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The oxido-redox status of plasma albumin in patients treated with hemodialysis was characterized with LC-ESI-MS/MS and was compared with models of oxidative stress. Oxidised albumin was characterized by sulfonation (SO3-) of the SH at Cys 34, unfolding and acidification of the molecule. Albumin in hemodialysis patients presented, instead, only intermediate oxidation products such as sulfenic (SO2), sulfonic (SO)and methionine sulfoxide (C5H9NO2S) involving Cys 165-269 and Met 329-548 but did not present SO3- at Cys 34. Absence of charge and structural alterations compared to the oxidised templates was also confirmed with electrophoretic titration and calorimetry. In conclusion, the oxido-redox status of plasma albumin in hemodialysis patients lacks the hallmarks of the advanced oxidation products. LC-ESI-MS/MS was crucial to characterize albumin in conditions of oxidation stress; surrogate techniques can mirror conformational changes induced by oxidation.  相似文献   

PAR-2 (protease-activated receptor 2), a G-protein-coupled receptor activated by certain serine proteases such as trypsin and tryptase, is now considered a physiologically important molecule and also a novel target for drug development. PAR-2 is widely distributed in the mammalian body, especially throughout the alimentary system. PAR-2 plays various roles in the alimentary, circulatory, respiratory and neuronal systems. In the gastric mucosa, PAR-2 modulates multiple functions and exerts mucosal cytoprotection mainly by activating sensory neurons. Thus, PAR-2 would appear to be a therapeutic target for treatment of gastric mucosal injury. Agonists and/or antagonists for PAR-2 might also be applicable to the clinical treatment of patients with inflammatory diseases in other organs.  相似文献   

Chronic obstructive lung diseases are characterized by the inability to prevent bacterial infection and a gradual loss of lung function caused by recurrent inflammatory responses. In the past decade, numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of nucleotide-mediated bacterial clearance. Their interaction with P2 receptors on airway epithelia provides a rapid ‘on-and-off’ signal stimulating mucus secretion, cilia beating activity and surface hydration. On the other hand, abnormally high ATP levels resulting from damaged epithelia and bacterial lysis may cause lung edema and exacerbate inflammatory responses. Airway ATP concentrations are regulated by ecto nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (E-NTPDases) which are expressed on the mucosal surface and catalyze the sequential dephosphorylation of nucleoside triphosphates to nucleoside monophosphates (ATP → ADP → AMP). The common bacterial product, Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide (LPS), induces an acute reduction in azide-sensitive E-NTPDase activities, followed by a sustained increase in activity as well as NTPDase 1 and NTPDase 3 expression. Accordingly, chronic lung diseases, including cystic fibrosis (CF) and primary ciliary dyskinesia, are characterized by higher rates of nucleotide elimination, azide-sensitive E-NTPDase activities and expression. This review integrates the biphasic regulation of airway E-NTPDases with the function of purine signaling in lung diseases. During acute insults, a transient reduction in E-NTPDase activities may be beneficial to stimulate ATP-mediated bacterial clearance. In chronic lung diseases, elevating E-NTPDase activities may represent an attempt to prevent P2 receptor desensitization and nucleotide-mediated lung damage.  相似文献   

