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全球气候变暖影响植物-传粉者网络的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖宜安  张斯斯  闫小红  董鸣 《生态学报》2015,35(12):3871-3880
植物与传粉者间相互作用,构成了复杂的传粉网络。目前,以气候变化为主要特征的全球变暖对植物-传粉者网络的影响备受关注,概述了近年来这方面研究的几个主要热点问题及其进展,和相关研究方法。并在此基础上,提出了气温持续上升背景下,植物-传粉者网络未来的研究趋势。当前研究的主要热点问题有:(1)气候变暖使植物、传粉者的物候发生变化,并通过影响植物的开花时间和传粉者活动时间,导致两者在物候时间上的不同步。(2)气候变暖导致植物、传粉者的群落结构变化,促使其地理分布向更高纬度和更高海拔扩散,这可能潜在的导致两者空间分布的不匹配。(3)植物和传粉者通过增加或减少其丰富度来响应气候变暖,可能导致传粉网络结构特征发生变化。(4)面对气候变暖导致植物和传粉者间物候和地理分布错配所引发的互作改变、甚至解体,传粉网络可通过自身网络结构及快速进化来缓冲和适应。在今后研究中,以下几个问题值得探讨:1)气候变暖对植物-传粉者网络影响的大时空尺度变异模式。2)多因素协同作用对植物-传粉者网络的影响特征。3)全球气候变暖对植物、传粉者物候匹配性影响的机理。  相似文献   

全球气候变化对生态系统的影响是人类社会面临的紧迫而又严峻的挑战。气候变化带来的极端气候事件的增多, 直接影响到生态系统生产力和服务功能。本文总结了气候变化对植物-传粉昆虫互作的研究进展, 强调植物-传粉昆虫互作网络结构和其时空演变的解析, 以及互作关系和功能性状重组研究的重要性。近年来在气温持续上升背景下对植物-传粉昆虫互作关系影响的研究也受到了更多关注, 这些研究主要集中在两方面: 一是植物和传粉昆虫分布区的变化, 包括部分种群可能灭绝; 二是物候的变化, 即植物花期和传粉昆虫活动期的改变。植物与传粉昆虫任何一方在空间或时间上的改变, 都会导致传粉关系的错配或丢失。此外, 也可能导致植物-传粉昆虫双方的功能性状及其耦合的改变, 从而影响其互作关系的稳定。建议在今后的研究中关注: (1)覆盖生物多样性的多个尺度的研究; (2)对植物-传粉者互作网络的长期监测; (3)重要指示物种繁殖适合度评价; (4)植物-传粉昆虫互作双方功能性状在时间和空间尺度上的变化, 及其互作关系的重组; (5)关键植物和传粉昆虫类群的评估和保护。  相似文献   

李慢如  张玲 《生物多样性》2020,28(7):833-2627
桑寄生植物是一类自身可以进行光合作用的半寄生性灌木, 作为森林和林地的关键性资源可为鸟类等动物分类群提供重要的食物资源和巢址, 并影响当地的生物多样性。桑寄生植物隶属于檀香目, 包括5科88属约1,600种, 除极地、部分高寒和干旱沙漠地区外均有分布。桑寄生植物繁殖物候的研究对于了解“寄主植物-桑寄生植物-传粉/种子散布者系统”中物种相互作用网络的维持机制、生态系统结构的稳定性具有重要意义。本文综述了桑寄生植物在景观、群落和种群尺度上繁殖物候的表现类型, 发现桑寄生植物主要通过繁殖物候异步的方式延长物候期, 维持与传粉/种子散布者持久的互惠关系以保障自身种群的繁衍。该领域经过近年的发展, 已从单一地描述繁殖物候的表现类型到探究系统中寄主植物、传粉/种子散布者以及桑寄生植物自身生物学特性等因素的分析。通过前人的研究发现桑寄生植物繁殖物候对于该系统内相互作用的双方或多方有重要的适应意义, 今后首先应该对桑寄生植物的基础生物学背景进行研究, 然后还应加强实验验证, 进行多因素综合分析等来探讨桑寄生植物繁殖物候的生态学意义。  相似文献   

