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不同小麦品种(系)耐湿性的综合评价   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
把小麦各性状的耐湿系数作为衡量各单项耐湿能力大小的指标,用主成分分析将各单项耐湿系数综合成几个新的相互独立的综合指标,再利用隶属函数求出综合指标的隶属值。这样,通过各小麦品种(系)的隶属值可求出各品种(系)耐湿性度量值后,可以较准确地评价各小麦品种(系)的耐湿性。  相似文献   

研究镉胁迫对木槿的生理影响,比较木槿品种的镉耐受能力,为镉污染地区的植物材料选择提供依据.以3个木槿品种为材料,采取盆栽控制试验,测定其生长、生理指标,通过隶属函数分析综合比较品种耐镉能力.木槿的株高与地径增长量、叶绿素A+B与可溶性蛋白含量随胁迫浓度增加呈先上升后降低或逐渐降低趋势,而且随时间延长,降低程度不断加强;...  相似文献   

该研究以目前主栽的平榛、毛榛及25个平欧杂种榛品种(系)的坚果为研究对象,测定了不同品种(系)榛子坚果的17个表型性状指标,用方差分析、相关性分析、聚类分析和主成分分析方法对其进行差异性分析和综合评价,为国内榛树品种(系)的选优、开发及加工利用提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)不同品种(系)榛子坚果的17个表型性状指标存在显著差异,其中果壳质量、坚果体积和坚果质量差异最为明显,变异系数分别为31.49%、30.44%、27.50%,横纵径比、果形指数、伸长率、圆球度的变异系数均小于10%。(2)平欧杂种榛坚果的纵径、横径、侧径及坚果质量、果仁质量、出仁率等指标显著优于毛榛和平榛,其中杂种榛的平均果仁质量(0.70~1.46 g)和出仁率(31.48%~56.12%)显著高于平榛(0.51 g、35.13%)和毛榛(0.37 g、38.12%)。(3)榛子坚果表型性状指标间的相关性分析表明,榛子坚果体积越大,其质量和果仁质量也越大,果壳越薄则出仁率更高。(4)主成分分析结果发现,影响榛子坚果综合得分的主要指标为坚果的纵径、横径、侧径、质量和果仁质量,其次是果形指数、横纵径比、出仁率、果仁饱满...  相似文献   

以4个马铃薯品种(系)为供试材料,采用盆栽人工控水和组培条件下PEG-6000胁迫两种不同的模拟干旱形式进行处理,通过形态与生理指标综合评价其耐旱性差异,为马铃薯抗逆栽培及耐旱品种的选育提供依据。盆栽苗设置正常灌水(CK)和2个干旱胁迫处理:中度干旱(T1,土壤相对湿度指数45%±5%)、轻度干旱(T2,土壤相对湿度55%±5%),组培试管苗设置4个PEG-6000浓度(5%、10%、15%和20%),对干旱胁迫下盆栽马铃薯的单株平均产量、9个形态指标、6个生理指标进行测定,使用3种方法对实验数据进行分析,评价了供试材料的耐旱性强弱并以组培苗进行验证。结果表明:经两种不同的模拟干旱处理后,筛选出的耐旱种质较为一致,耐旱性较好的品种(系)均为高代品系D1520和“滇薯97”,对干旱敏感的品种均为“青薯9号”和“滇薯1418”;从15个指标中简化出脱落酸含量、过氧化物酶活性、叶片数、株高、节数、分支数和叶片夹角7个对干旱胁迫敏感指标;各品种(系)的叶片数指标经组培试验验证后,可作为耐旱评价的重要指标。  相似文献   

新疆长绒棉品种(系)的灰色关联度分析与综合评价   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文利用灰色关联度方法,把棉花产量和品质的15个性状指标集为一体进行分析,对参试品种(系)进行全面直观的综合评价,为新品种审定和大面积生产应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

通过对14个福禄考品种在低温胁迫下相关生理指标进行分析,结果表明:可溶性糖含量随处理温度降低呈"升降升降"的变化趋势;可溶性蛋白含量随处理温度降低呈"降升降降"的变化趋势;不同品种脯氨酸、叶绿素、丙二醛含量和超氧化物歧化酶活性变化趋势不同,差异达到显著水平。运用主成分分析法和聚类分析法对14个福禄考品种进行抗寒性排序,将其分为3个抗寒等级:强抗寒品种为‘Sub-05’、‘Sub-Ja-03’和‘Sub-Ja-04’;中抗寒品种为‘Sub-Ja-01’、‘Sub-Ja-02’、‘Sub-06’、‘Sub-07’、‘Pan-02’和‘Pan-Ru-07’;弱抗寒品种为‘Pan-01’、‘Pan-Ru-06’、‘Pan-05’、‘Pan-04’和‘Pan-03’。丛生福禄考品种抗寒性优于锥花品种,与露地越冬观察的结果基本一致。  相似文献   