Elucidating the secrets of intraovarian intercellular communication constitutes a central area of investigation. While most attention has been directed thus far at the somatic cellular components of the ovary, the potential role(s) and relative importance of the resident ovarian white blood cell have received relatively limited attention. Efforts are currently under way to reconcile traditional ovarian physiology with observations relevant to intraovarian components of the white blood cell series. In this connection, it is important to note that unlike some gonadal compartments, the ovary does not constitute an immunologically privileged site. Thus, resident ovarian representatives of the white blood cell series can be observed at various stages of the ovarian life cycle. Current concepts suggest that regulatory cellular networks formerly viewed in immune terms now fall within the broad domain of endocrinology. Viewed in this light, resident ovarian representatives of the white blood cell series may constitute potential in situ modulators of ovarian function acting in all likelihood through the local secretion of regulatory cytokines. As the flow of information is probably multi directional, the very same cells are probably targeted for steroidal and peptidergic input in keeping with the existence of multiple autocrine and paracrine loops.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was developed for the study of the D,L-dansylamino acid retention mechanism in reversed-phase liquid chromatography using a C18 column as a stationary phase and human serum albumin (HSA) as an eluent modifier. The solute retention factor is dependent on the HSA concentration in the eluent as well as the binding constant of the guest-HSA complex. A determination of the degree of complexation n(c) (the percent of the complexed guest) could be carried out. Different Van 't Hoff plot shapes of the degree of complexation were observed with different eluent pH, confirming a change in the solute complexation mechanism for physiological pH (between 7-7.5). Enthalpy-entropy compensation was also analysed in relation to this mathematical model to confirm the solute complexation behavior with HSA. These results finally confirmed that at physiological pH and temperature (approximately 35 degrees C) values the HSA was in a favorable structural conformation for its binding with a great majority of drugs.  相似文献   

Although the rates of cancer are stabilizing, the number of new invasive melanoma continues to rise. Melanoma represents only 4% of all skin cancers, but nearly 80% of skin cancer deaths. In loss of potential productive life-years, it is second only to adult leukemia. Once melanoma spreads to regional and distant sites, the chance of cure decreases significantly. Unfortunately, current diagnostic and prognostic methods are often inadequate. More precise staging and disease characterization will lead to new and more rational approaches to treatment. Proteomics is a fast-growing discipline in biomedicine that can be defined as the global characterization and differential expression of the entire protein complement of a cell, tissue or organism. Despite major advances in molecular approaches to the diagnosis and prognostication of human diseases such as melanoma, there remain significant obstacles in applying the proteomic technologies to clinical samples to extract important biological information. The application of a shotgun-based technique termed direct tissue proteomics with improved extraction protocol of proteins from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue would enable retrospective biomarker investigations of the vast archive of pathologically characterized clinical samples that exist worldwide. Combination of this direct tissue proteomics method with laser-capture microdissection may assist in the discovery of new biomarkers and may lead to new diagnostic tests, risk assessment and staging tools as well as improvement in therapeutics. In addition, these tools can provide a molecular characterization of melanoma, which may enable individualized molecular therapy.  相似文献   

Although the rates of cancer are stabilizing, the number of new invasive melanoma continues to rise. Melanoma represents only 4% of all skin cancers, but nearly 80% of skin cancer deaths. In loss of potential productive life-years, it is second only to adult leukemia. Once melanoma spreads to regional and distant sites, the chance of cure decreases significantly. Unfortunately, current diagnostic and prognostic methods are often inadequate. More precise staging and disease characterization will lead to new and more rational approaches to treatment. Proteomics is a fast-growing discipline in biomedicine that can be defined as the global characterization and differential expression of the entire protein complement of a cell, tissue or organism. Despite major advances in molecular approaches to the diagnosis and prognostication of human diseases such as melanoma, there remain significant obstacles in applying the proteomic technologies to clinical samples to extract important biological information. The application of a shotgun-based technique termed direct tissue proteomics with improved extraction protocol of proteins from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue would enable retrospective biomarker investigations of the vast archive of pathologically characterized clinical samples that exist worldwide. Combination of this direct tissue proteomics method with laser-capture microdissection may assist in the discovery of new biomarkers and may lead to new diagnostic tests, risk assessment and staging tools as well as improvement in therapeutics. In addition, these tools can provide a molecular characterization of melanoma, which may enable individualized molecular therapy.  相似文献   