植物和传粉者之间的相互作用,构成了错综复杂的传粉网络。近20年来,以全球变暖为主要特征的气候变化对开花植物、传粉昆虫和植物-传粉者相互作用的影响已成为研究热点。这些研究有助于更好地预测气候变暖对传粉网络乃至整个生态系统功能的影响。本文综述了气候变暖对开花植物个体的繁殖过程(物候、花吸引、报酬特征)和传粉昆虫活动及其相互作用产生的影响,以及在群落水平上对植物-传粉者网络产生的影响。气候变暖影响开花植物的花报酬(花蜜量、花粉的数量与质量)以及繁殖成功;温度升高对传粉昆虫的影响主要包括决定花粉流的传粉行为和传粉成功率。因此,气候变暖背景下植物、传粉者及其相互作用的改变会导致传粉网络结构发生变化,而传粉网络通过缓冲机制减少植物-传粉者间的错配而产生的负面效应,以维持自身稳定性。总体上,目前对气候变暖背景下植物-传粉者网络的研究较为薄弱,今后的研究应进一步关注以下问题:(1)气候变暖影响植物与传粉者物候匹配程度的原因、机制以及影响因素;(2)进一步探究不同生态系统中植物-传粉者的相互作用;(3)从群落水平或生态系统水平对植物-传粉者相互作用网络开展长期性研究。  相似文献   

焦乐  孙涛  杨薇  邵冬冬 《生态学报》2022,42(2):423-432
Allee效应是指生物个体适应度与种群规模或密度之间呈正向关联的现象,因与植物种群动态和种群灭绝密切相关而受到生态学家的普遍重视。阐释多重胁迫下滨海湿地植物种群响应机制,从保护生物多样性和维持生态系统稳定性层面发展系统性生态修复措施成为相关研究关注的重点。本研究分别从遗传过程、花粉扩散过程和生物互作关系不同层面,总结分析了植物种群Allee效应驱动机制的研究进展。一方面,植物因遗传过程中近交衰退、遗传变异丧失、有害突变累积等遗传结构改变造成繁殖失败而引发Allee效应;另一方面,植物花粉扩散过程和动植物互作关系影响下的花粉限制也通过影响植物种群繁殖力成为驱动Allee效应的关键因素。滨海湿地水盐梯度变异及格局破碎化影响下,植物种群遭受Allee效应的风险需引起关注,维持滨海湿地植物种群适宜分布格局和生物连通过程成为缓解Allee效应的重要手段。结合生理学与化学生态学研究手段和长时间尺度动态监测技术,有助于进一步阐释环境及生物等多重胁迫下Allee效应的非线性驱动机制。  相似文献   

杨扬  王嵘  陈小勇 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4400-4410
榕属植物与其传粉小蜂组成了高度专一的专性共生关系(榕-蜂共生系统),如此高度紧密的互作关系被认为是驱动两者多样化的关键因素。榕-蜂共生系统主要依靠化学通讯完成相互识别,但目前仍不清楚化学通讯是如何维系现有共生关系并促进物种形成的。结合已有研究,系统梳理了榕-蜂共生系统化学通讯的基础与两者特异性识别的机制,阐述化学通讯在物种和种群层次对维持这一专性传粉关系的重要贡献,进而探讨化学通讯如何在协同成种和宿主转移成种两种模式中介导物种形成。最后,结合生理与多组学等技术展望榕-蜂共生系统的未来研究方向,为深入解析植物与昆虫协同进化的机制以及全球变化下物种的潜在响应模式提供重要参考。  相似文献   

合作的进化为研究植物–传粉者相互关系提供了新的视角。植物与传粉者通过"报酬换服务"建立种间合作关系。这一合作关系从建立、维持到解体面临着3个关键问题:(1)在植物和传粉者不了解对方质量信息时,双方如何选择出最适伙伴,进而建立合作关系;(2)合作方如何限制欺骗策略(比如,盗蜜和欺骗性传粉)的扩散以维持合作关系;(3)什么过程可导致传粉合作关系的解体。植物与传粉者间信号博弈或筛选博弈可促进二者合作关系的建立。面对欺骗策略,传粉者和植物分别采用伙伴选择机制和防御机制加以应对。合作者与欺骗者的稳定共存也有助于植物–传粉者合作的维持。从合作转向对抗、转向新的伙伴和合作放弃3个过程可导致植物–传粉者的合作关系的解体。植物与传粉者合作关系的理论预期已经得到了部分实验结果支持,深化了我们对植物与传粉者合作过程中关键机制的理解。在今后的研究中,需要进一步探讨以下问题:(1)传粉者对植物信号诚实性的选择作用和植物对传粉者的筛选作用;(2)植物与传粉者各自应对欺骗策略的可能机制及其相对重要性;(3)合作者与欺骗者稳定共存的机制;(4)植物与传粉者合作系统对全球变化的响应。  相似文献   