以热带地区主栽品种博优225和矮糯为材料,采用盆栽试验研究了不同水稻品种对土壤外源重金属Cd胁迫的耐性机理。结果表明:在各浓度镉胁迫下,2个品种水稻都是根累积的镉含量要高于茎叶和稻壳、糙米,即根>茎叶>稻壳>糙米;随着镉胁迫浓度的增加,细胞膜受损的伤害程度越大,矮糯质膜透性略高于博优225;随着Cd浓度的升高,水稻叶片丙二醛(MDA)、脯氨酸含量逐渐增加,且博优225的增加幅度明显大于矮糯,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性均呈上升趋势,且博优225明显高于矮糯;过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性呈下降趋势;表明同样条件下博优225受Cd毒害更严重。  相似文献   

甘薯品种抗旱适应性综合评价的方法研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在对水分胁迫下甘薯形态、生长势、生理生化和产量性状等指标与品种抗旱性进行相关分析的基础上,采用抗旱系数法、聚类分析法、隶属函数法对品种抗旱适应性予以综合评价.综合评价的结果,将15个供试甘薯品种按抗旱水平由弱到强划分为不抗(农大红、漳薯1号、8908-383)、低抗(宿芋1号、9318-58、渝苏303、89-1、95-411-153、西蒙1号)、中抗(92-111-107、渝薯34、南薯88、92-103-30)和高抗(Y3、潮薯1号)四级.上述几种关于甘薯品种抗旱适应性综合评价的方法具有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

不同品种万寿菊对镉胁迫的生长和生理响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田治国  王飞 《西北植物学报》2013,33(10):2057-2064
以6个万寿菊品种为研究对象,研究了不同浓度的重金属镉(Cd)胁迫(0、200、400、600 mg/L)对万寿菊基径、株高以及百叶重、茎叶重和单花质量等生长指标及其质膜透性(丙二醛、相对电导率)、保护酶活性(SOD、POD、CAT、APX)以及光合特性(叶绿素含量、净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率)等生理指标的影响。结果显示:(1)低于400 mg/L的Cd胁迫对6个万寿菊品种的基径、株高无明显影响,而百叶重、茎叶重和单花质量却随着Cd浓度的增加显著降低,尤其是‘大英雄’和‘迪阿哥’2个品种表现的抗性较差。(2)随着Cd胁迫浓度的增加,各品种丙二醛(MDA)含量和相对电导率(REC)显著增加,而其保护酶活性不同程度降低。(3)Cd胁迫降低了万寿菊的叶绿素Chl a+b含量和Chl a/b,且抗性差的品种降低的幅度更大;叶片净光合速率(Pn)明显降低,但蒸腾速率(Tr)和气孔导度(Gs)相对降幅较小,对水分利用效率(WUE)影响较小。研究表明,不同品种万寿菊对Cd毒害响应存在明显的差异,且Cd胁迫下生理响应的差异是品种间耐性差异的重要原因之一;抗性差的品种在高浓度Cd胁迫下,光合作用能力降低,抗氧化系统酶的活性受到显著抑制,膜质过氧化加剧,且品种‘珍妮’和‘金门’的抗性强于其他品种,可选择作为Cd污染区栽植植物。  相似文献   

本文以6个大丽花(Dahlia pinnata Cav.)品种为材料,研究高温胁迫处理(40℃/35℃,14 h昼/10 h夜)2 d对其形态和生理指标的影响,应用相关性分析、主成分分析和隶属函数法计算耐热性综合评价值D,并用逐步回归分析法筛选鉴定大丽花耐热性指标。结果显示:(1)高温胁迫后,叶片中Fv/Fm值和叶绿素含量均下降;抗坏血酸和还原型谷胱甘肽含量在叶片中上升,在茎中下降;可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量在叶片和茎中均下降;总酚含量在叶片中显著上升,在茎中显著下降;花青素含量在叶片和茎中均上升。(2)基于耐热性综合评价值D,6个品种中,‘SLGZ’耐热性较强;‘KEW’、‘QKL’和‘YH-C11’耐热性中等;‘AGR-C1’和‘YY-C5’耐热性弱。(3)回归分析结果表明,叶片的半致死温度和叶绿素含量、茎的可溶性蛋白和抗坏血酸含量、热害指数可作为鉴定大丽花耐热性的指标。  相似文献   