The unfolded protein response (UPR) has evolved to counter the stresses that occur in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as a result of misfolded proteins. This sophisticated quality control system attempts to restore homeostasis through the action of a number of different pathways that are coordinated in the first instance by the ER stress-senor proteins IRE1, ATF6 and PERK. However, prolonged ER-stress-related UPR can have detrimental effects on cell function and, in the longer term, may induce apoptosis. Connective tissue cells such as fibroblasts, osteoblasts and chondrocytes synthesise and secrete large quantities of proteins and mutations in many of these gene products give rise to heritable disorders of connective tissues. Until recently, these mutant gene products were thought to exert their effect through the assembly of a defective extracellular matrix that ultimately disrupted tissue structure and function. However, it is now becoming clear that ER stress and UPR, because of the expression of a mutant gene product, is not only a feature of, but may be a key mediator in the initiation and progression of a whole range of different connective tissue diseases. This review focuses on ER stress and the UPR that characterises an increasing number of connective tissue diseases and highlights novel therapeutic opportunities that may arise.  相似文献   

Human serum albumin (HSA) is known to exist as N (pH approximately 7), B (pH approximately 9), and F (pH approximately 3.5) isomeric forms and an equilibrium intermediate state (I) accumulate in the urea induced unfolding pathway of HSA around 4.8-5.2 M urea concentrations. These states displayed characteristic structure and functions. To elucidate the ciprofloxacin (CFX) binding behavior of HSA, the binding of ciprofloxacin with these conformational states of human serum albumin (HSA) has been investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy. The binding constant (K) for N, B, F, and I conformation of HSA were 6.92 x 10(5), 3.87 x 10(5), 4.06 x 10(5), and 2.7 x 10(5) M(-1) and the number of binding sites (n) were 1.26,1.21, 1.16, and 1.19, respectively. The standard free energy changes (DeltaGbinding(0)) of interaction were found to be -33.3 (N isomer), -31.8 (B isomer), -32 (F isomer), and -30.0 kJ mol(-1) respectively. By using unfolding pathway of HSA, domain II of HSA has been assigned to possess binding site of ciprofloxacin. Plausible correlation between stability of CFX-N and CFX-B complexes and drug distribution have been discussed. At plasma concentration of HSA fraction of free CFX, which contributes potential to its rate of transport across cell membrane, was found to be approximately 80% more for B isomers compared to N isomers of HSA. The conformational changes in two physiologically important isomers of HSA (N and B isomers) upon ciprofloxacin binding were evaluated by measuring far, near-UV CD, and fluorescence properties of the CFX-HSA complex.  相似文献   

The action mechanism of vanadocene dichloride, Cp2VCl2 (Cp=eta5-C5H5), has been investigated by interaction with human serum transferrin for its promising antitumor activities. Our results have shown that Cp2VCl2 binds to transferrin and form a new complex, and the calculated apparent association constant is 1.37 x 10(5)M(-1) from the fluorescence quenching. Simultaneously, the variation of the secondary structure of transferrin occurs, most probably due to the coordination of the amino residues of protein with VIV. It was evidenced that Cp is released free in solution after VIV binding to transferrin by 1H NMR measurements. These results have shown that Cp2VCl2 forms a complex with transferrin, which may provide a possible pathway in the transport and targeted delivery of the antitumor agent.  相似文献   

The stabilization of purified human albumin to heat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

4-[3-acetyl-5-(acetylamino)-2,3-dihydro-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-yl]phenyl benzoate from the family of thiadiazole derivative has been newly synthesized. It has good anticancer activity as well as antibacterial and less toxic in nature, its binding characteristics are therefore of huge interest for understanding pharmacokinetic mechanism of the drug. The binding of thiadiazole derivative to human serum albumin (HSA) has been investigated by studying its quenching mechanism, binding kinetics and the molecular distance, r between the donor (HSA) and acceptor (thiadiazole derivative) was estimated according to Forster’s theory of non-radiative energy transfer. The Gibbs free energy (ΔG), enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (ΔS) changes of temperature-dependent Kb was calculated, which explains that the reaction is spontaneous and exothermic. The microenvironment of HSA have also been studied using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy, and the feature of thiadiazole derivative-induced structural changes of HSA have been carried using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and the Molecular modelling simulations explore the hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding interactions.  相似文献   