青藏高原及周边高山地区孕育了极为丰富的植物多样性资源, 研究该地区植物如何顺利完成繁殖过程有助于我们理解植物对典型高山环境的进化和适应机制。该文综述了青藏高原地区高山植物在资源分配、繁殖方式、花部特征演化等方面的研究进展, 包括全球气候变化对植物繁殖特征的影响, 以及一些新技术和新方法在本研究领域的应用。在高山地区限制性环境中, 随海拔升高, 繁殖分配通常表现出增大的趋势, 其中投入到雄性资源的比例上升, 但具体的资源分配模式还要取决于植株的交配系统、个体大小、生活史特征、遗传特性以及环境中的资源有效性等。面对资源和传粉的双重限制, 植物在不同繁殖方式之间存在权衡, 当传粉者稀少时, 克隆繁殖和自交有利于繁殖保障; 而有性繁殖和异交能够提高种子的质量和后代的遗传多样性, 从而在复杂多变的气候条件下有利于种群的维持。因此, 不同繁殖方式的结合以及泛化的传粉互作网络可能是应对高山限制性环境的最优选择。花部特征的演化主要受到当地传粉者的选择压力, 但是外来传粉者、植食者、盗蜜者以及非生物环境(如温度、雨水和紫外辐射等)对花部性状的影响越来越受到重视。近年来, 青藏高原因其脆弱性和对气候变化的高度敏感性而在全球气候变化研究中备受关注, 以全球变暖和氮沉降增加为显著特征的全球气候变化正在直接或间接地影响着该地区高山植物的繁殖特征。气候变化影响植物和传粉者的物候并引起物种的迁移, 最终将导致植物与传粉者的时空不匹配。植物通过改变花部特征(花展示、花冠结构、花报酬的数量和质量)来响应气候变化, 这可能会改变其传粉者的类型、数量和访花行为, 从而最终影响植物的繁殖成功。3D打印和高通量测序等新技术和新方法的应用有助于促进植物繁殖生态学研究的进一步发展。3D打印的花能够精确控制其形态构造, 可以用于研究精细的花部特征变化对于传粉者行为的影响, 在此基础上与人工饲养的传粉者结合使用, 有助于进一步研究传粉者介导的花部特征演化。随着高通量测序技术的发展, 植物繁殖生态学领域, 尤其是花部特征演化的许多重要问题的潜在机制得以深入研究。该文最后提出了目前研究中需要注意的问题以及值得深入研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

 榕树-传粉者共生体系是目前植物与昆虫协同进化研究中的典型模式之一。国内外已经开展了大量的相关研究,从不同方面探讨了其特殊的一一对应的共生关系。榕树-传粉者的专一性互惠共生关系中蕴含了与系统发育有关的多因子协同进化的机理,因此,进行系统发育研究将有助于更好地揭示榕树-传粉者的协同进化历史和理解二者的专一性互惠共生关系。本文简单地介绍了目前榕树及其传粉者共生体系的研究状况之后,论述了榕树-传粉者协同进化的系统发育分子生物学研究成果。同时针对国际上在榕属植物的传统的系统与分类研究中存在的一些分歧及榕树传粉者亚科分类不匹配等问题,回顾了榕属的分类研究进展及其与传粉者的关系。最后,结合我国榕树与传粉者共生体系的研究状况对我国榕属的重新分类和系统发育研究作了展望。  相似文献   

植物与传粉者间相互作用,构成了复杂的传粉网络。非对称特化是共生互作网络中的有趣现象和基本特点,也被认为是植物-传粉者互作网络的结构特征之一。根据文献总结分析了植物-传粉者互作网络非对称特化的重要名词术语,并采用线性回归法深入分析了植物-传粉者互作网络的地理变异模式,以及植物生活型和网络大小等传粉网络特征对非对称程度的影响。结果表明:传粉网络大小与网络的交互作用间呈线性正相关关系,并随总物种丰度呈指数增长。25个传粉网络的线性回归斜率(Lβ)变异范围在0.002至0.031间,且斜率值随植物丰度(P)、传粉者丰度(A)、总物种丰度(R)、交互作用(I)及网络大小(M)上升而降低。海拔高度对传粉网络非对称性有一定影响效果,而纬度的变化并不显著影响传粉网络非对称性。草本植物、灌木及乔木植物与其传粉者之间的相关系数分别为-0.197,-0.026和0.200,表明草本物种比乔木物种非对称性更强。  相似文献   