JARVIS  S. C. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(2):199-206
The absorption and distribution of sodium were examined in threegrasses grown in flowing solution culture with different suppliesof potassium. There were marked differences between the speciesin the rate of absorption by their roots, timothy absorbingat a much slower rate than either ryegrass or cocksfoot. Inall species, the rate of Na absorption was greatest when therewas a maintained supply of K and/or when the K contents of theplants were high. Transport of Na from roots to shoots of timothywas restricted; it was less restricted in the other speciesand large proportions of the Na moved from roots to shoots whenK was not supplied to the plants. Sodium transported from theroots accumulated in old leaves and not in the younger leaves.When K was no longer supplied, the growth of ryegrass was maintainedin the plants previously grown with Na plus K; Na supplied insteadof K, however, did not maintain growth. Cocksfoot grown withNa grew less well than when grown without Na when plants wereno longer supplied with K; the growth of timothy was unaffectedby Na. Dactylis glomerata L., Lolium perenne L., Phleum pratense L., cocksfoot, ryegrass, timothy, absorption of ions, distribution of ions, potassium, sodium  相似文献   

The effects of three temperature regimes, 25°C day/20°Cnight, 20°C day/15°C night and 15°C day/10°Cnight upon seed development in S.22 Italian ryegrass, S.24 perennialryegrass, S.215 meadow fescue and a Swiss ecotype of meadowfescue were investigated. The largest ovaries and largest seedswere obtained from the 15/10°C environment and floret fertilitywas greatest at 20/15°C. The largest seed weight per inflorescencewas at 20/15°C, except for the Swiss ecotype of meadow fescuewhere it was greatest at 15/10°C. The percentage germinationwas highest from those seeds developed at 25/20°C and thiswas particularly marked at germination temperatures of 13–20°C.There was a low rate of germination of seeds from the 15/10°Ctreatment, but they produced seedlings with the largest dryweights. It is concluded that year to year temperature differenceswill affect the yield and quality of seed crops of forage grasses.  相似文献   

Miscanthus has been proposed as a promising crop for phytoremediation due to its high biomass yield and remarkable adaptability to different environments. However, little is known about the resistance of Miscanthus spp. to cadmium (Cd). To determine any differences in resistance of Miscanthus to Cd, we examined plant growth, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), activities of anti-oxidant and C4 photosynthetic enzymes, concentrations of Cd in leaves and roots, and observed the chloroplast structure in three Miscanthus species treated with 0, 10, 50, 100 or 200 μM Cd in solutions. Miscanthus sinensis showed more sensitivity to Cd, including sharp decreases in growth, Pn, PEPC activity and damage to chloroplast structure, and the highest H2O2 and Cd concentrations in leaves and roots after Cd treatments. Miscanthus sacchariflorus showed higher resistance to Cd and better growth, had the highest Pn and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) activities and integrative chloroplast structure and the lowest hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and leaf and root Cd concentrations. The results could play an important role in understanding the mechanisms of Cd tolerance in plants and in application of phytoremediation.  相似文献   

N2(C2H2)-fixing bacteria were isolated from the rhizosphere of various cereals and forage grasses grown in the greenhouse and from the rhizosphere of field-grown wheat in Sweden. All 46 isolates from the greenhouse plants lost their nitrogenase activity during purification. By imposing a stronger selection pressure, we obtained pure isolates with nitrogenase activity from field-grown wheat. Some isolates were identified as Enterobacter agglomerans and Bacillus polymyxa, but several bacteria of uncertain taxonomy also occurred. One of the isolates grew and reduced acetylene only in the presence of other bacteria or certain vitamins. Species of Azotobacter or Azospirillum could not be isolated from the rhizosphere of any of the cereals and forage grasses studied.  相似文献   

Maize, sunflower, flax, and spinach differed in the accumulation of Cd when grown on a Cd contaminated soil. This was mainly due to the different Cd net influx, In , that varied among species by a factor of up to 30. The objective of this study was to find possible reasons for the different Cd In by using a mechanistic model. After 14 days of Cd uptake the model calculated only a small Cd depletion at the root surface, e.g. from 0.22 μmol L?1down to 0.19 μmol L?1for maize and from 0.48 μmol L?1down to 0.35 μmol L?1for spinach. Even so the model always overestimated the Cd In , for spinach by a factor of 1.5 and for maize by a factor of 10. Only simulating a decrease of CLi or the root absorbing power, α, by 40% to 90% gave an agreement of calculated and measured In . This may be interpreted as that about 40% in the case of spinach and 90% in the case of maize of the Cd in soil solution were not accessible for plant uptake. The high sensitivity to α also shows that not the Cd transport to the root but α was limiting the step for Cd uptake.  相似文献   

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