The use of proteomic analysis to find potential diagnostic biomarkers is limited by the presence of serum albumin (HSA) and immunoglobulin (IgG) at high concentrations in patients’ blood; these substances impede the detection of serum proteins with similar molecular weights. Recombinant HSA- and IgG-binding polypeptides are used as ligands in creating sorbents for complete removal of the proteins by affinity chromatography. The binding specificity of the sorbents for HSA and IgG is higher than that of the conventionally used antibodies. A composite sorbent enabling the depletion of HSA and IgG from serum by single-step affinity chromatography was obtained. The developed sorbents were used to prepare serum for proteomic analysis.  相似文献   

Suspension animal cell culture is now routinely scaled up to bioreactors on the order of 10,000 L, and greater, to meet commercial demand. However, the concern of the ‘shear sensitivity’ of animal cells still remains, not only within the bioreactor, but also in the downstream processing. As the productivities continue to increase, titer of ~10 g/L are now reported with cell densities greater than 2 × 107 cells/mL. Such high, and potentially higher cell densities will inevitably translate to increased demand in mass transfer and mixing. In addition, achieving productivity gains in both the upstream stage and downstream processes can subject the cells to aggressive environments such as those involving hydrodynamic stresses. The perception of ‘shear sensitivity’ has historically put an arbitrary upper limit on agitation and aeration in bioreactor operation; however, as cell densities and productivities continue to increase, mass transfer requirements can exceed those imposed by these arbitrary low limits. Therefore, a better understanding of how animal cells, used to produce therapeutic products, respond to hydrodynamic forces in both qualitative and quantitative ways will allow an experimentally based, higher, “upper limit” to be created to guide the design and operation of future commercial, large scale bioreactors. With respect to downstream hydrodynamic conditions, situations have already been achieved in which practical limits with respect to hydrodynamic forces have been experienced. This review mainly focuses on publications from both the academy and industry regarding the effect of hydrodynamic forces on industrially relevant animal cells, and not on the actual scale-up of bioreactors. A summary of implications and remaining challenges will also be presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, the anti-coagulant rodenticide-human serum albumin (HSA) binding was investigated using a perturbation method to calculate the solute distribution isotherms. It was shown that rodenticide can bound either on the benzodiazepine HSA site with low affinity (site I) or on the warfarin HSA site with high affinity (site II). The thermodynamic parameters of this association were calculated for the two HSA binding sites. For the site II, the rodenticide-HSA association was governed enthalpically whereas for the site I, this one was driven entropically. Moreover, the role of the magnesium (Mg(2+)) and calcium (Ca(2+)) on this association was carried out. It was clearly demonstrated that the rodenticide affinity for the site I was not affected by modifying the bulk solvent surface tension whereas for the site II the association constant increased strongly with the Mg(2+) or the Ca(2+) concentration in the bulk solvent. These results showed that the rodenticide-HSA affinity and thus the rodenticide toxicological effect depends on the Mg(2+) or Ca(2+) concentration.  相似文献   

Human serum albumin (HSA) is the most abundant protein in the blood serum. It binds several ligands and has an especially strong affinity for heme, hence becoming a natural candidate for oxygen transport. In order to analyze the interaction of HSA-heme, molecular dynamics simulations of HSA with bound heme were performed. Based on the results of X-ray diffraction, the binding site of the heme, localized in subdomain IB, was considered. We analyzed the fluctuations and their correlations along trajectories to detect collective motions. The role of H bonds and salt bridges in the stabilization of heme in its pocket was also investigated. Complementarily, the localization of water molecules in the hydrophobic pocket and the interaction with heme were discussed.  相似文献   

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