Climate change can affect plant–pollinator interactions in a variety of ways, but much of the research attention has focused on whether independent shifts in phenology will alter temporal overlap between plants and pollinators. Here I review the research on plant–pollinator mismatch, assessing the potential for observational and experimental approaches to address particular aspects of the problem. Recent, primarily observational studies suggest that phenologies of co‐occurring plants and pollinators tend to respond similarly to environmental cues, but that nevertheless, certain pairs of interacting species are showing independent shifts in phenology. Only in a few cases, however, have these independent shifts been shown to affect population vital rates (specifically, seed production by plants) but this largely reflects a lack of research. Compared to the few long‐term studies of pollination in natural plant populations, experimental manipulations of phenology have yielded relatively optimistic conclusions about effects of phenological shifts on plant reproduction, and I discuss how issues of scale and frequency‐dependence in pollinator behaviour affect the interpretation of these ‘temporal transplant’ experiments. Comparable research on the impacts of mismatch on pollinator populations is so far lacking, but both observational studies and focused experiments have the potential to improve our forecasts of pollinator responses to changing phenologies. Finally, while there is now evidence that plant–pollinator mismatch can affect seed production by plants, it is still unclear whether this phenological impact will be the primary way in which climate change affects plant–pollinator interactions. It would be useful to test the direct effects of changing climate on pollinator population persistence, and to compare the importance of phenological mismatch with other threats to pollination.  相似文献   

Recent anthropogenic climate change is strongly associated with average shifts toward earlier seasonal timing of activity (phenology) in temperate-zone species. Shifts in phenology have the potential to alter ecological interactions, to the detriment of one or more interacting species. Recent models predict that detrimental phenological mismatch may increasingly occur between plants and their pollinators. One way to test this prediction is to examine data from ecological communities that experience large annual weather fluctuations. Taking this approach, we analyzed interactions over a four-year period among 132 plant species and 665 pollinating insect species within a Mediterranean community. For each plant species we recorded onset and duration of flowering and number of pollinator species. Flowering onset varied among years, and a year of earlier flowering of a species tended to be a year of fewer species pollinating its flowers. This relationship was attributable principally to early-flowering species, suggesting that shifts toward earlier phenology driven by climate change may reduce pollination services due to phenological mismatch. Earlier flowering onset of a species also was associated with prolonged flowering duration, but it is not certain that this will counterbalance any negative effects of lower pollinator species richness on plant reproductive success. Among plants with different life histories, annuals were more severely affected by flowering–pollinator mismatches than perennials. Specialized plant species (those attracting a smaller number of pollinator species) did not experience disproportionate interannual fluctuations in phenology. Thus they do not appear to be faced with disproportionate fluctuations in pollinator species richness, contrary to the expectation that specialists are at greatest risk of losing mutualistic interactions because of climate change.  相似文献   

Climate change is significantly influencing phenology. One potential effect is that historically interacting partners will respond to climate change at different rates, creating the potential for a phenological mismatch among previously synchronized interacting species, or even sexes of the same species. Focusing on plant demographics in a plant–pollinator interaction, we develop a hybrid dynamical model that uses a “non-autonomous” differential equation system (Zonneveld model) for within-season dynamics and discrete equations for season-to-season dynamics. Our model outlines how and when changes in the relative phenologies of an interacting species pair will alter the demographic outcome of the interaction. For our plant–pollinator system, we find that plant population growth rates are particularly sensitive to phenology mismatch when flowers are short-lived, when pollinators are short-lived, or when flowers and pollinators exhibit high levels of within-population synchrony in emergence or arrival dates. More generally, our aim is to introduce the use of hybrid dynamical models as a framework through which researchers can directly explore the demographic consequences of climatically driven phenological change.  相似文献   

