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Results of previous studies have shown that in captive groups of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatto)fathers associate more frequently with their own offspring than with those of other males and that mothers are most permissive of physical contact between their own infant and a juvenile when that juvenile shares the same father with her infant. These two observations suggest that the identity of offspring born in captive groups of rhesus monkeys is recognized by at least some adult members of the group. Consistent patterns of mating among mating seasons might explain this apparent recognition of offsprings’ paternity. Fathers, for example, might regularly associate with young who maintain a close relationship with females with whom they have previously mated, and mothers might selectively permit juveniles who maintain a close relationship with males with whom they have previously mated to associate with their infants. This hypothesis is tested in this paper by comparing the observed distribution of 70 maternal sibships, members of which were fathered by the same or by different adult males over a 4-year period in six captive groups of rhesus monkeys, with that distribution expected based on random mating from season to season. Seasonal mating patterns were found to be random. Preparations are now underway to test this hypothesis in several free-ranging groups.  相似文献   



The presence of circulatory cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma has found new applications in non-invasive risk-free prenatal diagnosis.


We made use of a size separation approach along with real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to evaluate the use of fetal DNA in the detection of the sex of the fetus. Cell-free fetal DNA was isolated from the plasma of 30 women (10–20 weeks gestation) using a size separation approach. We made use of Taq Man Chemistry and real time PCR using primers and probes for GAPDH and SRY.


Only 24 cases could be studied as there was no amplification in six cases. Fetal sex was accurately determined in all of the 24 cases wherein 19 women were carrying male fetuses and five women were carrying female fetuses. An increase in the amount of fetal DNA was observed with an increase in the gestational age.


Real time PCR analysis is a highly sensitive and accurate tool for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis, allowing detection of the sex of the fetus as early as 10 weeks of gestation. Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis eliminates the risk of fetal loss associated with the invasive procedure.  相似文献   

In order to determine the relative importance of age and season on the occurrence of first ovulation in rhesus monkeys, the timing of puberty in spring-born females (Group S, N = 13) was compared to that of fall (N = 3) and winter-born (N = 5) females (Group W). All females were housed outdoors and were studied from 12 months of age through first ovulation. Menarche occurred at a similar age but significantly earlier in the year for Group W (31.2 +/- 0.7 months; 25 August +/- 19.5 days) than for Group S females (31.2 +/- 0.7 months; 14 November +/- 17.1 days). First ovulation, as assessed from twice weekly serum progesterone determinations, occurred exclusively in the fall or winter in a bimodal age distribution for all females. For Group W females, 6/8 ovulated during the 3rd year at 35.8 +/- 0.7 months while 2/8 ovulated during the 4th year at 45.3 +/- 0.1 months. In contrast, only 3/13 Group S females ovulated during the 3rd year and at a significantly younger age of 31.4 +/- 0.4 months compared to Group W. The remaining Group S females (10/13) ovulated the following autumn at 43.2 +/- 0.2 months, significantly younger than the later ovulating Group W females. In addition to this pattern of first ovulation, serum concentrations of prolactin varied seasonally, rather than with age, in both groups of females with higher levels in the summer and low levels in the winter.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The growth of the masseter muscle in eight infant, juvenile, and adolescent female rhesus monkeys (M. mulatta) was examined over a 2.5 year period using serial radiographic cephalometric techniques with the aid of radiopaque muscle markers. The radiopaque markers, which are composed of small pieces of root canal broach inserted into the muscle belly, make it possible to determine longitudinal masseter muscle growth as well as migration of the masseter muscle relative to the mandible. It was found that the masseter muscle increased in length by 64% during the total growth period, most of which occurred between 6 and 18 months of age. Relative to the cranium, the masseter muscle grew markedly inferiorly and only slightly posteriorly. Relative to the mandible, the masseter migrated in a posterior and slightly superior direction, keeping pace with the ramus and condyle as they grew posteriorly and posterosuperiorly throughout the study period. It was concluded that: 1) radiopaque muscle markers are a valuable tool for analysis of muscle growth and alteration of muscle location; 2) the masseter muscle in the rhesus monkey undergoes elongation, probably due to addition of sarcomeres at the fiber-tendon junctions; and 3) posterior migration of the masseter muscle relative to the corpus of the mandible, probably due to the nature of its periosteal attachment, results in a stability of the anteroposterior position of the masseter muscle despite the anterior displacement of the mandible.  相似文献   

