157:H7 was present in 1 (from T2-7) of 56 cattle drinking water samples, 2 of 56 (T1-14, CON) feed samples and 32 of 56 fecal pats. A second experiment investigated effects of the dietary treatment on growth performance of non-inoculated sheep. Tasco-14™ was administered to 40 individually fed Canadian Arcott lambs beginning at day 56 of a 105-day finishing period. The lambs received Tasco-14™ at 0 g/kg (control, CON), at 10 g/kg for 14 days (T1-14), 20 g/kg for 14 days (T2-14), 10 g/kg for 28 days (T1-28) or at 20 g/kg for 7 days (T2-7) as a top-dress on their pelleted, barley grain-based diet (n = 8). E. coli O157:H7 was not isolated from fecal samples collected at 4-week intervals, but generic E. coli populations were lower (P<0.05) in T1-28 lambs than in other treatments. Average daily gain, feed intake, feed efficiency and carcass traits did not differ among treatments. Our challenge study supports past studies showing that Tasco-14™ decreases shedding of E. coli O157:H7 by cattle. The lamb study shows that this additive did not directly affect feed intake or animal growth.  相似文献   

【背景】大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli,E.coli)是引发新生儿脑膜炎和禽类脑膜炎最常见的革兰氏阴性菌,其中含K1荚膜大肠杆菌是重要的病原菌。目前,K1荚膜大肠杆菌的检测方法存在一些弊端。【目的】利用PNJ1809-36噬菌体的宿主特异性建立快速检测K1荚膜大肠杆菌的方法。【方法】用荧光染料SYBR Gold标记PNJ1809-36噬菌体,侵染33株受试菌,在荧光显微镜下观察,测定该方法的特异性;倍比稀释宿主菌DE058,用荧光标记噬菌体侵染,测定该方法的灵敏度;用荧光标记噬菌体检测8份模拟粪样,测定该方法的临床应用效果;测定4℃避光保存4个月的荧光标记噬菌体的效价和检测效果。【结果】33株受试菌中的9株K1荚膜大肠杆菌有8株可见环状荧光,1株未能检出;20株非K1荚膜大肠杆菌以及4株非大肠杆菌属细菌均不能观察到荧光,检测灵敏度达100CFU/mL。8份模拟粪样的检测结果显示,3份含有K1荚膜大肠杆菌的粪样均可见环状荧光,5份不含K1荚膜大肠杆菌的粪样均无荧光。荧光标记噬菌体4℃避光保存4个月后效价无明显下降,检测效果无明显变化,表明该荧光标记噬菌体在4℃避光条件下较稳定...  相似文献   

Our group has previously reported a sandwich-based strip immunoassay for rapid detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 [Anal. Chem. 75 (2003) 4330]. In the present study, a microcapillary flow injection liposome immunoanalysis (mFILIA) system was developed for the detection of heat-killed E. coli O157:H7. A fused-silica microcapillary with anti-E. coli O157:H7 antibodies chemically immobilized on the internal surface via protein A served as an immunoreactor/immunoseparator for the mFILIA system. Liposomes tagged with anti-E. coli O157:H7 and encapsulating a fluorescent dye were used as the detectable label. In the presence of E. coli O157:H7, sandwich complexes were formed between the immobilized antibodies in the column, the sample of E. coli O157:H7 and the antibody-tagged sulforhodamine-dye-loaded liposomes. Signals generated by lysing the bound liposomes with 30 mM n-octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside were measured by a fluorometer. The detected signal was directly proportional to the amount of E. coli O157:H7 in the test sample. The mFILIA system successfully detected as low as 360 cells/mL (equivalent to 53 heat-killed bacteria in the 150 microL of the sample solution injected). MeOH (30%) was used for the regeneration of antibody binding sites in the capillary after each measurement, which allowed the immunoreactor/immunoseparator to be used for at least 50 repeated assays. The calibration curve for heat-killed E. coli O157:H7 has a working range of 6 x 10(3)-6 x 10(7)cells, and the total assay time was less than 45 min. A coefficient of variation for triplicate measurements was < or =8.9%, which indicates an acceptable level of reproducibility for this newly developed method.  相似文献   

【背景】肠出血性大肠埃希菌O157:H7是重要的食源性致病菌之一,并且其耐药性越来越严重,寻找裂解性强噬菌体用于防治大肠埃希菌感染具有广阔的应用前景。【目的】从环境中分离鉴定能特异裂解大肠埃希菌O157:H7的噬菌体,通过对生物学特性及裂解细菌功效的探究,为其在食品安全防控中提供理论依据和研究基础。【方法】通过双层平板法分离并纯化噬菌体,透射电镜观察噬菌体形态,测定最佳感染复数、一步生长曲线、pH稳定性、温度稳定性,对噬菌体进行全基因组测序及噬菌体裂解细菌功效。【结果】2株大肠埃希菌O157:H7噬菌体FEC14和FEC19的头部皆呈二十面体立体对称,FEC14头部直径约80nm,尾丝呈星形,FEC19头部直径约58 nm,尾丝呈针形;噬菌体FEC14的最佳感染复数为0.001,潜伏期为15 min,裂解期为65 min,平均暴发量为156 PFU/cell,FEC19的最佳感染复数为0.1,潜伏期为10 min,裂解期为80 min,平均暴发量为800 PFU/cell;噬菌体FEC14能在60℃、pH 4.0-11.0条件下存活,噬菌体FEC19在70℃、pH5.0-9.0条件下存...  相似文献   

Previously, we produced two groups of gnotobiotic mice, GB-3 and GB-4, which showed different responses to Escherichia coli O157:H7 challenge. E. coli O157:H7 was eliminated from GB-3, whereas GB-4 mice became carriers. It has been reported that the lag time of E. coli O157:H7 growth in 50% GB-3 caecal suspension was extended when compared to GB-4 caecal suspension. In this study, competition for nutrients between intestinal microbiota of GB-3 and GB-4 mice and E. coli O157:H7 was examined. Amino acid concentrations in the caecal contents of GB-3 and GB-4 differed, especially the concentration of proline. The supplementation of proline into GB-3 caecal suspension decreased the lag time of E. coli O157:H7 growth in vitro. When E. coli O157:H7 was cultured with each of the strains used to produce GB-3 mice in vitro, 2 strains of E. coli (proline consumers) out of 5 enterobacteriaceae strains strongly suppressed E. coli O157:H7 growth and the suppression was attenuated by the addition of proline into the medium. These results indicate that competition for proline with indigenous E. coli affected the growth of E. coli O157:H7 in vivo and may contribute to E. coli O157:H7 elimination from the intestine.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli O157:H7 has been associated with water related outbreaks. It has been isolated from surface and ground waters. It is capable of survival in water for days to weeks  相似文献   

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