The relationship between flowering phenology and abundance of bumble bees (Bombus spp.) was investigated using 2 years of phenological data collected in an alpine region of northern Japan. Abundance of Bombus species was observed along a fixed transect throughout the flowering season. The number of flowering species was closely related to the floral resources for pollinators at the community scale. In the year with typical weather, the first flowering peak corresponded to the emergence time of queen bees from hibernation, while the second flowering peak corresponded to the active period of worker bees. In the year with an unusually warm spring, however, phenological synchrony between plants and bees was disrupted. Estimated emergence of queen bees was 10 days earlier than the first flowering date owing to earlier soil thawing and warming. However, subsequent worker emergence was delayed, indicating slower colony development. The flowering season finished 2 weeks earlier in the warm-spring year in response to earlier snowmelt. A common resident species in the alpine environment, B. hypocrita sapporoensis, flexibly responded to the yearly fluctuation of flowering. In contrast, population dynamics of other Bombus species were out of synchrony with the flowering: their frequencies were highest at the end of the flowering season in the warm-spring year. Therefore, phenological mismatch between flowers and pollinators is evident during warm years, which may become more prevalent in a warmer climate. To understand the mechanism of phenological mismatch in the pollination system of the alpine ecosystem, ground temperature, snowmelt regime, and life cycle of pollinators are key factors.  相似文献   

Climate change has the potential to alter the phenological synchrony between interacting mutualists, such as plants and their pollinators. However, high levels of biodiversity might buffer the negative effects of species‐specific phenological shifts and maintain synchrony at the community level, as predicted by the biodiversity insurance hypothesis. Here, we explore how biodiversity might enhance and stabilise phenological synchrony between a valuable crop, apple and its native pollinators. We combine 46 years of data on apple flowering phenology with historical records of bee pollinators over the same period. When the key apple pollinators are considered altogether, we found extensive synchrony between bee activity and apple peak bloom due to complementarity among bee species’ activity periods, and also a stable trend over time due to differential responses to warming climate among bee species. A simulation model confirms that high biodiversity levels can ensure plant–pollinator phenological synchrony and thus pollination function.  相似文献   

Climate change has led to phenological shifts in flowering plants and insect pollinators, causing concern that these shifts will disrupt plant-pollinator mutualisms. We experimentally investigated how shifts in flowering onset affect pollinator visitation for 14 native perennial plant species, six of which have exhibited shifts to earlier flowering over the last 70 years and eight of which have not. We manipulated flowering onset in greenhouses and then observed pollinator visitation in the field. Five of six species with historically advanced flowering received more visits when flowering was experimentally advanced, whereas seven of eight species with historically unchanged flowering received fewer visits when flowering earlier. This pattern suggests that species unconstrained by pollinators have advanced their flowering, whereas species constrained by pollinators have not. In contrast to current concern about phenological mismatches disrupting plant-pollinator mutualisms, mismatches at the onset of flowering are not occurring for most of our study species.  相似文献   

Charles L. Aker 《Oecologia》1982,54(2):243-252
Summary A field investigation of the mutualistic interaction between a monocarpic perennial plant, Yucca whipplei, and its host-specific pollinator and seed predator, Tegeticula maculata (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae), was conducted to determine how the resource utilization pattern and population dynamics of the pollinator have influenced the evolution of the flowering and fruiting pattern of the plant. Although the temporal pattern of emergence of pollinators results in a relatively close tracking of flower abundance within a season, the ratio of pollinators to open flowers does vary significantly within a season, as well as between seasons. At any point in time during the flowering season, the population of adult yucca moths is distributed evenly among the available flowers, so that the number of pollinators on an inflorescence is directly proportional to the number of open flowers available. The relative isolation of individual flowering plants appears to have little effect on the distribution of pollinators among inflorescences. The number of fruits initiated on a plant is directly proportional to the number of flowers produced, and is also partially determined by the time of flowering. Yucca whipplei always produces many more flowers than fruits. Most flowers are not fertilized, and the plants also generally abort and abscise immature fruits after flowering. Fruit production of at least some plants, however, appeared limited by pollination. It is also expected that in some years the relative abundance of pollinators will be low enough that most plants will be pollinator-limited. It is suggested that the pattern of flowering and fruiting of this species has evolved in response to the unpredictability of pollinator availability, both within and between seasons. Resource uncertainty and selection acting on the male component of fitness may also be involved.  相似文献   