Reports from different laboratories have suggested that nonhuman primates have somewhat similar dimensions of personality. To date, however, no attempts have been made to statistically replicate a specific factor structure. In the present report, two independent observers recorded the behavior of 58 adult male rhesus monkeys, and then rated the animals with the use of a 50-item personality instrument. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the ratings resulted in the replication of a previously described four-factor personality structure [Maninger et al., American Journal of Primatology 61:73-83, 2003]. The first two dimensions-Sociability and Confidence-showed strong loadings and are similar to Affiliation and Agency dimensions in humans. The remaining dimensions-Equability and Irritability-were less clear, and it is possible that additional traits will have to be identified before a more robust structure can be established for these dimensions.  相似文献   

Data from a 35-year study of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) at Madingley, Cambridge, were used to investigate sex ratio biases associated with maternal rank. Data were available from two colonies, the Old colony (1960–81) and New colony (1982–93). Overall, top-ranking mothers gave birth to 30.9% sons, while non-top mothers gave birth to 58.4% sons. Among non-top mothers, middle- and bottom-ranking ones had 59.0 and 55.0% sons, respectively. Top mothers' daughter biases were strongest in matrilines with two adult females in the year the infants were conceived (15.4 sons and 14.3% sons in Old and New colonies). Non-top mothers' son biases (88.9 and 71.0% in Old and New colonies) were strongest in matrilines with 3 females. The findings are discussed in relation to the colonies' small matriline sizes and data on breeding performance and infant survival, which indicate the costs to mothers of different rank of having different sex infants. Overall, top-ranking mothers were more likely to breed in two successive years (78.6%) than non-top mothers (56.7%). Infant survival to 7 days was significantly higher in the New colony (89.0%) than the Old colony (75.3%), with daughters born to Old colony mothers doing especially poorly. We point out that between-group and between-species comparisons of sex ratio effects depend critically on how females are assigned to rank categories, and require information about divergences of sex ratios from 50:50 in each category. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The hearts of 47 rhesus monkeys were examined at necropsy. Normal morphometric parameters of the heart were established. Included in the values are measurements of weight of the heart as a percentage of body weight, overall dimensions of the heart, and measurements of ventricular morphology.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that a behavior and performance testing paradigm, in which rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) manipulate a joystick to respond to computer-generated stimuli, provides environmental enrichment and supports the psychological well-being of captive research animals. The present study was designed to determine whether computer-task activity would be affected by pair-housing animals that had previously been tested only in their single-animal home cages. No differences were observed in productivity or performance levels as a function of housing condition, even when the animals were required to “self-identify” prior to performing each trial. The data indicate that cognitive challenge and control are as preferred by the animals as social opportunities, and that, together with comfort/health considerations, each must be addressed for the assurance of psychological well-being.  相似文献   

The rhesus monkey has played an important role in the history of reproductive research. Because of limitations on the exportation and availability of this species, several other species of nonhuman primates have been considered as alternate models. Among them is the crab-eating, or cynomolgus, macaque (Macaca fascicularis), which displays similarities in developmental, reproductive, and physiological parameters. The use of both species of macaques for pregnancy-related studies necessitates the assessment of differences in growth and development through gestation. Observations during the embryonic and fetal periods in both species have been compared with diagnostic ultrasound. Results indicate no significant differences in size during the embryonic and early fetal periods, but a greater acceleration of growth in the rhesus begins at approximately 100–110 gestational days (GD). Analysis of embryonic and fetal heart rates indicate no differences between the two species. Normal predictive values for a variety of growth parameters including gestational sac, greatest length, biparietal diameter, and femur length have boon calculated by multiple regression analysis. These charts have proven useful for confirming the gestational age after timed matings and for predicting the age of animals for which the conception date is not known.  相似文献   

Five genetic markers were employed to attempt to identify the fathers of 135 Macaca mulatta offspring living in large outdoor field cages. Family studies of two of these markers to confirm mode of inheritance of phenotypes had not heretofore been reported. Of the 284 exclusions required to identify the fathers of all 135 monkeys, 198 (or 70 percent) were possible using only these five genetic polymorphisms. For 58 (or 43 percent) of these 135 offspring the father was identified. These data were applied to estimate the association between dominance rank of fathers and reproductive success. Fertility of first- and second-ranking fathers was judged to be about twice as high as that of third- and fourth-ranking fathers.  相似文献   