Climate change has resulted in major changes in the phenology—i.e. the timing of seasonal activities, such as flowering and bird migration—of some species but not others. These differential responses have been shown to result in ecological mismatches that can have negative fitness consequences. However, the ways in which climate change has shaped changes in biodiversity within and across communities are not well understood. Here, we build on our previous results that established a link between plant species'' phenological response to climate change and a phylogenetic bias in species'' decline in the eastern United States. We extend a similar approach to plant and bird communities in the United States and the UK that further demonstrates that climate change has differentially impacted species based on their phylogenetic relatedness and shared phenological responses. In plants, phenological responses to climate change are often shared among closely related species (i.e. clades), even between geographically disjunct communities. And in some cases, this has resulted in a phylogenetically biased pattern of non-native species success. In birds, the pattern of decline is phylogenetically biased but is not solely explained by phenological response, which suggests that other traits may better explain this pattern. These results illustrate the ways in which phylogenetic thinking can aid in making generalizations of practical importance and enhance efforts to predict species'' responses to future climate change.  相似文献   

Freeman RS  Brody AK  Neefus CD 《Oecologia》2003,136(3):394-401
The mechanisms and circumstances that affect a plant's ability to tolerate herbivory are subjects of ongoing interest and investigation. Phenological differences, and the timing of flowering with respect to pollinators and pre-dispersal seed predators, may provide one mechanism underlying variable responses of plants to herbivore damage. The subalpine wildflower, Ipomopsis aggregata, grows across a wide range of elevations and, because phenology varies with elevation, phenological delays associated with elevation may affect the ability of I. aggregata to compensate for or tolerate browsing. Thus, we examined the response of I. aggregata to herbivory across an elevation gradient and addressed the interactions among phenological delays imposed by damage, elevation, pre-dispersal seed predation and pollination, on I. aggregata's compensatory response. Among high and low elevation populations in areas near the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (RMBL) in Gothic, Colorado, we compared the responses of naturally browsed, artificially browsed (clipped), and unbrowsed (control) plants of I. aggregata. We compared responses in the date of initiation of flowering, timing of peak bloom, floral display, nectar production and sugar concentration, oviposition and fruit destruction by the pre-dispersal seed predator Hylemya sp. (Anthomyiidae), fruit production, and aboveground biomass production. Clipping had the greatest effect on reproductive success and clipped plants at high elevation exhibited the lowest tolerance for herbivory. The effects of browsing appear to be mediated by flowering phenology, and both browsing and elevation delayed flowering phenology. Time needed for regrowth delays flowering, and thus affects the overlap with seed predators and pollinators. As a result of delayed flowering, naturally browsed and clipped plants incurred lower rates of seed predation. In the absence of seed predation, plants would exhibit a lower tolerance to herbivory since naturally and artificially browsed plants had fewer fruits destroyed by Hylemya larvae. We provide additional evidence that, for populations near the RMBL, clipping and natural browsing do not have the same effect on I. aggregata plants. This may be due to the selection of larger plants by herbivores. Although under some conditions plants may tolerate browsing, in areas where the growing season is short a phenological delay imposed by damage is likely to significantly reduce plant fitness. Identifying the mechanisms that allow plants to tolerate herbivore damage will help to develop a general framework for understanding the role of tolerance in plant population and community dynamics, as well as plant-herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

Many flowering plants rely on pollinators, self-fertilization, or both for reproduction. We model the consequences of these features for plant population dynamics and mating system evolution. Our mating systems-based population dynamics model includes an Allee effect. This often leads to an extinction threshold, defined as a density below which population densities decrease. Reliance on generalist pollinators who primarily visit higher density plant species increases the extinction threshold, whereas autonomous modes of selfing decrease and can eliminate the threshold. Generalist pollinators visiting higher density plant species coupled with autonomous selfing may introduce an effect where populations decreasing in density below the extinction threshold may nonetheless persist through selfing. The extinction threshold and selfing at low density result in populations where individuals adopting a single reproductive strategy exhibit mating systems that depend on population density. The ecological and evolutionary analyses provide a mechanism where prior selfing evolves even though inbreeding depression is greater than one-half. Simultaneous consideration of ecological and evolutionary dynamics confirms unusual features (e.g., evolution into extinction or abrupt increases in population density) implicit in our separate consideration of ecological and evolutionary scenarios. Our analysis has consequences for understanding pollen limitation, reproductive assurance, and the evolution of mating systems.  相似文献   

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