There are large individual differences in the daily pattern and level of physical activity in humans and other species. As it is becoming apparent that activity plays an integral role in a number of physiological processes including arousal, attention, cardiovascular health and body weight regulation, there is an increased interest in quantifying activity. Nonhuman primates are particularly useful experimental models for such studies in that they exhibit a repertoire of activity more similar to humans than the activity of animals such as rodents and domestic animals. Recent studies measuring activity in nonhuman primates have used omnidirectional accelerometers, often worn on collars; however, the exact behaviors and movements detected by monkeys wearing these devices have not yet been characterized. To test the hypothesis that collar-worn accelerometers primarily detect movements that involve movement of the whole body, 16 adult female rhesus monkeys, housed individually in stainless steel cages, wore loose-fitting collars with an attached small metal box housing an activity monitor (Actical omnidirectional accelerometer; MiniMitter Inc., Bend, OR) and behavior was videotaped. Videotaped behaviors were analyzed by frame-by-frame analysis. There was a significant correlation between total (all) movement revealed by videotape analysis and activity counts detected by the accelerometers (r(s)=0.612, P=0.012), primarily reflecting a strong correlation between whole body movement and activity counts (r(s)=0.647, P=0.007). In contrast, arm movement (r(s)=-0.221, P=0.412) and head/neck movement (r(s)=0.193, P=0.474) were not correlated with activity counts. These findings support the hypothesis that activity monitor placement on a collar allows for effective quantification of whole body movement in monkeys, and indicate that behaviors such as chewing and arm movement do not significantly influence activity recorded by collar-mounted accelerometers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of maternal recognition of infant calls in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Fifteen mothers and their offspring, of age ranging from several hours to 28 days, served as subjects of an experiment in which the offspring's distress vocalizations were recorded and then played back to their mothers simultaneously with those of an age-matched control infant. The proportion of time looking at, but not the proportion of orientations to the speaker playing the offspring's vocalizations increased significantly as a function of infant age. Specifically, mothers of infants older than 1 week of age responded longer to the playback of their own infant's calls than did mothers of younger infants. These findings provide the firt evidence that offspring recognition in macaques develops between the first and second week of the infant's life and are consistent with the hypothesis that mothers need to be exposed to their infants' calls in order to learn their acoustic characteristics.  相似文献   

Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant commonly prescribed in humans for pain and sleep disorders and in non‐human primates for self‐injurious behaviors. Here, we report a clinical case on the teratogenic effect of maternal‐fetal amitriptyline exposure.  相似文献   

Establishing kinship relations in primates using modern molecular genetic techniques has enhanced the ability to scrutinize a number of fundamental biological issues. We screened 51 human short tandem repeats (STRs) for cross-species PCR amplification in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and identified 11 polymorphic loci with heterozygosity rates of at least 0.6. These markers were used for paternity testing in three social groups (M, R, and S) of rhesus macaques from Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico. Several consecutive birth cohorts were analyzed in which approximately 200 males were tested for paternity against more than 100 mother/infant pairs. Despite a combined exclusion rate of more than 99.9% in all three groups, some cases could not be solved unequivocally with the STR markers and additional testing of the MHC-associated DQB1 polymorphism. A final decision became possible through multilocus DNA fingerprinting with one or more of the oligonucleotide probes (GATA)4, (CA)8, and (CAC)5. Paternity assessment by multilocus DNA analysis with probe (CAC)5 alone was found to have limitations in rhesus macaques as regards the number of potential sires which might be involved in a given case. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting requires large amounts of DNA, and the ensuing autoradiographic patterns present difficulties in comparisons across gels and even within the same gel across remote lanes. Computer-assisted image analysis was incapable of eliminating this problem. Therefore, a dual approach to DNA typing has been adopted, using STR markers to reduce the number of potential sires to a level where all remaining candidates can be tested by multilocus DNA fingerprinting on a single gel, preferably in lanes adjacent to the mother/infant pair. Am. J. Primatol. 44:1–18, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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